Playas en culebra puerto rico: Playa Flamenco, Culebra, Puerto Rico

Mi hermoso Puerto Rico: Playas de Culebra y Vieques

La hermosa isla de Puerto Rico se encuentra en una ubicación increíble y única en el área del Caribe. El Océano Atlántico bordea su costa norte, y el Mar Caribe bordea su costa sur. Tiene un clima cálido, sin nieve y unas vistas impresionantes.

Aunque Puerto Rico se considera una isla, en realidad es un archipiélago (un grupo de islas cercanas). Incluye 143 pequeñas islas, islotes y cayos. Las islas de Mona y Monito están en el oeste, y las islas de Vieques, Culebra, Culebrita y Palomino están en el este.

Las islas de Culebra y Vieques son más grandes que las otras islas. Ambas son pueblos, con gobierno municipal. Culebra tiene una población de aproximadamente 1,800 y Vieques tiene aproximadamente 9,300 residentes, según los datos del Censo 2010. Todas las demás islas más pequeñas no tienen población. Culebra es más pequeña que Vieques, y se encuentra al norte de Vieques.

Tengo que confesar que nunca he estado en Culebra o Vieques. Sí, tengo la intención de visitar pronto. A medida que sigo aprendiendo sobre estas dos hermosas islas y sus playas, más me interesa.

Bien, entonces, ¿cómo llegamos allí? Bueno, hay dos ferries que salen todos los días a ambas islas, uno es un ferry para pasajeros solamente y otro es un ferry de carga. El ferry de carga es para automóviles, pero principalmente para residentes, porque las compañías de alquiler en Puerto Rico imponen restricciones para asegurar los automóviles que se transportan fuera de la isla grande de Puerto Rico.

Para tomar el ferry, hay un puerto en el pueblo de Ceiba. Los ferries solían prestar servicios desde Fajardo, pero las operaciones se trasladaron a Ceiba en 2018. Viajan aproximadamente 4 veces al día a ambas islas. También hay vuelos chárter o alquilados que van a ambas islas, ya que ambas tienen aeropuertos.

Estas dos islas tienen algunas de las playas más bellas del Caribe, pero también del mundo. He elegido diez playas, cinco de cada isla, para este artículo. Esta no ha sido una tarea fácil. ¡Todas sus playas son hermosas!

Mapa de Culebra, courtesía de Google Earth Maps

Culebra está a unas 22 millas al este de Fajardo. Es mejor conocida como “la Isla Chiquita”. Hay alrededor de 1,800 residentes que viven en esta isla, según datos del Censo de 2010. Hay alrededor de 111 playas con nombre en su costa. La costa está bordeada por el océano Atlántico. La isla tiene un pequeño aeropuerto y un puerto para el transporte en ferry por mar todos los días. Para consultar sobre los requisitos y permisos para acampar, comuníquese con la Autoridad de Conservación y Desarrollo de Culebra.

Para más información, visite, información provista por la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades. Consulte también este excelente artículo sobre las playas de Culebra de The Travel Channel aquí (en inglés)

Playa Flamenco, Culebra, Puerto Rico

Playa Flamenco es la más bella de todas en Culebra, y posiblemente de todo Puerto Rico. Está en el lado noroeste de la isla. Ha sido seleccionada varias veces como una de las 10 mejores playas del mundo. Su arena es de un color blanco claro y su agua es cristalina. Es tan clara que se puede ver una variedad de tonos azul-verdes durante todo el día. Hay baños y duchas disponibles. Se permite acampar en esta playa (se requiere permiso).

Playa Tamarindo Grande, Culebra, Puerto Rico

La playa Tamarindo Grande se encuentra en el lado suroeste, muy cerca de Flamenco. Se toma unos 20 minutos caminando de una playa a la otra. Están separadas por la Península de Flamenco, donde se encuentra la Reserva Nacional de Culebra. Hay un refugio de vida silvestre en el área de la reserva, protegido por el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. Esta playa tiene algunas áreas en la arena de color blanco claro y algunas de color amarillo dorado. Hay muchas piedras en toda la playa, debido a la abundancia de arrecifes de coral en esta área. El agua es cristalina. La bahía de Luis Peña es visible desde esta playa.

Playa Datiles, Culebra, Puerto Rico

La playa Datiles es una joya escondida. Está en el lado suroeste de la isla. No es una playa popular, pero es hermosa para visitar. Tiene una orilla poco profunda, el agua se mantiene mayormente tranquila casi sin olas, por lo que es perfecta para que los niños se bañen. La arena es muy clara, casi de color blanco, y el agua es cristalina. También es perfecta para acampar, pero no hay baños aquí.

Playa Zoni (Soni), Culebra, Puerto Rico

La playa Zoni (también conocida como Soni) se encuentra en el lado noreste de Culebra. Desde Zoni, las islas de St. Thomas y Tortola son visibles en la distancia. Tiene muchas palmeras altas para disfrutar de la sombra. No hay baños en esta playa. Puede haber áreas restringidas durante la temporada de anidación de tortugas. Las olas aquí son más activas que en otras playas, por lo que nadar no es muy seguro. No hay salvavidas (socorristas) alrededor, así que siempre proceda con precaución.

Playa Tortuga, Culebra, Puerto Rico

Playa Tortuga se encuentra en el lado noroeste de Culebrita, el cayo más grande de Culebra. Se llama tortuga debido a las muchas tortugas que se ven en esta playa, desde la tortuga espalda de cuero hasta la tortuga carey, que vienen aquí para anidar o alimentarse. La playa es hermosa, como todas las playas de Culebra, la arena es de color blanco claro y el agua es cristalina. No hay baños en este cayo. Hay un faro que permanece cerrado por reparaciones. Hay muchas rutas de excursiones abiertas al público, pero no hay salvavidas (socorristas) ni personal de seguridad aquí.

Mapa de Vieques, courtesía de Google Earth Maps

Vieques está a unas 8 millas de Ceiba. Es mejor conocida como “la Isla Nena”. Hay alrededor de 9,300 residentes que viven en esta isla, según datos del Censo 2010. Hay alrededor de 172 playas con nombre en su costa. La costa está bordeada por el mar Caribe. También hay una bahía bioluminiscente en Vieques, Bahía Mosquito, sobre la que escribiré en otra publicación. La isla también tiene un pequeño aeropuerto y un puerto para el transporte en ferry por mar todos los días.

La Marina de los EE. UU. tenía instalaciones y áreas de práctica de bombardeo en más de dos tercios de la tierra en la isla hasta 2003. Esa tierra ahora es el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre de Vieques, administrado por el Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los EE. UU. Todas las playas en esa área aún conservan los nombres dados por la Marina, incluídas playa Roja (Red Beach), playa Azul (Blue Beach) y playa Verde (Green Beach).

Para más información, visite, información provista por la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades. Consulte también este excelente artículo sobre las playas en Vieques, escrito por el blogger Jeremy de Pittsburgh, PA, (en inglés) html.

Playa Sun Bay, Vieques, Puerto Rico

La playa Sun Bay es un balneario administrado por el Programa de Parques Nacionales de Puerto Rico. Está ubicado en la costa sur. Esta es una playa con baños, duchas, mesas de picnic, buen espacio de estacionamiento y salvavidas (socorristas) en el personal. Solamente se permite acampar en esta playa (se requiere permiso). Hay muchas palmeras altas por todas partes. Esta playa tiene una hermosa arena blanca clara y aguas cristalinas. La playa tiene un área con sogas (cuerdas), para que sea más segura para los visitantes que desean disfrutar del agua.

Playa Esperanza, Vieques, Puerto Rico

La playa Esperanza se encuentra en la costa sur, al oeste de Sun Bay. Esta playa es favorito de los residentes locales, ya que a los niños les encanta saltar del muelle cercano al agua. La arena, como en Sun Bay, es de color blanco claro y el agua también es cristalina.

Playa Sea Glass (Cofi), Vieques, Puerto Rico

La playa Sea Glass (también conocida como playa Cofi) se encuentra en la costa norte, en el área de la Bahía de Mulas. Tiene algunas rocas grandes alrededor en la arena. También tiene muchas hermosas piedras de vidrio, mezcladas con piedras de roca, a lo largo de la orilla de la playa. La arena, mezclada con las piedras, es de color amarillo dorado. El agua, como las otras playas de Vieques, es cristalina.

Playa Media Luna, Vieques, Puerto Rico

La playa Media Luna se encuentra en la costa sur, al este de Sun Bay. Se llama media luna debido a la forma de la bahía donde se encuentra. Esta playa es otra favorita entre los residentes locales, y es otra hermosa playa. Como las demás, tiene una hermosa arena blanca clara y agua cristalina. La orilla poco profunda permite a los bañistas disfrutar de un agradable día en el agua.

Playa Negra (Black Sand), Vieques, Puerto Rico

La playa Negra (Black Sand) se encuentra en la costa suroeste, al oeste de Esperanza. Lo particular de esta playa es que la arena es de un color negro oscuro mezclado con amarillo dorado. Esto se debe a que el cercano Monte Pirata tiene material volcánico que se llega al mar cuando llueve. La arena luego toma el color oscuro, mezclado con arena amarilla dorada. Para llegar a esta playa, hay una pequeña caminata. El agua es cristalina, pero no es segura para los nadadores ya que las corrientes de marea del Mar Caribe son fuertes aquí.

