Caribbean weather october november: Leitfaden für das Wetter in der Karibik nach Monat

Leitfaden für das Wetter in der Karibik nach Monat

Jahreszeiten der Karibik

Viele Orte auf der Welt haben vier Jahreszeiten, aber die Karibik hat zwei: eine Trockenzeit (Februar–Juni) und eine Regenzeit (Juli–Januar). In der Trockenzeit herrscht das idyllischste Wetter mit warmen, sonnigen Tagen und blauem Himmel. In der Regenzeit regnet es häufiger, aber die Temperaturen sind wärmer. 

Sowohl die Regenzeit als auch die Trockenzeit sind gute Zeiten für eine Kreuzfahrt durch die Karibik. Wettertechnisch gesehen ist die schlechteste Zeit für eine Karibik-Kreuzfahrt von August bis September, denn dann ist Hochsaison für Hurrikane. 

Wetter in der Karibik im Januar, Februar, März 

Wenn es vielerorts zähneknirschend kalt ist, lockt die Karibik mit Temperaturen um die 30 °C. Der Januar ist der trockenste Monat in der Karibik. Noch immer kann jedoch ein gelegentlicher Regenschauer überraschen, also setzen Sie einen Regenmantel auf Ihre Karibik-Packliste.

Das Wetter in der Karibik variiert. Wenn Sie gerne in warmen Gewässern schwimmen und schnorcheln, sollten Sie eine Südkaribik-Kreuzfahrt nach Aruba in Betracht ziehen, eine der angesagtesten Inseln der Karibik. Falls Sie tagsüber Temperaturen um die 25 °C bevorzugen, ist eine Ostkaribik-Kreuzfahrt vielleicht die bessere Wahl. 

Bei Sonnenuntergang kühlt es erheblich ab. Packen Sie Pullover oder leichte Jacken ein, um die Sterne an Deck zu beobachten oder an Bord Filme am Pool zu sehen.

Wetter in der Karibik im April, Mai, Juni

April und Mai sind wärmer, aber regnerischer. An den meisten Reisezielen herrschen Temperaturen um die 30°C. Das Schwimmen ist in der gesamten Karibik angenehm. Schwimmen Sie in kristallklarem Wasser – schnorcheln Sie entlang der kaleidoskopischen Riffe um Grand Turk oder reiten Sie auf Half Moon Cay in die Brandung. 

Im Juni beginnt in den meisten Regionen der Karibik die Regenzeit, aber das Wetter ist immer noch mild und das Risiko von Regenschauern ist gering. Die Temperaturen im Juni liegen zwischen 29 und 35 °C bei hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit.

Reisetipps: Entkommen Sie der Hitze und dem Regen in einem der vielen Museen. Besuchen Sie das Hemingway House in Key West und sehen Sie, wo Ernest Hemingway einst lebte und schrieb. 

Wetter in der Karibik im Juli, August, September

Im Juli und August steigen die Temperaturen auf über 30°C und es gibt mehr Regenschauer. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist hoch. Der September ist einer der ruhigsten Monate, denn es ist Hochsaison für Hurrikane.  

Wetter in der Karibik im Oktober, November, Dezember 

Von Mitte Oktober bis November erwacht die Karibik zu neuem Leben. Im Oktober herrschen Temperaturen von 28 bis 31 °C und die Strände sind angenehm warm, obwohl Anfang des Monats immer noch die Gefahr von Hurrikans besteht.

Das Karibikwetter im November ist wie ein Frühsommer mit sporadischen Regenschauern und Temperaturen von 20 bis 28 °C. Die Hurrikansaison endet offiziell am 30.  November.

Der Dezember ist einer der beliebtesten Monate für Kreuzfahrten in der Karibik, denn hier tauschen Sie den weißen Schnee gegen weißen Sand und den grauen Himmel gegen Sonnenschein. 

Reisetipps: Der Dezember ist einer der besten Monate, um bei Sonnenschein zu feiern. Nehmen Sie die ganze Familie mit auf eine Weihnachts- und Neujahrskreuzfahrt und überlassen Sie uns das Kochen und Putzen. 

Freuen Sie sich auf sonnenverwöhnte Strände und sanfte Brisen. Beginnen Sie mit der Planung Ihrer Kreuzfahrt – mit unseren Tipps und Reiseartikeln für Karibik-Kreuzfahrten.

