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Explore Vieques – Puerto Rico Ferry anclado por Hornblower


Suba a bordo al Ferry de Puerto Rico con rumbo a la isla impresionante de Vieques, situada a 6 millas al este de Puerto Rico continental. Vieques es conocida por su belleza natural, pero la isla ofrece a los visitantes algo más que un paisaje impresionante y playas cristalinas. Puede que Vieques sea pequeña, con sólo 21 millas de largo y 5 de ancho, pero la lista de cosas que hacer aquí es interminable. Desde montar a caballo en playas de arena negra hasta bucear con tortugas marinas, ¡hay toda una serie de actividades para los visitantes que no se pueden encontrar en ningún otro lugar del mundo!

Si sólo hay una cosa que hacer en la isla, que sea ésta. La Bahía de Mosquito es la bahía bioluminiscente más brillante del mundo. De hecho, sólo hay 5 bahías bioluminiscentes en todo el planeta y 3 de ellas se encuentran en Puerto Rico. Reserve una excursión en kayak con fondo de cristal para obtener la mejor vista de este fenómeno natural. Cuanto más oscura sea la noche, más brillante será la bioluminiscencia, así que reserve su excursión en función de las fases lunares si puede ser flexible.

En la isla de Vieques hay muchas actividades acuáticas. Visite una de nuestras playas favoritas, como Playa la Chiva, Playa Media Luna o Playa Caracas, y pase el día nadando junto a bancos de peces de colores brillantes, mantarrayas y tortugas marinas. Alquile un remo de pie, una moto acuática, un kayak o un bote de remos para ver Vieques desde una perspectiva diferente.

Situada en la costa suroeste de la isla, encontrará una de las playas más singulares de Vieques. La Playa Negra es una verdadera joya escondida que merece un lugar destacado en su lista de cosas por hacer. Puede que incluso le reciba un caballo “salvaje” a su llegada, ya que es frecuente encontrarlos pastando a lo largo de la costa. Técnicamente, la mayoría de los caballos tienen dueño, pero los habitantes de la isla les dan rienda suelta para que exploren la isla.

Si lo que busca es un día lleno de aventuras con algunas vistas panorámicas en el camino, entonces esta podría ser la actividad perfecta para satisfacer sus necesidades. Aléjese de los caminos turísticos realizando un paseo a caballo por las colinas suaves y las playas de arena de Vieques.

El histórico Fortín Conde de Mirasol fue construido en 1845 durante la época española. El fuerte inacabado domina el pueblo de Isabela Segunda y está construido en ladrillo y cuenta con cañones históricos. Aquí se encuentra un pequeño museo donde se puede aprender sobre la historia de Vieques y admirar hermosas obras de arte.

El Refugio Nacional de la Vida Silvestre en Vieques es el mayor refugio nacional de vida silvestre del Caribe. Muchas de las playas, como Pata Prieta y Playa Punta Arenas, situadas en la parte sureste de la isla, están incluidas en el refugio. El refugio cuenta con una gran variedad de mamíferos, anfibios, reptiles, aves y criaturas acuáticas repartidas en 17.771 acres de terreno. Tendrá que alquilar un jeep con tracción en las cuatro ruedas para acceder a algunas de las zonas aisladas.

  • En Vieques se han observado unas 190 especies de aves diferentes.
  • Vieques figura en la lista de las mejores islas del Caribe de Travel + Leisure de 2020.

Culebra y Vieques | Visit The USA

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Paseando por la playa de arena negra en Vieques

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La mundialmente famosa playa Flamenco en Culebra

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Bebiendo cerveza y disfrutando de la vista desde Bananas Beach & Bar Grill en Vieques

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Embarcaciones ancladas junto con los frondosos bosques de Culebra

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Vista de Vieques desde un balcón en Hacienda Tamarindo Bed & Breakfast

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Una isleta frente a la costa de playa Esperanza en Vieques

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Un paseo costero que conduce a la playa de Tamarindo en Culebra

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La historia con vista panorámica en el Fortín Conde de Mirasol en Vieques

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Un conjunto de casas vacacionales en Culebra

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En un barco para una expedición de buceo alrededor de Culebra

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Las islas de Culebra y Vieques, situadas frente a la costa oriental de Puerto Rico, están repletas de maravillas naturales, y también de algunos lujos tropicales. En estas serenas islas se encuentran resorts, playas que parecen sacadas de una postal y hasta la bahía bioluminiscente más brillante del mundo. Desde San Juan, puedes llegar a las islas por barco o tomando un vuelo rápido.

