Luis fortuno biografia: FORTUÑO, Luis G. | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives


1. De abogado privado en Puerto Rico a comisionado residente en Washington
2. Gobernador de Puerto Rico para el período 2009-2013

1. De abogado privado en Puerto Rico a comisionado residente en Washington

Hijo de dentista y el mayor de cuatro hermanos, recibió la formación escolar en el Colegio Marista de Guaynabo, al sur de San Juan, y la Escuela Edmund A. Walsh de Servicio Exterior (SFS) de la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington D. C., por la que recibió un Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service en 1982. A continuación, inició la carrera de Derecho en la Universidad de Virginia y en 1985 se licenció con el título de Juris Doctor.

Mientras asistió a las aulas en el continente, el joven estuvo activo en los ambientes políticos del Partido Republicano y favorables a la plena integración de Puerto Rico -desde 1952, Estado Libre Asociado (ELA), en régimen de soberanía limitada- en los Estados Unidos como un estado federado más, opción que en casa defendía el conservador Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP). En 1980 cofundó la Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association (PRSSA), que presidió hasta 1981, y se implicó en la campaña reeleccionista del gobernador del PNP, Carlos Antonio Romero Barceló. Más tarde, adquirió práctica profesional como interno en la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico (PRFAA), agencia pública que representa al Gobierno puertorriqueño ante el Gobierno federal y los gobiernos estatales. Una vez instalado en Puerto Rico, contrató con el prestigioso bufete de abogados McConnell Valdés, con sede en Hato Rey.

La llegada al poder a comienzos de 1993 de la Administración progresista de Pedro Juan Rosselló González, un partidario preclaro de la incorporación a Estados Unidos, catapultó al abogado al servicio público como director ejecutivo de la Compañía de Turismo de Puerto Rico (CTPR) y presidente de la Corporación para el Desarrollo Hotelero (CDH), en lo sucesivo subsidiaria de la anterior. Al cabo de año y medio, en julio de 1994, Rosselló le puso al frente del nuevo Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comercio (DDEC), organismo concebido por el Gobierno para concretar las estrategias y coordinar la ejecución de los distintos aspectos de su Nuevo Modelo Económico, que apostaba por el turismo como primera industria del país, la privatización parcial del sector público, la desregulación general de la economía y la desgravación fiscal de las empresas con los objetivos de atraer inversiones y estimular los negocios. El DDEC supervisaba el trabajo de siete agencias, entre ellas la CTPR.

Fortuño no renovó como secretario del DDEC y director de la CTPR tras constituir Rosselló su segundo Gobierno en enero de 1997 y regresó a la práctica privada legal como el quinto socio de una firma de abogados de San Juan especializada en derecho mercantil. La sociedad pasó a llamarse Correa, Collazo, Herrero, Jiménez & Fortuño. Tras el anuncio por Rosselló en junio de 1999 de que no aspiraba a la segunda reelección (permitida por la Constitución) en noviembre de 2000, el nombre de Fortuño fue señalado como un precandidato en potencia del PNP. Pero el abogado no movió ficha política y su partido se decantó por la candidatura del secretario de Transportes y Obras Públicas del Gobierno, Carlos Ignacio Pesquera Morales, a la sazón nuevo presidente de los progresistas, quien luego fue derrotado en las urnas por la postulante del opositor Partido Popular Democrático (PPD, liberal y defensor de la continuidad del ELA), Sila María Calderón Serra. Por el momento, Fortuño se mostraba más activo en el Partido Republicano que en el PNP; en 2001, el capítulo puertorriqueño de la primera formación le eligió su National Committeeman.

En 2003 Fortuño, con el respaldo especial de Ed Gillespie, presidente del Comité Nacional Republicano, se decidió a buscar la nominación del PNP para el cargo de comisionado residente en la Cámara de Representantes del Congreso de Estados Unidos, el segundo mandato electoral de más peso en Puerto Rico, que se somete al voto directo de los ciudadanos compartiendo papeleta con el aspirante a gobernador, aunque se trata de candidaturas autónomas. En su caso, su compañero de fórmula era Rosselló, que en su paréntesis de cuatro años planteó el envite del tercer mandato.

