Playa de la guancha la gomera: Playa de la Guancha beach (El Cabrito, Santa Cruz de Tenerife) on the map with photos and reviews🏖️

Playa de la Guancha / Gomera / Canary Islands // World Beach Guide

San Sebastián de la Gomera
Canary Islands

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Beaches nearby

  • Playa del Cabrito (1.2 mi)
  • Playa San Sebastián (1.4 mi)
  • Playa de Oroja (1.9 mi)
  • Playa de La Cueva (1.9 mi)
  • Playa del Gincho (2.5 mi)
  • Playa valo (3 mi)
  • Playa de Chinguarime (3.8 mi)
  • Playa del Medio (4 mi)
  • Playa de Chigad (4.2 mi)
  • Playa de Tapahuga (4.3 mi)


Nearest town/city

San Sebastián de la Gomera

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More Canary Islands beaches in Spain

  • El Bollullo Beach
  • Las Teresitas
  • El Papagayo Beach

Playa de la Guancha Weather Info

Current weather (Mon Feb 27th 18:00)

(Clear sky)
20°C / 68°F

Sea temperature

19. 6°C

8 mph / 13 km/h
Current Playa de la Guancha weather

Hourly forecast


Clear sky

20°C / 68°F

8 mph
13 km/h



16.6°C / 62°F

16 mph
26 km/h



15.3°C / 60°F

8 mph
13 km/h


Partly cloudy

22°C / 72°F

12 mph
19 km/h

Week weather forecast

Tue 28th

22°C / 72°F

12 mph
19 km/h

Wed 01st

21.6°C / 71°F

11 mph
17 km/h

Thu 02nd

22°C / 72°F

2 mph
4 km/h

Fri 03rd

22°C / 72°F

2 mph
3 km/h

Sat 04th

22.7°C / 73°F

1 mph
2 km/h

Sun 05th

22.2°C / 72°F

5 mph
8 km/h

Weather forecast from Yr, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK

5 Day Playa de la Guancha UV Index

A UV Index reading of 3 or more means some precautions should be taken. For more information visit our guide to the UV Index.

Temperature Averages

Average Water Temp

  • Mon 27/02 »

    Surf report for Mon 27/02
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    Low 1:03am (1. 11m)
    High 7:11am (1.65m)
    Low 1:37pm (1.16m)
    High 8:13pm (1.70m)
    First light07:11
  • Tue 28/02 »

    Surf report for Tue 28/02
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    Low 2:58am (1. 16m)
    High 9:28am (1.61m)
    Low 3:27pm (1.17m)
    High 10:07pm (1.76m)
    First light07:10
  • Wed 01/03 »

    Surf report for Wed 01/03
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    Low 4:32am (1. 06m)
    High 10:56am (1.71m)
    Low 4:43pm (1.07m)
    High 11:09pm (1.90m)
    First light07:09
  • Thu 02/03 »

    Surf report for Thu 02/03
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    Low 5:25am (0. 92m)
    High 11:41am (1.85m)
    Low 5:30pm (0.93m)
    High 11:50pm (2.04m)
    First light07:08
  • Fri 03/03 »

    Surf report for Fri 03/03
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    Low 6:02am (0. 78m)
    High 12:14pm (1.98m)
    Low 6:06pm (0.79m)
    First light07:07
  • Sat 04/03 »

    Surf report for Sat 04/03
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    High 12:23am (2. 17m)
    Low 6:33am (0.66m)
    High 12:43pm (2.09m)
    Low 6:37pm (0.67m)
    First light07:06
  • Sun 05/03 »

    Surf report for Sun 05/03
     SwellPeriodSwell directionWind directionWind speed
    Tide times
    High 12:52am (2. 29m)
    Low 7:02am (0.56m)
    High 1:09pm (2.19m)
    Low 7:06pm (0.57m)
    First light07:05

What did we get wrong?




Playa De La Guancha La Gomera 2023 (Guancha Beach)

by Jill

Playa de la Guancha is a beautiful isolated beach just a few kilometres south of San Sebastian. The only access to the beach is via boat or a hiking trail, so you won’t have to share the beach with many (if any) other people.

