What does christopher mean in spanish: What is Christopher in Spanish?

CHRISTOPHER MEANS in Spanish Translation

Grimes, do you know what Christopher means?

Grimes,¿sabes lo que significa Christopher?

Tell me what Christopher means.

Dime lo que significa Christopher.

Spread out all over London but find out what Christopher means.

Investigad por todo Londres y averiguad lo que significa Christopher.

The name Christopher means“Christ-bearer.

El nombre bersagliere significa“tirador certero.

Help me to find out Christopher means and I promise the man who murdered Gavin shall pay for it.

Ayúdeme a averiguar qué significa Christopher y le prometo que quien asesinó a Gavin lo pagará. Piénselo,

People also translate

christopher wren

saint christopher

christopher reeve

st christopher

christopher walken

effective means

Help me to find out what Christopher means and I promise that the man did it will pay for it.

Ayúdeme a encontrar lo que decía Christopher y le prometo que el hombre que lo hizo pagará por ello.

I mean, Christopher,

Es decir, Christopher,

Christopher‘s always saying how the Ewing name means nothing to me.

Christopher ha dicho siempre que el nombre de Ewing no significa nada para mí.

And as for Christopher Phillips, a man desperate to help his struggling family, a man with the means to.

Y en cuanto a Christopher Phillips, un hombre desesperado por ayudar a su necesitada familia, un hombre que con los medios que.

While cleaning up the rubble for the rebuilding, the great architect Christopher Wren found a fragment of a stone slab on which was carved the single word”Resurgam”, which means“I shall rise again.

Cuando el gran arquitecto Cristóbal Wren estaba limpiando los escombros para la reconstrucción, encontró un fragmento de losa donde sólo quedaba grabada la palabra”Resurgam”, es decir:”Resurgiré de nuevo.

best means

financial means

technical means

various means

President Milutinovic informed the Government of the talks held for several days between President Milosevic and

Mr. Holbrooke and Christopher Hill and of the final accord reached on Monday on resolving the problems in Serbia’s southern province of Kosovo and Metohija in a peaceful way and by political means.

El Presidente Milutinovic informó al Gobierno acerca de las conversaciones celebradas durante varios días por el Presidente Milosevic y

los Embajadores Holbrooke y Christopher Hill, así como sobre el acuerdo final alcanzado el lunes sobre la resolución pacífica y por medios políticos de los problemas de la provincia meridional de Serbia,

Kosovo y Metohija.

I meant a Christopher.

Me refería a un Christopher.

Yeah, I mean, Christopher walken had a.

Sí, me refiero, Christopher Walken tenía un.

You mean by Christopher Laundry?

¿Te refieres a Christopher Landry?

No. Cathy and christopher are mean.

Cathy y Christopher son malos.

Christopher. Christopher… you can’t mean it.

Christopher. no puedes decirlo en serio.

I mean, Rory and Christopher looked at me like I was Pauly Shore.

O sea, Rory y Christopher me miraron como si fuera Pauly Shore.

I mean, I tried to with Christopher.

Bueno, lo intenté con Christopher.

Christian III’s conquest of both Jutland and Funen and the defection of Scania meant the breakdown of Christopher‘s position and he was besieged in Copenhagen 1535-36 together with his rival Albrecht until their capitulation.

Cristián III retomó entonces Jutlandia y Funen y

la deserción de Escania significó el desmoronamiento de la posición de Cristóbal, que fue asediado en Copenhague en 1535-36 junto con su rival Albrecht hasta que ambos capitularon.

I mean, I guess I thought about marrying Christopher when everyone was freaking out because I was pregnant,

but I never thought about it in a longingly, good way.

O sea, supongo que pensé en casarme con Christopher cuando todos se asustaron porque estaba embarazada, pero

nunca lo pensé de una forma buena y que durara.

You know who I mean Christopher.

¿Quién?- Ya sabes.- Christopher.

You mean Cathy and Christopher?

¿Quieres decir Cathy y Christopher?

No, I didn’t mean the Christopher.

No, no me refería al Christopher.

You mean that wasn’t Christopher?

¿Vas a decirme que no era Christopher?

But Holmes, what do you suppose he meant when he said Christopher?

Holmes,¿qué habrá querido decir con eso de Christopher? Hay que averiguarlo?

I mean, no, you at the head, Christopher, Edward there.

Quiero decir, no, tú en la cabecera, Christopher, Edward allí.

For Italian-born Christopher Columbus, this means he can appeal for funding from a succession of European rulers.

