Vamos a surfear: vamos a surfear – Translation into English – examples Spanish

vamos a surfear – Translation into English – examples Spanish





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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

let’s go surfing

are going to surf

we’re going surfing

Let’s surf

Let’s go surf

Así que elige el mejor surf camp para ti y vamos a surfear! MORE INFO

So choose the best option for You and let’s go surfing! MORE INFO

Entonces vamos a surfear.

Well, then let’s go surfing.

Como vimos que algunos de vosotros estabais interesados, ¡Nos vamos a surfear a La Manga!

Surf Lessons with ESN Since we saw that some of you were interested, we are going to surf in La Manga!

Vamos a surfear en dos semanas, ¿sí?

We’re going surfing in two weeks, right?

¡Vive tu pasión y vamos a surfear!

Live your passion and Let’s go Surfing!

Vamos a surfear ahora mismo”, dice.

Let’s go surfing right now,” he says.

Vamos a surfear, viejo.

Let’s go surfing, big daddy.

Vamos a surfear, vamos.

Let’s go surfing, come on.

Cada vez que sucede algo fuerte y conmocionante, en general tenemos la posibilidad de elegir qué ola vamos a surfear.

Whenever something strong and shocking happens, we usually have the choice as to which wave we are going to ride.

Mañana, Eddie y yo vamos a surfear por primera vez.

Eddie and I are going to try surfing for the first time tomorrow.

Es que Sarah, Calvin y yo vamos a surfear esta tarde. Ah, claro.

Sarah and I and Calvin, we’re going boarding this afternoon.

Nuestro producto es el corazón de todo lo que hacemos, y cuando vamos a surfear lo llevamos puesto y lo probamos nosotros mismos.

Our product is at the heart of everything we do, and when we’re paddling out for a session ourselves we’ll be wearing it and testing it.

¿Cómo son las olas que vamos a surfear?

How are the spots where we will surf?

Eso sí… da igual la época en la que viajemos a Galicia, si vamos a surfear en sus aguas ¡neopreno siempre!

Of course… it does not matter the time in which we travel to Galicia, if we are going to surf in its waters neoprene always!

“Prepará todo que nos vamos a surfear“, me dijo un rato después de habernos conocido y por la tabla que tenía en sus manos supe que no se trataba de un chiste.

“Get everything ready because we are going surfing“, he told me a little while after we met and, taking into consideration the board he was holding, I guessed he was not joking.

Vamos a surfear la ola masiva para la que nos estuvimos entrenando durante largo tiempo.

Let’s surf the massive wave that we were long trained for.

¡Vamos a surfear las mejores olas de alcantarilla del mundo!

Let’s go surf the great sewer waves of the world!

Solo tiene una cosa que decirte: ¿Vamos a surfear?

He only has one thing to ask you: Are we going to surf?

Vamos a surfear juntos para mejorar tu surf, tu rendimiento en el agua, la velocidad en la ola, tu estilo en los giros y mucho más. ..

Let’s surf together in order to improve your surf, your performance on the water, your speed on the waves, your styleat turns and much more…

Vamos a surfear en equipo con cualquiera”, dijo Short.

We will tandem surf anyone,” Short said.

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vamos a surfear – English translation – Linguee

Van a ver a las cuatro normas enunciadas anteriormente y hechas en clase de respetarlos

cada vez que irn a surfear.

Report directly at the four rules stated previously and made in kind respect

[. ..]
them to each time you go surf.

Usando como medio de transporte un barco y una furgoneta

climatizada, irn a surfear las mejores olas […]

cada da.

Whether you get there by van

or boat, you are assured the best waves and […]

conditions available.

Vaya a surfear a Torquay, pase la noche en el paraso vacacional de Lorne y contemple los impresionantes […]

Doce Apstoles.

Surf at Torquay, stay in the holiday haven of Lorne and see the magnificent Twelve Apostles.

Se les ha visto surfear para divertirse.

They have been known to surf for the pure fun of it.

Si se irritan, van a surfear solo, eso evita […]

las problemas al agua.

If you are irritated, go surf alone, that avoids [. ..]

the catches of heads and nozzles to water.

Al da siguiente, la rutina del mar se repite y ah aparece uno de los grandes atractivos turstico: un gran mdano vivo que desde las


primeras horas del da

recibe cientos de jvenes que lo ven ideal para surfear sobre la arena con sus tablas […]

de sandboard.

The next day, the routine of the sea repeats itself and one of the biggest tourist attractions shows up: a huge live sand dune


visited by hundreds of youngsters who find it

ideal to surf the sand with their sand boards from the early hours of the day.

Segn algunos, con la construccin de la

carretera 200 en los aos 60’s, Sayulita fue descubierto como un paraso para surfear entre la espesa jungla.

According to some, it was due to the construction of road 200 in the early 60’s that Sayulita was discovered as a […]

surfers’ Paradise in the middle of thick jungle.

