La cara del indio: La Cara del Indio – Isabela, Puerto Rico

Cara Del Indio In Isabela, Puerto Rico (2023)

La Cara del Indio is a giant sculpture of a Taino Chief carved in stone and embedded into a mountain.

Chief Mabodamaca welcomes visitors to Isabela in the western region of Puerto Rico. 

I am a history enthusiast, and I know the story and legend of Cacique Mabodamaca. 

In this article, I will cover everything that you need to know about Cara Del Indio In Isabela, Puerto Rico:

– What is Cara Del Indio?

– What does “Cara Del Indio” mean in English?

– Who carved La Cara Del Indio?

– Where is it located?

– Is it worth visiting?

– Is there an entrance fee?

– Frequently Asked Questions


What is Cara Del Indio?

You must know some Puerto Rican historical facts to understand and appreciate La Cara del Indio sculpture.

The Indian Face sculpture from above. On the right, you can see a cave.

In 1493 Spaniards arrived in Boriken (They named the Island San Juan and later changed the name to Puerto Rico) and claimed the island for The Spanish Crown.

The Taino who inhabited the island feared the Spaniards and thought they were immortal gods.

The Spaniards enslaved The Taino and forced them to work searching for gold.

In 1511 Taino Indians from the town of Añasco, led by Chief Urayoan, set out to prove if the Spaniards were immortal.

The Taino drowned a Spanish Conquistador named Diego Salcedo in the Añasco River and waited several days to see if he would return to life.

Sculpture of Taino Indians drowning Diego Salcedo. This sculpture is in Añasco’s Town Square.

The Taino learned that The Spaniards were mortal and planned a revolt.

Mabodamaca was the Cacique (Chief) of Guajataca, a region that is now the towns of Isabela and Quebradillas. He assembled 600 of his warriors and prepared to attack The Spaniards.

The Governor of Puerto Rico sent Captain Diego Guilarte De Salazar to attack Mabodamaca and his men in what is known as The Battle of Guajataca of 1511. The Spaniards arrived at Guajataca and attacked Mabodamaca’s campsite after midnight.

Even though they had fewer men, the Spanish had better weapons and defeated the Taino.

At this point, history becomes legend, and legend becomes myth. Some say Mabodamaca died in combat; others say he escaped. 

Legend says that refusing to be enslaved again, Mabodamaca ended his life on his terms.

This rock formation at El Pastillo Beach in Isabela resembles the face of Chief Mabodamaca.

The Chief jumped off a cliff.

According to the myth, Yokahu, The Great Spirit, honored Mabodamaca’s bravery by carving his face on a cliff in El Pastillo Beach. From there, he now protects the people of Guajataca.

Inspired by this legend, the city officials of Isabela decided to make a sculpture of Mabodamaca’s face in a more visible place.


What does “Cara Del Indio” mean in English?

Artist representation of a Taino Chief.

Cara del Indio means “Indian’s Face”. 

The sculpture’s official name is Cacique (Chief) Mabodamaca.

People started referring to the carving as la Cara del Indio, and the name stayed.  


Who carved La Cara Del Indio?

In 2000, Charlie Delgado Altieri, mayor of Isabela, commissioned Artisan Isaac Laboy to make a sculpture honoring Chief Mabodamaca.

Mr. Isaac Laboy, the local artisan who carved La Cara del Indio.

The artisan carved La Cara del Indio in his shop, and then they transported it and embedded it into the mountain. 

Mr. Laboy said in an interview that his goal was to make a sculpture that looked like a Taino carved into the limestone mountain.

The artisan also mentioned that he used a young man from Isabela named Bernard, who is of Taino descent, as a model for the sculpture.


Where is it located?

You will find La Cara del Indio at the Intersection of Road Number Two with Road 113 Noel Estrada Avenue, Isabela, Puerto Rico.

Locals referred to the place as La Cuesta del Caño or Creek’s Hill.

Cacique Mabodamaca historic plaque.

