Sopa de leche puerto rico: Rice and Milk Soup –

Receta de Sopa de Arroz con Leche

Uno de los platos tradicionales puertorriqueños para esos días de frío es sin duda esta sopa de arroz con leche, un plato gastronómicamente muy particular de nuestro terruño, pues no es un postre como en algunos lugares donde se come con azúcar, esta sopa deliciosa que nuestras abuelas mantenían siempre en sus cocinas para consentirnos, o si nos sentíamos mal del estómago. a los niños, algunas de las abuelas se lo preparaban y lo hacían un poco dulce para desayunar, así que sin duda a muchos les traerá gratos recuerdos si alguna vez lo han probado.


¿Cómo hacer Sopa de Arroz con Leche? 

Esta es una receta de la gastronomía boricua que despierta en nosotros nostalgia y buenos recuerdos, hecha con ingredientes tradicionales, esos que siempre usaban nuestras madres o abuelas.

  1. 🍽️ Categoría: Postres
  2.   Cocina: Puerto Rico
  3. 🔪 Preparación: 10 minutos
  4. 🍲 Cocción: 35 minutos
  5. 🔥 Calorías: 600 Kcal
  6. 👫 Raciones: 4 personas

Pasos para hacer Receta en Estados Unidos


Sigue al pie de la letra las cantidades para que tu receta quede como esa que hacían nuestras abuelas.

  • 1 taza de arroz grano corto
  • 7+1½ tazas de agua
  • 2 tazas de leche fresca (preferiblemente entera)
  • 2½ cucharadas de sal (o a gusto)


La preparación de esta receta lleva consigo la sencillez de nuestras abuelas así que en poco tiempo ya podrás disfrutar de ella. 

  • Paso 1:  Coloca a remojar el arroz en una taza y media de agua fría en el recipiente de tu preferencia durante unos 10 minutos.
  • Paso 2:  Luego cuela el arroz y en una olla o cacerola de tu preferencia con  al menos 1 litro de capacidad, vierte el arroz y el agua.
  • Paso 3:  Cocina a fuego medio y deja hervir hasta que el grano de arroz haya alcanzado al menos el doble de su tamaño y esté blando.
  • Paso 4:  Vierte la leche y sazona con sal al gusto, y a fuego medio bajo, deja hervir por unos 10 a 20 minutos más mientras mueves el arroz con una cuchara de madera.
  • Paso 5: retira del calor y sirve caliente.


Debes estar pendiente de la regulación del fuego para que el grano pueda crecer mientras hierve sin necesidad de agregar más agua, si notas se está consumiendo muy rápido el agua baja un poco el fuego. y una vez que agregues la leche no dejes que se consuma por completo sólo cocina hasta que espese un poco.

¿Sabías qué?

Existen diez mil variedades de granos de arroz  y es el segundo alimento más consumido en el mundo después del trigo y su cultivo requiere de distintas condiciones es sus diferentes fases desde que germina hasta convertirse en una planta 

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(1 Review)

A Delicious And Comforting Dessert – Elmeson-Santafe

Puerto Rican arroz con leche is a delicious and comforting dessert made with rice, milk, and cinnamon. It is typically served cold or at room temperature, and is a popular treat during the summer months. While there are many different ways to make this dish, the following recipe yields a creamy and flavorful arroz con leche that is sure to please.

What Is The Difference Between Rice Pudding And Arroz Con Leche?


Rice pudding is a dessert made with rice, milk, and sugar. It is typically served warm or cold. Arroz con leche is a Latin American dish made with rice, milk, and sugar. It is typically served warm.

As a result of traveling the world, Marisol Murano’s rice pudding recipe is based on the various cultures around the world. The secret may lie in the grain itself: not all rice grains behave in the same way under pressure. The following are some of the most common rice varieties, as well as a few of their most distinguishing characteristics. Japanese short-grain rice, known in English as japonica, is used in sushi. A bamboo rice with a jade hue and a grassy flavor reminiscent of green tea is infused with bamboo juice. If you want to indulge your inner panda, try basmati rice with white fish or scallops instead of steamed or boiled rice. The basmati rice is grown primarily in India’s north central region and Pakistan.

Jasmine rice is a fragrant rice grown in Thailand that has a nutty flavor and is originally from that country. This jasmine variety is best used as the creamiest arroz con lochino. The trick to this recipe is to boil the rice in water first, followed by sushi rice.

How Long Does Arroz Con Leche Last In The Fridge?


Freezing and storage: Arroz con leche can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5-6 days. It can also be stored in a freezer-safe container for up to three months. Keep in mind that reheating may cause the texture to change slightly.

