Informacion de las playas de puerto rico: Playas de Puerto Rico y su Costas

Puerto Rico: Una exploración de la cultura, las playas y la gastronomía

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    Sumérgete en San Juan

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    Practica senderismo: El Yunque National Forest

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    Prueba las delicias locales en Luquillo

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    Disfruta Fajardo y las hermosas playas de la isla del noreste

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    Haz una pausa artística en Ponce

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    Especial de surf en Rincon y las playas occidentales

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Por Melissa Klurman

Puerto Rico ofrece un sinfín de lugares, experiencias y sabores únicos. Esta increíble aventura comienza con el ritmo vibrante de San Juan antes de viajar al paraíso de los amantes de la naturaleza. Luego, haz un circuito por las playas de la isla y termina tu viaje de vuelta en la rica historia de los conquistadores españoles que dejó sus huellas en el Viejo San Juan. No te olvides de echar en la maleta el traje de baño para aprovechar las playas, zapatos de senderismo para explorar la selva tropical y ganas de lanzarte a la aventura.

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Sumérgete en San Juan

San Juan es el núcleo cosmopolita de la isla, en el que reside casi un tercio de los 4 millones de ciudadanos de Puerto Rico. Los vuelos llegan justo al corazón de todo gracias al Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, a solo minutos de los hoteles de altura, restaurantes con gran estilo y clubes de moda.

Ahora, ya le has dado la vuelta a la isla y estás de regreso en San Juan para explorar el centro histórico. Todo lo que abarca el Viejo San Juan es Patrimonio de la Humanidad, y cada fachada colorida, calle de adoquines y estatua cuenta una historia. La emblemática y prominente Fortaleza San Felipe del Moro del siglo XVI alza sus murallas de piedra seis pisos sobre el océano, lo que lo convierte en la atracción más notoria e impresionante del Viejo San Juan. Sus gigantescas torres, torrecillas y cañones fueron originalmente construidas por los conquistadores españoles. Estaba conectado por las paredes de piedra de la ciudad a la fortaleza Castillo de San Cristóbal, construida entre 1634 y 1783. Hoy, los dos fuertes notablemente conservados son parte del U.S. National Parks Service (Servicio de Parques Nacionales de Estados Unidos) y albergan museos y exposiciones.

Los visitantes también pueden apreciar espectaculares vistas de las catedrales y edificios históricos de siglos de antigüedad, cuya construcción data de principios de del siglo XVI a finales del siglo XIX. Es una perfecta vista final de las diversas atracciones de un viaje a Puerto Rico.

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47 km

1 hora en auto


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Practica senderismo: El Yunque National Forest

Toma la Route A-66 (ruta A-66) hacia el este para salir de San Juan y llegar al oasis verde conocido como El Yunque. Podrán ser solo 45 minutos en automóvil desde San Juan, sin embargo, entrar en la única selva subtropical de Estados Unidos se siente como si fuera otro mundo. Incluso una corta excursión a pie revela cascadas y espectaculares vistas.

Comienza con una parada en El Portal Rainforest Center (Centro de Visitantes El Portal), ubicado en la entrada del parque. Aventúrate por los cuatro kilómetros de  El Yunque Trail (sendero El Yunque), que te llevarán hasta la cima del cerro el Toro, el punto más alto de la selva. La Mina Trail (el sendero La Mina) tiene solamente un kilómetro, pero esta ruta asciende rápidamente 610 metros. ¿Y la recompensa por este empinado ascenso? Sumergirte en las aguas heladas de La Mina Falls (catarata de La Mina) al final del trayecto.

No olvides traer una chaqueta: las temperaturas pueden cambiar de caluroso y soleado a frío y húmedo a medida que te adentras en la selva tropical.

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9 km

0.5 hora en auto


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Prueba las delicias locales en Luquillo

Sal de la selva en auto y continúa hacia el oeste por PR-3. Si quieres probar el verdadero sabor de Puerto Rico, detente en los pequeños kioscos que se encuentran por toda la isla y ofrecen bocaditos repletos de sabores locales. Algunos de los mejores los puedes hallar en el paraíso de los kioscos, cerca de la bella Luquillo Beach (playa Luquillo), donde se asientan cerca de 60 puestos que compiten por tu atención.

