Informacion de dunas: Dunas | Ministerio de Ambiente

Duna – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Para otros usos de este término, véase Duna (desambiguación).

«Médano» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Médanos.

Duna en Sossusvlei, Namibia

Oasis de Huacachina entre dunas, Ica, Perú

Duna Dragón frente a la ciudad de Iquique, Chile

Campo Dunar Punta Concón inserto en el Gran Valparaíso, Chile.

Duna Mayor, Valle de la Luna, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Parque nacional Los Médanos de Coro en Venezuela

Dunas y oasis en Libia

Complejo de dunas costeras de Maspalomas, en Gran Canaria

Una duna o médano es una acumulación de arena en los desiertos o el litoral, generada por el viento, por lo que las dunas poseen unas capas suaves y uniformes. Pueden ser producidas por cambios en el viento o por variaciones en la cantidad de arena. La granulometría de la arena que forma las dunas, también llamada arena eólica, está muy concentrada en torno a 0,2 mm de diámetro de sus partículas.

Cuando el viento tiene una dirección dominante, las dunas adquieren la forma de una C con la parte convexa en contra del viento dominante. Estas dunas generalmente «avanzan», «se mueven», empujadas por el viento, aunque en realidad están destruyéndose, erosionándose, por una cara, la de barlovento, y recreándose por la contraria, la de sotavento, aparentando un desplazamiento conjunto del volumen de arena. La velocidad de avance de las dunas es inversamente proporcional a su tamaño, así, las dunas más pequeñas alcanzan a las mayores, con las que se van fusionando y aumentando de tamaño. Cuando la duna alcanza un tamaño significativo, más de 4 a 6 m, comienza a desprenderse mayor cantidad de material por las dos puntas de la C, dando origen a nuevas dunas pequeñas, las que al ser más veloces que las grandes, se van alejando de la duna madre. Este fenómeno de movimiento de dunas, se observa con mucha claridad en el desierto de Sechura, en el norte de Perú.

El desplazamiento de las dunas puede causar serios problemas, como: la invasión de terrenos cultivados, obstrucción y ocultación de carreteras y vías de comunicación, invasión de áreas pobladas. Para evitar estos problemas existen varios procedimientos para limitar el avance de las dunas, entre ellos; sembrar plantas que requieren poca agua para subsistir, retirada de la humedad atmosférica; rociar en la parte convexa de la duna materiales aglutinantes, como puede ser petróleo, o aceites industriales usados.

Las arenas, suaves y secas provienen de la erosión de la acción constante del viento sobre las rocas que con el tiempo son partidas en pedazos muy pequeños convirtiéndolas en arenilla y esta, al desplazarse por la continua acción del viento, se va acumulando en parvas, convirtiéndose poco a poco a dunas[1]​ que continuamente cambian de forma ya que están en continuo movimiento. Por ello también los médanos han recibido el nombre de arenas nómadas.[2]

Cuando en extensas regiones se forman dunas de arena se habla de mares de arena o campos de dunas, denominados ergs. Son especialmente visibles en el desierto del Sahara.


  • 1 Tipos de dunas
  • 2 El canto de las dunas
  • 3 Dunas más altas del planeta
  • 4 Dunas del sistema solar
  • 5 Referencias
  • 6 Enlaces externos

Tipos de dunas[editar]

Se reconocen muchos tipos de dunas según las formas de sus bases, las que normalmente son condicionadas por los vientos dominantes:

  • Barján (barhan o barkham): duna con planta en C o de media luna. Es un vocablo kazajo. Son dunas que se dan en zonas de suministro de arena limitado y superficie dura, plana y carente de vegetación.
  • Duna longitudinal (Seif o en espada): duna alargada y rectilínea formada más o menos paralela al viento predominante. La cantidad de arena presente es limitada.
  • Duna transversal: largas crestas separadas por depresiones orientadas con ángulos rectos respecto al viento que posee dirección constante. Se dan en lugares donde la acumulación de arena cubre por completo el suelo y esta es abundante.
  • Duna parabólica: con forma de U, sus extremos apuntan en dirección contraria al viento (al revés que el barján). Típicas de las zonas de costa y donde la vegetación cubre parcialmente la tierra en el interior de la media luna suele formarse una pequeña olla de depresión.
  • Duna en estrella o piramidal: colina aislada con varias crestas que parten de la cima. Se forman cuando hay direcciones del viento variables y grandes cantidades de arena.
  • Duna barjanoide: forma intermedia entre los barjanes aislados y extensiones de dunas transversales.