Actividades extremas (Ejemplo: Yo nunca he surfeado)

nazarene. org

Extreme Activities (ex: Never have I ever been surfing.)

Vamos a ver y observar qu sitios pueden […]

haber estado mirndolo.

Let’s take a look and see which sites […]

could have been watching you.

El rumbo que se est trazando con precisin

matemtica es que vamos a tener el mismo […]

destino que los dinosaurios.

The course which is being traced with mathematical

[. ..]
precision is that we shall suffer the same […]

fate as the dinosaurs.

Como ustedes saben, los pases subdesarrollados como el nuestro, o en desarrollo, tienen un


ingreso per cpita menor, menor poder adquisitivo y si se

ajusta por ese factor pues no vamos a ser comparables con nada.

As you know, underdeveloped or developing countries such as ours, have smaller per capita revenues,


less purchasing power and if

adjustments are made based on that factor, we are never going to be comparable [. ..]

to anything.

Tambin vamos a buscar un acuerdo […]

que nos permita conservar una red de seguridad autntica y eficaz.

We are also going to seek a compromise […]

that allows us to retain a genuine and effective safety net.

Comemos, bebemos y

despus vemos por donde vamos.

We eat and drink

and then we see how far we are.

Tenemos una presentacin del museo con la que vamos de un banco a otro, y de un hombre de negocios a otro.

We have a presentation of our museum, which we share with banks and businessmen, and try to arouse their interest.

El monopatn fue desarollado en los aos 50 por surfistas californianos como un medio para surfear fuera del agua.

The first boards were actually the wooden planks with roller skates nailed to their front and back ends.

Surfear sobre las dunas se puede comparar con el snowboard, con la diferencia de que aqu se desliza [. ..]

sobre arena.

This is similar to snowboarding, the only difference being that you glide downhill over the sand.

No nos vamos a distraer con toda una cantidad de temas secundarios que generen muchas […]

reuniones pero no acciones concretas”, dijo Obama.

We will not be distracted by a whole host of other side items that end up generating […]

a lot of meetings but not concrete action,” Obama said.

Vamos a fortalecer nuestras […]

redes alimentarias ruralurbanas.

We will strengthen our interconnecting […]

rural urban food webs.

Cmo vamos restaurar la confianza en un gobierno que parece estar cada da ms alejado de su pueblo y dominado por intereses […]


How do we restore trust in a government that seems increasingly removed from its people and dominated by special interests?

Con esos compromisos, no vamos a cambiar ni la naturaleza […]

fundamentalmente poltica de las situaciones de las que se ocupa

[. ..]

el Consejo ni el largo tiempo que exigen los procesos de paz y reconciliacin.

With those

commitments we are not going to change either the […]

essentially political character of the situations brought before


the Council, or the long period of time required for peace and reconciliation processes.

Al interrogante de difcil respuesta planteado por las ciencias de la

vida -“A dnde vamos a llegar?

To the already difficult question posed by life

[. ..]
sciences – How far can we go?

Vamos a ser el primer pas neutral en cuanto a emisiones […]

de carbono, dentro de 10 aos.

We are going to be the first country to go carbon neutral, […]

in 10 years’ time.

Significa que vamos a vivir una vida […]

de mejor calidad y en convivencia”.

It means that we will have a world [. ..]

with better quality and in harmony”.

Desde el rea de Puerto Plata hacia el este hasta Playa grande, se han identificado 16 puntos para surfear en la costa norte, con olas clasificadas como clsicas o estndar.

From the area of Puerto Plata and east to Playa Grande, 16 surfing spots have been identified along the North Coast for their regional classic to standard wave quality.

Algunos de los retos

del ao pasado fueron aparcar un coche con los ojos cerrados, jugar al tenis sobre camas elsticas, encontrar el escudo ms antiguo de Madrid, resolver un sudoku bajo pena de cortarse el pelo de forma no convencional, saltar a la comba, remar, surfear por el asfalto, [. ..]

asear y pasear a


un perro abandonado, o sumergirse en un bidn de agua helada para coger un refresco.

Some of last year’s challenges involved parking a car with eyes closed, playing tennis on trampolines, finding the oldest coat of arms in Madrid, solving a sudoku under penalty of being given an unconventional haircut, skipping, rowing, surfing on tarmac, washing and […]

walking an abandoned dog, or plunging


into a barrel of ice-cold water to get a soft drink.

Siempre que las condiciones lo permiten, nos

levantamos pronto para surfear.

We get up early

every day to go surfing if […]

wave and wind conditions are right.

Haba pocas olas para surfear, slo estbamos en el agua, hablando de Google, y se nos ocurri que podan comenzar a atacar directamente a Microsoft”.

The surf was pretty flat, we were just hanging out in the water, talking about Google, and it occurred to us that they might start shooting directly at Microsoft.

Busque centros

tursticos que tengan reas separadas para surfear en nieve.