Luego de imponerse en las primarias progresistas con el 61,3% de los votos al ex gobernador Romero Barceló y a los senadores Charlie Rodríguez y Miriam Ramírez de Ferrer, el abogado venció asimismo a su contrincante del PPD, el senador Roberto Prats Palerm, en la elección nacional del 2 de noviembre de 2004. Con el 48,5% de los votos, Fortuño se proclamó comisionado residente, pero en la elección a gobernador Rosselló perdió, por menos de 4.000 votos, ante Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, quien era el comisionado residente saliente. La dispar fortuna de la fórmula progresista supuso que, por primera vez desde la creación del ELA, el gobernador y el comisionado residente no serían del mismo partido.

El 3 de enero de 2005 Fortuño tomó posesión de su despacho en el Longworth House Office Building de Washington. En su ejercicio de cuatro años, el representante puertorriqueño, que podía trabajar con plenitud de derechos en las comisiones de la Cámara aunque no votar en la sesiones plenarias, obtuvo la cantidad récord de 835 millones de dólares en asignaciones legislativas para proyectos de infraestructura en la isla, según se indica en su biografía oficial. En 2007 fue corredactor de la proposición de ley Puerto Rico Democracy Act, nunca aprobada, que regulaba la celebración el último día de 2009 de un referéndum en el que los puertorriqueños podrían pronunciarse sobre si mantener el ELA o bien negociar un nuevo estatus; en caso de ganar la segunda opción, antes de dos años tendría que celebrarse un segundo referéndum que decidiría entre la estadidad (la incorporación a la Unión) y la “soberanía”, entendida esta tanto como la “plena independencia” como una “libre asociación” con Estados Unidos. Por supuesto, Fortuño prefería la opción anexionista.

2. Gobernador de Puerto Rico para el período 2009-2013
El puesto de comisionado residente era un excedente trampolín para llegar al de gobernador, y Fortuño no lo desaprovechó. El 19 de febrero de 2007, en un acto público en Puerto Rico y al socaire de unos sondeos de valoración de líderes muy favorables a su persona, el abogado destapó su aspiración para las elecciones de 2008. En mayo, presentó a Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia, antiguo compañero del colegio así como colega profesional y colega gubernamental en la primera Administración de Rosselló (y afiliado, no a los republicanos, sino a los demócratas de Estados Unidos), como su acompañante de boleta para comisionado residente.

En la primaria progresista del 9 de marzo de 2008 Fortuño disputó la nominación a su antiguo patrocinador político, Rosselló, presidente del partido desde 2003 y protagonista, siendo senador, de varias polémicas, como la imputación de haber falsificado documentos en el intento de obtener una generosa pensión del Estado y la participación en una protesta contra el “colonialismo” estadounidense en la isla. Al cabo de una dura campaña, en la que tachó a su contrincante de “cáncer” dentro del PNP por el legado de corrupción dejado por figuras políticas de su Administración, Fortuño venció con el 59% de los votos. La proclamación de la candidatura a gobernador llevó implícita la asunción de la presidencia del PNP. Tras esta nueva decepción, Rosselló anunció su retirada de la política.

La cuestión de la honestidad resultó decisiva en la campaña de las elecciones generales del 4 de noviembre de 2008, a las que Acevedo se empeñó en concurrir pese a haberle imputado la justicia federal de Estados Unidos, a raíz de una investigación del Departamento de Justicia y el FBI, un rosario de cargos criminales por presunta financiación ilegal de sus pasadas campañas electorales y otros supuestos de corrupción, fraude y abuso de poder. El titular reeleccionista hacía frente a un juicio que tendría lugar tras las elecciones y en el que se jugaba, si era declarado culpable, una condena carcelaria. Por si fuera poco, el balance gubernamental de Acevedo se presentaba sumamente oscurecido por los grandes apuros fiscales y económicos. La economía estaba sumida en una recesión muy profunda desde hacía dos años (2007 cerró con un crecimiento negativo del -1,9% del PIB y en 2008 la contracción iba a ser del -2,5%) y el déficit ahogaba al erario público, viéndose obligado el Gobierno a tomar préstamos de urgencia para pagar los salarios de los funcionarios, gravar el consumo y subir las tasas del agua y la electricidad.

