El paseo de la princesa: Paseo de la Princesa, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Paseo De La Princesa In Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Nothing is as iconic as a stroll through Paseo De La Princesa.

A beautiful scenic walkway of royal proportions is open to all and a great first stop on your walk through Old San Juan. 

Whenever I’m in Old San Juan, I visit the Paseo De La Princesa, and hopefully, after reading, you’ll visit too. 

In this article, I will cover everything you need to know about Paseo De La Princesa in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico:

– What is Paseo De La Princesa?

– What is the history of Paseo De La Princesa?

– Where is it located?

– Is it worth visiting?

– Is there an entrance fee?

– Frequently Asked Questions


What is Paseo De La Princesa?

Paseo De La Princesa is a 19th-century promenade that has stretched to become a reflection of the city: a center of commerce and cultural exchange. 

Its timeless charm has transformed this walkway into a market and dancefloor during the weekends and a romantic and elegant pathway to enjoy day and night, all week-long.  



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The Paseo De La Princesa is adorned with beautiful trees, benches, lampposts, statues, and the picture-perfect fountain “Raíces” (roots).

In the Paseo De La Princesa, you’ll find a lovely restaurant, La Princesa Gastrobar, the former prison, Antigua Prisión La Princesa (1837), and a kid’s park.

If you would rather explore this area with a guide, check out our article 11 Best Tours In Old San Juan.


What is the history of Paseo De La Princesa?

Paseo De La Princesa is a 19th-century promenade that served as the main entrance to Old San Juan (Puerta de San Juan) during Spanish rule over the island.  

The Paseo was constructed in Old San Juan in the mid-1800’s.

The promenade was constructed during 1852-1854 as a gift to Queen Isabel II of Spain in celebration of her daughter’s third birthday, the late Princess of Asturias María Isabel Borbón y Borbón. 

To learn more about other historical areas of Puerto Rico, read our article 12 Best Museums In Puerto Rico.


Where is it located?

Paseo De La Princesa is located in Calle de la Fortaleza.

The Puerto Rico Tourism Company office is located on the Paseo.

This is only around a 10-minute walk from the cruise Port terminal, making it the best starting point for your trip around this historic center. 

Here’s a Google Map showing the location of Paseo De La Princesa:


Is it worth visiting?

No visit to Old San Juan is complete without a stroll through Paseo De La Princesa.

Paseo de la Princesa is the perfect place to spend the day in Old San Juan.

Its priceless historical value and picture-perfect scenery best summarize the island’s spirit.

For more ideas, read our article 40 Best Things To Do In San Juan.


Is there an entrance fee?

Paseo De La Princesa is free and open to all. 

The only “entrance fee” is the parking fee.  

Paseo de la Princesa has outdoor activities for the whole family.

Old San Juan has three main parking lots: Multipiso Doña Fela, Ballajá Parking Garage, and La Puntilla Parking.

If going to El Paseo De La Princesa, park at La Puntilla Parking, or if starting your trip at the northern part of the zone, choose the Ballajá Parking Garage, and if beginning near the ports, park at Multipiso Doña Fela. 

Here’s a Google Map showing the exact locations of the parking lots: 



FAQ section

What is the best way to get to Paseo De La Princesa?

The best way to get to Paseo De La Princesa is by driving. Luckily, La Puntilla Parking resides parallel to the walkway, providing an economical and accesible spot to park your car and start your walk.

Is this a fun activity for kids?

Visiting Paseo De La Princesa is a wholesome and fun activity for the whole family. Kids can enjoy the nearby park and the promenade itself, which provides lots of space to run and play.


Final thoughts

Paseo De La Princesa serves as a memento of the past and a place of everblooming culture and community.

This beautiful walkway is the perfect place to visit to stroll, play, and rest.

At whatever time and day, solo, with a special someone, or in a crowd, take a moment to stop at Paseo De La Princesa to discover the timeless beauty of Old San Juan. 

Are you looking to learn more about Puerto Rico’s capital city? Read our article San Juan – All You Need To Know.

