Historia santa isabel: Conocé la historia de Isabel de Hungría, ejemplo de solidaridad y ayuda – Novedades

Conocé la historia de Isabel de Hungría, ejemplo de solidaridad y ayuda – Novedades

1 de Octubre, 2015

Santa Isabel de Hungría fue una princesa que nació en 1207, hija del Rey Andrés II y de Gertrudis, en el castillo de Sárospatak, uno de los preferidos por la familia real, al norte de Hungría. Como fecha, la tradición suele indicar el 7 de julio como su día. 

Siguiendo los usos vigentes entre la nobleza medieval, Isabel fue prometida como esposa a un príncipe alemán de Turingia. A la edad de cuatro años (1211), fue confiada a la delegación germana que fue a recogerla en Presburgo, entonces la plaza fuerte más occidental del reino de Hungría. Fue educada en la corte de Turingia, junto a los otros hijos de la familia condal y junto a quien sería su esposo, como era costumbre entonces. 

Se casó a los catorce años con Luis IV, Landgrave o Gran Conde de Turingia. Isabel tuvo tres hijos: Germán, Sofía y Gertrudis; ésta última nació cuando ya había muerto su esposo (1227), víctima de la peste, como cruzado camino de Tierra Santa. Ella tenía en ese entonces, solamente 20 años. Isabel murió a los 24, en 1231. Fue canonizada por Gregorio IX en 1235. Un récord de vida intensa y entregada, para escalar la santidad más elevada y ser propuesta como ejemplo imperecedero de amor y entrega.

Su espiritualidad y su obra

En la vida de Santa Isabel se manifiestan actitudes que reflejan literalmente el evangelio de Jesucristo: el reconocimiento del señorío absoluto de Dios; la exigencia de despojarse de todo y hacerse pequeña como un niño para entrar en el Reino del Padre; el cumplimiento, hasta sus últimas consecuencias, del mandamiento nuevo del amor.

Se vació de sí misma hasta hacerse asequible a todos los pobres y sufrientes. Descubrió la presencia de Jesús en los pobres, en los rechazados por la sociedad, en los hambrientos y enfermos. Todo el empeño de su vida consistió en vivir la misericordia de Dios-Amor y hacerla presente en medio de los pobres. De hecho, Isabel buscó el seguimiento radical de Cristo que, siendo rico, se hizo pobre, en el más genuino estilo de Francisco. 

Abandonó las apariencias y ambiciones del mundo, el lujo de la corte, las comodidades, las riquezas y los atuendos caros. Bajó de su castillo y puso su tienda entre los despreciados y heridos para servirles. Fue la primera santa franciscana canonizada, forjada en el mensaje evangélico de Francisco. Es que, sin dudas, Isabel de Hungría es la figura femenina que más genuinamente encarna el espíritu de Francisco. Tal como lo indican muchos testimonios franciscanos, Isabel tuvo acciones increíbles que en su época fueron muy bien valoradas y, hasta el día del hoy, la enaltecen.

La pobreza del pueblo en el que vivía, propio también de su época, estimuló más aún la caridad de la Princesa Isabel. Todo le parecía poco para remediar a los necesitados: la plata de sus arcas, las alhajas que trajo como dote y hasta sus propios alimentos y vestidos. En cuanto podía, aprovechando las sombras de la noche, dejaba el palacio y visitaba una a una las chozas de los vasallos más pobres para llevar a los enfermos y a los niños, bajo su manto, un cántaro de leche o una hogaza de pan. En un momento, la Princesa fue acusada de estar dilapidando los caudales públicos y dejar sin recursos los graneros y almacenes. Cuenta la historia, que su esposo – el Rey Luis – solicitó a quienes la acusaban pruebas concretas de su accionar. Uno de los días en que salía a escondidas del palacio, es detenida violentamente por personas de la corte, y ante la requisitoria de “… – ¿qué llevas en la falda?…”, ella responde…”… – nada…, solo rosas…”, contestó Isabel tratando de disculparse, y al extender el delantal bajo su falda, en lugar de pan y alimentos, habían efectivamente rosas. Este es uno de los tantos milagros que posteriormente llevaron a su canonización. 

