Decimas de navidad: Espinelas de Navidad |Trova boricua

Seis décimas de Navidad / por Salvador Moreno

    Registro bibliográfico

    • Título:
      Seis décimas de Navidad / por Salvador Moreno
    • Autor:
      Moreno, Salvador, 1916-1999
    • Publicación: Alicante : Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2016
    • Notas de reproducción original:
      Edición digital a partir de Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, núm. 132 (diciembre de 1960), pp. 394-395
    • Forma/género:

      texto, texto

    • Idioma:
    • Encabezamiento de materia:

      • Poesía española — Siglo 20º
    • CDU:

      • 821. 134.2-1″19″
    • Documento fuente:
      Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos. Núm. 132, diciembre 1960
    • URI:

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    Edición digital a partir de Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, núm. 132 (diciembre de 1960), pp. 394-395

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    La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes publica su catálogo como datos abiertos a través del vocabulario Resource Description and Access (RDA) en

    La dcima puertorriquea como instrumento de evangelizacin


    Por Hayde Reichard de Cancio, PHD

    (c) CopyRight – Prohibido copiar, reproducir

    Papa Francisco: mensaje de Navidad
    Mensaje del Papa: una Navidad con Jess
    El sueo de Mara en la Navidad
    Carta del nio Ratzinger a Jess en la Navidad

    * Msica de fondo: dcima “Divino Maestro”;
    cantado por Luisito Morales
    Ramos, “El
    Montaero”, 1928

    ASTA UNA OJEADA al decimario puertorriqueo para conocer
    la religiosidad del pueblo
    isleo. Desde
    los siglos XIV y XV, en
    Espaa se haban
    utilizado las “glosas”,
    para educar
    al pueblo sobre el credo

    La copla y dcima puertorriquea,
    de ndole
    didctico religiosas, tienen
    sus races en
    estas “glosas”. No cabe
    la menor
    duda que las Misiones religiosas,
    de los
    Siglos XV-XX, que se efectuaron
    por todo
    el pas, calaron muy hondo
    en nuestro jbaro.
    Es interesante estudiar
    a travs del decimario
    puertorriqueo los conocimientos
    sobre el
    cristianismo y la fe catlica
    que tena el

    * Pintura: Nacimiento en la Capilla del Cristo
    Erasmo Mayorga.

    Dentro de los temas que abarca este “decimario”,
    aparecen las “dcimas religiosas
    y las
    bblicas”. La Historia
    Sagrada, la litrgica
    y las devociones son los
    principales temas
    de las dcimas.

    Aunque el jbaro en su inmensa mayora no
    saba leer ni escribir
    es admirable como
    ste conserv en su memoria
    histrica las
    prdicas y enseanzas que
    recibi de los
    predicadores y de aquellos
    dueos de haciendas
    que conocan algo de letras.
    La temtica
    principal es Jess, su
    madre Mara y los
    Santos Reyes. Conocemos
    por el versificador
    hechos como la Anunciacin
    del Hijo de Dios:

    Al cumplirse el tiempo
    de las profecas
    segn Jeremas
    se lleg el momento
    que un ngel por
    a Mara le dijo
    Tu tendrs un hijo
    que as esta ordenado
    y esto yo lo hablo
    segn dice el libro.

    La dcima anterior presenta un error en cuanto
    al Profeta, pues debera
    de leer Isaas,
    ya que los versificadores
    se nutren mayormente
    de la Biblia y los evangelios
    Y aunque el trovador para
    que le demos credibilidad
    a lo que l proclama en
    los parntesis manifiesta:
    “segn le yo”, “para que
    no dudes el texto buscar”,
    ” as
    lo dice la Biblia”, eso
    no quiere decir
    que el mismo tenga conocimientos
    de los Evangelios
    y sepa leer ya que sus
    conocimientos son
    productos de la religiosidad

    El versificador siente
    gran admiracin por
    Mara quien a menudo es
    comparada con “un
    lirio blanco”. Las flores
    como las rosas,
    las azucenas, las margaritas
    y los lirios,
    y otras, son figuras representativas
    de la mujer. Y el lirio
    es sinnimo de pureza.