Article by

Cristina Rosa

Writer at PuertoRico. com. I was born and raised in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. I know all the ins and outs of the island. For 22 years, I’ve tasted, seen, experienced, and explored most of Puerto Rico’s gems. I still have many road trips planned for all of the things that I’ve yet to experience in Puerto Rico.

About the author

paseo de la Princesa – English translation – Linguee

Para los aficionados a las compras, la Compaa de Turismo de Puerto Rico ha establecido en julio la Feria de Artesanos, en la


que ms de 400 artistas muestran sus creaciones en la Plaza

Drsenas y en el Paseo de La Princesa en el Viejo San Juan.



For the true shopping aficionado, there’s the Artisans Fair held by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company in July,

[. ..]

with more than 400 artisans displaying their creations at the Plaza

Drsenas and the Paseo de la Princesa in Old San Juan.



SAN JUAN (AP) – Decenas de personas aguardaban el domingo en el Paseo de la Princesa el inicio de los actos oficiales de la segunda toma de posesin del alcalde […]

de San Juan, Jorge Santini.



SAN JUAN (AP) – Dozens of people gathered Sunday at the ‘Paseo de la Princesa’ to witness the second inauguration of Jorge Santini as the mayor of San Juan.



Detalle de la garita localizada a la entrada del Paseo de la Princesa.



Detail of the sentry box located at the entrance to the Paseo de la Princesa.



Races al final del Paseo de la Princesa en el Viejo San Juan.



Races at the Paseo de la Princesa in Old San Juan.



Hay muchos lugares donde adquirir arte folclrico puertorriqueo, sobre


todo en el Viejo San Juan, donde existen reas frecuentadas por artesanos alrededor de

Pier 1 y del Paseo de la Princesa.



There are plenty of places to pick up


Puerto Rican folk art, especially in Old San Juan where there are artisan areas

surrounding Pier 1 and Paseo de la Princesa.




visto desde el Paseo de la Princesa en el Viejo San Juan.



Sunset seen from the Paseo de la Princesa in Old San Juan.



El Paseo de la Princesa es un lugar histrico y una de las atracciones tursticas [. ..]

ms visitadas de Puerto Rico.



El Paseo de la Princesa is an historical promenade and one of the most visited […]

attractions of Puerto Rico.



Creada en 1971 por la princesa yugoslava Smilja Mihailovitch, se inspira en las ropas y vestidos tpicos de las Pitises, con influencias […]

directas del movimiento hippy.



Created by

1971 by Yugoslavian princess Smilja Mihailovitch, it was inspired by typical Pitiusan clothing, with direct influences from the hippies.



El Prncipe Guillermo, hijo mayor del Prncipe Carlos y su

primera esposa, la Princesa Diana, le sigue en la lnea de sucesin al trono.



Prince William, elder son of Prince Charles and

his first wife, the late Princess Diana, is next in line to the throne.



Los actos

oficiales de la toma de posesin, a un costo de 250 mil dlares, comenzarn a las 3 de la tarde en el Paseo La Princesa en el Viejo San Juan, indic.



The official inauguration ceremonies, which will be held at a cost of $250,000, will begin at 3 p.m. at the Paseo La Princesa in Old San Juan.



Se estn

recibiendo fondos de Arabia Saudita y Su Alteza Real la Princesa Firyal para financiarlo.



Funds are

being received from Saudi Arabia and H.R.H. Princess Firyal to support it.



En todo caso, espero que su Presidencia gane aunque tan slo

[. ..]
fuese la mitad de la popularidad de que goza la famosa princesa Mathilde en su […]

propio pas.



I nevertheless hope that your presidency will come to be even half as

popular as a certain well-known royal princess – Mathilde – is in your country.



La Princesa Mette-Marit de Noruega aboga por que se preste atencin y apoyo a los […]

jvenes que viven con el VIH o que estn afectados por el virus.



UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway advocates […]

to generate attention and support


for young people living with or affected by HIV.



Cada domingo, a partir de las 5:30 p.m., destacados msicos y artistas de Puerto Rico muestran su talento en el pintoresco Paseo La Princesa del Viejo San Juan.



