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de 10

La bandera de Florida tiene la cruz por su pasado español – Curistoria

(La bandera de Florida tiene la cruz roja por su pasado español)

Florida es en la actualidad el 27º estado dentro de los Estados Unidos, pero durante mucho tiempo fue territorio español, y eso explica que la Cruz de San Andrés esté de algún modo en su bandera, aunque el camino para llegar ahí no fue tan directo, como veremos a continuación. Florida fue descubierta en los últimos años del siglo XV y en 1513 Ponce de León tomó posesión del territorio en nombre del rey de España y por lo tanto Florida formó parte desde entonces de la historia de España.

No fue sencillo para los conquistadores hacerse un hueco en lo que hoy es Florida y algunos, como Pánfilo de Narváez, que fue gobernador de la zona, murieron allí. Este último, después de batallar con las belicosas tribus nativas, se ahogó al intentar llegar a México, cuando una tormenta destrozó sus embarcaciones. Durante los siglos siguientes a la conquista, se mantuvo la españolidad de la zona, aunque también hubo asentamientos ingleses y franceses, e incluso los primeros la gobernaron durante algunos años en el siglo XVIII. En el siglo siguiente, el XIX, las tropas norteamericanas invadieron la península de Florida y España, que estaba en una situación muy delicada, firmó un tratado cediendo el territorio.

Del dominio español que durante siglos tuvo Florida quedan muchos vestigios, desde innumerables topónimos, a costumbres o edificios. Y también la bandera de Florida tiene un rastro de aquella presencia española, como decíamos. En 1868 se creó la bandera de Florida, que tenía el sello oficial en el centro siendo el fondo de la bandera blanco. Casi cuatro décadas más tarde, en el año 1900, se añadió un aspa roja a la bandera, que la cruza de esquina a esquina, por debajo del sello. Parece ser que la intención era darle color a la bandera, que con tan sólo el sello en el centro se parecía demasiado a la bandera de rendición, la bandera blanca.

En ocasiones se dice que esa aspa roja es en realidad un rastro de la bandera confederada de Estados Unidos. En cualquier caso, no parece que haya evidencia histórica que sustente esta suposición. En cambio, sí que hay historiadores, incluso dentro del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Florida, que exponen claramente que el aspa roja de la bandera debe su origen a la Cruz de San Andrés que tenía la bandera imperial española, homenajeando así la conquista del siglo XV. La bandera del Imperio Español había ondeado durante dos siglos en Florida.

(Bandera de España en las cinco banderas de Florida)

Curiosamente, en 1972 el estado de Florida estableció como uno de sus símbolos la imagen conocida como las cinco banderas, que además es el sello de su Senado. Esas banderas son las cinco que han ondeado sobre Florida a lo largo de su historia: la bandera de España, la bandera confederada, la de Estados Unidos, la francesa y la inglesa. En este caso la española no es la del Imperio, con la Cruz de San Andrés, sino la bandera del rey de España de 1513, que es contracuartelada con dos castillos amarillos sobre fondo rojo y dos leones rojos sobre fondo blanco.

Fuente: Miami New Times

90,000 Four myths about Stepan Bandera

  • Artem Krechetnikov
  • BBC, Moscow

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Photo by RIA Novosti

In connection with the revolutionary events in Ukraine, the figure of Stepan Bandera has again come into the spotlight.

Moscow commentators and participants in pro-Russian rallies in Crimea unambiguously call those who came to power in Kyiv “Banderites”, presenting the latter as a fiend.

Uninformed people often say not “Bandera” but “Bendera”, perhaps because of a subconscious association with Ostap Bender.

According to observers, the fans of the OUN-UPA leader make up only one segment of the “orange” movement, and by no means the most numerous, and attract attention due to their radicalism and outrageousness. Under the conditions of a normal electoral process, they have no chance of being on a horse. This is a horror story to discredit the supporters of the European choice.

As for Bandera himself, truth, half-truth and myths are closely intertwined in the ideas about him.

Bandera – Hitler’s puppet

The Germans released Bandera from a Polish prison, where he was serving a life sentence for organizing the assassination of Polish Interior Minister Bronisław Peratsky.

However, Bandera constantly publicly stated that the Ukrainians should rely only on themselves, since no one is interested in an independent Ukraine, and any cooperation with Berlin can only be tactical and temporary.

