Costo entrada jardin botanico: Horarios y precios de taquilla del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá (fotos)

Horarios y precios de taquilla del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá (fotos)

Publicado por: Laura Judith Ramírez

Escucha la noticia

El Jardín Botánico de Bogotá invita a todos los bogotanos y bogotanas a visitar este maravilloso lugar lleno de naturaleza y tranquilidad donde podrás aprender sobre la flora de Colombia y participar en diferentes actividades para niños, niñas y adultos en general.

Si te gustaría visitarlo ten en cuenta los horarios, precios de entrada y días en que puedes ir para que evites contratiempos.

Estos son los horarios 

Horario de visitas y recorridos guiados: de martes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

Date un recorrido de 360 grados por el Jardín Botánico de Bogotá

Maneras de reverdecer a Bogotá en tres nuevas publicaciones del Jardín Botánico

Los frailejones de Sumapaz, termómetros perfectos de la crisis climática

Sábados, domingos y festivos: el horario de atención es de 9:00 a. m. a 5:00 p.m.

Te recordamos que no es necesario realizar reserva a través de la página web. Las entradas se pueden adquirir directamente en la taquilla de la Entidad.

¡Ojo! Los días lunes no hay atención al público por mantenimiento y desinfección. 

Valores de ingreso al Jardín Botánico y al Tropicario

Ingreso al Jardín Botánico: $5.000                              

Ingreso al Tropicario: $5.000            

Jardín Botánico: GRATIS

Tropicario: $5.000      

  • Extranjeros

Ingreso al Jardín Botánico: $5.000

Ingreso al Tropicario: $10.000

El Jardín Botánico queda ubicado en la Calle 63 No. 68 – 95 en la localidad de Barrios Unidos. 

Cualquier duda que tengas puedes comunicarte al teléfono: 437 70 60 Ext: 1012 o escribir al e-mail [email protected]

Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de los espacios naturales, de las colecciones del Tropicario que se ve en esta imagen 👇y demás atractivos del Jardín Botánico, con la atención y calidez que le caracteriza.

Tropicario de Jardín Botánico. Foto: Jardín Botánico.

También puedes visitar: Date un recorrido de 360 grados por el Jardín Botánico de Bogotá


Teniendo en cuenta que el Jardín Botánico es un Centro de Investigación Científica, dotado de colecciones y especies de flora y fauna de gran valor ambiental, se reitera a los visitantes la recomendación de traer sus propios elementos de autocuidado, portar paraguas, ropa y calzado cómodos y tener en cuenta que está prohibido el ingreso de mascotas.

Para los aficionados y profesionales de la fotografía con fines comerciales o de registro de eventos sociales (matrimonios, cumpleaños, etc.) se recomienda revisar y acoger la normativa que contiene las tarifas vigentes para la realización de actividades con equipos especializados de imagen y video. (Resolución 018 del 2 de febrero de 2021) y realizar los respectivos pagos con antelación.  En este caso, es importante solicitar la cotización de dichos servicios a través del correo: reservavisitas @jbb.

Finalmente, se informa que el Jardín podrá suspender la atención al público ante situaciones climáticas o de otra índole que impliquen riesgo para los visitantes o para el personal de atención y servicio.

  • Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis
  • horarios
  • Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis

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Temas más buscados

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Jardín Botánico de Nueva York

En el Jardín Botánico de Nueva York las selvas tropicales y los cactus sobreviven cómodamente durante uno de los inviernos más crudos de Estados Unidos.

Esto gracias a los famosos invernaderos del New York Botanical Garden , esas hermosas casas de cristal tan representativas del parque botánico más importante de NYC.

Debido a la pandemia el aforo del parque es menor. Garantiza tu entrada comprándola en línea.


El parque está ubicado en tranquilo barrio residencial del Bronx, a pasos de Belmont, la Pequeña Italia del Bronx.

En el Jardín Botánico de Nueva York encontrarán 50 jardines con árboles y plantas de todo el mundo, rodeados por un cuidado paisajismo, declarado patrimonio histórico nacional en 1967.

Entre las colecciones más visitadas están las plantas acuáticas, el invernadero de hierro forjado al estilo de Palacio de Cristal que data 1890 (en la foto), el jardín de rosas, el de grava japonés y la colección de coníferas.

Como luzcan dependerá de la época del año en que lo visiten, cada estación tiene su encanto 😉

Además de visitar los distintos ecosistemas, el parque ofrece diariamente diversos eventos orientados a la educación medioambiental y a la botánica, al entrar al parque pidan el calendario de actividades.

Primavera en el Jardín Botánico de Nueva York

Los amantes de la naturaleza saben que uno de los momentos más mágicos del año es el florecimiento de la primavera.

En la página web del Jardín Botánico pueden revisar el estado de florecimiento de primavera de sus especies más hermosas: los cerezos, magnolios, azaleas, peonías, narcisos y rosas. Ideal para no perderse los días clave 🙂

Trencito de Navidad

Desde la segunda quincena de noviembre hasta fines de enero de cada año el jardín se llena de niños para visitar el tradicional Holiday Train Show.

Es una gran exposición de trencitos de juguete dentro del Enid A. Haupt Conservatory del Jardín Botánico. Es una de las actividades navideñas más esperadas por las familias.

Son más de 400 metros de líneas de trenes de juguete, atravesando 150 modelos a escala de iconos de Nueva York -como la Estatua de la Libertad, el Puente de Brooklyn y el Yankee Stadium– construidos completamente con hojas, ramitas y semillas de los árboles del parque.

Vale la pena =)

El Tram del Jardín Botánico de Nueva York

El Jardín Botánico de Nueva York es enorme, son más de 250 acres de jardines y bosques. La forma más rápida de conocerlo es tomando el tram, un carrito eléctrico que recorre todo el parque, con paradas en los jardines más importantes.

Durante el recorrido un tour grabado les explicará las atracciones a su paso.

Es un circuito así que se pueden bajar y subir cuantas veces quieran. Su valor está incluido en la entrada.


2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx

Cómo llegar
En metro
Líneas B, D ó 4. Estación Bedford Park Blvd
Luego caminar 8 cuadras o tomar el Bus Bx26 dirección este hasta Garden’s Mosholu Gate

En Metro-North Railroad
También se puede llegar en el Metro-North Railroad que sale de Grand Central Terminal. Tomar la línea local Metro-North Harlem hasta la estación Botanical Garden.
Luego de una corta caminata por el Kazimiroff Boulevard llegará al parque por la entrada Garden’s Mosholu.

Adultos US$ 30 / Estudiantes y +65 años US$ 28 / 2 a 12 años US$ 15 / -2 años libre

Es buena idea comprar la entrada en línea para asegurar el ingreso el día deseado.

(Debido a las restricciones generadas por la pandemia es importante que antes de su visita chequeen las condiciones especiales en la página oficial)

Abierto todo el año de Martes a Domingo 10 am a 6 pm (en invierno cierra a las 5 pm)
Cerrado los lunes (con excepción de los lunes que caigan en días feriados)

Cerrado el día de Acción de Gracias y el 25/12

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Spain. Costa Brava. Marimurtra Botanical Garden in Blanes

As I said before, there are two botanical gardens in the vicinity of Blanes. I talked about one of them – about the garden of cacti and succulents “Pina de Rosa” in a previous publication, but today there will be a photo walk through the most famous botanical garden on the Costa Brava – the garden “Marimurtra” (Jardín Botánico Marimurtra).

Botanical garden “Marimurtra” is large and very picturesque. Walking along it was one sheer pleasure: there is a wide variety of vegetation, and many different corners – hidden and open, shady and sunny. And, of course, the extraordinary beauty of seascapes that open from several viewing platforms.

Marimurtra Botanical Garden was founded in 1921 by the German botanist Karl Faust. And if you believe the information on the network, then the garden has since been preserved exactly in the form in which it was designed and created by Karl Faust. Here, on an area of ​​four hectares, more than 4 thousand species of various plants grow, divided into three separate zones – the zone of the temperate zone, subtropics and the Mediterranean. Botanical garden “Marimurtra” is an object of cultural heritage of Catalonia.

