Map by zip code: California ZIP Codes List, Map, and Demographics

ZIP Codes – shown on Google Maps

Search places (e.g. address, city)


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Draw & measure on the map

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Add points, lines and shapes to any map, and save Drawings to your My Account page! Add multiple drawings to any of your maps!

Also, measures and displays length and area automatically when you draw or edit any of your lines and shapes!

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Create custom areas from ZIP Codes or Counties

Create custom areas from ZIP Codes or Counties

Create a custom area from a list of ZIP Codes

Define a delivery area, service area or sales territory using a list of 5-digit or 3-digit U.S. ZIP Codes

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sample map

Color-code ZIP Codes from a spreadsheet

Create a custom color-coded map using a live link to a Google Sheet containing U. S. ZIP Codes

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sample map

Color-code Counties from a spreadsheet

Create a custom color-coded map using a live link to a Google Sheet containing U.S. Counties

Show Me How

sample map

Type or paste a comma-separated list of 5-digit and/or 3-digit ZIP Codes into the box below, OR

Click here to select ZIP Codes by drawing on the map

Then, set map title & display options, then click the Apply button below

1. In Google Sheets, create a spreadsheet with the first 3 columns in this order: ZIPCode, Data*, and Color • Free version has a limit of 1,000 rows
• NEW! You can use any combination of 5-digit ZIP Codes and 3-digit ZIP Codes
• Map data will be read from the first sheet tab in your Google Sheet
• If you don’t have a Google Sheet, create one by importing from Excel or a .csv file
• The header of the second column will be used as the map legend heading
• The second column can contain links beginning with https:// that will appear when the user clicks the map on that ZIP Code
• In the color column, you can use any browser-supported color name or any 6-digit hex color code

2. Share your spreadsheet using these steps: (1) Click the Share button in the upper right corner, (2) click the Get link section in the box that appears, (3) change the sharing setting to Anyone with the link (keep the drop-down to the right set as Viewer), (4) click the Copy link button, and (5) click Done. (see screenshot of these 5 steps )

3. Paste the link you just copied into the box below:

4. Set map title & display options, then click the Apply button below

Click here to select ZIP Codes for your spreadsheet by drawing on the map

* The Data column (second column) can be named anything, such as Territory in this example

1. In Google Sheets, create a spreadsheet with 4 columns in this order: County, StateAbbrev, Data* and Color • Free version has a limit of 1,000 rows
• Map data will be read from the first sheet tab in your Google Sheet
• If you don’t have a Google Sheet, create one by importing from Excel or a . csv file
• The header of the third column will be used as the map legend heading
• The third column can contain links beginning with https:// that will appear when the user clicks the map on that county
• In the color column, you can use any browser-supported color name or any 6-digit hex color code

2. Share your spreadsheet using these steps: (1) Click the Share button in the upper right corner, (2) click the Get link section in the box that appears, (3) change the sharing setting to Anyone with the link (keep the drop-down to the right set as Viewer), (4) click the Copy link button, and (5) click Done. (see screenshot of these 5 steps )

3. Paste the link you just copied into the box below:

4. Set map title & display options, then click the Apply button below

Click here to select Counties for your spreadsheet by drawing on the map

* The Data column (third column) can be named anything, such as Salesperson in this example

Add custom points to the map

Add custom points to the map

Add your own custom points to any map!

Add points to the map from a live-linked spreadsheet! Or add points from Google My Maps, Google Earth, or GIS software.

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Set map title & display options

Set map title & display options

Set an embedded title for your map, set the map type and choose other map layers to display (all optional)

Embedded Map Title

Title & label color

Map tool
Custom Area MapCustom Color-Coded MapCounty LinesCity LimitsCivil TownshipsZIP CodesSection Township RangeElevationHistorical U.S. CountiesTime ZonesArea Codes

Map type

Center map on user location

Use current map center & zoom level

Show county lines

Show city limits

Show labels
Show ZIP Code boundaries

Also show these outside my custom area

Hide map legend

Click Apply to view your finished map


If desired, add additional mapBuilder modules to your map and make any other adjustments, then click Apply to see the updated map.

When you are happy with your map, you can:

Copy the map link for use on another website*

Copy link

Link copied to clipboard!

Save the finished map to your My Account page

Save Map

Map saved!