This traditional Puerto Rican dessert consists of rice, coconut milk, and spices. The dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for about 5-6 days in an airtight container. You can also freeze it in a freezer-safe container for up to 3 months. Although anroz con loche is not the healthiest food, it is also not harmful. Some people claim that the dish is beneficial in some places. When the Muslims conquered the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, they brought this dessert with them.

The classic Spanish dessert arraiz con dulce can be kept in the fridge for up to five days. If you want the dish to be creamier, add a splash of milk to it. If the dessert is well-simmered, it should be eaten as soon as it is served; however, if you want to save it for later, do not leave it out overnight. If the dairy is left out at room temperature for more than two hours, it will spoil.

Can You Freeze Arroz Con Leche?

Can you freeze arroz con queso?
By placing arroz con leche in a container and freezing it for three months, you can keep it refrigerated.

What Does Arroz Con Leche Taste Like?

There’s no one answer to this question since there are so many different ways to make arroz con leche. In general, the rice is cooked in milk (sometimes with additional flavors like cinnamon or vanilla) until it’s very soft and the mixture is thick and creamy. It’s then sweetened to taste and served warm. Some people also like to add raisins or other dried fruit, nuts, or even chocolate chips. So, it really depends on how it’s made, but arroz con leche is typically a sweet, creamy, comforting dish.

When translated into English, the Spanish word arachne means “rice with milk.” The term “Mexican sweet rice” can refer to rice pudding drenched in sweetened condensed milk and cinnamon. A simple recipe can be made at home, in a pot, or even in a crock pot. It can be found in the baking section of most grocery stores. This recipe is so simple to make in the Instant Pot because it can be done in less than 30 minutes. This recipe can also be made in a crock pot or slow cooker. The arraz con leche is a simple dessert, but you can make it even more so by topping it with a few simple toppings.

Cooking rice in a pan can be topped with ground cinnamon or raisins. There will be no texture difference between frozen and thawed peas. Write a review of this recipe. Thank you for contacting me.

The traditional rice pudding is made with Costa Rican arroz con leche, Colombia’s grated coconut, or Spain’s arroz con leche de leche. Depending on where you are cooking it, you can use this recipe in a variety of ways. It is a straightforward recipe that is simple to make. In Costa Rica, a sprinkle of grated coconut is frequently served as a topping for the dish, whereas in Colombia, a sprinkle of whipped cream and a few drops of cinnamon are frequently added. The rice pudding is sure to be a crowd pleaser no matter where you buy it. This dish is a must-try, whether you live in the North of Spain and enjoy a traditional version with lemon and orange peel, or in South America and Brazil, where coconuts are more common.

Delicious Arroz Con Leche: An Easy, Unprocessed Dessert

Long-grain white rice, sugar, milk, and cinnamon sticks are used in the preparation of arraz con leche, a delicious Mexican dessert. The pudding is delicately creamy and sweet, making it ideal for a cold winter night out. Although arroz con leche lacks the health benefits of fast food, it is relatively cheap and tastes far better. As a result, if you’re looking for a simple and delicious dessert, arroz con leche is an excellent choice.

How To Make Arroz Con Dulce Puerto Rican Style

Arroz con dulce is a traditional Puerto Rican sweet rice pudding made with long grain rice, coconut milk, sugar, and raisins. To make it, start by cooking the rice in a pot with water according to the package directions. Once it’s cooked, stir in the coconut milk, sugar, and raisins. Let the pudding cook for a few more minutes until everything is combined and heated through. Serve warm or cold, topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon if desired.

A riaz con vaila is a popular Puerto Rican dessert. The flavor is enhanced by the addition of spices such as ginger, cloves, and cinnamon to make rice pudding unlike any other. Although the dish is popular during the holidays, it is available all year at panaderas (bakeries) across the island. Rice pudding and an egg con dulce are Puerto Rican recipes. This consistency is significantly thicker than what you’d find in a cake. Soaking rice will soften it and make it easier to cook, resulting in a much better texture. Cafe Amaito and a restaurant like Taj will benefit a charitable organization.

Arroz Con Dulce And Arroz Con Leche: Two Delicious Rice-based Desserts

This is a Puerto Rican traditional dish made with rice, coconut milk, and spices. It’s a creamy, spiced treat that I enjoy eating. Rico Rico’s arroz con leche is made with white rice, sweetened condensed milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla, making it the perfect sweet dessert for cold or warm weather.

Best Arroz Con Leche Recipe

There’s no one answer to this question since everyone has different preferences for their arroz con leche. However, we can recommend a few recipes that might suit your taste. For a traditional arroz con leche, this recipe from My Latin Table is a good option. If you’re looking for something a little different, try this recipe that adds condensed milk and cinnamon sticks for a richer flavor. And for a vegan version of this classic dish, this recipe from The Spruce Eats uses almond milk and coconut sugar.