Otros escritos, aseguran que Isabel cedió a los frailes franciscanos una capilla en Eisenach. También cuenta que ella hilaba lana para el sayal o vestido de los frailes menores. Cuando fue expulsada de su castillo, sola y abandonada, acudió a los Franciscanos para que cantaran un Te Deum en acción de gracias a Dios. Y, el Viernes Santo del 24 de marzo de 1228, puestas las manos sobre el altar, hizo profesión pública en la capilla franciscana; y asumió así el hábito gris de penitente como signo externo.

Por el año 1229 fundó un hospital en Marburgo, y lo puso bajo la protección de San Francisco, canonizado pocos meses antes. Es que el empeño demostrado por Isabel en vivir la pobreza, regalarlo todo y dedicarse a las obras de amor al prójimo con alegría, eran las exigencias de Francisco a sus seguidores; y es por eso que es ejemplo a seguir por muchos que profesan las enseñanzas de Francisco.

Ella pasó por esta vida como una estrella luminosa y esperanzadora. Hizo resplandecer la luz en el corazón de muchas almas; y llevó el gozo a los corazones afligidos. Por lo que no hay dudas de que su ejemplo e intercesión iluminaron e iluminarán la esperanza en todos los que profesan su ejemplo, fuente de todo amor: el bien, todo bien, sumo bien; la paz y el gozo.

    quién fue y cuál es su aparición en la Biblia

    Isabel fue la madre de Juan El Bautista, descendiente de Aarón, prima de María y la esposa de Zacarías, de acuerdo con el Evangelio de Lucas en la Biblia. Fue venerada como santa por la Iglesia católica el 5 de noviembre.

    Según cuenta el Evangelio de Lucas, Isabel era “de las hijas de Aarón. Ella y su marido Zacarías eran “rectos ante Dios, seguían todos los mandamientos y órdenes del Señor sin culpas”. Cuando Zacarías se encontraba en el Templo de Jerusalén fue visitado por el arcángel Gabriel que le dijo:

    “No temas Zacarías, que tu petición ha sido escuchada, y tu mujer Isabel te dará un hijo, a quien llamarás Juan. Te llenara de gozo y alegría y muchos se alegrarán de su nacimiento. Será grande a los ojos del Señor; no beberá vino ni licor. Estará lleno del Espíritu Santo desde el vientre materno y convertirá a muchos israelitas al Señor su Dios”.

    Zacarías dudó, porque tanto él como su esposa eran muy ancianos y su mujer era estéril. El ángel se identificó como Gabriel y le dijo a Zacarías que se quedaría mudo hasta que se cumpliera la profecía. Cuando terminó de oficiar en el templo, Zacarías regresó a su hogar y su mujer, por vergüenza, pasó su embarazo recluida en su casa.

    Algún tiempo después concibió Isabel su mujer, y se quedó escondida cinco meses. Según la Biblia, Dios envió al ángel Gabriel a Nazaret, en Galilea, para hablar a la pariente de Isabel, María, que era una virgen desposada con un hombre llamado José, para informarle de que concebiría por el Espíritu Santo a un hijo llamado Jesús. El ángel le informó también de que su pariente Isabel había comenzado su sexto mes de embarazo. María viajó a un monte de Hebrón, en Judea, para visitar a Isabel.


    Retrato de santa Isabel.

    El encuentro de Isabel con María

    Entró en casa de Zacarías y saludó a Isabel. Cuando Isabel oyó el saludo de María la criatura dio un salto en su vientre; Isabel, llena de Espíritu Santo, exclamó con voz fuerte: “Bendita tú entre las mujeres y bendito el fruto de tu vientre. ¿Quién soy yo para que me visite la madre de mi Señor? Mira, en cuanto tu saludo llegó a mis oídos, la criatura dio un salto de gozo en mi vientre. ¡Dichosa tú que creíste! Porque se cumplirá lo que el Señor te anunció”.