Every Sunday, beginning at 5:30 p. m., prominent Puerto Rican musicians and artists show off their talent on the picturesque Paseo La Princesa in Old San Juan.



Un buen lugar de partida

para inicar nuetro recorrido ser el antiguo Portal de Princesa (1), en la parte superior del Paseo.



The old Portal de Princesa (Princess Gate) (1), located at the top part of the Avenue that used to lead towards [. ..]




La Princesa Heredera lleva implicndose en la respuesta al sida desde hace ms de diez aos y ayudando […]

a ONUSIDA desde hace


casi cinco como embajadora internacional de buena voluntad.



The Crown Princess has been engaged in the AIDS response for more than ten years and has been supporting […]

UNAIDS for almost


five years in her role as International Goodwill Ambassador.



Jocabed saba dnde sola baarse y coloc la canasta con Moiss en un lugar estratgico, con la esperanza de que la princesa lo hallara.



Jochebed knew where she bathed and placed the basket holding Moses in a strategic location, hoping that the prin cess would find him.



La Princesa Mxima de Holanda acudi a la sesin inaugural […]

del Foro como muestra de apoyo de la Casa Real de Holanda a la iniciativa.


clubmadrid. org

Princess Maxima of The Netherlands was in the Forum’s opening […]

session to show the support of the Netherlands Royal House to this initiative.



Durante el primer da de paseo por la montaa, se podan […]

ver claramente las muchas diferencias.



On the first day of mountain walking, you could […]

really see the many differences.



Finalmente, el tnel alcanzar la cuarta y ltima estacin, situada en el Paseo de Ginebra.



Finally, the

tunnel will come to an end at the fourth and final station, situated below the Paseo Ginebra.



Tambin realiz una sala

de exposiciones en el espacio existente bajo el paseo de la muralla.



He also built an exhibition hall in the space under the wall walkway.



Desde hoy, las nuevas

oficinas de Biocat estn situadas en la tercera planta del edificio del paseo de Grcia, 103 (junto a Palau Robert) [. ..]

de Barcelona.



The Biocat Corporate Headquarters will be located on the third floor of passeig de Grcia, 103 (next to Palau Robert) […]

in Barcelona.



El nuevo tramo tiene una longitud

de 2.037 m y conecta la Universidad Jaume I y el paseo de Morella hasta el Parque Ribalta, pasando por la estacin intermodal […]

de RENFE, convirtindose


en un importante eje de transporte este-oeste de Castelln.


fccconstruccion. com

The new section is 2,037 metres

long and connects Jaume I University and the Paseo de Morella with Parque Ribalta, going through the RENFE intermodal transfer station, […]

making this an important


east/west transport facility for Castelln.



La Princesa seal que la Repblica de Corea y Singapur tenan […]

una til experiencia en la oferta de incentivos para retener


a los expertos locales y atraer a extranjeros capacitados.

southsouthconference. org


Her Royal Highness noted that the Republic of Korea and Singapore […]

had useful lessons in providing incentives for retaining


local expertise and attracting foreign talent.



Despus lleg Su Alteza Real la Princesa Astrid de Blgica, quien est particularmente […]

interesada en la investigacin mdica.



Then came Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, who is particularly [. ..]

interested in medical research.



El Ministerio tambin ha dedicado fondos al


establecimiento de un centro

especializado en la cultura de los nios en la ciudad de Zarqa (el Centro Princesa Salma).



The Ministry has also allocated funds for


the establishment of a centre

specializing in the culture of children in the city of Zarqa (the Princess Salma Centre).



El centro de detencin de Bonaire suscita igualmente preocupaciones, sobre todo por la urgente necesidad de organizar el paseo de los presos y de hacer frente a la insuficiencia de camas que obliga a los detenidos a dormir en el suelo.



Concerns had also been expressed about the Bonaire remand prison, in particular about the urgent need to provide prisoners with outdoor exercise and to resolve the problem of a shortage of beds which meant that some prisoners were sleeping on the floor.



Para distintos grupos tnicos de las tribus de las montaas, la Princesa Madre es Mae Fah Luan […]

(la Madre Real del cielo).



