Parque manati en punta cana: Manati Park | Punta Cana

Manati Park | Punta Cana

Si vienen a Punta Cana, no pueden dejar de visitar a Manatí Park, un enorme parque temático dedicado a la fauna y flora de la República Dominicana.

Manatí Park es algo más que un simple zoológico. La propuesta de Manatí Park es que el visitante pueda convivir y experimentar la rica naturaleza de esta región del país, con espectáculos temáticos y shows que involucran animales y personas, en un entorno muy bien ambientado digno de un paraíso tropical. Ideal para visitar en familia.

Manatí Park es una opción muy acertada para visitar con los niños y en familia.

Adentro del parque, el visitante puede ver espectáculos de animales como las danzas de caballos, las piruetas de papagayos, los saltos de delfines, shows de leones marinos etc.

También ofrece espectáculos orientados para conocer a la cultura y folklore de la República Dominicana, como el espectáculo de Poblado Taíno en donde pueden ver las hermosas danzas rituales de los antepasados de esta región.

Otra de las atracciones interesantes y muy promocionadas de Manatí Park es el Nado con delfines, en donde el visitante tendrá la experiencia única de nadar junto con los delfines en una piscina, bajo la supervisión de los cuidadores  y expertos.

Además de los delfines, los visitantes tienen la posibilidad de estar en contacto directo con los animales, pudiendo tocar y acariciar algunos de ellos como las iguanas, flamencos, aves exóticos, serpientes, leones marinos, cangrejos… todo bajo la atenta supervisión de expertos y cuidadores de cada animal.

Manatí Park ofrece diversión y espectáculo, combinando la cultura y folkolre dominicano como así también experimentar la flora y fauna de la zona.

En el Museo Taíno de Manatí Park el visitante puede ver y conocer el auténtico arte dominicano como estatuas, pinturas, atuendos, con la posibilidad de comprar las réplicas casi exactas de éstos artes en las tiendas de artesanía.

Y por supuesto, el parque posee todas las instalaciones necesarias como para pasar un día completo adentro del parque, como salones, restaurantes y tiendas.

El horario de Manatí Park es de de 9.00 a.m. a 5.00 p.m. y los precios de las entradas son los siguientes:

ENTRADA AL PARQUE 20 US$ (de 2 hasta 12 años) 35 US$ (mayores de 12 años).

NATACIÓN CON DELFINES 125 US$ (requiere reserva previa)Incluye entrada al Parque. Diseñado para un máximo de 12 personas por grupo, con dos delfines por grupo. Es neceario saber nadar.

Más información, visite al sitio oficial de Manatí Park:

Video promocional de Manatí Park:

Manati Park Bavaro, Punta Cana Republica Dominicana

Manatí Park Bavaro es un
divertido parque temático situado en
Bávaro -Manatí Park Bavaro es un divertido
parque temático especial para toda la
familia. Situado en Bávaro -Punta Cana, es un
increíble paraje con deliciosos jardines
rebosantes de orquídeas y plantas
tropicales. En él podrá convivir con la
naturaleza, acercándose a la fauna y flora
de la República Dominicana. Durante su
estancia en Manatí Park Bavaro podrá
disfrutar de espectáculos variados,
restaurantes, tiendas de artesanía local y
recuerdos. Además tendr� la ocasión de nadar
con delfines, algo que no podrá olvidar.

Los Super Shows en Manati Park
Manatí Park Bavaro es un
divertido parque temático, único en la
República Dominicana, que le ofrece shows de
caballos, papagayos, delfines, leones
marinos, danzas taínas, en Manatí Park podrá
disfrutar de los más atractivos espectáculos
en un entorno único en Bávaro -Punta Cana.

Contemple las divertidas piruetas de los
papagayos, asómbrese de los saltos y
simpatía de los delfines, siga extasiado la
artística danza de los caballos en los
complicados ejercicios de la Alta Escuela.
Manatí Park presenta nueve espectáculos a lo
largo de la jornada, para que pueda
organizar la visita al parque a su gusto.

