Aves de puerto rico fotos: aves autoctonas de Puerto Rico datos y fotos

Puerto Rico Birds (Aves de Puerto Rico) Photo Gallery by Raul Quinones at pbase.com

:: Muscovy Duck (Pato Criollo) ::

:: White-cheeked Pintail (Pato Quijada Colorada) ::

:: Boba Parda (Brown Booby) ::

Brown Pelican (Pelicano Pardo)

:: Magnificent Frigatebird (Tijereta) ::

:: Great Egret (Garza Real) ::

:: Flamenco (Flamingo) ::

:: Red-tailed Hawk (Guaraguao Colirrojo) ::

:: American Kestrel (Falcon Comun) ::

:: Wilson’s Plover (Chorlitejo piquigrueso) ::

:: Killdeer (Chorlito Sabanero) ::

:: American Oystercatcher (Ostrero) ::

:: Black-necked Stilt (Viuda) ::

:: Greater Yellowlegs (Playero Guinella Mayor) ::

:: Willet (Playero Aliblanco) ::

:: Lesser Yellowlegs (Playero Guinella Menor) ::

:: Laughing Gull (Gaviota Gallega) ::

Royal Tern (Charran Real)White-winged Dove (Tortola Aliblanca)Zenaida Dove (Trtola Cardosantera)

:: Common Ground-Dove (Rolita) ::

:: Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo (Pjaro Bobo Mayor) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Smooth-billed (Ani Garrapatero) ::

:: Antillean Nighthawk (Querequeque) ::

:: Antillean Mango (Mango Antillano) ::

:: Green Mango (Zumbador Verde) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Antillean crested hummingbird (Zumbadorcito Crestado) ::

:: Puerto Rican Emerald (Zumbadorcito de Puerto Rico) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Puerto Rican Tody (San Pedrito) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Puerto Rican Woodpecker (Carpintero de Puerto Rico) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Puerto Rican flycatcher (Ju ) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Gray Kingbird (Pitirre) ::

:: Lesser Antillean Pewee (Bobito) ::

Caribbean Martin (Golondrina de Iglesias)

:: Red-legged Thrush (Zorzal Patirrojo) ::

:: Northern Mockingbird (Ruiseor) ::

:: Pearly-eyed Thrasher (Zorzal Pardo) ::

:: Yellow Warbler (Canario de Mangle) ::

Black-throated Blue Warbler (Reinita Azul)Adelaide’s Warbler (Reinita Mariposera) [ENDEMIC]

:: Elfin-woods Warbler (Reinita de Bosque Enano) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Bananaquit (Reinita Comun) ::

:: Puerto Rican Tanager (Llorosa) [ENDEMIC] ::

:: Puerto Rican Spindalis (Reina Mora) [ENDEMIC] ::

Yellow-faced Grassquit (Gorrin Barba Amarilla)

:: Black-faced Grassquit (Gorrin Negro) ::

:: Shiny Cowbird (Tordo Lustroso) ::

:: Greater Antillean Grackle (Mozambique) ::

:: Troupial (Turpial) ::

:: Antillean Euphonia (Jilguero) ::

:: Orange Bishop (Obispo Anaranjado) ::

Scaly-breasted Munia (Gorrion Canela)

:: Pin-tailed Whydah (Viuda Colicinta) ::

aves autoctonas de Puerto Rico datos y fotos


Las aves autctonas de Puerto




Las aves de Puerto Rico
constituyen el grupo ms numeroso de fauna silvestre en la Isla. Est
compuesta por unas 250 especies entre las cuales se encuentran 12 especies
endmicas, 111 especies residentes, 80 especies migratorias y unas 40
especies de procedencia dudosa. La avifauna puertorriquea es el grupo
que ms atencin ha recibido por los cientficos y por los estudiosos.

La avifauna boricua ha sido
intensamente estudiada siendo la mejor conocida  de las Antillas

Nuestras aves nos ayudan:
Transportando semillas de un lugar a otro; manteniendo insectos dainos
al hombre a niveles bajos; destruyendo las semillas de yerbajos que
compiten con los cultivos; algunas se alimentan de animales muertos, otras
se aprovechan para la caza; imparten belleza y armona a la naturaleza;
son indicadores de estaciones y condiciones del tiempo.

Su necesidad fundamental es la
existencia de reas silvestres que sirven de hbitat para los distintos
grupos, necesidades en particular de cada grupo, cobertura para la
proteccin, alimento y espacios abiertos.

