Us zip codes and addresses: US Zip Code Lookup by Address/City, Map (Postal Code, Postcode)

Unique Zip Codes – What Are They?

If you have ever run into a unique ZIP code while doing address lookups or validation, then there is a good chance that they may have caused some confusing results for you. Take the following address as an example:

123 Not a Real Street
Schenectady NY, 12345

To most users, this address looks like it is fake. But if you send it to an address checker like DOTS Address Validation – US, to be validated and standardized, then you will get a response like the following.

Our service indicates that this is a valid mailing address. So what gives? This might lead one to believe that something went wrong in the address checker or validation engine. But there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for cases like this. If we take a look at the DPV Notes returned by our service, we will see Code 3, which indicates that the ZIP code provided is a unique ZIP code.

What are unique ZIP codes?

In short, unique ZIP codes are high volume mail receivers that receive mail at one location and then distribute the mail internally. Unique ZIP codes generally are used by large organizations, government buildings, universities or large medical facilities. For these cases, the USPS would drop off all the mail at one single location, and then the mail recipients would distribute it to the necessary parties internally. Since all that mail is distributed internally, the USPS and our services by extension will mark every address with a unique ZIP code as valid and deliverable.

How should we handle unique ZIP codes?

Great question! These are cases that would certainly require some type of additional logic to process. If you have a user submitted form, perhaps you could process this by asking the user to double check the postal code entered. This could help ensure that the unique ZIP code was not entered by mistake.

If you are cleaning up a database and find a number of unique ZIP codes in your data, this might be a case where you would want to contact the owner or operating organization of the ZIP code to ensure that the addresses obtained are valid.

Each use case is different. If you want some assistance or suggestions on how to best handle unique ZIP codes for your case, reach out to us at [email protected]. We’re always happy to make recommendations and help customers get the most out of their data.


Understanding unique ZIP codes before you encounter them can be key to preventing any hiccups that may occur when using Address Validation – US and address checking in a production environment. Preparation and knowing different scenarios like this are key.

We strongly recommend reviewing our developer’s guide and all the possible DPV Note codes that the service can return. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us; we’re always ready to help educate our customers to be their own data experts.

In case you were wondering, the ZIP code 12345 belongs to the world headquarters for General Electric.

zipcode – What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

The unicode CLDR contains the postal code regex for each country. (158 regex’s in total!)

  • Download from
  • unzip
  • Take a look at common/supplemental/postalCodeData.xml from the unzipped content (direct content: common/supplemental/postalCodeData.xml)

Google also has a web service with per-country address formatting information, including postal codes, here –
(I found that link via )


Here a copy of postalCodeData.xml regex :