* If you include a map screenshot from this tool on your website, please include a small source attribution link pointing to this page Map Tools ©2022

View Google Maps with ZIP Codes. Interactive ZIP Code map enables a Google Zip Codes lookup by address or a ZIP Code county lookup. Google Maps ZIP Code overlay.

Quickly check what ZIP Code an address is in with this free tool. This Google Maps ZIP Code overlay
enables you to do a zip code lookup by address or a ZIP Code county lookup. Google
zip codes
anywhere in the US. Find what
ZIP Code am I in
with this interactive ZIP Code map.

Want to color-code groups of ZIP Codes or Counties to create sales territories? Use the
mapBuilder tool above!

Quick Tips for using this ZIP Codes map tool

  1. Type any U.S. address or place in the “Search places” box above the map*

    OR: Zoom into your place of interest on the map

    ZIP Code boundaries will draw on the map, and the ZIP Code, state name**, country name and latitude/longitude for
    your chosen location will appear at the top of the map***
  2. Check the “Show ZIP Code labels” checkbox in the lower left corner of the map to see ZIP Code
    labels on the map.

    This option is useful to find the supplemental ZIP Codes that are represented by small red circles
  3. Click the “Colorize” button in the upper left corner of the map to color in the ZIP Code areas
    (especially useful in busy metro areas)
  4. Optionally, check the “Show US city limits” checkbox in the lower left corner of the map to
    see City Limits overlaid on the map

    Show US townships by checking the box in the lower left corner of the map

    Show county lines by checking the box in the lower left corner of the map
  5. Click the ◉ button in the upper right corner of the map to
    use your current location. Click the ◉ button again to automatically update
    your location every 1, 5 or 10 minutes (Monthly
    Contributors also get an option to update every several seconds). †
  6. Subscribe to receive notification of tool updates and usage tips

* You can also type in GPS coordinates in decimal degrees into the Search places box. For example, type -105.25,
40 for Boulder, Colorado.

** or equivalent province, district, etc.

*** All information is reported based on the location of the blue dot on the
; to move the blue dot, click the map

The “Locate” button will be more accurate on smartphones and other devices containing a GPS;
desktop browsers typically show an approximate location

Have a small business? Quickly create a
DELIVERY AREA MAP for free on Google Maps based on ZIP Codes

FAQs for ZIP Codes

Can I see ZIP Codes in Google Maps?

This ZIP Code map tool shows ZIP Code boundaries on Google Maps. Use the ‘Search places’ box just above the map to find the ZIP Code for an address or place.

How do I see a ZIP Code map?

This ZIP Codes map tool shows ZIP Code boundaries on Google Maps. You can also label the ZIP Codes on the map by checking the box in the lower left corner of the map.

How do I find a county by ZIP Code?

To find the county for a ZIP, type the ZIP Code in the ‘Search places’ box above this ZIP Code County Finder map tool, then check the ‘Also show county lines’ box in the lower left corner of the map. The county name appears near the top of the map.

How do you see Google Maps with ZIP Codes? Just follow the quick steps above and you will see the ZIP Code boundary lines
for the United States displayed on a fully-interactive Google Map.

Answer questions such as:

– What ZIP Code is this address in?

– What ZIP Codes are in this city?

– What ZIP Code are these GPS coordinates located in (see * above)?

– plus any of a number of other topics where knowing ZIP Codes and cities may be important, such as real estate, education
and sales and marketing

Looking for the ZIP Code you are in right now?
Try the new WHAT ZIP CODE AM I IN tool!

Coverage Notes
  • Coverage includes ZIP Codes in all 50 states plus Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands
    and American Samoa
  • Where polygons are not available, points are used to represent the approximate location of a ZIP Code. These look
    like small red circles; you can see those ZIP Codes by using the “Show ZIP Code labels” checkbox in the lower left
    corner of the map
Other Notes
  • The Search places box uses a standard Google Maps geocoding engine, therefore you can type street addresses, road
    names, points of interest, and GPS coordinates (see * above) to see what ZIP Code that location is part of
  • Many of the map layers from which this information is extracted are very large, so it may take several seconds for
    all of the map layers to finish drawing
  • Because the map layers are large, boundaries will not be shown if you are zoomed out too far
  • Note that typing an address will zoom in the map very close, whereas typing a city or county by itself will show
    you a map with a wider view
  • Disclaimer: While the number of decimals in the latitude and longitude displayed for the map marker may imply a
    positional accuracy of within a few feet, note that Google Maps and the source data may not be that accurate. Accordingly, this tool
    should not be used for legal nor surveying purposes or anything beyond entertainment value.