El canto de las dunas[editar]

Con ser uno de los lugares más silenciosos del planeta, el desierto oculta un «canto» casi imperceptible. En efecto, desde los tiempos de Marco Polo, algunos viajeros han percibido un sonido proveniente de las dunas. El sonido emitido por las dunas proviene del choque entre sí de las partículas que las conforman, y por lo tanto varía en función del diámetro de las mismas. Así, las dunas del desierto de Sand Mountain, en Nevada, Estados Unidos, emiten un sonido en la tonalidad del do mayor; en el desierto de Chile el sonido es en fa mayor, y en Marruecos en sol menor.[3]

Dunas más altas del planeta[editar]

La duna más alta está en el Bolsón de Fiambalá, provincia de Catamarca, en el noroeste de la Argentina. Tiene 1230 metros y se denomina «duna Federico Kirbus».[4]​ Nace en una cota de 1615 m s. n. m. y culmina a 2845 m s. n. m. en lo alto de la sierra de Zapata. Es concurrida por amantes del sandboarding y se halla cerca del poblado Tatón.[4]​ Ubicación 27°31′04″S 67°29′25″O / -27.5177154, -67.4902678.

La segunda más alta es el cerro La Marcha, más conocido como duna Grande, ubicado en el Distrito de Vista Alegre (Nazca), Provincia de Nazca, Departamento de Ica en Perú. Su cresta ronda los 1696 m s. n. m. y su base se encuentra a menos de 796 m s. n. m., lo que resulta en 924 metros de altura útil de pura arena. Ubicación 15°01′40.61″S 74°45′49.58″O / -15.0279472, -74.7637722.

Dunas de pampa Salinas ILO Ubicada en el distrito del Algarrobal, Provincia de Ilo, Departamento de Moquegua, Altura Máxima 1560 m. y la base de la duna 832 m. sobre el nivel del Mar, con una altura desde la base de 729 m. convirtiéndola en una de las más altas del mundo.

En el desierto de Badain Jaran, en China, se encuentran dunas de hasta 500 m de altura, estas son fijas a raíz de la humedad interna, alimentada por aguas subterráneas.

En México, se encuentran dunas de gran tamaño dentro del desierto de Sonora en la zona de Reserva de la Biosfera El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar, alcanzando alturas de más de 320 metros. La más alta de México es conocida como “Duna la Reyna” y se encuentra dentro de esta región.

Dunas del sistema solar[editar]

La Tierra no es el único mundo del sistema solar con dunas; en Marte son comunes, y en el ecuador de Titán, la mayor luna de Saturno, se han descubierto grandes campos de dunas —aunque de materiales orgánicos y posiblemente con un núcleo central de hielo—.


  1. ↑ «Los Medános de Coro». Archivado desde el original el 3 de abril de 2008. Consultado el 23 de marzo de 2008. 
  2. ↑ «Parque Nacional Médanos de Coro». Archivado desde el original el 24 de febrero de 2008. Consultado el 23 de marzo de 2008. 
  3. ↑ Così cantano le dune del deserto Scoperta la musica dei granelli di sabbia – Scienza & Tecnologia –
  4. a b Bolsón de Fiambalá – Argentina (en inglés)

Enlaces externos[editar]

  • Wikimedia Commons alberga una galería multimedia sobre Duna.
  • Wikcionario tiene definiciones y otra información sobre duna.
  • Dunas en Optosinapsis. Museo virtual, Visualización de relaciones, naturaleza-forma-color-función-belleza.
Control de autoridades
  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q25391
  • Multimedia: Dunes / Q25391

  • Identificadores
  • GND: 4013208-0
  • LCCN: sh85117191
  • NDL: 00570079
  • NKC: ph575843
  • AAT: 300008750
  • Diccionarios y enciclopedias
  • Britannica: url

Duna – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Para otros usos de este término, véase Duna (desambiguación).

«Médano» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Médanos.

Duna en Sossusvlei, Namibia

Oasis de Huacachina entre dunas, Ica, Perú

Duna Dragón frente a la ciudad de Iquique, Chile

Campo Dunar Punta Concón inserto en el Gran Valparaíso, Chile.

Duna Mayor, Valle de la Luna, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Parque nacional Los Médanos de Coro en Venezuela

Dunas y oasis en Libia

Complejo de dunas costeras de Maspalomas, en Gran Canaria

Una duna o médano es una acumulación de arena en los desiertos o el litoral, generada por el viento, por lo que las dunas poseen unas capas suaves y uniformes. Pueden ser producidas por cambios en el viento o por variaciones en la cantidad de arena. La granulometría de la arena que forma las dunas, también llamada arena eólica, está muy concentrada en torno a 0,2 mm de diámetro de sus partículas.

