Caja de muerto ponce ferry: Isla Caja de Muertos, Ponce, Puerto Rico

Isla Caja de Muerto –

La Reserva Natural Caja de Muertos es una pequeña isla al sur del pueblo de Ponce. Esta joya escondida está rodeada de hermosas playas color turquesa. Definitivamente este pedacito de tierra es un paraíso natural. Hay un área reservada para el anidaje de tortugas marinas y la isla en su mayoría es un bosque seco. En la isla hay un faro construido en el 1887 que puedes visitar. El camino hacia el mismo es empinado ya que se encuentra en la colina más alta de la isla; te prometemos será toda una aventura. Debes llevar zapatos cerrados y cómodos, repelente de insectos, agua y bloqueador solar. Te tomará aproximadamente dos horas ida y vuelta. Hay merenderos, un área para cambiarse de ropa e inodoros portátiles. Debes llevar tu comida, pues no hay ningún tipo de tienda. Puedes llegar a la isla en un ferry que sale del Paseo Tablado La Guancha los viernes, sábados, domingos y días feriados. Sale a las 8:30 am y regresa a las 3:30 pm. El recorrido en lancha dura media hora y tiene un costo de $12 para menores de 12 años y $17 en general. Si vas en un grupo pequeño, cinco o menos, no tienes que hacer reservaciones, pero corres el riesgo de que el ferry esté lleno. Si el grupo es grande es necesario hacer reservaciones para asegurar el espacio. A veces no es fácil conseguir a los encargados en el número de teléfono pero con perseverancia lo lograrás.

1. Migdalia

julio 31, 2010

Este lugar esta precioso. Al ver el video ya se siente el ambiente relajante y te invita a ir. Definitivamente voy a visitar este hermoso lugar de Puerto Rico. Gracias por tu trabajo, eres un gran puertorriqueño.

2. Jaime

julio 31, 2010

Las fotos presentadas aqui realemnte motivan ir a visitar Isla Caja de Muerto. Gracias

3. Josefina

julio 31, 2010

Está hermoso este vídeo y muy bien explicado. No pensé que tenían a la islita tan bien mantenida. No sabes si hay buceo interesante en el área?

4. zeepuertorico

julio 31, 2010

Para info de bucear cerca del área llamar al 787-244-6283 o 787-821-5312

5. Roberto

agosto 27, 2010

Hola… me gustaría visitar este hermoso lugar pero llamo al numero que indican (787-842-8546) y nadie responde. Hay algún otro numero al que me pueda comunicar para reservar espacios en algún Ferry que llegue a este lugar?

6. Carolina

abril 27, 2011

Que belleza !!! este es el paraìso en la tierra, afortunados los que viven cerca de allì. ..sueño con visitar este hermoso lugar y quizas haga realidad este sueño !!!

7. marie

julio 8, 2011

que hermoso…..todavia el ferry sigue activo??? y el horario es el mismo??

8. Cruz Perez

agosto 4, 2011

Wow! mi isla si que es hermosa. Estas fotos me fueron super utiles para la clase de guia turistico.

9. Luisa

septiembre 3, 2011

Me encanto el video y las fotos estan preciosas. No sabia de ese lugar. Muy bello mi pais, que apenas conozco. Espero poder visitarlo en mi proximo viaje…Chao

10. Millie

diciembre 11, 2011

Que lugar tan hermoso, que pena que nosostros los puertorriquenos no lo valoremos. Vamos a otros paises y todo lo de alla es mas hermoso, bello, etc. No se dan cuenta que esto si que es bello de verdad……

11. Antonio

enero 18, 2012

A que numero debo comunicarme para mas informacion?

12. Papolin

enero 18, 2012

Antonio….eres morón?? Lee la información, mijo!!! El teléfono está al final!! Y por si acaso no lo encuentras…aquí te lo dejo: 787-842-8546

13. Rafael

febrero 5, 2012

Sino fuera porque es tan caro ir, ya hubiera ido, pero pagar 18 dolares para un viajecito cada persona, es un poco costoso para ir la familia…

14. Luna

febrero 10, 2012

When I made a reservation for the ferry in January 2012, they said the trip was $19 per person.
(I will visit the island next weekend.)