Otras necesidades de nuestra vida
silvestre es garantizar la integridad gentica de la especie, controlando
la cantidad de animales exticos, los cuales entre otros efectos pueden
desplazar los grupos de especies nativas, compiten por su alimento y
pueden transmitir enfermedades a la otras especies.



(Caprimulgus vociferus ctitherus)

Puerto Rican Whip-poor-will

El guabairo adulto mide
proximademente 23 com(9pulg). La espalda contiene gran cantidad de
plumas negras achocolatadas cambiando a bermejo. Las alas
contienen marcas ms claras. resultando del color bsico oscuro.
La garganta, la parte superior del pecho y el borde del ala
contienen plumas color bermejo en contraste al color oscuro del

El Guabario Pequeo se observa
mayormente en los bosques del suroeste de la isla, restringido al
rea de Gunica, Yauco y El Bosque Susa de Sabana Grande. Es
un ave de hbitos nocturnos.

El Guabairo de P.R. no
nidos, sino que la hembra pone huevos sobre las hojas secas, bajo
arbustos, pero  nunca en espacios abiertos o desprovistos de
rboles. Ponen dos huevos por nido de color achocolatados con
manchas marrn y prpura. El perodo de encubacin es de 19
das y los pollueloss dejan el nido a los 14 das. Este anida desde
finales de abril a principios de julio.

El guabairo se alimenta de insectos que atrapa en el aire.


(Todus mexicanus)

Puertorican Tody

El San Pedrito es una de las aves
ms interesantes de Puerto Rico, es una ave de apariencia
regordeta. El San Pedrito tiene un tamao aproximado de 8
cm(3pulg). Su peso promedio es de 5.4gms. La parte superior del
cuerpo es verde claro, la garganta es roja y el pecho es gris
plido tornndose amarillenta en el vientre. Tiene el pico largo
y de color rojo anaranjado.

Los adultos de ambos sexos se
parecen entre s.

Las etapas juveniles de stos
organismos son parecidos a los adultos pero con colores menos

El San Pedrito est distribudo
ampliamente en Puerto Rico. Se le puede encontrar en reas de
bosques hmedos y semihmedos como el Bosque de Luquillo en Rio
Grtande, Carite, Maricao y el Bosque Rio Abajo en Utuado, y en
reas secas como manglares, Laguna Caratajena en Lajas, Gunica
y Mona.

EL San Pedrito construye su nido
excavando en paredes de tierra en huecos de aproximadamente 25
cm(10pulg) .Pone de 2 a 5 huevos en un perodo de eencubacin de
21 das Anida en Puerto Rico durante todo el ao.

El San Pedrtio se alimenta de
insectos, esto es bien importante ya que regula las poblaciones de
insectos que pueden ser prejudiciales para el hombre como tambin
para  la agricultutra.



(Melanerpes portoricensis)

Puerto  Rican Woodpecker

El carpintero de Puerto Rico tiene
un tamao de 23-25cms. (9-10pulgs). Su peso promedio es de 54.6
gms. Las partes superiores del cuerpo son negras desde  la
corona hasta el dorso. La frente y los prpados son blancos al
igual que la rabadilla. El rabo es negro. Las partes inferiores
del cuerpo, desde la base del pico hasta los lados del pescuezo y
todo el pecho, hasta al abdomen superior son de color rojo, la
parte baja del abdomen y los flancos son de color marrn rojizo.

La hembra adulta es muy parecida al
macho,pero de menor tamao con la garganta parduzca y las paredes
ventrales menos rojizas.

Los juveniles son parecidos a los
adultos de su sexo, pero ms oscuros y con menos rojo en las
partes inferiores del cuerpo y las patas blancas grisceas.

El carpintero es comn en reas
de arboledas, cafetales, cocales y manglares, tanto en reas
bajas o altas.

El carptinero deposita 4 huevos
color blanco en el hueco de cualquier rbol hecho por l mismo.
A veces anida en colonias. Hace uso de postes de alumbrado.

El carpintero se alimenta de
insectos y gusanos que viven bajo la corteza de los rboles,
tambin se alimenta de frutas.




(Dendroica angelae)

La Reinita del Bosque Enano tiene
un tamao de aproximadamente 10 cm. (4 pulgs). Su plumaje es negro
y blanco. Su cabeza es negra con una lnea blanca y fina sobre
los ojos formando un arco sobre stos. El iris es de color
achocolatado. Su torso es de color azul grisceo obscuro.

El juvenil de esta reinita es de
color gris verdoso obscuro en sus partes ventrales. Las bandas y
mrgenes que aparecen en el adulto son menos conspcuos en el

Esta reinita se localiza en la
Sierra de Luquillo principalmente en el Bosque Enano.

