Arroz con guandule: Arroz con Guandules – My Dominican Kitchen

Arroz con Guandules – My Dominican Kitchen

** Este es un post patrocinado en colaboración con IMUSA para celebrar #NochebuenaConIMUSA. Como siempre, las opiniones son 100% mías. Gracias por apoyar a las marcas que hacen que este sitio sea posible.

Arroz con Guandules ~ Este delicioso arroz es el plato preferido en cada cena de Navidad dominicana y puertorriqueña. Hecho con guandules y una mezcla de condimentos latinos, este popular plato de arroz es perfecto para la Nochebuena.

Desde que recuerdo, toda mi familia en la República Dominicana se reunía en Nochebuena a celebrar a la familia. Tengo una familia muy grande y muy ruidosa. Ese día comíamos, bailábamos, contábamos historias, hacíamos bromas, jugábamos juegos en familia, y cocinábamos y fiestábamos toda la noche.

Para mí, no hay mejores vacaciones o día festivo que la Nochebuena. Siempre había tanto amor y felicidad irradiando en todos cuando estábamos juntos disfrutando de nuestra compañía y divirtiéndonos. Es por eso que siempre celebro la Nochebuena en casa con mi pequeña familia aquí en los Estados Unidos para inculcarles a mis hijos las mismas tradiciones con las que yo crecí y enseñarles la importancia de la familia. Aquí, mi familia no es tan grande como la que está en la República Dominicana, pero aún así seguimos siendo ruidosos. 🙂

Una de mis cosas favoritas de la Nochebuena es la comida. Esos platos tradicionales que siempre saben mejor en Nochebuena y los que solo puedes encontrar durante las Navidades. Esta receta que comparto con ustedes hoy es uno de esos platos que es el favorito de todos y que siempre está presente en la mesa de los Hispanos durante las fiestas: Arroz con Guandules.

Los guandules y el arroz son elementos básicos que no pueden faltar en la cocina dominicana y puertorriqueña. Es uno de esos platos que siempre se sirve en un hogar Hispano. Los guandules son un tipo de legumbre que se usa en el Caribe, la India Occidental y la cocina española.

El arroz con guandules es mejor cocinado en un caldero. El caldero es una olla similar al horno holandés, pero en lugar de estar hecha de hierro fundido, está hecha de aluminio. Hay un caldero en cada hogar dominicano porque si no se usa uno, el arroz nunca se cocinará bien. Esto según toda abuela dominicana en el mundo.

Mi abuela estaría orgullosa. Hoy en día tengo cuatro de esas ollas. Todas de diferentes tamaños y todos de la misma marca: IMUSA.

¡Los calderos de IMUSA son increíbles! Tienen una gran versatilidad y un diseño único. El caldero tiene lados redondos, una tapa ajustada y tiene una distribución de calor superior. Se utiliza para cocinar el arroz, los frijoles, la carne para el guisado, y los guisados y sopas. Tengo un caldero enorme que uso exclusivamente para hacer el Sancocho y me encanta!

Además del caldero, IMUSA también tiene una gran cantidad de utensilios para la cocina y pequeños electrodomésticos como un mini procesador de alimentos, un vaporizador, un comal, una sartén eléctrico, entre otras cosas.

Asegúrate de visitar el sitio web de IMUSA para recetas deliciosas y más información sobre sus productos.

Pero déjame decirte cómo tú también puedes hacer este delicioso arroz. Primero, en un procesador de alimentos, pon un poco de cebolla roja, pimiento, ajo y cilantro hasta que esté completamente picado. Después, agrégale dos cucharadas de esa mezcla a un caldero junto con aceite de vegetal, salsa de tomate estilo español, sazón, adobo, pimienta negra molida, orégano y una cucharada de alcaparrado. 

Deja que se cocine por unos minutos. Agrégale una lata de guandules con todo y líquido más 2 tazas de agua. Cuando el agua comience a hervir, añade el arroz y déjalo que se cocine hasta que el arroz absorba toda el agua. Mézclalo y cúbrelo. Déjalo cocinando a fuego lento como por unos 30 minutos. ¡Ta da!

¡El arroz está listo para servir!