On this basis, he parted ways with the pro-German official leader of the OUN, Andriy Melnyk, who, unlike Bandera, is not popularized by modern Ukrainian nationalists.

In February 1940, the organization split into two wings, which were called: OUN(M) and OUN(B).

In the spring of 1941, the OUN(B) created the Ukrainian Legion on the territory of Poland as part of the Nachtigall and Roland battalions with a total strength of 800 people. The process was led by Yaroslav Stetsko, Mykola Lebed and Roman Shukhevych. Bandera did not directly participate, but it is difficult to imagine that the closest associates acted without his consent.

From the German side, the formation of battalions was supervised by the Abwehr. Admiral Canaris considered Bandera to be difficult partners, but people of action. According to some reports, he found it expedient to create the OUN state and could well make some promises to Bandera and his entourage.

Photo credit, AFP

Photo caption,

Many are wary of the Nationalists’ predilection for Nazi Germany’s favorite torchlight processions

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On the night of June 30, 1941, the Nachtigal battalion entered Lvov with units of the Wehrmacht. On the same day, Bandera’s associates, headed by Stetsko, at a meeting in the Lviv Opera House proclaimed the “Act of the Revival of the Ukrainian State.”

As Lev Shankovsky, an active participant and historian of the OUN movement, later wrote, the organization “was ready to cooperate with Germany for a joint struggle against Moscow,” but only if Ukrainian independence was recognized.

However, Hitler became furious and ordered “to trample on those who allowed this Slavic disgusting”.

On July 5, Bandera was arrested in Krakow and placed in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. There he spent more than three years in solitary confinement – albeit in a special section for “political persons”.

The Soviet writer Yulian Semyonov in his novel “The Third Map” presented the incident as a long-range operation of the German special services in order to create authority for Bandera in the eyes of the Ukrainians, but there is no evidence for this.

Hitler’s position in relation to any Slavic statehood is well known. In addition, according to a number of historians, the leaders of the SD, as they say, “twisted” it in order to strike at competitors from the Abwehr.

In their propaganda leaflets, the Germans called Bandera an agent of Stalin. The OUN(B) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) created in October 1942 were in an illegal position, but in fact maintained an informal truce with the Germans.

September 25 19For 44 years, when the defeated Reich clung to any straw, the German authorities released Bandera, brought him to Berlin and offered cooperation, but he put forward the recognition of the “Rebirth Act” as an indispensable condition. The agreement was not concluded, and until the end of the war, Bandera was in Germany in an indefinite status.

Battalion “Nachtigal” organized a pogrom in Lviv

In 1997, by order of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, the murders of Jews, Polish intelligentsia and supporters of the Soviet government in the first days of the occupation of Lviv, known as the “massacre of Lviv professors”, were the work of the SD and the nationalist-minded unorganized mob.

Official Ukrainian historians can be suspected of bias, but it is known that immediately after the proclamation of the “Rebirth Act”, the Nachtigall personnel were sent on a week’s leave, and its German curator Theodor Oberländer was transferred to Prague with a demotion.

A number of researchers do not rule out that among the pogromists there could be Nachtigall servicemen in civilian clothes.

The author of the photo, RIA Novosti

Photo caption,

UPA veterans commemorate Roman Shukhevych at the site of his death in a shootout with MGB operatives on March 5, 1950 in the village of Belogorshcha near Lvov

The version of Nakhtigal’s responsibility was put forward in the USSR in 1960 1999 and directed mainly against Oberländer, who at that time served as Minister for Displaced Persons in the government of Konrad Adenauer.

On the eve of leaving Lvov, the NKVD executed 2466 prisoners of the local prison. Mass liquidations also took place in other cities of western Ukraine. In Drogobych, 1,101 people “lost in the first category,” 1,000 in Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk), 674 in Ternopil, and 230 in Rivne.

Roman Shukhevych’s brother was among those killed.

“Since this happened at the moment of retreat under enemy fire, prison workers were not able to carefully bury the corpses everywhere and disguise them outwardly,” A. Filippov, head of the prison department of the NKVD of Ukraine, reported to Moscow on July 12.

The stench from the bodies decomposing in the summer heat was such that the Germans worked in the premises of the Lviv prison in gas masks. Access there was immediately opened to the population, which largely provoked the pogrom.