Caribbean Weather in October: Averages for Each Destination

By Scott S. Bateman ©

This video explains Caribbean weather in October and which islands are the best and worst to visit for weather.

Full-Screen Version | YouTube Caribbean Channel

Caribbean weather in October is really, really wet for western, eastern and southern cruises as well as hotel and resort visitors. But at least it’s not as wet as September.

The Caribbean hurricane season runs from June 1 through Nov. 30. Historically, September is the worst month for tropical storms, the threat of hurricanes and total rainfall, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. October is the second worst month.

On average, the Caribbean has four tropical storms in October, although they rarely grow into hurricanes. By comparison, September averages two to three hurricanes that develop from tropical storms. Two of them often develop into major hurricanes.

But a tropical storm can still bring strong winds, heavy rains and a vacation without much sun.

10-Day Weather Forecasts | See Caribbean monthly weather in: January
– February
– March
– April
– May
– June
– July
– August
– September
– October
– November
– December

Best Caribbean Islands in October

Caribbean tourism drops quite a bit in October, but the risk of bad weather doesn’t keep everyone away. Two islands in particular have the lowest chance of rain historically. Aruba and Curaçao are the best islands to visit in October.

Both of them lie at the edge of the hurricane belt. They are mostly arid throughout the year, although the chance of rain rises from September through November. Still, their average rainfall during their rainiest months of the year are about the same as other islands during their dry seasons.

Anyone who plans to vacation in the Caribbean in October should consider choosing either island for a hotel vacation or a southern Caribbean cruise that visits them.

Average Temperatures

Temperatures remain comfortably warm with the average highs in the mid to upper 80s Fahrenheit or around 30 Celsius for most locations. The average lows are in the 70s Fahrenheit or the low 20s Celsius.

Despite the fall weather, temperatures in the northern destinations of the Caribbean region maintain their highs, most notably the Bahamas.

Central American countries usually stay warm on the Caribbean coast but get cooler toward the mountainous interiors.

Weather Destinations

Western Caribbean in October

LocationAvg Min TempAvg Max TempRain InchesRain Days
Cayman Islands7291919
Costa Rica627813
Dominican Rep7587611
San Juan7688614
St Lucia7787820
St Maarten78884
St. Thomas77896

Western Caribbean weather is especially bad in October for the coasts of Mexico and Central America.

It’s why there are far fewer cruises to this region in the fall than during the dry season from December through April.

The chart shows that historical rainfall can reach nearly 10 inches and sometimes higher for destinations clustered around the Caribbean coast of Mexico. They include Cancun, Cozumel and the Mexican Riviera. Chart statistics come from meteorological services from each country.

Major Central America destinations such as Belize and Costa Rica also get hit hard with an average of 10 inches for Belize and 13 for Costa Rica. Western Caribbean cruises often visit Central American countries.

Western Caribbean islands fare only a little better.

The Cayman Islands receive high amounts of rain during this time of the year with an average of nine inches. Jamaica does only slightly better with seven inches.

Eastern Caribbean

St. Maarten is one of the few islands in the eastern Caribbean that doesn’t average heavy amounts of rain during the month. It averages only four inches.

Eastern Caribbean islands do a little better than the coasts of Mexico and Central America, but not by much. Otherwise, all of the major islands including St. Thomas, St. Lucia and Puerto Rico have much higher levels of rain.

Barbados and Guadeloupe also reach high points ranging from seven to nine inches.

Dominica gets drenched with an average of 13 inches. But the island is known for the waterfalls and tropical rainforests that the rain produces.

Southern Caribbean

St. Maarten historically has less rain in October than other eastern Caribbean islands. © St. Maarten Tourism Bureau

The southern Caribbean has the lowest rainfall among the three major regions. If Caribbean travelers want to go anywhere in October, it’s down in this region. But only for certain islands.

The ABC islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao near the coast of Venezuela are known for low rainfall throughout the year and do well with Caribbean weather in October.

They are normally arid destinations that receive only about three inches of rain during the month.

Their average is low compared to the rest of the Caribbean. From January through September, they normally experience about one to two inches a month.

The ABC islands lie at the edge of the hurricane belt, but they sometimes feel the effects of nearby hurricanes and tropical storms. On rare occasions, they lie in that path of a hurricane or major storm.