15. nilka

marzo 3, 2013

Hermoso!!! Espectacular!!! Me encanto tanto lo q vi q seguramente voy mañana si Dios lo permite!!!

16. Nanita

marzo 29, 2013

Voy este fin de semana y me estan cobrando $25 p/p y aqui dice $17?

17. yari

julio 5, 2013

Pensaba hir hasta q me dijeron el precio $53.00 p/p para comerme unos hotdogs y refrescos mas el pasaje ida y vuelta,me voy pa.culebra ..estA muy caro…

18. rosa

julio 9, 2013

Muy costoso para una familia de cuatro miembros.Además de ser muy costoso tienes que pagar por la neverita,las sillas y sombrillas.

19. antonio feliciano

julio 9, 2013

Es un lugar bello. pero es una lastima que cuando compras los boletos no le dicen que le van a cobrar las neveras creo que eso se deberia decir antes de comprar la resevacion

20. Yoly Soto

abril 18, 2014

Hay viaje todo los dias?

21. yareliz

abril 19, 2014

Esto es en parte es una falacia… Siempre tienes q hacer recervacion aunque seas una sola persona por eso el turismo esta como esta! Q pasa Ponce!

22. george

junio 12, 2014

Demasiado de costoso, aqui todo lo vuelven un negocio te lo cobran todo. Y eso sin contar la gasolina para ir al lugar si vienes de lejos. Para eso mejor me voy a Vieques o Culebras, los boletos son mas baratos.

23. zeepuertorico

julio 12, 2014

Esa playa se llama playa pelicano en Isla Caja de Muerto

24. OSO

julio 15, 2014

MUY CO$$$$TO$$$O

25. mirna

julio 24, 2014

Estoy un poco confundida no se por q en la pag dice un precio y en la recervacion otro ademas de q no cojen el numero y me encantaria visitarla este fin de semana algun otro num para comunicarse

26. aida fernandez

agosto 31, 2014

Saludos la pag dice $17 ese es precio xq leí comentarios clientes es mas. Y si hay que reservar primero. Gracias.

27. La Linda

diciembre 6, 2014

Jajjaa me encanto el comentario de Papolin. ..diciendole moron al otro. BUENO, EL PASAJE AL DIA DE HOY ESTA EN $25 SIN NEVERITAS. Si esta algo caro, pero si te pones a ver esa es la razon por la que esa playa está tan limpia, el agua tan cristalina y llena de peces de todos los colores. Pq no cualquiera se puede ir a “janguear” alli y dejar un cochinero. Y a pesar q han subido mucho el precio ( q aqui ha subido todo) y esta bastante caro, pq yo llegue a ir a $17 y era mucho ahora subirle $8 pesos

28. audrey

febrero 1, 2015

en marzo estarán viajes?

29. Evelyn Guzman

marzo 23, 2015

Alguien sabe los tipos de suelo en esta isla? Grx

30. Raquel

abril 19, 2015

Para reservar estre prox sabado

31. Grace

mayo 18, 2015

Me gustaria saber si de la guancha es el unico lugar de donde salen hacia caja de muerto?

32. Lee

junio 24, 2015

Fui cuando eran $10. El precio estaria bueno si nos buscaran mas tarde. Por ejemplo a las 5:30 el ultimo viaje. El sitio? Espectacular de bello

33. maria

julio 11, 2015

me voy de vacaciones en agosto 10 y estoy buscando para disfrutar y me gustaria que me enviaran informacion por email o por correo P.O. Box 799 cataño P.R. 00963

34. maria

septiembre 12, 2015

Bien lo dice, es una reserva, por lo tanto hay unos controles de calidad que hay que seguir y una isla que mantener un habitat saludable para todas las especies que allí habitan y no podemos ir allí a destruir como muchos hacen, la isla es hermosa y nosotros tenemos la obligacion de proteger como todos los recursos naturales existententes en nuestra isla. Es una verguenza ver como hacen mal uso de ellas cuando la naturaleza nos brinda sin esperar nada a cambio tenemos que proteger nuestra tierra