Cuéntame, cual es tu plato de Nochebuena favorito?

Author: Vanessa

Este delicioso arroz es el plato preferido en cada cena de Navidad dominicana y puertorriqueña. Hecho con guandules y una mezcla de condimentos latinos, este popular plato de arroz es perfecto para la Nochebuena.

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Tiempo de preparación 5 min

Tiempo de cocción 30 min

Tiempo total 35 min

Plato Acompañamiento

Cocina Dominican, Puerto Rican

Raciones 8 porciones

Calorías 374 kcal

  • ▢ 1 cebolla roja pequeña
  • ▢ Mitad de un pimiento verde
  • ▢ 3 dientes de ajo
  • ▢ 2 cucharadas de cilantro
  • ▢ 3 cucharadas de aceite de vegetal
  • ▢ 2 cucharadas de salsa de tomate
  • ▢ 2 cubos de caldo de pollo
  • ▢ 1 paquete de sazón (culantro y achiote)
  • ▢ 1 cucharadita de orégano
  • ▢ ½ cucharadita de adobo
  • ▢ ½ cucharadita de pimienta negra molida
  • ▢ 1 cucharada de alcaparrado
  • ▢ 1 lata guandules verdes con todo y líquido
  • ▢ 2 tazas de agua
  • ▢ 3 tazas de arroz
  • En un mini procesador de alimentos, pon la cebolla, el pimiento, el ajo y el cilantro hasta que todo esté picado muy pequeño para hacer el sofrito.

  • En un caldero (olla grande), caliente el aceite a fuego medio. Sofríe la mezcla del sofrito, la salsa de tomate, los cubitos de caldo de pollo, el sazón, el orégano, el adobo, la pimienta negra y el alcaparrado durante 2-3 minutos hasta que las verduras empiecen a soltar su aroma.

  • Agrega los guandules con todo y líquido y 2 tazas de agua. Cuando el agua comience a hervir, agrega el arroz, mezclándolo de vez en cuando para evitar que se pegue al fondo de la olla.

  • Una vez el arroz haya absorbido el agua y comienza a secarse, ponlo a fuego bajo. Cúbrelo y déjalo cocinar por 25 minutos. Luego, mezcla el arroz con cuidado y cúbrelo por 5 minutos más. Sírvelo caliente.

Calorías: 374kcalCarbohidratos: 70gProteina: 9gGrasa: 6gGrasa saturada: 4gSodio: 47mgPotasio: 334mgFibra: 5gAzúcar: 1gVitamina A: 51IUVitamina C: 8mgCalcio: 51mgHierro: 1mg

The nutritional information of this recipe and all recipes on is only an estimate. The accuracy of any recipe on this site is not guaranteed.

Keywordarroz con gandules, como hacer arroz con gandules

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Arroz con Gandules

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En el Caribe el Arroz con Gandules evoca los recuerdos de las fiestas, celebraciones, familia y amigos; después de todo es una parte esencial de la cena Navideña.

La mejor parte de esta receta es que solo requiere de unos productos básicos GOYA, así que es fácil celebrar con este clásico durante todo el año.



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Vista de Cocina

Paso 1

Caliente el aceite en una cacerola a fuego medio-alto. Añada el jamón a la sartén y cocínelo aproximadamente 5 minutos, hasta que se doren por todos lados. Añada el pimentón y la cebolla, revolviendo de vez en cuando para evitar que se pegue, alrededor de 10 minutos o hasta que los vegetales estén suaves y translúcidos. Añada el Sazón, ajo, cilantro y orégano. Continúe cocinando por aproximadamente 30 segundos.

Paso 2

Añada el Arroz a la cazuela. Revolviendo constantemente, por aproximadamente 1 minuto hasta que esté cubierto en aceite y tostado. Incorpore los Gandules, Salsa de Tomate, Aceitunas y 1 ½ taza de agua, revolviendo con una cuchara de madera, hasta que hierva. Deje cocinar, sin tapar, por alrededor de 10 minutos hasta que el agua se evapore. Revuelva suavemente el arroz de abajo hacia arriba.