Acevedo era un gobernador con la popularidad mermada y bajo sospecha de corrupto, lo que facilitaba el esfuerzo electoral de su adversario. Sin sorpresa, Fortuño le ganó con el 52,7% de los votos. La ventaja del progresista sobre el demócrata, de once puntos porcentuales (en términos absolutos, 225.000 votos), era la más abultada desde 1964. En la elección a comisionado residente, Pierluisi se impuso con guarismos muy parecidos a su oponente del PPD, Alfredo Salazar. En las legislativas, el PNP obtuvo una mayoría aplastante al hacerse con 22 de los 27 senadores y 37 de los 51 representantes, cuotas que mejoraban la ya holgada mayoría sacada en 2004. En resumidas cuentas, con Fortuño de la mano, el PNP anotaba los mejores resultados presidenciales y legislativos de su historia.

El 2 de enero de 2009 Fortuño, a los 48 años, prestó juramento como el noveno gobernador del ELA con las promesas de adoptar las medidas necesarias para atajar los problemas financieros, empezando por una drástica reducción del gasto público, sacar al país de la aguda crisis económica que comprometía su futuro y hacer más que su predecesor en la lucha contra la criminalidad común y la violencia social. En los dos primeros frentes ya contaba con el compromiso del presidente electo de Estados Unidos, el demócrata Barack Obama, de apoyar adecuadamente a la economía boricua. En efecto, Obama había manifestado que Puerto Rico sería “parte integral” del nuevo paquete de estímulo económico que su Administración planeaba aplicar y que la isla recibiría un trato equitativo en los programas federales de salud e incentivo de la creación de empleo. San Juan esperaba recibir 5. 000 millones de dólares del próximo plan de estímulo económico federal.

El 3 de marzo, en un mensaje televisado al país, Fortuño, tras reconocer que el Gobierno estaba en “bancarrota” y en “quiebra”, y recordar que en sus dos primeros meses de mandato ya había ordenado una reducción del 10% en los gastos operacionales del Gobierno y la eliminación de un 30% de los puestos de confianza, anunció su Plan de Reconstrucción y Estabilización, que se fijaba el objetivo de ahorrar anualmente 2.000 millones de dólares en los gastos corrientes del Gobierno, cantidad que representaba dos terceras partes del déficit fiscal de 3.200 millones. Semejante esfuerzo de austeridad pasaba inexcusablemente por el recorte de la nómina de funcionarios. El temor a la eliminación de hasta una décima parte de los 300.000 empleos del sector público (Fortuño mencionó textualmente la cifra de 30.000 posibles despidos) y la aprobación de las primeras disposiciones legislativas para aplicar el Plan de Reconstrucción movilizaron enérgicamente a los sindicatos, que hicieron su primera demostración de fuerza en la fiesta del Primero de Mayo.

El 9 de marzo, una vez aprobadas por las dos cámaras de la Asamblea Legislativa, el gobernador firmó y convirtió en ley tres medidas que daban vigencia al plan anticrisis: la Ley para Implantar la Ley Federal de Estímulo Económico, que designaba a la Autoridad para el Financiamiento de la Infraestructura (AFI) como la entidad encargada de canalizar los fondos adjudicados a Puerto Rico por el Plan de Estímulo Económico Federal; la Ley del Plan de Estímulo Económico Criollo (PEC), complementaria de la anterior, por la que el Gobierno inyectaba 500 millones de dólares con recursos propios para el desarrollo de proyectos de infraestructura; y la controvertida Ley Especial Declarando Estado de Emergencia Fiscal y Estableciendo Plan Integral de Estabilización Fiscal para Salvar el Crédito de Puerto Rico (LESEF, o Ley 7), que imponía toda una gama de nuevos impuestos y arbitrios más un plan de reducción de la nómina pública consistente en “renuncias voluntarias incentivadas”, reducciones de la jornada laboral y, en una segunda fase, de resultar insuficientes las anteriores medidas, “cesantías” con carácter masivo.