    Oh! Madre piadosa
    yo me voy contigo
    para que no me faltes,
    Dios te salve, lirio!

    El buen jbaro puertorriqueo cree fervientemente
    en el misterio de la virginidad
    de Mara.
    Entonando su guitarra y
    levantando su voz

    Sin nadie tocarla
    Mara tuvo un Nio
    segn yo he ledo
    la historia declara
    sin que la ofendieran
    el ngel se acerca,
    y Mara qued
    parida y doncella.

    El cantador isleo utiliza la virginidad de
    Mara “antes durante y
    despus de parto”
    y en ocasiones acude a
    la tradicin y fervor
    popular. El versador nos
    explica como Mara
    lleg al pesebre:

    Mara con rumores
    del alumbramiento
    sin un aposento
    se va seores
    espona a rigores
    del fro permanente
    s el libro no miente
    contenta y alegre
    lleg a aquel pesebre

    Sobre el nacimiento del Mesas existe una
    vasta cantidad de dcimas:

    Al nacer el Nio
    el gallo cant
    la Estrella alumbr
    segn dice el Libro

    Jos pensativo
    l se arrodillaba;
    all contemplaba
    el santo milagro
    Mara tuvo un parto
    sin nadie tocarla.

    Bien reconoce el trovador que el nacimiento
    del Nio fue santo, porque
    a Mara nadie
    (ningn hombre) la haba
    tocado. Conocemos
    sobre la venida de los
    Reyes Magos y la presencia
    de Jess, Mara y San Jos
    en el pesebre
    por la siguiente dcima.

    Aquellos Tres Magos
    llegan al pesebre
    la Estrella de Oriente
    que iba alumbrando
    al Nio lo hallaron

    entre mula y buey
    y Mara tambin
    con Jos su esposo,
    nace un Nio hermoso
    cerca de Beln.

    Es interesante que la msica navidea que
    se escuchaba en la Capital
    era msica sacra
    interpretada por frailes
    quienes entonaban
    villancicos espaoles al
    comps de alguna
    guitarra en el rgano
    de la catedral, con
    asistencia clerical; mientras
    en la Isla,
    especialmente en la rurala
    naca el decimario

    En 1729, el Obispo Pizarro desaprueba las
    “velas nocturnas” en las casas,
    con pretexto de cantar, rezar y venerar algn
    santo. No slo el Obispo condenaba los Velorios
    de santos, sino que prohiba los Velorios
    de Reyes:

    Hemos sido informados, que la vspera de
    los Santos Reyes
    en la noche, profanando
    el sagrado de la
    festividad en que
    se da a Dios especial
    culto, con ttulo
    Aguinaldo se juntan
    muchas mujeres y
    hombres, por ningn
    ni ocasin

    Nacida de esas promesas y Velorios de Reyes
    son las dcimas navideas
    que son parte de
    nuestra personalidad religiosa
    que ha sido
    instrumento poderoso en
    la evangelizacin
    de nuestro pueblo y es
    parte innegable de
    nuestra herencia devota.

    Virgen de los Reyes
    que ests en el nicho
    llevamos al Cielo
    dnde tu Hijo

    non-traditional fiscal instrument — ECONS.ONLINE

    Spain Christmas Lottery (Loteria de Navidad, or El Gordo) tickets sale in Madrid, 2018

    Photo: Jorge Sanz | Pacific Press | Zuma | TASS




    Geographically grouped lottery winnings have a significant positive impact on consumption and employment. Lotteries could be used as a means of replenishing budget revenues, which, unlike tax increases, does not suppress economic activity. nine0003