"JE", "JE\d[\dA-Z]?[ ]?\d[ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}"
"GG", "GY\d[\dA-Z]?[ ]?\d[ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}"
"IM", "IM\d[\dA-Z]?[ ]?\d[ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}"
"US", "\d{5}([ \-]\d{4})?"
"DE", "\d{5}"
"JP", "\d{3}-\d{4}"
"FR", "\d{2}[ ]?\d{3}"
"AU", "\d{4}"
"IT", "\d{5}"
"CH", "\d{4}"
"AT", "\d{4}"
"ES", "\d{5}"
"NL", "\d{4}[ ]?[A-Z]{2}"
"BE", "\d{4}"
"DK", "\d{4}"
"SE", "\d{3}[ ]?\d{2}"
"NO", "\d{4}"
"BR", "\d{5}[\-]?\d{3}"
"PT", "\d{4}([\-]\d{3})?"
"FI", "\d{5}"
"AX", "22\d{3}"
"KR", "\d{3}[\-]\d{3}"
"CN", "\d{6}"
"TW", "\d{3}(\d{2})?"
"SG", "\d{6}"
"DZ", "\d{5}"
"AD", "AD\d{3}"
"AR", "([A-HJ-NP-Z])?\d{4}([A-Z]{3})?"
"AM", "(37)?\d{4}"
"AZ", "\d{4}"
"BH", "((1[0-2]|[2-9])\d{2})?"
"BD", "\d{4}"
"BB", "(BB\d{5})?"
"BY", "\d{6}"
"BM", "[A-Z]{2}[ ]?[A-Z0-9]{2}"
"BA", "\d{5}"
"IO", "BBND 1ZZ"
"BN", "[A-Z]{2}[ ]?\d{4}"
"BG", "\d{4}"
"KH", "\d{5}"
"CV", "\d{4}"
"CL", "\d{7}"
"CR", "\d{4,5}|\d{3}-\d{4}"
"HR", "\d{5}"
"CY", "\d{4}"
"CZ", "\d{3}[ ]?\d{2}"
"DO", "\d{5}"
"EC", "([A-Z]\d{4}[A-Z]|(?:[A-Z]{2})?\d{6})?"
"EG", "\d{5}"
"EE", "\d{5}"
"FO", "\d{3}"
"GE", "\d{4}"
"GR", "\d{3}[ ]?\d{2}"
"GL", "39\d{2}"
"GT", "\d{5}"
"HT", "\d{4}"
"HN", "(?:\d{5})?"
"HU", "\d{4}"
"IS", "\d{3}"
"IN", "\d{6}"
"ID", "\d{5}"
"IL", "\d{5}"
"JO", "\d{5}"
"KZ", "\d{6}"
"KE", "\d{5}"
"KW", "\d{5}"
"LA", "\d{5}"
"LV", "\d{4}"
"LB", "(\d{4}([ ]?\d{4})?)?"
"LI", "(948[5-9])|(949[0-7])"
"LT", "\d{5}"
"LU", "\d{4}"
"MK", "\d{4}"
"MY", "\d{5}"
"MV", "\d{5}"
"MT", "[A-Z]{3}[ ]?\d{2,4}"
"MU", "(\d{3}[A-Z]{2}\d{3})?"
"MX", "\d{5}"
"MD", "\d{4}"
"MC", "980\d{2}"
"MA", "\d{5}"
"NP", "\d{5}"
"NZ", "\d{4}"
"NI", "((\d{4}-)?\d{3}-\d{3}(-\d{1})?)?"
"NG", "(\d{6})?"
"OM", "(PC )?\d{3}"
"PK", "\d{5}"
"PY", "\d{4}"
"PH", "\d{4}"
"PL", "\d{2}-\d{3}"
"PR", "00[679]\d{2}([ \-]\d{4})?"
"RO", "\d{6}"
"RU", "\d{6}"
"SM", "4789\d"
"SA", "\d{5}"
"SN", "\d{5}"
"SK", "\d{3}[ ]?\d{2}"
"SI", "\d{4}"
"ZA", "\d{4}"
"LK", "\d{5}"
"TJ", "\d{6}"
"TH", "\d{5}"
"TN", "\d{4}"
"TR", "\d{5}"
"TM", "\d{6}"
"UA", "\d{5}"
"UY", "\d{5}"
"UZ", "\d{6}"
"VA", "00120"
"VE", "\d{4}"
"ZM", "\d{5}"
"AS", "96799"
"CC", "6799"
"CK", "\d{4}"
"RS", "\d{6}"
"ME", "8\d{4}"
"CS", "\d{5}"
"YU", "\d{5}"
"CX", "6798"
"ET", "\d{4}"
"FK", "FIQQ 1ZZ"
"NF", "2899"
"FM", "(9694[1-4])([ \-]\d{4})?"
"GF", "9[78]3\d{2}"
"GN", "\d{3}"
"GP", "9[78][01]\d{2}"
"GS", "SIQQ 1ZZ"
"GU", "969[123]\d([ \-]\d{4})?"
"GW", "\d{4}"
"HM", "\d{4}"
"IQ", "\d{5}"
"KG", "\d{6}"
"LR", "\d{4}"
"LS", "\d{3}"
"MG", "\d{3}"
"MH", "969[67]\d([ \-]\d{4})?"
"MN", "\d{6}"
"MP", "9695[012]([ \-]\d{4})?"
"MQ", "9[78]2\d{2}"
"NC", "988\d{2}"
"NE", "\d{4}"
"VI", "008(([0-4]\d)|(5[01]))([ \-]\d{4})?"
"PF", "987\d{2}"
"PG", "\d{3}"
"PM", "9[78]5\d{2}"
"PN", "PCRN 1ZZ"
"PW", "96940"
"RE", "9[78]4\d{2}"
"SJ", "\d{4}"
"SO", "\d{5}"
"SZ", "[HLMS]\d{3}"
"TC", "TKCA 1ZZ"
"WF", "986\d{2}"
"XK", "\d{5}"
"YT", "976\d{2}"

Postcode history | B2CPL


In order for postal correspondence to arrive exactly at the address and sorted as quickly as possible, postal codes were invented many years ago. And they appeared for the first time in the USSR.

The very first indices began to be used on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR – in the early 30s. last century. Their name used not only numbers, but also letters. For each of the signs it was possible to determine the republic, the city and even the urban area. But with the outbreak of World War II, postal codes were no longer used. The convenient address component was remembered only after a few decades – at 1971 years. During this time, the index addressing system was mastered in foreign countries, and Germany was the first to take this path

Today, almost 200 countries use postal codes. All of them are members of the Universal Postal Union. The spelling and type of postal codes varies from country to country. In Russia, a six-digit digital index system has been adopted. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into postal zones, where each post office has its own index. Indexes that do not include other characters in the digital series are used in most countries.

Usually, the detailing of the index numbers ends with the designation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement. Some countries, such as Kazakhstan, use an alphanumeric index system. The seven-digit Kazakhstani index includes details up to a specific building

In different countries, when writing the address, the index is also placed in different ways. In most states, a postcode is written at the end of the address. But the index is often placed in front of the name of the settlement to which the postal item is addressed.

Despite the differences in the use and style of indices in different countries, they all realize the goal of convenient sorting and delivery of mail.

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What is the postal code in Germany?