Para Cristóbal Colón, nacido en Italia, esto implica la posibilidad de pedir fondos a distintos monarcas europeos.

I mean, I know Christopher‘s got his mind set on Madrid, but all those enchiladas, I get gassy.

Quiero decir, sé que Christopher tiene idea de ir a Madrid, pero todas esas enchiladas, me dan gases.

In this context”, writes Christopher Colvin,”reparations have come to mean much

more than a means of support or a kind of recognition of suffering.

En este contexto”, dice Christopher Colvin,”las reparaciones han llegado a significar

mucho más que medios de apoyo o una clase de reconocimiento del sufrimiento.

Well, maybe for Christopher‘s child, but I’m not sure it will mean much to your other two.

Bueno, quizás para el hijo de Christopher, pero no sé si les importará mucho a los otros dos.

Columbus reports on his first voyage, 1493

On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain to find an all-water route to Asia. On October 12, more than two months later, Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas that he called San Salvador; the natives called it Guanahani.

For nearly five months, Columbus explored the Caribbean, particularly the islands of Juana (Cuba) and Hispaniola (Santo Domingo), before returning to Spain. He left thirty-nine men to build a settlement called La Navidad in present-day Haiti. He also kidnapped several Native Americans (between ten and twenty-five) to take back to Spain—only eight survived. Columbus brought back small amounts of gold as well as native birds and plants to show the richness of the continent he believed to be Asia.

When Columbus arrived back in Spain on March 15, 1493, he immediately wrote a letter announcing his discoveries to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who had helped finance his trip. The letter was written in Spanish and sent to Rome, where it was printed in Latin by Stephan Plannck. Plannck mistakenly left Queen Isabella’s name out of the pamphlet’s introduction but quickly realized his error and reprinted the pamphlet a few days later. The copy shown here is the second, corrected edition of the pamphlet.

The Latin printing of this letter announced the existence of the American continent throughout Europe. “I discovered many islands inhabited by numerous people. I took possession of all of them for our most fortunate King by making public proclamation and unfurling his standard, no one making any resistance,” Columbus wrote.

In addition to announcing his momentous discovery, Columbus’s letter also provides observations of the native people’s culture and lack of weapons, noting that “they are destitute of arms, which are entirely unknown to them, and for which they are not adapted; not on account of any bodily deformity, for they are well made, but because they are timid and full of terror. ” Writing that the natives are “fearful and timid . . . guileless and honest,” Columbus declares that the land could easily be conquered by Spain, and the natives “might become Christians and inclined to love our King and Queen and Princes and all the people of Spain.”

An English translation of this document is available.


I have determined to write you this letter to inform you of everything that has been done and discovered in this voyage of mine.

On the thirty-third day after leaving Cadiz I came into the Indian Sea, where I discovered many islands inhabited by numerous people. I took possession of all of them for our most fortunate King by making public proclamation and unfurling his standard, no one making any resistance. The island called Juana, as well as the others in its neighborhood, is exceedingly fertile. It has numerous harbors on all sides, very safe and wide, above comparison with any I have ever seen. Through it flow many very broad and health-giving rivers; and there are in it numerous very lofty mountains. All these island are very beautiful, and of quite different shapes; easy to be traversed, and full of the greatest variety of trees reaching to the stars. . . .

In the island, which I have said before was called Hispana, there are very lofty and beautiful mountains, great farms, groves and fields, most fertile both for cultivation and for pasturage, and well adapted for constructing buildings. The convenience of the harbors in this island, and the excellence of the rivers, in volume and salubrity, surpass human belief, unless on should see them. In it the trees, pasture-lands and fruits different much from those of Juana. Besides, this Hispana abounds in various kinds of species, gold and metals. The inhabitants . . . are all, as I said before, unprovided with any sort of iron, and they are destitute of arms, which are entirely unknown to them, and for which they are not adapted; not on account of any bodily deformity, for they are well made, but because they are timid and full of terror. . . . But when they see that they are safe, and all fear is banished, they are very guileless and honest, and very liberal of all they have. No one refuses the asker anything that he possesses; on the contrary they themselves invite us to ask for it. They manifest the greatest affection towards all of us, exchanging valuable things for trifles, content with the very least thing or nothing at all. . . . I gave them many beautiful and pleasing things, which I had brought with me, for no return whatever, in order to win their affection, and that they might become Christians and inclined to love our King and Queen and Princes and all the people of Spain; and that they might be eager to search for and gather and give to us what they abound in and we greatly need.