35. Hector Ruiz

septiembre 14, 2015

VIP TOURS hace excursiones, chinchorreos y viajes a Caja de Muerto. Este viaje se coordina para grupos desde 30 a 118 personas e incluye almuerzo. Para info llamen al 787-536-4683

36. Ana L Salas

junio 9, 2019

Buenas tardes!! Me gustaría ir viernes 26 de julio para 7 personas como le hago para reservar y si hay que pagar por adelantado?

37. Marrta

julio 1, 2019

¿Tienen 2 espacios para jueves 10 de julio?

38. Zoraida Perez

junio 30, 2021

Quiero hacer reservaciones para caja de muerto, como lo hago? Somos 3 que vamos

39. Jessica Garcia

agosto 20, 2021

como puedo reserva siempre intento y nunca encuentro nada

Island Venture Water Excursions, Ponce, Puerto Rico

¡La Mejor Excursión de la Isla del Encanto!

Te damos la bienvenida a que descubras los encantos de la Playa mas hermosa de Puerto Rico, la Playa Pelicano en isla Caja de Muertos en la ciudad de Ponce. Te aseguramos un servicio de calidad y excelencia abordo de nuestros viajes tipo todo incluido.

Viaje con Todo Incluído

Disfruta de la comodidad de solo traer tu toalla y bloqueador solar, nuestros viajes incluyen almuerzo abordo, sodas, agua, cervezas Medalla, snacks y flotadores.

Catamarán de Alta Velocidad

En nuestro catamarán de alta velocidad llegaras a tu destino en un viaje de alrededor de 40 a 45 minutos.

Explora la playa mas hermosa de Puerto Rico

La playa Pelicano es considerada por muchos como la playa mas hermosa de Puerto Rico.

Ven y explora este paraíso de aguas calmadas azul turquesa, blancas arenas y su singular bosque seco.

Descubre por que somos la compañía de excursiones #1 del Sur de Puerto Rico

¡Disfruta de un día inolvidable!

En cualquiera de nuestras excursiones regulares con todo incluido a la paradisiaca Playa Pelicano en la isla Caja de Muertos en Ponce, visita el enlace de Reservaciones para asegurar tus espacios.

Personaliza tu Día de Aventura

Celebra en grupo o sorprende algún ser querido, nuestro catamarán esta disponible para viajes privados los 7 días de la semana, crea tu grupo desde 1 hasta 90 pasajeros y disfruta un día de ensueño en el paraíso de Caja de Muertos.

Cuentanos de tu Actividad

Tienes una actividad fuera de lo común como una boda, despedida de solter@s, contemplar el atardecer o quizás algo completamente diferente ¡Cuéntanos y haremos lo posible por hacerlo realidad!

¿Tienes preguntas? Escríbenos un mensaje.

Ya sea que tienes preguntas para uno de nuestros tours o para alguna actividad privada, déjanos saber estamos para ayudarte.


¡Mira lo que dicen nuestros clientes acerca de nuestras excursiones!

Karla V

Rincón, Puerto Rico

«My mother and I visited Isla Caja De Muertos for my birthday and had a fabulous time. The island itself is absolutely beautiful. White sand, turquoise water, and overall a beautiful place to kick back and relax».


San Juan, Puerto Rico

«Excellent service, people of the crew very nice and friendly. The trip was very nice, save, close to Ponce. We have so much fun.»


Gilbert, Arizona

«My boyfriend and I were in PR August 2017. We signed up for an island adventure through Island Venture and were very satisfied with the experience. We started at a port, rode the boat to the island, and had several hours on the island itself. All the employees were very helpful and kind.»



«Professional & on-time crew, that keeps all beach amenities needed right onboard! Rented 2 umbrellas & beach long chairs, and the crew installed these right on the sandy shore. Pelican Beach – a nature reserve site – was excellent & relaxing for ALL the family- from preschoolers to grandmothers.»