La Cara del Indio is 73 miles from San Juan.

You can be there in about an hour and a half.

Below is a Google Map location of La Cara del Indio:


Is it worth visiting?

La Cara del Indio is worth visiting.

You can take pictures and find artisans selling crafts on weekends.

Isabela has beautiful beaches and a lot to explore.

There is a snack shop that is inside a cave near the sculpture. La Cara del Indio is a quick stop.

If traveling from San Juan to see The Indian’s Face, we suggest that you plan to visit other places in town.

Check out our article about the Best Things To Do In Isabela.


Is there an entrance fee?

You don’t have to pay to see La Cara del Indio.

The City of Isabela owns the sculpture; it is a public space.

La Cara del Indio is a quick stop in Isabela.

There is no parking space near La Cara del Indio. You have to park close to the road.

The sculpture is at the intersection of two busy roads, be careful with traffic while walking to and from the attraction.  



FAQ section

Is Cara Del Indio a fun activity for families with young kids?

La Cara del Indio is a fun and informative activity for families with children. And now that you know the legend of Mabodamaca, you can impress your kids or your significant other by telling them.

When is the best time to visit?

The best time to visit La Cara del Indio is in the morning; Mr. Laboy designed the sculpture looking at the sunrise. In the morning, the sun bathes the face of Mabodamaca, and the natural light is great for pictures.


Final thoughts

La Cara del Indio is more than a carving in a mountain.

The sculpture is a tribute to a Chief that fought for his people and a reminder of Isabela‘s rich history.

If you plan to visit Isabela to see La Cara del Indio, pack a swimsuit and check out our article about Isabela’s Best Beaches.

You may also enjoy our article 18 Best Things To Do In Isabela.  

Article by

Carlos Cubero

Writer at I was born in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. I’m passionate about Puerto Rican history and culture. I live on the west coast of Puerto Rico, and host an Airbnb for tourists. I also coordinate tours and concierge services for tourists. I authored “Eat Like A Local, Puerto Rico”, and have contributed to blogs and magazines with articles about discovering and enjoying what Puerto Rico has to offer.

About the author

Cara del Indio – Directorio Oficial de Puerto Rico

NEM- Hay en mi pueblo de Isabela innumerables leyendas, que en voz de gente, surcan el aire con excitante curiosidad y sospecha. esa voz persiste a lo largo de los años, sin que podamos afirmar con certeza su veracidad. Una de leyendas menos conocidas es la de la “Cara del Indio.“ Esta es una formación rocosa, gigante, al final del acantilado del farallón costero al oeste de la Quebrada del Toro y al lado este del Pozo Brujo. Lo curioso es que el perfil del acantilado cuando se observa de algunos ángulos “parece la cara de un indio gigante“ cuentan los curiosos y visitantes.

En el territorio que hoy ocupa el Barrio Coto, en el año 1511, se llevó a cabo una batalla muy importante entre las fuerzas encabezadas por el comandante Diego de Salazar, y la resistencia taína, encabezada por el cacique Mabodamaca. La famosa batalla de Guajataca dejó muertos a cientos de guerreros taínos en el valle, incluyendo a su cacique. Cuando el comandante Diego de Salazar mata a Mabodamaca, se repliegan los combatientes; los taínos proceden a dar sepultura a sus hermanos y al líder caído. Muchos descansan en los valles de Guanábano. Nunca se ha descubierto el lugar donde enterraron al cacique Mabodamaca. Cuenta la leyenda que el Guanín de oro que le colgaba al pecho y que atrajo el tiro certero del arcabuz, yace enterrado en algún lugar de los alrededores de la Playa del Pastillo, observado y vigilado por la Cara del Indio.

Caia el atardecer, el cielo se tornaba rojizo con algunos mátices amarillos, una vandada de pitirres Guatibiris se mantenían alerta en el bosque. Esto representaba que se avecinaban lluvias fuertes. Juracán, dios de las fuerzas del mal, se acercaba sigiloso, el día anterior la tierra había temblado.