Las playas de Culebra

En Culebra, que se divide en seis distritos conocidos como “barrios”, es donde los visitantes podrán encontrar algunas de las playas más impresionantes del mundo. Flamenco Beach (playa Flamenco), que con frecuencia aparece en las listas de las “mejores playas”, tiene suave arena blanca y aguas cristalinas, por lo que es ideal para practicar el buceo con esnórquel, la natación y la fotografía. También en Culebra se encuentran las playas Carlos Rosario y Tamarindo, lugares fabulosos para el esnórquel y el avistamiento de tortugas. Para realmente escapar de todo, dirígete a la Isla Culebrita, una isla aún más pequeña, deshabitada y con seis pequeñas playas y un faro, que es la única estructura hecha por el hombre en toda la isla.


Las playas de Vieques

Es probable que nunca olvides tu visita a Mosquito Bay (bahía Mosquito) en Vieques. La bahía bioluminiscente más brillante del mundo destella por las noches debido a la abundancia de algas resplandecientes llamadas dinoflagelados. Se puede recorrer en kayak o en bote (no se permite nadar). Durante el día, estira una toalla debajo de una palmera en la hermosa playa y balneario de Sun Bay, ideal para toda la familia. O bien, descubre la sensación única de caminar por la playa Black Sand (Playa Negra), que recibe este nombre debido a que su arena se creó a partir de materiales volcánicos.


Vieques National Wildlife Refuge

Más del 60 por ciento de Vieques es, de hecho, un refugio nacional de la vida silvestre que ocupa 7284 hectáreas y que alguna vez fue utilizado por el ejército de Estados Unidos. Aquí se encuentran algunas de las mejores playas de la isla y ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de experimentar muchos ecosistemas diferentes, como bahías, bosques de manglares y salinas, y de recorrer sus senderos. Hay mucho que hacer aquí, desde el senderismo y paseos a caballo hasta observación de aves, buceo y surf de remo.


Monumentos culturales

La rica historia de estas islas cobra vida en Vieques, en el Fortín Conde de Marisol, el último fuerte español construido en las Américas. El edificio de estilo colonial, construido alrededor de 1850, alberga una galería de arte con objetos indígenas. Se encuentra en una colina, lo que lo convierte en un lugar privilegiado para disfrutar de las vistas de la isla. El Punta Mulas Lighthouse (Faro de Punta Mulas), que fue construido en 1895, ahora sirve como museo dedicado a la historia de la isla. El faro fue restaurado en 1992 y ofrece vistas majestuosas de Puerto Rico y la isla de Culebra.

La comida de la isla también es parte de la cultura. Ya que combina los mariscos más frescos con ingredientes de la granja a la mesa, no es de extrañar que estas islas tenga una escena culinaria tan dinámica. En Culebra, dirígete a Dinghy Dock si buscas mariscos frescos, o a Susie’s para probar platos de fusión asiática y puertorriqueña, como la ensalada de langosta y atún sellado.

Dato curioso

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El mejor momento para visitar Mosquito Bay es lo más cerca posible de la luna nueva, cuando hay poca luz de luna, lo que permite realmente destacar a la bioluminiscencia.

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Una verdadera escapada isleña: solo se puede acceder a estas islas en barco, en taxi acuático o en aviones pequeños.

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Experiencias cercanas

Sitio oficial de turismo de Puerto Rico

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Descubre Puerto Rico 

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Información de viajes de EE. UU. 

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10 best beaches in Spain on the island of Vieques « Choosing a vacation – the best places. Selection of the tour according to the reviews of tourists.

Although the Spanish colonists called this island Isla de Vieques (“little island”), it is the largest of the Spanish Virgin Islands. It also has another nickname, “Isla Nena”, Spanish for “Little Sister Island”, alluding to its perception as Puerto Rico’s little sister. During the colonial period, the British called it “Crab Island”.

34 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide, the island of Vieques has become a wonderful destination for visitors to Caribbean beaches. About 9,000 people live in this most beautiful place on Earth. Only a third of the island is open to local use and visitors, while the other two thirds are used for naval bases. Legally, about 70% of the island’s territory has belonged to the US Navy since 1941 and is used for the training and exercises of sailors.

The bioluminescent bay around the island will take your breath away even from the most experienced tourists. This is one of the reasons for the attractiveness and unusualness of Vieques. A year-round bio bay is very rare for nature. The sensation that occurs when jumping from a boat into pitch black water, instantly lit up and sparkling like diamonds with a bright blue light. The same color traces and splashes of swimming fish. This is one of the few places where you can see the North Star and the Southern Cross at the same time, as well as other constellations without light pollution.