The garden is not very far from Blanes, about halfway from the city center to the watchtower of the fortress of San Juan, where we have already climbed earlier. From Plaza Catalunya to Marimurtra Gardens, you can walk by foot in 30-40 minutes. But as soon as we bought a ticket for a special bus, which gives a decent discount on visiting three botanical gardens, then, naturally, we arrived on it from Piña de Rosa to Marimurtra. And indeed, the ticket cost us half as much: we paid 3.5 euros per person (whereas the entrance ticket for an adult costs 7 euros)

Enough talk! Let’s go for a walk in the garden… :-))

Entrance gate to the botanical garden “Marimurtra”

I know what plants are called. So here there will be mostly just photos of the plants, flowers, landscapes you like without any special comments…0004

A pergola was erected on a certain hill above the garden paths

It is shady and passable. Here you can take refuge from the midday heat

And the real jungle

species from the pergola

The Bust of the Garden of the Garden – German Botanik Karl Faust begins. (Another monument in his honor can be seen on the Blanes embankment. I already published his photo while walking around Blanes. There is a street in the city that bears his name. So the creator of one of the main attractions of Blanes is a very revered person here)

But we go further and the shady pergola is replaced by an open area flooded with sun. And such a tree trunk painted with paints. Most likely, these are the remains of some dead tree, which was given a second life in this guise.

This lot is like a garden. If I’m not mistaken, medicinal herbs and plants are grown here.

You can have a bite to eat in a local cafe, hiding under the shade of this amazing tree. With a relatively thin and low trunk, it had an unrealistically wide and branched crown (if suddenly someone knows what this tree is called, please write in the comments. be so kind)

passing by a bamboo forest area

The garden area is divided into two parts by a road. In order to be able to safely “cross the road”, there is a special underground passage to the second part of the garden, which is located closer to the sea.


We have already come to the Rotunda – a gazebo located above the sea on a rocky cliff. Very beautiful views of the sea come off from this site, and the Rotunda itself is very photogenic. This is a kind of attraction. Many tourists come here and everyone, without exception, takes pictures here.

Rotunda stands on a cliff next to a small picturesque bay

In the gazebo you can sit, relax, look at the sea and think about your own….

Meanwhile, pleasure boats ply the endless expanses of the Mediterranean Sea …

This is the main staircase leading to the Rotunda

The view that opens from the top of this staircase is a kind of calling card of the botanical garden000303

upstairs we meet a nice fountain

In this part of the garden, wherever you go, the sea is always near. ..

And here is another observation deck, which is located, if I understand correctly, on the roof of the local weather station. You stand calmly, and birds fly by

We continue to walk …

Picture with fish

flower beds with flowers …

And again the memory of Karl Faust – information and memorial plaque

So, in principle, our walk through the garden has almost come to an end

You can also look into the souvenir shop 9003…

And take some more photos in the nooks and crannies of the courtyard near the entrance/exit of the garden0003

Now the walk through the botanical garden of Marimurtra has come to an end. However, this is far from the end of my photo sketches brought back from this trip to the Costa Brava in Spain. There will be many more interesting things ahead. So don’t switch. .. :-))

And links to all my “Spanish notes” can be seen here

A picturesque corner on the Costa Brava: the castle of a Russian colonel and the Cap Roig Botanical Garden. Spain in Russian

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The rocky Costa Brava is famous for its heavenly bays, green forests stretching right along the sandy beaches with azure water – a place of vibrant and aesthetic pleasure. But there are special areas on the coast where the incredible beauty created by human hands pleases the eye. One of these areas can be called the Cap Roig Botanical Garden, which is near the town of Calella de Palafrugell. This place conveys a sense of the beauty of nature to visitors, preserving its amazing history, and the locals even call it the “Russian Garden”…