Isla Mar R

Rincon, Puerto Rico

«We used Island Venture to bring our group of 10 field course students to Caja de Muertos. The boat was clean and maintained, the staff was friendly and helpful. We would certainly use them again.»

Caja de Muertos – Wikipedia. The island is protected by the Reserva Natural Caja de Muertos Natural Reserve, due to its native turtle traffic. Tourists and on the island you can often see beach lovers, where you can get transported from the La Guancha Promenade to the Ponce Playa sector. Together with Cardona, Ratones, Morrillito, Isla del Frio, Gatas, and Isla de Jueyes, Caja de Muertos is one of the seven islands belonging to the municipality of Ponce. [1] [2]


  • 1 History
  • 2 Location
  • 3 Geography and climate
  • 4 Functions
    • 5.1 Etymological theories 900.1 fantasy
    • 5.1.2 José Joaquim Almeida
    • 5.1.3 British shipwreck
  • 6 Nature reserve
  • 7 Beaches
  • 8240023 9 Recommendations
  • 10 external link
  • History

    The island is believed to be only about 4000 years old, and the stone objects left on it indicate that people have been visiting it for over a millennium. [3] The Taíno natives often came to the island on fishing expeditions, and when they were defeated by the Spanish during the 1511 battle of the Spanish-Taino War for Boriquen, the natives attempted to retreat to the Caja de Muestos, but were either captured soon after or killed. [4] For much of the 17th century, the island was known to have been used as a hideout by pirates and rebels. For example, in 1599-1600 it was used by a group of merchants turned pirates who, after learning about a Portuguese ship filled with gold, silver, precious stones and other treasures, attacked it and appropriated its contents. However, when they tried to return to England, they encountered an attempted mutiny and, after surviving it, took refuge in Caja de Muertos. Traveling to mainland Puerto Rico for provisions, they were killed, with the exception of one who later confessed to the existence of a hidden treasure. The Spanish colonial governor then used the remaining treasure for building projects, among other uses. [5]

    In 1842, the first known map was made using the name of the island as it is known today. [6] In 1880, the Spanish government began building a lighthouse on the island, completing it in 1887. [7] [8] In the 19th century, the island was also a hiding place for Puerto Rican patriots seeking independence from Spain. Some of the patriots who hid there include Ramon Emeterio Betans and Segundo Ruiz Belvis. [9] During these decades, these were the secret meeting places of Freemasons when they were persecuted on the mainland. [10] [11] In 1928 Cayetano Coll y Toste wrote a novel called El Tesoro del Pirata Almeida (The Treasure of the Almeida Pirate) inspired by the island of Caja de Muertos and in 1935 he inspired Robert Louis Stevenson write a novel Treasure Island. [12] [13]

    In 1898, at the time of the American invasion, there were 64 permanent residents on the island, and ten years later there were only 16 residents. [14] These inhabitants had no fresh water on the island, so water was brought from the mainland when it could not be collected from the rain during periods of light rain. [15] Over time, the island became uninhabited, except for the keepers of the light. In 1945, when the island lighthouse was automated, [16] there was no longer a need for lighthouse keepers and the island became deserted. Thereafter, the island became a day trip destination for some private boat owners who could go to the island for a day trip or fishing trip.

    January 2, 1980 [17] The island was declared a natural reserve by the Legislature of Puerto Rico and transferred to the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources for protection and management. It is administered jointly with the Ponce municipal government. [18] In 1985, the government of Puerto Rico approved the construction of a tourist center in Caja de Muertos. [19] The lighthouse was restored by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources and briefly housed a museum. [20] [21] The Port Authority of Puerto Rico had public transportation to the island until 1993; shortly thereafter, Island Venture began offering day trips. [22] Service was interrupted twice, after Hurricane Maria and after the 2020 Puerto Rico Earthquake, both of which badly damaged La Guancha, an area on the mainland where passengers boarded catamarans to the island. The Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources built a dock, barracks for reserve personnel, as well as a small museum, trail markers, and compost vats for tourists.