Atardecer en playa Sea Glass, Vieques, Puerto Rico

Como mencioné anteriormente, ha sido una tarea difícil elegir sólo diez playas, cinco de cada isla. Si tienes la oportunidad de visitar estas hermosas playas, ¡aprovéchala! Yo he perdido muchas oportunidades, ya que vivo en Florida y la mayoría de mis viajes a Puerto Rico son para visitar a familiares. Las playas son lugares increíbles para poder admirar la naturaleza, incluso si no les gusta meterse en el agua o no le gustan las multitudes en la playa. Todavía hay muchos lugares escondidos que, te prometo, te sorprenderán. Estoy soñando con visitar pronto. Es hora de mi tacita de café. ¡Salud!

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Las Mejores Playas De Culebra –

¿Qué es Culebra conocido por

Flamenco Beach es, con mucho, la playa más popular de Culebra? Recientemente fue nombrado una de las mejores playas de América y Best Escape Beach por The Travel Channel. Una magnífica milla más o menos de arena pura-coral blanca enmarcada por las colinas áridas de Culebra, está protegida como una reserva de vida silvestre marina.

¿Puedes nadar en Culebra

¿Es seguro nadar en las playas de Culebra? La mayoría de las playas de Culebra cuentan con aguas tranquilas y poco profundas ideales para nadar o bucear. Playa resaca y Playa Brava tienen olas fuertes y no son para nadar. Los visitantes siempre deben revisar el clima local antes de nadar en las playas de Culebra.

Cuántas playas hay en Culebra

Culebra está rodeada por más de 20 cayos llenos de vida marina, lo que lo convierte en un refugio absoluto para aventureros submarinos y beathingers casuales.

Que isla es mejor Vieques o Culebra

Realmente no hay un ganador destacado para la batalla Vieques vs Culebra. Ambas islas más pequeñas son perfectas para un día de playa y relajarse. En general, Culebra hace un mejor viaje de un día: su tamaño (y recorridos grupales opcionales) hace que sea más fácil experimentar en poco tiempo.

¿Hay tiburones en Culebra

¿Hay tiburones en Culebra? Sí, hay tiburones en Culebra. El océano está conectado y los tiburones van donde la comida está con poca consideración por las fronteras internacionales. Dicho esto, es poco probable que encuentres uno mientras snorkel o sales en los arrecifes.

¿Puedes bucear desde la costa en Culebra

Si quieres bucear, entonces la isla de Culebra está llamando tu nombre. Apenas desarrollada, esta pequeña isla tiene kilómetros de costa y muchas formaciones saludables de vida marina y coral. Lo que lo convierte en lo que podría decirse que es uno de los mejores snorkel disponibles en Puerto Rico.

Son las playas de Culebra abiertas

1/2022- La playa de arena siempre está «abierta», pero el área de estacionamiento, los quioscos, los servicios y las áreas de campamento están cerradas. Debe encontrar una manera además de la entrada principal. No puede estacionar a lo largo de la carretera, debe estacionar cerca del área de Muellecito y ingresar en las aperturas. Actualmente se renuncian las tarifas de entrada.

Cuántas playas hay en la isla Culebra

Culebra tiene un total de 111 playas entre la isla principal, las islas circundantes y los Cayos.

Que tiene mejores playas Culebra o Vieques

Hay dos pequeñas islas en la costa este de Puerto Rico, cada una con grandes afirmaciones de fama: Vieques, la isla más grande Además de Puerto Rico, es el hogar de la bahía bioluminiscente más brillante del mundo. Otro gran viaje lateral, Culebra gana constantemente premios por tener una de las 10 mejores playas del mundo.

¿Cuántas playas tienen Puerto Rico

Hay más de 270 millas de costa en Puerto Rico. ¡Eso se traduce en casi 300 playas para elegir! Los senderos arenosos conducen a impresionantes piscinas naturales de aguas cristalinas que lo dejarán asombrado, independientemente de lo que decida hacer durante su visita.

¿Por qué la isla Culebra es famosa

Culebra es un destino de fin de semana popular debido a sus muchas playas vírgenes y hermosas? Los buceadores deambulan por sus reinos de coral, asintiendo con la cabeza de un día bueno a una asombrosa variedad de criaturas marinas. Los arrecifes de coral en esta área se consideran algunos de los más espectaculares de toda la región del Caribe.

¿Qué es Culebra Puerto Rico conocido por

Aclamado por sus playas de arena blanca y arrecifes activos, Culebra es una de las islas principales del archipiélago de Puerto Rico? Ya sea que esté buscando sumergirse en la naturaleza, el salto de la playa o simplemente relajarse, Culebra le dará la paz y la tranquilidad que busca, en un lugar realmente prístino.

¿Hay serpientes en la isla de Culebra

El nombre Culebra, que significa «serpiente», finalmente se aplicó a toda la isla (aunque no hay serpientes y su forma osos sin semejanza con una serpiente).

¿Por qué la isla Culebra se llama Culebra

El primer asentamiento fue nombrado en honor de San Ildefonso de la Culebra, obispo de Toledo? Estaba ubicado en el área ocupada ahora por el Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Pescos y Vida Silvestre.