Por haberse descubierto
recientemente se desconoce con certeza sus hbitos de anidaje.
pero se presume que el patrn general se asemeja al de las
reinitas endmicas de las antillas occidentales.



(Loxigilla portoricensis portoricensis)

Puerto Rican Grosbeak

EL comeame tiene un tamao de
15-18 cms(6-7pulgs) .Tiene un peso promedio de 32.1gms. La cabeza
excepto la frente y la parte posterior central son de color
anaranjado rojizo. La barba , la garganta, la parte superior del
pecho y las cobijas, caudales inferiores son de color anaranjado
rojizo. El pico es negro y fuerte y forma un cono.

La hembra es un poco ms pequea
y de color menos brillozo.

El joven es pardo olivceos ms
obscuro en las partes superiores del cuerpo que los ventrales. Las
cobijas inferiores del rabo son anranjado rojizo.

El comeame se encuentra solo en
Puerto Rico. Usualmente en los bosques y cafetales del interior de
la isla. Tambin se encuentra en bosques costeros y manglares.

Construye su nido en forma de cono
o globular con una entrada por el lado. El nido es construdo de
hojas, plantas secas y bejucos de rboles, a diferente
elevaciones del suelo. Depositan usualmente 3 huevos blancos
verdosos. El por ciento ms alto de anidaje es de febrero hasta

Se alimenta mayormente de semillas
y frutas y en menor cantidad de insectos.



(Chorostilbun maugaeus)

Puerto Rican  hemerald Hummingbird

El zumbadorcito tiene un tamao
aproximado de 10 cms.(3.5pulgs). Su peso promedio es de 2.8 gms.
Las partes superiores del cuerpo son verde mettico, alas
obscuras con un leve tinte violeta. El rabo horquillado de color
negro azuloso brillante. Las partes ventrales verde dorado
metlico. La base de la mandbula es rosada con pico recto y

La hembra mide de
10-12cms.(3-5/4-5/pulgadas) Las partes superiores del cuerpo son
similares a las del macho. Pero las partes inferiores son

El juevnil macho se parece al
adulto macho, pero con las partes ventrales ms obscuras y menos

Este zumbadorcito es el ms
abundante de Puerto Rico. Se puede observar desde los montes y
cafetales del centro de la isla hasta los montes y cafetales del
centro de la isla hasta los manglares y reas costeras. En el
norte de la isla es menos comn.

Fabrica el nido en hojas de fibras
de vegetales sacadas del guineo, de las bromelias y de la corteza
de los rboles usualmente forrados de material blando. Ponen dos
huevos. El perodo de incubacin es mayor de 12 das y se han
encontrado nidos desde febrero hasta junio.

Se alimenta del nctar de las
flores y de insectos pequeos.

Chango o Mozambique

“Quiscalus niger brachypterus”,
tambin llamado mozambique  de Puerto Rico, chango o pichn
prieto. Es un ave negra azulada y de ojos amrillos que abunda en los
campos y jardines de Puerto Rico. 

Es de tamao mediano (aproximadamente 10 pulgadas), tiene la cola en
forma de V y el pico es recto y puntiagudo. Vuelan en bandadas
numerosas y anidan comnmente en las subestaciones elctricas. Se
alimentan de insectos en el suelo, aunque en las poblaciones come
casi cualquier cosa que se le ofrezca. Al atardecer mientras se
acomodan a dormir, producen gran algaraba y mucho ruido.

El plumaje es negro brillante , con un tono
verdoso en las alas y el rabo.Los ojos de los changos son amarillos
y las hembras tienden adems ms pequeo y menos brillantes que
los machos. Las plumas externas de la cola forman una “V”.
Los juveniles son parecidos a los adultos, Sus colas son ms cortas.