Los favoritos que hacen agua la boca incluyen bacalaítos (bacalao salado, en rebanadas delgadas como papas fritas, rebosado y frito), empanadas y pasteles (masa rellena de carne, mariscos o verduras) y  pinchos (brochetas pequeñas de carne a la parrilla). Baja la comida con un fresco batido de fruta tropical (smoothie).

50 km

2 horas en auto


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Disfruta Fajardo y las hermosas playas de la isla del noreste

Toma la PR-195 hasta el Fajardo Ferry Terminal (Terminal de Ferris Fajardo) para abordar un ferri a una de las dos islas de Puerto Rico, Culebra, que es un secreto muy bien guardado con seductoras playas y áreas naturales inmaculadas.

Esta isla pequeña se puede explorar en un  día. Comienza en la Flamingo Beach (playa Flamenco), elegida como la número uno de TripAdvisor entre las mejores playas del mundo, con condiciones ideales para nadar en aguas color turquesa y extensos tramos de arena blanca y suave para relajarse. Disfruta de un almuerzo de barbacoa que puedes comprar con uno de los vendedores playeros, luego, en la tarde, haz esnórquel para explorar la belleza submarina del arrecife de coral en la Carlos Rosario Beach (playa Carlos Rosario) o dedícate a observar tortugas marinas, corpulentos manatíes y exóticos pájaros tropicales en el National Wildlife Refuge (Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre) de la isla, cuya historia comenzó hace un siglo.

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156 km

2 horas en auto


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Haz una pausa artística en Ponce

De regreso en el continente, súbete al auto y avanza por la Route 52 Expressway (autopista de la ruta 52) con dirección al sur hasta llegar a  Ponce. La segunda ciudad más grande de Puerto Rico centra su actividad en la acertadamente denominada Plaza de las Delicias. Toma el tranvía gratuito hasta el tesoro más valioso de la ciudad: el Museo de Arte de Ponce, uno de los museos de arte más extensos del Caribe. Entre las  4500 piezas de la colección permanente del museo se encuentran obras maestras de Rubens, Rosetti y Constable.

101 km

2 horas en auto


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Especial de surf en Rincon y las playas occidentales

Conduce hacia el oeste por la radiante costa occidental de Puerto Rico en la que puedes aprovechar las cálidas aguas color turquesa del mar Caribe. Boquerón es uno de los favoritos familiares por su resplandeciente extensión de playa. También puedes medir fuerzas con las olas infinitas de Rincon, que atraen surfistas de todas partes del mundo. Contrata una clase con uno de los muchos instructores  de surf, si eres novato, o simplemente observa a los audaces atrapar grandes olas desde Tamboo Tavern, el bar al aire libre de Rincon.

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Best Beaches in Puerto Rico

Un antiguo túnel ferroviario conduce a la impresionante playa de Guajataca en Isabela.

Toma el sol, disfruta las olas, explora la vida submarina y descubre tu playa favorita. 

¿Qué son unas vacaciones en el Caribe sin un poco de tiempo en la playa? Hay más de 270 millas de costa en Puerto Rico. ¡Eso se traduce en casi 300 playas para elegir! Los senderos de arena conducen a impresionantes piscinas naturales de aguas cristalinas que te dejarán boquiabierto, independientemente de lo que decidas hacer durante tu visita. 

La diversa geografía de la Isla presenta lugares que atraen a muchos entusiastas de los deportes acuáticos como surfistas, bodysurfers, paddleboarders, esnórquel, buceadores, etc. Algunas playas también ofrecen un entorno aislado que cualquier persona que quiera alejarse de las multitudes apreciará. Sin embargo, si estás buscando una “playa divertida”, Puerto Rico también la tiene. 