Paso 3

Baje el fuego, tape la cazuela y deje cocinar por aproximadamente 15 minutos, hasta que el arroz esté tierno. Retire la olla del fuego. Suavemente revuelva el arroz con un tenedor. Cubra el recipiente y deje reposar por 5 minutos.

La corteza de arroz que se forma en el fondo de la olla es un manjar en Puerto Rico, llamado “pegao”. Una vez que se sirve el arroz, el “pegao” se raspa y se come también. Para lograr la corteza perfecta — caramelizada y crujiente, pero no quemada. Una vez que el agua se haya evaporado, raspe el fondo del recipiente con una cuchara de madera, asegurándose de remover cualquier pedacito atascado [Paso 2]. Esto evitará que el arroz se queme. Después, deje que el arroz se cocine a fuego medio, y absténgase de agitar la olla o levantar la tapa. Esto asegurará una distribución uniforme del calor en el fondo de la olla, que a su vez, permite la forma perfecta del “pegao”

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Receta Comentarios

Peter DiGenova

This is an exceptional recipe, I’m vegan and I simply replaced the ham with smokey temphe (I used Tofurky brand).
It’s difficult to cook the rice perfectly however if you tend to it during the simmer time covered it has a slightly dryer consistency than risotto. Very flavorful as is I topped with nutritional yeast and hot pepper flakes, excellent!

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Arroz con Gandules

Peter DiGenova

This is an exceptional recipe, I’m vegan and I simply replaced the ham with smokey temphe (I used Tofurky brand).
It’s difficult to cook the rice perfectly however if you tend to it during the simmer time covered it has a slightly dryer consistency than risotto. Very flavorful as is I topped with nutritional yeast and hot pepper flakes, excellent!

Carol Raulston

Thank you for the secret of PERFECT rice!
I used Goya Soffrito in a jar and added extra onion. Delicious!

Virginia Sosa

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Arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas and bacon)

Arroz con gandules is a Puerto Rican dish that is very popular not only in Puerto Rico, but throughout Latin America.

Gandules are pigeon peas, they are slightly different in shape from green peas and, of course, it would be better to use this particular type of pea, but twice I used regular green peas and the taste of the dish was not affected at all.

In some sources on the Internet, you can find information that pigeon peas (Pigeon pea (Eng) / Gandule (Spanish) is the same as chickpeas (Chickpea (Eng) / Garbanzo (Span)) but I assure you that these are two different types of legumes.For clarity, look at the images below:


GIRO Nut –


Green peas –




plit pea, snow pea, English pea/

Guisantes Split, arveja, guisante Inglés


2 cups long grain rice

4 cups water

4 strips of bacon/brisket, approx. 200 gr)

4 tbsp Sofrito (Puerto Rican vegetable sauce, you can make your own)

1 can of Gandules (pigeon peas), 400 grams Sazon, (Puerto Rican dry seasoning, you can make your own)

500 gr. tomato sauce

salt and pepper to taste

1 banana leaf (if any)0011

There are several variations of this dish: with ham, bacon, brisket, smoked sausages, pork, etc. There is even a vegetarian version arroz con gandules , but I’m far from being a vegetarian, so I won’t describe this option 🙂 In general, you can vary the recipe yourself depending on your taste and the available ingredients, but I suggest the option that I like and my home…

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              L I will offer you alternatives (I myself sin by replacing some ingredients with others that are at hand at the time of preparation :-)), and below I will describe in detail the preparation of these seasonings at home, (here all seasonings are sold in the markets “by weight”, however, I prefer to make them myself, in this case I can be sure of the quality of the products and that this seasoning will not cause any allergic reactions in my family :-))

If dry pigeon peas are on sale in your region, then it must first be boiled, for which 500 gr. pigeon peas need to pour 4 cups (250 g) of water, bring to a boil and cook under the lid for 30 minutes. Then add 2 teaspoons of salt and cook for another 15 minutes. Drain the water and set the peas aside. If you use canned pigeon peas, then you need to use it in the cooking process.

So first cut the bacon or brisket into chunks and fry over medium heat in a large heavy bottomed saucepan until the pieces are crispy. Remove them with a slotted spoon and set aside in a separate bowl.