Table Of Contents

  1. Basic Information Playa De La Guancha La Gomera
  2. An Introduction To La Gomera Beaches
  3. An Overview Of Playa De La Guancha La Gomera
  4. Prepare For Your Visit To Playa De La Guancha La Gomera
  5. Access To Playa De La Guancha La Gomera
  6. Amenities At Playa De La Guancha La Gomera
  7. Pros And Cons Of Playa De La Guancha La Gomera
    • Pros Of Playa De La Guancha
    • Cons Of Playa De La Guancha

Basic Information Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

If you are looking for a beach in the San Sebastian area with a few more amenities, then we suggest you check out either Playa de San Sebastian or Playa de la Cueva.

An Introduction To La Gomera Beaches

La Gomera’s mild climate means its stunning beaches can be enjoyed year-round. However, if you are searching for long white beaches with endless lines of sun loungers, La Gomera may not be the place for you.

A typical La Gomera beach is small with black volcanic sand or shingle. Picture quiet (almost deserted) bays with crystal clear turquoise waters nestled between dramatic craggy cliffs.

Some beaches within the towns are busier with amenities nearby, while others can only be reached via boat or on foot. However, if you are prepared to walk, you are often rewarded with an entire beach to yourself.

Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

However, a word of caution is that swimming in the sea on La Gomera can be dangerous, especially during the winter. The island can be windy with large waves and powerful currents, especially during high tide.

Some beaches aren’t suitable for swimming (especially for children) at any time of year, while others are more sheltered and generally safe. Before swimming on any La Gomera beach, we recommend you take the advice of a local tourist office.

An Overview Of Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

Playa de la Guancho La Gomera is a beautiful, isolated beach just a few km south of San Sebastian. There isn’t road access to this beach, so you will have most (possibly all!) of the beach to yourself. When we visited Playa de la Guancha beach, there were just 5 other hikers on the entire beach.

Prepare For Your Visit To Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

Crashing Waves Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

There are a few things it is worth noting before visiting this beach:

  1. Sunburn – the coastal winds on La Gomera mean that sunburn is common. The sun here is powerful, and the cooling breeze can fool you into thinking you are not at risk. Also, wind is now believed to reduce the skin’s natural protection against UV rays.
  2. Stones – the beach is mainly rock and stone (with a little sand) and very difficult to walk on with bare feet, so take suitable shoes for the water if you plan on going in the sea.
  3. Winds, Waves and Tides – it is worth repeating that all beaches on La Gomera can be dangerous, so make sure you are fully aware of the conditions before swimming.

Access To Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

Hiking Back To San Sebastian From Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

There isn’t a road down to Playa De La Guancha; the only way to get to the beach is via boat or a hiking trail. The quickest hiking route is along the cliff tops from the south end of San Sebastian. The route is around a 9km round trip of moderate difficulty, and it will take approximately 1.5 hours each way.

If you have the time (and energy!) the hike is well worth it. The trail itself is beautiful, with continuous and uninterrupted views of the sea. You will also be rewarded with stunning views of San Sebastian and Playa de la Guancha from the cliff tops.

You also have the option to extend your hike down the coast to Playa del Cabrito, another beach that can’t be accessed via road. You will need to hike another 2-3 km to get to Playa del Cabrito.

Amenities At Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

There are no amenities at all at Playa de la Guancha, which means there are no toilets, showers, or cafes/restaurants. There literally isn’t anything at the beach apart from a tiny house which appears to be unoccupied.

Pros And Cons Of Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

Crystal Clear Waters At Playa De La Guancha La Gomera

Pros Of Playa De La Guancha

  • Stunning location
  • Deserted idyllic beach
  • Crystal clear waters
  • Beautiful cliff-top hike to beach

Cons Of Playa De La Guancha

  • No road access
  • Rocky beach
  • No amenities
  • Possible strong tides

Garahorai and other legends of Homer’s island

We didn’t go anywhere the next day. It was Sunday, and the Spaniards do not really like to work during the week, and on weekends, in general, the union does not order them. There was no one to pay for the parking, and the gates that rise out of the water at night, as in the film about Ichthyander, prevented them from hiding under the cover of night. Sunday was spent at the park-economic day. I was fixing a solar panel mount that had become loose during the entire passage from Turkey to the Canary Islands and threatened to go overboard, leaving us without free electricity. Natasha cleaned up the cabins, complaining about the huge amount of work, while staring dreamily at the fifty-foot boats.