¿Cuál es la isla más hermosa de Puerto Rico

La impresionante isla de Vieques, a solo seis millas de la costa, es el hogar de un refugio de vida silvestre prístino y el mundo del mundo? Bahía bioluminiscente más brillante. Barcos que recubren una cala en la isla de Culebra. Con sus playas de arena blanca y sus arrecifes activos, Culebra es uno de los destinos más idílicos del archipiélago de Puerto Rico.

Es Culebra o Vieques mejor para snorkel

Culebra tiene menos lluvia y, por lo tanto, menos huyendo, por lo que, en su mayor parte, tienen un mejor snorkel y buceo desde la costa . Es importante saber que Vieques tiene más variedad. Varios muelles, incluido Mosquito Pier, que es bastante sorprendente. tiene un crecimiento de coral muy saludable.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura el ferry de Vieques a Culebra

? Debería tomar unos 30 minutos. Los transbordadores de carga/pasajero de carga tomarán más de 45 minutos a las compases y aproximadamente 1,5 horas para Culebra.

¿Hay un ferry entre Culebra y Vieques

¿Hay un ferry directo entre Vieques (estado) y Culebra? No, no hay ferry directo de Vieques (estado) a Culebra. Sin embargo, hay servicios que salen de Vieques y llegan a Culebra a través de CEIBA. El viaje, incluidas las transferencias, toma aproximadamente 3h 30 m.

Hay tiburones en aguas puertorriqueñas

Puerto Rico se encuentra entre el mar Caribe y el Océano Atlántico. Tiene algunas de las playas más virgen del mundo. Con más de 300 millas de costa, hay, por supuesto, muchos tiburones que viven en las aguas de la costa de Puerto Rico.

¿Hay ataques de tiburones en Puerto Rico

Los ataques de tiburones en aguas frente a Puerto Rico son raros, con el incidente más reciente reportado en 2011. Se produce después del número Los ataques de tiburones explotan en todo el mundo a medida que los nadadores continúan ignorando las señales de advertencia de baño de sangre, al ver a casi 800 personas mutiladas en solo nueve años.

¿Tienes que preocuparte por los tiburones en Puerto Rico?

Sí, pero no hay razón para tener miedo. Solo necesita tomar las precauciones habituales. El último ataque de tiburón registrado en Puerto Rico se registró en 1924. Las aguas alrededor de la isla son superficiales y claras.

Video:Las Mejores Playas De Culebra

Culebra Beaches View Culebra Beaches (10)

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15 places (sorting among the popularity of travelers)

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1. Playa Flamenco


Open now

2. Playa Tamarindo


9000 9000

  • 9000 3,0005,0005,0005,0005,0005,0005000 3,000,0005,0005000 3,000,0005000 3,000,0005000 3,000,0005,0005000 3,000,0005,000,0005,0005000 3,000,0005000 3,000,0005,0005000 3,000,0005,000,0004,0005000 3,000,0004,0005000.

    4. Melones Beach


    Open now



      Open now

      9. Playa Sardinas


        9,0005 9000

        000 10,0004000 10. PLAYA RESAC

        Open now

        11. Playa Datiles

        12. Tortuga Beach


      • Playa Zoni
      • Playa Carlos Rosario
      • Playa Punta Soldado Beach

      • Playa Flamenco
      • Playa Zoni
      • Playa Tamarindo


      The best places for couples looking for beaches in Kulebra:

      • Flmenco beach (Playa Flameenco)
      • Playa Zoni
      • Playa Tamarindo
      • Brava Beach
      • 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000) for couples in Culebra on Tripadvisor


    beaches: Show more places for groups in the city of Kulebra on Tripadvisor

    beaches: Best inexpensive options in Kulebra:

    • Flamenco
    • 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

    • Playa Carlos Rosario
    • Brava Beach

    See more budget-friendly beaches in Culebra on Tripadvisor0008

    See more hidden gems in Culebra on Tripadvisor Rating of the best and most unique beaches in the world Cathedral Beach, Ribadeo, Spain

    Photo: Cory Yap

    This beach is one of the most secluded and pristine on earth. This is because it is absolutely impossible to reach it by land, and it takes quite a long time to sail on a boat. The beach is divided into two parts by a natural rock arch, the height of which is 27 meters.

    Anse Source d’Argent Beach – La Digue, Seychelles

    In the ranking of the most picturesque beaches, this deservedly takes one of the first places. There is the most delicate white sand, colorful stone boulders, green palm trees and such a blue sea that it seems as if you are looking at a picture edited in Photoshop. Add to this the complete absence of waves, always warm water, excellent climate and you will understand that this is just a branch of heaven on earth.

    Road of Giants – Ireland


    “Many thousands of years ago, when dragons flew in the sky and giants lived on the earth…” – these are the words that come to mind first of all when visiting the northeast coast of Ireland. This wonder of nature is about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns, which were formed as a result of complex geological processes caused by a volcanic eruption. The harsh nature adds a gloomy energy to this majestic place.