    María se quedó con ella 3 meses y después volvió a casa. Cuando a Isabel se le cumplió el tiempo del parto, dio a luz un hijo. Los vecinos y parientes, al enterarse de que Dios la había tratado con tanta misericordia, se alegraron con ella. Al octavo día fueron a circuncidarlo y querían llamarlo como su padre, Zacarías. pero la madre intervino: “No, se tiene que llamar Juan”.

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    History of the Aljaferia Palace in Zaragoza


    La Aljaferia is a fortified palace built in Zaragoza in the second half of the 11th century on the initiative of Al-Muqtadir as the residence of the Saudi kings of Saracusta.

    This recreational palace (then called “Qasr al-Surur” or Palace of Joy) reflects the splendor achieved by the kingdom of Taifa during its political and cultural peak.

    Its importance lies in the fact that it is the only surviving evidence of a large building of Hispano-Islamic architecture from the Taif period. Thus a splendid example of the caliphate of Córdoba, with its 10th century mosque and other swan song of Islamic culture, in the 14th century Al Angelus, the Alhambra in Granada, survives

    Aljaferia de Zaragoza of the eleventh century should be included in the triad of Spanish-Muslim architecture as an example of the achievements of Taifa art, from the intermediate period of independent kingdoms to the arrival of the Almoravides. The Mudéjar remains of the Aljafería Palace were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2001 as part of the “Mudéjar architecture of Aragon”.

    After the conquest of Zaragoza in 1118 by Alfonso I, the fighter became the residence of the Christian kings of Aragon, with which Aljaferia became the main scattered center of the Aragonese Mudéjar.

    It was used as a royal residence by Pedro IV in a ceremony, and then, on the first floor, a reform was carried out that turned these rooms into the palace of the Catholic kings in 1492.

    In 1593, it underwent another reform that turned it into a military fortress, first in accordance with the designs of the Renaissance (which can be seen today in its surroundings, ditches and gardens), and then in the form of quartering of military regiments.

    It was constantly reformed and caused great damage, especially in the sectors of the war of independence in Zaragoza, until it was restored in the second half of the twentieth century and currently hosts the Cortes of Aragon.


    Originally, the construction was made outside the Roman wall, on the plain of the saria, or in the place where the Muslims designed the military artifacts known as the Almosara. With urban expansion over the years, the building has remained within the city limits. Around it, a small landscape environment could be respected.

    Access to the palace is through its east wing, through a door with a horseshoe arch that leads to the so-called inner courtyard of the church of San Martin, where the church of San Martin rises on the right side. Mudéjar style, from the 14th century.

    Church of San Martin, a Mudéjar work from the fourteenth century

    Illuminates his front door to the Church of San Martin and the entrance to the courtyard of Santa Isabel

    From the church you can access the central part of the original period of the palace, to the courtyard called Santa Isabel.

    Santa Isabel courtyard, rectangular, with porches on short sides restored with copies of the original decoration, which is protected in the national archaeological museum

    Santa Isabella courtyard has a cistern on the south side

    This is an open and well-organized space that united the entire palace. The north and south verandas spilled into it, as well as the rooms and rooms located to the east and west of this central courtyard.

    Its name comes from the birth in the career of Infanta Isabel de Aragon, who was in 1282 Queen of Portugal.

    The original south basin has been preserved, while the north front basin, from the fourteenth century, has been covered with a wooden floor.

    South Archery in Santa Isabel Yard. The arcade that faces the south portico is being restored by emptying the original arches held in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid and the Museum of Zaragoza. They represent the greatest boldness and distance for their innovations in relation to the caliphate models of the northern side arches.


