Ballenas orcas en puerto rico: ¡Impresionante! Pescadores graban orcas cerca de su bote en Puerto Rico | Univision Puerto Rico WLII

¡Orcas… en Guánica!-VÍDEO – Primera Hora

Los pescadores Edifel Valle Ramos y William Pérez de Jesús narran su experiencia con las orcas en alta mar. (Para Primera Hora / Edgar Vázquez Colón)

Nota de archivo: esta historia fue publicada hace más de 9 años.

Por Darisabel Texidor Guadalupe y Bárbara J. Figueroa Rosa

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Guánica. La historia de Jonás y la ballena o el espectáculo de Shamu en el parque de atracciones de Sea World son las imágenes que recuerdan los pescadores del sector Playa Santa al rememorar la experiencia que vivieron el pasado viernes al encontrarse muy de cerca a 15 ballenas orcas mientras pescaban.

El pescador Edifel Valle Ramos narró a Primera Hora que salió a pescar dorados junto a dos amigos y que cerca de las 11:30 de la mañana se percataron de la presencia de las ballenas.

“Estaban tan cerca que lo único que pedía era no caer al agua”, dijo el joven pescador.

Describió la experiencia como extraordinaria, aunque reconoció que sintió un poco de temor.

“Había una como de 25 pies de largo, se acercaba al bote y lo golpeaba suavemente”, sostuvo Valle Ramos.

Indicó que, a pesar de que en sus 13 años pescando en el litoral sureño ha visto ballenas jorobadas, tiburones y delfines, era la primera vez que veía a individuos de esta especie que, aunque llevan el nombre de ballena, realmente son los miembros más grandes de la familia de los delfines.

“El mar es mi vida, pero cuando vuelvan, las disfruto, pero de lejitos”, aseguró el hombre que tomó un vídeo en el que se observan las ballenas a menos de dos pies de distancia de su pequeño bote.

Igualmente, el pescador William Pérez de Jesús contó que, aunque han pasado varios días, mantiene ese momento latente en su mente.

“Cuando yo vi tantas (ballenas) juntas, que sacaban la cabeza y soplaban, le puse velocidad al bote”, recordó el pescador.

Manifestó que, al mirar hacia atrás, observó a unas nueve millas de la costa que las ballenas lo seguían y sacaban todo su cuerpo del agua.

Mencionó que era la primera vez que veía ballenas orcas en sus más de 30 años como pescador y que, en comparación con las jorobadas –las que describió como mansitas–, las erróneamente apodadas “ballenas asesinas” le causaron mucho miedo.

“Cuando vi esa aparata, pensé que me iba a comer”, dijo el hombre, quien destacó que la próxima vez que las vea no se les acercará porque no quiere convertirse en su presa.

Sin embargo, contrario a lo que Pérez de Jesús sospecha, las ballenas orcas, más que peligrosas, son curiosas.

Así lo explicó Grisele Rodríguez, bióloga del Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA), al aclarar que, tal vez, la razón por la que perseguían la embarcación era la curiosidad o que se sintieron atraídas por el olor de las líneas (cañas) de pesca.

“En ese caso en particular, las orcas lo que a lo mejor querían era jugar en la estela del bote porque a ellas les gusta la ola que provocan las embarcaciones. Pero ellas, más que peligrosas, son curiosas. Lo recomendable es no hostigarlas, por si acaso… Pero, lo de “asesinas” es por la manera feroz que algunas orcas (en específico las transitorias) cazan a sus presas, especialmente focas, delfines y otros animales. Es un mal apodo que les tienen”, explicó la experta en mamíferos marinos al destacar que las que se suelen ver en Puerto Rico “están detrás de atunes y dorados”.

La manera en que la orca sale a la cacería es muy interesante. Por ejemplo, Rodríguez indicó que, cuando se disponen a realizar un ataque, “hacen cadenas de burbujas que vuelven locos a los peces, y ahí van y se los comen”.

Por otra parte, Rodríguez aclaró que no hay un patrón o época específica de avistamientos de esta especie marina en aguas de la Isla, pues desde el 2009 se han detectado en distintas zonas costaneras (oeste, norte y sur) tanto en octubre y enero como en abril, mayo y julio.