En junio salió adelante la Ley de Alianzas Público Privadas, destinada a favorecer la actividad empresarial generadora de empleos. Mientras las organizaciones de trabajadores se mantenían en pie de guerra contra el Gobierno y ya barajaban una huelga general, los indicadores económicos y sociales aceleraban su funesta evolución. El paro rondaba el 12% y las previsiones apuntaban a una contracción del PIB superior al 3% en 2009, tasa alarmante que hizo preguntarse a los analistas si Puerto Rico no estaría sumido, más que en una recesión coyuntural, en una depresión de tipo estructural.

El gobernador de Puerto Rico está casado con la abogada y notario Lucé Vela Gutiérrez, y es padre de trillizos, María Luisa, Guillermo, y Luis Roberto, nacidos en 1991.

(Cobertura informativa hasta 1/9/2009)

Caribbean Elections Biography

Luis Guillermo Fortuño Burset
Former Governor of Puerto Rico

Luis Guillermo Fortuño Burset is a Puerto Rican politician who served as the tenth Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,.   Fortuño was also president of the New Progressive Party or New Party of Progress (NPP) (“Partido Nuevo Progresista”) (PNP) until 2013.

Early life and education

Fortuño was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico to Luis Fortuño Moscoso, a dentist, and Shirley Joyce Burset de Mari. He is the eldest of four brothers. One of his maternal great-grandfathers was born in Marín, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain and emigrated to Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

Fortuño attended Colegio Marista (Marist School) in Guaynabo, graduating in 1978. He then earned a Bachelor of Science degree in diplomacy from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In 1985, he received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Virginia School of Law. During this period, Fortuño was an intern at the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration in Washington, D.C.

While in college, Luis Fortuño co-founded the Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association (PRSSA) with Kenneth McClintock and presided over the organization from 1980 to 1981. During the 1980 gubernatorial election recount, PRSSA generated more than 1,500 absentee ballots at Fortuño’s direction for incumbent Governor Carlos Romero Barceló. The generated ballots were an important factor in Romero Barceló’s reelection; he won by a slim margin of approximately 3000 votes. Fortuño was also active in other pro-statehood youth organizations and in the Republican Party.


In the 1990s, Fortuño served as the first Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce as the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company and as the President of Puerto Rico’s Hotel Development Corporation during the administration of Governor Pedro Rosselló.

In 2003 Fortuño won the 2004 PNP nomination for Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico in primaries against former Governor Carlos Romero Barceló, former Senate President Charlie Rodriguez and then senator Miriam Ramírez de Ferrer.   He was then elected Resident Commissioner in 2004, defeating Senator Roberto Prats.  Fortuño represented Puerto Rico from 2005 to 2009 in the United States House of Representatives, and served as Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Conference, a Member of the newly created United States House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Insular Affairs and co-chair, with Rep.  Xavier Becerra (D-CA), of the Friends of Spain Caucus.

Fortuño later won the PNP gubernatorial nomination by a wide margin after defeating former Governor and then-Senator Pedro Rosselló in the primaries.  He then won the race for Governor by a wide margin during the 2008 elections, defeating incumbent Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá.  Fortuño holds the distinction of being the first Republican to be elected Governor of Puerto Rico since 1969, and the second Republican governor since 1949.  He is also the first Republican representative from Puerto Rico to be elected to Congress in its history.

On 9 January 2013, Fortuño presented his resignation to the Presidency of the New Progressive Party, and accepted the party directorate’s request that he serve as Acting President until 3 February, when Pierluisi was selected to succeed Fortuño.

Fortuño and former First Lady Lucé Vela moved to Washington, DC in early 2013, where he is a partner with the Steptoe & Johnson law firm in its Corporate, Securities & Finance Group and the Government Affairs and Public Policy Group. He is also involved in Steptoe’s Latin American practice.

He is also a frequent speaker in forums related to business and conservative causes.

Honours and awards

Fortuño is the recipient of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, Grand Cross with Collar, awarded by King Juan Carlos I of Spain in 2009.

Personal life

He is married to attorney Lucé Vela-Gutierrez; they have triplets, María Luisa, Luis Roberto, and Guillermo (born 1991) who are now college students at mainland U. S. universities.

