Average temperature in puerto rico in march: Puerto Rico March Weather, Average Temperature (Puerto Rico)

March Weather in Puerto Rico: Temperature, Rain Averages

The tables below give the normal March temperatures and rainfall for cities and popular vacation spots in Puerto Rico. There’s also information here on this month’s average humidity and ocean temperature at San Juan.

The temperature and rain measurements are averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information.

One site, Pico Del Este, is much cooler than others on the list. That’s because it’s a high mountain peak, at 3448 feet (1050 metres) elevation, in the El Yunque Caribbean National Forest.


Average March temperatures in Puerto Rico
High °FLow °FPlaceHigh °CLow °C
8670La Parguera3021
8669Mona Island3020
6759Pico Del Este1915
8572San Juan2922

Ocean Temperature at San Juan, Puerto Rico averages 78 degrees
Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) in March.


Average total precipitation in March. Days are when it rains at least 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres).
La Parguera2.769
Maricao4. 0101
9Mona Island2.255
13San Juan2.255

Relative Humidity at San Juan, Puerto Rico in March averages 77 percent in the morning and 61 percent in the afternoon.

Puerto Rico Weather in March

March is the least rainy month in Puerto Rico with only 12 days of rain on average and combined with highs of 85°F, it makes the list of the top 5 spring break destinations. The sun shines for over 9 hours each day and as the party continues during the night, temperatures stay warm too in the mid 70s F. The sea with its water temperature of 79°F invites you to dive in and cool down during the heat of the party! Finally, hurricane season has not started yet.

Enjoy the beautiful beaches during the day and some great nightlife in San Juan at night with legal drinking from the age of 18! Plenty of festivals and parties will keep you busy. Highlights include the Taste of Rums Festival and the RAMAS Festival.
But not to worry, there will also be more quieter places around to enjoy for the peace-seekers. Classic music lovers, for example, will find great enjoyment at the Festival Casals.

Best Time to Visit Puerto Rico

Given its tropical climate Puerto Rico is a beautifully warm place to visit any time of the year. The least rainy months are March and April and as such, probably the best time weatherwise for a beach vacation. From May until August the waves are the highest> and the conditions are ideal for surfers.

If you are planning to visit the Rio Camuy Cave Park or the El yunque rainforest, it’s best to choose some of the drier months, like February, March, April or June. In terms of the least crowded time of year, November and May are the best choices. The peak hurricane months are August and September.

Things to know about Puerto Rico

The insular area of Puerto Rico in the Caribbean impresses with its beautiful and quiet bays, a lively capital city and a huge amount of nature and greenery. Here is a guide of what to explore on this stunning island.

  • Whether you arrive by air or sea, whenever you travel to Puerto Rico you first land in its lively capital San Juan. You should really spend at least one night there before you continue your travels towards the jungle or dream beach vacation. Real Caribbean flair awaits you in the Old Town of San Juan. The UNESCO world heritage site Castillo San Cristobal was built by Spanish colonies and is a must see. An outline of local culture and history can be explored in the Museo de San Juan and on Saturday mornings you can get a taste of all the local specialities during the farmers market (8am – 1pm, 150 Calle Norzagaray). Coffee lovers must try a coffee made from local Puerto Rican coffee beans at ‘Caficultura’ (401 Calle San Francisco). And try a Chichaito cocktail at Bar Los 3 Cuernos (403 Calle San Francisco).
  • Around 7 miles east of Puerto Rico you will find the small island of Vieques. You can get there easily by ferry boat from Fajardo or by plane from San Juan. The beautiful and untouched island impresses with stunning beaches and totally empty bays where you might spot a passing wild horse now and then.
  • The best accomodation on Puerto Rico is provided by the W Retreat and Spa. It’s directly on the beach, offers plenty of quiet spots for couples as well as stunning areas for families. A highlight is the infinity pool with underwater music. The rooms are beautiful and the restaurant offers unbelievably beautiful views across the sea. Every day you can participate in tours around the nearby national park which occupies around two thirds of the island.
  • The Blue Hole, near Villa Montones, is a water hole in the sea. It appears suddenly and offers views of the colourful underwater world- a real snorkeling hotspot!
  • On your way to the Blue Hole you will pass ‘The Breakfast Club at Ola Lola’s. Youngsters serve fantastic food and drinks any time of the day and it’s a great place to chill and hang out. Cash only!
  • A drive along the Ruta Panoramica, which goes across the island for 167 miles, is a fantastic way to see everything the island has to offer- from mountain regions to bamboo woods, a series of abandoned places and coffee plantages. All the way you have incredible views out over the sea.
  • Aguadilla is a great base for further excursions around the island. From here you can easily reach the surfer hotspot of Rincon. In Aguadilla itself is the former Ramey Air force base of the US Air Force and if interested you could visit its museum too.
  • The time when Puerto Rico was one of the main sugar producers in the world is gone but what remains are the Lost Places. The ruins of the sugar cane plants have something charming. Most interesting are the abandoned plants of Central Coloso and Playa Lucia as well as the Guajataca Tunnel, which used to connect the towns of Isabela and Quebradillas.
  • Isabella, or the ‘garden of the Northwest’ is the perfect base in order to explore the surrounding villages and beaches. The sea is rough and the waves are high. Children and those who can’t swim can splash around Swimming Holes, such as the Pozo Teodoro, where the water collects up to knee level and is warmed by the sun. From here you can also easily reach the surfers mecca of Rincon. You should stay there until sunset which surely is one of the most impressive in the Caribbean.
  • Approximately 2 hours by car from San Juan you reach El Yunque. Inhabiting 28,000 acres it is the only rainforest on US territory. Whilst walking along beautiful trails you can see over 240 species of animals and plants. A beautiful refreshment is offered by the waterfall of La Mina.