Goebbels widely informed the press of neutral countries about the terrible finds. The information is firmly imprinted in the minds of the world community.

According to a number of historians, the Soviet authorities decided to lump Nazi and their own atrocities together and at the same time lay the blame on Nachtigal.

Bandera and the SS division “Galicia” – the same

Division “Galicia”, formed in April 1943 by the German occupation authorities from local volunteers, had nothing to do with the OUN-UPA. Attempts to bring Bandera and his supporters under the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal regarding the SS are designed for ignorant people.

“Galicia” belonged to the so-called Waffen-SS and was intended for use at the front.

July 19For 44 years, the division was defeated by the Red Army near Brody. The Germans took her battered remnants to the rear and used them against the Slovak and Yugoslav partisans.

In February 1944, one of the regiments of the division participated in the destruction of the Polish villages of Podkamen and Guta Pienyacka, where a total of about 800 people died.

The author of the photo, RIA Novosti

Photo caption,

Part of the inhabitants of Crimea considers all “orange” Bandera

At the final stage of the war, the division was part of the 4th SS Panzer Corps operating in Austria.

On April 24, 1945, the puppet “Ukrainian National Committee” that existed in Berlin, headed by Pavlo Shandruk, announced that the division was under his control, but this had no practical consequences. On German maps, it appeared as a German unit until the end of hostilities.

On May 8-11, the “Galicians” surrendered to the allies and did not participate in the post-war struggle in western Ukraine.

As for the further fate of the “Nachtigal” and “Roland”, the Germans brought them into the 201st security battalion, which was not subordinate to the SS, but to the army command and fought with the partisans in Belarus for about nine months.

In the autumn of 1942, due to the unwillingness of the German government to recognize the sovereignty of Ukraine, the personnel of the 201st battalion refused to renew the contract and were sent home. Commander Roman Shukhevych was also released after interrogation by the Gestapo. In 1944, many of them, including Shukhevych, joined the ranks of the anti-Soviet underground.

Bandera was killed by West German special services

On October 15, 1959, KGB agent Bogdan Stashinsky met Bandera at the entrance to his house in Munich and shot him with a special pistol with an ampoule filled with potassium cyanide. Prior to this, the OUN security service and the West German police prevented four assassination attempts on the nationalist leader. By a secret decree, Stashinsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In the USSR, the responsibility for the murder of Bandera was placed on the German secret services, having composed an intricate version: allegedly he had some compromising evidence on Oberländer and tried to blackmail him.

Two years later, Stashinsky surrendered to the German authorities and, taking into account his voluntary confession, received eight years in prison.

After the international scandal that arose, Khrushchev dispersed the special department of the KGB involved in political assassinations, but Moscow continued to officially deny its involvement in Bandera’s death until the era of perestroika.

Mirror reflection

According to the “Information on the number of Soviet citizens who died at the hands of OUN bandits for the period 1944-1953.” dated April 17, 1973, signed by the chairman of the KGB of Ukraine Vitaliy Fedorchuk, the number of people killed by Bandera was 30,676 people, including 8,250 military and security officials.

As follows from the closed resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU “Issues of the Western Regions of the Ukrainian SSR” dated May 26, 1953, during the same time, the authorities killed 153,000 people, sent 134,000 to the Gulag, and deported 203,000. Every third or fourth family suffered.

Extreme brutality on both sides.

Cases have been recorded when OUN members executed prisoners by tying them by their legs to bent trees and tearing them to pieces. The communist writer Yaroslav Galan was smashed in the head with a Hutsul hatchet at his house. They killed people sent to the region to work from other parts of the USSR, whom Bandera called “Easterners”, including teachers and doctors.

The authorities hanged partisans and underground fighters in the squares and left the corpses in plain sight in order to seize those who tried to bury them. In order to turn the population against the OUN, special groups of the MGB under the guise of Bandera committed murders and robberies on farms. Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, described a Western Ukrainian teenager with the camp nickname Gopchik, who “was given a term as an adult for carrying milk to the Bandera people in the forest.”

According to independent historians, Bandera was a radical nationalist by conviction and a terrorist by methods. If he managed to create and lead the Ukrainian state, it certainly would not be liberal and democratic. Bandera is not the figure that should be raised to the shield if Ukraine dreams of a European future.

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