La noche llegó acompañada del canto de los coquíes. Había un gran revuelo en el Yucayeque del Guajataca. El Areyto estaba próximo a comenzar. Todos los Caciques de la region de Aymaco habían sido convocados. La muerte de Agueybana que había sido guaitiao de los españoles tenía enfurecidos a los taínos. Agueybana II, su sobrino, tenía muy presente las humillaciones a que fue sometido. El sentimiento de coraje y el deseo de sublevarse en contra del invasor era general, así lo comentaban los caciques presentes para el Areyto: Guarionex, Urayoán, Aymamón y Mabodamaca.

Durante la ceremonia Urayoán relató como logró dar muerte a Diego Salcedo. Se levantó Mabodamaca, hombre alto de gran fortaleza, comenzó a danzar y a invocar a Lucuo, dios protectos de Borikén. Le promete entregar su alma por la libertad de los taínos, más le pide que si muere en la batalla, su rostro siempre este cerca de su pueblo.

Los caciques decidieron preparar varias guasábaras para tomar por sorpresa a los españoles. Concertado el levantamiento, se proclamó la guerra, todos los presentes corearón a gritos la valiente decision. Los gritos de la danza ceremonial se escucharon en toda la serranía. Los cánticos de Guerra de la vandada de guatibiris, se unieron a los coros de ruiseñores, cotorras y coquíes augurando una feroz batalla.

Finalizado el Areyto, invocados los dioses y confiados en el éxito de sus planes se retiraron a sus aldeas.

Esa noche, en la madrugada, Mabodamaca caminó por las orillas del río hasta llegar a la playa, allí sentado sobre las piedras del acantilado recitó su última plegaria a Yocahú, dios de todo lo creado.

En uno de los preciosos valles que tiene nuestra region las fuerzas del Cacique Mabodamaca se enfrentaron a los españoles, llevaba consigo cerca de seiscientos indios. Le habían encomendado enfrentar al muy conocido Diego de Salazar. La superioridad de las armas y tácticas de combate desconocidas por los taínos compensaron la inferioridad en número de los españoles y les permitió dominar la rebelión. Mabodamaca, cacique ágil, fuerte y decidido fue a la cabeza del ejército de los taínos para dirigir el ataque. Envalentonado, pide a grandes voces que le manden a Salazar y este aceptó el reto. Defendió con fiereza y valentía su yucayeque. Ni ese disparo de arcabus que se encrustó en su ancha espalda lo detuvo para incitar con grito de guerra a sus naborias. Cayó de rodillas, se arrastró hasta unos arbustos, sólo tuvo el justo tiempo para recitar la última oración de su plegaria a Lucuo.

Hoy su rostro queda esculpido en piedras para que las futuras generaciones conozcan a Mabodamaca y recuerden su gesta heroíca en favor de su yucayeque. De esta manera hacemos realidad su deseo expresado en aquella oración, hecha al dios protector de Boriquén, de que su rostro este cerca de su pueblo. La escultura es obra de Isaac Laboy Moctezuma y fue diseñada por el arquitecto Luis Méndez.

Estos hechos históricos ocurieron para el año 1511 y se conocen como la Rebelión Indígena de 1511. Abajo se observa la Cara del Indio en la Playa EL Pastillo. Foto de Lulio Saavedra.

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Guide to Pinar del Rio – what to see, where to go



Pinar del Río, the westernmost province of Cuba, will not leave indifferent even the most demanding fans of ecological tourism due to the beauty and uniqueness of its landscapes. More than 22% of the province is a protected area.

Pinar del Río is a great opportunity to enjoy the delights of Cuba’s exuberant nature.

Known as the “Garden of Cuba”, Pinar del Río is famous for its near-perfect natural beauty and for producing some of the best tobacco in the world. The province produces 70% of Cuba’s tobacco. nine0051

Pinar del Río is home to two of the six UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the Cuban archipelago: Guanaacabibes Peninsula / an isolated region with a national park of the same name and two reserves: Cabo Corrientes / El Veral / and the Sierra Valley del Rosario.