    June 1, 2022
    | Morteza Gomi, Isabelle Miko-Millan, Evy Pappa

    Lottery winnings, grouped geographically, have a significant positive impact on consumption and employment. Lotteries could be used as a means of replenishing budget revenues, which, unlike tax increases, does not suppress economic activity. nine0003

    June 1, 2022
    | Morteza Gomi, Isabelle Miko-Millan, Evie Pappa

    Budget management in the face of growing economic, political, and climate challenges is becoming a difficult task for many states. Unprecedented recession caused by COVID-19, were countered by unprecedented fiscal stimulus – but this led to a deterioration in government debt and deficit parameters, and the ensuing energy crisis placed an additional burden on government budgets. At the same time, the green transition has been launched, and fiscal support for this transformation – against the backdrop of post-COVID fiscal consolidation – is becoming another daunting task for many countries in Europe.

    All these challenges have become a key topic in academic and political debates: for example, as options for solutions,
    “Green Golden Rule” – the withdrawal of spending on green investments beyond the parameters of budget rules;
    the creation of a single European climate investment fund, taking into account, on the contrary, compliance with budgetary rules; or
    a more holistic approach that takes into account not only fiscal but also macroeconomic sustainability.

    we offer a rather unconventional tool for solving the problem of how to combine fiscal expansion with fiscal consolidation without causing a recession: the creation of a pan-European lottery modeled on Spain’s Christmas lottery.

    Exploring this unique natural experiment, we found that such a tool not only increases budget revenues without suppressing economic activity (unlike tax increases), but also stimulates demand, reduces unemployment, and improves economic sentiment.

    However, the design features of the Spanish Christmas lottery are important. Our analysis shows that tools that increase tax revenues and at the same time bring happiness exist and can be useful for politicians in different countries.

    “To win as many people as possible”

    Spain’s very first Christmas lottery took place in Cadiz in 1812 and was set up by the government to raise money for Spanish troops fighting against Napoleon’s army. Lotteries also
    were used in colonial America as a source of income to finance the colonies. According to the American
    National Conference of State Legislatures, budgetary revenues from all state lotteries are between 0.8% and 2% of total state revenues. Thus, lotteries have been used more than once as a tool for replenishing state budgets, both in the past and in the present.

    However, our results show that lotteries can kill two birds with one stone: in addition to being an effective way to voluntarily replenish government revenues, lotteries can stimulate local demand and improve economic sentiment and consumer confidence.

    As already mentioned, Spain’s annual Christmas lottery (
    Loteria de Navidad) – which has not been interrupted even once since 1812 – is distinguished by a number of features.

    Firstly, it distributes quite significant funds (for example, in 2021 the prize fund
    amounted to 2.4 billion euros. – Approx. Econs ). However, the purpose of the lottery is not to form the biggest prize, –
    It’s about getting the prizes to as many people as possible. Each lottery ticket has a 5-digit number, and each number is duplicated in several series – on average over the past 10 years there were 170 series, that is, each number from 00000 to 99999 is duplicated 170 times, which gives 17 million lottery tickets.

    Each ticket, in turn, is divided into several parts, usually 10 (“decims”): since the ticket costs 200 euros, for most it is quite expensive, and usually buy a “decim” for 20 euros; It is also a common practice to buy a part of the “decima” – worth from 1 to 5 euros. The winnings are distributed in proportion to the amount spent. Each winner of the first prize, known as El Gordo (“fat man”; sometimes the lottery itself is called this word. – Note “Econs” ), receives 20,000 euros for every 1 euro invested; the winners of the second and third prizes receive respectively 6250 and 2500 euros for each 1 euro invested. This means that all those who bought the standard “decim” of the ticket that won the main prize will receive 400,000 euros each, and the owners of the “decim” with the second and third prize will receive 125,000 and 50,000 euros, respectively. The main prizes (there are five in total) make up about half of the total payouts, there are also a dozen types of small prizes ranging from 300 to 1 euro for every 1 euro invested: tickets whose numbers differ from the El Gordo number by one, two, three digits win ; tickets that match the winning number with one, two or three last digits, etc.

