Museo de carolina: Museo del Niño de Carolina

Abre sus puertas el Museo del Niño de Carolina

Las familias podrán disfrutar bajo estrictas estrategias para evitar el contagio del coronavirus

Conscientes de la necesidad de espacios que fomenten la calidad de tiempo en familia, de forma segura y con las más estrictas medidas de protección, el Museo del Niño de Carolina anunció la apertura de sus facilidades a partir del viernes, 9 de octubre de este año. Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las exhibiciones y atracciones del museo bajo los nuevos protocolos de seguridad establecidos para prevenir el contagio del virus del COVID-19.

Luego de estudiar y desarrollar estrategias para promover el disfrute seguro de las familias y acorde con las recomendaciones establecidas por el CDC (Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades) el Municipio Autónomo de Carolina anunció la apertura de este extraordinario centro de diversión educativo a tono con el plan escalonado de apertura de servicios municipales que benefician a los ciudadanos.

“Uno de los sectores más afectados por la pandemia fueron nuestros niños. Su rutina diaria, su educación y hasta sus libertades para recrearse han sido limitadas a causa del coronavirus. Luego de evaluar y establecer la forma más segura para poder programar la reapertura, finalmente estamos listos para ofrecerles nuestro Museo del Niño como una alternativa para su sana diversión, pero, sobre todo, para fortalecer la salud emocional de nuestros niños que necesitan distraerse”, explicó el Municipio Autónomo de Carolina.

El Museo operará a un 25% de capacidad según establece la más reciente Orden Ejecutiva vigente para promover el distanciamiento físico dentro de la estructura. Se requiere la reservación previa para garantizar la entrada al Museo. Se le tomará la temperatura a todos los visitantes y el uso de mascarillas cubriendo la nariz y boca es compulsorio en todo momento. Se recomienda que los niños visitantes sean mayores de dos años, ya que el uso de mascarilla en infantes menores a esta edad está contraindicado.

“Hay huellitas en el piso y banderines que indican la ruta en que deben caminar todos los visitantes. Se han establecido estaciones con desinfectante de manos por todos los predios para que, antes de usar cualquier juego, los visitantes se desinfecte sus manos. Se estará orientando por altavoz a las personas sobre las medidas que deben seguir para prevenir la propagación del virus y cada una de las exhibiciones será sanitizada luego de cada uso”, añadió el Municipio Autónomo de Carolina.

Se han creado unos “kits” en ciertas zonas del museo de manera que cada niño trabaje con sus juguetes de forma individual. Al terminar su juego, estas piezas serán depositadas en unos envases para su desinfección; así se evita el contacto a través de estos juegos.

“El Mini Zoo y las atracciones del Jungle Trip también estarán funcionando con restricciones de capacidad.  La atracción del avión MD82 de American Airlines también será modificada bajo los nuevos protocolos. Los Go-karts y los botes de pedales serán por turnos de acuerdo con los boletos de cada atracción y se desinfectarán los equipos luego de cada uso”, expresó el Municipio Autónomo de Carolina.

El horario de operaciones será los viernes de 9:00 am a 5:00 pm. Y los sábados y domingos de 10:00 am a 6:00 pm. Se permitirá la reservación de grupos dentro de un núcleo familiar con un máximo de 10 personas. Para reservar su entrada debe llamar al 787-257-0261 o al 787-257-0216; podrá pagar sus boletos por teléfono con tarjeta de crédito o con Visa o MasterCard débito.

Para información adicional, también puede visitar la página web

Museo del Niño de Carolina


  • Avenida Campo Rico,
    Carolina, Puerto Rico


  • 787-257-0261


  • 787-641-2000


  • 787-641-0958


Business hours


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM












  • http://www. museodeln…

The Municipal Government Autonomous Carolina makes history by giving its residents, Puerto Ricans and visitors, this museum unprecedented.
Our vision is to turn the museum into an educational and recreational lung, interactive exhibits where children become the main protagonists, while serving as a link to unite families that accompany and promote attendance.
Its enviable location in the avenues Campo Rico and Roberto Clemente Final facilitate quick access.
Also, the 103 exhibits – where the child develop and learn new things and test your habilidades–, make the museum an ideal place to converge art, science, technology and the environment.
The museum uses the interaction as the main tool for the transmission of knowledge and understanding. Children and teens will be inspired to get involved in all the exhibits physical and mental shape, allowing the construction of their learning lively and fun, because live the experience of learning . .. playing.
The exhibits are designed to motivate children and adolescents to investigate their learning and increase their own initiative. Facilitate teaching concepts of emotional intelligence, such as impulse control, curiosity, cooperation, empathy, imagination and group participation. Reinforce knowledge of issues already discussed in the classroom and promote personal choice by the exhibitions they love, directing them towards the career you be interested in studying and pursue in the future.
Among the exhibits, highlighting topics such as Volcano, Marine Life, Mini City, Transportation, Alternative Energy, Physics, Room Small, Water Elements, the Universe, Theatre, Eco Systems, Construction and Music. Also, on the outside, visitors will find a track Go Karts, entertainment games for children and a real aircraft, donated by American Airlines.
The joint efforts surrounding the concept of Carolina Children’s Museum will fill a vital space in the social, educational and economic life of our Giant City.