– US Census Bureau

– Supplemental point coverage from Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Help improve this tool. Please comment.

Listing of all U.S. County Maps showing ZIP Codes

Louisville Kentucky Zip Code Map

Guide to Louisville’s Cities and Neighborhoods

Below is an interactive Louisville zip code map. Your complete guide to the Louisville area. Click on any zip code below to search for Louisville real estate in that area.

Zip Code Map | Neighborhood Map | Louisville MLS Map | Louisville HEAT Map



Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 00

  • 40202
  • 40203
  • 40204
  • 40206

Popular Neighborhoods: Central Downtown District and Old Louisville.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 01

  • 40208
  • 40210
  • 40211
  • 40212
  • 40215
  • 40216

Popular Neighborhoods: Downtown Louisville, Shively, and West Louisville.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 02

  • 40204
  • 40205
  • 40207
  • 40213
  • 40217

Popular Neighborhoods: Buchertown, the Highlands, and Germantown neighborhood.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 03

  • 40206
  • 40207

Popular Neighborhoods: Clifton, Crescent Hill, and St Matthews.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 04

  • 40216
  • 40258
  • 40272

Popular Neighborhoods: Pleasure Ridge Park, Valley Station, and Shively.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 05

  • 40118
  • 40214
  • 40215
  • 40216
  • 40258
  • 40272

Popular Neighborhoods: Auburndale, Fairdale, Iroquois Park, and Shively.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 06

  • 40218
  • 40219
  • 40228
  • 40229
  • 40291

Popular Neighborhoods: Buechel, Highview, Okolona, and Fern Creek.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 07

  • 40218
  • 40220
  • 40223
  • 40291
  • 40299

Popular Neighborhoods: Jeffersontown, Hikes Point, and Fern Creek.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 08

  • 40222
  • 40223
  • 40243
  • 40245

Popular Neighborhoods: Douglas Hill, Hurstbourne, Middletown, Anchorage, and St Matthews.


Louisville Zip Codes – MLS Area 09

  • 40214
  • 40222
  • 40241
  • 40242
  • 40245
  • 40059

Popular Neighborhoods: Anchorage, Glenview, Lyndon, and Prospect.

List of Zip Codes in Louisville KY

Search and find the locations of the following Louisville zip codes on the zip code map above. Here is the list of all of the zip codes in Jefferson County and the city in which the zip code is in: 40202 (Louisville), 40203 (Louisville), 40204 (Louisville), 40205 (Louisville), 40206 (Louisville), 40207 (Louisville), 40208 (Louisville), 40209 (Louisville), 40210 (Louisville), 40211 (Louisville), 40212 (Louisville), 40213 (Louisville), 40214 (Louisville), 40215 (Louisville), 40216 (Louisville), 40217 (Louisville), 40218 (Louisville), 40219 (Louisville), 40220 (Louisville), 40222 (Louisville), 40223 (Louisville), 40225 (Louisville), 40228 (Louisville), 40229 (Louisville), 40241 (Louisville), 40242 (Louisville), 40243 (Louisville), 40245 (Louisville), 40258 (Louisville), 40272 (Louisville), 40291 (Louisville), 40299 (Louisville), 40023 (Fisherville), 40059 (Prospect), 40118 (Louisville), 40177 (Louisville), 40025 (Glenview).

*This map is not meant to be an exact portrayal of neighborhood boundaries. Simply a general indication of certain areas in correlation to each other.

Postal Code on the Sberbank Visa Card © Is it possible to enter the cvv code


  • 1 How can I find out my card index?
    • 1.1 VISA bank card, types and data, how to get and find out the card number, replenishment and transfers from VISA cards
    • 1.2 Postal codes of the Russian Post.
    • 1.3 How can I find out the postal code?
    • 1.4 How can I find out my card index? Business, work, services
    • 1.5 VISA bank card details
    • 1.6 How to get a VISA bank card
    • 1.7 How to determine the postal code Tashkent?
    • 1.8 What index should be written on the envelope?
    • 1.9 What is an index when paying?
    • 1.10 How to write an index?
    • 1.11 How to get a VISA bank card
    • 1.12 What is the billing address of a credit card?
    • 1. 13 What is the index of the address to which the card is assigned?

