El morro viejo san juan: San Juan National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Dedication Ceremony At El Morro

Dedication Ceremony At El Morro


The Borinqueneers Monument at El Morro – Photo by
Efren “Pete” Hoyos

Dedicated to the men of the 65th Infantry Regiment

Untited states Army for their Valor and Patriotism

During the Korean War 1950 – 1953

“The Borinqueneers”

Dedicado a los Soldados de El Regimento 65 de Infanteria

Ejercito de Estados Unidos

por su Valentia y Patriotismo

durante la Guerra deCorea 1950 – 1953

Homage to Puerto Rico’s Fighting 65th

by Lt.Col. Carlos Luís Rivera & Miguel José Hernández

Listen ” mi gente” and lend me your ears,

While I tell you the story of our brave “Borinqueneers”

T’was the middle of August of Nineteen-Hundred-Fifty

When they boarded a ship; they called it “Marine Linx-y.

“De la Isla del Encanto” they had to depart,

Once again into battle, the 65th of brave heart

In First War and Second they answered the call,

now to far off Korea, to fight and give all.

In port of “Pusan,” they boarded North train

and as it left station, Commies poured like the rain.

From Harris the order, Boricuas, on guard !

The men they responded, the foe was hit hard.

It was frozen in “Chosin” when Marines told; withdraw

and only good faces were the “Ricans” that they saw.

Blocking Chi-coms pursuing U.S forces to shore

were Boricuas, brave lads of legend and lore.

For off to the battles they fought many times,

over rivers and hills in Korea’s cold climes,

and one most remembered was the bayonet charge

When 65th legions slew the Chinese so large.

So many more kills by the Regiment’s pride

Including injustice, which they tossed aside.

DSCs, there were four, Silver Stars by the score

Decorations “sin” numbers on their uniforms wore.

And thus do we gather in “Viejo San Juan”

To pay homage to those who fought in “Chorwan.”

And in many places, whose names few can tell

But know this for certain; seven-hundred-forty-six

The “Arce” in Arlington; the “Ceiba” in San Juan

Shall ever remind us of their great elán.

So close we our homage with warm, grateful hearts

With tributes and honors to men of these parts.

   15 October 2000

 El Morro de San Felipe,
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Hosted by the Governor of Puerto Rico, 
50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee, Department
of Defense, The Puerto Rico National Guard and 65th Honor Task Force.

WHAT:  Plaque and Ceiba Tree Dedication honoring
the 65th Infantry Regiment of

Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican Soldier

    The 65th Honor Task Force is a coalition
of veterans associations from

around the nation, Government of Puerto Rico, Advocate
for Veterans Affairs,

Puerto Rico, Veterans, Families, Community Leaders,
and former members and their families of the 65th Infantry Regiment.

    In ancient times, warriors were
selected to safeguard the primary flame that alighted all of the other
torches from extinguishing.  During their vigil they recounted the
events of the previous days battle recalling their fallen comrades. 
It is in this sacred tradition of “keeping the flame” that the 65th Honor
Task Force is dedicated.  The Torch has now been passed to us and
to you for safe keeping. Together we will keep the flame alive and pass
on that torch to the next generation so that none ever forget their solemn
sacrifice for our liberty. The 65th Infantry Regiment of Puerto Rico holds
the unique distinction of conducting the last battalion sized BAYONET Charge
in US MilitaryHistory. They counterattacked a fanatical and overwhelming
enemy in what became one of the most dramatic and desperate battles of
the Korean War.  Their valor, courage and indomitable spirit became
legend in the annals of warfare.  Their war record is second to none. 
They are heroes, a national treasure, and belong to all of us.

This ceremony will honor our fallen heroes. 
We endeavor to assemble as many veterans, families and patriots we can
in the coming weeks at El Morro in Puerto Rico.  We are seeking support
and welcome donations from people of good will to help us transport our
surviving veterans to attend this ceremony honoring them, their unit and
fallen comrades.  Support in the form of a plane ticket for a veteran
and his spouse is welcome from all people and corporations of good will.  
Please attend or help us transport a veteran to this historic event.


Day 1: San Juan, Viejo San Juan, & El Morro… and Sunshine!

Goshen College Blogs  —  Choir Tour  —  Day 1: San Juan, Viejo San Juan, & El Morro… and Sunshine!

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Oh, how excited we are to see the sun!

For many of us, our day began early Friday morning, before our classes began. Friday morning, we performed for the Board of Directors, and received a blessing before sending us on our way. We departed the college early Friday evening, and our adventure began. Our night seemed endless, as we waited on the airport—playing card games, doing homework, reading books, chatting—waiting to board our flight late in the evening. Our flight landed in San Juan at 4:45am local time, and not many of us slept for more than a few hours on the short, four hour flight. We left the airport and headed to our home church for the week, La Cumbre Missionary Alliance Church. We were greeted by a few church members, who prepped a wonderful meal of ham and cheese sandwiches, a white cheese desert, and a Puerto Rican cornmeal porridge. Meanwhile, the sun began to rise over the island as we prepared for the day’s events.