 Entonces, ya sea que desees descansar y tomar el sol, montar las olas o explorar la vida submarina, Puerto Rico tiene un lugar perfecto para tu gusto.  

Con alrededor de 300 millas de costa, las hermosas playas de Puerto Rico se pueden encontrar en toda la Isla. ¡Estas son algunas de nuestras favoritas!

Cuando planees tu vista a la Isla, no olvides darte una escapada a Culebra. 

Playa Flamenco


Cielos despejados sobre tu cabeza y arena blanca y cálida bajo tus pies es la forma en que la playa Flamenco hará que te enamores de ella. Esta cautivadora playa es reconocida como una de las mejores del mundo. Ideal para nadar, relajarse y simplemente disfrutar de la playa, esta ubicación es la razón por la que los visitantes eligen aventurarse fuera de la Isla Grande. 

La Playuela

Cabo Rojo

Esta gema en forma de media luna en el suroeste de Puerto Rico te dejará asombrado con sus impresionantes aguas y paisajes. Se necesita un poco de caminata para llegar allí, pero verás cuán magnífico es su espectacular paisaje una vez que llegues. La Playuela es perfecta tanto para un día de descanso bajo el sol como para una aventura explorando los hermosos alrededores. 

Crash Boat


Esta es la playa más popular de Aguadilla. Con una amplia gama de actividades para hacer, como natación, esnórquel, buceo, pesca y, durante el invierno, surf, Crash Boat es un lugar de entretenimiento para todos. A unos metros se encuentra El Natural, un famoso lugar de buceo con un enorme arrecife lleno de actividad marina. 

Cayo Icacos


La claridad del agua es como ninguna otra en la costa este de Puerto Rico. Las largas franjas de arrecifes junto al muelle abandonado son el hogar de muchos bancos de peces y otras criaturas marinas que podrás observar mientras practicas esnórquel. Ya sea en un taxi acuático o en un chárter privado, no pierdas la oportunidad de pasear por la orilla de arena blanca de esta reserva natural y pasar un gran día nadando, buceando o remando bajo el sol.  



Un verdadero paraíso para los surfistas, Domes está ubicado entre un faro y el reactor nuclear inactivo de Puerto Rico. Con aguas turquesas y arena dorada, esta playa es un excelente lugar para el avistamiento de ballenas durante el invierno. Aunque no es un lugar para ir a nadar, es una playa divertida para descansar y relajarse, ver competencias de surf e incluso realizar un recorrido a caballo. 



Al igual que Crash Boat, esta playa animada y vibrante es una de las favoritas locales debido a las muchas atracciones que la rodean. Las aguas de Jobos resplandecen como una verdadera obra maestra de vitrales, y la vegetación prominente te brindará muchos escenarios donde podrás descansar a la sombra. 

Cayo Aurora (Gilligan’s Island)


Aunque oficialmente no es una playa, este cayo tiene el agua más transparente de Puerto Rico. Apodado así por el popular programa de televisión, forma parte de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Guánica. La pequeña isla está cercada por un saludable sistema de manglares que crea lugares íntimos en todo el cayo. ¡Solo puedes llegar alquilando un kayak o un bote privado! 

La Monserrate


Esta playa, una opción popular debido a sus instalaciones, es la preferida por familias y grupos grandes. Muchas veces designada como una playa con Bandera Azul, las olas tranquilas y las mareas bajas la hacen ideal para llevar a los niños. El balneario incluso tiene un área designada para acampar y hacer picnic. 

Combate Beach

Cabo Rojo

Como parte del Bosque Nacional Estatal de Boquerón, la playa Combate también es una opción popular. Sus aguas cristalinas y arrecifes de gran escala convierten las costas vírgenes en un paraíso para los amantes del buceo. Preferido por los más jóvenes, este sitio es ideal para disfrutar de los mejores atardeceres de Puerto Rico. Asegúrate de saltar del muelle; ¡es una costumbre allí! 