Questions for Discussion

Read the document introduction and transcript in order to answer these questions.

  1. Columbus described the Natives he first encountered as “timid and full of fear. ” Why did he then capture some Natives and bring them aboard his ships?
  2. Imagine the thoughts of the Europeans as they first saw land in the “New World.” What do you think would have been their most immediate impression? Explain your answer.
  3. Which of the items Columbus described would have been of most interest to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella? Why?
  4. Why did Columbus describe the islands and their inhabitants in great detail?
  5. It is said that this voyage opened the period of the “Columbian Exchange.” Why do you think that term has been attached to this period of time?

A printer-friendly version is available here.

“Even if you don’t like it, you have to accept it”: the Spanish gymnast answered Tatyana Navka

My name is Christopher Benitez Hernandez, I am 31 years old. I am a four-time champion of Spain.

I started doing artistic gymnastics for 3 months. To be honest, I didn’t really like it. And next to us, the girls were doing rhythmic gymnastics. My cousin also studied in this section, and I just asked – can I also try? I was 14 years old, it was already too late for rhythmic gymnastics, but the head of the section said – try it. I tried it and this is how it turned out.

In the family, my father wanted me to go in for sports – I started doing karate, and basketball, and volleyball, and the last one was gymnastics. I settled on rhythmic gymnastics. To be honest, it was not well received at home: they liked artistic gymnastics, because it is more “masculine” – rings and bars, such a more masculine sport. When I switched to rhythmic gymnastics, of course, they didn’t say “no” to me, but they didn’t really appreciate my choice. But over time, when my parents were already convinced that this is a normal sport, that you can compete in it and get titles, they saw that I was good at it, then they accepted it. It’s just that at the beginning I competed with the girls, and they sometimes beat me, and everything was very new.

Here in Spain the sport is very well received. You can not discriminate, and even more so children. Since 2009, Spain has made a national championship in men’s rhythmic gymnastics. And every year there are competitions, the last one was on July 11th. In 2010 there were 10 participants, now there are more than 80 at the last championship. And guys from different countries come – Greece, Italy, France.

I doubt very much that by 2024 we will reach the Olympics. But at least now even what is happening to me – such attention of the press – is setting the stage. In any case, a lot of people have learned that there is a men’s rhythmic gymnastics in the Spanish version. I believe that we are moving towards the goal.

Last week I was sitting quietly at home. And a friend, my colleague in rhythmic gymnastics, wrote to me: listen to what terrible things they write on instagram. At first I didn’t even understand what it was about, because if you don’t mark me there, then I don’t see it. In general, I climbed in to see. I read, I thought: my God, what a woman . .. I will not express myself. I just made a printscreen and shared this story on my page. A lot of comments began to be written. I thought: well, these are people who know me, of course, they have such a reaction. But the next day I woke up because I got a call from the Spanish Sports Federation and other sports authorities, radio and television started spinning. And even many famous people in Spain – writers, politicians – wrote me comments in support. In general, I, frankly, was in complete shock that there was such a resonance.

First of all, because Tatyana’s words are words that I have heard more than once in my career. And even worse – and threats to life, health, obscene curses. I thought, well, one more thing. So many years of fighting with comments, sidelong glances, prohibitions, swearing, insults… Here, for example, Tatyana commented on my Egyptian costume. I have a lot of very unusual costumes, because I always try to fully show the story and the movements, and the music, and the costumes.

The fact that it caused such a resonance, I still can’t stomach. Three or four days – in complete shock, constantly trying to answer everyone’s messages. Still can’t do it, so many posts. And of course, the most important thing for me is that there are a lot of messages in support, kind, warm. I’m saying this now and I’m getting goosebumps.

According to Tatyana, women should do women’s sports, men – men’s, and that she would never show this to her child. Tatyana, it is important to instill respect and tolerance in children. And if you personally don’t like it, it doesn’t mean that someone else won’t like it.

It is especially striking, of course, that she is an Olympic champion, an athlete who, in theory, should support sports and athletes. The idea that you can’t discriminate, about equality. Even if you don’t like it, you have to accept it. In general, very sorry, very sorry.

But if you put it on the scales, I am very glad that Spanish gymnastics is now known all over the world. And a little selfish, but I’m also happy for myself, because I’ve been a fighter for the rights of this sport for many years. And maybe that’s how I got a little bit of recognition for all my struggles.