    Secondly, and more importantly for our study, one ticket in several dozen series at once is often sold in one area or even one outlet. Due to the large number of series, each prize is awarded to several thousand participants with the same ticket number, and thus the winners tend to be concentrated in the same locality or province (for example, in 2021, 40 ticket series with a ticket number, winner of the main prize
    were sold in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and the second prize is almost completely
    went to the residents of the city of Basauri. – nine0041 Note Econs ). Since the exchange of Christmas lottery tickets is a social tradition, the lottery has an extremely high participation rate. Spaniards also like to share decims with friends, relatives, colleagues, and smaller parts of decims often distribute companies among their employees – all this contributes to an even greater geographical concentration of winners.

    As a result, the “winning districts” instantly receive an income equivalent to an average of 0.2% of their GRP. For the provinces that received the highest per capita lottery winnings, this income averages about 2.9% of their GRP.

    Lottery and Treasury

    Of the total emission of the Spanish Christmas Lottery, 70% of the funds are directed to the prize fund, and 30% to related costs (administrative, commission, etc.) and budget revenues. Government revenue from this lottery averaged over 2005–2020. account for approximately 0.1% of Spain’s GDP and 0.3% of total government revenue.

    Win up to 40,000 euros
    released from the payment of tax, on the amount in excess of this, a tax of 20% is charged. Subject to the purchase of a “decima” (a tenth of one ticket), in fact, only those who won the first three prizes ( note “Econs” ) pay the tax.

    Stimulating effect

    We found that lottery winnings have a significant and economically important incentive effect at the local level. After a province wins an average of €1,000 per capita in the lottery, its unemployment rate begins to decline and remains significantly low 20 months after the win. At the same time, prices begin to rise, reaching a maximum after 17 months, after which the inflation rate returns to its original level. The impact on reducing unemployment is more significant and persistent during recessions, while prices react in the same way during periods of both recession and recovery.

    Using survey data from the National Center for Sociological Research, we built confidence indices about current and expected economic conditions (respondents are asked monthly questions about their past and expected consumer behavior, financial condition, employment, assessment of the current economic situation and expectations of its further development). It turned out that these indices also significantly and positively react to winning the lottery. Households become more optimistic about their current and future incomes and employment and tend to revise upward their expectations for the development of the Spanish economy if they live in a province where many have won the lottery.

    Younger, less wealthy and less educated citizens react the most: influenced by winning their district in the lottery, they tend to “foresee” a brighter future for themselves and for all of Spain. The economic sentiment of all households in the winning province improves more during recessions.

    We also found that households in the winning provinces significantly increased their consumption of durable goods, mainly furniture and vehicles, after six months, a similar trend overall.
    typical for the winners of any lotteries. Lottery winnings boost mood, and positive sentiment triggers a consumer response: people who become more optimistic are significantly more likely to increase purchases of durable goods.

    One would expect the lottery’s aggregate effect to be negative: since most of the participants win nothing, the lottery should act as a tax that reduces economic activity in the rest of the “non-winning” part of Spain. However, according to popular belief, the lottery for the Spaniards is a collective, not an individual game; and they treat lottery tickets as part of their Christmas expenses, not as taxes. To formalize this argument, we compared how spending on the Christmas lottery affects long-term household consumption in winning and non-winning provinces. And found no difference. Moreover, the high level of participation in the lottery alleviates concerns that it is perceived as a tax.

    Our results show that lotteries, organized along the lines of the Spanish Christmas lottery, can serve as a new non-traditional fiscal policy tool. Such a tool could help increase tax revenue without coercion, stimulate consumption and increase consumer confidence. There is
    confirmation that lotteries are more effective than voluntary contributions in financing public goods if the proceeds go to worthy causes, supporting the altruistic intentions of lottery ticket buyers.