Sun Bay


Extensiones de arena blanca y aguas azul turquesa… ¿quién necesita más? Sun Bay es el lugar más popular de Vieques, e inmediatamente verás por qué. Hay palmeras altas y un paisaje exuberante donde puedes colgar una hamaca y admirar el entorno de ensueño. Esta playa ha sido galardonada en numerosas ocasiones con el reconocimiento de Bandera Azul. 



Accesible solo por barco o hidroavión, esta orilla de arena blanca que sirve como hogar y lugar de alimentación para las tortugas verdes es una de las joyas ocultas de Culebra. Casi considerada una playa desierta, puedes toparte con muchas hermosas criaturas marinas mientras haces un poco de snorkel. Deberías tomar un viaje en bote y no perderte las maravillas de este paraíso tropical. 

Isla Verde


Con una franja de hoteles y restaurantes a lo largo de sus costas, Isla Verde es una de las playas más populares. Esta playa, perfecta para practicar parasailing y jet ski, a menudo es elegida como la mejor playa urbana del Caribe. 

Pasa un día de playa en El Escambrón.

El Escambrón

San Juan

Este es el lugar perfecto para presenciar el contraste entre el Viejo San Juan y la ciudad moderna. Reconocida con premios Bandera Azul a lo largo de los años, El Escambrón es la playa más pintoresca de San Juan. Allí puedes hacer cualquier cosa, desde bucear y nadar hasta dar un paseo romántico. También forma parte del Parque Tercer Milenio, que ofrece divertidas actividades recreativas y servicios. 

Playa Pelícano


El santuario protegido Caja de Muertos tiene una de las aguas más cristalinas del sur de Puerto Rico. Recibió la primera distinción de Bandera Azul a una playa ubicada en una reserva natural. Allí, estarás frente a las aguas abiertas del Mar Caribe y observarás una variedad de aves que anidan en las colinas cerca de las rocas. Su nombre deriva de la forma del cayo. 



El acceso directo y su poca profundidad hacen de esta piscina natural la playa favorita de las familias en Isabela. Las mareas poco profundas brindan un entorno seguro para que los niños jueguen mientras los adultos disfrutan de la tranquilidad del paisaje. Una pared natural evita que entre el fuerte oleaje. El público que encontrarás allí es principalmente lugareño. 

10 canciones para relajarse en la playa


10 canciones para relajarse en la playa


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Puerto Rico Playa, Mogan – Updated 2022 Prices

  • Information on the apartments and cost
  • convenience and services
  • Conditions Conditions
  • Reviews of guests (14)


Washing machine

free Wi-Fi


free parking

Free parking

Air conditioning

Non-smoking rooms


Parking (on site)

Puerto Rico Playa is an air-conditioned apartment located in Mogán, 1. 6 km from Playa de Tauro. It offers a balcony, free private parking and free Wi-Fi.

This apartment features 2 bedrooms, a flat-screen TV with cable channels, an equipped kitchenette with a microwave and a fridge, a washing machine, and 1 bathroom with a bidet.

Offers a terrace.

Couples especially like the location – they rated accommodation in the area for a trip as a couple 9.6 .

Puerto Rico Playa has been welcoming guests since Oct 28, 2019 2019.

Distance in description calculated using © OpenStreetMap

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Most Popular Amenities & Services

Free WiFi

Free parking

Beach (first line)

Benefits of this option

Great Location: Highly rated by recent guests (9.6)

Free private parking on site

Please select dates to see availability and prices.



Two-Bedroom Apartment

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Nearest beaches

  • Playa de Puerto Rico

    8.4 Very good beach

    100 m from the property

  • Beach AMADORES

    8.8 Stunning beach

    1,000 m from the option of accommodation

  • La Plai-de-Tauro beach

    8.3 Very good beach

    1.6 km from the placement option

  • Anfi Beach

    8.7 Stunning beach

    2.3 km from property

  • Los Frailes beach

    8.2 Very nice beach

    2.6 km from property

  • Playa de Patalavaca

    8.2 Very nice beach

    2. 9 km from property

  • Playa Medil Almud beach

    8.3 Very nice beach

    3 km from property 9003

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  • No, there isn’t

    Reply July 30, 2020

Landmarks nearby *

Most Popular Amenities & Services

Free WiFi

Free parking

Beach (first line)


Free private parking on site (reservation required) .