Nado Con Delfines en Manati Park
Manatí Park le ofrece la
posibilidad de vivir una experiencia única:
nadar con delfines!.
En las claras aguas
de la piscina de Manatí Park, y bajo la
atenta supervisión de nuestros cuidadores,
podrá cumplir un sueño que no olvidará jamás
y que contará con ilusión a sus familiares y
amigos, prolongando para siempre en la
memoria su visita a Bávaro -Punta Cana.

Poblado Taino del Manati Park
Perdido entre la más exuberante
flora tropical de Bávaro -Punta Cana, el
Poblado Taíno de Manatí Park constituye una
réplica viva de la cultura y el folklore de
la República Dominicana. asímbrese con la
singular belleza de hermosas danzas rituales
que el cuadro artístico de Manatí Park
recreará ante sus ojos, transportándole a un
pasado remoto y olvidado. En el Museo Taíno
de Manatí Park podrá contemplar auténticas
piezas de arte dominicano: estatuas,
pinturas, atuendos… cuyas replicas podrá
adquirir en pintorescas tiendas de artesanía
y recuerdos: piezas exclusivas elaboradas
por auténticos artesanos ante sus propios
ojos, con los mismos materiales y
procedimientos que antaño utilizaban
nuestros antepasados

Diversiones con Animales
Manatí Park se ha desarrollado un nuevo
concepto de diversión con animales.
Acérquese a las iguanas, flamencos, aves
tropicales, serpientes, cangrejos, leones
marinos, delfines …acarícielos y descubra
su mundo de la mano de los experimentados
cuidadores que en cada momento satisfarán su
curiosidad y responderán a sus preguntas:
todo el personal de Manatí Park, a su
servicio, para hacer de su visita a
Bávaro -Punta Cana una experiencia

Tiendas y
restaurantes en Manatí Park
una pausa entre tantas emociones en Manatí
Park, relájese y disfrute de un delicioso y
refrescante coctel, o reponga fuerzas con un
suculento almuerzo preparado en uno de los
restaurantes especializados. En Manatí Park
encontrará una pizzería, un Burger, un
rancho barbacoa y un snack-bar donde podrá
degustar las mas variadas especialidades
culinarias de Bávaro -Punta Cana.

Y antes de volver a su hotel en la divertida
“guagua”, no olvide visitar las tiendas de
recuerdos y artesanía de República
Dominicana, donde seguro que encontrará ese
detalle que buscaba para regalar… o

Naturaleza y
Manatí Park es
naturaleza. La naturaleza es Manatí Park.
Manatí Park trabaja para proteger lo
nuestro: nuestra Flora, nuestra Fauna… que
es de todos. Manatí Park, en colaboración
con diversas instituciones nacionales e
internacionales, desarrolla programas de
educación, investigación y reproducción de
especies autóctonas de la República
Dominicana en peligro de extinción: iguanas,
caimanes, flamencos, aves tropicales,
serpientes, leones marinos, papagayos .
su visita a Manatí Park, en Bávaro -Punta
Cana, contribuye al éxito de estos

La Excursión a
Manatí Park Bavaro incluye :
ida y regreso desde los hoteles de Punta
Cana y Bavaro en el pintoresco bus “La
Guagua de Manatí Park.
-Admisión del
-Tour Guiado dentro del Parque

-Show de Papagayos
-espectáculo Taino

Excursion to Manati Park in the Dominican Republic from Punta Cana: cost and description


Manati Park is a fun theme park especially for the whole family located in Bavaro. Manati is an amazing place with delightful gardens filled with orchids and tropical plants. In it you will be able to coexist with nature, approaching the fauna and flora of the Dominican Republic. During your stay in the park you can enjoy a variety of shows, restaurants, local craft shops and souvenirs. In addition, you will have the opportunity, for an additional fee, to swim with dolphins, you will not be able to forget this.

The Manatee Park tour offers: horse shows, parrot shows, dolphins, sea lions, Taino Indian dances, which you can enjoy in the unique setting of the park.
You will watch the funny pirouettes of parrots, the jumps of cute dolphins, admire the artistic dances of horses.

Lost among the most lush tropical flora, the Taino Indian Village in Manati Park is a living replica of the culture and folklore of the Dominican Republic. You will be amazed at the beauty of ritual dances that a group of dancers of the park recreates before your eyes, transferring them to a distant and forgotten past.