Best Beaches: Bioluminescent Bay

Sky on Vieques Island

However, the main reason that makes tourists from all over the world travel thousands of kilometers to reach the island is its wonderful beaches. According to the reviews of those who have mastered them, the rating of their attractiveness is as follows:

The best beaches: Blue Beach

Blue Beach is huge, not crowded, cozy and has a beach spit for lovers of snorkeling, diving and swimming. There are mushrooms with picnic tables. Good for families with children.

The best beaches: Caracas Beach

Caracas Beach is a beautiful, with white sand and clear water, a cozy beach located in a small bay. Attractive for those who like to enjoy nature.

Best beaches: Secret Beach

Secret Beach is a very remote beach with a picturesque and gently indented coastline, ideal for snorkeling. Small sand area,

Best beaches: Sun Bay Veasn

Sun Bay Veasn is a paradise with palm trees and white sand. It is more crowded and there are restaurants nearby where you can eat.

Best Beaches: Navio Beach

Navio Beach is famous for its stronger surf which attracts surfers and young hippie crowds frequenting the area.

Best Beaches: Bioluminescent (Mosquito) Bay

Bioluminescent (Mosquito) Bay delights with its nightly nature show, which everyone who comes to the island rush to see. The light emanating from every small movement in the water strikes the imagination of adults and children.

Best beaches: Media Luna Beach

Media Luna Beach is a beach with very shallow warm waters, where you can have a great rest with children.

Best beaches: Playa Caracas Beach

Playa Caracas has become a pleasant corner for people who love calm waters and white sand. There is no infrastructure provided here, so when you come to the beach, you need to take care of food and drinks for the duration of your stay.

Best Beaches: Vieques National Wildlife Refuge

Vieques National Wildlife Refuge lives up to its name and delights tourists as a “wildlife sanctuary” that is not easily accessible but worth the small effort.

Best Beaches: Mosquito Pier Beach

Mosquito Pier – despite the intimidating name of “mosquito pier”, the beach is one of the ten best in Vieques. Great place for diving and swimming.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the beautiful beaches of the island of Vieques. A huge number of small secluded bays with white and black sands, bright equatorial sun and wild nature await those who know how to appreciate, admire and use its gifts.

Airfare to Spain, Vieques

You will need a Schengen visa to travel. The cost is indicated in rubles round trip.

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Excursion tours in Spain

Secluded beaches 🏝 where you can really 👍🏼 escape from it all 🌎…

Secluded beaches 🏝 where you can really 👍🏼 escape from it all 🌎…

There is nothing quite like dipping your toes into the soft warm sand while sipping a cocktail against the backdrop of a soundtrack of splashing waves and rustling palm trees. And if you don’t have to share something with too many people, so much the better. If you want a special beach here is the time where you can find it.

Table of contents:

  • Holbox Island, Yucatan Peninsula
  • Pink Beach, Bonaire

  • 1 Smuggler’s Cove, Zakynthos, Greece

    Privacy is the keyword with this glorious stretch of sand, as it can only be reached via a small boat. Also known as the Bay of Shipwrecks, the beach is popular with base jumpers who love diving off the pristine limestone cliffs of the crystal clear Ionian Sea below.

    2 coconut Beach, Lizard Island, Australia

    Coconut Beach is located 150 km off the coast of Queensland and can only be reached by private jet. The entire amazing island is surrounded by its own shallow reefs and is also close to the famous Great Barrier Reef, so divers and snorkelers will have more than their fair share of nature to explore.

    3 Cayos Grande, Cayos Cochinos, Honduras

    This site is the only part of Cayos Cochinos that is open to tourists. It is located along the second largest coral reef in the world, and although it is only 24 km from several major cities in Honduras, the beach feels like something out of a movie with pristine sands and limited visitors at any given time.

    4 Sancho Beach, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

    Although Brazil is famous for its beaches, this particular area still remains virtually untouched by tourists and locals. Limited tourism means that Sancho Beach is in perfect condition and can only be reached via a metal staircase sandwiched against the side of one of the natural stone walls that surrounds it.

    5 Monkey Beach, Tioman Island, Malaysia

    Monkey Beach is an uninhabited stretch of coast, so named because its only regular visitors are the long tailed macaques who call it home. Only accessible through the jungle or by boat, the beach is surrounded by glorious rainforest and stunning pristine white coral reefs.