For various

ethnic groups of the hill tribes, the Princess Mother is Mae Fah Luan (the Royal Mother […]

from the sky).



Adems, hay que consignar el

descuento de 2 euros en el Bus Turstic, el 20% de descuento en el Zoo y el Tibidabo, el regalo de dos entradas para el museo y las exposiciones de Cosmo Caixa y el descuento de 10 euros por cada compra superior a los 50 en la tienda Wala del Paseo de la Zona Franca, 191.



In addition, visitors will receive a 2 Euro discount on the tourist bus, 20% discount at the Zoo and Mount Tibidabo, two free tickets to Cosmo Caixa museum and exhibitions and a 10 Euro discount for every purchase over 50 Euros at Wala store in Paseo de la France, 191.



Ten most interesting cities to travel in 2020 named


Ten most interesting cities to travel in 2020 named

Ten most interesting cities to travel in 2020 named – RIA Novosti, 12/14/2019

Named the ten most interesting cities to travel in 2020

2019-12-14T14: 49

2019-12-14t14: 49

2019-12-14t14: 49




South Korea

22 Montenegro





MOSCOW, December 14 – RIA Novosti. Experts have compiled a list of ten destinations that will gain popularity in 2020, from little-known cities in Eastern Europe to secret corners of Asia, according to Booking.com. Seogwipo, South Korea Seogwipo is the second largest city on the South Korean island of Jeju, surrounded by the natural beauty of the volcanic coastline. This place is suitable for outdoor activities: clear blue water for diving fans, and the slopes of the nearby Hallasan mountain for hiking. Zabljak, MontenegroFor those who want to go on a non-trivial trip in 2020, experts advise considering a trip to Zabljak. This small town in the north of Montenegro is located in the heart of the Durmitor mountain region. In winter there are snow-covered slopes, and in summer you can go in for water sports on lakes and rivers. Yerevan, ArmeniaFor lovers of history and architectural monuments, it is worth visiting the sights of Yerevan: the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator, one of the largest temples of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the world, and the ruins of the Zvartnots temple, from where there are beautiful views of the mountains. Walking around the city, it is important not to miss the Cascade architectural complex, as well as Republic Square in the center of the capital of Armenia. Salta, Argentina Salta has vibrant colonial architecture and picturesque nature. This city is located in the heart of the Argentine Andes. You can walk along the wide avenue 9July in the very center, visit the monastery of St. Francis of the early 17th century or go explore the colorful hills (Cerro de los Siete Colores) and the Salinas Grandes Salt Flats. Gzira, Malta on the northeast coast of Malta. From there, a beautiful view of the walls of the Maltese capital Valletta, the city harbor of Marsamxett and the nearby Manoel Island opens up. Ninh Binh, Vietnam Due to the picturesque landscapes, Ninh Binh is often called Ha Long Bay on land, since the green expanse of the surrounding landscape really resembles the sea. The road from Hanoi will take only a couple of hours. Nature is interesting in Ninh Binh province: mountains, rivers, caves, rice fields. Swinoujscie, Poland Swinoujscie is a beautiful Baltic port city located in northern Poland. Here you can visit the Museum of Marine Fisheries, which presents models of ships and amazing aquatic inhabitants. Take a walk to the 19th century lighthouse, from the observation deck of which offers panoramic views of the harbor. San Juan, Puerto Rico San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, located on the Atlantic coast, is for those who want to feel the vibrant national flavor. There it is worth strolling along the cobbled streets of the Old Town, looking at the Spanish colonial buildings, walking along Fortaleza Street, which is also called the “umbrella street”, visiting El Morro Castle and San Cristobal Fortress, and walking along Paseo de la Princesa Boulevard . Takamatsu, Japan Takamatsu, also known as the kingdom of udon and the gate of Shikoku, is a port city that is ideal for tourists interested in local cuisine and beautiful views. The picturesque Ritsurin Garden is a national treasure of Japan. There are many tea houses, the famous Engetsukyo moon bridge and lotus ponds. Jodhpur, India Jodhpur is considered one of the most vibrant cities in the world because of the thousand blue-painted houses. In addition, there are attractions such as Mehrangarh Fort, Umaid Bhawan Palace and Mandor Gardens. nine0003