“Ahora mismo estamos en colaboración con un grupo de mastozoólogos del Caribe estudiando los avistamientos para identificar qué tipo de orcas son y saber de dónde vienen. No tenemos claro si son de la población que habita en el Caribe o si es que tenemos una población residente en esta área y vienen a Puerto Rico de vez en cuando. O, a lo mejor se trata de ballenas de dos poblaciones”, dijo la experta, que como dato curioso agregó que las orcas son matriarcales y siempre están en grupos donde hay un macho y las demás son hembras relacionadas entre sí (madres, primas, hermanas, sobrinas). Se comunican entre sí por medio de “gritos” agudos.

Por su parte, el alcalde de Guánica, Santos Seda Nazario, manifestó su sorpresa al conocer que las orcas se pasean por las costas de su municipio.

“Es interesante ver cómo el planeta cambia su comportamiento y se manifiesta en los animales”, expresó.

Sostuvo que este acontecimiento atraerá más visitantes a su pueblo, aunque reconoce que no pueden ser observadas a simple vista desde la orilla.

“Yo me voy a mantener en la orillita”, dijo entre risas el alcalde con evidente temor a estos animales marinos que pueden llegar a medir hasta 30 pies de largo y pesar hasta nueve toneladas.

Conoce más…

A continuación, algunos datos interesantes sobre la ballena orca.

La hembra es la líder, ya que es una sociedad matriarcal.

Siempre andan en grupos. Un macho acompaña a las hembras que están relacionadas entre sí (madres, hijas, hermanas, primas, etc.)  

El macho se distingue por tener una aleta alta, como de unos seis pies.

Cazan en grupo y engañan a sus presas haciendo burbujas.

Se comunican mediante : gritos”  agudos.

Pueden medir hasta 30 pies de largo y pesar hasta nueve toneladas.  

Dónde ir a ver ballenas en el oeste de los Estados Unidos

Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawái

Por: Emily H. Bratcher

Shawn McCready

1 de 1

Ahab, el personaje principal en la novela clásica de Herman Melville, Moby Dick, no es la única persona que busca ballenas.

Cada año, personas de todo el mundo se dirigen a las costas del océano Pacífico en Estados Unidos con la esperanza de ver una cola o una parte del cuerpo de estos animales. Y según el lugar que visites, es posible que puedas ver una ballena en cualquier época del año.

Seleccionamos cinco lugares increíbles en el océano Pacífico, desde Alaska hasta Hawaii, e incluimos, además, los mejores momentos del año cuando las probabilidades de ver ballenas son mayores.

Juneau, Alaska

Temporadas con más alta probabilidad de observar ballenas: de abril a noviembre


Juneau, Alaska, es una de las ciudades capitales más bellas en Estados Unidos, con sus calles elegantes, su panorámica zona frente al mar y sus montañas cubiertas de nieve. Y como puedes imaginar, Juneau es también un lugar espectacular para embarcarte en un viaje dedicado a avistar ballenas.

Para llegar a Juneau hay solamente dos caminos, por agua o por aire, y la ciudad está junto a la costa oeste de Canadá, en la zona que se conoce como la faja de Alaska. Uno de los mejores lugares para ver las muchas ballenas jorobadas desde tierra firme es Shrine of St. Therese, a unos 35 km al noroeste de la ciudad. Pero para ver orcas, o ballenas asesinas, la mejor opción es en el mar, y en el centro de Juneau puedes subir a un bote de recorrido turístico.

You can spot humpback whales breaching in the waters surrounding Alaska’s remote capital city, Juneau.

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Robert Miller/Flickr

Islas San Juan, Washington

Temporadas con más alta probabilidad de observar ballenas: de mediados de mayo a mediados de octubre


En medio del estrecho Strait of Juan de Fuca, a aproximadamente 170 km al noroeste de Seattle, Washington, se encuentran las San Juan Islands. Estas islas de gran verdor y las aguas que las rodean son el lugar perfecto para avistar orcas. No muy lejos de allí, Lime Kiln Point State Park es un excelente lugar desde donde ver a las ballenas blancas y negras si se prefiere estar en tierra firme. En esta zona también podrás elegir entre varios botes contratados. Si planificas tu visita entre mediados de mayo y mediados de octubre, muchas de las empresas de turismo te asegurarán que tendrás un 90 % de posibilidades de ver ballenas desde la cubierta del barco.

Head to Washington’s San Juan Island between May and October to catch sight of orcas playing in the water.