  • Secure parking

  • Street parking

  • Electric vehicle charging station


WiFi is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge.

Eat when it suits you

  • Dining table

  • Coffee machine

  • Cleaning products

  • Plate

  • Oven

  • Kitchenware

  • Washing machine

  • Microwave oven

  • Refrigerator

  • Kitchenette


  • Wardrobe or wardrobe


  • Toilet paper

  • Towels

  • Bidet

  • Additional toilet

  • Toilet

  • Hair dryer

  • Shower

Seating area

Here everyone will be together

  • Dining area

  • Sofa

  • Seating area

Media and technology

Fun for everyone under one roof

  • Flat screen TV

  • Cable channels

  • TV

Amenities in the room

Extra comfort

  • Socket next to bed

  • Sofa bed

  • Clothes dryer

  • Clothes hanger

  • Tiled/marble floor

  • Iron


  • Access ladder to upper floors


Time to unwind

  • Beach (first line)

  • Balcony

  • Terrace

Sports and recreation

  • Beach

  • Diving
    Beyond the territory
    Additional charge

  • Canoe
    Beyond the territory
    Additional charge

  • Windsurfing
    Beyond the territory
    Additional charge

  • Golf course (within 3 km)
    Additional charge


enjoy the view

  • View of the courtyard

  • City view

  • Pool view

  • View from the window

Building characteristics

  • Private apartment in an apartment building

Reception desk

  • Invoices issued

  • Express check-in/out


  • Air conditioner

  • Non-smoking throughout

  • Heating

  • Non-smoking rooms

The staff speaks these languages

  • English

  • spanish

  • Italian

check in

15:00 – 00:00


00:00 – 12:00


Cancellation and prepayment policies vary by apartment.
Please enter your dates of stay and review the booking conditions for the requested room.

Beds for children

Child Policy

Children of all ages are welcome.

To see exact prices and availability, please enter the number of children in your group and their age when searching.

Crib and extra bed policy

Baby cots or extra beds are not available.

Age limit

Minimum entry age: 18 years old

Payment system through accepts payment from you for this booking on behalf of the property, but asks you to bring cash with you in case of additional charges on site.


No smoking.


No parties/events allowed.

“Quiet Hours”

“Quiet hours” for guests (when you can not make noise): from 14:00 to 17:00.


Pets are not allowed.

1618760,1622180,1618430,1619650,1617510,1612800,1602670,1588860,1617500 | 5,1619040,1607680,1617500,1616940,1621750IALATIONS650|2. 1623740

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View of the Canary Islands


Canary Islands: hello sun!

We offer you a travel plan that includes the most important sights of the eight islands of the Canary archipelago, so that you can get the most out of your visit to each of them. Each island should be given at least two days, although, of course, this time may not be enough. Take advantage of the excellent air links connecting the islands to the mainland.
The most important islands are Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Let’s start our journey here, because from here come the main air and sea arteries connecting these two islands with the rest of the islands of the archipelago: Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gomera, Palma, Hierro and Graciosa. Get all the information you need and hit the road!

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Gran Canaria (island)

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Fuerteventura Island

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Lanzarote (Island)

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Tenerife Island


Turismo de Tenerife

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Gomera (Island)

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Palma (Island)


Saul Santos

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El Hierro (Island)

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???navegacion. anterior???


First week: Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and Graciosa

Distance: 800-1000km

Gran Canaria

This island is called a miniature continent. Therefore, you can imagine what a variety of experiences await you. The main city is Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which is also the capital of the eastern group of islands of the archipelago.