“Fortune” – “VVV-Venlo”. 10/26/2019. Forecast and bets for the match

Vardan Harutyunyan

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Football. Championship of the Netherlands. 11th round.

“Fortuna” – “VVV-Venlo”

Stadium: Fortuna Sittard. Sittard, The Netherlands

10/26/2019. 19:30 (MSK)

Referee: Danny Makkeli (Netherlands)

Best odds


Representatives of the lower part of the standings will meet in the 11th round of the Dutch Championship. VVV-Venlo will visit Fortuna. Guests have performed unsuccessfully in the last four matches. As for the hosts, after a surge against Feyenoord Rotterdam, the team again failed to show the best qualities. What should be expected from the upcoming meeting between the clubs?

Fortuna kit

After a surprising 4-2 victory over Feyenoord, Fortuna once again disappointed their fans. In the previous round, the club, under the leadership of Sjors Ulte, went to visit Emmen and could not achieve a positive result. “Fortuna” has already suffered the sixth defeat in the current draw of the Eredivisie. The scoreboard showed a score of 1:2. With six points in the asset, Fortuna is in 17th place in the standings.

Form “VVV-Venlo”

The last time VVV-Venlo achieved a winning result in the Eredivisie was back in the middle of last month. “Good old” on September 14 at home upset “Groningen” with a score of 2:1. After this meeting, the team suffered four defeats in a row. At the same time, it should be noted that during this period VVV-Venlo conceded 12 goals and only once hit the opponents’ goal. In the previous round, Robert Muscant’s club hosted Leonid Slutsky’s Vitesse at home and was powerless against the opponent. “Vitesse” defeated the “good old” with a score of 4:0. With nine points on their account, VVV-Venlo is in 15th place and risks being in the relegation zone.

“Fortuna” – “VVV-Venlo”: history of personal matches

In the last Eredivisie draw, “VVV-Venlo” outplayed the opponent at home with a score of 3:2. In the second round, the match took place at the Fortuna stadium and ended in a draw 1:1. For all the time, the teams played 39 head-to-head matches. The advantage in the number of victories on the side of the “good old” – 14 vs. 12.

“Fortuna” – “VVV-Venlo”: the proposed composition of the clubs

The possible basis of “Fortuna”: Koshelev, Essers, Ninyay, Harris, Cox, Passlack, Ugur, Tekie, Siss, Sambu, Dimers.

Possible base for VVV-Venlo: Kirschbaum, Janssen, Pahonik, Schäfer, Raeseler, Neudecker, Cattermole, Post, van Oyen, Wright, Yeboah.

Fortuna – VVV-Venlo: curious team statistics

Only in two of the last 14 matches of VVV-Venlo in the Eredivisie did the option “total over 2. 5 goals” fail;

VVV-Venlo have only lost two of their last 23 matches against Fortuna in all competitions;

VVV-Venlo lost their last four matches in the Dutch Championship;

Fortuna managed to outplay the opponent only once in the last 13 Eredivisie matches;

Fortuna have conceded 2+ goals in five of their last six league matches.

Prediction and bets for the match “Fortuna” – “VVV-Venlo”

It should be noted that in the last two matches on their arena “Fortuna” did not suffer defeat. The team led by Sjors Ulte will try to extend this series. “Fortuna” unsuccessfully performs against “VVV-Venlo” in the last head-to-head matches. VVV-Venlo intends to break a series of four defeats in a row. For the upcoming game between “Fortuna” and “VVV-Venlo” you can take the following lines.

X with a coefficient of 3.80 at the bookmaker’s office “Marathon”;

Total over 3 with a coefficient of 1.87 in the bookmaker’s office “Betcity”;

“Fortuna” total over 1. 5 with odds of 2.00 at the GGbet bookmaker.

Marathon is the winner of the BR Awards 2019 Most Reliable Bookmaker.

Betsity is the winner of the BR Awards 2019 “Best Customer Service”.