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  • Lime Kiln Point State Park 
Depoe Bay, Oregon

Temporadas con más alta probabilidad de observar ballenas: de mediados de diciembre a febrero y de marzo a junio


Oregon posee costas extensas que son un imán para aquellas personas que gustan de observar ballenas.  Oregon Parks and Recreation Whale Watching Center en Depoe Bay, a unos 160 km al sureste de Portland, es un excelente lugar para observar a las ballenas en sus migraciones semestrales entre Alaska y México. Si deseas acercarte algo más a las aproximadamente 18 000 ballenas que nadan cerca de la costa de Oregon, hay diversas empresas de paseos en bote que pueden acercarte a ellas. Las probabilidades de ver ballenas durante las migraciones de invierno y primavera/verano son realmente altas, sin embargo, es posible que el resto del año puedas ver una o dos. Se calcula que 200 ballenas consideran a las aguas de Oregon como su hogar entre junio y octubre.

Scenic Depoe Bay on Oregon’s northern coast is a prime place to spot gray whales during migration season.

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Bram Cymet

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  • Oregon Parks and Recreation Whale Watching Center  
Monterey Bay, California

Temporadas con más alta probabilidad de observar ballenas: todo el año


Monterey Bay, junto a la costa central de California, es famosa por su cultura artística y las oportunidades que su ubicación brinda de observar ballenas. Liz Love de Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary cuenta que Lighthouse Point, también conocido como Point Santa Cruz, es un excelente lugar desde donde ver las ballenas en tierra firme. Durante momentos del año distintos, pueden verse ballenas jorobadas, ballenas azules, orcas y ballenas grises desde este lugar de avistamiento. Pero es casi garantizado que podrás ver ballenas si te subes a alguno de los muchos viajes contratados en bote que se encuentran aquí en el cercano pueblo de Monterey Bay.

Keep your eyes peeled for whales as you enjoy the waters of Monterey Bay, California.

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  •  Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 

Temporadas con más alta probabilidad de observar ballenas: de diciembre a mayo


Hawaii es también un buen lugar para ver ballenas. Tori Cullins es un capitán de la Guardia Costera de EE. UU. y biólogo marino que trabaja con la empresa de contratación de barcos, Wild Side Hawaii, y comenta “se han detectado 18 especies de ballenas dentadas y como mínimo seis especies de ballenas barbadas en las aguas de Hawaii”. Las enormes ballenas jorobadas son las que más comúnmente se ven, y pueden incluso verse desde la costa entre enero y marzo. Dirígete hacia Makapuu Point Lighthouse en el extremo este de la isla (a unos 25 km al este de Honolulu) para ver las ballenas jorobadas desde la costa.

Más información

  • Wild Side Hawaii 
  • Makapuu Point Lighthouse 
Consejo de viaje

Sin importar el lugar que elijas para ver ballenas, presta atención al consejo de Donna Redstone, de la Oceanic Society: considera tomar medicamentos para el mareo antes de planificar la navegación y asegúrate de vestirte con ropa abrigada, aplicarte bloqueador solar y traer lentes de sol, ya que el sol que se refleja en el agua puede ser intenso.

Más información

  • Oceanic Society 
Temas relacionados:
  • Al aire libre
  • Vida silvestre

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90,000 “killer whales” sighted off the coast of the country. Video


An unusual video was filmed by fishermen – killer whales frolicking in the Dominican Republic. Previously, killer whales were seen near the island of Saona and in the region of the Samana Peninsula.

A few days ago, fishermen from the town of Haina in the Dominican Republic (located on the Caribbean Sea) filmed killer whales frolicking in the Dominican Republic.

This video blew up local chat rooms and created quite a stir in the scientific community. nine0009

The point is that reports of killer whales seen in the coastal waters of the Dominican Republic have been appearing since the 19th century. Previously, these large mammals, also called “killer whales”, were seen in the area between the current resort of La Romana and the Samana Peninsula. However, earlier sightings of killer whales have not been officially confirmed and properly documented.

However, in 2009, a sailor from Aruba managed to take a photo of killer whales in the Caribbean. Thanks to which a whole project for the study of killer whales in the Caribbean, the Caribbean-wide Orca Project, was born. nine0009

Since 2009, researchers and marine biologists have been collecting information about killer whales in the Caribbean.

So it became known and documented that on November 5, 2014, Alido Luis Baez, an employee of the Dominican Marine Research Foundation, went to sea to observe dolphins. And I shot killer whales just 5 miles from the coast of the popular resort of Bayahibe – near the island of Saona!

These phone shots were the first visual evidence of killer whales in the waters of the Dominican Republic. nine0009

In the same 2014, scientists managed to collect information about 176 sightings of killer whales in the Dominican Republic. And at the moment, marine biologists are talking about at least 300 such cases.