    In 2009, the government of Puerto Rico announced plans to make the development of the island and the restoration of its lighthouse, as for tourism purposes, a priority for DRNA. [23] [24] By the summer of 2012, there were three sightseeing businesses here, including one for charter trips only. [25] In 2017, much of what DRNA had built was destroyed by Hurricane Maria and the tourist ferry was shut down, but resumed service about a year later. [26] [27]


    Caja de Muertos is located 8.4 km south of mainland Puerto Rico and is part of Playa [28] [29] Barrio from Ponce, Puerto Rico, municipality.

    Geography and climate

    The island is 2 miles (3 km) long from northeast to southwest and up to 2,822 feet (860 m) wide [averaging 1,837 feet (560 m)]. It has an area of ​​0.59 sq. Miles (1.53 km. 2 ). Nearby are Morrillito Key [591 foot (180 m) from the southwest point, 0.02 sq. miles (0.05 km) 2 )] and Barbary Key [3.9 miles (6.3 km) northeast, 0.12 sq. miles (0.31 km) 2 )], both parts Caja de Muertos Natural Reserve . Berbería Key belongs to Rio Canas Abajo Barrio of Juana Diaz municipality.

    The climate is dry and the island supports a dry forest. Still a functioning lighthouse, Caja de Muertos Light, created in 1887 and automated in 1945, is located on the highest hill on the island. This 170 foot high hill is located on the southwestern tip of the island. [30]


    The island has four beaches: Pelicano, Playa Larga, Carrucho and Coast Guard. The island also has fauna and flora not found anywhere else in the world. [31] There are no permanent residents on the island, but the government of Puerto Rico maintains Department of Natural Resources and Security personnel there. In 1899, 64 permanent residents were registered here, but this has since dropped to zero. [32]


    Cactus in the dry forest of the island

    Since 1511, the island has been called by various names, including Isla Abeiranas, Abairianai, Antias, Yutias, Yautias, Utias, Abeyanay, Angulo, Isla Bestia and Isla del Tesoro, in addition to translations as Coffre Amorr , Dead Man’s Chest , and Coffin Island . [33] Caja de Muertos can be translated into English as “Coffin” or “Dead Man’s Chest”, but there is no consensus on how the island got its current name. The official version of the origin of the name, provided by the Department of Natural Resources of Puerto Rico, under whose care the island is currently located, is as follows: “Its name is attributed to a French writer of the 18th century. Jean-Baptiste Labat who called it Coffre à mort (Caja de Muertos) or Bomba d’Infierno referring to the fact that when the island is seen from certain places in southern Puerto Rico, it looks like you are seeing a dead person lying on a plateau” [34]

    Etymological theories

    Nautical fiction

    In 1901, one A. W. Van Buren of Yale University suggested that the name of the island may be related to the sea hut “Dead Man’s Chest”, first written by Robert Louis Stevenson for his romance Treasure Island ; [35] However, no scientist since Van Buren has made this connection, and there is no evidence to support such a claim. Van Buren goes on to say that the song was not written by Stevenson’s “Dead Man’s Chest” himself that he “picked up somewhere”, which is another baseless claim (see “Dead Man’s Chest” for more information on the fake surrounding this song).0013 [37] A former merchant marine, Almeida fell in love with a Basque woman in Curaçao, married her in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, and took her with him to pirates in the Caribbean. During the first raid, she was killed by a stray bullet. The distraught Almeida embalmed her and placed her in a glass box inside a copper coffin. He buried her in a cave on a deserted island near Ponce. [38] He came every month to look at her preserved body and leave half of his treasure in her grave. However, Almeida was caught on mainland Puerto Rico, tried and executed at Castillo San Felipe del Morro in 1832. Many years later, a Spanish engineer discovered a glass and copper coffin, and after finding the reef on a map, he gave it its current name. [39] The treasure found, if any, was kept secret. [37]