    The oldest building in the quarry is the so-called “troubadour’s tower”, which takes its name from the romantic drama by Antonio Garcia Gutiérrez, the troubadour of 1836.

    This drama was turned into a libretto for Giuseppe Verdi’s opera, Il Trovatore, from 1853.

    This is a defensive tower with a quadrangular plan and five floors, dating from the end of the ninth century, during the reign of the first Tuyibi, Mohammed Alancar, appointed by Mohammed I, the independent Emir of Córdoba.

    The tower retained traces of the beginning of thick walls of alabaster masonry in its lower part and continued with another simple concrete formwork of gypsum and lime, somewhat thinner in height.

    The exterior does not reflect the internal five-story division and looks like a huge solid prism, barely broken by holes in the embrasure.

    The entrance to the interior was made through a small door that could only be accessed by a portable ladder. Its original function was, by all these indications, exclusively military.0003

    The first floor retains the building structure of s. IX, which contains two ships and six sections, separated by two cruciform columns, from which horseshoe-shaped arches are broken.

    Despite their simplicity, they form a balanced room that rhythms the ceiling in the form of the mosques of the caliphate and can be used as a bath thanks to the supply well of the Troubadour tower

    Its function in the 9th and 10th centuries was that of a watchtower and defensive bastion.

    It was surrounded by a moat. It was later integrated by the Banu Hud into the construction of the castle-palace of Aljaferia, becoming one of the towers of the defensive frame of the outer northern canvas.

    After the Christian conquest, it was still used as a tribute tower, and in 1486 it became the prison of the Inquisition.

    Entrance to the dungeons of the Troubadour Tower

    As a prison tower, it was also used in the 17th and 19th centuries, as evidenced by the numerous graffiti written there by prisoners

    Dome and horseshoe arches on the ground floor of tower

    Access to the Aljaferia Palace and El North Portico

    North portico numbers …

    The construction of the palace was ordered by Abu Ya’far Ahmad ibn Suleiman Al-Muqtadir Billah, famous for his honorary title of al-Muqtadir (mighty), the second monarch of the Banu Hud dynasty, as a symbol of the power achieved by the typhoon of Zaragoza in the second half of the 11th century.

    The king himself called his palace “Qasr al-Surur” (palace of joy), and the throne room, in which he presided over receptions and embassies, “Mailis al-Dahab” (golden hall), as evidenced by the following verse of the monarch himself:

    “Oh, the palace of joy! Oh golden hall! Thanks to you, I have reached the pinnacle of my desires. And even if there was nothing else in my kingdom, for me you are all that I could hope for”

    Access to the Golden Room

    Northern front stay, with triple access to the golden room

    Door arch of the eastern niche of the Golden Room

    Golden Hall

    The most important set of dependencies of the palace of the Khudi period is built in the northern testero, as it includes a throne room or golden hall and a small private mosque located on the east side of the access porch, which serves as a prelude to oratory.

    Inside the house there is a mihrab in the southeast corner, the niche of which is therefore oriented towards Mecca, as is the case in all mosques except Córdoba.

    The Golden Room had two rooms to the east and west, which were separate bedrooms, possibly royal.

    Today the western flank bedroom has been lost, which was used as a royal bedroom, and the Aragonese kings were also used until the fourteenth century.

    Mosque entrance

    There is a small private mosque or oratory for the use of the monarch and his courtiers at the east end of the entrance porch to the golden hall.

    It is accessed through a lid that ends in a horseshoe-shaped arch inspired by the mosque of Córdoba.

    There is a small square space inside the oratory, but with chamfered corners, making it a false octagonal floor plan. In the southeastern sector, oriented towards Mecca, there is a mihrab niche.

    Mosque interior

    Mihrab of the mosque

    Mosque ceiling

    After the capture of Zaragoza by the wrestler Alfonso I in 1118, the quarry became the palace of the kings of Aragon and a Christian church, which was not significantly changed until the fourteenth century, when Peter IV performed a ceremonial ceremony.