Weather in the Caribbean in October / Sea water temperature / Weather map

World resortsCaribbean

Caribbean in October weather map


Sea water temperature














This weather map is fully interactive. You can switch months, as well as zoom and move the visible area of ​​the map to view other resorts.

This table will help you determine which Caribbean resorts are warmest in October, find out where there is less rain and more clear days.
Do you want to know where is the warmest sea? We also provide information about the water temperature in seaside resorts.

Resort name Air temperature
day / night
Cloudy Rainy days /
Sea water temperature Solar clock
Aguadilla 29.9°C 24.7°C 39.5%

8 days (120.4 mm.)

29.3°C 08h. 05m.
Andros 29.6°C 25.6°C 46.0%

6 days (122.3 mm.)

28.7°C 07h. 14m.
Antigua 29.6°C 27. 8°C 45.7%

6 days (99.9 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 23m.
Arena Gorda 29.8°C 26.0°C 42.0%

6 days (92.9 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 47m.
Arecibo 30.2°C 24.4°C 41.0%

7 days (112.4 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 54m.
Baracoa 29.5°C 24.9°C 48.3%

6 days (110.5 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 01m.
Barbuda 29.4°C 27.8°C 46.7%

7 days (111.5 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 15m.
Bas-Ter 30.7°C 26.9°C 46.4%

7 days (103.9 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 18m.
Boca Chica 30.6°C 23. 8°C 45.3%

8 days (107.3 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 24m.
Grand Cayman 29.8°C 28.1°C 48.0%

9 days (163.6 mm.)

29.6°C 07h. 04m.
bridgetown 30.0°C 27.8°C 46.7%

8 days (137.7 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 18m.
Varadero 29.2°C 23.6°C 45.5%

6 days (114.8 mm.)

28.7°C 07h. 19m.
Westmoreland 29.9°C 26.6°C 33.7%

8 days (109.6 mm.)

29.7°C 08h. 45m.
Vieux Fort 30.1°C 27.7°C 45.3%

7 days (107.5 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 27m.
Havana 29.2°C 23. 0°C 46.5%

8 days (130.3 mm.)

28.9°C 07h. 12m.
Grand Turk 29.0°C 27.6°C 47.0%

5 days (89.6 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 10m.
Georgetown 29.8°C 28.1°C 48.0%

9 days (163.1 mm.)

29.6°C 07h. 04m.
Isabela 29.6°C 24.7°C 39.1%

7 days (106.6 mm.)

29.2°C 08h. 08m.
Cayman Brac 29.7°C 28.1°C 46.6%

8 days (160.6 mm.)

29.7°C 07h. 14m.
Cayo Santa Maria 29.0°C 26.5°C 45.6%

8 days (133.0 mm.)

28.9°C 07h. 18m.
Cayo Guillermo 28. 9°C 26.3°C 48.5%

8 days (138.3 mm.)

28.9°C 06h. 58m.
Cayo Coco 29.4°C 26.4°C 48.0%

9 days (143.4 mm.)

28.9°C 07h. 01m.
Cayo Largo 29.3°C 27.0°C 37.7%

7 days (149.3 mm.)

29.4°C 08h. 15m.
Cap Cana 30.0°C 25.7°C 41.1%

6 days (93.4 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 53m.
Cap Haitien 29.7°C 24.6°C 34.4%

6 days (73.1 mm.)

29.4°C 08h. 39m.
Carrefour 30.5°C 21.1°C 35.7%

9 days (119.2 mm.)

29.8°C 08h. 31m.
Castries 30. 2°C 27.3°C 48.0%

5 days (98.1 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 08m.
Key West 28.4°C 26.4°C 41.5%

6 days (112.6 mm.)

28.4°C 07h. 45m.
kingston 29.8°C 25.2°C 41.8%

9 days (142.9 mm.)

29.4°C 07h. 49m.
cockburn town 29.0°C 27.6°C 47.0%

5 days (89.5 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 09m.
La Romana 30.9°C 23.8°C 42.8%

7 days (104.4 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 42m.
Le Trois Islet 30.0°C 27.1°C 48.0%

9days (121.4 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 08m.
Mayaguez 30. 3°C 24.8°C 39.5%

9 days (130.7 mm.)

29.4°C 08h. 05m.
Little Cayman 29.7°C 28.1°C 46.6%

8 days (160.6 mm.)

29.7°C 07h. 14m.
Manzanillo 31.0°C 23.0°C 38.9%

7 days (84.4 mm.)