On Monday morning we set off and in the evening we went to La Gomera marina in the town of San Sebastian. On the way we met a pilot whale for the first time. These are big dolphins. Large flock, adults and children. The size of adults reaches five meters. They are very calm, not as cheerful and playful as in the Mediterranean. Our course crossed, they slowly stepped aside. They didn’t swim with us and the children weren’t allowed. But they allowed themselves to be photographed.

From the unpleasant: the green navigation light that we installed on Palma de Mallorca and the grotofal stopper stopped working. And so the one-eyed ones went with the mainsail lowered. Faults will need to be dealt with.

The island of La Gomera is known throughout the world, because in 2002 the famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov set off across the Atlantic in a rowing boat from here and, imagine, he sailed to Barbados. Well, and also, five centuries earlier, the no less famous conqueror of the oceans, Christopher Columbus, started from here to look for a sea route to India, but accidentally discovered, as it turned out later, America. Yes, and subtropical laurel forests have been preserved on the island, which covered the entire territory of Europe in the pre-glacial period 2 million years ago, and today they survived only here, in Madeira and the Azores. But first things first.

During the reign of Frederick II, a certain court lady Beatriz de Bobadilla lived in Spain. Being an interesting woman in all respects, indefatigable in carnal pleasures and smart, she successfully combined the duties of the maid of honor of Queen Isabella of Castile with the no less honorable role of her husband’s mistress. Until the immediate employer offered her a choice: lose her head or go somewhere far away and, preferably, not come back. Bobadilla was quickly married off to the governor of La Gomera, who in return was promised to turn a blind eye to the murder of a prominent conquistador organized by him, and sent into exile on a distant island.

The married couple got along quite well, I think. For 6 joint years they had 2 children. But the governor had a violent character and, in general, was a spoiled guy, and in addition to killing the conqueror of Gran Canaria, Juan Rejon, he was not averse to hitting on pretty natives. He began a love affair with a Guanche girl. Maybe in the eyes of the locals this relationship looked like blasphemy, or maybe because she was the daughter of the leader, but he was ambushed at the meeting place, killed, and beheaded. Moreover, this event caused a massive uprising on the island and a mutiny. Bobadilla and her children hid from the angry crowd in the Count’s Tower (photo attached) and sat there for about 2 weeks before the arrival of help from Gran Canaria. The uprising, of course, was crushed, and Bobadilla became acting governor until her son grew up.

During the first expedition, a leak was found on one of Columbus’ ships, and the flotilla made an emergency stop at La Gomera. On the island of Columbus, he could not resist the spell of a bored widow, who took the place of the governor and was sincerely glad that someone from decent people had finally been brought into her wilderness. Romance with Bobadilla was short but bright. It so happened that La Gomera became the last refuge of Columbus before the discovery of the New World. The islanders are extremely proud of this circumstance. Near the well, from where they drew water for the ships of the expedition, it is written: “America was baptized with this water. ” The city has preserved the church Iglesia de la Asuncion, in which Columbus prayed for the success of his expedition. And in the house number 56 he spent the night, here is now a museum (Casa de Colon).

One day a young man from the island of Tenerife named Honay fell in love with a beautiful girl named Gara from the island of Gomera. This happened long before the first conquistadors appeared in the Canary Islands. Gara reciprocated Honay, but on the day of the engagement, the Teide volcano in Tenerife began to smoke. Parents took this as a bad sign and announced that there would be no wedding. The lovers, against the will of the elders, fled and took refuge on the highest mountain of Homera. The fathers of the fugitives ordered to find them. Then Honay made a spear sharpened at both ends, the young man and the girl threw themselves into each other’s arms and … remained together forever. The mountain in memory of the Canarian Romeo and Juliet was named Garajonay, and in our time the natural park in the center of the island has received the same name.

We rented a car to go to the park, as public transport is not very developed on the island and does not run often, but we wanted to see a lot of things. And although the distances here are small, transport is indispensable. By Auto, we got to Laguna Grande – a recreation area with a picnic area and parking, equipped on the site of an ancient lake. Hence the name. Guides love to tell gullible tourists about the valley of the witches, so we went there on foot. The walk took about an hour and we visited such thickets, where they obviously filmed The Lord of the Rings. Handel seemed to be behind every bush.