The peninsula Guanaacabibes has become a specially protected area for a reason. There are 100 lakes on its territory. The peninsula is home to 172 species of birds, 18 species of mammals, 18 species of amphibians, 86 species of butterflies, 700 species of plants and 16 species of orchids. In summer, sea turtles, including bighead and green turtles, come ashore to lay their eggs. The park is the only place in Cuba where this happens. The peninsula is also famous for its wonderful beaches, and there are more than 20 of them, with beautiful seascapes and a comfortable climate. nine0051

The park contains 140 archaeological sites related to the life of the indigenous Guanahatabei tribes.

The most famous tourist site of the province is Viñales Valley /Valle de Viñales/ , declared in 1999 by UNESCO as a Natural Heritage of Humanity. The exclusivity of flora and fauna, as well as the uniqueness of the landscape, amaze travelers.

The valley also attracts attention with its stunning mogotes – rocks with rounded tops, like hills, which are covered with lush vegetation. In addition, the geological conditions of this region are very interesting for speleologists. Complex cave systems are considered one of the largest and most beautiful in Latin America. nine0051

National Reserve Sierra del Rosario is located on the Rosario mountain range and covers an area of ​​about 257 square meters. km. 98 species of birds live here. Among them are hummingbirds, parrots, trogons and tocororos. The tocororo bird / “Priotelus temnurus” / is considered a symbol of Cuba – the colors of its plumage resemble the colors of the Cuban flag.

Must see: El Salto waterfall, Baños Romanos lakes and mineral springs, orchid garden, Buena Vista coffee plantation.

The province is known as “Mecca of Tabaco” /”Meca del Tabaco”/ for the excellent quality of tobacco, and visiting the plantations will allow tourists to touch the sacrament of growing this noble product. Visit Francisco Donatien’s tobacco factory, which was a prison until 1961.


Pinar del Rio is
the capital of the province of the same name and is located 162 km. from Havana. Town,
educated in 1774 as a captain in the Spanish army, became one of the
the last settlements in Cuba founded by the Spaniards. At 1896th captain
Antonio Maceo brought to Pinar del Río the second war of independence in
attempt to divide the island into two parts, as a result of which the city received
impetus for development.
After the revolution 1959 economic condition
Pinar del Río improved, helped by construction
National Highway from Havana. The tourism industry began to flourish in
1980s. Today, Pinar del Rio is considered the main area for
growing tobacco and is the center of the cigar industry.

Pinar del Rio
became one of the last provincial capitals. Its urban layout
and architectural features are a mixture of styles
art nouveau, neoclassical and others that have ever been popular on
Cuba. Many travel guides in Cuba advise you to visit Pinar del Rio alone.
from the first cities.

Francisco Donatién Tobacco Factory / Fábrica de tabaco Francisco Donatién

In one of the liveliest areas of the legendary Maximo Gomez street is the Francisco Donatien tobacco factory. The factory is located in one of the emblematic buildings. Once there was a hospital, and later it served as a prison. nine0051

During the tour, you will be able to see how real cigars are made by hand, based on centuries-old traditions. At the entrance to the factory, which tempts you with the smell of tobacco leaves, you can find a shop with a large assortment of cigars.

A stone’s throw from the tobacco factory
Independence Square is the best gallery in Pinar del Rio
arts with a collection of works by local artists.

Rum Distillery Casa Garay / Fábrica de Guayabita del Pinar

The factory produces the famous rum known as Guayabita del Pinar since 1892. This is a unique drink, the analogue of which is not produced anywhere in the world.

The history of this drink is associated with the colonization of Cuba. Local colonies sent large shipments of tobacco leaves and cigars to Spain. Tobacco pickers were very cold during the winter harvest. Every leaf of tobacco was covered with a large amount of dew in the morning, which fell on the pickers.