    6 Rocktail Bay, South Africa

    You have to take a number of small planes before you even think about visiting beautiful Rocktail Bay! From Johannesburg to Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal, it really is worth the long walk to discover miles of pristine coastline overlooking the Maputaland Marine Reserve.

    7 white sand beach, Koh Adang, Thailand

    There are very few beaches in Koh Adang which explains the relative lack of tourism compared to other places in Thailand. However, one gem on the island is definitely the white sandy beach. With emerald waves and magnificent coral reefs to explore, you will feel honored to be there.

    8 Carro Quebrado, Brazil

    Back to Brazil again for Carro Quebrado, which is essentially the kind of beach that we all have in mind when we ask for a picture perfect paradise. Abandoned coastline with soft waves that look almost too good to be true. Definitely worth a visit!

    9 Colombier Beach, St. Barth

    This beach was once owned by the Rockefeller family and is still referred to by some as Rockefeller Beach. It can only be accessed by boat or a treacherous hike down a sheer cliff, providing maximum privacy and seclusion for those who need to escape for a while.

    10 Navio Beach, Vieques, Puerto Rico

    Surrounded by stunning volcanic rocks on every side, this secluded stretch of sand in Puerto Rico ticks all the boxes for backpackers looking for a special, clean spot. Complete with hidden caves to explore!

    11 Railay Beach, Thailand

    Railay can only be reached via a boat trip, and with its lush jungle landscape and vibrant coral reefs, you never want to go back on this boat back in real life!

    12 Whitehaven Beach, Australia Whitsunday Island

    This beach is located on a natural island reserve off the coast of Queensland, repeatedly listed year and year as one of the most beautiful in the world. It is also one of the most photographed in the world thanks to its vast stretch of crystal blue waters and relatively low visitor numbers.

    13 La Sagesse Bay, Grenada

    Only 10 miles from the bustling city of yet completely secluded La Sagesse Bay, the beach is not accessible by car and therefore not always the first place for tourists. You can enjoy the famous shallow waters of the beach and explore the hiking trails that lead from it.

    14 Robles Point, Ambergris Caye, Belize

    One of the few Caye beaches that is actually called, Robles Point can only be reached by boat and is one of only two beaches on the entire island where the coral reef meets land.

    15 Macushla Beach, Australia

    Access has been restricted to this beach in order to try to protect the nature and wildlife that inhabit it. If you’re lucky enough to get a visit, you’ll be blown away by a nearby section of the Great Barrier Reef and clear waters.

    16 Bai Dai Beach, Vietnam

    A true local secret, Bai Dai Beach is virtually untouched by the greedy hands of commercial tourism. This small stretch of sand can be visited and there are several food and drink producers waiting to greet you, but don’t tell your friends; You want to keep a secret for repeat visits!

    17 Dry Tortugas, Florida

    Accessible by boat only, this beautiful island cluster 70 miles off the coast of mainland Florida is the location of an old historic fort (Fort Jefferson) that is now abandoned. You can even take the seclusion to the next level and camp for the night if you wish.

    18 Kaupoa Beach, Molokai Island, Hawaii

    This one has been a regular hotspot, but for some reason is now relatively empty for most of the year. The dark sandy beach may put some off, but you should take the opportunity to pretend you have your own private beach while spending the day.

    19 Rio Frutilla, Bahia Arenal, Chile

    Some people say that Chile is home to some of the last great wilderness, and this beach is certainly no exception. The remote location requires a number of small flights to come in if you make the effort you will be greeted with one of the most stunning pristine beaches in the world.

    20 Hidden Beach, Marietta Islands, Mexico

    The key is at the head with this one! Recently named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mexico’s hidden beach must be reached by swimming through a 50-meter rock tunnel, but once you’re on the other side you’ll never want to go back!

    21 wildcat Beach, CA

    Not all of the best secluded beaches are in remote exotic locations; there is actually one right here in sunny California! Wildcat beach from Alamere Falls can only be accessed via a 6 mile hike, but the walk is definitely worth it to be able to spend a day in secluded tranquility.

    22 Grenen, Denmark

    Denmark isn’t the first country that comes to mind when you think of secluded beaches, right? That’s why Grenen, the northern tip of the country, is perfect for those looking for hidden gems. It may not be a warm beach, but it is an amazing place where two seas actually meet together.

    23 Port Isaac, United Kingdom

    UK, another destination that may not be top of the list in regards to stunning beaches, but if you want some quaint English country life mixed with beautiful coastlines, than Port Isaac is definitely for you .

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