29.9°C 08h. 07m.
Matanzas 29.1°C 23.3°C 47.6%

7 days (109.8 mm.)

28.6°C 07h. 04m.
Montego Bay 29.8°C 26.2°C 35.6%

8 days (127.8 mm.)

29.7°C 08h. 32m.
Maymon Bay 29.9°C 23.9°C 37.2%

5 days (85.1 mm.)

29.1°C 08h. 20m.
Negril 29. 9°C 26.6°C 33.7%

8 days (110.2 mm.)

29.7°C 08h. 46m.
Nikero 30.6°C 23.5°C 38.6%

6 days (87.7 mm.)

29.9°C 08h. 09m.
Holguin 30.6°C 22.8°C 43.2%

7 days (94.1 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 37m.
Ocho Rios 29.5°C 25.6°C 44.0%

8 days (125.9 mm.)

29.6°C 07h. 33m.
Pinar del Rio 29.7°C 22.4°C 47.4%

8 days (139.8 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 06m.
Playa Esmeralda 30.1°C 25.4°C 41.7%

5 days (90.8 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 47m.
Playa Bavaro 29. 8°C 26.0°C 42.0%

6 days (93.9 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 47m.
Playa Blanca 30.1°C 25.4°C 41.8%

5 days (91.4 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 46m.
Playa Santa Lucia 30.2°C 24.6°C 47.3%

7 days (96.5 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 07m.
Ponce 29.7°C 24.2°C 43.3%

8 days (100.6 mm.)

29.4°C 07h. 38m.
Port Antonio 29.5°C 26.2°C 47.3%

10 days (140.8 mm.)

29.5°C 07h. 10m.
Port-au-Prince 30.5°C 21.1°C 35.9%

9 days (118.3 mm.)

29.8°C 08h. 30m.
Providenciales 29. 2°C 27.5°C 45.7%

4 days (78.7 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 18m.
Punta Cana 30.0°C 25.7°C 40.9%

6 days (93.2 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 55m.
Pointe a Pitre 30.7°C 26.9°C 46.5%

7 days (103.9mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 17m.
Puerto Plata 29.9°C 23.8°C 37.1%

5 days (84.0 mm.)

29.1°C 08h. 21m.
runaway bay 29.3°C 25.6°C 42.6%

9 days (132.5 mm.)

29.6°C 07h. 43m.
Samana 29.9°C 25.0°C 42.4%

7 days (102.9 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 44m.
San Pedro de Macoris 30. 5°C 23.8°C 44.5%

7 days (114.9 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 29m.
San Juan 30.1°C 25.6°C 43.4%

5 days (70.3 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 37m.
Santa Maria 29.0°C 26.5°C 44.7%

8 days (132.1 mm.)

28.9°C 07h. 25m.
Santo Domingo 30.5°C 23.4°C 38.1%

6 days (82.2 mm.)

29.2°C 08h. 14m.
Santiago de Cuba 30.5°C 22.5°C 40.2%

7 days (119.7 mm.)

29.6°C 07h. 58m.
St. John’s 29.6°C 27.8°C 45.7%

6 days (99.9 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 23m.
Saint Luce 30. 0°C 27.1°C 47.9%

9 days (120.8 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 08m.
Salt Cay 29.0°C 27.6°C 47.0%

5 days (89.3 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 10m.
Sosua 30.1°C 24.6°C 37.0%

6 days (76.8 mm.)

29.1°C 08h. 21m.
cienfuegos 30.1°C 22.7°C 41.4%

9 days (132.7 mm.)

29.7°C 07h. 48m.
Trinidad 29.4°C 23.0°C 42.2%

10 days (142.3 mm.)

29.7°C 07h. 43m.
Philipsburg 29.7°C 27.5°C 45.3%

7 days (99.0 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 24m.
fort de france 30. 0°C 27.1°C 47.9%

9days (120.9 mm.)

29.1°C 07h. 08m.
Juan Dolio 30.5°C 23.8°C 44.5%

7 days (115.0 mm.)

29.2°C 07h. 30m.

Sundial is an indicator that displays the average number of hours per day during which direct sunlight reaches the earth’s surface. This indicator is influenced by both the length of daylight hours and cloud cover in the daytime.

Weather on the Caribbean in November / Water temperature in the sea / Weather map

Miracaribian resorts

Caribbean islands in November on the Weather map


Temperature of water in the sea











This weather map is fully interactive. You can switch months, as well as zoom and move the visible area of ​​the map to view other resorts.