    Benagil Sea Cave Beach – Algarve, Portugal

    Photo: pinterest

    The Algarve is one of the most beautiful parts of Europe. The beaches of this region stretch for 200 kilometers and are replete with sheer cliffs, small bays and caves. One of these caves contains a gorgeous beach inside, which can only be accessed from the sea. Sunbathing here is unlikely to succeed, but this inconvenience is more than offset by wonderful views.

    Star Beach (Hoshizuna-no-hama) – Iriomote, Japan

    Photo: flickr

    Visitors to this coast do not really look at the surrounding landscapes, but intently study the sand under their feet. It is thanks to him that this beach received the name of the star. The fact is that each grain of sand is an intricate and unique geometric figure. Many really look like miniature stars. In fact, these are the remains of the skeletons of foraminifers – microscopic marine organisms that have washed ashore for many years.

    Beach of the Cathedrals – Ribadeo, Spain

    Photo: Andrei S.

    The Beach of the Cathedrals is one of the most amazing natural attractions in Spain. It got its name because of the stunning rock formations, which include a whole bunch of grottoes, caves and cliffs, reminiscent of the outlines of Catholic cathedrals. Some of these wonderful sites are only accessible for a short time at low tide, so tourists should not hesitate to explore them.

    Whitehaven Beach (White Paradise) – Holy Trinity Island, Australia

    Photo: bing

    This beach got its name and fame thanks to its white sand. Whitehaven stretches for six kilometers and boasts crystal clear waters and untouched nature. This became possible because Whitehaven is part of the national park and is protected by the state. But this circumstance also has a downside – there are absolutely no hotels and tourist infrastructure here, and visitors are brought here only for one day from a neighboring island.

    Reynisfjara Beach – Vik, Iceland


    The black beach of Reynisfjara is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. But this beauty has a somewhat special, one might say, “Gothic” flavor. Imagine completely black sand, majestic basalt columns, cliffs rising alone in the sea, gusty winds, waves, cold spray. Yes, this is the complete opposite of the popular tropical beaches, but many find their charm in this.

    Hidden Beach – Marieta Island, Mexico

    This beach has no analogues in the world. It is located right inside the rocks of one of the islands of the Marieta archipelago and resembles a large natural pool. To reach this heavenly place, visitors have to swim through a short tunnel leading to an amazing beach. The island itself has been declared a national park to protect its unique nature from destruction. But tourists can go snorkeling and kayaking here.

    Bioluminescent Beach – Vaadhoo, Maldives

    Photo: pinterest

    The tropical beach at Vaadhoo in the Maldives is as gorgeous in the sunshine as any beach in the area. But at night, its waters turn into an arena for a real light show that you will definitely never forget. The waves, glowing with blue light, seem to reflect the stars in the sky over the Maldives and blur the line between the depths of the ocean and the abyss of space. This happens due to special unicellular microorganisms and lasts from July to February.

    In the holiday season, most people, instead of completely relaxing, on the contrary, begin to get nervous. Not a day goes by without someone asking where you plan to spend your next vacation. In the summer, we have the opportunity to choose from a variety of resorts and it is very difficult to focus on one thing. We bring to your attention a kind of rating of the best beaches in the world.

    The quietest is Tioman (Malaysia)

    The fantastic beauty of Tioman Island is covered with a haze of secrets, which adds to its mystical charm. There are practically no signs of civilization intervention. This island in the Indian Ocean has preserved nature in its pristine beauty.

    Tourists from all over the world come here to make a sacred marriage on the best beaches, appreciate the indescribable landscapes, communicate alone with the unusually beautiful nature and swim in the purest water of coral bays.

    The water here is so clear that visibility reaches 40 meters. And the average annual water temperature is +29°С.
    For lovers of diving and snorkeling on Tioman, the season is open at any time of the year.

    The “wildest” – Vatulele (Fiji)

    In Fiji, there is the island of Vatulele, lost in abundance of tropical thickets and azure transparent lagoons. This is one of the few heavenly places on Earth where civilization has not yet reached.

    Blue lagoon and coral shores, crystal clear rivers and hills covered with forests, bewitching nature… It is not for nothing that thousands of vacationers from many countries, both lovers and couples, prefer this place for relaxation.

    The first thing that attracts attention on Vatulele is the rocky cliffs and the rich color of the sea water. Vacationers on Vatulele will be able to make a memorable trip to real aboriginal villages and learn the mysteries of ancient rites and rituals of hospitable islanders. For example, you can look at the ritual dance of the natives on the coals.

    Huge red shrimps live here, which you can try in local restaurants. Chefs prepare them according to an ancient secret recipe and serve them in coconut milk.

    The best city beach – Copacabana (Brazil)

    The most famous Copacabana beach on the planet is located in Rio de Janeiro. This place is filled with endless Brazilian carnivals, festive euphoria and a feeling of complete carelessness. Copacabana beach stretches like a snow-white ribbon for many kilometers along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. By the way, the locals call it the “Princess of the Sea.”