    Beach lovers at Pelicano Beach in Caja de Muertos

    British shipwreck

    In 1599, several English merchants traveled to China with a letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Chinese government. [40] However, the expedition was dangerous, and the ship was lost due to bad weather. [41] Off the Indian coast, the group turned to piracy, and learning of a Portuguese ship filled with gold, silver, gems, other treasures, and other valuables (spices, silk, some clothing), they attacked and captured the ship. [41] The fleet succeeded in capturing another ship, but in the process lost its flagship and a significant portion of the crew was mortally wounded, including the fleet commander. [41] The group decided to return to England aboard a smaller ship, taking some of the booty with them. [41] After surviving an attempted mutiny, the British decided to board a canoe left by a frigate off the east coast of Puerto Rico, from where they took refuge in Caja de Muertos. [41] Having lost the smaller vessel, the English went to the main island in search of provisions, but one of them left a note that the canoe had been captured and reported the presence of the treasure to the local authorities. [42]

    This led to an invasion to take the treasure, where all but one of the English were suddenly executed despite negotiations, and the Spaniards took the treasure with them and reported that it had been captured in battle with the English. [42] A lone survivor named Thomas managed to build a makeshift boat out of leftover timber and drifted to Puerto Rico, where he was taken to San Germán and told his version of events. [43] The governor of Puerto Rico became suspicious, and from autumn 1599 to the beginning of 1600, an investigation was conducted, which led to the recognition of one of the murderers. [43] The authorities then proceeded to confiscate treasures seized during the invasion, and other pieces disappeared and reportedly ended up in the hands of the governor’s own nephew. [44] The confiscated treasure was auctioned off and by 1602 it had about 4,000 ducats of Indian silver left. [44] The next governor used another part of the building, selling the leftover jewels and ingots. [44] The last piece, a large gemstone, was sent abroad to be transported to Spain. [45] As a result of these events, the island was nicknamed “Isla de Caja de Muertos” (“Dead Man’s Chest”). [42]

    Nature reserve

    Playa Larga, pictured above, is part of the protected area of ​​the island.

    The island was declared a nature reserve in 1980 after the Puerto Rico Planning Board held a meeting at which they considered the recommendation in the Coastal Zone Management Program to make the island a protected wilderness area. Since then, the island has remained a protected area. [46] Protection is mainly due to the heavy movement of turtles, which is an endangered species.


    The island has five beaches: Playa Pelicano, Playa Ensenadita (“Positas”), Playa Larga, Playa Blanca (also called Playa Coast Guard) and Playa Chica. [47] Playa Pelicano has been awarded the blue flag. [48] [49]

    • Playa Pelícano [48] [49] – located on the western (dock) side of the island, between the boat dock and Cerro Morrillo. [50] [51]
    • Playa Ensenadita (“Positas”) [47]
    • Playa Larga [48] sea ​​side) of the island between Cerro Morillo and Caja de Muertos Light. [50] [51]
    • Playa Blanca (Playa Coast Guard) [47] [48] – located on the northwestern side of the island (opposite the city of Ponce), northwest of the lighthouse Caja de Muertos. [50] [51]
    • Playa Chica (Playa Carrucho) [47] [48] – located on the northern and northeastern tip of the island, opposite the mainland of Puerto Rico. [50] [51]

    See also

    • Poero-RICO portal
    • List of Ponsey Islands, Puerto Rico
    • List of Poreo Rica

    Recommendations 9000

    Quotes 9 а б c d RESERVA NATURAL ISLA CAJA DE MUERTOS: LABORATORIO NATURAL PARA FOMENTAR EL ESTUDIO DE AVES DENTRO DEL ESCUTISMO. Archived 2013-10-20 at the Wayback Machine Javier González Delgado. Universidad Metropolitana, Escuela Graduada de Asuntos Ambientales. San Juan, P.R. 7 Diciembre 2010. Retrieved October 20, 2013.

    9 A 9000 Machine “Topografico Playa de Ponce (N1752.

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