Manati Park has developed a new concept of animal entertainment: approach iguanas, flamingos, tropical birds, snakes, crabs, sea lions, dolphins. .. pet them under the supervision of experienced guides who will satisfy your curiosity and answer all your questions at any time .

Swimming with dolphins in Manati offers you the opportunity to experience a unique experience!
In the clear waters of the pool, under the watchful supervision of instructors, you can make your dream come true and you will never forget it!

And before returning to your hotel, don’t forget to visit the souvenir and handicraft shops, where you are sure to find something that will remind you of such emotional moments full of delight in Manati Park.

Tour days: every day.

Tour duration: Half day (Departure depending on the location of your hotel, around 8:00 and return to the hotel around 13:00).

What’s included:

✔ Transfer from the hotel and back,

✔ Entrance tickets to all entertainment programs of the park

What to take with you:
Comfortable shoes, a camera, money for personal expenses and, of course, a great mood!

Cost of excursion to Manati park: adults $35, children (2-12) $20, children under 2 years old free of charge.

When buying from 2 excursions, in case of 100% prepayment, you get a 5% discount!!!

Prices are for residents of the regions: Punta Cana, Bavaro, Cabeza de Toro, Ubero Alto!!!


5 best excursions in Punta Cana with children

The Dominican Republic is one of the few tropical places where you can afford a safe, rich and interesting holiday with children. In this article, we list the best excursions for children around Punta Cana!

Manati park

Manati Park is a whole entertainment complex near the resorts of Punta Cana. First of all, the park is interesting for its flora and fauna. On its territory there is a picturesque garden with orchids and other tropical plants.

In addition, Manati Park has a swimming pool with dolphins and fur seals and enclosures with exotic animals. The Taino Museum of Indians is interesting, where you can visually get acquainted with the life of Indian tribes – the natives of the island.

Of the animals, endemic species – iguanas, caimans and snakes – are of great delight to children; as well as birds – talking parrots, flamingos and many others.

Entertainment program for children in Manati Park includes:

  • swimming with dolphins in a special pool under the supervision of professional instructors
  • parrot show on rollers
  • show of trained horses
  • Indian performance introducing visitors to Aboriginal culture and dance

On the territory of the park you will also find many cozy places for a snack: restaurants, barbecue, pizzeria, snack bar, pastry shop.

In short, Manati Park in the Dominican Republic provides everything to have fun with the whole family!

See also: Is it possible to have a cheap vacation in the Dominican Republic?

Punta Cana Dolphin Explorer

Another place that gives you and your children a great opportunity to get to know the marine life better is the Dolphin explorer. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that dolphins live in the ocean, in a specially fenced area, in their natural environment.

Depending on the program you choose, you can swim with dolphins, rays, seals and even sharks!

It is important to know that some Dolphinarium programs have height and age restrictions, as well as restrictions for pregnant women. In most programs, children from 1 meter tall who can swim are allowed to see dolphins.

For babies from 1 year old, the dolphinarium offers a special program, during which children, accompanied by adults, can watch dolphin shows, stroke these wonderful animals and even feel a dolphin’s kiss on a small cheek!

In the dolphinarium you can also book a catamaran trip along the picturesque coast, during which you will have the opportunity to swim with a mask and fins on a coral reef. In addition, all visitors to the park are invited to a fascinating show with parrots and fur seals.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best excursions for children in the Dominican Republic.

Monkey Land Monkey Park

Monkey Land Monkey Park is located in the vicinity of Punta Cana, not far from most hotels in the Bavaro resort area. This is very convenient, since the road to the steam room will not take much time, which means that the children will not have time to get bored.

The park itself is very beautiful and well maintained with a variety of tropical trees, flowers and shrubs. The park is home to 16 tame monkeys, with each of which you can play, take pictures and even feed from your hand.

These adorable little animals were brought to the island by a Canadian couple with extensive experience in animal communication and training. Monkeys live next to humans from birth, so they are extremely friendly and completely safe. Without exception, all the kids are completely delighted with the monkeys.

In addition to playing and taking pictures with animals in the park, you can also visit the “coconut house”, where you will be told and shown how coconut oil, coffee and cocoa are produced.

Adventure Park

Adventure Park covers an area of ​​44 hectares, on the territory of which there are attractions of varying difficulty.