El Chango es comn en reas urbanas y en fincas
de los llanos costeros.  No es usual verlos en los bosques
densos. Es una de las aves mas abundantes en Puerto Rico
particularmente en las tierras bajas. Se ve a orillas de los lagos,
lagunas en lugares anegados, Sinembargo este pjaro se ha
convertido en parte integral del panorama urbano saltando por el
suelo de los estacionamientos, los parques, aceras de las

Su dieta consiste de frutas, semillas, garrapatas, ranas lagartijos
e insectos Vive esta ave en bandadas Se conoce por su despliegue en
la que el que eriza sus plumas y canta  mientras extiende las
alas y la cola. dando origen a la celebre frase
puertorriquea”buche y pluma na mas”(tomado de
Primera Hora 4-24-06)


Otras Aves

Tomado de Documentos:

Departamento de Recursos Naturales




Nombre cientfico-Nyctanossa violacea bancroft


Tamao-20 pulgadas


Temporada de apareamiento-De marzo a junio

Perodo de gestacin-desconocido


Dieta-crustaceos, peces y reptles


Sus plumas dorsales tienen el centro negro. La pigmentacin
general del plumaje de la Yaboa comn es azul grisceo. En el
tope de su cabeza y la garganta negra, y una lnea blanca
debajo del ojo. El pico, por su parte es negro con la punta
amarilla. Sus patas son color verde.

Los juveniles de la especie tienden a nacer con su parte superior
parda, pintada con blanco y sus partes inferiores blancas con un
pigmento oscuro que forma pequeas manchas. La Yaboa comn mide
20 pulgadas.


En Puerto Rico la Yaboa comn reside en los lagos, las lagunas,
las cinagas, los ros caudalosos y los manglares en las zonas
costaneras. Tambin anida en el oeste de Mexico, hacia el sur de
Nicaragua, en la Islas Bahamas y en las demas Antillas.

Informacin general

Esta garza es una especie que posee hbitos nocturnos, ya que
aprovecha del crepsculo para buscar alimentos. Su dieta consiste
de peces y reptiles pequeos, crustceos, moluscos e insectos.
Durante el da, se posa en los rboles y descanza en una sola
pata .Su vuelo es largo, con aletazos firmes y regulares. La Yaboa
es un ave de carcter arisco, simpre vigilante y a la expectativa
de lo que pueda ocurrir.

Construyen los nidos en los rboles, en ocasiones, lejos
del mar, utilizando ramas secas. Cada vez que anidan, entre los
meses de marzo y junio, ponen 2 a 4 huevos de color azul verdoso
plido. Muy pocas veces anidan en colonias y por lo regular, los
huevos tienden a ser de 51 milimetros pore 37 milimetros.

EL habitat de la Yaboa comn, que incluye los manglares y
otras reas costaneras, siempre se encuentran en riesgo Las zonas
costaneras son vulnerables al azote de las tormentas y huracanes
asi como las descargas industriales que contaminan sus aguas La
contaminamenta de otras especies del ecosistema.

La Familia

Yaboa Real

Las diferencias entre las especies se encuentran detalles
sutiles. Por ejemplo el pico de N. violacea bancroft es
ms grande y ancho que la N. volacea violacea. Adems la Yaboa
migratoria es de hbitos migratorios Solo viene a Puerto Rcio
en invierno, mientras que la Yaboa comn es una especie
residente en Puerto Rico La Yaboa Real tine una tonalidad gris
violeta Las demas son de color azul grisaceo.

Tomado de Primera Hora 9-18-06

Vinda collicinat




peligro de extincin)







°HOTEL BOHO BEACH CLUB BOQUERON 2* (Puerto Rico) – from 12518 RUB

Very good1515 reviews10

Hotel Boho Beach Club – Boqueron

18. 0268031299825,

Puerto Rico


36 photo

36 photo

36 photo

36 photo

36 photo


Carr. 101 km 18.1,
puerto rico,
Cabo Rojo Municipality

Show Map


Featuring an outdoor pool, a nightclub and a golf course, Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel is a 2-star property offering air-conditioned rooms with city views. The center of Boqueron is 1 km away, while Paradise Scuba and Snorkeling Center is 4.6 km from the hotel.


Near the hotel there is a train station and Poblado de Boqueron. This hotel is located a short distance from several noted attractions including Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Boqueron.


Rooms at this hotel provide cable TV, free Wi-Fi and cable channels. Rooms come with private bathrooms.


Continental breakfast is served at the bar. The on-site restaurant serves Mexican cuisine. Restaurant “Los Roques Bar &” offers a wide range of dishes and is located about 100 meters from the hotel.


Free Wi-Fi is available in public areas.


Free private parking is available on site.

Number of rooms: 75.

Former name: western bay boqueron beach hotel

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Most Popular Amenities

Free WiFi


Luggage storage

24 hour service

Food/ Drinks


Swimming pool

Air conditioner

  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Parking lot
  • Food/ Drinks
  • Pool
  • Lift
  • Air conditioner


  • Restaurant


  • Pool

Amenities in the room

  • Air conditioning


  • TV
  • Telephone

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Important Information

Check-infrom 15:00-23:59FREECheck-outuntil 12:00FREE

Extra bedsOne child0 – 12 yearsExisting bedsFREENo extra beds available in a room.