It comes in two varieties – dry and sweet. Sweet Guayabita del Pinar has a small strength of 30 degrees, and dry rum is no different in strength from a standard 40 degree drink. The unique taste of sweet rum is obtained thanks to the dried fruits of guayabita – they are used to infuse an alcoholic drink. Guayabita is a small tree from the myrtle family, the fruits of which have an almost spherical shape up to one and a half centimeters in diameter. For the preparation of rum, fruits are harvested only in July and August, more mature fruits are left for seeds. Guayabita is endemic to this region and this plant cannot be found anywhere in the world. nine0051

In addition to exotic fruit, vanilla, sugar, caramel, roots and herbs, distilled water and rum are used in the production of this drink. Everything is aged in oak barrels for at least 30 days. After that, the drink was filtered and infused in bottles for another 3 months. By the end of the 19th century, production took on an industrial scale.

During the factory tour you will not only get acquainted with the production process, but you can also taste Guayabita del Pinar yourself. There is a shop next to the distillery where you can buy rum. nine0051

Address: Isabel Rubio Sur nº 189, entre Ceferino Fernández y Frank País

Parque de la Independencia

The Plaza de Armas was originally located here, which was surrounded by the most important buildings colonial period: church, governor’s house, barracks and prison. Today, Independence Park is a square surrounded by houses built in the last two centuries. The building of the Provincial Center for the Visual Arts of Pinar del Rio was previously the residence /in 1844/ of the chief adviser to the government, Don Pedro Angelis. nine0051

Palace of Guasch / Palacio de Guasch

Admire the Palacio de Guasch and visit the Museum of Natural Sciences /Museo de Ciencias Naturales Sandalio de Noda/! This Palace, which is a mixture of architectural styles (Neo-Gothic and Moorish) was built by Dr. Francisco Gauche Ferrer between 1909 and 1914. and deservedly became the architectural symbol of the city. The museum has several exhibition halls that showcase exhibits of the Pinar del Río fauna.

Teatro José Jacinto Milanés

Teatro José Jacinto Milanés is one of the most attractive theaters in Cuba. It is famous for its excellent acoustics and is considered one of the symbols of Pinar del Río.

This beautiful wooden theater with 540 seats is one of the oldest in all of Latin America /1845/

Address: Martí nº 160, entre Isabel Rubio y Colón

Palace of Marriages / Palacio de los Matrimonios

When walking around the city, pay attention to the Palace of Marriages on Marti Street. This luxurious building was built in 1924. Many marriages are registered here throughout the year. There is no charge to enter inside, so you can take a look at the interior.

Address: Martí nº 124, entre Rafael Morales y Plaza de la Independencia

San Rosendo Cathedral / La Catedral de San Rosendo

Despite the fact that this Cathedral is considered to be little visited, it is very interesting. The neoclassical temple with some baroque details is located four blocks southeast of Francisco Donatien’s Tobacco Factory. On the facade, you can see the statues of San Pedro and San Pablo, and in the garden in front of the entrance, Jesus. The canvases decorating the interior of the Cathedral of San Rosendo deserve special attention. nine0235

Address: Maceo Este nº3

Estadio Capitán San Luis Sports

Capitán San Luis Stadium is located north of Pinar del Río. From October to April, interesting baseball matches are held here. If you love sports, stop by the stadium in the afternoon and you might be lucky enough to get to baseball practice. The Pinar del Rio team is considered one of the best teams in Cuba.

We recommend visiting Finca Quemado de Rubi. Here you can meet Hector Luis Prieto, the youngest tobacco farmer in Cuba. You will have a tour of the tobacco plantation (depending on the growing season), the house for drying leaves, as well as the humidor, where ready-made tobacco products are stored. The program includes lunch at the farm, where you will be offered local Cuban cuisine (+ one drink).