History of the castle and gardens of Cap Roig

The wonderful nature of Catalonia and the Costa Brava has always attracted creative people from all over the world. In the 1920s, this place attracted the attention of a Russian emigrant, colonel, pilot Nikolai Voevodsky and his wife, an English aristocrat, Dorothy Webster. During their journey, they drew attention to these lands and decided to build their castle here. At 19In 27, they bought 17 hectares of land and began to develop them. Nikolai was fond of painting and architecture, and Dorothy was fond of archeology and gardening. It took them only three years to build a magnificent castle and create a garden, which is now called the Cap Roig Botanical Garden. Later, Nikolai Voevodin and his wife started building beautiful houses for their friends in the vicinity of the castle, and it was from this that the mass immigration of Russians to these parts began. Colonel Voevodsky also took an active part in the Civil War in 1936 as a volunteer and trained soldiers in aviation. Nikolai Voevodsky died in Barcelona in 1975.

In 1969, the government of Girona and the La Caixa company bought the estate and the gardens were opened to the public. Here you can see more than five hundred species of Mediterranean plants and flowers that form colorful alleys and picturesquely descend to the coast, to El Golfet beach. Gardens are a great place to take a walk, as well as a suitable space for quiet reflection on life. In the gardens you will find many beautiful corners for memorable photos with your loved ones.

From the observation deck of the garden, breathtaking views of the endless sea, the coast, bays and the lighthouse of San Sebastian open up. Thanks to the variety of plants, the gardens are beautiful at any time of the year.

Cap Roig Festival

Since 2001, one of the largest music festivals on the Costa Brava has been held annually in the Cap Roig castle, with world-class stars participating more than once. Cap Roig Festival lasts for two months, in July and August. Since these months are the height of summer and the tourist season, the organizers manage to gather a huge number of visitors and eminent participants. In 2017, David Bisbal, Jason Derulo, Andrea Bocelli, Miquel Bose, Luis Fonsi, Melendi and many others performed at the festival. Children also perform during the festival. As a rule, concerts start at 20:00, ticket prices vary from 30 to 150 euros, depending on who is on stage. The organizer of the festival is Juli Guiu i Marquina.

Things to do near

  • Cozy and pretty village of Calella de Palafrugell. A place of inspiration for writers and artists, as well as many modern creative people. It was here that Salvador Dali liked to draw creative power. He said about this city: “All the rocks and ledges are here in a state of continuous metaphor, suddenly appearing either as an eagle, or a camel, or a lion, or a rooster, or a woman.” This is a non-tourist place, it is quiet and comfortable enough to enjoy peace and relax your soul.

Calella de Palafrugell is a real fishing village with small snow-white houses, made in approximately the same style. The snow-white architectural ensemble harmoniously combines with green bays and sandy beaches. Walking through the narrow streets, visiting a medieval stone church, tasting a real Catalan lunch made from the freshest seafood – what could be better?

  • Directly from the gardens of Cap Roig you can go down to the picturesque beach of El Golfet, surrounded by vegetation. Here you can go diving.
  • If you’re into hiking or Nordic walking, you’ll love the wonderful local trail. It is called Camino de Ronda: Palamos – Calella de Palafrugell. The length of the road is 10.67 km, the level of difficulty is low, the duration is about 6 hours. The route runs along the coast: clean air, pine forests, picturesque bays are a great addition to a sports walk.
  • Cork Museum in Calella de Palafrugell (Museo del Suro). The coast of the Costa Brava is rich in cork forests, it is here that corks are made for the famous cava sparkling drink. In the museum, you can look at the process of cork making and learn about the history of growing cork oaks, as well as see sculptures made from this material.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00.

Entrance fee: 3 euros.

Address: Placeta del Museu del Suro, Palafrugell, Girona.

  • Opening hours of the gardens of Cap Roig: from April 1 to September 30, the gardens are open to visitors from 10:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekends. From October 1 to March 31 – from 10:00 to 18:00. The gardens are closed on 1, 5, 6 January and 24, 25, 26, 31 December.
  • Entrance fee: 7 euros, free admission for children, 3 euros for pensioners.
  • Address: С/Camí del Rus, Calella de Palafrugell, Girona. Phone: +34 932 400 520.

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