Look for resorts that have separate areas for snowboarding.

Board Stars: 10 Celebrities Who Love Surfing

us another celebrity parade: in today’s material we will tell you about ten celebrities who are very fond of surfing.

In April, we already published

hit parade of

stars riding a skateboard. This time we will talk about another board – for surfing. Get comfortable, we’re starting to catch the wave!


A native of Barbados, she has enjoyed surfing the waves since childhood. Which is not strange, because the surf culture is developed in the Caribbean almost better than anywhere else in the world. nine0003

Rihanna enjoys surfing, water skiing and SUP, and her favorite place to ride is Hawaii.

Matthew McConaughey

One of Hollywood’s top sex symbols began surfing on the set of The Surfer in 2008. Since then, he has become interested in this sport and the paparazzi often filmed him on the crest of a wave in Malibu.

We can’t help but add that Matthew was also featured in our April article about skate stars. Talent! nine0003

Nicole Scherzinger

It’s a sin not to like surfing for a person who was born in Hawaii, and even with the middle name Praskovya.

The ex-Pussycat Dolls soloist feels quite confident on a surfboard both in the Caribbean Sea and in the open ocean.

David Beckham

Once the hottie of the football world, he started learning to surf under the guidance of his eldest son Brooklyn in 2011.

Having mastered the board, the former captain of the England and Manchester United team put his entire family on the board, led by his wife Victoria. And after he acquired the Miami Football Club, he is often seen catching waves with family friend Gordon Ramsay in Malibu. nine0003

Lady Gaga

One of showbiz’s most extravagant personalities took surf lessons in Mexico.

Riding the waves, the singer does not forget about shocking, sometimes appearing almost naked on the beaches. It’s hard to be humble when you don’t think you are.

Barack Obama

Another Hawaii-born hero on our list, the first black US president demonstrated his surfing skills in his homeland in 2008, when he was still a presidential candidate. nine0003

Since then, he has often been seen in the vicinity of the islands with his wife and in the company of prominent American politicians.

Kim Kardashian

The star of her own reality show, the ex-wife of a former US presidential candidate knows how to ride a wakeboard, water ski and surfboard.

Kim very often uploads videos on social networks in which she is captured on the water expanses with her large family.

Adam Sandler

One of the greatest comedians in the history of cinema loves not only to joke, but also to conquer the waves.

And in 2007, he even participated in the Life Rolls On Foundation charity event, in which Paris Hilton paid almost 20 thousand dollars for the opportunity to surf with him and the famous surfer Jesse Billauer. Jennifer Aniston nine0003

The highest paid television actress of all time actively involved in surfing and SUP-boarding.

Robert Pattinson

The main vampire of our time started surfing in 2012 and since then has seriously improved his skills.

The Englishman, by the way, more than once got into the camera lens with the other two main characters of “Twilight”.

In the end, let’s add that the Trajectory presents a large assortment of surfboards and all kinds of related products. You can get to know them by following this link. nine0003



Getting Ready to Surf: 3 Top Tips


    • Swimming
    • nine0117 Push-ups

    • Balance

So, if you have decided that you want to become a surfer and have started to study information about training, congratulations, you are on the right track! Today we want to tell you about how to prepare the body before going to the surf camp so that the first steps in this sport bring more joy and less fatigue!

In fact, the movements in surfing are not too complicated, but specific, and they can only be fully mastered in the ocean. But if you take a broader approach, the surfer requires certain qualities that are easy to develop at home, thereby greatly facilitating his own learning. A good surfer needs a strong back, enduring arms, a developed sense of balance and, of course, the ability to swim. nine0003

Pool. We pump: breathing, rowing, calmness in the water

Let’s start with swimming, because this is the most important thing. In principle, surfers spend little time in the water without a board, so becoming a master of sports is not required, but at the same time, everyone who swims out into the ocean must be able to swim back to the shore “on their hands”.

First of all, it gives confidence. All surfers fall from time to time, and beginners do it with enviable regularity. Each fall from the board is like jumping into the water from the side, learn how to breathe correctly so that you don’t have to plug your nose, because you won’t have time to do this on a wave. nine0003

In addition, the correct crawl technique will help you row on the board: similar arm movements, hand position, and most importantly, an understanding of what a “powerful stroke” is, which you literally do with your whole body.

Push-ups, pull-ups, jump rope. We pump: arms and back for strength and endurance

You can also train the strength and endurance of the upper shoulder girdle in the pool if you swim with a board or a special comfortable roller in your legs, which are sold in sports stores and even in pools. nine0003

When it comes to beach exercises, push-ups and pull-ups are your best helpers. Girls can do push-ups from their knees, but guys should not feel sorry for themselves. If you start preparing for a month and do push-ups 20-30 times a day, your hands will be in great shape by the beginning of the trip.

In general, the best surf-oriented arm workout is jumping rope! Long, monotonous and exhausting, but very effective.

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