Cuando el viento tiene una dirección dominante, las dunas adquieren la forma de una C con la parte convexa en contra del viento dominante. Estas dunas generalmente «avanzan», «se mueven», empujadas por el viento, aunque en realidad están destruyéndose, erosionándose, por una cara, la de barlovento, y recreándose por la contraria, la de sotavento, aparentando un desplazamiento conjunto del volumen de arena. La velocidad de avance de las dunas es inversamente proporcional a su tamaño, así, las dunas más pequeñas alcanzan a las mayores, con las que se van fusionando y aumentando de tamaño. Cuando la duna alcanza un tamaño significativo, más de 4 a 6 m, comienza a desprenderse mayor cantidad de material por las dos puntas de la C, dando origen a nuevas dunas pequeñas, las que al ser más veloces que las grandes, se van alejando de la duna madre. Este fenómeno de movimiento de dunas, se observa con mucha claridad en el desierto de Sechura, en el norte de Perú.

El desplazamiento de las dunas puede causar serios problemas, como: la invasión de terrenos cultivados, obstrucción y ocultación de carreteras y vías de comunicación, invasión de áreas pobladas. Para evitar estos problemas existen varios procedimientos para limitar el avance de las dunas, entre ellos; sembrar plantas que requieren poca agua para subsistir, retirada de la humedad atmosférica; rociar en la parte convexa de la duna materiales aglutinantes, como puede ser petróleo, o aceites industriales usados.

Las arenas, suaves y secas provienen de la erosión de la acción constante del viento sobre las rocas que con el tiempo son partidas en pedazos muy pequeños convirtiéndolas en arenilla y esta, al desplazarse por la continua acción del viento, se va acumulando en parvas, convirtiéndose poco a poco a dunas[1]​ que continuamente cambian de forma ya que están en continuo movimiento. Por ello también los médanos han recibido el nombre de arenas nómadas.[2]

Cuando en extensas regiones se forman dunas de arena se habla de mares de arena o campos de dunas, denominados ergs. Son especialmente visibles en el desierto del Sahara.


  • 1 Tipos de dunas
  • 2 El canto de las dunas
  • 3 Dunas más altas del planeta
  • 4 Dunas del sistema solar
  • 5 Referencias
  • 6 Enlaces externos

Tipos de dunas[editar]

Se reconocen muchos tipos de dunas según las formas de sus bases, las que normalmente son condicionadas por los vientos dominantes:

  • Barján (barhan o barkham): duna con planta en C o de media luna. Es un vocablo kazajo. Son dunas que se dan en zonas de suministro de arena limitado y superficie dura, plana y carente de vegetación.
  • Duna longitudinal (Seif o en espada): duna alargada y rectilínea formada más o menos paralela al viento predominante. La cantidad de arena presente es limitada.
  • Duna transversal: largas crestas separadas por depresiones orientadas con ángulos rectos respecto al viento que posee dirección constante. Se dan en lugares donde la acumulación de arena cubre por completo el suelo y esta es abundante.
  • Duna parabólica: con forma de U, sus extremos apuntan en dirección contraria al viento (al revés que el barján). Típicas de las zonas de costa y donde la vegetación cubre parcialmente la tierra en el interior de la media luna suele formarse una pequeña olla de depresión.
  • Duna en estrella o piramidal: colina aislada con varias crestas que parten de la cima. Se forman cuando hay direcciones del viento variables y grandes cantidades de arena.
  • Duna barjanoide: forma intermedia entre los barjanes aislados y extensiones de dunas transversales.

El canto de las dunas[editar]

Con ser uno de los lugares más silenciosos del planeta, el desierto oculta un «canto» casi imperceptible. En efecto, desde los tiempos de Marco Polo, algunos viajeros han percibido un sonido proveniente de las dunas. El sonido emitido por las dunas proviene del choque entre sí de las partículas que las conforman, y por lo tanto varía en función del diámetro de las mismas. Así, las dunas del desierto de Sand Mountain, en Nevada, Estados Unidos, emiten un sonido en la tonalidad del do mayor; en el desierto de Chile el sonido es en fa mayor, y en Marruecos en sol menor.[3]

Dunas más altas del planeta[editar]

La duna más alta está en el Bolsón de Fiambalá, provincia de Catamarca, en el noroeste de la Argentina. Tiene 1230 metros y se denomina «duna Federico Kirbus».[4]​ Nace en una cota de 1615 m s. n. m. y culmina a 2845 m s. n. m. en lo alto de la sierra de Zapata. Es concurrida por amantes del sandboarding y se halla cerca del poblado Tatón.[4]​ Ubicación 27°31′04″S 67°29′25″O / -27.5177154, -67.4902678.

La segunda más alta es el cerro La Marcha, más conocido como duna Grande, ubicado en el Distrito de Vista Alegre (Nazca), Provincia de Nazca, Departamento de Ica en Perú. Su cresta ronda los 1696 m s. n. m. y su base se encuentra a menos de 796 m s. n. m., lo que resulta en 924 metros de altura útil de pura arena. Ubicación 15°01′40.61″S 74°45′49.58″O / -15.0279472, -74.7637722.

Dunas de pampa Salinas ILO Ubicada en el distrito del Algarrobal, Provincia de Ilo, Departamento de Moquegua, Altura Máxima 1560 m. y la base de la duna 832 m. sobre el nivel del Mar, con una altura desde la base de 729 m. convirtiéndola en una de las más altas del mundo.

En el desierto de Badain Jaran, en China, se encuentran dunas de hasta 500 m de altura, estas son fijas a raíz de la humedad interna, alimentada por aguas subterráneas.

En México, se encuentran dunas de gran tamaño dentro del desierto de Sonora en la zona de Reserva de la Biosfera El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar, alcanzando alturas de más de 320 metros. La más alta de México es conocida como “Duna la Reyna” y se encuentra dentro de esta región.

Dunas del sistema solar[editar]

La Tierra no es el único mundo del sistema solar con dunas; en Marte son comunes, y en el ecuador de Titán, la mayor luna de Saturno, se han descubierto grandes campos de dunas —aunque de materiales orgánicos y posiblemente con un núcleo central de hielo—.


  1. ↑ «Los Medános de Coro». Archivado desde el original el 3 de abril de 2008. Consultado el 23 de marzo de 2008. 
  2. ↑ «Parque Nacional Médanos de Coro». Archivado desde el original el 24 de febrero de 2008. Consultado el 23 de marzo de 2008. 
  3. ↑ Così cantano le dune del deserto Scoperta la musica dei granelli di sabbia – Scienza & Tecnologia –
  4. a b Bolsón de Fiambalá – Argentina (en inglés)

Enlaces externos[editar]

  • Wikimedia Commons alberga una galería multimedia sobre Duna.
  • Wikcionario tiene definiciones y otra información sobre duna.
  • Dunas en Optosinapsis. Museo virtual, Visualización de relaciones, naturaleza-forma-color-función-belleza.
Control de autoridades
  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q25391
  • Multimedia: Dunes / Q25391

  • Identificadores
  • GND: 4013208-0
  • LCCN: sh85117191
  • NDL: 00570079
  • NKC: ph575843
  • AAT: 300008750
  • Diccionarios y enciclopedias
  • Britannica: url

Frank Herbert’s Dune World Guide

The Dune World

Frank Herbert wrote many works, but his opus magnum was the Dune Chronicles series in six books. The story of the struggle of powerful clans for possession of the rarest resource that is located on a planet with an oppressed population, in terms of dynamics, scale and reasoning regarding the nature of power, is comparable only to the epic A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin and The Foundation by Isaac Asimov.

Dune takes place in a distant future that has already survived the uprising of the machines, which is why artificial intelligence is banned here, and the structure of society is feudal. Emperor of the universe Shaddam IV of House Corrino gives Duke Leto Atreides control of the desert Arrakis, also known as Dune. The planet, famous for harsh climatic conditions, is the only deposit of the main value in the universe – melange.

Melange (or spice) – a drug that slows down aging, and at the same time fuel for ships, allowing you to travel in outer space at superluminal speeds. But, perhaps, the key property of the spice is that with its help it is possible to foresee the future – and this gives the owner of the resource unlimited power.

Melange is also impossible to synthesize: it is produced only by the formidable giant worms that live in the deserts of Dune.

Why would an emperor give a duke a treasure on which his power and the economy of the universe depend? This is where Machiavellian intrigues, traps and “plans within plans” begin: there is nothing better than, under the pretext of a reward, to eliminate a potential competitor for the throne, setting him off against an old enemy who previously held a monopoly on spice.