Veronica Garcia of Houston had a recipe for arroz con leche that we adapted. Ms. Garcia has made a few changes to the original, which was given to her by her maternal grandmother. Rice is soaked and rinsed twice before being used, resulting in a lighter rice pudding than a traditional rice pudding.

Puerto Rican Rice Pudding Recipe

Puerto Rican rice pudding is a creamy and flavorful dessert that is perfect for any occasion. This dish is made with rice, milk, sugar, and spices, and is typically served with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

The texture of an arraz con Dulce (Spanish for’sweet rice’) is incredible, and it can be used to replace the rice pudding. This classic Puerto Rican dessert is made up of tender rice studded with dried fruit and then cooked in a spiced, creamy coconut milk mixture. This dish is both light and delightfully filling with coconut milk, which is more suitable for use than condensed milk. Puerto Rican rice pudding is an incredible dessert that is a great addition to any dessert menu. This traditional recipe is made with creamy rice, warm spices, coconut milk, raisins, coconut, and sweet brown sugar, all of which are traditionally combined. This rice pudding can be stored in the freezer for up to three months if you want to keep it fresh. Cover and cook in the microwave for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid sticking the pan. Place a bowl of cold, ground cinnamon on top of the dish.

About author
Daniel Vasques

I started this website, El Meson Santa Fe, as a way to share my love of all things Spanish food-related. From traditional recipes to modern twists on classic dishes, I hope to inspire others to explore the amazing world of Spanish cuisine.

Latin America: National Cuisine of El Salvador


National cuisine of El Salvador

traditions of El Salvador, as well as other countries of Latin America, were formed under
influenced by the customs of indigenous peoples, in this case, the culture of the mysterious
Pipil people, and Spanish culture.


The basic ingredients of the country’s cuisine are
beans, beans, rice, potatoes, cassava, meat products, dairy products and fruits,
but the main ingredient is corn, which is used to make tortillas, tamales, atole,
corn porridge and various snacks. A corn dish called pupusa
has its own holiday in El Salvador, which is celebrated every second
Sunday November. The custom of cooking pupusa passes from generation to generation,
This dish is a stuffed cake of large sizes, minced meat for
served with cheese, refried beans or beans, pork or bacon. One of the pupusa recipes can be viewed here. Except
In addition, drinks such as corn chicha are made from corn in El Salvador, and
Every year in August, festivals (atoladas) dedicated to corn are held.

Gallo en Chicha

The traditional cuisine of El Salvador includes
a variety of soups based on beef broth or with poultry meat. Among
typical Salvadoran soups can be distinguished:

  • beef tail soup with carrots,
    pumpkin, corn, bananas;
  • gallo en chicha (gallo
    en chicha)
    – stewed rooster with a thick sauce, corn and corn chicha or beer, to which vegetable stew or rice is added;

    Zopa de patas

  • sopa de patas (sopa
    de patas)
    – the name of this soup is due to the fact that it is prepared from beef from the leg, sometimes
    beef intestines are also added to this soup, seasoned with lemon juice and pepper
    chili, and from vegetables green beans, cassava and corn are used;
  • typical chicken soup in El Salvador
    cooked with tomatoes, green peppers, carrots, potatoes and others

Salvadoran cuisine is rich in fish and
seafood. Seafood cocktails and a variety of
ceviche (ceviche), which are cooked with oysters, fish,
shellfish, shrimp, octopus, squid and vegetable supplement from
tomatoes and onions. There are fried shrimp and lobster dishes with

Very popular in El Salvador
sweets and pastries: canned coconut, marshmallows, dulce de leche with crispy
texture, rice with milk, pineapple desserts, banana pancakes, sweet bread,
ice cream and lots of tropical fruits.


Other typical Salvadoran dishes

  • consomé de garrobo
    – a dish of a reptile similar to an iguana, to which vermicelli and finely
    chopped vegetables;
  • salpicón de res – very
    a suitable snack for parties and family celebrations, which is
    refreshing beef salad wrapped in corn tortillas;
  • casamiento
    – black beans with rice;
  • curtido
    – shredded cabbage, which is served as an addition to some side dishes,
    it is a kind of Salvadoran sauerkraut;


  • red sauce (salsa
    roja) is a very easy-to-make tomato sauce,
    which is often served with side dishes and curtido;
  • chimol
    – dressing for dishes from a mixture of tomatoes, onions, coriander, lemon and finely chopped pepper

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