This table will help you determine which Caribbean resorts are warmest in November, find out where there is less rain and more clear days.
Do you want to know where is the warmest sea? We also provide information about the water temperature in seaside resorts.

Resort name Air temperature
day / night
Cloudy Rainy days /
Sea water temperature Solar clock
Aguadilla 28.9°C 24.1°C 40.5%

9days (135.1 mm.)

28.8°C 07h. 42m.
Andros 27.2°C 23.1°C 47.3%

3 days (46.9 mm.)

27.2°C 06h. 46m.
Antigua 28.9°C 27. 1°C 47.9%

6 days (124.6 mm.)

28.4°C 06h. 54m.
Arena Gorda 28.6°C 25.2°C 49.4%

6 days (116.8 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 41m.
Arecibo 28.9°C 23.7°C 46.6%

8 days (119.5 mm.)

28.6°C 07h. 01m.
Baracoa 28.0°C 23.8°C 59.7%

8 days (128.9 mm.)

28.3°C 05h. 30m.
Barbuda 28.8°C 27.2°C 48.1%

6 days (127.3 mm.)

28.3°C 06h. 52m.
Bas-Ter 29.7°C 26.1°C 48.7%

6 days (110.0 mm.)

28.7°C 06h. 50m.
Boca Chica 29.5°C 22. 5°C 46.7%

7 days (121.5 mm.)

28.6°C 07h. 00m.
Grand Cayman 28.6°C 26.8°C 49.2%

6 days (121.1 mm.)

28.8°C 06h. 42m.
bridgetown 29.3°C 27.3°C 49.5%

7 days (120.8 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 49m.
Varadero 26.8°C 21.9°C 47.5%

3 days (63.2 mm.)

27.2°C 06h. 47m.
Westmoreland 29.4°C 25.7°C 32.4%

4 days (79.1 mm.)

29.1°C 08h. 37m.
Vieux Fort 29.6°C 27.2°C 46.7%

6 days (90.2 mm.)

28.6°C 07h. 07m.
Havana 27.0°C 21. 0°C 45.0%

3 days (50.1 mm.)

27.8°C 07h. 04m.
Grand Turk 28.0°C 26.3°C 54.2%

7 days (120.6 mm.)

28.2°C 06h. 05m.
Georgetown 28.6°C 26.8°C 49.2%

6 days (121.4 mm.)

28.8°C 06h. 42m.
Isabela 28.6°C 24.2°C 42.0%

8 days (124.4 mm.)

28.7°C 07h. 31m.
Cayman Brac 28.5°C 26.8°C 48.2%

6 days (103.3 mm.)

28.7°C 06h. 48m.
Cayo Santa Maria 26.9°C 24.6°C 47.7%

4 days (81.9 mm.)

27.2°C 06h. 46m.
Cayo Guillermo 26. 9°C 24.3°C 48.3%

4 days (87.2 mm.)

27.2°C 06h. 43m.
Cayo Coco 27.2°C 24.5°C 48.7%

5 days (86.2 mm.)

27.2°C 06h. 40m.
Cayo Largo 27.7°C 25.1°C 34.7%

3 days (55.6 mm.)

27.9°C 08h. 15m.
Cap Cana 28.7°C 24.9°C 47.7%

6 days (119.4 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 53m.
Cap Haitien 28.4°C 23.6°C 41.7%

6 days (90.1 mm.)

28.7°C 07h. 31m.
Carrefour 29.3°C 19.9°C 35.1%

6 days (98.1 mm.)

29.4°C 08h. 18m.
Castries 29. 5°C 26.8°C 49.9%

5 days (92.4 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 45m.
Key West 25.8°C 23.5°C 41.2%

3 days (50.7 mm.)

26.0°C 07h. 26m.
kingston 29.2°C 24.4°C 38.5%

7 days (113.3 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 56m.
cockburn town 28.0°C 26.3°C 54.2%

7 days (120.6 mm.)

28.2°C 06h 05m.
La Romana 29.4°C 22.6°C 47.6%

6 days (114.5 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 54m.
Le Trois Islet 29.3°C 26.6°C 50.2%

7 days (126.8 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 42m.
Mayaguez 29. 2°C 23.9°C 40.7%

9 days (137.4 mm.)