Top 9 odds0003


Real bookmaker



Rating: 5

biography, best songs, interesting facts

Justin Bieber

. Others are convinced that Justin Bieber was just kissed by Mrs. Fortune. He is the darling of fate, on whom at the age of 15 it rained from fame and money. Indeed, is his story a boyish version of Cinderella or a well-deserved reward for talent and hard work? Judge for yourself, but be sure to listen to his songs and watch films with his participation in order to complete this intricate puzzle.

A short biography of Justin Bieber and many interesting facts about the singer, read on our page.

Brief biography

Justin Bieber was born on the first day of spring 1994 in Canada, in the province of Ontario. His mother, Patricia Lynn “Patti” Mallet, was barely 19 at the time. In the view of Canadians, this age is too young for conscious motherhood, later many journalists will caustically note: “Starting early is in Justin Bieber’s blood.” However, all subsequent moments prove that Patti is not only a wonderful loving mother, but also a wise and patient woman.

He moved with her to Stratford soon after she was born. The father of the future musician, Jeremy Jack Bieber, broke up with her before the birth of his son. But they still maintain the warmest relationship: they rest together, they have several identical tattoos that are filled in various parts of the world, moreover, the eldest son was present at the third wedding of the pope. To say that he did not know father’s love is a big delusion.

The future idol of millions lived in a tiny apartment in one of the most disadvantaged areas of the city. Patti was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, working in several places at the same time.

Little Justin liked to play hockey and football and spend time at the chess table. Already at the age of 2 he could maintain a drum rhythm, and a few years later he himself mastered the art of playing the piano, guitar, drums and trumpet.

At the age of 12, the boy already sang quite well, and took 2nd place in the local song contest. Think, not even the first, but only the second, but he had Patti, and this is the main thing!

Justin’s mom decided that it was necessary to post videos of his performances on YouTube, which ultimately played a key role in the development of Bieber as a professional musician. Later, she repeatedly said that she simply wanted to acquaint relatives and friends with the success of the child, the consequences were stunning – thousands of views, likes. Even before the start of a serious career, he becomes famous thanks to YouTube and the perseverance of his mother, because she posted new performances with enviable regularity. The teenager has a memorable voice, a soulful look and an ocean of genuine charm.

In 2008, Scooter Braun, a well-known music manager, came across a recording of Justin Bieber’s performance and immediately recognized him as a great talent. Without thinking twice, he invited the boy to Atlanta to make some recordings. Patti refused for a long time, worrying about her son, but Brown’s persuasion over the phone turned out to be long, serious, weighty. Justin finally flies to Atlanta, Scooter’s natural and professional flair did not let him down.

Further events developed very rapidly: recording songs, conquering the charts (Bieber’s first track “One Time” hit the top ten tracks in Canada), the release of albums, and many performances.

A handsome, cheerful and talented singer quickly became not only a favorite of the public, but also a very wealthy person. On his 20th birthday, he takes first place in the list of the richest representatives of show business under 30 years old. In just one year, he increased his fortune by $80 million.

Canadian receives the most prestigious awards, including: Grammy, American Music Awards.

He has 4 studio albums, new compositions are constantly appearing. Spotify, an Internet service that allows its subscribers to download music and audiobooks, reported that Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran’s joint song “I Don’t Care” ranked 2nd among super hits from June 1 to August 20, 2019 in terms of the frequency of downloads.of the year.

Without exaggeration, Justin has his own records. For example, he is the first singer in history to have 7 songs from his first album on the coveted Billboard Hot 100. The video for the song “Baby” has long been the first in terms of the number of views of all videos on YouTube, it has been watched several billion times!

And, by the way, here it is – the dream come true of millions of people from all over the world and all ages, when a simple guy without a lot of money for promotion, without eminent producers declares himself with ordinary records on the Internet.