Cut the smoked sausage into slices. The original recipe uses Andouille, but I could not find this type of sausage here, so I use local Chorizo ​​sausages, but you can use any smoked sausages such as “Hunter”, “Polish”, “Hungarian”, well, or whatever you have in your region to get a smoky flavor:-)

Pour Sofrito into the hot bacon fat (be careful, because it splashes a lot), and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes. Add boiled pigeon peas (if you use canned, you must first drain the liquid), chopped sausages, fried bacon, washed rice, Sazon and tomato sauce, mix everything thoroughly.

Pour in the water and simmer over medium heat until the water has evaporated, stirring only once. Be careful: the water should evaporate, but the dish should be moist, not dry. This is what a banana leaf or washed and smoothed corn leaves are used for: as soon as the liquid disappears from the surface of the rice, you need to put the leaves on top of the rice, make a very small fire and simmer under the lid for about 35 minutes, the leaves create a greenhouse effect, but it is quite possible to do without with a kitchen towel laid between the bowl and the saucepan … or you can just use a lid if you don’t want to mess around 🙂

Serve the dish hot, so to speak, “hot, hot”. I don’t serve a side dish for this dish, it’s a very colorful taste, I don’t want to score anything, but my daughter loves to chop tomatoes separately 🙂

Now about sauces and seasonings.


1 tbsp. ground coriander

1 tbsp. ground cumin

1 tbsp. ground seeds achiote

1 tbsp. garlic powder

1 tbsp. salt

Achiote is a plant grown in South America since the “pre-Columbian era”, used in cooking and medicine. in Peru grows in the Andes. It looks quite intimidating, although the flowers are beautiful.

Of course, in Russia you are unlikely to find the seeds of this plant, so you can safely replace it with paprika. In addition, you can create your own seasoning according to your taste, because different manufacturers vary the ingredients by adding onion powder, tomato powder and saffron. In addition, all store-bought seasonings use monosodium glutamate as the main ingredient.

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients together and… that’s it 🙂 This is such a simple condiment, nothing outstanding, but in Puerto Rico not a single dish can do without it.

You can store Sazon in an airtight container for up to three months. Typically, recipes use about 1 1/2 teaspoons of the powder (approximately the amount found in sachets of Sazon seasoning).



2 medium onions, cut into large pieces (about 2 cups)

4 cubanelle peppers, stemmed, seeded and cut into chunks

18 medium garlic cloves, peeled

about 1 1/2 cups)

8 ajices Dulces (a variant of the famous Galapeño)

4 ripe “plum” tomatoes – this is the shape (remove the core and cut into pieces (about 1 1/2 cups))

1 large red sweet bell pepper, (cored, seeds removed and chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)

Table salt (optional)

Cubanelle Galapenyo, however, are slightly pungent compared to their counterpart 🙂 Cubanelle – large and long, green and red, and a jices Dulces – small, rather similar in shape to Bulgarian pepper, but more like a bell, this type of pepper is distinguished by a juicy smoked flavor. You can use the type of pepper that grows in your area.


Chop the onion and cubanelle pepper in a food processor. With the machine running, add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

Store up to three days in a closed container in the refrigerator for up to three days or freeze (the quality will not be affected :-))

Arroz con Gandules is a national dish?

Arroz Con Gandules is one of Puerto Rico’s signature rice dishes. This recipe contains yellow rice, pigeon peas (Gandules) and pork cooked in the same pot with Puerto Rican sofrito. It’s easy to make and most often enjoyed during holiday season puertorriquã ± o with leche or pernil .

Where is Arroz Con Gandules popular?

This specialty is from the Puerto Rican culture and has also become very popular in Latin America and the Caribbean. Arroz Con Gandules is part of Puerto Rico’s national dish.

Is nutritious food in Puerto Rican food?

Puerto Rican food is very savory but not spicy. … To make your favorite Puerto Rican dishes at home, focus on some of the healthiest ingredients: beans, fish, vegetables, fruits and herbs . You can occasionally engage in fried meats and snacks.

What food is Puerto Rico famous for?

