Marquesa costos: Costos de visitar La Marquesa

Costos de visitar La Marquesa

La Marquesa es uno de los lugares preferidos por los chilangos para darse una escapada en viernes o en fin de semana, pues además de su cercanía con la CDMX, está rodeado de naturaleza, buena comida y actividades.

Para sorpresa de muchos, su verdadero nombre es Parque Nacional Insurgente Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla conocido popularmente como La Marquesa.

Historia de La Marquesa

El nombre de La Marquesa, proviene de una peculiar historia que enrolla a Hernán Cortés: en 1529 el conquistador fue nombrado Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca, territorio que abarcaba desde el estado que le da su nombre al título nobiliario hasta fronteras de la Ciudad de México.

En la zona que ahora compete a este Parque Nacional, Juana Zúñiga, esposa de Cortés, tuvo permiso para construir una hacienda. Por ende, y luego de la popularización de esta zona, se le denominó La Marquesa.

Afortunadamente, este recinto natural se ubica en el Estado de México a tan sólo una hora de la CDMX y es muy sencillo llegar.

Cómo llegar

Si vas en auto, lo único que debes hacer es tomar Constituyentes, Reforma u Observatorio hacia Toluca por la carretera libre y seguir todo derecho. Pasarás por Cuajimalpa, Contadero, La pila y más adelante estará La Marquesa, sólo deberás seguir las indicaciones.

Si vas en transporte público, deberás tomar los camiones que salen de metro Chapultepec, Tacubaya u Observatorio y ellos te dejarán hasta La Marquesa. Estos camiones cobran 7 pesos el trayecto.

Hay otros camiones un poco más grandes llamados Flecha Roja que cobran 30 pesos el trayecto y no hacen tantas paradas como los otros. Sólo es cuestión de decirle al conductor que te avise cuando vayas llegando a La Marquesa.


  • Restaurantes

Encontrarás muchas opciones para comer antojitos típicos desde quesadillas, barbacoa, mixiotes hasta carne asada, cecina y otros platillos exóticos como trucha y sopa de médula.

Los costos de los platillos van desde los 30 hasta los 100 pesos.

  • Cuatrimotos

Uno de los principales atractivos son las cuatrimotos, las cuales puedes rentar, durante media hora, por un precio que ronda los 500 a 750 pesos.

  • Pesca

Podrás pescar tu propia trucha y después pedir que la cocinen de cierta manera. Las truchas son criadas en lagunas hechas o no por el hombre. Usualmente tienen el precio del menú o si quieres solo pescar y llevarte tu pescado los precios van desde 180 pesos.

  • Cabalgar

Hay muchas personas que rentan sus caballos para cabalgata por hora o media hora, los precios pueden variar. Podrás recorrer las veredas rodeadas por pinos, oyamel y abetos.

  • Go karts

Otras personas que han encontrado buenas opciones para abrir sus negocios son los que rentan los divertidos Go karts. El precio es de $200 pesos los 30 minutos y abren de 10 am a 6:30 pm

  • Pasear en lancha

Si lo tuyo es disfrutar de la naturaleza, mientras remas relajadamente, puedes rentar una lancha en los varios lagos que hay. Los precios varían de lugar en lugar, no obstante, es una experiencia única para todos los amantes de este tipo de actividades. Un imprescindible si llegas a visitar La Marquesa en cualquier momento.

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Cómo llegar al Parque La Marquesa y cuánto cuesta la entrada

Uno de los lugares preferidos por los viajeros para disfrutar del aire fresco del bosque es el Parque Nacional Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla o Parque La Marquesa como mayormente conocido. Su belleza natural y la diversidad de opciones que ofrece son algunas de las cosas que lo hacen simplemente la mejor opción para aventurarse un fin de semana. 

El Parque La Marquesa se encuentra en la alcaldía Cuajimalpa de Morelos de la Ciudad de México pero también abarca los municipios de Ocoyoacan, Huixquilucan y Lerma en el Estado de México y es conocido así ya que el Marquesado del Valle de Oaxaca título que se le dio a Hernán Cortés le otorgó el permiso a su esposa Juana de Zúñiga para desarrollar una hacienda en medio de este bosque. 

Hoy en día ya no pertenece a ningún miembro de la nobleza, ya que se decretó que este espacio sería destinado a ser un lugar de esparcimiento para todos los mexicanos. Hoy en día entre los atractivos podrás encontrar la Estación Piscícola “El Zarco” cuyo edificio data de la época colonial y que hoy en día sirve como una escuela donde se enseña todo sobre la cría de truchas que posteriormente son vendidas a restaurantes.

Te puede interesar: ¿Cómo llegar al Parque Nacional El Chico en transporte público?

Pero sin duda el atractivo más grande de La Marquesa es su belleza natural, al estar en la sierra que comparte frontera con el Parque Desierto de los Leones podrás imaginar los frondosos bosques de coníferas con árboles de gran tamaño en donde se puede disfrutar de un aroma fresco inigualable.


Pero además aquí hay flores, aves, ríos, cascadas que complementan el paisaje, por lo que si quieres quedarte a relajarte puedes optar por quedarte en una de sus cabañas y comer en sus restaurantes de comida exquisita y muy fresca. Otra de las actividades para complementar tu viaje son pasear a caballo o en cuatrimoto, hacer ciclismo de montaña o simplemente recorrer caminando los bellos senderos. 

¿Cómo llegar al Parque La Marquesa?

Partiendo desde la Ciudad de México hasta el Parque La Marquesa, ubicada en el kilómetro 38. 5 de la carretera México- Toluca cerca de Ocoyoacan harás solamente 50 minutos ya que está a solo 32 kilómetros saliendo desde el centro de la capital del país.

También te puede interesar: Ex hacienda de temixco, Morelos: Cuánto cuesta la entrada y cómo llegar

El camino es bastante sencillo, ya que sin importar desde que lugar de la ciudad salgas tendrás que dirigirte hacia la carretera 15 D o México- La Marquesa. 

¿Cuál es el costo de la entrada a La Marquesa?

Es importante que tengas en cuenta que el Parque Parque Nacional Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla está abierto de lunes a domingo de 7 de la mañana hasta las 6 de la tarde. Los restaurantes tienen sus propios horarios de cierre por lo que te recomendamos consultarlo directamente. 

El costo de la entrada al Parque La Marquesa es de solo$25 pesos por automóvil. Esta cuota es solamente de recuperación para las comunidades del valle. En caso de que quieras disfrutar de las atracciones deberás de pagar extra dependiendo del precio y directamente con los que prestan el servicio.

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Review list – page 1 / 6 | Tent

This page publishes your comments! Click on the picture to enlarge. You can send your feedback to [email protected]! Thank you!

  • Victor, good afternoon. Exactly one year ago we ordered an awning from you. Very satisfied!!! The husband finalized the mount to his car and now we are on all trips with our “house”. Very simple and easy to install, in a few minutes the two of us install. Perfectly protects from the rain, literally last week we got under a heavy downpour and the awning coped with the bad weather perfectly. The interior is spacious and well ventilated through the windows. In general, some pluses !!! Thank you very much.

    Modification: Custom-made

    Color: Gray steel

    — Svetlana Alexandrovna, Kaliningrad 21.07.2021

    how I got to our awning, given to me for my birthday. A little money had to be invested in its design, well, nothing, I invested and applied some solutions specifically to our car. Friends, this is just a bomb, firstly, everything is very well done, all seams are stitched, problem areas are reinforced, the fabric is very durable, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Thanks to the manufacturer, this thing really pleased me!

    Modification: Standard

    Color: Gray steel

    — Igor Vdovin, Stavropol 07/16/2021

    about the awning “Model No. 1”

    I liked the awning very much

    Modification: Custom-made

    Color: Oliva

    — Andrey Alexandrovich, Sochi 15.07.2021

    about the awning “Model No. 3”

    0002 Marquise is awesome, very well made. Prosperity to you and your business!

    Modification: according to the customer

    color: camouflage pixel

    – Maxim Aleksandrovich, Vladivostok 07/15/2021

    On the Marquis “Model No. 5”

    Source: Review in WhatsApp

  • 9000

    Express a huge gratitude MARQUISE PROSTO CLASS

    – Mikhail, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 05/23/2018

    about the Marquise “Model No. 5″


  • Made to last!