In a plot with the emperor, Baron Harkonnen, who previously controlled Dune, kills the duke, but does not have time to get to his 15-year-old son and heir, Paul Atreides, the main character of the book. Together with his mother, Paul flees into the desert, where he meets the local population – the Fremen. Subsequently, he becomes not just their leader, but a spiritual leader and liberator. The heir plans not only to regain his home, but also to fulfill the dream of the Fremen – to plant Arrakis.



Dune ecology

The story of the sand planet began when Herbert came to Oregon to write an article about dune movement control, a highly successful US government project aimed at greening the area. And although the material was never published, the author became seriously interested in the influence of the environment on religious thinking and the culture of society. As a result, immediately after its publication in 1965, readers and the press dubbed Dune the first novel about ecology (shortly before that, the work also appeared in the popular Analog Science Fiction magazine).

Herbert was not the first writer to address this topic, however, in his work, ecology became not just an exotic place for military operations, but the spiritual core of the plot. In the novel, the economy and politics of the universe, as well as the religion and culture of the local population, depend on the planet’s ecosystem.

From an economic point of view, spice is an analogue of oil, its value leads to wars and exploitation of the indigenous population, who die during extraction. Subsequently, it turned out that the science fiction writer managed to predict the oil crises and the related war in the Middle East.

Dune was greatly influenced by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962). In it, the author opposed environmental experiments and the use of pesticides in the agricultural industry, leading to soil destruction. Herbert himself supported the criticism of the Green Revolution for another reason: in the 1970s he worked as an environmental consultant in Vietnam and Pakistan. In the same place, he made a documentary film about field work, speaking out against the use of environmental weapons.

By the way, the writer himself called himself a “techno-farmer” because one of his dwellings was an environmental project that clearly demonstrates the benefits of solar and wind energy, peat tillage and other eco-alternatives. Later, however, Herbert spoke about ecology already as a speculative topic that has become a “shelter for demagogues.”



The Politics of Dune

The first book in the series gives the impression that this is yet another story about a superhero who puts the interests of the people ahead of his own. However, in the following parts it turns out that in fact Paul Atreides is an anti-hero who staged a “jihad” in his universe. This plot twist once amazed the editor-in-chief of Analog Science Fiction John Campbell so much that he flatly refused to publish a sequel in the magazine. At the same time, even in his debut novel, Herbert scattered “hints” about how Paul’s rise to power would end. This, in particular, is indicated by the lines “There is no more terrible misfortune for your people than to fall into the hands of of the hero “, which the planetary ecologist of Dune Liet Kynes recalls before his death. At the end of the story, the same refrain was heard, indicating that Arrakis was “stricken” by the hero as if with a serious illness.

As a journalist, Herbert was not indifferent to the events of his time: his distrust of the authorities was caused not only by the Watergate scandal, but also by the lies of the American government about the events in Vietnam. The hidden threat in following a charismatic leader is reflected in the Dune cycle.

Paradoxically, but such a dangerous hero in real life, Herbert considered John F. Kennedy: allegedly, against the background of odious figures (like Hitler), the danger of positive characters for society is not so obvious. According to the writer, Kennedy’s rival Richard Nixon did the main thing – he got people to ask questions, and not blindly follow the leaders.

Herbert was intimately familiar with the world of politics: in the White House he worked as a speechwriter for one of the senators, spoke at Joseph McCarthy’s hearings against the US Army, and even ran for governor of American Samoa. Even before the “Game of Thrones” phenomenon, the author described in detail the fierce struggle for power of different structures, showing that there are no ideal heroes, and that even a good leader’s rise to power can result in terrible consequences.



Dune Religion

The theme of “messianic hunger” in the saga is one of the main ones. Herbert described the term as “the pathological state of humanity, waiting for the coming of a hero or messiah to put the responsibility for solving problems on its shoulders.” The very image of the young messiah Paul Atreides was created by the writer on the basis of the essays “Seven Pillars of Wisdom” by the British diplomat Thomas Lawrence and the campaigns of Alexander the Great.

The myth of the messiah is constructed in such a way that there are no unexpected moments for the reader. From the very beginning, it is known that Duke Leto will die, and his son Paul will become the leader of the Fremen and meet his beloved Chani, whom he saw in dreams. However, knowledge of the future does not save the heroes from mistakes, and often, on the contrary, leads them into the trap of prediction.

The catastrophe that Paul will unwittingly bring is the desire to give the Fremen their dream – the evergreen Arrakis. However, subsequently climate change will destroy the “dragons of the desert” – giant worms that produce melange. The Fremen themselves will also change: from an independent and proud tribe with unique traditions, they will become weak and cunning people, cursing the rise of the Atreides dynasty to power. All their cultural attributes will turn into echoes of the past, gathering dust in the museum of Arrakeen, the capital of Dune.