Cayo Levisa

Cayo Levisa is located 75 kg north of the western part of the island on one of the reefs of the Los Colorados archipelago. This small island,
is only 2.5 square kilometers long, and was discovered by Ernest Hemingway in the early 1940s. The main attraction of Cayo Levis is the magnificent beach, which is considered one of the best in the area. 2500 meters of coastline are covered with fine white sand.

The beach will amaze you with its clear waters, magnificent coral formations and a variety of fauna. Cayo Levisa is a real paradise for pelicans. nine0083

A little further east, on the paradise island Cayo Paraiso Hemingway used to set up his fishing camp.

Hundreds of tourists rush to Cayo Levis, tempted by its beauty of mangroves and variety of seabirds. It boasts the title of the best beach in the province of Pinar del Río.

Cayo Levisa is only 2 km away. from the mainland and can be reached by taking a memorable boat trip from Palma Rubia. nine0051

The beach is well-deservedly popular with snorkellers and divers. The coral reef is only 2 km away. from the coast and enjoys the most beautiful seascape in the Caribbean. These are well-preserved coral formations inhabited by a large colony of sea stars and Gorgonians, which can surprise even the most sophisticated tourist with a variety of marine fauna.

Coral formations, including the famous Corona de San Carlos will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with different types of marine inhabitants. Parrot fish, black bream, Cuban crucian carp, various crustaceans (including lobsters) live here.

Cape San Antonio

extreme western point of Cuba. Lighthouse Roncali /Faro Roncali/ , indicates the place where the “green Cuban alligator” ends – a silent witness to shipwrecks, raids by corsairs and pirates of the Caribbean. Flashes of light at night ensure ships are safe in this area of ​​Cuban waters. nine0051

According to the legend, before the construction of the Roncali Lighthouse, the sailors used to navigate by the giant tree that grew on this site. But due to weather conditions, the tree, of course, was not always visible. Therefore, shipwrecks in the westernmost part of Cuba have become a real curse. The first stone of the future lighthouse was laid on May 17, 1849. Construction work was carried out by slaves under the guidance of a group of engineers from Spain. The total cost of construction was sixty-two thousand pesos. The light beam of this tower can be seen about 30 kilometers away, with a frequency of two flashes every 10 seconds. At an early stage, the light beam was formed due to the burning of olive oil. nine0051

The lighthouse is located on a natural rocky promontory, about 10 meters above sea level. Its total height is just over 25 meters from the base to the circular roof of the casemate. An interesting fact is that this place, according to scientists, is considered the last refuge of the natives during the Spanish colonization.

Not until recently
there were diving centers. San Antonio is one of the most protected
marine areas in Cuba. Fishing and spearfishing in the area
are strictly prohibited. The San Antonio Reef is located in the Yucatan Channel.
There is always a strong current and a large number of fish. nine0051

around Cape San Antonio there are more than 30 first-class dive sites,
including numerous caverns and grottoes. These places are inhabited
barracudas, turtles, rays, various types of sharks, including hammerheads and
whale sharks, spiny lobsters, crabs and other marine animals.

the landscape at Cape San Antonio will amaze with its beauty even the most sophisticated and
experienced divers – here you can find arches, grottoes and remains
sunken ships.

Maria La Gorda

There is a version that the beach of Maria La Gorda / Playa Maria La Gorda / was named after a woman / Fat Maria /, in whose home, in between raids, pirates often visited . The details of these visits are not known to us, but it is very possible that they kept the stolen wealth in her house, which stood on the seashore. Playa Maria La Gorda left its rather gloomy past long ago and is now famous for its beauty and serenity. nine0051

The beach is located on the Guanacabibes Peninsula, which is a World Biosphere Reserve. This place is known for its unique nature, rich in flora and fauna, it is here that the largest colony of black coral in the archipelago. Maria La Gorda Beach is also very popular with those who are fond of water sports, as well as scuba diving /all levels/.

