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El Paladar Bar & Grill in Yauco, Puerto Rico

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About the Business

El Paladar Bar & Grill is a business that provides services and products related to Restaurantes . If you want to know more about El Paladar Bar & Grill located in Yauco Plaza I, suite 613 , , call now or visit the business for information about Restaurantes .

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Locations and Schedules
Main locationYauco Plaza I, suite 613 ,, Yauco

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    • Yauco Plaza I, suite 613 ,


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Apache2 Debian Default Page: It works

Apache2 Debian Default Page

This is the default welcome page used to test the correct
operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Debian systems.
If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at
this site is working properly. You should replace this file (located at
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Debian’s Apache2 default configuration is different from the
upstream default configuration, and split into several files optimized for
interaction with Debian tools. The configuration system is
fully documented in
. Refer to this for the full
documentation. Documentation for the web server itself can be
found by accessing the manual if the apache2-doc
package was installed on this server.

The configuration layout for an Apache2 web server installation on Debian systems is as follows:

|-- apache2.conf
|       `--  ports.conf
|-- mods-enabled
|       |-- *.load
|       `-- *.conf
|-- conf-enabled
|       `-- *.conf
|-- sites-enabled
|       `-- *.conf
  • apache2.conf is the main configuration
    file. It puts the pieces together by including all remaining configuration
    files when starting up the web server.
  • ports.conf is always included from the
    main configuration file. It is used to determine the listening ports for
    incoming connections, and this file can be customized anytime.
  • Configuration files in the mods-enabled/,
    conf-enabled/ and sites-enabled/ directories contain
    particular configuration snippets which manage modules, global configuration
    fragments, or virtual host configurations, respectively.
  • They are activated by symlinking available
    configuration files from their respective
    *-available/ counterparts. These should be managed
    by using our helpers




    . See their respective man pages for detailed information.

  • The binary is called apache2. Due to the use of
    environment variables, in the default configuration, apache2 needs to be
    started/stopped with /etc/init.d/apache2 or apache2ctl.
    Calling /usr/bin/apache2 directly will not work with the
    default configuration.

By default, Debian does not allow access through the web browser to
any file apart of those located in /var/www,
directories (when enabled) and /usr/share (for web
applications). If your site is using a web document root
located elsewhere (such as in /srv) you may need to whitelist your
document root directory in /etc/apache2/apache2. conf.

The default Debian document root is /var/www/html. You
can make your own virtual hosts under /var/www. This is different
to previous releases which provides better security out of the box.

Please use the reportbug tool to report bugs in the
Apache2 package with Debian. However, check existing bug reports before reporting a new bug.

Please report bugs specific to modules (such as PHP and others)
to respective packages, not to the web server itself.

Egyptian captive

For almost three months, a woman from Pavlodar has been trying to return her three-year-old daughter from Egypt. The child’s father hides her in his homeland. The man does not make any contacts with his wife and would not care about the decision of his native Egyptian court on the “immediate return of the child to the mother. ” The Kazakh Foreign Ministry only promises to help…

The family life of 32-year-old Gulnaz KAIRBAYEVA from the very beginning did not fit into the usual framework of the traditional idea of ​​marriage. But the young woman was happy. And who can blame her for that?

Young people met in Oman in 2017. Gulnaz, as a choreographer of the Astana State Academic Philharmonic, came to the Arabian Peninsula on a business trip. And Elsaid EL-SHERBINI AHMED was the organizer of the tour of Kazakh artists in the countries of the Middle East. The wedding was played in March 2019. It was then that the groom came to Kazakhstan for the first and only time. After the marriage, he left, and Gulnaz remained in Astana. She says it was a mutual decision to give her husband time to start his own business and himself to learn Arabic. Yes, and giving birth to Gulnaz was easier in her native country, closer to her mother.

Baby Jamila was born in October 2019. When she got a little stronger, the young mother immediately took a ticket to Egypt, to her husband’s homeland. She says that it was the happiest time: a beautiful daughter and a loving, caring husband are nearby. Then she spent four months in the Land of the Pyramids. Subsequently, she lived like this: Cairo – Pavlodar, Pavlodar – Cairo. The carefree life in two countries ended in January of this year, when Gulnaz accidentally saw a family photo of her husband on Facebook, but not with her and Jamila, but with an unfamiliar woman and two children.

– I knew that Elsaid, like me, already had experience of family life, I also knew about children. But the absolute shock for me was the news that he is still married. I was sure he was divorced. And the point is not only in his words, he provided the relevant certificate in our registry office. It is in Egypt that bigamy is allowed by law, but in Kazakhstan they would not have signed us, not being sure that the groom is divorced and can tie the knot with another, – says Gulnaz.

After that, the Pavlodar woman stopped all communication with her husband. For four months, he confessed his love to her via WhatsApp, swore that he could not imagine his life without her and his daughter, swore that they would get divorced and together

they would leave for another city to start from scratch both business and life together. In general, Gulnaz gave up, judging that it was enough that her eldest daughter was growing up without a father. In July, Elsaid bought his wife and daughter tickets to Cairo. For a month. They were supposed to leave for Kazakhstan on 11 August.

– Everything was great. It seemed that Elsaid really was determined to save our family at all costs. A complete idyll reigned between us, we made plans for the future. We agreed that upon arrival in Kazakhstan I would start preparing for permanent residence with my husband. On August 8, early in the morning, he said that he needed to meet his sister at the station, and since she had not seen her own niece for a year, he wanted to take his daughter with him. I dressed the child, braided her braids and, without a second thought, put her in his car. And that’s it! They never returned again,” my interlocutor continues the story.