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puerto rico, india, japan, vietnam, south korea, montenegro, poland, malta, argentina, news – tourism, tourists, tourism

Tourism, Puerto Rico, India, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Montenegro, Poland, Malta, Argentina Experts have compiled a list of ten destinations that will gain popularity in 2020, from the little-known cities of Eastern Europe to the secret corners of Asia, according to Booking.com. nine0003

Seogwipo, South Korea

Seogwipo is the second largest city on South Korea’s Jeju Island, surrounded by the natural beauty of the volcanic coastline. This place is suitable for outdoor activities: clear blue water for diving fans, and the slopes of the nearby Hallasan mountain for hiking.

Zabljak, Montenegro

For those who want to go on a non-trivial trip in 2020, experts advise considering a trip to Zabljak.

CC BY-SA 3.0 / Mercy / City of Zabljak, Montenegro

CC BY-SA 3.0 / Mercy /

City of Zabljak, Montenegro

This small town in northern Montenegro is located in the heart of the Durmitor mountain region. In winter there are snow-covered slopes, and in summer you can enjoy water sports on lakes and rivers.

CC BY-SA 2.0 / Nick Savchenko / Zabljak Zabljak, Montenegro

CC BY-SA 2.0 / Nick Savchenko / Zabljak

Zabljak, Montenegro

Yerevan, Armenia

For lovers of history, architectural monuments, the cathedral is worth a visit Gregory the Illuminator, one of the largest temples of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the world, and the ruins of the Zvartnots temple, which offer beautiful views of the mountains. nine0003

© Depositphotos.com / Anton Ivanov “Cascade” architectural and monumental complex in Yerevan

© Depositphotos.com / Anton Ivanov

“Cascade” architectural and monumental complex in Yerevan

Walking around the city, it is important not to miss the architectural complex “Cascade” “, as well as Republic Square in the center of the capital of Armenia.

Salta, Argentina

Salta has colorful colonial architecture and picturesque nature. This city is located in the heart of the Argentine Andes. You can walk along the wide avenue 9July in the very center, visit the monastery of St. Francis from the beginning of the 17th century or go to explore the colorful hills (Cerro de los Siete Colores) and the Salinas Grandes salt marsh.

June 8, 2019, 11:59 amTourism

Russian travel agents talk about their favorite countries

Gzira, Malta

Travelers who want to combine a beach holiday with culture in 2020 should take a closer look at the city of Gzira on the northeast coast of Malta.

CC BY-SA 3.0 / FrankBothe / City of Gzira, Malta

CC BY-SA 3.0 / FrankBothe /

City of Gzira, Malta

From there you have a beautiful view of the walls of the Maltese capital Valletta, the city’s harbor Marsamxett and nearby Manoel Island.

Ninh Binh, Vietnam

Ninh Binh is often referred to as Ha Long Bay on land because of its picturesque landscapes, because the green expanse of the surrounding landscape really resembles the sea. The road from Hanoi will take only a couple of hours.

© Photo : Public domain Ninh Binh City, Vietnam

© Photo : Public domain

Ninh Binh city, Vietnam

Ninh Binh province has an interesting nature: mountains, rivers, caves, rice fields.

Świnoujście, Poland

Świnoujście is a beautiful Baltic port city located in northern Poland. Here you can visit the Museum of Marine Fisheries, which presents models of ships and amazing aquatic inhabitants. Take a walk to the 19th century lighthouse, from the observation deck of which offers panoramic views of the harbor. nine0003

December 10, 2019, 08:00Tourism

There is a chance to be in time: which countries will issue visas before the New Year those who want to feel the bright national flavor.

© Photo : U.S. National Park Service Aerial view of San Juan, Puerto Rico

© Photo : U.S. National Park Service

Aerial view of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico

Worth to walk along the cobbled streets of the Old Town, looking at the Spanish colonial buildings, walk along Fortaleza Street, also called the “Umbrella Street”, visit the castle of El Morro and the fortress of San Cristobal, and walk along Paseo de la Boulevard -Princess.