    Copacabana is located 5 km from the center of Rio. To get to the water, vacationers will need to cross a football field and several volleyball courts. Copacabana is a wonderful resort destination, with many shops and cafes, luxury hotels, penthouses, casinos and hundreds of all kinds of entertainment.

    The best time to visit Copacabana is from early November to April.

    This is interesting: Every December about 3 million people come here to celebrate the most memorable New Year in their lives. And in February, there are even more tourists on Copacabana. They are attracted by the famous Brazilian carnival. One gets the impression that the whole of Rio is dancing here.

    The most beautiful – Pink Sands Beach (Bahamas)

    One of the longest and most luxurious beaches in the world is located in the Bahamas and has a rather interesting name.

    The golden sandy spit stretched for a couple of kilometers. And the azure lagoon is surrounded by coral reefs that attract all true diving enthusiasts. The bewitching beauty of the underwater world of the Bahamas is truly amazing.

    In addition to all this, the infrastructure is excellently developed here. On the beach you will find many cafes and restaurants, shops and entertainment for every taste.

    The best for diving is Flic En Flac (Maldives)

    Beach holidays are probably the favorite pastime of most of the inhabitants of our planet. Tired of rainy autumn days and severe winter, tourists from all over the world go to warm lands to bask in the sun and soak up the warm sand. In addition to a beach holiday, people go to the Maldives for various reasons: some are attracted by wild and fun nightlife, others want to step back from the outside world and relax in complete tranquility. Someone is interested in respectability and prestige, and someone wants to know the beauty of the underwater world. We recommend doing this activity at Flic En Flac Beach in the Maldives.

    This place is suitable for a completely versatile holiday. No one will leave without positive emotions, and everyone who has already visited Flic-En-Flac at least once will definitely want to come back here more than once.

    Most photographed – Anse Source de Argens (Seychelles)

    The natural beauty of this secluded beach in the Seychelles attracts professional and amateur photographers from all over the world. The beach of Anse Source de Argens consists of a pair of coves separated by large, intricately shaped granite boulders. Tropical palm trees grow very close, and under them, if you look closely, you can see large palm crabs.

    The calm waters of the lagoon are ideal for families and snorkelers.

    The ideal season to visit this Seychelles beach starts in May and lasts until mid-November.

    The most expensive – Matira Beach (Bora Bora)

    Bora Bora is not only the most beautiful, but also the most expensive beaches in the entire Pacific Ocean. The blue lagoon around the Matira beach is full of coral reefs, which become an obstacle to waves and currents, so the water in the bay is calm and very warm at any time.

    Matira Beach traditionally occupies a leading position in the rankings of the best beaches in the world. This is an unusual place where visitors will be offered a truly heavenly vacation. It will not necessarily be elite: tourists with a limited budget may be offered to check into small bungalows. However, the cost of even a “budget” holiday on Matira Beach is off the charts.

    Vacation in Bora Bora (Video)

    The most fashionable – Las Salinas (Ibiza, Spain)

    The most fashionable beach in the world is traditionally recognized as Las Salinas, located in the epicenter of the club capital of the world – in Spanish Ibiza. Already in May, “golden youth” from all European countries come here. Regularly selected to Ibiza and celebrities. The season is open until mid-October.

    Interesting: Ibiza hosts unforgettable parties in the best clubs on the planet. By the way, the local club is a monolithic building stuffed with the most modern equipment with a capacity of at least 5 thousand people. The most sought-after DJs of our time delight with their performances in Ibiza, and representatives of artistic bohemia, celebrities, millionaires and models come off on the dance floors.

    Ibiza is considered not only the most fashionable, but also one of the most expensive resorts in the world.
    To have a full rest here, you need to take more money. You can hardly live on $100 a day. Suffice it to say that the cost of cocktails in clubs is about 20 euros.

    The cleanest – Varadero (Cuba)

    For several years in a row, the Cuban beaches of the resort of Varadero are recognized as the cleanest in the world.

    Here you can see the largest coral reef in the Caribbean and explore the life of underwater inhabitants. Tourists come to rest in Varadero because there is a very gentle sea and clean beaches. The main contingent of vacationers on Varadero are people who prefer a calm and measured rest to stormy night parties.

    You can drive to the beaches of Varadero from Havana (the capital of Liberty Island) in about an hour and a half.

    The longest – Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh)

    Contrary to the popular belief that the longest beaches on the planet are located on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, the record holder is the Bangladeshi beach Cox “s Bazar, located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. This fact is officially confirmed by the Book of Records Guinness.

    Cox’s Bazar stretches for 125 kilometers along the entire coast from the city of Chittagong right up to the border with Myanmar.

    The main local attraction is watching the sunset. Every evening, thousands of vacationers line up along the coast and watch in fascination how the bright solar disk first slowly sinks into the sea, and soon disappears completely behind the horizon, as if dissolving in azure water.