Ultimately, the disappearance of the spice endangers the existence of the ruling elite itself, which uses the drug in religious ceremonies. And although the heroes of “Dune” have an ecumenical Bible, they themselves perceive it as an ethical code and a collection of meditation practices. Because religion for them is an instrument of power. The exceptions are the Fremen who profess Zen Buddhism and Sunnism, as well as the school of Mentats, who rely on the computational abilities of science.

The eclecticism of worldviews is embodied in the language of the book, replete with concepts from Buddhism, Judaism, Christian and Muslim religions. Such a mixture is typical of the “humanitarian” science fiction of the “new wave”, which, instead of describing a technocratic future, focuses on social problems. It is with this that the intergenre nature of Dune is connected, combining medieval fantasy elements and science fiction.



Film adaptation stories

The film adaptation of Dune suffered the same fate as the writer’s novel, which was rejected by more than 20 book publishers. The scale of Herbert’s idea, the confusion of terminology, the philosophical “stuffing”, as well as the weak technological capabilities of previous years literally “buried in the sands” the plans of Hollywood studios.

The first attempt to bring “Dune” to the screen was made back in 1971 by APJ. According to producer Arthur Jacobs, David Lean, who had previously shot the Oscar-winning film Lawrence of Arabia in the desert, was supposed to take the director’s chair.

After the project was frozen, the film rights were bought by producer Michel Seydoux. He entrusted the brainchild of Herbert to the Chilean surrealist director Alejandro Jodorowsky. His unrealized project is still considered the most ambitious attempt at a film adaptation of Dune, which went down in film history as “the greatest unmade masterpiece.

The film – according to the director’s intention – was supposed to be a “galactic version of Afghanistan.” Salvador Dali, Orson Welles, Charlotte Rampling, Dan O’Bannon and other stars could take part in the creation of the picture, and Magma and Pink Floyd were invited to write music for the picture. Storyboards and concept art for the script were made by such talented artists as Hans Giger, Chriss Voss and Jean Giraud “Moebius”.

However, the amount of $5 million was not enough to realize the film masterpiece, so after 2.5 years of production hell, the project was curtailed. Subsequently, the storyboards for “Dune” went to many Hollywood studios, so even today, visual references to her can be found in many films: “Flash Gordon”, “Masters of the Universe”, “Alien”, “Beetlejuice”, “Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark”, “The Fifth Element”, “Prometheus” and others. The documentary “Dune” by Jodorowsky by Frank Pavich was also made about the impact of the film adaptation on the film industry.

When producer Dino De Laurentiis bought the film rights, the film was to be directed by Ridley Scott. The director even started writing the script, but after seven months of work, he abandoned the project in favor of adapting the Philip Dick novel, creating Blade Runner.

Then the producer’s choice fell on David Lynch. The metaphysical overtones of the work attracted the surrealist director: for the sake of Dune, he did not accept George Lucas’ offer for Star Wars Episode VI.

However, Lynch’s grand vision turned out to be a box office failure – even though Herbert was the film’s consultant. The dissatisfaction of viewers and critics was caused by the inaccessibility of the plot, the eccentricity and cruelty of some episodes. The inflated expectations of the audience also affected (they were associated with a powerful advertising campaign and the declared budget). Despite all the introductions, visually and storywise, the film adaptation turned out to be boring compared to competing Star Wars.

Lynch himself, by the way, was excluded from the final editing, and many important scenes were cut from the film without his participation. All this led to the fact that the prologue of the tape opened with a close-up of the head of Princess Irulan, the chronicler of the Chronicles of Dune, who explained the plot of the book for more than five minutes. Lynch’s supporters, not wanting to put up with the failure of the idol, argued that Dune, in principle, could not be filmed. In turn, Herbert spoke in defense of the film adaptation, emphasizing that he liked everything about it except for the ending: it couldn’t rain on Arrakis.

The next hope was a serial adaptation for the Sci-Fi TV channel, which, however, was also not destined to become canon. Unlike Lynch’s film, John Harrison’s Dune miniseries focused not on the metaphysical side of the book, but on the intrigues of the great houses.

Finally, Greg Yaitanes became the first director who dared to film the next two sagas – as a continuation of Harrison’s series. Their shooting took place in a pavilion, not in a desert, and the plot itself deviated somewhat from the source. Despite this, the audience generally appreciated his work.



Star Wars for Adults

What’s interesting about Dune today? The strength of the book is that it goes much deeper than its popular Star Wars retelling.