Here are Puerto Rican foods you won’t want to miss:

  • Tostons. PUNCH IT. …
  • Arroz Con Gandules. Arroz con Gandules is actually considered the island’s national dish. …
  • alcapurrias. Made with YUCCA and bananas, Alcapurrias are fritters filled with ground beef. …
  • Empanadillas. PUNCH IT. …
  • Mofongo. …
  • pernil. …
  • Rellenos de Papa. …
  • Pastels.

What does ganduly mean in English?

Ganduli (aka Pigeon Peas ) is an exotic ingredient for most people outside the Caribbean. Pigeon peas, popular throughout the Caribbean West Indies, are small oval beans with a nutty flavor. They can be found fresh, frozen, canned, or dried.

How did Arroz Con Gandules come about?

Arroz Con Gandules (Gandule Rice)

Beginning in 1900, immigrants from Puerto Rico were recruited to work on the sugar plantations in Hawaii. One of the plants they brought to Hawaii was a large shrub called Gandule, which bore the beans used in many Puerto Rican dishes.

Where did Puerto Rican food originate?

Even though Puerto Rican cuisine was created as a result of Spain’s colonial and imperial projects, it had the ability to adapt dishes from other parts of the world and turn them into something local. For example, Ortiz Cuadra mentioned Arroz Con-Dulce. It comes from Spain where it is known as rice with milk.

Can dogs eat pigeon peas?

You can feed your dog fresh, frozen or thawed peas, but do not give your dog canned peas . Like many canned vegetables, canned peas usually have a lot of added sodium, which is bad for dogs (and people).


What does Arroz con pollo mean?

: chicken dish cooked with rice and usually flavored with saffron.

How do you use Sofrito?

Since this is usually the first thing that goes into the cooking pot, it can be lightly fried to bring out the aromatics. Sometimes in other recipes, Sofrito is not added until the end of the cooking time, and is also sometimes used as a load sauce for grilled meats and fish.

where is Arroz con Gandules from?

Arroz Con Gandules is a national dish of one POT from puerto rico , consisting of rice, pigeon peas and Sofrito, and every family in the country has their own version of the recipe.

What is the number one food in Puerto Rico?

While mofongo may be an unofficial staple in Puerto Rico cuisine, arroz con Gandules (Puerto Rican Rice with blue peas) is the island’s national dish.

Are Mexican and Puerto Rican food the same?

Mexican food uses corn, beans and spices such as chili, oregano, chocolate, chipotle and many more. It is a mixture of indigenous and Spanish dishes. Puerto Rican food has Spanish, Taino, African and American influences and uses ingredients that are native to the land.

What do you eat for lunch in Puerto Rico?

Lunch and dinner usually start with hot starters such as bacalaitos , crispy cod fritters; Surullitos, sweet plump fingers of cornmeal; and Empanadillas, crescent-shaped treatments filled with lobster, crab, conch or beef. Soups are a popular start to a meal in Puerto Rico.

What is the most important meal of the day in Puerto Rico?

breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and in Puerto Rico that makes brunch the best! The culinary scene on the island is constantly evolving and the breakfast trend has exploded across the board, especially in the metropolitan area.

Why are they called borikuami?

Boricua, derived from the word Tano Boriquen, is used to affirm Puerto Ricans’ devotion to the heritage of Tano Island. The word Boriken is translated as “the great land of the valiant and noble Lord.” Borica © N was the original name used by the Tano population before the arrival of the Spanish.

Why do dogs hate peas?

The sodium content of canned peas and frozen peas is not suitable for dogs. … Dogs would avoid something that would be difficult to eat. Their teeth are tuned for tearing and eating meat, they are not equipped to eat peas in a pod. A wolf down town a whole whole would be suffocating and harmful to your dog.

Is rice good for dogs?

Safe: Cooked white rice and pasta

Dogs can eat plain white rice or pasta after it has been cooked . And a serving of plain white rice with boiled chicken can sometimes make your dog feel better when they have stomach issues.

Are carrots good dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat carrots . Carrots are a great low-calorie, high-fiber, beta-carotene snack that produces vitamin A. Plus, the crunch on this orange veggie is great for your dog’s teeth (and fun).

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