By noon we went down to the El Cedra valley, where there should have been a waterfall, but we did not find the waterfall, but we found a small restaurant of local cuisine. The cuisine here is quite interesting. For example Gofio (Gofio) – whole grain flour. It is made from several types of roasted cereals and corn, sometimes legumes are added to the composition. Gofio flour is considered the basis of many Canarian dishes. The tradition of making this product from grain has been preserved from the Guanche tribes. Now gofio is used to prepare an independent dish with the consistency of porridge for breakfast, side dishes and an Escaldón de Gofio appetizer.

Papas arrugadas is a type of side dish that is served with many dishes. These are “shriveled potatoes”, and they are prepared in a special way. Unpeeled small potatoes are boiled in very salty water until the liquid boils away. At the same time, salt crystals remain on the peel of the tubers. They eat such potatoes unpeeled, with a peel.

Carne de cabra goat meat is a symbol of Canarian cuisine, tasty dietary meat. For this complex dish, the shoulder part of the goat is taken along with the ribs, fried in pieces, transferred to the brazier. Pour a thick mixture of vegetables with spices and wine, stew, serve with potatoes, mojo sauce.

Gomera is also famous for its palm honey (miel de palma). In fact, this is palm sap syrup, which is extracted like birch sap, and then boiled until thick. Add to different dishes, most often in desserts. And if you mix palm honey with moonshine, you get a branded cocktail called homeron. Barely reached the house).

During lunch, tourists are often entertained with artistic whistles. The language of El Silbo was invented by the Guanches: in the highlands, the whistle is heard much better and farther than the cries of “Who saw my goat?”. Incidentally, it is considered a cultural achievement of mankind. The whistling language conveys combinations of letters, from which the “interlocutor” puts together words.

La Gomera

Home / /

Mikhail Schwartz


The island of La Gomera is part of the Canarian archipelago and is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Being very small in area (369. 76 km²), La Gomera is regularly visited by many tourists from all over the world.

La Gomera Island

La Gomera Island is part of the Canary archipelago and borders the Atlantic Ocean. Being quite small in area (369,76 km²), La Gomera is regularly visited by many nature lovers from all over the world. The island is of volcanic origin, however, there is currently no geological activity in this region.

The highest point of the island is located at a distance of 1488 m from sea level. Despite the abundance of mountain peaks on La Gomera, they are not very high. However, there is an abundance of dense laurel forests that cover the steep mountain slopes.

The main part of the public that came to La Gomera are tourists who decided to escape for a day from noisy Tenerife. By ferry, moving from island to island takes less than an hour. But in order to appreciate this island on its true worth, it is worth staying at least for a week.

La Gomera attractions map

Lookout La Laja

Lookout El Sombrero

Lookout La Lomada del Camello

Lookout Las Trincheras

Lookout Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

San Sebastian de la Gomera

Garajonay National Park

Valle Gran Rey

Viewpoint “El Santo”

Curva del Cuso

Viewpoint Del Palmarejo


Lookout De Abrant


Dominican Monastery of El Convento

Ethnographic Museum of La Gomera

Telarez Museum

Viewpoint La Punta

Pescante de Hermigua

Village of El Cedro

La Gomera airport


Almendrillo Lookout

Viewpoint Punta Adcala

Santa Clara Lookout

Los Organos

Playa de Santiago

Church of Our Lady of the Assumption

Count’s Tower

Columbus house

Church of San Antonio

San Sebastian beach

La playa de Vallehermoso

La Cueva

San Marcos

La Calera





Santa Catalina

La Caleta

Playa de La Guancha


El Medio


Playa del Ingles

Playa de Guarinén

Playa del Trigo

Climatic features

Gran Rey Valley

There are no special climatic differences in comparison with other islands of the Canaries archipelago located in the western part. The higher elevations have more rainfall than the lower parts of the island. It should be noted that temperature fluctuations throughout the year are minimal, due to which the flow of tourists never actually stops. The average temperature is kept at the level of 23-25 ​​°C. At the same time, the maximum indicators are 28-29°C

The northern part of the island is constantly exposed to the trade winds, as a result of which the sky is quite often covered with clouds, and the humidity is slightly higher. In addition, there are lower temperatures than in the southern part of La Gomera.