28.8°C 07h. 41m.
Little Cayman 28.5°C 26.8°C 48.2%

6 days (103.8 mm.)

28.8°C 06h. 48m.
Manzanillo 29.5°C 21.4°C 38.7%

4 days (64.3 mm.)

28.2°C 07h. 51m.
Matanzas 26.8°C 21.5°C 49.5%

3 days (57.6 mm.)

27.5°C 06h. 34m.
Montego Bay 28.8°C 25.4°C 39.5%

5 days (78.0 mm.)

29.0°C 07h. 49m.
Maymon Bay 28.2°C 22.8°C 46.7%

7 days (107.3 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 58m.
Negril 29. 4°C 25.7°C 32.4%

4 days (80.4 mm.)

29.1°C 08h. 37m.
Nikero 29.2°C 22.0°C 37.6%

4 days (66.9mm.)

28.4°C 07h. 58m.
Holguin 28.5°C 21.6°C 46.5%

3 days (46.9 mm.)

28.0°C 06h. 58m.
Ocho Rios 28.2°C 24.8°C 52.4%

7 days (109.8 mm.)

28.9°C 06h. 21m.
Pinar del Rio 27.7°C 20.3°C 41.7%

3 days (56.6 mm.)

27.0°C 07h. 27m.
Playa Esmeralda 28.1°C 24.3°C 49.2%

4 days (79.3 mm.)

28.1°C 06h. 39m.
Playa Bavaro 28. 6°C 25.2°C 49.2%

6 days (115.7 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 43m.
Playa Blanca 28.1°C 24.3°C 49.2%

4 days (79.4 mm.)

28.0°C 06h. 39m.
Playa Santa Lucia 28.1°C 23.4°C 49.2%

3 days (74.0 mm.)

27.9°C 06h. 38m.
Ponce 28.8°C 23.0°C 44.6%

7 days (115.8 mm.)

28.8°C 07h. 15m.
Port Antonio 28.5°C 25.3°C 52.4%

8 days (133.7 mm.)

28.9°C 06h. 22m.
Port-au-Prince 29.3°C 19.9°C 35.4%

6 days (98.0 mm.)

29.4°C 08h. 16m.
Providenciales 27. 9°C 26.2°C 52.1%

5 days (82.2 mm.)

27.8°C 06h. 18m.
Punta Cana 28.7°C 24.9°C 47.6%

6 days (117.5 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 54m.
Pointe a Pitre 29.7°C 26.1°C 48.7%

6 days (110.1 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 50m.
Puerto Plata 28.2°C 22.8°C 46.6%

7 days (108.0 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 58m.
runaway bay 27.9°C 24.9°C 51.5%

7 days (107.9 mm.)

28.9°C 06h. 27m.
Samana 28.4°C 24.2°C 50.5%

9 days (145.3 mm.)

28.5°C 06h. 33m.
San Pedro de Macoris 29. 4°C 22.6°C 47.7%

7 days (134.3 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 53m.
San Juan 28.9°C 24.9°C 49.8%

5 days (89.2 mm.)

28.7°C 06h. 39m.
Santa Maria 27.0°C 24.6°C 47.6%

4 days (86.6 mm.)

27.2°C 06h. 47m.
Santo Domingo 29.3°C 22.1°C 38.9%

5 days (85.1 mm.)

28.6°C 07h. 52m.
Santiago de Cuba 29.6°C 21.0°C 39.9%

7 days (93.8 mm.)

28.9°C 07h. 43m.
St. John’s 28.9°C 27.1°C 47.8%

6 days (124.6 mm.)

28.4°C 06h. 54m.
Saint Luce 29. 3°C 26.6°C 50.2%

7 days (126.8 mm.)

28.6°C 06h. 42m.
Salt Cay 28.0°C 26.3°C 54.2%

7 days (120.6 mm.)

28.3°C 06h. 05m.
Sosua 28.7°C 23.6°C 45.6%

7 days (106.6 mm.)

28.5°C 07h. 06m.
cienfuegos 28.2°C 20.7°C 39.8%

3 days (86.3 mm.)

28.6°C 07h. 40m.
Trinidad 27.7°C 21.2°C 39.5%

3 days (83.6 mm.)

28.5°C 07h. 42m.
Philipsburg 28.9°C 26.8°C 46.2%

6 days (120.9 mm.)

28.5°C 07h. 04m.
fort de france 29.

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