Pets Pets are not allowed.

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Rooms & Availability

King Room

  • Beds to choose from:

    King-size bed

  • Room size:

    20 m²

  • Max:

    2 guests

  • Shower

  • Air conditioner

Room Details

Queen Room

  • Beds to choose from:

    2 king beds

  • Room size:

    20 m²

  • Max:

    2 guests

  • org/LocationFeatureSpecification”>


  • Balcony

  • Air conditioner

Details of the number


Carr. 101 km 18.1,
puerto rico,
Cabo Rojo Municipality

  • Famous places of the city
  • Nearby
  • Restaurants


Poblado de Boqueron



National Park Balneario Bokeron

770 m


PuERTO RICO Adventure Water Sports

770 m

770 m



Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Boqueron

1. 2

58 Calle Jose de Diego

Club Nautico Boqueron


Rte 101 Km 1.1

Refugio de Boqueron



Boqueron Beach



Bahia de Boqueron


Hwy 301 Km 1.1

Refugio de Vida Silvestre Iris L. Alameda Martinez de Boqueron



Refugio de Aves


Road 301 Km 11

Salt Flats and Wildlife Refuge


Cabo Rojo

Guaniquilla Tunnel



Cueva Del Pirata Cofresi





Laguna Guaniquilla


Punta Guaniquilla


Islas Rocosas


Carr. 307 km. 4.8 int

Buje Beach





Playa Bue


Paradise Scuba and Snorkeling Center

4. 6


Museo de los Proceres


Playa Bokeron

560 m


Pika-Pika Restaurant

80 m


World Cup Bar

260 m

Pelican’s Booquerón




Very Good15 reviews


What airport is Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel located near?

Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel is located at a distance of 30 km from the airport Eugenio Maria de Ostos.

How far is Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel from the city center?

The distance between Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel and the city center is 1 km.

Are there restaurants near Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel?

Near Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel there is Los Roques Bar & Restaurant.

How much does it cost to stay at Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel?

A room at Western Bay Boqueron Beach Hotel starts from $204.

What rooms are available at Western Bay Boqueron Beach?

Western Bay Boqueron Beach offers you to choose between Queen Room and King Room.


Carr. 101 km 18.1,
puerto rico,
Cabo Rojo Municipality

Show map

Important information

Check-infrom 15:00-23:59FREECheck-outuntil 12:00FREE

Extra bedsOne child 0 – 12 years oldExisting beds are NOT FREEExisting beds are not available in a room.

Pets Pets are not allowed.

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Need a transfer?

You can book your transfer after you have completed your booking at the hotel.

Tip: Consider free cancellation options. This will allow you to remain flexible should you need to cancel your trip due to the spread of COVID-19.

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Which ocean does the Caribbean Sea belong to? Caribbean

CARIBBEAN SEA, a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the western part of the tropical zone of the Atlantic Ocean. In the west and south it is bounded by the mainland coasts of Central and South America, in the north and east by the ridge of the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico) and the Windward Islands from the Lesser Antilles group. It is connected by the Yucatan Strait with the Gulf of Mexico, by numerous straits in the archipelagos of the Greater and Lesser Antilles – with the Atlantic Ocean, the Panama Canal – with the Pacific Ocean. The area is 2777 thousand km 2, the volume is 6745 thousand km 3. Maximum depth 7090 m (Caiman trench).

The coasts of Central America are low-lying, wooded, those of South America are mostly high, steep, with separate low areas covered with mangroves. Most of the islands have mountainous and steep coasts. The western and partially southwestern coasts of the sea are bordered by reefs. The main large bays are located in the western and southern parts of the sea: the Honduran, Mosquitos, Darien, Venezuelan Gulf with Lake Maracaibo, Paria. Of the large islands – Jamaica; many small islands, most of them in the western and southeastern parts of the sea.

The shelf is well expressed only off the coast of Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela (100-240 km), the continental slope is steep, on average about 17°, in some parts of the slope a steepness of up to 45° is noted. On the bottom strongly dissected by underwater ridges, deep basins stand out: Yucatan (4800 m), Colombian (4259 m), Venezuelan (5420 m), Grenada (4120 m). In the north of the Caribbean Sea, from west to east, along the southern foot of the underwater ridge of the same name, the Cayman Trench stretches. Most of the submarine ridges (Aves, Beata, Marcelino Sill, etc.) are apparently submerged island arcs. Bottom sediments are mainly represented by calcareous foraminiferal silts. Turbidity flows are an important factor in the formation of sediments for the flat relief of the basins; the most powerful precipitations were found in the north of the Venezuelan basin (up to 12 km).

