Comida boricua: → 《 MOJITO BORICUA 》※【2023】↑↑ RECETAS BRUTALES


Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

Deléitate con este majestuosa receta de sopa de pollo Puertorriqueña, ideal para disfrutar en familia y recuperar esa energía para el día a día.

Esta comida boricua es una de las favoritas por ser nutritiva y sana que preparaban nuestra abuelitas en tiempos de lluvia y frío para mantenernos sanos y fuertes, las caldo de pollo con fideos, son de las  favoritas por los puertorriqueños

En esta ocasión te traemos una autentica sopa puertorriqueña una de las preferidas esta receta típica de sopa o caldo de pollo de Puerto Rico te va encantar acompáñanos en esta experiencia gastronómica que tienes que saborear.

Manos a la obra:

Información Nutricional

🔪Dificultad: Media👩‍👩‍👦‍👦Porciones: 4 porciones
Tiempo de preparación: 40 Minutos🏋️‍♀️Calorías: 260

✪ Ingredientes para la receta de sopa o caldo de pollo de Puerto Rico, Nutritiva y deliciosa.

Rinde para 4 porciones

  • 2 Libras de pollo
  • 4 Papas
  • 1 Zanahoria en cubos
  • Ramitas de cilantro
  • 1/2 Paquete de fideo
  • 1 Salsa de tomate
  • Sofrito
  • 2 Mazorca de maíz
  • 1 Cebolla pequeña picadita
  • 2 Dientes de ajo
  • 1 Sobrecito de polvo de caldo de pollo
  • Adobo
  • 1 Sobrecito de sazón con achiote
  • Comino al gusto
  • Pimienta al gusto
  • Sal al gusto

✪ Cómo hacer sopa de pollo con fideos Puertorriqueña, fácil y sencilla.

Paso a paso aprende a preparar la mejor receta de caldo de pollo y fideos al estilo boricua como la hacia la abuela.

  1. En una sarten vamos a dorar nuestras piezas de pollo previamente limpias, sellamos por ambos lados, posteriormente en una olla grande con agua colocamos las piezas y cocinamos a fuego medio durante 10 minutos.
  2. Transcurrido ese tiempo incorporamos las papas cortadas en trozos, la mazorca, la zanahoria y el cilantro tapamos y dejamos cocinar.
  3. Mientras se cocinan nuestros vegetales preparamos el sofrito a base de cebolla, chile morrón, ajo salteamos y cocinamos bien para posteriormente incorporarlo a nuestro caldo con los vegetales.
  4. Con todos los ingredientes en el caldo salpimentamos para si fuese necesario cuando comience a hervir en ese momento incorporamos nuestro fideos y dejamos a fuego medio durante 5 minutos.
  5. Verificamos la cocción del pollo y los vegetales que estén en su punto, si fuese necesario dejamos mas tiempo en el fuego.
  6. Listo ya tenemos nuestro sano y nutritivo caldo de pollo de Puerto Rico para acompañarlo con arroz, aguacate o si gustas unos crocantes tostones.
  7. Buen provecho.


(0 Reviews)

Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

Recetas Relacionadas


Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

Una de las salsas mas famosas de Puerto Rico y en especial del pueblo de Salinas, el mojito isleño allí nace esta preparación que ahora queremos compartir contigo para que la  guardes y prepares cuando desees comer un fresco pescado, camarones o pollo la combinación es realmente espectacular.

Una salsa muy versátil llena de sabores propios del caribe con todo el sabor criollo de la cocina Puertorriqueña; La salsa de mojo isleño es una combinación de pimientos, sofrito y tomates que hacen una maravillosa explosión de  sabores en tus platillos, ahora ya sabes como acompañar tu comida favorita que tanto te gusta.

Llenémonos de nostalgia preparando la salsa de mojo criollo de Puerto Rico y comparte un poco de la historia gastronómica de nuestra amada isla con el mundo !!! vamos por ella!!!

✪ Ingredientes para la receta de mojo isleño puertorriqueño.

Rinde para 4 porciones.

