Receta guineitos en escabeche: Guineítos en escabeche –

Guineos en Escabeche | Marinated Green Bananas

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Guineos en escabeche is a marinaded green banana side dish that’s very popular in Puerto Rico. So popular in fact that the English name is simply Puerto Rican green bananas. Guienitos are often served for special occasions around the holidays but I find them tasty and refreshing as a summer side dish as well.

How to make guineos en escabeche

You won’t go wrong making guineos en escabeche in advance. The green bananas definitely benefit from having extra time to absorb the escabeche flavor. And it’s always a bonus to be able prep some side dishes ahead of time when you’re cooking up a feast.

The process of preparing guineos en escabeche is quite simple. The unripe bananas are peeled, sliced, and boiled over medium-high heat in salted water until fork-tender. About 10 minutes. You don’t want banana mush.

Meanwhile, you can prepare the escabeche marinade. Peel the garlic and onions, cut the onion into thin slices. Combine the oil and vinegar, onion and garlic, bay leaves, salt, olives, and peppercorns into a large pot.

Cook it slowly over low heat. You want it warm but not boiling.

Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside. After 5 minutes or so, check the bananas for softness. When they are ready, strain the bananas and place them in the ice water to cool and stop cooking. Strain the bananas again d place them in a non-reactive bowl. Think glass, ceramic or stainless steel.

Fill the water bowl up again with ice water. Once the onions are soft hold the bottom of the pot in the ice water and stir the escabeche to quickly cool.

Next, pour the escabeche over the cooked bananas. Yum. But wait. Now is not the time to eat this. As I said, the escabeche de guineos tastes best after some quality time in the refrigerator absorbing flavors. Give it at least a couple of hours, but preferably overnight.

This tasty side dish should be served at room temperature. Try it alongside ensalada de coditos, (PR macaroni salad), pinchos de pollo or slow cooker pernil.

What is in guineos en escabeche?

  • green unripe bananas
  • white vinegar
  • olive oil
  • onion
  • garlic
  • Spanish olives
  • roasted peppers
  • bay leaves
  • whole peppercorns
  • kosher salt

How green do the bananas need to be?

Honestly, to make guineos en escabeche the bananas need to be very green. They should not have any hint of yellow or ripening at all. As in so green you probably won’t be able to find them in a typical American grocery store. But don’t worry, they are likely to be stocked at your local Asian or Latin market.

How to peel a green banana

The green bananas used in guineos en escabeche are very similar to plantains. I have a nice instructional post over at the Pioneer Woman which explains the peeling process in detail, Plantains 101, everything you need to know.

Basically, you treat the green banana like a green plantain. First you slice the ends off and then you slice the peel on the seams, be careful not to slice into the flesh of the banana.

Because green bananas have a lot of slimy residue, try peeling them under running water.

What is escabeche?

Escabeche is a flavorful oil and vinegar marinade infused with pickling spices like bay leaves and peppercorns. And it isn’t just for bananas. Though guineos en escabeche is a popular dish, this staple Puerto Rican concoction is usually associated with seafood dishes.

However, in Puerto Rico many other foods are served escabeche style. Some of my favorite escabeche dishes are Yuca en escabeche, red snapper in escabeche, and I have a chicken wings in escabeche recipe that is delicious.

more Puerto Rican recipes you’ll love

Include some more Puerto Rican flavors on your dinner table! Try some of these traditional recipes:

  • Habichuelas Guisadas | Puerto Rican Beans
  • Bacalao a la Vizcaina (Basque Style Stewed Salted Cod)
  • Ensalada de Bacalao (Salted Cod Salad)
  • Yuca en Escabeche | Cassava in Olive Oil & Vinegar
  • Pastelon (Puerto Rican Sweet Plantain Lasagna)
  • Sopa de Pollo con Fideo (Chicken Noodle Soup)
  • Spanish Bean Soup
  • Asopao de Pollo (Puerto Rican Chicken and Rice Soup)
  • Asopao de Camarones

As always you can find tons of delicious PR dishes in my Puerto Rican recipe collection.