The climate is maritime, warm, with little seasonal variability, determined by the location of the Caribbean Sea in the zone of trade wind circulation of the atmosphere. Average air temperatures in February are 24-27 °C, in August 27-30 °C. The amount of precipitation increases from east to west from 500 to 2000 mm per year. The largest average monthly precipitation falls in summer off the coast of Panama (up to 400 mm), the smallest – in winter off the coast of Cuba (about 20 mm). Northeast trade winds prevail over the sea with speeds of 5-7 m/s. Storm conditions are usually associated with tropical hurricanes, in which wind speeds reach 40-60 m/s. Hurricanes cross the Caribbean Sea in the western and northwestern directions at a speed of 10-20 km / h with an average frequency of 3 times a year (in some years more than 10).

Water exchange with the Atlantic Ocean is carried out mainly through deep straits: Windward, Sombrero, Dominica, etc.; with the Gulf of Mexico – through the Yucatan. Excitement is predominantly east and northeast, on average 3-4, rarely 5 points. The magnitude of annual level fluctuations is small and usually ranges from 8 to 30 cm. Short-term level fluctuations are observed during the passage of tropical hurricanes. The tides are irregular semi-diurnal, off the coast of Venezuela – irregular diurnal, magnitude up to 1 m.

The circulation of water is determined by the branches of the Antilles Current and the Guiana Current entering the Caribbean Sea through the northern and eastern interisland straits. These waters spread in a westerly direction called the Caribbean Current. In the eastern part of the sea, the current moves in two streams at a distance of 200-300 km from each other. At about 80° west longitude, both streams merge into one. The current velocity in the western part of the sea reaches 70 cm/s. Off the coasts of Cuba and Jamaica, the current forms several anticyclonic eddies; cyclonic eddies are observed along the coasts of Venezuela, Panama, and Costa Rica. The waters of the Caribbean Current through the Yucatan Strait are carried out into the Gulf of Mexico. In the strait, the highest speeds of surface currents from the mainland coast are up to 150 cm/s.

The surface water temperature varies throughout the year from 26°C in winter to 29°C in summer. Deep-water basins are filled with Atlantic waters with a temperature of about 4.3°C. The average salinity of water on the surface is from 35.5 to 36.5‰. By the end of the summer season, due to the abundance of precipitation and fresh river runoff, salinity decreases by 0. 5-1.0‰, its lowest values ​​​​(33-34‰) near the islands of Trinidad and Tobago are explained by the large fresh runoff of the Orinoco River. The highest salinity of surface waters is in a narrow strip off the coast of South America and the coasts of Haiti and Cuba (over 36‰).

There are about 800 species of fish in the Caribbean, more than half of which are edible. Of the commercial fish, the most important are representatives of the families of snappers, serranids, crucians, several types of mullets, slabs, as well as sardinella, horse mackerel, mackerel, tarpon, anchovies. Fish of the open ocean are widespread – tuna, marlin, sailboats, common dormice, sharks.

The Caribbean coast is known for its beautiful beaches, it is the largest recreational area with numerous resorts. Lively shipping; passes the sea route through the Panama Canal, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Main ports: Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Maracaibo (Venezuela), Barranquilla and Cartagena (Colombia), Colon (Panama).

Lit.: Zalogin B. S., Kosarev A. N. Morya. M., 1999.M.G. Deev.

Caribbean Sea Tropical sea included in the Atlantic Ocean basin.

The Caribbean Sea, located between the two Americas, has a long history. Here, luxurious nature and excellent conditions for the development of tourism.


Science has not exactly determined the ancient age of the sea. It is believed that it began with a small reservoir, which in the Cretaceous period acquired the features of the modern sea.

The rising waters connected it to the Atlantic Ocean. It received its modern name from the Caribs, who displaced after the first millennium AD. Indians of the Antilles. Therefore, the Europeans, who discovered the sea in the middle of the last millennium, named it after this people.

Historical events

In the Middle Ages, the first Spanish settlement was founded in what is now Haiti.
Then Cuba and Hispaniola were conquered. The local Indians became slaves.
Later, Mexico was conquered and colonized. The British appeared
French, Dutch and Danish colonies. Mining was organized
gold and silver, the production of dyes, tobacco and sugar. For this from
Africa brought slaves.