    Bonus. The best beaches 18+

    It would be wrong not to mention two more beaches that are interesting, first of all, for an adult audience. Rest on them with children, few dare to go.

    The most popular among nudists is Koversada (Croatia)

    Koversada beach is located in Croatia. It is rightfully considered the center of world nudism: for several years now it has been ranked 1st in the world in terms of the number of nudist beaches and resorts located on it.

    Koversada occupies the coast of the Istrian peninsula, at the mouth of the Limfjord. Its area is about 120 hectares. The beach is separated from the residential area by pines, broom, and olive trees.

    Interesting: In all public places in this resort (including restaurants) it is officially allowed to appear naked.

    The best topless beach in the world – South Beach (Miami)

    According to Forbes magazine, Miami’s famous South Beach is the best topless beach on the planet. He even has a motto: “See for yourself and show yourself.”

    Not only ordinary tourists, but also the most popular Hollywood celebrities are exposed on South Beach.

    The main criterion for assessing the elitism of the beach was its location, as well as climatic conditions and the permissibility of swimming in a semi-nude form.

    There are many selections of “The Best Beaches in the World”. The ranking ranks places based on criteria such as visual appeal, outdoor activities, beaches with the best party and nightlife, the most secluded beaches, etc.

    TOP 10 best beaches in the world – photo

    This ten will be about places that have no analogues
    . And since all the beaches that will be discussed are one and only, it makes no sense to assign any places to them, this is just a list.

    Let’s start with the beaches that are categorized as “must-see”
    tourists around the world.


    The beach is located in the Riviera Maya (Mexico). A striking feature of Tulum is its proximity to one of the most beautiful ruins in Mexico
    left over from the Maya civilization.

    Ruins of Tulum is an ancient fortress perched on a rocky cliff that offers breathtaking views of one of the best beaches in the world.

    Tulum – pretty popular
    is a tourist destination, so it may not feel like a secluded spot, but it makes up for it with its wide stretch of white sand and mesmerizing turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.


    Location – Zakynthos Island, Greece. Navajo – isolated and strikingly beautiful sandy bay
    , which can only be reached by boat. Tourists from all over the world are attracted:

    • Sheer limestone cliffs
    • White sand
    • Pure blue water

    The peculiar highlight of the beach is the remains of the smuggling ship “Panagiotis”
    , sunk by criminals after a long pursuit by the Greek Coastal Police. By the way, “Navaio” is translated from Greek as “shipwreck”. A stunning view of the bay opens if you stand on the high side of the cliff.

    Grace Bay

    The Turks and Caicos Islands are over 40 small islands and sandbanks. Providenciales
    is the main tourist center of this archipelago. It is here that Grace Bay is located, a strip of paradise with a length of 19 km.

    Clear waters and a coral reef system that fringes the coast is the perfect combination for snorkelling and diving. Sole fly in the ointment
    is an ever-increasing number of hotels that makes it difficult to feel in privacy.


    Lake Jokulsarlon
    (Iceland). Imagine diamonds laid out on black velvet. This beach looks something like this because of its black volcanic sand and blocks of ice floes lying on it. Standing on the shores of this large glacial lake, you feel like a pioneer on a newly discovered alien planet.

    This place is especially beautiful if you are here at dawn or at sunset because the rays of the low sun fall into small icebergs, filling them unearthly glow
    . There is hardly a person who will be indifferent to the minimalist beauty of this place.

    Watch videos
    about these and other most beautiful beaches in the world:

    Need inspiration to plan your next beach holiday? In this case, TripAdvisor has some recommendations for you to help you make the right choice. Travel portal experts have named the best coasts in the world in 2018. Find out which beaches they recognized as the most attractive!

    1. Grace Bay (Providenciales, Turks and Caicos)

    Grace Bay has been a tourist favorite year after year, and with good reason. The beach is famous for its incredibly soft white sands and bright blue waters.

    2. Baia do Sancho (Fernando de Noronha, Brazil)

    The lush Brazilian jungle comes close to Baia do Sancho, creating a spectacular contrasting landscape.

    3. Varadero (Cuba)

    Charming Cuban town has a truly luxurious coastline. Varadero will meet you with white sand, sprawling coconut palms and dark blue skies.

    4. Eagle Beach (Aruba)

    An extremely attractive destination for fans of tropical holidays. Eagle Beach has white sands and turquoise waters that will live up to your expectations of the perfect Caribbean beach.

    5. Seven Mile Beach (Cayman Islands)

    This is a hugely popular destination for cruise ships. Seven Mile Beach offers guests countless restaurants, bars, hotels and resorts, as well as plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities.

    6. La Concha (Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain)

    One TripAdvisor user described this beach as “virgin”. La Concha boasts a mountainous landscape, a picturesque winding coastline and luxurious villas overlooking the ocean.