Spanish courses in St. Petersburg

Spanish courses in St. Petersburg – Glory School

Spanish lessons in mini-groups

Spanish courses in St. Petersburg

Spanish is now the most widely spoken Romance language. It is recognized as a state language in 21 countries with a population of 400 million people, as well as one of the UN and EU languages. The Spanish language is expanding its scope, for example, in the USA it is noticeably crowding out English (the term Spanglish appeared not very long ago – many residents of the southern states speak this mixture of Spanish and English). Some researchers argue that in a few years, Spanish could become the world’s No. 1 language.

Spanish is quite easy to learn and very pleasant to listen to. For Russian speakers, mastering Spanish pronunciation is not difficult. Its grammar is similar to English, so those who speak the latter will find it easier to learn. Learning Spanish is easy and enjoyable, especially if you can find “points of contact” with the language, which is not at all difficult in the case of Spanish: someone likes literature, someone likes music, someone likes Latin American series or films, someone wants to listen to football commentators in the original, someone wants to connect their lives with a Spaniard or a Spaniard. If you master Spanish, it will be much easier for you to learn other Romance languages: Italian, French, Romanian or Portuguese. Moreover, you will find that you can quite understand what is written in these languages ​​and in some cases even catch the meaning of what is said. You can enroll in our Spanish courses as a group or individually.

Course Features

At the Glory School, Spanish courses are taught according to modern communication programs. In the process of learning, oral speech and its perception, reading and writing are harmoniously developed. The beauty of Spanish is also that it is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn. Its grammar is not difficult, and almost all words are read as they are written.
Our Spanish courses are taught only by qualified teachers with higher pedagogical education, academic degrees and extensive work experience. You can also study with native speakers from Spain and Latin America.

Cost of teaching Spanish



Skills and abilities after the course



2 months

At the end of the level you will be able to read simple texts and have a conversation on everyday topics. 6900 rub/month


3 months

At the end of the level, you will be able to understand the main content of a conversation or text, communicate on everyday topics, make short messages based on what you hear or read. 8900 r/month

Prev. medium

3 months

At the end of the level, you will be able to fully understand the content of the message, express your own opinion, make detailed messages based on what you heard or read, conduct correspondence of medium complexity, read adapted literature. 8900 r/month


3 months

Upon completion of the level, you will be fluent in various situations, pass interviews, conduct business and personal correspondence of any complexity, communicate with native speakers, read non-adapted literature and make reviews of what you have read. 8900 r/month


3 months

At the end of this level, students have in-depth knowledge of grammar, advanced reading and writing skills and are able to express their point of view on a fairly wide range of issues, and also understand the speech of a native speaker at a normal pace. 8900 r/month

How are the classes:

The program of the Spanish language courses is based on a modern communicative technique, which makes it possible to obtain harmonious and stable knowledge, as the emphasis is on teaching students to actively communicate and develop, first of all, such language skills as: the ability to speak and perceive by ear.

During the lesson, the teacher will pay special attention to pronunciation, introduce you to the grammatical and lexical topics of the lesson, after which the main time of the lesson is devoted to practical speech tasks that help you form a stable speech skill from the acquired knowledge.

A series of lessons is a logical sequence of introducing new material and lesson repetition and refreshment in memory of already worked out structures, language clichés and other linguistic and intercultural competencies.


Christopher Webb

Christopher was born and lived in Manchester, UK. He has always been interested in traveling and how other cultures and people of different nationalities live, so he came to St. Petersburg to learn Russian and teach English. Especially for this, he completed courses in teaching English as a foreign language.
In Christopher’s classes, you can learn a lot of interesting facts from the life of English-speaking people, and how people speak in real life, and not just what they teach at school and university.

Veronika Slugotskaya

Veronika went on her first trip abroad in 2016 and has been constantly practicing her language with native speakers ever since. She believes that in order to speak English, a spark of interest and dreams must burn inside: communicate with English-speaking friends, read your favorite book in the original, or create international working contacts.

During this time, she traveled extensively in Europe, walked the international route of Santiago in Spain for a month, interacting with people from dozens of countries, and volunteered as an English teacher for children in Bali.
“For me, teaching is a combination of system and creativity, knowledge and the eternal search for something new.”
Veronica’s lessons are always a small holiday, which at the same time uses all channels of perception to learn English.

Elizaveta Volkova

Elizabeth is an incredibly charming and sensitive teacher, she will find an approach to a restless teenager, a meticulous engineer, and an elderly woman.
In addition, Elizabeth is constantly improving her language skills: studying literature, watching popular English-speaking bloggers, getting acquainted with youth slang – so be sure that with this teacher you will be aware of all the latest trends. In addition,
Elizabeth somehow took part in the creation of a translation for a computer game, so if you are interested in this area, you can ask Elizabeth to share her experience.