Caribbean. about Haiti photo

Active trade with the mother countries caused
XVII century the emergence of piracy, which reached its peak in 1700-1730
years. Pirates hunted in this sea until the beginning of the 19th century. From now on
the process of decolonization begins, which ended in the twentieth century. On site
colonies formed independent states.

Dominant role in
the region began to play the United States.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the Association of Caribbean States recognized the sea as
a common heritage and a priceless asset that defines cooperation in
tourism, trade, transport and the fight against natural disasters.


The sea is characterized by several currents. So, from the southeast, currents drive cold water to the northwest at depths from 500 to 3000 m. Warmer subtropical currents go from above and continue to move, created by winds in a westerly direction.

Bypassing the coast of Central America, these waters enter the bay near the Mexican coast, raising its level above the Atlantic Ocean.
It is characteristic that if it usually flows at a speed of up to 2.8 km/h, then at the entrance to the strait near the Yucatan Peninsula it reaches 6 km/h.

The result is a pressure called hydrostatic. It is believed that it is he who makes the Gulf Stream move. From the south side of the sea, for almost a whole year, there is a circular rotation of water.

Which rivers flow into

The largest river in the region is the Columbian Magdalena, 1,500 kilometers long. In the same country, Atrato, Leon and Turbo flow into the sea. The Dike, Sinu, Catatumbo and Chama rivers flow into Lake Maracaibo connected to the sea.

Several rivers (Belen, Krikamola, Teribe, etc.) flow into the sea from the North American continent. Through Nicaragua, the Bambana, Indio, Coco, Kurinuas, Kukalaya, Prinsapolka, Rio Escondido and others flow into the sea.

From the territories of Honduras, Guatemala and Belize, the sea receives the waters of ten rivers of these countries. Rivers flow on the largest islands of the sea:
in Haiti – Yaque del Sur and Artibonite;
in Cuba, Cauto and Sasa;
in Jamaica, Milk River and Black River.


There are several significant depths in the sea, called basins, ranging in depth from 4120 to 7680 m.
Among them:

  • Venezuelan (5420m)
  • Grenadian (4120m)
  • Kaimanova (7090m)
  • Columbian (4532m)
  • Yucatan (5055m)

They are separated by underwater ridges and straits. The highest of these ranges is off the coast of Venezuela. From its top to the surface of the sea over 2100 m. Straits have a depth of more than one and a half kilometers. In the eastern part of the sea within there is a deep-water passage Anegada, reaching a depth of 2350 m.

corals of the Caribbean Sea photo

Deep-sea bottom of the Caribbean Sea – calcareous or low manganese silt. In shallow water, sand or coral thickets.


There are dozens of cities on the North American and South American coasts and islands. Most of them have a long history associated with colonization. Thus, the Colombian port of Cartagena, conveniently located at the exit from the Gulf of Darien, was one of the key ports of the sea. It retained this meaning to this day.

Havana photo

Venezuelan Cumana was a stronghold of the Spanish colonizers who explored the mainland.
Founded in 1511, Havana turned from a once small settlement into a powerful fortress. Today it is the capital of the Republic of Cuba.

Santo Domingo photo

Today’s capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo had the status of the most beautiful city in the New World. Today it is one of the centers of Caribbean tourism. Modern port cities have become Costa Rican Lemon, Colombian Barranquilla, Maracaibo in Venezuela, Port-au-Prince in Haiti, Cienfuegos in Cuba. Many coastal cities are centers of tourism.

Flora and fauna

The rich and diverse animal world is represented here by hundreds of species of fish and birds, and many mammals. There are only four species of local sharks, which include:
bull sharks
tiger sharks
silky sharks
sharks living in Caribbean reefs.

shark in the Caribbean Sea photo

There are such fish as:
flying fish
and angel fish
sea ​​Devil,
parrot fish
and butterfly fish
moray eel.
Commercial marine animals are sardines, lobsters and tuna. Divers and fishermen are attracted by marlins and barracudas.

Among mammals, dolphins, sperm whales, humpback whales, as well as manatees, called American, and groups of seals live here. On the islands you can meet different crocodiles and turtles, rare species of amphibians.

underwater world of the Caribbean Sea photo

Of the 600 species of birds, many are not found elsewhere. Toucans, parrots and other land birds live in the forests. Above the water you can see phaetons and frigates.

Vegetation of the Caribbean Sea, mostly tropical, here you can see fields of underwater macroalgae, there are several dozen species of them. Near corals, the plant world is more diverse: sea rupee, tortoiseshell alassia, cymodocean algae. Coastal mangroves attract many marine life.

the beauty of the Caribbean Sea photo


The sea has an area of ​​more than 2.7 million square meters. km, average depth 1225m, maximum depth 7686m. It washes the shores of such continental countries: Venezuela and Honduras, Colombia and Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicaragua, Panama
and Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica.