Toward evening, Elsaid sent a message to his wife that he had taken his daughter to a neighboring country. And she, if she wants to see the child, needs to use her return ticket on August 11, as was originally planned. And wait for him to contact her. Gulnaz returned to Kazakhstan alone. The first few days, the husband still sent short videos and photos with Jamila. And then he disappeared. Didn’t answer calls, didn’t read messages. On August 26, a Pavlodar woman saw her child in a story with her husband’s niece and realized that her daughter had not been taken anywhere from Egypt, and her abduction had been carefully planned.

– Already on August 30, my brother and I flew to Egypt. I wrote a statement to the police about the disappearance of my daughter. She appealed to the civil court, which on October 2 issued a ruling on the “immediate return of the child to the mother”. According to Egyptian laws, in the event of a divorce of parents, girls a priori remain with their mother until the age of 16, boys – up to 15. And we are talking about children who have Egyptian citizenship. Jamila has Kazakh citizenship. On October 13, she turned three years old. She is still just a child who needs a mother. I have no idea how she communicates with her Egyptian relatives all this time. She does not know English or Arabic, and her father does not know Russian. We spoke to each other in English. And this is not her conscious choice to live in an unfamiliar country. The child is being held in Egypt by force! But neither the Egyptian police nor our embassy in this country is doing anything to help the little citizen of Kazakhstan to return to her motherland! – complains Pavlodar.

Yes, she has an Egyptian court order. But what is the use of him if the local police are in no hurry to comply with his instructions? According to Gulnaz, they took the side of their citizen. And not so long ago he wrote to her: “I am in my country. Who can take my own daughter from me? Jamila will leave Egypt only in one case – if I die!” Is it any wonder that the phone, by which the girl’s mother should find out about the progress in the case of the return of her daughter, is constantly not answered? And during personal meetings, Egyptian law enforcement officers all as one become “football players” – first, a court document is sent to one department, then to another, and then patiently waiting for answers.

No more use from the Kazakh embassy in Egypt. As follows from the response of the Department of the Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan to the Ombudsman for Children Aruzhan SAIN, “the issue of assisting in the search for and return to her homeland from the Arab Republic of Egypt Jamila El-Sherbini Ahmed is under constant control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, relevant contacts and interaction have been established with authorized authorities of Egypt”. It is also said that the mother “is provided with the necessary legal and legal assistance.”

– This is not true. I knock on closed doors everywhere alone. The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Egypt did not want to help me even with such a trifle as putting the necessary seal at an inopportune time so that I could take the court order to the police station at the place of residence of my spouse. I also find lawyers and translators myself. I have no faith in the Foreign Ministry. All hope is in the president. Only Kassym-Jomart TOKAEV will be able to assist in the speedy return of my daughter, a citizen of Kazakhstan, home! exclaims Gulnaz Kairbayeva.

Irina VOLKOVA, Pavlodar





As in the 00s. El Clasico was repeated at the Republican Football Tournament in memory of Khalimzhan Yerzhanov

No one has
Khalimzhan Yerzhanov the first director of FC “Tobol”, who is remembered by the fans. Under him, the club began to move up in the 00s and for the first time in history became the champion in 2010.

The tournament among boys born in 2012 brought together teams from almost all regions of the country. 15 teams were divided into 3 groups. The winners of each of them played each other to determine the champion. It so happened that the leaders of the 00s of the championship of Kazakhstan were selected for the gold group. “Zhuldyz” (Pavlodar), football center “Aktobe” and “Tobol”.

The tournament was held at the Tobol Arena. The standard field was divided into four areas for playing 6×6. Zones and sidelines were marked with chips. Coaches wheezed on the edge (children’s mentors often have broken voices – they scream so much and loudly). Children play effectively in terms of strokes and feints. A player in a black T-shirt threw the ball between the opponent’s legs and rushed to the gate along the flank. “TO THE PENALTY! GIVE UP! But the boy did not give up, circled another one, and then the field ended – the ball went out. The coach covered his face with his hands. By the way, many of the guests did not hesitate to express their envy about the winter arena in Kostanay. Nobody has this.


Valery Garkusha, champion of Kazakhstan in Aktobe, winner of the Cup and Intertoto Cup in Tobol, watched the game on the touchline.

– I have known Khalimzhan Yerzhanov since childhood. After the tournament in Zarechny, where I was recognized as the best, he gave me the Football board game. There are players on springs and an iron ball. At the time, it was like the PlayStation for me now. Even more precious than his words: “Soon we will see you in the main team.” And already at the institute he found me. He said that he was gathering a team, reviving big football in Kostanay and invited me to play. There was so much life in a person that this energy was enough for a whole club. The hardest thing to start, he started it all. – Valery circled the arena, fields and players with his hand. On the far edge around Nurbol Zhumaskaliev, the guys and their parents gathered. He was asked to take a picture.

Three qualities

Nurbol is one of the organizers. Other patrons of the tournament are FC “Tobol”, the football union of the Kostanay region represented by Bolat Iskakov. Bolat Serkeshevich is a friend of Khalimzhan Yerzhanov. Once he told KN: “We had a habit. After the end of a match, call each other and discuss its events. Until now, my hand reaches for the phone, but there is no one to call.

The newspaper finally seized a minute (ahead of those who wanted to be photographed) to ask Zhumaskaliyev two questions.

– Nurbol, remember some moment with Khalimzhan Yerzhanov that you remember?

– There are many such moments. I’ll just say that he gave me a start in life when no one believed in me.

– What are his three main qualities.

– Ambition, purposefulness, humanity.

El Clasico

– With this score, Tobol is the champion! – loudly says the coach of the football center, Ermek Nurgaliyev (he took an active part in the precise organization of the tournament). – He looks at the game between Pavlodar and Aktobe. It was the final match of the tournament. At this point, not everything depended on Tobol.

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