Children will certainly be delighted with a real dinosaur park – Jurassic Adventure Dinosaur World! Mysterious paths, laid through the tropical jungle, wind through dense thickets, from which gigantic figures of dinosaurs appear every now and then. These structures look very realistic: they not only move, but also make characteristic sounds.

Toddlers are invited to take part in excavations, the purpose of which is to find dinosaur bones hidden in the sand or eggs with cubs. The winner is awarded with a special prize.

For teenagers and adults, the park has the following attractions:

  • Zipline Skywalker – flights on cables stretched between the towers
  • Rope Ship “Treasure of the Caribbean” – a huge complex of rope obstacles that only the strongest can pass!
  • Segways – two-wheeled electric scooters
  • Paintball – everyone’s favorite “war game” using weapons loaded with paintballs
  • Flight simulator – an attraction on which you will be lifted to a height of several tens of meters, where you can feel the beauty of flight
  • Zorbing “Mad Ball” – descent from the mountain inside a huge inflatable ball!
  • Bungee Trampoline “Crazy Jumper” – jump from the soul on a huge trampoline
  • Mountain bike – cycling track for lovers of extreme sports
  • Buggy – trip through the park and along the coast of the Atlantic

Also in the park there are several decorative gardens, a pool with an artificial waterfall and a playground. If you go there for the whole day, you can have a bite to eat at the restaurant located at the entrance, as well as visit the gift shop.

The park has an international team that monitors the safety of all rides. It will be interesting for both adults and children!

See also: Let’s play: a selection of interesting beach games for children!

Water parks in the Dominican Republic

A trip to the water park is a safe option to take your child for the whole day. Some hotels in Punta Cana boast a full-fledged water park. You can either book a room in one of these hotels, or visit the water park for an additional fee.

Sirenis Aquagames

The water park is located on the territory of the five-star hotel Sirenis Punta Cana and has an area of ​​more than 4000 square meters.

A lot of entertainment is available for visitors to the water park:

  • 4 outdoor slides
  • main pool
  • kamikaze slide
  • whirlpool slide
  • water slides (4 sloping lanes 100 meters long)
  • restaurant area with hamburgers, pizza and grill
  • Pirates of the Caribbean themed children’s area with 10 small slides, water cannons, overturning barrels and fountains
  • Children’s pool with rain “mushrooms” and animal figures

Read also: Holidays in the Dominican Republic with children – the best hotels for children and children’s entertainment.

Splash Park

Another hotel with a good water park is the five-star Memories Splash, located on the second line of Arena Gorda beach. This cozy hotel with a green area is especially popular with families with children.

Splash Park, a large water park, has a lot of entertainment: slides, cascades, bridges. There are also 3 children’s pools and a kids’ club on site.


Splash Water World

This water park opened recently – at the end of 2016. It was built on the territory of the RIU Hotels & Resorts resort. The infrastructure of the new water park includes

  • Children’s pool with slides
  • Special rides for children
  • Solarium
  • Bar with soft drinks, juices and mineral water
  • Lounge area with sun loungers

The water park also has attractions for adults:

  • Body Vortex waterslide with enclosed body
  • Kamikaze with amazing vertical drops of several meters
  • A free fall waterslide that gives you the thrill of flying directly into the pool

What other excursions in the Dominican Republic can be visited with children?

If you are traveling with an older child and they are ready to go on a day trip, be sure to take one of the following excursions:

  • Boat trip to the island of Saona. During a stop in the blue lagoon, your child will be able to hold real starfish in their hands and swim in the Caribbean to their fullest.
  • Jeep trip around the Dominican Republic – usually children are delighted with traveling around the island. In addition, during this tour you will see how ordinary Dominicans live, get acquainted with the local culture, see with your own eyes how exotic fruits and vegetables, coffee, cocoa and sugar cane grow. This highly educational tour is great for children ages 7 and up.
  • Samana Peninsula. This most picturesque corner of the Dominican Republic will certainly amaze the children’s imagination with its dense rainforests, waterfalls and horseback riding. And from January to March, young travelers will have an unforgettable acquaintance with humpback whales!
  • Adventure for little cowboys – a trip to the ranch, where your child will be taught how to ride a horse, show how to care for horses, and also introduce you to the inhabitants of a mini-zoo.

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