Fifty islands also include small island countries. The islands, called the Lesser Antilles, are located in the eastern part of the sea.

turtle in the Caribbean photo

The South Antilles are scattered along the South American coast. Several archipelagos and many small islands are located on the western side of the sea.

The salinity of the water is about 35 ppm.


The climate here is tropical with a significant amount of precipitation depending on the region and season. It is affected by the circulation of air currents, the average speed of which can reach 30 km per hour. And there are also winds with a speed of 120 km / h, which causes hurricanes and storms. Such cataclysms occur in the northern part of the sea. They can destroy houses, ruin crops, take people’s lives.
The average monthly temperature varies between 21-29degrees of heat. About 500mm falls in the east, about 2000mm in the west.

  • the largest coral barrier reef in the northern hemisphere is off the coast of Belize
  • one third of the sea’s reefs have been destroyed or are in serious danger as a result of human activities
  • Diving and fishing, important for tourism, annually bring up to 4 billion dollars to the Caribbean countries
  • Coffee, bananas, sugar, rum, bauxite, oil, nickel produced in the countries of the region are exported mainly to the USA and Canada
  • on the islands of the sea the number of people employed in the tourism sector, the volume of investment in it is two times higher than the world average
    Port Royal was the largest English colony and pirate capital in the region. In 1692, it was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami.

Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Barbados, Puerto Rico – all these and many other well-known countries are located on the islands of the Caribbean and are known under the common historical name of the West Indies.

Surely, some tourists who want to relax in one of these countries have a question – where are the Caribbean Islands
? Washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, they are located between North and South America. Discovered by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century, they number about seven thousand island land areas. There are 13 states on their territory. The Caribbean Sea washes not only the islands in it, but also the shores of South, Central and North America, so countries that have a Caribbean coast are also considered the Caribbean.

All the islands of the Caribbean are grouped into three large groups – the Bahamas, Lesser and Greater Antilles. Each has its own geographical feature and, accordingly, relief. The Lesser Antilles, having an arched shape, stretch throughout the northern part of the archipelago. On their territory there are 8 Caribbean countries, among them – Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, Saint Lucia.

Greater Antilles is the place most visited by tourists. The territory of the Greater Antilles includes Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Cayman Islands and Puerto Rico. These countries are loved by tourists because they have a mild tropical climate, a little humid. Evergreen forests, numerous rivers, endless beaches – all this is conducive to a good rest.

The Bahamas is a large archipelago with about 700 small islands in its territory. A large number of coral reefs, snow-white sands and coconut palms, tropical forests and the warm current of the Gulf Stream – all this cannot leave indifferent lovers of southern relaxation. In addition, for those who know where the Caribbean Islands are located and, accordingly, their origin, it is the Bahamas that reveals its underwater deep secrets. In addition to the fashionable resorts on the islands of Abaco and Eleuthera, the Bahamas are rich in nature, historical sites and friendly people.

The Caribbean is an oasis in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are many geographical advantages here – from good wind conditions for sailing, to endless reef labyrinths with amazing underwater inhabitants. For a relaxing holiday – quiet sea lagoons framed by tropical forests make a vacation on the islands worthy of subsequent repetitions.

Caribbean Sea (Caribbean Sea) is located in the west of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator. With its tropical climate, numerous sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, renowned resorts and scenic spots, the Caribbean is a popular tourist destination. Cruise routes of well-known travel companies pass through the Caribbean region. The rich underwater world attracts thousands of diving enthusiasts. Mostly Caribbean resorts are visited by residents of the USA, Canada, Brazil.

Caribbean Islands Antilles and Bahamas include several large islands: Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Here are the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands.

The climate of the region is determined by the trade winds and the tropical region of the Atlantic Ocean. The average temperature during the year practically does not change and is +23 … +28 degrees. The Caribbean region is less affected by tropical hurricanes than the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern Pacific

Flora and fauna The warm climate, coral reefs and clear water have created a rich underwater world of the sea. About 500 different species of fish live here, such as goliath fish, angel fish and parrot fish, moray eels and several types of sharks. There are whales, sperm whales and dolphins in the waters of the sea. The entire coastal area is covered with tropical forests with lush vegetation and a riot of colors

The Caribbean Sea region is a favorite vacation spot for many oligarchs from different countries.

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