Maria La Gorda International Diving Center is known for its unique nature, rich in flora and fauna. There are more than 15 species of corals alone, including rare black corals. The sea is constantly seething with violent activity, which a person can observe without fear of frightening its inhabitants. Numerous living creatures have long been accustomed to curious tourists. Sea lawyer, Cuban sea bream, various types of snappers and even barracuda, as well as other exotic fish species are available for photography and underwater shooting. nine0051

Fans of pirate stories will find a lot of interesting things here. The diving depth in this area is -14 meters. On the seabed, ship cannons and numerous ancient anchors are found everywhere.

These beautiful white sandy beaches surrounded by many coconut trees will not leave indifferent lovers of ecotourism, as well as the average traveler who dreams of soaking up the sun.

Maria La Gorda Beach is located 150 km west of Pinar del Rio and 304 km. from Havana. nine0083

Viñales Valley / El Valle de Viñales

that stretch to the horizon with bright red ribbons, mountains like huge trees
grow out of the ground and go with their “crowns” to the sky, the flavor of peasant life
and mesmerizing natural scenery… impressive Villanes simply cannot
leave you indifferent!

Viñales Valley is a karst
lowland in the west of Cuba, which occupies 132 sq. km. It is located at 30
km. north of the capital Pinar del Río. nine0051

In 1999, the cultural landscape of the valley
included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The valley is known for its mogotes –
steep hills with flat tops up to 400 meters high, their age is
about 160 million years.

Main attractions
Valley is the Municipal Museum, which occupies the building where the national
Cuban hero Adela Azcuy, Casa de Caridad Botanical Garden
Caridad/, paleontological museum, runaway slave camp
Palenque de los Cimarrones and the nearby caves, the most famous of
of which – Indian Cave /Cueva del Indio, Cueva del Indio/, Jose Miguel
/Cueva de José Miguel/, Santo Thomas /Cueva de Santo Tomas/. The last of which is considered one of the largest in Latin America – 45 km passes inside it. underground galleries. There are tours around the cave, and you can also take a boat trip with a local guide and listen to the legends of the ancient Indian tribes. nine0051

The Casa de Caridad botanical garden is home to endemic animals and plants, including the ceiba tree, the caiman oak, the beautiful-crowned microcycas, the bee hummingbird, and the trogon.

Before the appearance of the first European settlements,
Taino tribes. The area where Viñales is now located was colonized in
1800s by tobacco magnates from the Canary Islands. First European
the settlement is documented in 1871 – it was a ranch owned by Don
Andreas Hernades Ramos. The city itself was founded in 1878.

Traditional farming methods are used in the valley, in particular in
tobacco growing, the folk architecture of farms and villages has been preserved, the region has
rich ethnic and cultural history.

Prehistoric fresco / Mural de la Prehistoria

On one of the hills bearing the beautiful name “Two Sisters” /Dos Hermanas/, you can see the painting “Mural of Prehistory”. On the hillside of Pita, the aforementioned mural was painted, 120 meters high and 180 meters wide. This is a unique insight into the biological evolution of the Sierra de los Organos. In order for these frescoes to be painted on the hill, it had to be freed from vegetation on the slope of Dos Hermanas, drains were made here in order to protect it from the influence of rain. The author of “Prehistoric frescoes” was Leovigildo González Morillo /Leovigildo González Morillo /, who is the director of cartography of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. On the fresco you can see the silhouettes of the Indians, different types of mammals, mollusks, as well as giant animals. nine0083

Caves of Pinar del Rio / Las Cuevas de Pinar del Rio

Cueva del Indio / Cave of the Indian / La Cueva del Indio /

– the site of an ancient settlement. Several burials were found in the cave. Here you can take a boat trip on a small river and listen to the legends of ancient Indian tribes.

Cave of San Miguel /Cueva de San Miguel/ served as a shelter for runaway slaves.

Gran Caverna de Santo Tomás or Moncada Cave is the largest and most important cave system found on the island of Cuba. Located on the edge of the small village of El Moncada, about 17 km.

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