Although the shots of killer whales taken recently in Heine are not unique. Still, this is a rare sighting of killer whales in the Dominican Republic. And the first officially recorded case in 2020.

Diario Libre held an online conference with well-known researchers who also study killer whales. nine0009

They provided a map with red circles showing where killer whales were observed.

Red circles mark places where killer whales were seen

And in the video below from 00:53 you can see the very footage that was filmed in Haine the other day. This is the latest video showing killer whales in the Dominican Republic.

Who are killer whales and why should they be afraid?

The only one of the whole family is a real predator that pursues warm-blooded animals.

Hence one more – frightening name of the mammal – “killer whale”.

By the way, the English name killer whale (“killer whale”) was given to the killer whale in the 18th century due to an incorrect translation of the Spanish name for killer whale – asesina ballenas (“killer whale”).

Killer whales hunt herring, sea lions, attack sperm whales and even their own kind – whales and dolphins. nine0009

The body length of a killer whale reaches 10 meters, weight – 8 tons, and the fin on the back can be 1. 5 meters high.

Killer whales live in packs of 3 to 100 individuals. Most often, a flock is formed by a family – parents with cubs and other “relatives”.

Killer whales are very intelligent mammals – they take care of their fellows who are sick or in old age. And each family develops its own hunting methods.

Killer whales are black and white. And the location of the spots is so unique that individuals can be distinguished by them. nine0009

Killer whales are trainable. There are several underwater parks in the world where you can see killer whale shows. However, in wildlife in open water, it is better for a person not to meet a killer whale.

See also: Paradise Island Cayo Arena in the Dominican Republic

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There is an underwater park on the Cote d’Azur that just blew me away! 💛Marineland. Near Nice💛 We found out about it by accident. And we were excited to visit to see the performance of killer whales, which is called the Killer Whale Show here. We arrived at the park and issued tickets a minute before the start of the whale show, so we ran to the right hall at maximum speed 👣 And it turned out not in vain! We were greeted by a huge underwater arena, partially transparent, so the wow effect of any stunt was maximum! 🤩 On the big screens, the heroes of the day were presented to the music and the performance began … 🐋 🎉 It was pure delight! 🎉 The songs of the whales, the speed with which they they move, how high they jump … killer whales are magnificent! But I definitely would not want to meet them in the wild 🙅‍♀️ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Killer whales: 🔸marine mammals, order of cetaceans, family of dolphins. 🔸 average length up to 8 meters, weight up to 5.4 tons. 🔸 develop speed up to 45-50 km / h. The teeth of orcas reach 13 cm in length. The killer whale is essentially a predatory dolphin. And despite the species relationship, dolphins can also eat. And he also eats whales, considering tongue and lips, seals, penguins, sharks and even sperm whales as a delicacy. 🔸In order not to die of hunger, a killer whale must eat about 150 kg of food per day 🔸a skilled hunter, each flock, usually consisting of relatives, has its own special hunting methods that are passed down from generation to generation 🔸life expectancy for males is 35 years, for females are about 50 years old, but centenarians 70-9 were also noted0 years old 🔸 spotted color of killer whales is individual, it can be used to distinguish individuals 🔸 extremely smart and incredibly graceful animals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 🐋…. In February, I observed humpback whales in the wild in the Dominican Republic, in Samana Bay. In the summer – killer whales in France. It remains to see the blue whale 🐳0072 Jul 17, 2019 at 3:14am PDT

News Dominican Republic, Dominicana, iDominicana, republica Dominicana, Dominican Republic, guide in the Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Caribbean, whales in the Dominican Republic, killer whales, killer whales in the Dominican Republic, Dominican news, Dominican Republic

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Flora and fauna of the Atlantic Ocean: characteristics and more ▷➡️ Postposmo

Florata and fauna of the Atlantic Ocean they play a major role in the natural environment and represent an exceptional and interesting ecosystem that they support. Kanim vid yes continue and expand the knowledge of si in the tazi article!


  • 1 When and how did the Atlantic Ocean rise?
  • 2 How do you characterize the Atlantic Ocean?
    • 2.1 Location, restrictions and extension
    • 2.2 Surface and dimensions
    • 2.3 Lead to be supplied
    • 2.4 Nonvatina Dlbochina
    • 2.5 The production on the available
    • 2.6 The temperature and the Niva on Sol
  • 3 Geographical Border on the Atlantic Ocean
      • 3.0.1 Yungen Atlantic

      9013 4 Flora and fauna in the Atlantic Ocean

      • 4.1 Flora
      • 4.2 Fauna
    • 5 Climate in the Atlantic Ocean
    • 6 Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean
    • 7 Drzhavi near the Atlantic
        • 7.0.1 America
        • 7.0.2 Drzhavi in ​​the Caribbean Sea and Mexican Bay
        • 7. 0.3 Europe
        • 7.0.0
        • 7.0.6 Asia
        • 7.0.0098
        • 11.2 Atlantis

      When and how did the Atlantic Ocean rise?

      Tozi ocean did not emerge from the separation into the supercontinent, existed for 300 million years in the Mesozoic era, it was called Pangea. Tova’s destruction of this happened before the Jurassic period, for the sake of formation on a huge puknatina in the supercontinent, kaza, che puknatinata is more premine from the ancient ocean, stretched from the expert cato Tethys, to the Pacific Ocean (to the west).

      Tova predzvika inevitably divided into Pangea, some of the back and dividing the tov, some now recognizable as Africa and the North American continent. Tryabva and all the bleaching, the process on the separation on the Tozi supercontinent was gradual, forming on the first area of ​​the Severnat zone, and in the case of the Central zone. nine0009

      Cogato American continent Cogato The process of separating the area is completed, the Atlantic Sea has approximately 90 or 92 million km2 expansion. Yes, there will be a lot of little in relation to the amplitude, which is ima at the moment.

      For sure, prez Kredat, this perverse second phase on the division into Pangea, dividing the supercontinent, is called Gondwana. Tozi is a continent made up of some of the mainland Africa and South America, such as Antarctica, India and Australia. nine0009

      South American continent move to the west, separating from African continent , South Atlantic se formirache in the process, some more baven and uneven. Tova is separated from south to north. Contrary to tens of millions of years, the Atlantic Ocean is still in the light.

      Have a foreseeing that the continental masses are unmistakably far apart, to cause bavnata, but the width of the Atlantic Ocean is constant. These masi are far away from about 2 centimeters a year. nine0009

      The bottom is echoed by the golemina and the vastness of the light traces of the Pacific Ocean and the curve of the earth as a percentage of the earth’s surface (approximately 20%).

      How do you describe the Atlantic Ocean?

      El Atlantic Sea toy ima golam broy characteristics, which vary from location and expand to negligible importance. Osvenche ima is one of the Nai-Golemites of the marine fauna, the Tosi Ocean is not known and is echoed by the golemina and borders with the golems of the broi dzharzhavi on the continent. nine0009

      Next we know characteristics for the Atlantic:

      Location, limitations and extension

      El Atlantic Sea Namir se, dividing the American, African and European continents. Specifically, the American continent lies on the west of the Atlantic Ocean, while the European and African continents lie on the east.

      To that se stretches wide from the European and African coasts to the American, which is why the soil is widened from the north to the North, the Arctic Ocean to the south, to the end of the Antarctic. nine0009

      Surface and dimensions

      Compared to the approximately 90 million km2 expansion, some of the Atlantic Ocean had to bear the cost of a million years, we can see that it suffered four changes in relation to the amplitude and format of the SI.

      Dnes tazi masa water in the letter ¨S¨ ima area, sometimes representing about 20% of the earth’s surface, sometimes I rule the second half of the golemina ocean on the planetary track of Tikhia, thanks to the fact that the curve is approximately 106 million km2. nine0009

      Current volume is about 354 million km3 (foreseeing the adjacent sea). But let’s not take the foreseen moreat mu, the volume on the Atlantic is drawing up to about 323 million km3.

      The width of the Atlantic Ocean is approximately 2.848 kilometers between Liberia and Brazil, and approximately 4.830 kilometers between the northern part of the African continent and the NSA. The last one is the widest part of the Atlantic Ocean.

      Drive, which will be

      The Atlantic Ocean is made up of four layers of water, which form various fields and oceans.

      The dividing lines are as follows:

      • The central government will not be thankful for the fact that most of the known marine life lives there. Toy e and nai-plitkiyat, extending up to a little over 900 meters in dalbinite.
      • Subantarctic e interdinniyat stage, tezi vodi can yes bdat intentions from farbochin from hilyada meter. 9009eight
      • Northern Atlantic second stage or nay-dalbokiyat layer, that se stretches to dlbochin, reaching approximately four hilyadi meters
      • Antarctica e nay-dalbokata, tezi vodi sa over four hilyadi meters in the exclusive dalbochina on the Atlantic Ocean.

      The Atlantic Ocean is made up of various seas and rivers, which sacrifices on the adjacent mu seas and sa categorizes according to cardinal points.

      Those will distribute, as follows:

      • West Ocean (to the Americas): Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Magelan Channel, Rio de la Plata, Tierra del Fuego and Tierra del Fuego.
      • To Outflow (to the European continent): Crosses all the variety from the sea to the Mediterranean, Scottish, Irish and North Sea. There is Bristol and the English Channel, such as Guinea and Biscay Bay.
      • North (to Greenland: Davis Channel and Norwegian Sea Se Namirat)

      The Atlantic Ocean, in spite of the fact that oceanographically it can be seen as a single water mass, is divided into 2 zones thanks to the equator. The negovite divisions will call the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic Ocean.

      The average distance to the Atlantic Ocean is almost 4 meters (exactly 3900) there is a huge plateau on the ocean, some se namira at 3 meters in length. nine0009

      Tryabva and here are whitening, th Atlantic Sea Ima and degradation in the plateau, which will stretch to extreme distances, some dori will fall in the forest and overhead 9 hilyadi meters. Namirat is close to the island of Puerto Rico.

      Imeto origin

      Imeto Atlantic and two from Atlas, titanium from grackat mitology. Samiyat to that beshe is well known with his own history, ty kato mitologita illustrira, che Atlas hold heavenly pillars on ramenet si.

      temperature and niva per sol

      Atlantic ocean and high-salinity ocean on planet Earth, ty cathoima average 36 g per liter water and temperature variate depending on the area, in tropical and intertropical areas the temperature is much higher fuels, until close to the polarity, the temperature drops significantly, there is a lot of jelly.

      Geographically the borders of the Atlantic Ocean

      For the sake of the fact that the Atlantic Ocean is divided into the equator thanks to the fact that the borders of the Atlantic Ocean are divided into two different regions (South Atlantic and North Atlantic). We also see the geographical boundaries on these regions:

      • South Atlantic

      Tosi region bordering Horn Nose, located in Chile, Tierra del Fuego and the Magellanic channel from the southwestern mu country. Tazi often runs south of South America, passing through the Antarctic region and between Cabos Espiritu Santo and Virgenes.

      To the northwest it is bounded by the Gulf of Guinea, and to the west by Argentina (Rio de la Plata). To the south, the ocean borders Antarctica, and to the southeast from South Africa, in a special way with Cape Eagle. nine0009

      • Severen Atlantic

      From the east, the country borders the Caribbean Sea , the Tazi region borders the southeast from the Gulf of Mexico and St. Laurence and from the Gulf of Fundi, is located in Canada. Dokato from the region on Greenland to Canada (specially on the shores on Labrador) that borders the Davis Strait.

      Tazi border is defined both from the Norwegian Sea and the Greenland Sea and over the Shetland Islands in the British Kingdom. The Irish Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, along with the Scottish Sea, border the ocean on the outflow from it, but at first they limit the Spanish coast (from the Bay of Biscay) and the Bristol Channel. nine0009

      To the south, the Atlantic Ocean borders the Brazilian coast (located to the southwest), and borders the Gulf of Guinea from the southeast country. Contrary to this, contrary to oceanographic data, the only water body, it is already limiting itself along the equatorial line along the meridian, is drawn along the imaginary beginnings.

      Flora and fauna of the Atlantic Ocean

      Florata and fauna present in the Atlantic Sea Characterization of biodiversity. From marine plants, which form impressive reefs, which are used from bloom to presence on many species of animals, ranging from mecotel to whale-like golems. nine0009


      In the Atlantic Ocean, we can try to find a huge variety of species, varying from hundreds to millions of different plants. Golyama is often from these plants inhabiting the surface and nyakolkostotin of the meter long. Tova e taka, to protect those who need it from natural light for photosynthesis.

      Environment of plant species that live in Atlantic Sea We can discover marine corals, microorganisms, marine plankton, marine algae, which differ in color and size. Otkrichme and lots of coral on a lot of reef. nine0009

      Ima curiosity for flora and fauna of the Atlantic Ocean and e, which plants prefer not to inhabit the surface of the earth, foresee that they need a significant amount of solar radiation, for which they can pervert photosynthesis and normality.

      In long distance, the percentage on the view in relation to the florata is brightly painted on the radiation, which is much more than it can and perverts photosynthesis for the sake of any influence on the natural light. Tozi is the occasion of the meeting and in the mutni lead thanks to violence, for some reason move the water, the noses, the pyask or the kal with yourself and do not allow the light to penetrate. nine0009


      Between flora and fauna of the Atlantic Ocean demonstrating the presence of a large number of animal species, regardless of whether they were without a grave or a grave. Otkrivama and golyamo variety from a bird that flies over the water space. orca

    • Cherven tone
    • Manati
    • dolphin
    • White shark and other species
    • Garbav Kit

    In addition, distinguish between the species of bird found in the ocean, ca:

    • Atlantic cow
    • Atlantic lash
    • Severen kralski albatross
    • Araocommon

    These are the animals from today’s distribution to the Atlantic Ocean and around. Te sa and medium nay-important. In the flora and fauna of the Atlantic Ocean, the radish species is afraid of extinction. Nyakoi from tyah sa:

    • Monk seal in the Mediterranean: Tova is the only animal from nai-belezhitelnite and ima nai-temporal priority, for sure ima very nyakolkostotin specimen (about 500). Tova go rule is one from nai-intimidate marine species in the light.
    • Siv kit: Tova animal is a predizvikva disturb the nature of the holy, kato kato scandalniyat mu decline taqv, che in the South and North Atlantic ocean tozi instance never existed.
    • Riba Napoleon: Tazi riba ima a lot of baven breeding process, some adding a few facts, but a forest beach behind the targovskite ribari, I’m the only one from the fear of species. nine0098
    • Vakita Marina: Tozi seems to be inclined to disappear, for this reason foresaw that only about 600 specimens remained and that the life of the fish cycle in the disappearance.
    • Manatee: One of the main odors for tosi vide zamryavaneto, tatto the main storage (algae) is toxic for animal storage and this effect is small to about 3 khilyadi.

    Climate in the Atlantic Ocean

    Climate in the Atlantic Ocean is especially due to the fact that it is influenced by the temperature, the representation in the surface of the water, the effect on the wind wind and the difference between the currents. Tryabva and behold, it’s whiter than the ocean of toplinate and not showing a significant change in the season. nine0009

    Climatic areas on the ocean vary depending on the geographic width, find places with location on the temples geographically wide, in a special way there, some of the surface is frozen and the average temperature is about 2 degrees Celsius.

    Zone from nai-golyamo to the toplin se amirat in the North Atlantic, these areas are extremely tropical and imat golyama activity in relation to evaporation and thanksgiving at high temperatures.

    El Atlantic Sea Some of the sea currents help to control the planetary temperature. Comrade thanks to the currents and winds, which are friendly, they bring a lot of variety from the catonic factor and the high temperature on the water, humidity and thermal variations.

    Tova corygira zonite, which are sailing across different continents, and flora and fauna on the Atlantic Ocean influences and choose a habitat for climate and different currents. nine0009

    Current help for temperature regulation last start:

    • Blame for temperature control in Northeast Europe and the United Kingdom and from the Gulf of Mexico.
    • Northeast Canada and Africa Leave Thanksgiving Clouds on the Student Current

    Season on a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean

    Hurricane in the ocean forms all sorts of sournesses, which protect the surface of the air, somehow from the breeze, from the current to the atmosphere, which is a lot of jelly. This phenomenon is observed during the months of August and November, thanksgiving for the constancy of the sacred season on the hurricane. nine0009

    These hurricanes are strong and melt from the ocean water. But when the dry land is reached and the zemyata are completely dead, they destroy significantly the silat si, that kind of tropical storms, which they move, dokato disappear completely. Povecheto from tyah se generat to the African continent and tyahnoto ptuvane is directed to Karibit.

    Darzhavi near the Atlantic

    At the moment of the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean crosses the continent for a short time and the mountains are broken. Theses share flora and fauna on the Atlantic Ocean . Let’s send a message to the continent and the country, until it reaches the Atlantic Ocean:


    • Venezuela
    • Argentina
    • Brazil
    • Bahamas
    • Cuba
    • Canada
    • Puerto Rico
    • Dominican Republic
    • SAS
    • Frensca Guiana
    • Haiti
    • Uruguay
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Guiana
    • Suriname

    Darzhavi in ​​the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico

    • Mexico
    • Barbados
    • Belize
    • Antigua and Barbuda
    • Nicaragua
    • Granada
    • Columbia
    • Jamaica
    • Panama
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • Grenadini
    • Dominica
    • Guatemala
    • Honduras
    • Costa Rica


    • Spain
    • United Kingdom
    • Portugal
    • France
    • Ireland
    • Iceland
    • Noruega

    Darzhavi in ​​the Mediterranean

    • Chipre
    • Severen Cyprus
    • Bosna
    • Slovenia
    • Georgia
    • Italy
    • Malta
    • Croatia
    • Monaco
    • Cherna Gora
    • Albania

    Baltic countries

    • Belgium
    • Germany
    • Hollandia
    • Latvia
    • Lithuania
    • Denmark
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • Sweden
    • Russia
    • Polonia


    In Asia the Atlantic Ocean reaches the Mediterranean. Reached to Derzhavi:

    • Israel
    • Turkey
    • Palestine
    • Syria
    • Lebanon

    Reached and reached some darzhavi from the Black Sea:

    • Romania
    • Georgia
    • Bulgaria
    • Ukraine
    • Abjaya


    • Angola
    • Cameroon
    • Cape Verde
    • Benin
    • Liberia
    • Ghana
    • Morocco
    • Guinea
    • Equatorial Guinea
    • Guinea-Bissau
    • Gabon
    • Ivory Coast
    • South Africa
    • Gambia
    • Mauritania
    • Namibia
    • Nigeria
    • Republic of the Congo
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo Sao Tome and Principe
    • Senegal
    • Sao Tome and Principe
    • Sierra Leone
    • Togo

    African Mediterranean

    • Algeria
    • Libya
    • Tunisia
    • nine0097 Egypt

    islands in the atlantic ocean

    tozi ocean ima golam broi islands in qialoto si prolongation, those sa groupirani in various continents, as well as the main concentrations of sa in the european and american continents. Found islands on Atlantic Sea sound:

    • Svalbard archipelago
    • Islands on the Scandinavian Peninsula
    • in the Baltic Sea
    • To the European continental coast
    • British Isles
    • To the Atlantic coast to France
    • On the Atlantic coast in Spain
    • Atlantic offshore islands in Portugal
    • island Sicily
    • Sardinia
    • Chipre
    • Corsica
    • Mallorca
    • Crete
    • Kolela
    • Lesbos
    • Canary Islands
    • Azores
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Isla Margarita
    • Spaniard
    • Cuba
    • Puerto Rico
    • Perez Island
    • Florida Keys


    Zamrsyavane is a global problem that brought to the mnogobroyni aftermath of the pre-temporary era. Those sa have risen thanks to the masses of ribols, exploitation of oil and gas deposits and technium spills and toxic material.

    Plastic and fall off, warp on the beach along the edge of the expansion, it will cause problems. Those se move thanksgiving on currents and winds. nine0009

    The aftermath of zamarsyavaneto sa se reflected on flora and fauna on the Atlantic Ocean on the basis of many species of animals on fish on extinction. They have seriously damaged some reefs.

    Dnes ima dif ferent groups, koito perverted activity, koito se pitvat let the tezi of the ocean waters and adjacent seas protect them. Those who are trying so and so are striving to make movements for the protection of the animal and tyahnoto late.


    Tozi ocean e beat from golyamo meaning from ancient times. That game is the main role of the cato scene for geopolitical development. We can crush it, che potuvaneto, perverted from Christopher Columbus, even from golemite history, developed in the ocean.

    Tova means your bridge between completely different civilizations, so called the cross between new and old saints. European countries, which byaha the main heroes in tov sbite, se climbed from dominance in Western India. Theses are from France, Portugal, England and Spain. nine0009

    The Atlantic Ocean is the only one from the main theaters on the First World War. Materialize and boyate artillery sa transportation of the contemptible from the ship and swimming pool, which comes mainly from the SASC and sa destination for the European continent.

    That is such a wonderful source for the light economy from a little time. Oil and other minerals are discovered in the ocean. Comrade is a source on fish economy and trade between the pages. This product is a transport tape for many resources between Europe, America and Africa. nine0009

    Tryabva and all the whiteness, che flora and fauna on the Atlantic Ocean One of the most important marine ecosystems in the world due to the diversity that I have described.

    Atlantic Sea

    Atlantic Sea Nyakoi from tyakh sa:

    Bermuda Triangle

    Tova e is an evenly distributed trigalnik, formed between the island of Bermudi, the edge of the coast of Florida (NAS) and the island of Puerto Rico, known for many shipwrecks, which took part in the Tazi region.

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