Interesting facts

  • He once sold his hair after being cut at an auction. Justin donated $12,000 of the proceeds from the deal to charity.
  • At the age of 9, Patti Mallet gave her son a long-awaited bicycle, which was soon stolen. The teenager vividly demonstrated the talent of a tactician and the skills of a strategist: he independently organized and conducted a real operation to find the kidnapper. Friends spent the whole day looking for a brazen thief, and when it seemed that all efforts were in vain, they found a valuable gift and a friend who did it.
  • The singer was painfully worried about the breakdown of his voice, it began quite late – at the age of 16. He repeatedly admitted that, to his horror, he could no longer take individual high notes. In order for this natural process to pass with minimal consequences, doctors and the most competent vocal specialists worked hard with the teenager.
  • At 21, he visited a dental surgeon to remove all 4 wisdom teeth under general anesthesia. The operation was successful, according to the singer himself, he finally got rid of useless “growths”. Comparing the photos, it is noticeable that his childhood swelling has disappeared, expressive cheekbones have appeared.
  • The idol of millions likes … silence, the star likes to spend his free time fishing.
  • The musician’s main fears are spiders, closeness to which makes him panic, and confined spaces. Justin is claustrophobic.
  • The idol of millions cannot live without sweets. His favorite candy is a Canadian-made candy called “Big Foots”.
  • Almost every day the musician starts with a bowl of cereal with berries, this is his favorite breakfast.
  • The artist loves his family, especially his younger sister Jasmine. Communication with her gives him “boundless joy”, as he himself said in an interview.
  • According to Justin Bieber’s manager, the guy still has a “teenage rebellious spirit.” Therefore, sometimes he does things for which you can easily go to jail. For example, for the graffiti done by the artist in Rio, he almost ended up in jail for a whole year. There are many similar stories in the biography of the musician.
  • Justin loves to solve the Rubik’s Cube. He met this puzzle as a child, now a young man can solve a cube in just a couple of minutes.
  • Madame Tussauds has Bieber wax figures. There are already 5 of them, but perhaps in the future this figure will grow.
  • In an interview, the musician said that as a teenager he planned to become an architect. Therefore, if Justin had not become popular, then this would have become his main activity for life.
  • Bieber collects shoes. He has one of the largest collections among all famous artists. The thing is that he does not wear the same pair twice, so you can imagine how many shoes have already gathered in his dressing room.
  • The best vacation for a young star is spending time on the ocean. The guy loves to visit large reservoirs, and tries to get out to such places as often as possible.
  • Usually Justin Bieber travels long distances in his own bus, not on a plane. And although flights save a lot of time, they cause discomfort to the artist. Therefore, whenever possible, he prefers to get to his destination by bus.
  • The musician loves shopping malls. In every city that Justin finds himself in, he tries to find time to visit at least one such place.
  • When an artist is about to go on tour, he constantly forgets about his toothbrush, therefore, on his next trip he has to buy a new one. However, this does not affect the huge, even by the standards of modern show business, income.
  • I am sure that children should be born only in marriage and dreams that he would have a large and friendly family.
  • The Canadian not only has a gift for music, but also the skills of King Midas, under whose hand everything turned into gold. Bieber makes $3 per second on average. Today, his financial condition, according to various estimates, is estimated at $290 million to $310 million. Of these, half are: collaborations with famous advertising campaigns, his own clothing brand, income from social networks and YouTube, emoji for Twitter and other “little things” based on his name and appearance.

The best songs of Justin Bieber

Of course, during his musical career, Justin Bieber managed to release a huge number of bright compositions that became famous all over the world. But let’s remember together the most famous and noteworthy songs.

One Time “. The very first song of the musician, which quickly “blew up” the world charts.

“One Time” (listen)

Baby “. In this song, Justin refers to his “baby”, so it became a favorite hit of many girls.

“Baby” (listen)

Never say never “. The title of the song translates to “Never Say Never”. This is a very inspiring composition that helps to gain motivation and survive the worst moments of life.

“Never say never” (listen)

Pray “. Translated as “Prayer”, in it the musician talks about his feelings about the world in which we live. A strong and deep song that everyone who wants to touch the artist’s inner world should definitely listen to.

“Pray” (listen)

Somebody to love “. One of those simple and “light” songs in which the star sings about love. Many fans consider it the artist’s best track.

“Somebody to love” (listen)

The idol of millions is a fan of tattoos

Today, his body is decorated with several dozen tattoos. Some say there are about 30 of them, others say – more than 40. The difficulty of counting is that they adorn almost the entire body and form a complex, intricate composition. Each new one makes both fans and haters rack their brains. The topics are very different: from biblical inscriptions to the image of a compass, which speaks of the desire to follow one’s course, to go to the intended goal.