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Weather in Puerto Rico in March.

Average sea water temperature and air temperature. Detailed data for 2021-2022.

Weather in Puerto RicoMart

Average temperature during the day: 20.5°C
Average temperature at night: 17.3°C
Sea water temperature: 18.9°C
Number of sunny days: 26 days
Day length: 11.6 – 12.4 hours
Number of rainy days: 0 days
Rainfall: 5.0 mm

Above are the average weather data for Puerto Rico in March. You can find information about air temperature, water temperature, precipitation, cloudiness and daylight hours, which were calculated based on observations over the past three years.

weather now
Puerto Rico

Sea water temperature
Puerto Rico

Monthly weather in Puerto Rico


January April July October
February May August November
March June September December

Air temperature in March, °C

The highest daily temperature in March 2022 was 21 °C. While the minimum temperature at night dropped to 15 °C. The average day and night temperatures during March are 19.7 °C and 16.7 °C, respectively.

Water temperature in Puerto Rico in March, °C

The average sea surface temperature in March 2022 for Puerto Rico was 19.2°C . While the minimum and maximum sea water temperatures reached 18.5°C and 19.7°C respectively.

Sunny, cloudy and overcast days, %

Most of March in Puerto Rico there are sunny days, but cloudy and overcast days are also not uncommon.

Precipitation in March, mm

The amount of precipitation that falls in Puerto Rico during March is 5.0 mm. This indicator is relatively stable throughout the year.

Average wind speed in March, m/s

Average wind strength in March is 4.9 m/s. , making March the windiest month of the year.

Average daily hours of sunshine

This graph shows the average number of hours per day during which direct sunlight reaches the earth’s surface. This indicator is influenced by both the length of daylight hours and cloud cover in the daytime. In Puerto Rico, the average daily sunshine in March is: 10.4 h

Weather in Puerto Rico in March 2022-2021 at “365 Celsius”

What the weather is like in Puerto Rico in the month of March is highly dependent on the region. The air warms up at night to +24.5°C, and during the day up to +30.2°C, it rains for 14 days and 27.4 mm of precipitation falls per month. And, for example, in Kayei the weather conditions are not very good, as the air is up to +27.0°C, cloudy and rainy days are at least 19. The best cities to stay at this time are Aguadilla, Arecibo, Isabela. The air temperature in March is +27.1°C.


Average temperature during the day: +27.1°C
Sea water temperature: +26.7°C
Number of sunny days: 18 days
Rainy days:
14 days
27.4 mm

Water temperature in Puerto Rico in March

Should you visit Puerto Rico in March?

The weather in Puerto Rico in March is great for relaxing, this month’s rating is 4. 7 out of five. The climate in March is good and tourists come to rest. At this time, the warm sea temperature is +26.7°C. It rains a lot, about 14 days a month, with 27.4 mm of precipitation. Sunny skies for at least 18 days. The weather in Puerto Rico at the end of March at the beginning and middle of the month is presented on the graph. The air temperature in March is +27.1°C. At this time, the best climatic conditions in 3 cities:

Weather in March Aguadilla Weather in March Mayaguez Weather in March Arecibo


air: +29.6°C
rain: 2 days
sea: +26.8°C
sun: 18 days


air: +30.2°C
rain: 1 day
sea: +26.9°C
sun: 14 days


air: +29. 7°C
rain: 3 days
sea: +26.6°C
sun: 16 days
Best climate in cities in March

City Air temperature Water temperature Rainy days (precipitation)
Aguadilla +29.6°C +26.8°C 2 days (51.9mm)
Mayaguez +30.2°C +26.9°C 1 day (58.9mm)
Arecibo +29.7°C +26.6°C 3 days (21.7mm)
San Juan +29.5°C +26. 5°C 0 days (22.5mm)
Isabela +29.4°C +26.8°C 3 days (29.6mm)
Canovanas +26.3°C 14 days (29.35mm)
Levitovn +26.4°C 10 days (10.86mm)

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Air temperature in Puerto Rico in March

The difference in daily air temperature throughout the year is 2.8°C, but due to the presence of the sea, the climate in Puerto Rico is quite mild over the months. The coldest month is January, when the air warms up to +27. 0°C, and the warmest is September from +29.8°C. The air temperature in March is +27.1°C.

Puerto Rico water temperature

The beach season here lasts: . The temperature in the sea at this time of the year is from – to – conducive to a pleasant swim. The worst weather in Puerto Rico and the water temperature recorded in February is +2.5°C. The air temperature in March is +27.1°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation in March

An unsuccessful month for travel is May, it rains on average 20 days. The maximum monthly rainfall is 62.9 mm. The air temperature in March is +27.1°C.

Rating of comfortable rest in March

The rating is calculated by months, taking into account the average air temperature, the amount of rain and other indicators. For a year in Puerto Rico, the score ranges from 4.3 in August to 4.7 in January, out of a possible five. The air temperature in March is +27.1°C.

Month Air temperature during the day Water temperature Solar
Rainy days (precipitation)
December +27.5°C +2.7°C 16.6 15 days (33.3 mm)
January +27.0°C +2.6°C 19.0 13 days (83.3 mm)
February +27.0°C +2.5°C 18.5 12 days (22.0 mm)
March +27. 1°C +2.6°C 18.0 14 days (27.4 mm)
April +27.8°C +2.6°C 18.4 15 days (36.9 mm)
May +28.4°C +2.7°C 19.3 20 days (62.9 mm)
June +29.3°C +2.7°C 21.5 14 days (34.5 mm)
July +29.5°C +2.7°C 20.9 16 days (42.7 mm)
August +29.7°C +2.7°C 21.

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