The opposite part of the island is exposed to warm southerly winds, so there will be more sunny days per year. The amount of precipitation is thus reduced to a minimum.

The beaches of La Gomera

Due to the fact that the island is dominated by mountainous terrain, the number of beaches here is extremely limited. Basically, these are small bays. The total length of the beaches on the island is only 600 m. At the same time, the sand on them has a characteristic black color, due to its volcanic origin.

Playa de Santiago

Santiago Beach

Playa de Santiago is one of the largest beaches on the island, its length is 1.5 km. There are pebbles on the beach, moderate waves, there are many restaurants and shops in the area. It is located on the south coast of La Gomera.

San Sebastian

San Sebastian beach

In the capital of the island, on the east coast, there are two beaches: San Sebastian (Playa de San Sebastián) – a 600-meter beach located within the city, protected by a breakwater and Playa de la Cueva (Playa de la Cueva) – located behind a rocky ledge to the north of the port.

Playa de Vallehermoso

Vallehermoso beach (photo: choniron)

There are very few places for swimming in the north of the island. Perhaps the most comfortable can be called Playa de Vallehermoso (Playa de Vallehermoso) with pools on the shore, which can be used if the ocean is turbulent. Playa San Marcos beach with strong waves is more suitable for lovers of active entertainment.

La Calera

La Calera Beach (Playa de La Calera)

On the west coast of La Gomera, in the popular tourist region of Valle Gran Rey, there is the longest beach – La Calera (Playa de La Calera). Its nearest neighbor is Vueltas (Playa de Vueltas), where you can rent a boat or a catamaran.

Beaches of La Gomera

Small beaches for lovers of naturism: Playa del Inglés , Argaga , El Medio .
Beaches accessible only on foot or by boat: Cabrito , Playa de La , Guancha , Arguamul , Argaga , La Cantera .

Due to the fact that staying on the beaches is not a priority type of recreation, the number of sunbathing tourists is minimal. This allows you to use any of them for a romantic, secluded or family vacation.

Towns and resorts of the island

La Gomera has quite a large number of settlements. Some of them are full-fledged cities with developed infrastructure, while others can only be positioned as small fishing villages, where fishing has been the main craft for more than one century. There is only one thing that unites these cities and towns – they all adapt to the requirements of vacationers visiting the island, since tourism is a priority here.

San Sebastian de la Gomera

San Sebastián de la Gomera is the capital of the island. All the sights of this settlement are in one way or another connected with the name of the great traveler – Christopher Columbus.

For example, in the main church of the city (Iglesia Matriz de la Asunción), the discoverer prayed before setting off on a further journey. Also here is the house (Casa de la Aduana), in which he spent the night during his stay on the island. Now here you can visit an exhibition dedicated to the trips of Christopher Columbus to America. In the courtyard of the house, a well has been preserved, from which water was taken to bless the new continent.

As for other attractions, you should definitely visit the Count’s Tower (Torre del Conde), built in 1447. It was erected by order of the first Spanish ruler. The tower is located a little west of the main square of the city.

Valle Gran Rey

Valle Gran Rey is located in the southwestern part of the island. The road to it runs through a picturesque gorge. The tourist infrastructure is well developed here and a large number of wonderful beaches are concentrated for both sports and family recreation.

In the vicinity of the city, tourists are waiting for the most beautiful viewing platforms (El Santo, Curva del Cueso, Del Palmarejo), architectural monuments (Church of the Holy Kings) and natural parks (Valle Gran Rey).


The village of Agulo (photo: kellerabteil)

The village of Agulo is located at an altitude of 200 meters above sea level. It is surrounded by steep cliffs covered with green vegetation. Tourists are attracted by colonial architecture and a large number of craft workshops, where, if desired, you can get a master class from local professionals. One of the most famous sights of Agulo is the Red Wall rock, which offers an excellent view of the village, and in good weather you can see the huge volcano of the island of Tenerife.


The town of Vallehermoso is nestled among mountain peaks and surrounded by banana plantations. In the city center, examples of traditional architecture have been preserved, among which the Church of San Juan Bautista (Iglesia de San Juan Bautista) can be distinguished.

Vallehermoso is the capital of the largest municipality on the island. This region stretches from north to south and, thanks to its vast territory, can please travelers with diverse landscapes, unspoilt beaches and numerous villages. Some settlements are so remote from everyone that it may seem as if time stopped in them several hundred years ago.