Takamatsu, Japan

Takamatsu, also known as the udon kingdom and the gate of Shikoku, is a port city that is ideal for tourists interested in local cuisine and beautiful views. The picturesque Ritsurin Garden is a national treasure of Japan. nine0003

© Depositphotos.com / gnohz Takamatsu City, Japan

© Depositphotos. com / gnohz

Takamatsu City, Japan

There are many tea houses, the famous Engetsukyo moon bridge and lotus ponds.

Jodhpur, India

Jodhpur is considered one of the most colorful cities in the world because of the thousands of blue-painted houses.

© Fotolia / byheaven Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, India

© Fotolia / byheaven

Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, India

In addition, attractions such as Mehrangarh Fort, Umaid Bhawan Palace and Mandor Gardens are located here.

Tourists were offered interesting cities to travel in 2020

Booking.com experts compiled a list of ten travel destinations for next year. It includes little-known cities of Eastern Europe, corners of Asia and the East, which will gain popularity among tourists.

In South Korea, it is proposed to visit the city of Seogwipo. It is the second largest on Jeju Island and is surrounded by the natural beauty of the volcanic coast. The place is suitable for active recreation. Hiking trails are equipped on the slopes of Hallasan Mountain, and clear blue water will be good for divers, RIA Novosti writes. nine0003

In Montenegro, it is advised to go to the small town of Zabljak, located in the north of the country, in the mountainous region of Durmitor. In summer, you can enjoy water sports on lakes and rivers, and in winter you can admire the snow-covered slopes.

©CC BY-SA 3.0 / Mercy

In Armenia, travelers are advised to visit Yerevan. The city is interesting for its sights. Among them are the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator, fragments of the Zvartnots temple, from where beautiful views of the mountains open. nine0003

“Cascade” architectural and monumental complex in Yerevan

Tourists traveling to Argentina should visit Salta, where they will find bright colonial architecture and picturesque nature. You can visit the monastery of St. Francis from the early 17th century, or explore the colorful hills of Cerro de los Siete Colores and the Salinas Grandes salt marsh.

City of Salta, Argentina

Travelers looking to combine a beach holiday with culture in 2020 can take a closer look at the city of Gzira on the northeast coast of Malta. It offers an unusual view of the walls of the Maltese capital Valletta, the city’s harbor Marsamxett and the nearby island of Manoel. nine0003

Gzira City, Malta

CC BY-SA 3.0 / FrankBothe /

Travelers in Vietnam would love to visit Ninh Binh province. It is called Halong Bay on land because of the green expanse of the surrounding landscape, reminiscent of the sea. The road from Hanoi will take only a couple of hours.

Ninh Binh City, Vietnam

In Poland, you can visit the beautiful port city of Swinoujs. It houses a museum of sea fishing, which presents models of ships and aquatic inhabitants. Tourists will be interested in climbing the observation deck of the 19th-century lighthouse, which offers panoramic views of the harbor. nine0003

Świnoujście, Poland

In Puerto Rico, the capital of San Juan, located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, awaits lovers of national color. It is interesting to walk along the cobbled streets of the Old Town, look at the Spanish colonial buildings, visit the El Morro castle and the San Cristobal fortress, or just walk along Paseo de la Princesa Boulevard.

City of San Juan, Puerto Rico

U.S. National Park Service

In Japan, tourists will be interested in the port city of Takamatsu, known as the kingdom of udon and the gate of Shikoku. In it, travelers should try the local cuisine. The city is home to many tea houses, as well as the famous Engetsukyo moon bridge and lotus ponds. nine0003

In India, travelers can visit Jodhpur, which is considered one of the most colorful cities in the world because of the many blue-painted houses. Among the sights in it you can see the Mehrangarh fortress, the Umaid Bhawan palace and the Mandor gardens.

Previously, Russians’ favorite countries and ways of traveling were named. The top 5 included Italy, Thailand, Spain, Russia and France. The average tourist chooses trips with a rich excursion program, gets to the destination by plane, and organizes the trip depending on the direction: either independently or through a tour operator.

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