The singer has repeatedly stressed that he appreciates classic tattoos, but rather, they are specific. The first one was stuffed at the age of 16, a seagull appeared on the thigh in 2010, and in 2011 in Israel the inscription in Hebrew “Jesus” adorned the chest. There is a creative tattoo called “Patty Mallet’s Big Eye”, a transparent hint that his mother is looking after her matured, but still reckless little son all 24 hours a day. Those who closely follow Justin’s extravagant hobby note that over time he decorates himself with more aggressive and brutal drawings. Indeed, the difference between a miniature seagull and a bear’s grin is obvious.

He does not reveal the meaning of many tattoos, one can only guess and guess.

A special gift is to be on the crest of scandals

America spoiled the charismatic and super talented boy who left Canada, this is exactly what Canadians claimed when Bieber was arrested while racing through the streets of Miami in January 2014. The singer was driving a sports car when he was offered an alcohol test, which he categorically refused. Later, he admitted that on that ill-fated day he not only drank, but also “dabbled” in soft drugs.

Naturally, this is not the first time that the idol of millions has been seen drinking alcohol, taking pills and marijuana. There were many people who justify such behavior, because not everyone at such a tender age has to face the collapse of fame and huge money, even by the standards of a successful show business.

Even at the beginning of his lightning-fast career, he showed all kinds of love and affection for animals. Many remember a charming hamster named Peck, who accompanied the young talent to numerous concerts. This touched the girls in love with the star, one of them was given a hamster. However, not having survived the unexpected separation, the animal died, yearning for the owner.

Then, in 2013, the monkey Molly appeared, Justin consistently posted joint photos on social networks, videos on the Internet. It got ridiculous, namely: the singer in the rider indicated the possibility of performing with his favorite as a separate item. There were times when he refused to go on stage if it was not possible to perform with Molly. But mercy quickly turned to anger. The nineteen-year-old singer took her on a world tour, he did not have any certificates and necessary certificates of vaccinations that are necessary for transportation. The monkey was taken in Munich at customs and given time to collect the necessary documents, but Molly remained in Germany.

Personal life

Attractive appearance, bright voice, extravagant image more than once generated rumors about the unconventional orientation of the singer. But Justin once again demonstrated that these fables have nothing to do with him and are generated more by envy of success than by real facts.

On several occasions, he and singer/actress Selena Gomez created a tsunami of rumors about their relationship that began in 2010. Young people looked very harmonious and looked happy. The couple officially broke up several times, but the lovers reunited again, but in the summer of 2018 it became clear that the final break was inevitable.

During numerous breakups with Selena, Justin did not indulge in sadness and memories for a long time, he was seen in meetings with Sofia Richie and Xenia Deli, Ariana Grande. The imagination of the public was also excited by the appearance at various events with Kourtney Kardashian, but the guy and the girl stubbornly did not give any comments on this matter. Thanks to a series of high-profile novels, the Canadian has earned the reputation of an experienced heartthrob.

In 2015, Bieber posts a photo of a passionate kiss with model Hailey Baldwin, but the couple have been vocal about not being romantically involved, just friends. Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber officially got married in September 2018.

It is noteworthy that in fact the young spouses had known each other for a long time. Her father, the famous Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin, brought his daughter to Justin’s concert, when the girl was only 11 years old, they became good friends. Hailey accompanied the star at all subsequent stages of her life. Today, many years later, he claims that she is the only true love.

Moreover, many of Justin’s acquaintances and friends say that Hayley’s influence keeps her husband from scandalous stories, in which he used to get into with enviable regularity before.

She took his last name, the couple often indulge fans with cute family photos, and journalists often call the young “Bibery”, noting that they have a lot in common.

Films with Justin Bieber

The musician managed to appear in several films, some of them gained great fame precisely because of his participation:

  • Justin Bieber: Never say never. Released in 2011, a movie that tells about the life of an artist and how he achieved success.
  • Katy Perry: Part of me.

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