  • 2 Pimientos Rojos
  • 1 Pimiento verde
  • 3 Hoja de laurel
  • 1 Pimiento Amarillo
  • Comino al gusto
  • 1 Taza de cebolla blanca cortada en julianas
  • 2 Cucharadas de sofrito
  • 1 Taza de salsa de tomate
  • 2 Dientes de ajo macerados
  • 1 Manojo de cilantro
  • Sal al gusto
  • 1 Taza de vinagre blanco
  • 1/4 Taza de aceite.

✪ Cómo hacer mojo isleño de Salinas Puerto Rico.

Paso a paso te vamos enseñar a preparar una verdadera receta de Puerto Rico la salsa de mojo isleña saborea este maravilloso ingrediente de la cocina criolla boricua.

  1. Como primer paso y antes que nada lavamos y desinfectamos nuestros ingredientes los cuales utilizaremos en la preparación del mejor mojo puertorriqueño que hayas probado con el toque casero de siempre.
  2. Siguiente con la preparación colocamos la sarten al fuego con un toque de aceite e incorporamos la cebolla y los ajos cocinamos unos minutos hasta que tome el color trasparente luego añadimos el sofrito con las hojitas de laurel para que le den ese olor delicioso a esta receta.
  3. Ahora que tenemos la base vamos agregar la combinación de los pimientos cortados en trozos medianos esta diversidad de colores le darán un aspecto único a nuestra salsa además de su sabor y olor de los pimientos dejamos cocinar unos minutos.
  4. Con nuestros vegetales cocinados vamos agregar el sabor con unas pizcas de comino, sal, pimienta, la salsa de tomate, vinagre blanco y no puede faltar el cilantro tapamos y dejamos cocinar durante 15 minutos a fuego bajo hasta que se reduzca un poco el liquido.
  5. Listo corregimos el punto de sal si fuese necesario ya tenemos lista esta salsa originaria de Salinas con todo el sabor para todo el mundo realmente amaras este mojito isleño boricua en tu receta favorita.

(4 Reviews)

Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

Recetas Relacionadas

Piragua (food)

A piragua Spanish pronunciation: [paˈɾa.ɣsha] [1] is a Puerto Rican ice chip dessert in the form of a pyramid, consisting of ice chips and filled with fruit syrup. Piraguas are sold by vendors known as piragueros from small, colorful carts. In addition to Puerto Rico, piraga can be found in mainland areas of the United States with large Puerto Rican communities such as New York and Central Florida. nine0009


  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Preparation and sale
    • 2.1 Pyragueros
    • 2.2 Aromatized syrups
  • 3 pyragua 3 pyragua
  • 4 Cultural influences
  • See also

  • 7 References


In most Spanish-speaking countries, the word piragua means pirogue, a small flat-bottomed boat. nine0007 [2]

In Puerto Rico, the word piragua refers to a frozen treat of crushed ice topped with fruit-flavored syrup. Unlike the American snow cone which is round and resembles a snowball, the piragua is pointed and shaped like a pyramid. The word piragua is derived from the combination of the Spanish words pyramid (“pyramid”) and agua (“water”). [3] :12 In Latin America, frozen treats like piragua are known by various names. nine0007 [4] [5]

Piraguas, Puerto Rican shaving ice

Preparation and sale


Most piragüeros sell their merchandise on a colorful wooden umbrella cart rather than a fixed stand or kiosk.

Piraguero prepares treats from shavings on a block of solid ice inside his cart. [6] and mixtures of fruit flavored syrups. nine0007 [7] Tropical syrup flavors range from lemon and strawberry to passion fruit and guava. Once the syrups are ready, the piraguero will head to his place of work, which in Puerto Rico is usually close to a city square, while in the United States it is usually close to public parks near Hispanic neighborhoods, to sell his product. [6]

Manual ice razor used by piragüeros

In the process of making piragüeros, the piragüero shaves ice off the block with the help of a manual ice razor. nine0007 [8] Then he puts a chip of ice in a cup and, using a funnel-shaped tool, gives it the characteristic shape of a pyramid. The piraguero finishes the piragua when he pours the flavored syrup he desires. Piragueros only go outside on hot, sunny days because those are the only days they can count on good business. [4]

Unlike the typical American snow cone, which is often eaten with a spoon, piraguas are eaten directly from a cup or sipped through a straw. nine0007 [6]

Flavored syrups

Fruit flavored syrups

Girl with brocade Puerto Rico flavored piragua

Flavored syrups commonly used to make piragua include the following: 9007 [09 007]