Leyla Musayeva

Leyla has experience working with all age categories, in different language schools, with different methodological materials + 4 years of experience as an interpreter at a metallurgical plant (wow!).
A little about regalia:

1) Cherepovets State University (former ChSPI, ChGII), Cherepovets
Department of Germanic Philology and Intercultural Communication, Linguistics
Specialty – linguist-translator (English-German)
2) Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow
Russian Language Training Center, Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language

Also: TKT: Module 2 Cambridge University (2019), TKT: Module 3 Cambridge University (2019), diploma jointly with Stony Brook University, New York (Direction: Cognitive and Cultural Studies).

A comfortable and friendly atmosphere is important for Leyla in her classes. It is a great happiness for her when students say that they have learned to talk to her and no longer experience fear from communicating in English.
In addition to Russian, he speaks 3 more languages.

Anastasia Levinskaya

Anastasia has been working at Glory School since 2018, and it is hard to imagine a more indispensable teacher.
Anastasia conducts group and individual lessons, can help you prepare for an interview or exam, teach you how to communicate while traveling or conduct complex business negotiations. Anastasia can find an approach to any student and show how interesting learning a foreign language can be.
Anastasia herself, by the way, still speaks Spanish, and knows firsthand and remembers what it means to learn a language from scratch. So if you come to class and Anastasia enters your class, know that you are in good hands!

Rodion Sapelkin

This friendly young man’s name is Rodion. He has been working at our school since the fall of 2020, but thanks to his responsible approach and enthusiasm, he has already managed to catch the fancy of the students. In his classes, the teacher often uses the format of games, quizzes and uses a lot of authentic materials.
Rodion is a real expert in the language and culture of the US and the UK, so you can learn a lot of new and interesting things in the classroom.
Right now, he is receiving another diploma at St. Petersburg University, as teachers never end their studies! In addition to English, Rodion also speaks French and Spanish, so his craving for knowledge, the desire to develop and help others in this are at his best.

Edgar Ilyasov

Edgar has an incredibly long and interesting history of language learning and teaching.
It all started with the Linguistic Academy, where Edgar from early childhood began to get acquainted with a foreign language, which would later become an important part of his life and career.
The school was followed by the process of preparing for admission to the University of Canada and passing the international TOEFL exam. Next – study first at the University of York, which Edgar graduated with honors, and then study and parallel teaching at McMaster University in the direction of “World Health”.
As a result, for 13 years Edgar lived in Canada, where during this time he not only mastered the skill of teaching at one of the best universities in the country, but also became practically a native speaker of English. And now Edgar has returned to his native land to share his knowledge and experience with Glory School students.

Evgeniy Ovsyannikov

Evgeny graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. He is a public relations specialist. Eugene loves to watch American movies 70-90x, listens to synthwave and post-rock, enjoys games and Japanese animation.
Evgeny has been teaching English to children and adults since 2018 online and offline, constantly improving his skills in courses, so he is a professional.
At our school, he teaches individually and in groups.

Alexandra Vorobyova

Lessons with Alexandra are the golden mean between useful and pleasant! She teaches English and French through clear, real life examples and situations.
Alexandra studied at Ecole des Roches, France (2013), at St Petersburg University under a double degree program together with Bard College, NY (2018), and in 2020 she graduated from the University. Herzen in the direction of Communication technologies in education.
In addition, Alexandra has extensive teaching experience behind her. Here is what she says to her students: there is an expression: “In order to
to succeed, your desire is needed more than your fear of failure.”
It’s not scary to learn, it’s not scary to make mistakes, it’s scary not to try, especially if we are talking about learning a foreign language 🙂

Anna Danileiko

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University.
Works at Glory School since 2018.
“Foreign speech, like native speech, is multifaceted, and therefore my main focus is on the student’s desire to express his thoughts, developing the ability to express himself easily, using exactly those expressions and constructions that are natural for native speakers.”


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Classes are held in comfortable, modern-equipped classrooms, in an atmosphere of goodwill and comfort

Teaching aids and levels:

In Spanish lessons we offer a teaching program based on the Nuevo Ven teaching aid, which has been the most effective and loved by our students and teachers for many years.

The approach to the levels on this course is within the framework of international standards and corresponds to the generally accepted system of assessing knowledge of foreign languages.

At the end of each level, the student is issued a certificate certifying the acquired knowledge and degree of language proficiency.

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