At a bank branch When you contact a financial institution service officer for information, you will receive a printout, which, along with other data, will contain the number of the account to which the card is linked.

The postal code is the number of the post office that is responsible for several streets or an entire area. You can find your index at: – the official website of the Russian Post. – a site with a more convenient search, but with advertising.

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VISA bank card, types and data, how to get and find out the card number, replenishment and transfers from VISA cards

you address.

As a rule, a postal address in the USA includes the following details:

Expert opinion

Senior Consultant Svetlana V. Mikhalkova

Ask me questions and I will help you figure it out!

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What is an index on a Visa card? collections of answers to questions • Finding out the postal code of Russia is not difficult at all. Especially for you on our website we have prepared a list of cities, easy to navigate, sorted alphabetically. So now finding the right postal code in Russia will not be difficult. Just select the desired region or region from the list, and then the city of residence and street. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

Postcodes of Russian Post.

What is the index when paying for the game with a card from the phone?

How can I find out the postcode?

When sending parcels, it is very important to enter the correct delivery address. However, when you need to specify the recipient’s index or ZIP code (if the parcel is sent from abroad), then most people cannot immediately enter this information. So let’s see what an index is for and how to find mail by index?

It is not difficult to find out the Russian Postal Index. Especially for you on our website we have prepared a list of cities, easy to navigate, sorted alphabetically. So now finding the right postal code in Russia will not be difficult. Just select the desired region or region from the list, and then the city of residence and street.

How can I find out my card index? Business, work, services

Coefficient – shows the number of molecules and is represented by a large number in front of the molecular formula of a substance. Index – shows the number of atoms of the element in one molecule of the substance, is depicted at the bottom right of the symbol of the element.

Expert opinion

Senior Consultant Mikhalkova Svetlana Vasilievna

Ask me questions and I will help you figure it out!

Ask an expert

What is an index when paying for a game with a card from a phone • If you need to fill in a postal code, then just enter it as it is indicated at the address you are interested in.

As a rule, the postal address in the USA includes the following details: And if you have any questions, ask me!

VISA bank card details

What is MasterCard card index?

How to get a VISA bank card

VISA bank card number consists of 12 digits. The first 6 digits are the number of the issuing bank, the second 6 digits are the client’s account number with the financial institution.

“AliExpress Russia” operates separately from the global “AliExpress” owned by Alibaba. It does not depend on the global banking systems and has not been sanctioned by the US and the UK. From China, respectively, you can also order anything without fear

You can top up your VISA bank card in several ways:
– by money transfer to a bank account to which “plastic” is “attached”;
– in the Euroset and Svyaznoy stores;
– by transferring funds from another card;
– using terminals;
– in cash at the bank’s cash desk;
– using various payment systems and online services.

To replenish a VISA bank card, you need to know its details, in particular, the number. A fee may be charged for the operation of replenishing the card.

Advice from When making transactions using a VISA bank card, you should pay attention to the service commission.

How to determine the postal code Tashkent?

If you look closely at the example of filling in the envelope, in its lower left part there is a so-called code stamp. It contains the recipient’s zip code written in stylized numbers. These numbers can be written in any color of ink, except for yellow, green, and red.

Expert opinion

Senior consultant Mikhalkova Svetlana Vasilievna

Ask me questions and I will help you figure it out!

Ask an expert

Conclusion• In this article we will look at what it is and what you need to enter in the “Index” field when linking a card in the Play Market to pay for the game. And also we will analyze some other questions related to this. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

What index should be written on the envelope?

How many digits should the index have?

What is the payment index?

What is Post zip code?

How to write an index?

If you need to fill in the postal code, then for this it is enough to enter it as it is indicated at the address you are interested in.

As a rule, a postal address in the USA includes the following details:

Coefficient – shows the number of molecules and is represented by a large number in front of the molecular formula of the substance. Index – shows the number of atoms of the element in one molecule of the substance, is depicted at the bottom right of the symbol of the element.

How to get a VISA bank card

To top up a VISA bank card, you need to know its details, in particular, the number. A fee may be charged for the operation of replenishing the card.

Expert opinion

Senior Consultant Mikhalkova Svetlana Vasilievna

Ask me questions and I will help you figure it out!

Ask an expert

How to find out your index on the card?• The index of the card, whether MasterCard or Visa, is not a bank account, but the home index of the account holder and the plastic that was registered with him at the time of opening the account. This is a regular postal code consisting of 6 digits. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

What is a credit card billing address?