    I didn’t have time to take a picture when opened, sorry. It is put in 2 minutes, folded in 5 and you need a stool, the wife does not get it, and the cars are 10 cm higher than the usual sable (Gaz Sobol note), model 3.1 is only 200 mm higher than

    – Sergey, Serpukhov 05/15/2018

    about the awning “Model №3.1”


  • I have long wanted a tent in the car. searched. chose. As a result, found in Kurgan. I went to the site, chose a complete set and color, ordered.

    The only big miscalculation – I realized later, but too late: I decided to put it on the left side – well, closer to the driver’s door, you can start the car so that it is warm in the tent, and the hijack hangs on the right (suddenly it will be inconvenient to attach the awning) … But then I came to understand that the exhaust I have displayed just on the driver’s side))).

    Having set up the tent already on the car, nothing critical happened, there were no “holes” in the tent because of this. thresholds (will not blow out from under the car). Installation and assembly back surprisingly does not take much time even in one hand.

    In the photo, I installed it in a hurry, without pegs yet, so it is not stretched.

    — Dmitry, Surgut 05/15/2018

    about the Marchioness “Model No. 3”


  • Peace to all the locals! Probably many people know such a person under the pseudonym rover045 . Uncle Vova is engaged in the production of awnings for our cars. When he found out about my lifestyle and situation, he decided to give me a gift in the form of an awning No. 1, for which I am very grateful to him!

    Read more…

    — Egor, Yekaterinburg 04/21/2017

    about the Marchioness “Model No. 1”


  • Good day to you, Vladimir! With all Holidays. Marquise received. Thank you very much.

    — Sergey, Yekaterinburg 05/12/2016

    Source: Feedback to the mail

  • I express my gratitude to the manufacturer of this awning “Uncle Vova” – there are no questions about the quality, efficiency of production and attitude towards the client – THANK YOU!

    — Anton, St. Petersburg 05/12/2016

    about the Marchioness “Model No. 3.1”



In Russia, In the world, Lifestyle | 06/02/2021

Russian scientists plan to send mice flying around the moon on the Eagle spacecraft. But first you need to equip the drone with special equipment for keeping rodents. The choice fell on these animals, because they are well studied and take up little space. The flight is scheduled for 2028. For all the time of space exploration, cats, dogs, turtles, macaques, guinea pigs, quails and even some types of fish have been in orbit. Why did the US choose monkeys for its space program, and the USSR chose dogs? What were the real names of Belka and Strelka? And what is the connection between the first dog in space and Jacqueline Kennedy? 9 told about it0103 experts of the program “Mysteries of Humanity” with Oleg Shishkin on REN TV.

How were the first “space dogs” chosen?

Legendary Belka and Strelka are known all over the world. But few people know that almost 50 dogs have been in space. The first candidates for flights were not searched for in elite nurseries, but in the Moscow gateways. Scientists believed that the strongest survive on the streets. So, such dogs are able to withstand maximum loads. The animals were trained as severely as real astronauts – centrifuges, vibration stands, ejection.

“It is very interesting that the first dogs were girls, because the girls needed a little less space for the toilet that was equipped here,” said Antonina Dementieva, a researcher at the Central House of Aviation and Cosmonautics of DOSAAF Russia.

Antonina Dementieva – daughter of Major General of Aviation Yevgeny Dementieva. After the war, he taught at the Air Force Engineering Academy, trained future pilots and astronauts. The Dementyev family lived near the Space Institute. As a child, Antonina often met “space dogs”, played with them on walks in Petrovsky Park.

“Dogs had to be less than 6 kilograms, height 35 43 centimeters, from nose to tail 73 centimeters. All employees had favorites, everyone preferred someone, and in general all dogs, who subsequently survived, lived a wonderful, pleasant life”, noted Antonina Dementieva .