After a short moment in the sanctuary to plan how we would stand in the service the next morning, we began to change into our swimsuits and beach wear. Many applied sunscreen to those around each other, and many marveled at the concept of wearing bathing suits after having to wear many layers back home. We headed to Playita del Condado,  a small beach with no occupants at 9am in a Saturday morning. Not to worry, as the beach quickly filled up with 54 Voices and crew. The sand was soft, and the water crystal blue, as many of us fell asleep while sunning on the beach. For lunch time, we were on our own, and a few of us went on a quest in the Condado area to find mofongo, a Puerto Rican dish made of mashed plantains and meat (which was delicious, by the way).

After lounging on the beach—bellies full, feeling refreshed, and moderately sunburnt—we headed to our next stop: Old San Juan and El Morro. Once arriving, we had a short walk up to El Morro, a historical castle in Old San Juan. We each had a kite, provided to us by one of our hosts from the church. Many of us did not know how to assemble a kite and the short, two image instructions did not prove very helpful. Nevertheless, all of us were able to get our kites in the air, for a peaceful moment where 54 content Voices had 54 content kites catching the wind, soaring over the green grass and blue ocean. After kite flying, we had time to explore vibrant and colorful Old San Juan, before heading back to the plaza where we all reassembled.

We headed back to the church and had a short rehearsal before meeting up with our host families, who were members of La Cumbre. There are many small groups, one group of nine, and one group of eleven (which I happen to be in). One with our host families, we had a chance to bond and get to know the families we’d be staying with for a week. Once my group arrived at our home, we had hot chocolate, played with our family’s three dogs, and learned more about Puerto Rican culture and recent history. Shortly thereafter, we all headed to bed after a very long day.

Our time in Puerto Rico has been beautiful, sunny, and vibrant, but not without seeing a few remnants of the hurricane and earthquakes. Our host family said we may see more damage and destruction as we travel to other parts of the island this week.

Our very long day in San Juan had left us tired, achey, and very sunburnt, but very grateful to be immersed in culture, have met native Puerto Ricans, flown kites, eaten delicious foods, seen the sun, green grass, and crystal blue water.

Filed Under: Choir Tour




« 2020 Voices of the Earth Choir tour: Puerto Rico

Day Two: Three Services, Two Churches, and One Beautiful Island »

The best cities in the US where you can hide from the cold

Everything has a limit. Even the biggest lovers of winter holidays are fed up with snow and cold. Suddenly, the thought of traveling to warmer climes for the holidays sounds very appealing. This winter is likely to be similar to last year. So if you have bad memories of last season, pack your bags. The Great Lakes, New England, and parts of the Ohio Valley will be snowier than ever before.

We’ve compiled a list of cities in the US – so you don’t have to travel abroad – where you can find shelter from the cold and nasty winter weather.

1. Palm Springs, CA

This California resort town is the perfect place to enjoy typical summer activities such as golf, hiking, biking, horseback riding and swimming. The sun shines here 350 days a year. In Palm Springs, beautiful sunny weather is practically guaranteed. The resort is a paradise for adventure lovers. You can hike through ancient palm groves and walk along magnificent scenic trails to the top of Mount San Jacinto while admiring ancient and modern architecture at the same time.

2. San Juan, Puerto Rico

This vibrant city in Puerto Rico boasts many Spanish colonial buildings, mostly in the El Viejo area of ​​San Juan. You can visit the UNESCO World Heritage site of El Castillo San Felipe del Morro, a 16th century citadel. The San Juan National Historic Site includes forts, ramparts, gunpowder forts, walls, and San Juan de la Cruz, the defensive fortifications that once surrounded the old, colonial area. You can then relax on any of the city’s beautiful beaches. A free water taxi will take you to Palomino Island, an ideal place for sunbathing, hiking to the top of a small mountain and snorkelling.

3. Maui, Hawaii

The second largest of the Hawaiian Islands is not just a continuous resort. Tourist-favorite Haleakala National Park sits at the highest point in Maui, at 10,023 feet above sea level. If you want something a little more serious, you can visit Hana, off the east coast of Maui. The small town is one of the last intact Hawaiian “frontiers”. The best diving in Maui is in the waters around the tiny, crescent-shaped island of Molokini. Just get ready early in the morning.

4. Tucson, Arizona

When people think of Arizona, they usually think of the desert, but even a desert can be very diverse. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is the main attraction of the region, there is a zoo, a botanical garden, a natural history museum, an aquarium, and even an art gallery. If you are interested in astronomy, the Kitt Peak National Observatory has the largest collection of telescopes in the world – 24 optical and 2 radio telescopes representing dozens of astronomical scientific institutions.

5. Sanibel Island, Florida

Golfers will fall in love with this island and its 70 scenic spots. The subtropical climate will not disappoint you either. The island offers many opportunities for water sports – boating, kayaking and water skiing are especially popular.

6. San Diego, CA

This large American city, near the border with Mexico, cheers you up with warm weather and plenty of fun activities.

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