    This king expanded the palace property in 1336 and ordered the construction of the church of San Martin in the hallway to the fortress. At this time, Aljafería was the starting point of the route that led to SEO, where the Aragonese monarchs were solemnly crowned and sworn with 9 privileges0003

    Alfiz and Enjuta Mudejars from c. XIV Palace of Pedro IV. It is not a standalone palace, but an extension of the Muslim palace that was still in use.

    Pedro IV tried to provide the aljafería with more spacious rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms, as the taif niches remained small for the ceremonial.

    These new rooms are grouped above the northern sector of the Andalusian palace, at different heights

    This new Mudéjar factory was extremely respectful of the pre-existing design, both in plan and height, and included three large rectangular rooms covered with unusual wooden beds or Mudéjar wooden ceilings.

    Also from this era, the western shooting of pointed arches in the courtyard of Santa Isabel

    Palace of the Catholic Kings

    In the last years of the fifteenth century, the Catholic kings ordered the construction of a palace for real use on the northern wing of the Andalusian enclosure, setting up a second floor superimposed on that of the existing palace.

    The building broke the upper part of the Taif rooms, where beams were installed that would have supported the new palace.

    The works date between 1488 and 1495 and continued to include Mudéjar masters such as Faraig and Mohammed de Ghali who, as happened to Pedro IV (Youssef and Mohamat Bellito), preserved the tradition of the Mudéjar Alirifs in the Aljafería.

    The palace is reached by a noble staircase, a monumental structure consisting of two wide sections with openwork geometric plastering, illuminated by small semi-circular windows with a small decoration of leaves and stems of Gothic roots and Mudéjar influences, crocheted over the key arches

    Staircase of the Palace of the Catholic Kings, with coffered ceilings and windows in the form of a semicircular arch with lattice windows and decorative details

    Access corridor to the noble rooms of the Palace of the Catholic Kings. On the right is the front cover of the main entrance. The staircase gives access to a corridor on the first floor, which is connected to the palace dependencies themselves.

    Emphasizes the main entrance to the throne room, in the center of which is depicted the shield of the monarchy of the Catholic kings, which includes the coat of arms of the kingdoms of Castile, León, Aragon, Sicily and Granada, supported by two lions

    Throne room

    More complex and difficult to describe is the splendor and luxury of the ceiling that covers the throne room.

    Its dimensions are very considerable (20 meters long and 8 meters wide), and its coffered ceiling is supported by thick beams and sleepers, which are decorated with lace, which at the intersections form eight-pointed stars, forming thirty large and deep square boxes

    Throne Room Ceiling

    Impressive throne room, rectangular in shape and of considerable size, in which a superb coffered roof ceiling of gilded and polychrome wood stands out

    On the frieze that surrounds the entire perimeter of the room, there is a legend of Gothic calligraphy that reads: Fernando, King of Spain, Sicily, Corsica and the Balearic Islands, the best of princes, prudent, courageous, pious, constant, just, happy And Isabella, queen, surpassing every woman for her piety and greatness of spirit, singled out victorious husbands with the help of Christ, after the liberation of Andalusia from the Moors, drove out the old and cruel enemy, ordered this work to be built in the year of salvation 1492

    At the beginning of 1486, the courtyard area of ​​San Martin was designated to house the court of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, and the grounds adjacent to the patio can accommodate the officers of this body.

    It is likely that this is the beginning of the use of the Troubadour Tower as a prison.

    A new function (which will last until the early years of the 18th century) led to an event that will culminate in a reform project carried out under the mandate of Philip II, which will henceforth become a military base.