The first dogs in space

Animals were accustomed to stress, noise and special clothing. Sensors were implanted under the skin to monitor their condition. 22 July 1951 years old, a ballistic missile with dogs Dezik and Gypsy on board took off from the Kapustin Yar training ground. At an altitude of 100 kilometers, the pressurized cabin separated from the ship and parachuted down to the ground.

“When the capsule was opened, these dogs looked at them with pleasure, as if nothing had happened to them. And you know, Korolev was present here, it was the first launch. And everyone jumped with happiness and shouted: ” They are alive, alive. “ And no one even thought that they would remain alive after this flight. Because this was the first flight. And Korolev grabbed this Gypsy and ran around the field with him, hugged him and ran with him, and shouted: “Alive, alive, alive”, – said Nina Ivanova, a researcher at the Central House of Aviation and Cosmonautics of the DOSAAF of Russia.

Scientists did not find any deviations in the health and behavior of dogs. Four-legged heroes received a well-deserved award – a doctor’s sausage. And a week later, Dezik was launched into the stratosphere again, to check how he would behave when re-launched. Together with him flew a partner, a dog named Fox. But this flight ended tragically.

“The parachute of the ejection device did not open. And this was the second flight. Of course, the question arose that we should pay great attention to the return,” – Nina Ivanova explained.

Laika’s feat

All flights were classified as “secret” The first declassified dog was a mongrel named Laika.In 1957, she went into near-Earth orbit in the cockpit of the Sputnik-2 spacecraft =.

“Oxygen was supplied to the container for the dog, the life support system was working. Food was also supplied, water was supplied to it, there was a sewage device and fans that were supposed to cool the air in the dog’s cabin”, noted Nina Ivanova.

Employees of the Space Institute knew that Laika would forever remain in space. At that time, they still did not know how to return the ship to Earth. The dog was supposed to live in orbit for seven days, and then receive a lethal injection. But due to overheating of the cabin, the animal suffocated within a few hours after the start.

“And for a long time we did not admit this, did not talk about it, but foreign, how to say, fighters for the protection of animals nevertheless began to penetrate our broadcasts with their voices and say that the Russians tortured the first dog in space”, – told Antonina Dementieva .

What were the real names of Belka and Strelka?

The new dog carriage was launched only after three years. But again, unsuccessful. On July 28, 1960, the dogs Lisichka and Chaika died – – 19 seconds after the launch, the rocket fell and exploded. But the next launch went down in world history as the first successful flight of living beings into space. Belka and Strelka on the Vostok rocket made a full 17 orbits around the Earth and returned safely.

“So, at first Belka and Strelka had a completely different name: Albina and Marquise. But at the insistence of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Air Force Marshal Nedelin, they were renamed. Because Marshal Nedelin made a remark that this flight would be Russian, Soviet, and We don’t need foreign names like Albina and Marquise. And at Nedelin’s insistence, they were called that: Belka is Albina, and Marquise became Strelka,” Nina Ivanova shared.

What connects the first astronaut dog and Jacqueline Kennedy?

Tailed heroes have become the most famous dogs in the world. After the flight, Strelka twice brought offspring. Nikita Khrushchev sent one of the puppies to the United States as a gift to the President’s wife.

At the request of Jacqueline Kennedy, he sent her the first Strelka puppy, who was born six months after the flight, his name was either Fluffy or Fluffy, now, so to speak, information about this varies. Here such Fluff or Fluff lived a long and happy life in the collection of dogs of Jacqueline Kennedy, “ – noted Antonina Dementieva .

American space monkeys

But the first American astronauts were monkeys. Working with them was not easy: the primates were difficult to train, nervous and behaved unpredictably. I had to send them flying under anesthesia. Most of the tests ended in failure – the monkeys often died due to anesthesia. For the first time, the Americans managed to launch an animal into space in January 1961. A chimpanzee named Ham spent almost 17 minutes at an altitude of more than two hundred kilometers.

“In general, of course, he had a difficult landing, that is, splashdown happened, there the water began to penetrate to him. But still he survived, and he lived long enough, lived to be 25 years old, 17 years after the flight “, told Antonina Dementieva.

The Americans stopped space experiments with monkeys in the late sixties, after the death of another primate.

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