Even Lucas himself has repeatedly admitted that Herbert’s Dune was one of his sources of inspiration.

So, in both works, the main character, who was supposed to save the world, goes over to the side of evil, unleashing a war in the universe. And, for example, the wife of Paul Atreides Chani dies in childbirth, giving birth to two twins – a boy and a girl. Also, in the Star Wars draft, it was the melange, not the Death Star blueprint, that Princess Leia was transporting, while Han Solo was the spice smuggler.

There were other identical details: the similarities between Tatooine and Arrakis, the English anagram of the names Leia and Alia (Paul Atreides’ younger sister), Jedi practices, and Bene Gesserit abilities.



Villeneuve’s Dune

Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation, one of the most anticipated films of 2021, has every chance of becoming canon. This is supported by modern technical capabilities that the director’s predecessors did not have, and the superstar cast (Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, Zendaya, Stellan Skarsgård, Javier Bardem, Dave Bautista), and the absence timing restrictions.

Villeneuve’s “Dune” will not be limited to one film – it will be followed by at least a sequel and a series for HBO. And there it’s not so far to a full-scale cinematic universe (similar to the same Star Wars) – it’s good that the material written by both Herbert himself and his son Brian, in collaboration with science fiction writer Kevin Anderson, is more than enough.

Everything you need to know about Denis Villeneuve’s new adaptation of Dune

March 23, 2019


Release date, trailer, plot, star cast and professional team.

When will the movie be released?

A year later, the writer’s son and co-author of several sequels to the novel, Brian Herbert, confirmed on Twitter that Denis Villeneuve, one of the brightest modern representatives of this profession, the creator of “Arrival” and “Blade Runner 2049”, will become the director of the future film.

It’s official – Legendary Pictures has signed the very talented Denis Villeneuve to direct the exciting new DUNE series film project.

— Brian Herbert (@DuneAuthor) February 1, 2017

The director himself said that he fell in love with Dune at the age of 12 and from the very beginning of his directing career dreamed of making a film based on this book. He even called the work on the film adaptation “a project of a lifetime.”

But the first details about the upcoming film appeared only in mid-2018. At the moment, the filming of the picture has already begun, which was announced on March 19 by cinematographer Greg Fraser.

The release was planned for the end of 2020. But due to the COVID-19 pandemicand the closure of cinemas, the premiere was postponed for a year. Now “Dune” will be released on September 30, 2021, and in IMAX format. And judging by the words of Brian Herbert, its plot will cover only half of the first book.

I have just received Draft #4 of the DUNE screenplay from Legendary Pictures. This is for the first movie, covering approximately half of the novel DUNE. I’m very excited and pleased about this, and I’m beginning to burn the midnight oil.

— Brian Herbert (@DuneAuthor) July 23, 2018

Is there a trailer for the new Dune

On September 9, 2020, the first video of the film was released.

What the book is about

Frank Herbert’s novel Dune was first published in 1965. The protagonist of the work is the young Paul Atreides. The ruler of an intergalactic empire appoints his father, Leto Atreides, to rule the planet Arrakis (another name is Dune).

It is there that “spice” is mined – the most important substance in the Universe, without which space flights are impossible. True, its extraction is complicated by the presence of giant worms in the sands.

Shot from the film “Dune”

But soon it turns out that the move of the House of Atreides was conceived by the long-time enemy of the family, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. He soon kills Leto and seizes power. Paul manages to survive in the desert and join the Fremen, the free inhabitants of the sands. They consider the young man a messiah and, under his leadership, stage an uprising against the Harkonnens.

The first book is full of events. She tells in detail about the structure of the intergalactic empire, and about the planet Arrakis itself. In addition, religious philosophy, political intrigues and fantasy are intertwined in the plot. This is what makes the setting so difficult.

If Brian Herbert’s words are to be believed, then most likely the first part will focus on how Paul Atreides gains the powers of the Kwisatz Haderach (superhuman), and his subsequent confrontation with the Harkonnens will be left for the following films.

The official synopsis of the movie is as follows: “The mythical and emotional Dune tells the story of Paul Atreides, a gifted young man destined for a great destiny beyond his comprehension. He must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. Evil forces ignite a conflict for possession of the most valuable resource that reveals the potential of humanity. But only those who can conquer their fear will survive.”

At the same time, if the first films are successful, the authors have the opportunity to continue shooting almost indefinitely. Frank Herbert himself wrote five sequels to the novel, and his son Brian, co-authored with Kevin Andersen, more than a dozen works.