    7. Clearwater (Florida, USA)

    In 2018, Clearwater (top photo) was voted the number one beach in the States. It is also the only beach in the US to be listed as one of the best in the world, and for good reason. The 4-kilometer Clearwater literally dazzles with its sugar-white sand and clear waters.

    8. Seven Mile Beach (Negril, Jamaica)

    This golden sandy beach was once owned by pirates. Now Seven Mile Beach is a paradise for fans of a leisurely tropical vacation and sunbathing.

    9. Bavaro (Dominican Republic)

    Bavaro is a vast white sandy beach with countless resorts and restaurants nearby. There is also an incredible amount of entertainment here, so even the most active tourists will not be able to get bored.

    10. Playa Norte (Isla Mujeres, Mexico)

    This is one of the most beautiful places in Mexico. Playa Norte is located on the picturesque island of Isla Mujeres, which can be reached fairly quickly by ferry from Cancun. The beach is ideal for snorkeling and sunbathing.

    There are thousands of beautiful beaches in the world and it is almost impossible to choose the best one, because each person has his own preferences. Someone likes quiet, secluded beaches, someone – luxurious with white sand and a blue lagoon, someone – wild with cliffs and rocks. And which one will you choose?

    #10. Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia

    Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island. It is located off the east coast of Australia, its dimensions are: length – about 120 km, width – from 7 to 23 km. The area is 1840 km2.

    The dunes of the island, reaching 240 m in height, were formed over 400 years ago and now the island is the largest sand island in the world and has its own unique ecosystem. Beautiful white sand beaches stretch for more than 100 km.

    In 1992, Fraser Island was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a unique natural monument.

    #9. Rendezvous Bay, Anguilla, Caribbean

    Anguilla is an island in the eastern Caribbean Sea, it is a self-governing territory of Great Britain. The size of this coral island is 26 km long and 5 km wide. The whole island is framed by beaches, there are about 30 of them.

    Rendezvous Bay is the best beach in Anguilla. Here is white and soft sand, blue crystal clear water, palm trees, the best hotels – a paradise place.

    #8. Matira Beach On Bora Bora Island, French Polynesia

    Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful and romantic islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island is located in a protected lagoon, its length is 29 km.

    The best place on the island is Matira Beach. A strip of white sand with palm trees and clear, clear water of the lagoon. Here you can go water skiing, snorkeling or kayaking. Hotels, restaurants and eateries are located within a five-minute walk from the beach.

    #7. Lopez Mendez, Ilha Grande, Brazil

    One of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches in the world. Three kilometers of white sand that crunches underfoot and turquoise clear water. There are no roads on the island, and the beach is surrounded by jungle. From Rio de Janeiro to the island – a few hours by boat. A true tropical paradise.

    #6. Anse Lazio beach, Praslin, Seychelles

    Cozy, sheltered bay and incredible turquoise water make Anse Lazio not only the best beach in the Seychelles, but also one of the best in the world.

    Snow-white sand, a cozy bay, azure clear water, trees leaning over the water, crabs running along the beach – all this is the unique beach of Anse Lazio.

    #5. Pink Sand Beach, Harbor, Bahamas

    An incredible pink sand beach in the Bahamas. The beach has such an unusual color due to small particles of pink corals and shells. These particles can be seen if you look at the sand closer.

    There are no large tourist complexes on the island, instead of them there are small private villas. Harbor Island is small – 5 km long and 1 km wide. There are no cars here. You can go here for lovers of a calm and quiet holiday.

    The sea is calm here, the coast is protected from strong waves by a coral reef. All these conditions make the beach ideal for diving and snorkelling.

    #4. Sun Island, Maldives

    Sun Island is one of the most beautiful and popular islands in the Maldives. White sand, blue water, bungalows on the beach – all this creates a unique atmosphere of paradise on Earth.

    The most popular and interesting entertainment here is snorkeling and diving. Swimming next to reef sharks, feeding stingrays, meeting moray eels (from afar) – all this is amazing and exciting, especially for inexperienced tourists.

    #3. Flamenco Beach, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico

    Flamenco Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Puerto Rico. White coral sand stretches for miles along the coastline of the island. The coral reef protects the beach from strong waves. Here you will find at least 4 shades of water.

    Some of the best campsites in Puerto Rico are located along the beach. Some tkrists spend several months of the year here.

    #2. Turtle Island, Fiji

    Turtle Island is a truly heavenly place on Earth. Clear blue waters, lush underwater scenery for diving enthusiasts, palm trees dangling over perfect sandy beaches. This island is a favorite vacation spot for celebrities.

    The island became known to the whole world after the filming of the film “The Blue Lagoon”. Scuba diving, scuba diving, hiking, kayaking, surfing, sailing – and this is not a complete list of activities on Turtle Island.

    #1. White Beach, Boracay, Philippines

    White Beach is the most famous and longest beach in Boracay. The length of the beach is 4 km.

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