You will definitely need to stroll through the old town of Vegeta and its shopping street Triana, swim on the family-friendly city beach of Las Canteras and pay tribute to the many offers for entertainment.
Island trip: Island trip is one of the most requested excursions. There are many reasons for this. This itinerary is approximately 250 kilometers long and allows you to discover the church of San Juan Bautista in Arucas, visit the magnificent viewpoint of the Mirador del Balcón in La Aldea de San Nicolás, visit the picturesque port of Mogán and some of the most popular beaches such as Arguineguin, Patalavaca, Puerto Rico, Amadores, as well as small bays… You can also walk around the historical center of Telde.
However, if there is a beach that stands out from all the rest, it is Maspalomas and its dune desert leading to the water. We recommend walking along the coast to the next beach – Del Inglés.
While in the interior of the island, do not forget to visit the villages of Tejeda and Teror. If you have time and especially if you are a nature lover, visit the Pozo de las Nieves viewpoint, the Nublo Natural Park, the Las Niñas dam and the crater of the ancient volcano Caldera de Bandama.
When planning your trip, keep in mind that the south of the island tends to have warmer temperatures and more beaches. As you move away from the coast, the air temperature may drop.


A holiday paradise with more than 150 kilometers of beaches. A dream for surfers. Endless sandbox and playground for children.

All of this is Fuerteventura, an island with pristine beaches, emerald waters and white sands, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. We will highlight for you the most important things to visit on this island in just a few days.
Canary Islands beaches: The ideal plan in Fuerteventura is to combine a beach stay, delicious food (fish, goat and local cheeses) with water sports. In the evening it is good to walk and dine in such towns as Corralejo, Morro Jable, Costa Calma or Caleta de Fuste.
Be sure to swim at such beaches as the vast Sotavento, Cofete, the beach in Morro Jable or Costa Calma (located in the south) or Playa de la Concha in Cotillo, as well as Grandes Playas in Corralejo (both beaches located in the north of the island). This last beach is located next to the Corralejo Dunes Natural Park and is a stunning desert expanse with dunes. If you have never rolled down a huge dune, be sure to try it, here you will have the opportunity to do it.
Other places of interest to visit are the viewpoints Mirador de las Peñitas and Morro Velosa, located near Betancuria. From here, incredible landscapes open up.
If you have time, we recommend you take a short boat trip from the port of Corralejo to Lobos Island, go snorkeling or get acquainted with the desert fauna in the “Oasis Park”.


If you are going to spend only two days on the island, we recommend that you make sure to include the following in your travel plan.

For example, be sure to visit the protected area of ​​La Geria (here you will discover the vineyards of Lanzarote and island white wines), ride a camel (this can be done in the Timanfaya National Natural Park), take a tour of the Charco de los Klikos or take a swim at Papagayo or Las Cucharas Beach. Other recommended beaches are at your disposal, such as Las Conchas and Famara Nudist Beach, but it will take you longer to get to them.
The magic of volcanoes: Yes, there is magic in Lanzarote. At least that’s the impression you get when you get to know the nature of the island. Its value is unconditional, so the island was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. Thanks to the centers of art, culture and tourism, it is very easy to get acquainted with the main attractions of the island. It should be noted the Timanfaya National Park (“Mountains of Fire”), the Cueva de los Verdes volcanic cave, the Cactus Garden, Jameos del Agua, the Mirador del Rio observation deck and the Castillo de San Jose Museum of Contemporary Art. For short trips, a subscription to the first four centers may be suitable.
In addition, we recommend visiting the fishing village of El Golfo, the so-called “valley of a thousand palms” (Aria), Yaizu and its quiet streets with white houses, the lively town of Puerto del Carmen or Puerto Calero, famous for its trading traditions.


On this island you can relax on beautiful beaches with golden sand and enjoy nature and silence.

Graciosa is a small island located near Lanzarote and can be reached in 30 minutes by ferry from the port of Orsola. The best way to get to know the island is by bike or boat trips, including stops at some of the island’s beaches.

Second week: Tenerife, Gomera and Hierro

Distance: 800-1000km


Are you going to spend a few days in Tenerife? Ideal for getting away from everyday life. But this time is not enough to go around the whole island.

When planning your trip, you can divide the island into three large parts: the south, where Tenerife Sur International Airport is located, the north, where Tenerife Norte Airport is located, and the metropolitan area.
One island, a thousand possibilities: As many as you can think of. Among the many ideas related to nature, there is one must-see – Teide National Park. We recommend you several routes for hiking of various lengths. If you are short on time, you can reach the starting point by car using the TF-21 (from Orotava and Granadilla), TF-24 (from La Laguna) and TF-38 (from Chio). Along the way, you will come across numerous observation decks that offer magnificent views. Other plans for nature lovers include whale watching and exploring the lunar landscape of Corona Forestal.
There is also a wide range of entertainment options. For example, in the south there is “Siam Park”, one of the largest water parks in Europe, and in Puerto de la Cruz there is “Loro Park”, an interesting zoo where you can look at penguins, killer whales, parrots and other representatives of the animal world. . You can also visit beautiful villages with rustic charm, such as Vilaflor or Icod de los Vinos.
In the south, the specific contrast between the mountain villages and such popular beaches as El Mediano, Los Cristianos, Las Americas or Las Vistas, located near Costa Adeje and Costa del Silencio, in the warmest part of the island, attracts attention. In the north, Puerto de la Cruz and La Orotava deserve special attention. In Puerto de la Cruz, the Lago Martianes complex (ocean water pools) and the lively promenade are very popular. In turn, in La Orotava you will get acquainted with the traditional architecture of the island and will be able to visit the La Orotava valley, where one of the main entrances to the Teide National Park is located.
Finally, the urban area includes the cities of San Cristobal de la Laguna and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Located at a distance of 15 kilometers from each other, they represent the concentration of the cultural life of the island. It is better to walk around these cities to enjoy their parks, historical buildings and avenues. In addition, San Cristobal de la Laguna is the only Canarian city included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


This is a mysterious island where time seems to have stopped. If you don’t believe me, climb one of its impressive viewing platforms and you’ll forget about time.

There are more than 40 viewing platforms on the island. Particularly breathtaking is the observation deck of Alto de Garajonay (the highest point of Gomera). From here you can see the islands of Hierro, Palma, Tenerife and even Gran Canaria in the distance. It is located in Vallehermoso, where the landscape typical of La Gomera dominates: agricultural terraces for growing various crops.
Island of magical sensations: Check it out by visiting the Garajonay National Park. This is a huge virgin forest where you can walk through the fog and find out what horizontal rain is. We recommend that you book a guided tour. If you decide to visit the park on your own, you should start at the Huego de Bolas tourist information center.
The island hides many secrets. For example, this is a huge cliff of volcanic origin, which, under the influence of erosion, acquired a shape resembling organ pipes, which earned it the name Los Organos. Its cliffs can be seen from the coastline of Vallehermoso.
If you feel like swimming, keep in mind that the most popular beaches are in Valle Gran Rey, one of the most touristic municipalities, located near San Sebastian de la Gomera, from where Christopher Columbus went to discover America, and from Agulo , a small town in which, perhaps, the historical center is best preserved on the island.

Palm Island

The nickname “beautiful island” speaks for itself. Its natural scenery hides unique routes.

The ideal plan to visit this island? Hiking, swimming in a quiet bay, dining overlooking the ocean and strolling through charming villages… And as the night falls, look up at the sky: few places open up to you with such clarity.
Isle of Stars: The skies on the island of Palma are protected and recognized worldwide as a center for stargazing. You can be convinced of this any night and almost by chance. The best views are in Roque de los Muchachos, where the astronomical observatory is located.
And in the afternoon… Caldera de Taburiente National Park, Los Tilos Laurel Forest and the Volcanic Route await you. You will pass through the sea of ​​clouds among green landscapes with viewing platforms of unique beauty. On the first two directions you will find very simple routes. We recommend relaxing after walking on one of the local beaches. There are many of them: from the quiet natural pools of Charco Azul and La Fajana (in the northeast of the island) or the magnificent beach of La Zamora (in the southeast) to Playa de los Cancajos (near the airport) or the beaches of Puerto de Naos and Puerto de Tazacorte (in the west of the island).
But leave time to visit the salt mines and the lighthouse of Fuencaliente, located in the south of the island. You will not regret! In addition, you can complete your trip with a boat trip (some caves and beaches can only be reached by sea), a guided night tour or a walk through the historical centers of Los Llanos de Aridane or Santa Cruz de la Palma.


For various reasons, this direction can be considered unique. Did you know that the island is 100% sustainable and self-sufficient in energy using only renewable sources? Another feature is the fact that there are up to a thousand volcanoes on the island.

The diversity of the island’s landscapes (sheer cliffs in the north, amazing lava formations in the south and abundant vegetation in the center) will draw your attention. And whether you are into scuba diving or not, you should definitely try scuba diving or at least snorkeling here. There are many dive sites, but one of the most famous is the La Restinga area.
Sea and volcanic views: Would you like to swim in a sea full of colors? Visit the southeast coast of Hierro and you will see the beaches of Mar de las Calmas with bays such as Tacoron, where the blue of the sea is combined with the ocher and blacks of the coast and volcanic rock. We also recommend that you visit the El Golfo area, where you will find natural pools such as Charco Azul, nestled among rocks covered with volcanic lava.
To appreciate the beauty of these landscapes, you should visit, for example, the viewpoints Mirador de la Peña (authored by Cesar Manrique) and Los Bascos, which offer views of the El Golfo valley, as well as Mirador de las Playas from where you can admire the charming semi-circular bay without any buildings. Nearby is the town of San Andrés. Here, be sure to look at the Garoe tree and do not forget about the legend associated with it: this tree is considered sacred because it supplied people with water. And about 20 minutes away is Valverde, a fine example of the island’s traditional architecture.
Another confirmation of the uniqueness of the island are the towns of Pozo de las Calcosas and Tignor, as well as the juniper forest of El Sabinar. The first two are notable for their houses, built of volcanic stone in a pronounced style of rural architecture. And in the El Sabinar juniper forest, in the Frontera rural park, you can see amazing trees up to eight meters high, intricately curved under the influence of the wind.

Tips and Tricks

Transport. We recommend that you visit the website of the Airports of Spain or the Tourist Board of the Canary Islands to find out all about the air traffic for each of the islands. Also, if your stay will be short but you want to see a lot, we advise you to travel by car. It is always possible to rent a car in the Canary Islands, although it is always preferable to reserve a car in advance before your trip. Clothing . Beachwear, sunscreen and a desire to forget about everyday stress – that’s what you need for a holiday in the Canary Islands. However, be prepared for fairly cold temperatures if you plan on hiking or visiting the countryside. Biodiversity. Take your camera and charger with you to immortalize all the beauty you see. Remember that the Canary Islands are famous for their biodiversity and unique plant and animal species found only here, so be respectful of the environment, take care of nature and enjoy it. Gastronomy. Our top tip (important and delicious): be sure to try the traditional cuisine. On all the islands, you will find excellent cheeses, local wines, delicious desserts (such as “gofio amasado”) and a wide selection of mojo sauces, served with delicious potatoes “papas arrugadas” … Don’t forget the world-famous Canarian bananas. On each island, we would recommend trying the following dishes:

  • Gran Canaria: Pata asada fried pork ham, “floral” cheese, papas arrugadas potatoes with spicy mojo sauce, salt cod and sweet potato dish are very popular here “sancocho” and sweet almond paste “bienmesabe”.
  • Lanzarote: cheeses known as “conejeros” that go well with local wines; among desserts, peanut bread and roscos de alma bagels should be highlighted.
  • Fuerteventura: the most famous products are mahorero cheese, goat and fish, which can be tasted in the local ports.
  • Tenerife: we recommend you try fresh fish, local cheeses and wines, as well as puchero canario, gofio or, as an appetizer, shrimp.

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