Playa de Santiago

Playa de Santiago (Playa de Santiago) is quite a comfortable tourist area and is located near the airport of the island (Aeropuerto de La Gomera). This fishing village, due to its southern location, is the sunniest place on the island. Fish caught by local fishermen are used to prepare various dishes in restaurants. And there are a lot of restaurants in Playa de Santiago.

The city itself is part of the Alajero region. This region is also called the “land of bread”, because grain crops have been grown on its lands since ancient times. In addition to natural entertainment, the region is also suitable for educational tourism. Ancient architectural monuments keep the rich history of these lands.


Hermigua is considered to be the banana capital of the island. The abundance of banana plantations in this region is due to the favorable climate for a rich harvest.

The twin mountains of Rones de San Pedro have been added to the list of local attractions. You can also add the Dominican monastery of El Convento, which was built in the 16th century, as well as the local craft museum (Casa Museo Los Telares) and Playa de la Caleta beach.

La Gomera Attractions

The island of La Gomera has a large number of unique places that should definitely be on the agenda when you are here. Attractions are presented in the form of ancient buildings, unique creations of nature, beaches. In any case, their visit will not leave anyone indifferent.

Garajonay National Park

Garajonay National Park

Garajonay Park (Parque nacional de Garajonay). It is one of the most famous attractions of the island. It occupies 40 km², equivalent to one tenth of La Gomera. The park was created in 1981 year.

Chipude Village

The numerous trails of Garajonay pass through many small mountain villages. The village of Chipude is the most ancient settlement of the island, located at the foot of the sacred mountain La Fortaleza (La Fortaleza), whose height is 1241 m. The village of El Cedro, located in the northeastern part of the National Park, is interesting cave in the mountain La Montananeta. The appearance of which is the result of the impact of an underground river. The length of the cave is 550 m.

More information about the park can be found on the official website

Gran Rey Valley

Gran Rey Valley

The picturesque Gran Rey Valley (Valle Gran Rey) is also called the “Valley of the Great Kings”, because here in the 15th century the king of the Canary archipelago Upalupa lived, who actively fought with the colonialists.

The lands of the valley are very fertile and attract tourists with their palm groves and man-made terraces where locals grow dates, bananas, avocados and tomatoes. As a result of this agricultural activity, the Gran Rey Valley has become one of the most beautiful cultural landscapes in the Canary Islands.

Los Organos basalt cliffs

Los Órganos basalt pillars (photo: kasiabo)

The Monumento Natural de Los Órganos is located in the northern part of the island of La Gomera. The frozen lava, under the influence of many years of water, has acquired an unusual shape, in the form of giant organ pipes that protrude from the ocean to a height of 80 m. This natural creation can only be seen from the ocean, for which special boat trips are organized from different ports of La Gomera.

Transport on the island

Transport on the island of La Gomera

Given the small area of ​​La Gomera, there are no particular problems with moving around the island. The main means of transportation are buses or taxis. By the way, in the latter case, a fixed rate is offered, so driver fraud in this regard is excluded.

The daily rate (from 06:00 to 22:00) is € 0.53 per kilometer. At the same time, the minimum cost of a trip is kept at € 3.05. On weekends and holidays, these figures rise to € 0.6 per kilometer and to a minimum of € 3.35, respectively. If you are coming from a local airport, then € 1.65 should be automatically added to the amount received. The bus fare from the airport is €4.

Map of La Gomera

Download maps of La Gomera

How to get to La Gomera?

Ferries (photo: mickimaddi)

There are no direct flights from Russia to La Gomera. To get here, you need to get to other islands of the archipelago – Tenerife or Gran Canaria. From the island of Tenerife to the island of La Gomera can be reached by ferry Fredolsen, which runs several times a day. The ticket price will be €34 one way. Travel time is 50 minutes.

Ferry timetables

You can buy ferry tickets at

The tour is cheaper than the ferry

Why is the tour more profitable than just going on your own? Let’s compare. The price for the ferry in both directions is €72!

The price of a ferry ticket to La Gomera

And here the whole excursion is cheaper than the ferry. For €67, you will be picked up from your hotel, taken by bus, ferry, shown to the island, and even fed lunch.

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