    In 1591, in the course of events known as the Changes of Zaragoza, the persecuted secretary of King Philip II, Antonio Pérez, accepted the privilege of demonstration provided by the jurisdiction of Aragon in order to avoid the imperial troops

    Antonio Pérez had jurisdiction over all the jurisdictions of the kingdoms and for this reason he was kept in the dungeons of the inquisitorial headquarters of Aljaferia, which caused a revolt of the people to what they considered a violation of the law of the roots, and went to attack Aljaferia in order to save him.

    After the violent actions of the royal army, the uprising was crushed and Felipe II decided to unite Aljaferia as a fortified stronghold under his rule in order to prevent such uprisings.

    Aljafería remained unchanged until 1705, in which, due to the War of the Spanish Succession, two companies of French troops were stationed, leading to the re-growth of the parapets of the low wall of the ditch, made by the military engineer dezveheforz

    But a decisive transformation in the form of quartering took place in 1772 on the initiative of Carlos III, in which all the facades were rebuilt in accordance with the way the western one is currently presented, and who made the interior rooms dependent for the soldiers and officers who remained in the building

    Only the addition in 1862 of four neo-gothic towers, of which those located in the northwest and southwest corners, have survived to this day.

    Since 1985, Luis Franco Lajos and Mariano Peman Gavin, who undertook the incorporation of the Parliament of the Aragonese courts into its corpus, Aljafería was inaugurated as an artistic historical monument in its current splendor in 1998 by Prince Felipe de Borbón,

    Schnauzers of Vladivostok: black and silver miniature schnauzers


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    Miniature Schnauzers black and silver

    Congram FRANT

    First zwerg puppies of color
    “black with silver
    ” were brought to Vladivostok in 1999. They were children
    winner of “Russia-98”, Interchampion Leonki’s Cesar from 2 females. Male KONGRAM FRANT (Leonki’s
    Cesar Grisa * Santa Kniris Groom Constantia) ow. Zubritsky, received the title of Champion
    Russia in 2002, female – Green Guard SANTA ISABEL (Leonki’s
    Caesar Grisa * Green Guard Blackberry), ow. Shumilova – became the Champion
    Russia is already 15 months old.

    Green Guard SANTA Isabelle

    Her account Green Guard
    was shown once, but became the first to give birth to puppies
    color black with silver in POOLS: 01/28/2001 a litter was born from an exit mating
    SILVANIA with Hungarian Champion Bunny Easter Joy Moldau
    3 males and 1 female. Puppies
    of this litter were significantly superior to the breeder in terms of breed, their
    distinguished by compact bodies, excellent angles of the limbs, rather long
    heads with well-filled muzzles, somewhat darkened tan. Especially
    good was a bitch named Nice Gyol, tragically died in
    1.5 years old on the eve of his first appearance in the ring…

    The next litter of h/s zwerg in Vladivostok was received in 2002.
    from Congram FRANTA and Green Guard SANTA ISABELI in
    number of 3 puppies, 2 of which have titles Champion of Russia:
    Strong Exciter

    (BIS puppy-2, 2*BOB), Sabrina De Griza (BIS puppy-2, 3*BOB).

    Santa Kniris ROMANTIC

    In 2003 to the city
    bring two more females of high breed level:
    from Magadan – Santa Kniris ROMANTIC (Santa Kniris Belle Shine *
    Santa Kniris Angelica), ow. Yudin;
    and from Moscow – Santa Kniris INFANTA OLIVIA (Kawasaki de la Villa U’Corte * Santa Kniris
    Circe Natalie), ow. Stepanova. Both females are strong, beautiful, rather large
    size. Champion of Russia, from both females
    one litter.

    In 2004 puppies were born from Santa Kniris Infanta Olivia and Fleur Park
    Delphinium: Hector Hite

    Santa Kniris Infanta Olivia

    Champion of Russia, Club Winner, multiple BOB,
    Harmoniya Folksi
    – Champion of Russia, BOB.