North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, USA HiSoUR – HiSoUR – Hi So You Are

The North Carolina Museum of Art is an art museum in Raleigh, North Carolina that opened in 1956 as the first major museum collection in the nation to be formed by government legislation and funding. The North Carolina Museum of Art is a museum where you can find your place – either in contemplative spaces or through live programming. The museum’s permanent collection spans over 5,000 years, from ancient Egypt to the present, making this institute one of the premier art museums in the southeast. The 164-acre Museum Park showcases the connection between art and nature through monumental works of environmental art. The museum offers changing national tourism exhibitions, classes, lectures, family events, films and concerts, allowing you to create your own immersive experience every time you visit.

The museum includes a collection that spans over 5,000 years of artwork from antiquity to the present, an outdoor performance amphitheater, and many famous exhibitions and public programs. The museum features more than 40 galleries, as well as more than a dozen major works of art in the country’s largest 164-hectare museum park. One of the leading art museums in the American South, the NCMA recently completed a major expansion that has won international recognition for innovative approaches to energy efficient design.

The museum’s permanent collection includes European Renaissance paintings up to the 19th century, Egyptian funerary art, sculpture and vase paintings from ancient Greece and Rome, American art from the 18th and 20th centuries. And international contemporary art. Other strengths include African, Ancient American, Pre-Columbian and Oceanic art, as well as Jewish ceremonial objects.

The museum’s African collection originated in the 1970s with historical materials from the 19th and 20th centuries, including important items from the Kingdom of Benin. Later acquisitions expanded the regional reach to include other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, with an eye to assembling works that showed distinct ethnic style, such as those of the Chokwe and Luba of central Africa. While much of the collection is rooted in traditional mediums such as wood, metal and textiles and comes from established artistic traditions, many of the works date back to the mid-20th century and provide insight into the global exchanges that have taken place across the continent over the centuries.

The museum’s American art collection includes paintings and sculpture from the late colonial period (mid-18th century) to the advent of modern art in the early 20th century. the collection addresses many themes and subjects of American art history, such as the celebration of the desert and the search for national identity; conflicts over race, immigration and social class; and the society’s rapid development from Jeffersonian farms to Rockefeller’s industrial dynamo.

The ancient American collection features art from three distinct areas of the Western Hemisphere: Mesoamerica, Central America and the Andes. The Ancient American Gallery focuses on Mesoamerica, especially ancient Mayan art. Known for their accomplishments in the sciences and arts, the Maya dominated the region for the better part of two millennia. The museum’s collection reflects their religious beliefs, sports, ritual and daily life.

Although the collection contains only 38 items, the ancient Egyptian art collection at the North Carolina Museum of Art represents major periods of ancient Egyptian history.

The strength of the museum lies in the European collection. Of the 139 paintings and sculptures purchased with the original appropriation of funds, 123 were European. When these paintings were supplemented by 75 primarily Italian paintings and sculptures donated to the museum by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation in 1961, they created a European collection that is recognized as one of the finest in the United States. The gallery is primarily a collection of paintings, but also includes a number of notable sculptures, including over 30 bronzes by Auguste Rodin.

In recent years, major acquisitions have helped build a significant collection of contemporary art. A concerted effort has been made to acquire works in new and experimental media. Cultural and regional representation has also expanded, and the museum actively explores the works of artists from different walks of life.

North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh


Art Museum of North Carolina in the city Role
September 18TH, 15:51

9004 9004 for visits to the Visits. Today, the museum includes a collection that includes exhibits for 5000 years – from antiquity to the present day.

In 1947, the State Legislature appropriated one million dollars to purchase an art collection for North Carolina residents, the first public funding for an art collection in the country.

During its activity, the museum was reconstructed and added new buildings. In April 2010, a new Western building was opened in it, with an area of ​​11,800 m².

Entrance to the museum is free.

Tags: Roles, North Carolina, Art, Museum

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