Who will play in the upcoming film adaptation

One of the main reasons everyone is looking forward to the new film adaptation of Dune is the stellar cast. Since the middle of 2018, information about the selection of the main actors began to appear.

Paul Atreides

Timothée Chalamet in the movie “Dune”

The protagonist, heir to the House of Atreides, leader of the Fremens and future Kwisatz Haderach, will be played by one of the main young actors in today’s cinema, Timothée Chalamet (“Call Me By Your Name”).

Summer of Atreides

Oscar Isaac in Dune

The role of Paul’s father, the Duke of House Atreides, went to Oscar Isaac (Star Wars).

Lady Jessica

Timothée Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson in Dune

Rebecca Ferguson (Mission Impossible) will portray the image of Paul Atreides’ mother and a member of the Bene Gesserit, who teaches women how to use the voice to control people and martial arts.

Vladimir Harkonnen

Stellan Skarsgård in Thor

Stellan Skarsgård (Thor) will play the central villain, obese baron, leader of House Harkonnen and former governor of the planet Arrakis.

Glossu Rabban

Dave Batista in Dune

Wrestler Dave Batista (Blade Runner 2049) plays the part of Vladimir Harkonnen’s dim-witted and sadistic nephew, nicknamed The Beast”).

Reverend Mother Helena Mohiam

Charlotte Rampling in The Red Sparrow

Charlotte Rampling (45 years old) will play the leader of the Bene Gesserit women’s order and mentor Lady Jessica.


Zendaya in Dune

Zendaya (Spider-Man: Homecoming) will portray the Fremen woman and Imperial planetary scientist who later becomes Paul’s lover.


Denis Villeneuve and Javier Bardem on the set of “Dune”

The leader of the Fremens, who becomes an associate of Paul and his mother, will be played by Javier Bardem (“mother!”).

Gurney Halleck

Josh Brolin and Timothée Chalamet in Dune

The role of Paul’s mentor, the warlord of House Atreides, the uncouth but devoted Gurney, went to Josh Brolin (The Assassin).

Duncan Idaho

Jason Momoa in the film “Dune”

Gunsmith of the House of Atreides, womanizer and experienced warrior Duncan Idaho will be played by Jason Momoa (“Aquaman”).

Who is working on the film

Only well-known professionals work behind the scenes of the film. Oscar winner Eric Roth (Forrest Gump, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) is writing the screenplay. Behind the camera is Greg Frazier, who has worked on films such as Rogue One. Star Wars Tales and Reign.

Hans Zimmer, James Coldrey/Getty Images

The legendary Hans Zimmer, composer of the scores for Gladiator and Inception, has been appointed composer for the project. In addition, Brian Herbert is also among the producers of the film.

What other film adaptations have there been? But it so happened that among all the previous attempts there was not one worthy of the legendary original.

Jodorowsky’s unfilmed “Dune”

Alejandro Jodorowsky was the first to plan to film the novel in the mid-70s. True, he decided to change the plot a lot. According to him, Duke Leto was castrated, and Paul was created artificially from his blood. And in the finale, the main character was reborn simultaneously in all the inhabitants of the planet.

Jodorowsky hired artist Jean Möbius Giraud to create storyboards, invited Pink Floyd to write the soundtrack. But in the end, he got a script for 12-20 hours, not a single studio wanted to take on it, and the film was never made. In 2013, the documentary “Dune” by Jodorowsky was released, which tells about the work on this project.

David Lynch’s mystical “Dune”

In the early 1980s, David Lynch was invited to film an adaptation of Herbert’s novel. Moreover, he himself did not read the book, and in a telephone conversation the director heard that he was being offered to make some kind of film “June” (June). He only agreed to get funding for his next job.

The director’s attitude greatly influenced the script. Many plot details were changed, and the characters became more grotesque. Vladimir Harkonnen developed blisters on his body, and people with increased Mentat intelligence got red spots on their lips. And again, Lynch made strange changes in the ending that ruined the entire logic of the story.

The film failed at the box office, and the director was completely dissatisfied with his work. In addition, the final editing took place without him, and he even demanded that his name be removed from the credits. The only positive thing about working on this picture is that Lynch met Kyle MacLachlan on the set. They subsequently became friends and collaborated on numerous occasions.

Mini-series “Frank Herbert’s Dune”

Already in 2000, another adaptation was released. This time, the Syfy channel took over. And in this version, they tried to leave the plot of the story as close to the original as possible. We only added a couple of secondary lines, for example, increasing the role of Princess Irulan.

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