    Original article
    published by on An adapted translation, supplemented by data from the study, was made by the editors of

    Morteza Gomi

    Doctoral student at the Department of Economics, Charles III University of Madrid

    nine0002 Isabelle Mico-Millan

    Doctoral student in the Department of Economics at Charles III University of Madrid

    Evy Pappa

    Professor at Charles III University of Madrid, Researcher at CEPR

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    nine0002 Morteza Gomi

    Doctoral student at the Department of Economics, Charles III University of Madrid

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    Doctoral student in the Department of Economics at Charles III University of Madrid

    nine0002 Evy Pappa

    Professor at Charles III University of Madrid, Researcher at CEPR

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    See also
    Lottery winners increase the risk of bankruptcy of their neighbors

    June 26, 2019
    | Irina Ryabova

    The immediate neighbors of those who win cash prizes are more likely to face financial hardship, increasing spending and conspicuous consumption credits. The larger the prize, the higher the risk of bankruptcy for neighbors.

    “Money from the sky”

    August 11, 2021
    | Denis Kasyanchuk

    A large lottery win partially replaces labor income: the winners tend to work less and earn less, which in turn reduces the tax base. Universal grants, such as an unconditional basic income, can have a similar effect.

    Lotería de Navidad – Espalabra

    Author: Marina Kiryukha

    December 11, 2021

    nine0002 There is one joke:
    🧑🏻 — ¿Qué harías si te tocara el gordo?
    👩🏻 – Le partiría la cara, a mí no me toca nadie.

    Which translates to something like this:
    🧑🏻 – What would you do if you won the lottery / you were touched by a fat man?
    👩🏻 – I would have smacked him (a) – no one dares to touch me!

    To understand this ambiguous phrase, you need to know that👇🏼

    1. Spanish Christmas Lottery First Category Prize0172 El Sorteo Extraordinario de Navidad is called El Gordo – Fat Man
    2. “To win the lottery” in Spanish is expressed by the verb tocar , the first meaning of which is “to touch”:
      🔹 laería tocado I won in – lottery lottery
      🔹Me ha tocado el Gordo – I won the main prize

    There is one unusual day in Spain – December 22 . Starting from 1812 (!) it is then that el Sorteo de Navidad takes place. In every bar and in every house they watch TV 📺 or listen to the broadcast of the Christmas lottery and sincerely hope for a miracle 🙏🏼

    The protagonists of the Christmas Lottery are the children from Colegio de San Ildefonso 👫 who pull the numbered balls out of the drum and chant their numbers.

    Each ticket has a 5-digit number and costs €200. Do Spaniards pay that much for one ticket? 😱 Of course not! After all, it is divided into 10 parts – el décimo . Therefore, the final price of one “tithe” is € 20 – quite affordable para un español medio – for the average Spaniard.⠀

    When buying one décimo, the prize for the winning ticket is also equal to 10% of the total winnings. For example, since 2011, the el Gordo prize fund has been €4,000,000, which means that the lucky person who buys one décimo will get €400,000 if he wins 💶

    No está mal, ¿a que no? Not bad, isn’t it?

    Obviamente, First Prize el Gordo exists in a single copy, just like Segundo Premio with a prize of €1,250,000 and Tercer premio – €500,000. But the probability of winning €1,000 is already higher – after all, there are almost 2,000 such prizes.

    By the way, a lottery ticket is one of the most popular Christmas gifts in Spain for relatives and friends🎁

    It is this idea that is reflected in the Lotería Nacional de Navidad commercials, the slogan of which is the phrase El mayor premio es compartirlo – “The main prize is is to share it.” And the word compartir means not only the lottery ticket itself, but also ilusiones y esperanzas — emotions and hopes associated with it, which most Russians absolutely cannot understand. nine0003 Lotería Nacional de Navidad example in 2020

    Do you have any idea what you would do if you won the grand prize? el Gordo, yo …
    And don’t forget that in the 2nd conditional period (Período hipotético) the verb in the Condicional Simple form is placed after the comma: viajaría / viviría, etc.

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