In order to determine the postal code for Ukraine, follow this instruction:

What is the index of the address to which the card is assigned?

What is an index?

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How to find out the bank card index

How to find out the bank card index? This is one of the parameters that are encrypted in a bank card, in the personal data of the holder. This parameter serves as an indicator and allows you to find out the address of the cardholder, but only a few people can find out. This requisite is optional, it does not need to be specified when paying online and performing most transactions. People search for the Sberbank bank card index most often, but this information is not available to outsiders. Today we will talk about how to find out the index of a bank card. Read the following article on the pages of magazine.


  1. How to find out the bank card index
  2. Sberbank bank card index how to find out
  3. How to find out the index when paying with a bank card how to find out
  4. How to find out the postal code of a bank card

How to find out the bank card index represents

  • is encrypted information about the address of residence of the holder. It is not possible to find the bank card index on your own – this is encrypted information (encoding) in the card number. The parameter is entered by filling in two fields that are displayed when making a payment along with other card details.

    When filling in these parameters, you must specify only reliable information. Otherwise, the payment will not be made, moreover, the card may be blocked due to suspicions of an unauthorized transaction.

    Bank card index is encrypted information about the address of residence of the holder

    Information about the address should be as complete as possible and include:

    • name of the settlement;
    • name of the street, lane, avenue;
    • number of the house, building, structure;
    • number of the dwelling (room or apartment).

    Sberbank bank card index how to find out

    The card index is the encoding of the client’s address. This is not a mandatory requisite for making payments on Russian websites and online stores. But foreign and, especially American sites, carry out additional identification of customers using this parameter. This measure is used to protect online payments from fraud.

    The index is not written on the card of Sberbank or any other bank in the world, therefore such information is not available to unauthorized persons. It cannot be found anywhere in the public domain, unless the owner of the card himself gave this information to someone. When filling out the Postal Code and Billing Address, it is important for Russian users to provide real information.

    Bank card index includes:

    • postal code or Postal Code – a field in which digital or alphanumeric encodings of the postal code of the address of residence are entered;
    • billing address or Billing Address – the payer’s permanent registration address in Latin transliteration, which was indicated when opening a bank account or when issuing a card;
    • delivery address or Sipping Address – address of residence or current location of the payer in Latin transliteration.

    Finding the card index if it is issued by a Russian bank will not work anywhere. Banks do not assign this parameter to customers. But you can fix the index if you enter the data in the billing adress line when filling in the details at the time of paying for the goods on the American site.

    Index when paying with a bank card how to find out

    The index is not written on the card of Sberbank or any other bank in the world, therefore this information is not available to unauthorized persons

    The card index is an encoding of the client’s address. This is not a mandatory requisite for making payments on Russian websites and online stores. But foreign and, in particular, American sites carry out additional identification of customers using this parameter. This measure is used to protect online payments from fraud.

    Additional details are not always needed, but in any case, the bank card index is the postal code of the place where you lived at the time of issuing the card.

    Foreign banks everywhere accept this requisite for any purchases. This information additionally protects the client’s funds and prevents it from being used in case of its loss or theft.

    Foreign sites carry out additional identification using the fields:

    • postal code or Postal Code: is a field in which numeric or alphanumeric encodings of the postal code of the address of residence are entered;
    • billing address or Billing Address: in this line enter the real address of the payer’s residence in Latin transliteration.

    The index is not written on the card of Sberbank or any other bank in the world, therefore such information is not available to unauthorized persons.

    How to find out the zip code of a bank card

    Many people, using Internet services, begin to be perplexed by the field called “Bank card index”. Typically, such data and additional details are required when paying with credit cards on third-party Internet services. The card index itself is the postal code of your residence, at the time you received your card.

    The number itself usually consists of 6 digits, so if you enter letters or other numbers in the field, the form may not accept your transaction. This information is usually needed if you make a purchase on a foreign site, so it is easier for them to identify your card and your identity.

    The second option usually requires your postal code, and it’s not that important, so you can enter whatever you want, but it’s better to enter your postal code. Usually sites collect additional information in this way.

    We advise you to read: Pros and cons of bank cards

    In foreign banks everywhere they accept this requisite for any purchases. This information additionally protects the client’s funds and prevents it from being used in case of its loss or theft.

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