PLECK PLACD PLECK. The first digit of the PLZ index indicates the postal zone (there are only 10 of them and they are numbered from 0 to 9 on the map). The first two digits of the PLZ index indicate the postal region.

  1. What does the German index look like?
  2. Which plz in Germany?
  3. What does a zip code look like?
  4. What does PLZ mean in Germany?
  5. How does the post office work in Germany?
  6. How to send a letter in Germany?
  7. What is the correct way to write an address in Germany?
  8. How can I find out my zip code?
  9. How does a phone number start in Germany?
  10. What is our zip code?
  11. How many digits are in the index?
  12. How to enter a zip code?
  13. What is ort?
  14. What is Stadt in Germany?
  15. What is C o in an address?
  16. How to write an index correctly?
  17. What is the postal code in Moscow?
  18. What streets are there in Germany?
  19. What is the postal code in Switzerland?
  20. How many digits must the index have?
  21. What are the indexes?
  22. Whose index is 113623?
  23. What is the UK postal code?
  24. What is the zip code in Canada?
  25. What is the postal code in Australia?
  26. How to determine your postal code?
  27. How many postcodes are there in Russia?

What does the index look like in Germany?

Postcodes in Germany, Postleitzahl (plural Postleitzahlen, abbreviated PLZ; literally “postal route number”), five digits since 1 July 1993. The first two digits indicate the wider area, the last three digits indicate the postal area.

What is the PLZ in Germany?

PLZ (German: Postleitzahl) is the modern German postcode system. plz is short for “please” (internet slang). PLZ – ISO 4217 code for the Polish zloty (1950-1994), now replaced by PLN.

What does a zip code look like?

In Russia, a six-digit postal code of the form XXXYYY is accepted, where XXX is the city code (Moscow, like some other large cities, has several city codes), and YYY is the number of the post office (OPS) that receives and delivers postal shipments and money transfers.

What does PLZ mean in Germany?

Postal codes in Germany – the postal indexing system of modern Germany (German: Postleitzahl, abbreviated PLZ), which provides for the division of the country into ten main postal zones and the use of five-digit numerical codes.

How does the post office work in Germany?

German “postal law” requires letters to be delivered six times a week – from Monday to Saturday – anywhere in Germany. 80 percent of letters must be delivered the next day.

How to send a letter in Germany?

The address of the sender and recipient is written on the envelope, as in Russia: On the right, in the lower half of the envelope, where the letter will go. The return address is written at the top left or on the reverse side.

What is the correct way to write an address in Germany?

Der Vorname, der Name (First name, Surname) die Straße, die Hausnummer (Street name, house number) die Postleitzahl, der Ort/die Stadt (zip code, place/city) das Land (country) country is usually written if sent abroad

How can I find out my zip code?

How to find out the index?:

  • Enter the desired address in the search engine of the offices on the site;
  • Specify the address when filling out the form you need on the site, and the index will be determined automatically;
  • Use the mobile application.
  • Call the hotline 8-800-1-000-000 and tell the operator the city, street and house number.

How does a phone number start in Germany?

All international numbers of users of this telephone network have a common beginning +49 – also called a prefix or country telephone code. Regulation by the German Telephone Numbering Plan is the responsibility of the German Federal Communications Agency.

What is our zip code?

Russian postal codes at the exact address


Amur Region


How many digits are in the index?

Russian postal codes consist exclusively of the six digits XXXYYY, where XXX is the area code and YYY is the post office number.

How to enter a postal code?

The first way: you need to indicate the name of your city in the “City” column, then select it again as an area and enter a real index. The second way: you need to specify Moscow or St. Petersburg as the city, select the Moscow or Leningrad region and write the index of any regional city.

What is the ort?

Ort, lit. – “place”) – a horizontal underground mine working that does not have a direct exit to the surface and is carried out along the ore body across the strike of the mineral deposit.

What is Stadt in Germany?

Stadt. City.

What is C o in an address?

Abbreviation for care of: You can write me c/o Roberta Moody, at 12 Townsend Place, Newark, New Jersey.

How to write an index?

Postcode in Russia is a set of six digits, in which: The first three digits mean the city code; the next three digits are the post office number.

What is the postal code in Moscow?


What streets are there in Germany?

German streets:

  • Bötterstrasse Bremen, Germany
  • Bötcherstrasse Bremen, Germany
  • 17 June Street Berlin, Germany
  • Street of City Elders Principalmark Münster, Germany
  • Hamburg Reeperbahn Hamburg, Germany
  • Neuhauser Street Munich, Germany
  • Kurfürstendamm Berlin, Germany
  • Street Unter den Linden

What is the postal code in Switzerland?






Switzerland 969 and for the population – in 1971.

What are the indices?

World stock indices







Dow Jones



Watch belt


population density

257.1 / KM²

Postal indices 9000

9, 9000, AB10, AB11 (3 09000) (3 09000) (3 09000) (3 09000)


2 607 823

Telephone Codes

113, 114 113, 114, 1 more0066



Postal Code


Post Office



2 Australia

0002 How to find out the index?: