Fruta anon de puerto rico: Anón | Entrega a tu puerta

Anón, Ates​ o Saramuyo, la fruta del Caribe

El Anón (Annona squamosa), también llamado comúnmente con el nombre de ates​, riñón, anona, o saramuyo, es un frutal perteneciente al género Annona, de la familia Annonaceae.

Índice del contenido

¿Qué es el Anón?

El Anón (Annona squamosa) es una fruta dulce que se encuentra de forma muy común en regiones tropicales y subtropicales de América Latina de donde es nativa. La mayoría de los países de América Central e Islas del Caribe son productores de esta fruta tropical del género Annona pero los más importantes son Perú, Cuba y Puerto Rico.

Los frutos del anón o riñón es globoso-oviforme de 8 a 12 centímetros de diámetro, de color verde pálido o azulado. Los árboles frutales de donde procede esta fruta dulce, del género Annona, mide entre 3 y 6 metros de altura de color verde oscuro en su parte superior y verde azulado en su parte inferior con madera blanda que tiene diferentes utilidades según la zona.

El momento de la polinización es cuando la flor se ha abierto (nunca lo hace completamente) y es el momento en que el árbol se puede observar mas esplendoroso gracias a su bonita flor.

La pulpa que es la parte comestible, es blanca y amarillenta en algunos casos, mantecosa, dulce y muy nutritiva, de agradable sabor, similar a la guanábana, pero menos fuerte, con abundantes semillas lisas, de color negro brillante y de forma oblonga. Es una buena fuente de vitamina C, hierro y calorías.

Anón cubano

Es uno de los árboles frutales más conocidos en Cuba, común en suelos calizos poco profundos; pero sólo cultivado comercialmente en pequeña escala, para el consumo local. Se encuentra el cultivo de plantas de anona en fincas de zonas rurales de Cuba.

El anón en Florida

También se suele encontrar el cultivo de estos frutos tropicales en algunas zonas del sur de Estados Unidos, como es el caso de Florida donde se conoce comúnmente con el nombre de sugar-apple. Es una fruta tropical que cada vez se puede ver con más frecuencia en mercados de todo el mundo debido a su creciente popularidad.

El Anón (Annona squamosa) es muy consumida en las zonas mencionadas de Latinoamérica pero que en España es complicado de encontrar. Es muy parecida a la chirimoya, que sí consumimos en España, con color y texturas similares, pero con carpelos que son las escamas que tiene el fruto en el exterior.

¿Con qué otros nombre se conoce al Saramuyo?

En Oriente se empieza a consumir con más habitualidad con es el caso de Filipinas donde se conoce con el nombre de atis, en Tailandia donde se conoce con el nombre de Noi-Na y en regiones del Medio Oriente donde se conoce con el nombre de achta.

El cultivo de estos frutos es algo más extendido en la India, donde el árbol ha escapado de los cultivos y se encuentra de forma silvestre en muchas partes y la fruta es muy popular y abundante en los mercados donde podemos ver este fruto de forma habitual.

¿Cómo se come el Anón?

El anón (Annona squamosa) o anona se come cuando está maduro. Se rompe y se come la masa del interior de color blanca que una vez en la boca se extraen las semillas, fácil de diferenciar, que se desechan. Se come de la misma forma que la chirimoya, otra fruta que nos es más familiar en España.

Es una fruta dulce, como la fruta de la pasión y con un sabor característico y agradable que suele gustar a todos los paladares. Por esta razón continua expansión por países de todo el mundo.

El riñón se cultiva por el valor nutritivo que se consume generalmente fresco. Dado que su cosecha se suele realizar a mano, en algunas zonas rurales su venta contribuye a la economía familiar.

Es un alimento bastante delicado, como otros tipos de frutas, por lo que se hace complicado su exportación y que se consuma lejos de donde se produce, por eso aumenta el cultivo y podemos verlos en más zonas de todo el planeta.

En Malasia, donde es muy consumida, además de comerse este alimento crudo, se le extrae la parte del interior, se le separan las semillas para añadirlos a postres, helados o incluso bebidas frías o batidos. En Filipinas fabrican un vino con este alimento.

¿Qué propiedades tiene el Anón?

El anón (Annona squamosa) o anona es fuente de Vitamina C y hierro. Toda su nutrición reside en su pulpa, dulcemente aromática y hebrosa.

Para algunas culturas, posee también propiedades curativas.

Medicina popular

En la medicina popular el fruto verde, las semillas y las hojas se utilizan como insecticidas. El líquido fermentado preparado con la pulpa de la fruta se emplea en cataplasmas para aliviar las contusiones.

En la India

En regiones de la India se utilizan sus hojas trituradas e inhaladas para combatir la histeria y los desmayos. También se aplican sobre úlceras y heridas.

Para casos de disentería se prepara bebida con un preparado que consta de hojas cocidas, bebida que también se utiliza en zonas rurales de América Tropical para aliviar los dolores reumáticos, resfriados, bienestar digestivo, entre otros beneficios.

En el Caribe

En islas del Caribe se utiliza la decocción de su flor que se usa tradicionalmente para combatir el reumatismo mediante baños en la frente. La flor es algo complicado obtenerla, ya que aunque pueden aparecer en grupo a veces aparecen de forma solitaria.

Árbol decorativo

A parte de como arboles frutales se utiliza como árbol ornamental que se siembra en jardines y parques. 

Por consiguiente, el anón, aunque sea una fruta desconocida en nuestro país, es de reconocido valor en muchos otros debido a ser una fruta con numerosas propiedades nutricionales como hemos visto y por lo tanto, recomendamos que la pruebes y nos digas que tal te ha parecido.

También te recomendamos:

Jaime Gómez

Escribo sobre estilo de vida saludable, alimentación y fruta, mucha fruta. También me gusta compartir ideas para llevar una vida activa y sana. Consejos que pongo en práctica en primera persona, porque me preocupa mi salud y la de mi familia.

Anona: para qué sirve, beneficios y propiedades

La anona, conocida también como anón, saramuyo o riñón, es una fruta rica en antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales que ayudan a combatir la inflamación, aumentar las defensas del organismo y controlar los niveles de azúcar en sangre.

Además de eso, la fruta de la anona posee también minerales, como el potasio y el magnesio, que son necesarios para regular la presión arterial, además de fósforo y calcio, esenciales para la salud de los huesos.

El nombre científico de esta fruta es Annona squamosa, tiene un sabor dulce y puede consumirse fresca, asada o cocida o para preparar jugos, helados, batidos y tés. A pesar de los beneficios de la anona, es importante tener cuidado con la concha y sus semillas, pues poseen compuestos tóxicos que pueden ocasionar algunos efectos secundarios si son ingeridas

Para qué sirve y beneficios

Los beneficios que la anona puede aportar para la salud son:

1. Favorecer la pérdida de peso

La anona es una fruta que aporta pocas calorías, unas 82 calorías por cada 100 g, además de ser rica en fibras que ayudan a incrementar la sensación de saciedad y disminuir el hambre. Asimismo, es una excelente fuente de vitaminas del complejo B, las cuales son necesarias para mantener un buen funcionamiento del metabolismo.

2. Fortalecer el sistema inmunológico

Gracias a su contenido de vitamina C, vitamina A y otros compuestos antioxidantes, el consumo regular de anona ayuda a aumentar las defensas del organismo y mejorar el sistema inmunológico, evitando el surgimiento de enfermedades como la gripe o resfriados.

3. Mejorar la salud intestinal

La anona es una fruta rica en fibras, cuyo consumo favorece el aumento del volumen de las heces y los movimientos intestinales, siendo una excelente opción para quien sufre de estreñimiento.

Además de esto, la anona posee propiedad antiinflamatoria y antimicrobiana, por lo que también podría ayudar a prevenir el surgimiento de úlceras estomacales. 

4. Ayudar a controlar el azúcar en sangre

Algunos estudios muestran que los antioxidantes presentes en el extracto acuoso y alcohólico de las hojas de anona pueden ayudar a regular el azúcar en sangre, pues tienen un efecto protector sobre las células del páncreas, que son responsables de la producción de insulina, equilibrando los niveles de azúcar en sangre, siendo importante para prevenir y controlar la diabetes.

5. Mantener los huesos saludables

La fruta de la anona es rica en calcio, fósforo y magnesio, que son minerales fundamentales para fortalecer y aumentar la densidad ósea, manteniendo la salud de los huesos, lo que puede ayudar a prevenir enfermedades como la osteoporosis, osteopenia o raquitismo, por ejemplo.  

6. Combatir el envejecimiento prematuro

Por ser rica en vitamina A y C, el consumo regular de anona ayuda a combatir el envejecimiento prematuro, pues además de actuar como potentes antioxidantes, la vitamina C promueve la formación de colágeno, una proteína responsable por darle firmeza y elasticidad a la piel, previniendo la formación de arrugas.

7. Promover la cicatrización de heridas

El extracto alcohólico de las hojas de anona promueven la formación de glucosaminoglucanos y colágeno, sustancias importantes que ayudan a cicatrizar las heridas de la piel.

Además de eso, el extracto alcohólico de las hojas de esta fruta tiene propiedades antiinflamatorias y antihistamínicas que reducen la producción de sustancias inflamatorias como las prostaglandinas y la hinchazón, pudiendo ser utilizadas para ayudar a tratar heridas. 

8. Disminuir el dolor

El extracto alcohólico de las hojas de esta fruta tiene propiedades analgésicas y antiinflamatorias, ayudando a disminuir el dolor e inhibir la producción de sustancias, como las citocinas e interleucinas, responsables por la sensación de dolor.

9. Ayudar a combatir el cáncer                             

Algunos estudios científicos realizados en animales, indican que la anona podría poseer propiedades antitumorales, gracias a su compuesto bioactivo que es la anonaina y a su contenido de antioxidantes, que incluyen polifenoles y alcaloides.

10. Controlar la presión arterial

Esta fruta es rica en potasio, un mineral que ayuda a aumentar el relajamiento de los vasos sanguíneos, permitiendo que la sangre circule con más facilidad, ayudando a disminuir la presión arterial, útil siendo muy útil en personas que tienen presión alta. 

Además de eso, los alcaloides y los péptidos, como la ciclosquamosina, presentes en la semilla de la anona, actúan bloqueando los canales de calcio, inhibiendo la liberación de neurotransmisores que son responsables de aumentar la presión arterial.

Vea qué comer para bajar la presión arterial.

Propiedades de la anona

La anona se caracteriza por sus propiedades antihipertensivas, anticancerígenas, antioxidantes, antiinflamatorias, antiobesidad, antidiabéticas, estimulantes, digestivas e inmunomoduladoras. Esto se debe a que este fruto aporta polifenoles, compuestos alcaloides, vitamina A y C y fibras.

Composición nutricional de la anona

En la tabla a continuación se indican los componentes nutricionales por cada 100 g de anona:

ComponentesCantidad por 100 g de anona
Energía82 calorías
Proteínas1,7 g
Grasas0,4 g
Carbohidratos16,8 g
Fibras2,4 g
Vitamina A 1 mcg
Vitamina B10,1 mg
Vitamina B20,11 mg
Vitamina B30,9 mg
Vitamina B60,2 mg
Vitamina B95 mcg
Vitamina C17 mg
Sodio11 mg
Potasio240 mg
Calcio6 mg
Fósforo31 mg
Hierro0,3 mg
Magnesio23 mg

Es importante mencionar que para obtener todos los beneficios mencionados anteriormente, la anona debe incluirse en una dieta equilibrada y saludable.

Cómo consumir 

El fruto de la anona puede ser consumida fresca, asada o cocida, y también puede ser utilizada para preparar postres, licuados o tés. Otra manera de consumir esta fruta es en la forma de jugo, siendo una opción saludable, nutritiva y fácil de preparar.

Jugo de fruta de anona


  • 4 frutas de anona maduras;
  • 1 manzana sin cáscara;
  • 2 tazas de agua;
  • 2 cubos de hielo.

Modo de preparación:

Cortar la fruta de anona al medio, retirar y descartar la cáscara y las semillas. Luego adicionar los ingredientes en una licuadora y batir hasta obtener un jugo homogéneo y beber.

Dominican fruits: tips, photos, prices

How much do the most popular Dominican fruits cost, where to buy them and what to look for when choosing fruits – useful tips in our author’s material.

The Dominican Republic can easily boast of a complete fruit variety. In the country of eternal summer, with its amazing climate and fertile lands, almost everything that you can imagine grows.

Dominican Republic does not grow those fruits that we are all used to at home – apples, pears, plums, nectarines … These fruits are brought to tropical Paradise from other countries, which affects the pricing policy.

But mangoes, passion fruit, huge avocados, delicious tropical melons, sugar watermelons, and exotics – guanabana, guava, sapote and many other delicacies are always available in supermarkets.


Those who have a rest in the Dominican Republic in April-August are lucky – your vacation fell on the mango season. But this does not mean that at other times of the year mangoes cannot be found on the shelves, it is just that during this period the choice of these fruits is the largest.

Hard fruit – good for transportation, it is better to choose green varieties, more likely to deliver it home to the hotel of loved ones safe and sound.

If you got home, and the fruit is still hard – let it lie on the table for a day or two, as soon as it becomes like a ripe kiwi when pressed, and the sides turn pink – it’s time to serve.

The price as of May 2018 is 32 Dominican pesos per piece (about 60 cents).

Passion fruit

This incredibly healthy fruit is in season all year round in the Dominican Republic. The locals call it chinola.

The thinner the fruit, the more ripe. You can also check whether the fruits are ripe by shaking them slightly – if it rattles like a rattle, then it is ready for use.

If you want to bring these fruits home, take those that have not yet become very “wrinkled”.

The price for May 2018 is 45 pesos per libra (about $1 per pound).


We will not talk about pineapples for a long time, we only note that in the Dominican Republic they are absolutely special – juicy, sweet and fragrant!

The price for May 2018 is 79 pesos per piece (about $1.6).


In the Dominican Republic, this fruit is called lechosa and can often be found growing wild and fruiting along local neighborhoods or even roads. One of the most inexpensive fruits. Reminds me of a mixture of melon and sweet pumpkin.

Very useful and will be a pleasant and inexpensive hotel for loved ones. For transportation, it is better to choose green fruits. The brighter the color of the papaya – yellow or pink – the more ripe the fruit.

The price for May 2018 is 18 pesos per libra (about 30 cents per pound).

South and Central America is the birthplace of this fruit. The unripe fruit is very acidic, so it is best to wait until the fruit is soft, very soft. There are many small seeds inside, which are not worth eating.

Most often, the fruit is used to make juices.

The price for May 2018 is 54 pesos per libra (slightly more than 1 dollar per pound).


Looks are deceiving, sapote is a fruit, not a vegetable. This exotic is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as an excellent source of potassium, calcium and iron. The flesh has a reddish-brown color.

Inside there is a large oblong stone, so if you want to taste the fruit, take several fruits at once.

Pay attention – if the fruit is hard as a stone, and the peel is very dry, it means that it has already deteriorated. Ideally, ready to eat, the skin feels like a ripe kiwi when pressed, and for the journey home, choose a fruit that feels like a green kiwi when pressed – firm but not hard.

The price for May 2018 is 33 pesos apiece (about 65 cents).


We saved the most delicious for the finale. This fruit is also called soursop. It is very gentle, useful and tasty. It is very difficult to draw analogies with other fruits, so guanabana is especially interesting.

Black pits, like those of a watermelon – you can’t eat it, but the fruit itself is good, both simply cut and in cocktails. Try blending the pulp of guanabana in a blender, add ice and a little mint – you get a great drink.

The fruit is very soft, may not survive a long flight. Choose as dense fruits as possible if you want to treat loved ones upon returning from the Dominican Republic.

The price for May 2018 is 74 pesos per piece (approximately $ 1.5 per piece, but the fruits are very large, the peel is thin, and the seeds are small).

The material shows prices from the Plaza Lama supermarket located in the Palma real shopping center.

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tips and prices

Excursions from Panama City, brief and detailed description of excursions in Panama


Brief description: Colonial Panama, Modern Panama (Punta Pasifika, Puntabilla, Puntabilla). , Mount Ancon Observation Deck, Former American Panama Canal Zone, Cosway, Panama Canal.

Detailed description:

Founded by conquistadors in the 16th century, Panama City was the first Spanish port on the Pacific coast. Today there are two cities of Panama in the country: Old Panama (Panama Viejo) and New Panama. In Old Panama, there are solid ruins of cathedrals from the beginning of the 17th century, monasteries, bridges. New Panama is a beautiful modern city, a special part of which is the well-preserved Colonial part (Casco Antiguo), where there are many buildings of that era. This part of New Panama is declared a historical heritage of mankind and is under the protection of UNESCO.

6-hour sightseeing tour of the city includes: Miraflores locks, observation of their operation and the movement of ships through them. You will also visit the Panama Canal Museum at the Miraflores Visitor Center, where you will see the work of this grandiose 20th century engineering structure, called the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. At the Visitor Center you will be shown a film about the construction and operation of the canal.

We will also visit the ancient and modern parts of the city. We will visit the residential area of ​​the canal – the ex-zone where the Americans lived, who were engaged in the construction of

channel, and one of the most beautiful streets of the capital – Balboa Boulevard, stretching along the coast of the Gulf of Panama.

Casco Antiguo – a picturesque area of ​​the city with narrow streets, squares and parks, where much of the history of the country has been preserved to this day, which is already undergoing revival and reconstruction for the umpteenth time. We will visit the National Theater – one of the most expressive examples of neoclassicism in Panama. We will walk along the Place de France, visit the Church of San José and learn about the history of the salvation of its unique golden altar. Let’s go to the Church of San Felipe Neri to look at the wonderful Nativity scene presented by the family of the President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, to the townspeople for Christmas 2014. On Bolivar Square there is a monument to the Liberator Simon Bolivar – the national hero of many countries of Central and South America. Further, our route lies on the Cathedral Square, where the Cathedral stands, the Panama Canal Museum and the Municipal Palace are located.

During the tour, we will climb to the observation deck on Mount Ancón, from where a panorama of the city opens. Next, we will proceed to Kosa Amador – the most amazing area of ​​\u200b\u200bPanama City, which was previously three separate islands in the ocean: Naos, Perico and Flamenco.

During the 6-hour tour, the Panama Viejo Archaeological Park is not visited.

Lunch not included.


Brief description: Archaeological Park Panama Viejo – Old, Colonial Panama, Modern Panama (Punta Pacifica, Punta Paitilla, Balboa embankment), Observation deck on Mount Ancon, former American “zone” of the Panama Canal, Cosway, Panama Canal, Miraflores Locks.

Detailed description:

Founded by conquistadors in the 16th century, Panama City was the first Spanish port on the Pacific coast. Today there are two cities of Panama in the country: Old Panama (Panama Viejo) and New Panama. In Old Panama, there are solid ruins of cathedrals from the beginning of the 17th century, monasteries, bridges. New Panama is a beautiful modern city, a special part of which is the well-preserved Colonial part (Casco Antiguo), where there are many buildings of that era. This part of New Panama is declared a historical heritage of mankind and is under the protection of UNESCO.

8-hour sightseeing tour of the city includes: Miraflores locks, observation of their management and the movement of ships through them. You will also visit the Panama Canal Museum at the Miraflores Visitor Center, where you will see the work of this grandiose 20th-century engineering structure, called the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. At the Visitor Center you will be shown a film about the construction and operation of the canal.

We will also visit the ancient and modern parts of the city. We will visit the residential area of ​​the canal – the ex-zone where the Americans lived, who were engaged in the construction of

channel, and one of the most beautiful streets of the capital – Balboa Boulevard, stretching along the coast of the Gulf of Panama.

Casco Antiguo – a picturesque area of ​​the city with narrow streets, squares and parks, where much of the history of the country has been preserved to this day, which is already undergoing revival and reconstruction for the umpteenth time. We will visit the National Theater – one of the most expressive examples of neoclassicism in Panama. We will walk along the Place de France, visit the Church of San José and learn about the history of the salvation of its unique golden altar. Let’s go to the Church of San Felipe Neri to look at the wonderful Nativity scene presented by the family of the President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, to the townspeople for Christmas 2014. On Bolivar Square there is a monument to the Liberator Simon Bolivar – the national hero of many countries of Central and South America. Further, our route lies on the Cathedral Square, where the Cathedral stands, the Panama Canal Museum and the Municipal Palace are located.

During the tour, we will climb to the observation deck on Mount Ancón, from where a panorama of the city opens. Next, we will proceed to Kosa Amador – the most amazing area of ​​\u200b\u200bPanama City, which was previously three separate islands in the ocean: Naos, Perico and Flamenco.

Lunch not included.


It is not enough to say “The Eighth Wonder of the World”, or to list all the technical achievements and innovations used by engineers in the construction of the canal, or to give figures of income and expenses. The Panama Canal is more than just a story – it is a “Panamanian epic”, a testament to the strength of a person, his mind, his physical capabilities.

The Panama Canal is the pride of the Panamanians, the basis of Panamanian sovereignty and the Panamanian economy.

The Panama Canal is one of the most significant and grandiose structures in the world, but, above all, the Canal is a symbol of the greatness of engineering and the triumph of man over the elements.

The Panama Canal consists of 3 groups of two-line locks: Miraflores, Pedro Miguel and Gatun. On June 26, 2016, new locks were opened through which Neo-Panamax ships pass.


Travel along the Panama Canal. From Panama to the Caribbean.

Duration: 10 hours

Start and end depending on the schedule.

The journey will start early in the morning. You will pass through the Panama Canal by boat from Panama City, on the Pacific coast, to the city of Colon, on the Caribbean coast. The route passes under two majestic bridges that connect North and South America. The motor ship will be raised to a height of 26 meters above sea level at the Miraflores and Pedro Miguel locks, will pass along the narrowest section of the Canal – the Gaillard or Serpentine section, and will reach Lake Gatun – one of the largest artificial lakes in the world . After passing through the fairway of Lake Gatun, the ship will approach the Gatun locks, where the last locking will take place and the ship will be lowered 26 meters in three stages. The ship will arrive at the port of “Colon 2000” at approximately 17:00. The return to Panama City is carried out by tourist buses and will take an hour and a half.

During the trip, tourists will be offered: breakfast, lunch, soft drinks.

Included: Spanish-English guide, soft drinks and water (unlimited), continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, bus transfer from Colón to Port of Flamenco.


Travel on the Panama Canal. From Panama to Gamboa (halfway).

Duration: 5 hours

The second version of this trip is shorter and takes only 5 hours. The ship will go only half way between the two oceans. It is possible to travel from North to South, when the final destination is Panama City, or from South to North, in which case the ship will arrive in the village of Gamboa. In both cases, the ship will pass through two groups of locks: “Miraflores” and “Pedro Miguel”, and will be lowered (raised) by 26 meters above sea level.

Included: Spanish-English guide, lunch, soft drinks and water (unlimited), bus transfer from Flamenco Port to Gamboa or back.



The Aquabus is a completely new and exciting way to experience Panama City. Aquabus is a unique bus that moves not only on the road, but also in the water. This is the only amphibious bus in Central America that will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the city. Having passed through the streets of the capital, the bus sails along the Gulf of Panama.

This 2-hour tour will tell you how the city has changed over the centuries, from a colonial to a metropolis full of skyscrapers.

Great option for the whole family.


A tour of the most beautiful places in Panama City will allow you to see the most famous sights and enjoy the atmosphere of the city in a short time. The tourist route passes along the embankment and the colonial city.

Even if you have never ridden a Segway, we will teach you how to drive the Segway X2, including a full safety briefing.

An hour and a half tour on the new Segways will help you appreciate the familiar hiking routes in a new way and have time to see more without forgetting about your comfort.


We offer coastal water tours with entrance to the Panama Canal and Panama Bay, where you will enjoy beautiful views of Panama City with its skyscrapers, Port Rodman and the world famous Museum of Biodiversity with a completely new angle.

You will spend 2 hours on our boat with a guide who will tell you about the history of each place.

Locations: Bridge of the Americas, Port of Balboa, Panama Canal South Locks, Biodiversity Museum, Cosway.


Detailed description:

The Caribbean coast of Panama with beautiful wild beaches, islands, bays keeps the history of the great conquests of the conquistadors and daring pirate attacks. The names of Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Edward Vernon and other filibusters are inextricably linked with the fortresses of San Lorenzo and Portobelo. To protect his treasures from the encroachments of sea robbers, the Spanish king Philip II ordered the construction of a number of fortresses on the Caribbean coast, most of which have survived to this day: San Lorenzo, San Jeronimo, Santiago de la Gloria, San Fernando and San Fernandin.

In 1980, all the colonial buildings and fortresses of the XVII-XVIII centuries on the Caribbean coast of Panama were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage of mankind.

Our path lies in the town of Portobelo. You will see the fortresses and ruins of San Jeronimo, Santiago de la Gloria, San Fernando and San Fernandin. Of the architectural monuments in Portobelo, the building of the Royal Customs and the Church of St. Philip, better known to the people as the Church of the Black Christ, are represented.

Lunch not included.



Detailed description:

At 06:20 am, departure from the hotel to the train station, from where the train leaves for the Caribbean coast. The train leaves at 07:20 am (1 hour on the way). This journey runs along the Panama Canal and along the Panama Canal.

The Panama Railway has a very long history. It is laid along the most beautiful places of the Isthmus of Panama. Running along the edge of the Panama Canal, the railroad winds its way through dense rain forests, skirting locks, over the historic Gaillard Barrier, and continuing its journey along the Gatun Lake dam. The passenger cars evoke memories of the golden days of this route with their wood paneling, carpeted floors, soft lamplight, wooden batten curtains, cool air conditioning, bathrooms, huge windows that offer breathtaking views, and open platforms. , inviting passengers to take interesting pictures for memory.

The car picks up tourists after the train arrives at the station in the city of Colon.

Next, we will move to the right side of the canal and go to the San Lorenzo nature reserve, where on the very edge of the land, on a cliff, at a height of 25 meters above sea level, rises the majestic fortress of San Lorenzo, built by the Spaniards in 1596. From here you have a magnificent view of the Caribbean Sea and the mouth of the Chagres River.

The Caribbean coast of Panama with beautiful wild beaches, islands, bays keeps the history of the great conquests of the conquistadors and daring pirate attacks. The names of Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Edward Vernon and other filibusters are inextricably linked with the fortresses of San Lorenzo and Portobelo. To protect his treasures from the encroachments of sea robbers, the Spanish king Philip II ordered the construction of a number of fortresses on the Caribbean coast, most of which have survived to this day: San Lorenzo, San Jeronimo, Santiago de la Gloria, San Fernando and San Fernandin.

In 1980, all the colonial buildings and fortresses of the XVII-XVIII centuries on the Caribbean coast of Panama were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage of mankind.

The next point of our program is the town of Portobelo. You will see the fortresses and ruins of San Jeronimo, Santiago de la Gloria, San Fernando and San Fernandin. Of the architectural monuments in Portobelo, the building of the Royal Customs and the Church of St. Philip, better known to the people as the Church of the Black Christ, are also represented.

Inspection and return by bus to Panama City. On the way about 2 hours.

Arrival in Panama City.

Lunch not included.

To this tour we can add a visit to the new Gatun locks under construction on the Panama Canal on the Caribbean coast. The largest construction site on the planet.


Short description: Fortress of San Lorenzo and the city of Portobelo on the Caribbean Sea.

Detailed description:

At 08.00 we will go to the Caribbean coast. Having moved to the right side of the canal, we will proceed to the San Lorenzo nature reserve, where on the very edge of the land, on a cliff, at an altitude of 25 meters above sea level, the majestic fortress of San Lorenzo, built by the Spaniards in 1596, rises. From here you have a magnificent view of the Caribbean Sea and the mouth of the Chagres River.

The Caribbean coast of Panama with beautiful wild beaches, islands, bays keeps the history of the great conquests of the conquistadors and daring pirate attacks. The names of Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Edward Vernon and other filibusters are inextricably linked with the fortresses of San Lorenzo and Portobelo. To protect his treasures from the encroachments of sea robbers, the Spanish king Philip II ordered the construction of a number of fortresses on the Caribbean coast, most of which have survived to this day: San Lorenzo, San Jeronimo, Santiago de la Gloria, San Fernando and San Fernandin.

In 1980, all the colonial buildings and fortresses of the XVII-XVIII centuries on the Caribbean coast of Panama were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage of mankind.

The next point of our program is the town of Portobelo. You will see the fortresses and ruins of San Jeronimo, Santiago de la Gloria, San Fernando and San Fernandin. Of the architectural monuments in Portobelo, the building of the Royal Customs and the Church of St. Philip, better known to the people as the Church of the Black Christ, are also represented.

Lunch not included.

To this tour we can add a visit to the new Gatun locks under construction on the Panama Canal on the Caribbean coast. The largest construction site on the planet.


Brief description: A fascinating journey to the Chagres National Park, to the village of Tusipono, where the Embera Indians live, to the origins of Panamanian culture, to a place where people coexist peacefully with , and where nature can be so unpredictable.

Detailed description: You will learn about the pre-Columbian history of Panama and Mesamerica, about the origin of the Embera tribe, their traditions, crafts and way of life. The Indians make wicker baskets of amazing beauty and complexity, sculptures from Coco-Bolo mahogany, figurines from the taua fruit, beads, bracelets and much more. You will see Indian dances and even be able to participate in them.

The most enjoyable part of this trip is a walk along the full-flowing Chagres River on an Indian pie and swimming in the Chorro del Mono waterfall, to which capuchin monkeys sometimes descend. Traditional dances, traditional Indian lunch – fried tilapia and fried bananas, fruits.

Lunch included.

Departure at 8 am. Return at 16:00 at the hotel.

For this excursion we recommend sports shoes, lace-up, with a closed back, which you don’t mind getting wet. Depending on the time of the year, sometimes you have to get to the waterfall along a path in the jungle, crossing the river ford. Water can be up to the knee.



The famous island of Taboga is located in the district of the same name and is an archipelago in the Gulf of Panama. Just 12 nautical miles separate the island from Panama City, and the ferry ride takes 30 minutes one way. The sea coast offers an endless amount of entertainment. Diving enthusiasts will find corals and clams of stunning beauty here. The calm waters form a small water pool, ideal for swimming or kayaking. In addition to many types of beach holidays, the island is ideal for walking along the narrow streets left over from colonial times. There are also more restaurants on the island offering food, ice cream and drinks at reasonable prices. On the island you will find houses of famous people who came here to relax from the bustling metropolis. The multi-colored and artsy design of some of the houses will make the trip even more enjoyable.


• Round trip ferry tickets. Free Wi-Fi on board.

• 1 hour guided historical tour in English or Spanish.

• Lunch: fish in garlic sauce or Creole chicken with coconut milk rice, salad, dessert and 1 drink of your choice (alcoholic or non-alcoholic).

• Sun lounger and umbrella on the beach.

• Shower and toilet.

• Diving mask and snorkel.

• Constant tour monitoring.

Optional: We offer transfers to Balboa Yacht Club on Amadora.

Ferry Schedule:

• Departure from Panama City: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM.

• Departure from Taboga Island: 08:45, 10:15, 02:30, 16:00.



Beach holidays in the San Blas Islands without the need for air travel. This is a great opportunity not only to visit the beautiful Caribbean beach, but also to get acquainted with the culture of the Guna Indians. Perhaps, for an additional fee, a visit to the islands of Icodub and Perro.


• Traveling on a section of the corredor sur toll road.

• 4×2 or 4×4 car – round trip transfer.

• Boat tickets.

• Taxes on the entry of the driver and tourists into the territory of Guna Yala, car tax.

• Visit to the village of the Indians “Carti Sugdub”, a beach holiday on the island of Ikodub.

• Cooler with water, beer and juices (three cans or individual bottles per person).

• All expenses for the guide, including his lunch, the guide-driver travels with the tourists.

Lunch not included. Purchased locally.

Extras: Neighboring island tour and snorkeling payable on the island.


Brief description: This city is located in the crater of a volcano. It has a unique climate. Included is a visit to the Chorro del Macho Waterfall, the El Nispero Zoological and Botanical Garden, the Golden Frog Conservation Center, petroglyphs, a souvenir market (Vegetables and fruits market is nearby). At the waterfall, for an additional fee, you can swim in the clear mountain water. There is a special pool.

Detailed description: The capital of Panama and the province of Panama are two completely different worlds. A rich metropolitan life is the face of modern Panama. Traditional Panama is calm and quiet, cozy, unhurried and very welcoming. The city of Vaye de Anton is located in a volcanic crater. It has a unique climate, there are thermal springs in the valley. There are many attractions in the Vale de Anton valley: the central market (you won’t find a more colorful place), vegetables, fruits, souvenirs, flowers, including orchids, are sold here. Near the city there are villages famous for their artisans.

The Sleeping Indian Mountain is named after a girl about whom the legend has been passed down from generation to generation. Above the Chorro del Macho waterfall there is a canopy track, 4 sections. On the way to Valle de Anton there is a park of metal sculptures and an antique shop “Industrial Park”. And in the Quesos Chela homemade cheese shop, famous throughout the province, you can taste excellent Panamanian fresh cheese.

Lunch not included.


Brief description: Altos de Campana Nature Reserve. Penonome, Costa Tobacco Factory, La Angostura Canyon, El Cano Archaeological Reserve, Nata de los Caballeros.

Detailed description:

The province of Cocle is located in the center of Panama on the southern Pacific coast, the richest province in Panama with attractions. According to one version, the name of the province reflects the name of one of the Indian peoples who inhabited Panama “Kokole” (Kokle). Ruins and burials of the pre-Columbian era 450-9 were found on the territory of the province00 AD in the town of Sitio Conte. Among the archaeological finds are jewelry made of gold and precious metals, pottery, carefully crafted and painted, ornamented bone, precious stones, fabrics, ornamental stones.

In the Archaeological Park “El Cano” – primary and secondary burials of 800 AD, the foundations of stone zoomorphic sculptures-idols, which once stood along the roads of the ceremonial field of the Indian tribes who lived here, are presented. The city of Penonome is the capital of the province, founded in 1581, here is the Geographical Center of Panama, and the most interesting local history museum “Museum of the San Antonio District”. The museum displays original monochrome pottery from the pre-Colombian era (2800 BC) and polychrome pottery (500-300 BC), samples of Catholic religious art of the 16th-19th centuries and several idols from El Cano that managed to be preserved in Panama. Other attractions in Penonome: The central square of the town and the church of St. John the Baptist, the park “December 8”, the area “San Antonio”, shops where the traditional Panamanian hat “Sombrero Pintao” is made.

Nata de los Caballeros is one of the oldest cities in Panama, founded in 1522 on the site of an Indian settlement under the leadership of Anat. Immediately after the founding of the city, the Spaniards began the construction of the Church of St. James, which has survived to this day and is now the oldest Spanish church in the so-called New World.

Lunch not included.

Long-distance moving, more than 350 km there and back. The tour takes approximately 12 hours.


Brief description: Not far from Panama City, in the village of Gamboa, on the shores of Lake Gatun, there is a tourist complex “Gamboa Rainforest Resort”. Gamboa offers many tours to explore the flora and fauna of the Panama rainforest and the Panama Canal.

Detailed description:

Drive 40 minutes from Panama City. Departure at 7.40 am. We will start our boat tour on the Chagres River and then on the Panama Canal to the Monkey Islands. Let’s see the wild animals that live in this area: crocodiles basking in the sun, turtles, various birds, sloths, monkeys (capuchins, howler monkeys, spider monkeys), iguanas. It will take 1.5 hours in time.

After this tour, return to the hotel lobby, then take the funicular up to the observation deck, from where beautiful views of the Canal open, then on the way back we visit a small aquarium, a serpentarium, an exposition of butterflies and an orchid garden. Everything will take 2.5 hours.

After the excursions, you can have lunch at the Lagartos (seafood) restaurant on the banks of the Chagres River.

Lunch not included.


Brief description: Excursion on Lake Gatun is a small but unforgettable and very interesting adventure in the tropics!!!

Detailed description:

Breakfast at the hotel. At 08.30 departure from the hotel to Soberania National Park, where the village of Gamboa is located.

First, they sail on a boat along the Chagres River, then they go to the Panama Canal, where ocean-going ships pass nearby, they are taken to the islands where you can see wild animals in nature.

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