  • Ajonjolí (sesame seed)
  • Anis (Anis)
  • A seres
  • China (Orange)
  • COO (Kosos)
  • Crema (cream)
  • Frambuesa (red raspberries)
  • Frasov
  • Guanabana
  • 9003 900 (lemon)
  • MeLAO (Sugar reed syrup)
  • melon (nectar)
  • Boil (Maracuya)
  • Piny (pineapple)
  • Tamarindo (tamarind)
  • Uva (grape)

The two terms used for fruit flavors in Puerto Rico are not common in other Spanish-speaking countries. China , sweet orange flavor, referred to as naranja in most other Spanish-speaking regions; however, in Puerto Rico naranja only refers to Bitter Orange. Melon , an anglicism derived from the English word watermelon is called Sandía in standard Spanish. [9]

Piragua on the US mainland

Piraguero in New York posing with his piragua cart in the 1920s.

In the 1940s, during the Great Puerto Rican Migration, when a large number of Puerto Ricans moved to New York, they took with them their customs and traditions, including pyragu. [10] [11] [12]

According to Holding the flag of Ethiopia Winston James, Piraguas were introduced to New York by Puerto Ricans as early as 1926. In his book, James describes the presence of piragua carts during the Harlem riots against Puerto Rican migrants in July 1926. [11] Author Miguel Melendez, who moved from New York to Chicago in the late 1950s, expresses in his book: We took to the streets: fight for the rights of Hispanics the following:

As a Puerto Rican born and raised in New York, the Piragua cart salesman is a very special person to me. It is an important part of our culture. Infused with Caribbean tropical syrups, these iced cones not only soothe the body during hot summers, they also remind us without words of who we are and where we came from. nine0007 [13]

Piragua is mentioned by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a blog post titled “What do you have in Piragua?” [14] EPA Associate Administrator Marcus Peacock noted that the EPA helped the government of Puerto Rico negotiate more than $1 billion in new water treatment improvements and added: “As this commitment is met, water will continue to get cleaner and cleaner, regardless of whether it will come out of the water. or served in a piragua (no, not in a canoe, but in a Puerto Rican snow cone)—regardless of the weather.” nine0007 [14]

Piragua trade is not limited to Puerto Rico and New York. Piragüeros with their piragua carts can be found in Hispanic neighborhoods in Bridgeport, Chicago, Jersey City, Miami, Newark, Philadelphia, and elsewhere.

Cultural influence

Puerto Rican piragua was the subject of paintings and sculptures, a children’s book and songs in a Broadway musical:

Al Piraguero Monument in Coamo, Puerto Rico


    Carrito de Piraguas (“Piragua Cart”) is a mixed media work by an unknown artist, exhibited at the El Barrio Museum in New York. [15]

  • Artist Ivan Moura Limardo created a series of Piragüero-related paintings, including Piragüero 5 and Piragüero 10 , which were exhibited at the Art Gallery of Siena in San Juan, Puerto Rico. [16]
  • The City of Coamo, Puerto Rico, commissioned a monument to the Piragueros. Statue called Monument al-Piraguero , located in the town square. [17]
  • An educational storybook entitled Luisito and Piragua , written in 1979 for the children of migrant workers in Connecticut, tells the story of a Puerto Rican boy who has moved to the United States and misses his friends and his piragua afternoon treat. On behalf of his mother, Luisito sees a piraguero making pirague and is delighted to find that he can buy pirague again. nine0007 [3]
  • 2008 Broadway production Lin-Manuel Miranda musical In the heights of included a song called “Piragua” and its reprise in which a local piragüero (known in the play as the Piragua Guy) sings about his life and trade in New York. Washington Heights. [18] This character was the basis for a parody of the Internet reality show, Legally Brown: In Search of the Next Piragua Guy directed by Miranda, which featured famous Broadway actors competing for the role. nine0007 [19]

See also

  • Portal Puerto Rico
  • Food Portal
  • Puerto Rico / Do you know Puerto Rico? Portal
  • Ice Kakang – Southeast Asia Ice dessert
  • Grattachecca – Italian chips with fruit syrup
  • Halo Halo – Filippin British ice
  • Cabinet
  • Cabinet Ponce – Puerto Rican ice cream shop opened by Chinese immigrants.

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