Prep Time
15 minutes

Cook Time
20 minutes

Additional Time
1 hour

Total Time
1 hour 35 minutes


  • 8 green unripe bananas
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 2 cups olive oil
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 small heads of garlic
  • 12 Spanish olives, halved
  • 1/2 cup roasted peppers, sliced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 12 whole peppercorns
  • kosher salt


  1. Peel and slice the bananas at a slight bias about a 1/2 inch thick. Bring a large pot of heavily salted water to a boil. You should be able to taste the salt in the water. Lower the heat of the water to a rolling boil. Add the sliced green bananas and boil until fork-tender, about 10 minutes. Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside.
  2. After 5 minutes or so, check the bananas for softness. When they are ready, strain the bananas and place them in the ice water to cool and stop cooking. Strain the bananas again d place them in a non-reactive bowl.
  3. While the bananas boil prepare the escabeche marinade. In a medium sized non-reactive pot combine vinegar, olive oil, garlic, onions, and bay leaf, and peppercorn. Bring to a simmer and cook until the onions are tender about 15 mins.
  4. Fill the water bowl up again with ice water. Once the onions are soft hold the bottom of the pot in the ice water and stir the escabeche to quickly cool.
  5. Pour the escabeche over the cooked bananas. Add olives and pimentos and toss until well combined. Season the bananas with kosher salt to taste.
  6. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight.


Marinaded bananas can be kept covered in the refrigerator up to 1 week.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 502Total Fat: 38gSaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 31gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 158mgCarbohydrates: 43gFiber: 6gSugar: 21gProtein: 3g

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Categories: Backyard BBQ


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Reader Interactions


Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

Quieres lucirte con una receta única y sobre todo deliciosa los guineos en escabeche no puedes dejar de preparar ideales para compartir en reuniones familiares, fiesta navideña y sin faltar en cumpleaños quien no lo a comido el que diga que no esta mintiendo.

El perfecto acompañamiento para platos típicos como pernil asado, arroz con gandules combinan a la perfección, su sabor es único y exquisito que realza el sabor de todas las comidas.

Aprende con nosotros una de las recetas mas típicas de la gastronomía Puertorriqueña los Guineitos al escabeche nuestra receta es la mas fácil y sencilla con pocos pasos va a poder disfrutar de un platillo criollo único!!!

▶ Información Nutricional

🔪Dificultad: Media👩‍👩‍👦‍👦Numero de porciones: 6 Personas
Tiempo de Preparación: 20 Minutos🏋️‍♀️Calorías : 240

✪ Ingredientes para la receta de guineos verdes al escabeche puertorriqueños, suaves y esponjosos.

Rinde para 6 porciones

  • 6-8  Guineos verdes
  • agua abundante
  • 1/2 Taza de leche entera
  • 1 taza de aceite vegetal
  • ½ taza de aceite de oliva
  • 1 Cucharada de sazón
  • 3 dientes de ajo
  • 2-4 hojas de laurel
  • 1 Taza de vinagre blanco
  • Mucho adobo a gusto
  • Pimienta fresca al gusto
  • Pimienta en grano 1½ cucharadita
  • 1 Cebolla blanca en rodajas
  • 1 Chile morrón en tiras.

✪ Cómo hacer Guineitos en escabeche estilo boricua, paso a paso.

Descubre como preparar este riquísimo acompañamiento unos guineos al escabeche casero de Puerto Rico te van encantar, disfruta haciéndolos.

  1. Comenzaremos lavando y desinfectando los guineos con abundante agua un paño vamos a secar para luego proceder a retirar las puntas de ambos lados , hacemos un corte lineal no profundo de punta a punta por la parte de adentro repetimos el proceso con el resto de guineos.
  2. Colocamos una olla a fuego medio con abundante agua, una vez comience a hervir incorporamos los guineos que tenemos despuntados, dejamos cocinar durante 20 minutos para verificar el punto adecuado insertamos un cuchillo o tenedor si se introduce fácilmente es el punto adecuado que buscamos.
  3. Colocamos una sarten con aceite en la cual vamos a sofreír la cebolla previamente picada con el ajo movemos unos minutos para cocinar la cebolla después añadimos las hojas de laurel y condimentamos al gusto con pimienta y sal.
  4. Se vierte el vinagre y el resto de condimentos el sazón, el adobo que tiene que se abundante y pimienta fresca dejamos hervir durante 10-12  minutos para luego retirar del fuego y reservamos.
  5. Extraemos los guineos del agua y vamos a quitar la cascara una vez retirada procedemos a cortar en trozos de una pulgada aproximadamente.

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