    In 2005 – from Santa Kniris Romantica and
    Santa Kniris of the Crown Prince. From this litter very successfully exhibited
    Vivat Barbudo ORION
    , quickly got the title of Champion of Russia, CCC; and his
    sister Vivat Barbudo ODRI, living in the Moscow region and
    successfully titled. Unfortunately,
    other puppies from this litter
    were shown at the exhibition only once, but all were shown
    excellent exterior and temperament.

    Pat Critches Renaissance

    Furor Furious from the Siberian outback

    Santa Kniris Glucose

    In 2004, a whole galaxy of bright dogs was brought to Vladivostok, these are:

    Junior Champion
    of Russia, Champion of Russia, CCC – Pat Critches RENAISSANCE (Lubimiy Borodach Arseniy for Roses * Pat Critches Felicita), ow.

    Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Winner
    Club, BIS baby-2, BIS puppy-1,3, BIS junior-2
    FUROR FORCING from the Siberian Outback (Alpha Adrian Congressman *
    Yashmochka), ow. Pugachev;

    Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Champion of RKF,
    Champion of the Far East – Santa Kniris GLUK’OZA
    (Santa Kniris Belle Shine * Santa Kniris Legend of Love), ow. Sashnikov;

    and always
    the second “behind a more temperamental and bright, but no less correct
    anatomically Santa Kniris ONLY Mine (Scedir
    Spiderman-Na * Santa Kniris ANGELICA),
    ow. Primushko, who tragically died in the winter of 2006.

    at the beginning of 2005 a litter was born from Green Guard Santa Isabeli and Santa Kniris
    Crown Prince
    in the amount of only 2 puppies, but became
    “100% champion”: Aladdin Ost Divas – Champion of Russia,
    Club Winner, and Ariadne
    Flower Rienthal
    – Junior Champion of Russia,
    Champion of Russia
    CACIB, which also became the first Club Champion among
    miniature schnauzers of this color in Vladivostok.

    Kehn Bart Lady Luck

    The surprise for the breeders was
    birth in a litter from black sires
    Arthur of Taita’s Ushabti and
    Buffy Beauty Style black-silver puppy – Kehn Bart MISTRESS
    . Left by the breeder in her own
    hands, Lady Luck collected all possible
    within the region titles: Junior Champion of Russia, Junior
    Club Champion,
    Russian Champion and Club Champion.
    Repeatedly won prizes in the final competitions:
    BIS junior-2
    monobreed show, BIS junior all-breed

    Golden Harp Fantasy

    due to the scarcity of black males in the region and, accordingly,
    difficulty in matching black females, some breeders bred
    miniature schnauzers between colors. In 2006 from “mixed” knitting
    h\s Pat Critches Renaissance * black. Golden Harp Yesenia
    born interesting in exterior black and silver
    Golden Harp FANTASY
    – already in
    at the beginning of her ring career repeatedly became the Best Baby
    breeds, BIS baby
    at monoprodnoy and all-breed exhibitions. Confident and active
    exhibiting, this bitch easily became the Champion of Russia, adequately represented
    Far Eastern Schnauzers at shows in other regions.

    Santa Kniris Infant Primorye

    In the future, litters of miniature schnauzers are black with
    silver began to appear quite regularly, as from away matings ( Mercury
    Arch Noi Diaz * Harmony Faulksey
    as well as from local (for example,
    Santa Kniris Gluk’oza
    stubbornly did not bring puppies from “outings”, but safely gave birth to 6 children after
    mating in Vladivostok with Aladdin Ost Divas ). However, enthusiasts
    this color continue to bring promising puppies from various kennels
    countries: Santa Kniris INFANT
    PRIMORYE, HEROIC SMALL BOY from Taganiego Rog, Ancrocus GEVARI, Santa Kniris
    RACENDA Loss, Shiko Moto Your Honor, Arch Noi OREST, Santa Kniris QUEEN

    As a result, in Vladivostok, the rings of h \ s miniature schnauzers became
    one of the most numerous in the breed, the fight in them is interesting, our dogs
    successfully compete with “guests” from other cities and regions.

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