Cueva de la ventana: Cueva de las Ventanas – Ayuntamiento de Piñar

Cueva de las Ventanas – Ayuntamiento de Piñar

La Cueva de las Ventanas es un sistema kárstico que se sitúa en la última estribación de la Sierra de Arana, a más de 1.000 metros de altitud. La Cueva de las Ventanas, de sumo interés para la espeleología, pertenece al Paleolítico Superior; pudo tener durante la Prehistoria dos usos fundamentales: de una parte, como lugar de hábitat, concentrado en las zonas más próximas a la entrada cuando las condiciones hídricas y de humedad del interior lo permitieran y, de otra, lugar de enterramiento, que ocuparía zonas más profundas donde no llega la luz natural. Aunque la primera ocupación que se realizó fue por parte de grandes carnívoros cuaternarios, ya que se han encontrado restos paleontológicos de osos e hienas. Hoy en día es la única cueva de España con accesos para personas con discapacidad física. Los bellos paisajes subterráneos, donde se pueden aprender los procesos de formación de un cavernamiento, a través de maquetas, paneles interactivos y ejemplos naturales a lo largo de la cavidad, y la visualización a escala real a lo largo del recorrido visitable de especies de fauna extintas, y la presencia humana en escenas de la vida cotidiana, hacen este recorrido interactivo muy interesante.

En su interior se mantiene una temperatura constante de 13 grados centígrados, durante todo el año. Es uno de esos lugares ideales para compartir en familia, sobretodo para ir con niños. Su recorrido está adaptado para los carros de bebés y personas con movilidad reducida.

Para recorrer la Cueva de las Ventanas, hay que adquirir las entradas en la oficina de información turística, que tiene el ayuntamiento de Píñar en el centro del pueblo.

La aventura de visitar la Cueva de las Ventanas empieza mucho antes de llegar a ella. Quince minutos antes de la hora de la visita, un tren turístico nos subirá por las pendientes y serpenteantes calles de Píñar, hasta llegar a la entrada de la Cueva de las Ventanas. Allí podremos disfrutar de una visita guiada, amena, divertida, sin grandes tecnicismos, fácil de entender para todos y enfocada a los más pequeños de la casa.

Una apuesta lógica y valiente, ya que serán los niños, los adultos del mañana, los que preservarán estos espacios.

La primera ocupación de la cueva está datada sobre los 20.000 años antes de nuestra era. Posteriormente visigodos, romanos y almorávides también la usaron dejando algunas vasijas en el interior. Tras la conquista, y hasta finales del siglo XIX, se utilizó como almacén y recinto para guardar el ganado caprino.

En 1916 comienzan las primeras investigaciones arqueológicas serias. En esos estudios además de materiales realizados por los humanos se han encontrado abundantes coprolitos de hienas gigantes y restos óseos de animales prehistóricos.

La Cueva de las Ventanas está formada por varios niveles de galerías, con estalactitas, estalagmitas, coladas y formaciones calcáreas en las rocas, todas ellas producto del paso del agua durante millones de años.

En todo el recorrido podremos ver representaciones y recreaciones del paso del hombre por esta cueva. Destacan los utensilios encontrados en la cavidad, junto con las recreaciones de enterramientos y de hogares neolíticos.

La visita comienza en la “Gran Sala”, que tiene 60 metros de longitud y es donde se ha desarrollado la vida cotidiana durante cientos de años.

▶¿Quieres visitar las Cuevas de Piñar? En Familia, grupo o colegios

Saltar al contenido

En la comarca de los Montes Orientales a 45km de Granada, a orillas del río de su mismo nombre nos encontramos Piñar, cuna de muchas civilizaciones que desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días han dejado du huella en este bonito pueblo.

Entre su patrimonio está su castillo, construido durante la domicaicón islámica y denominado monumento nacional, y quizá lo más importante es la huella que dejaron los asentamientos humanos desde el origen de nuestros timpos en las remotas épocas de la prehistoria.

En Piñar contamos con 4 grutas subterráneas:

  1. Cueva Meye
  2. Cueva Pagarrecio
  3. Cueva Carihuela
  4. Cueva de las Ventanas (abierta al turismo)

¿Sabías que la Cueva de las Ventanas tiene su recorrido adaptado para los carros de bebés y personas con MOVILIDAD REDUCIDA, que mantiene una temperatura en su interior de unos 13 GRADOS todo el año y que está a una altura aproximada de 1. 000 METROS sobre el nivel del mar?

La Cueva de las Ventanas está abierta al público desde el año 2000 y gestionada por el Ayuntamiento de Piñar

Imagina poder pasar un día en familia, con amigos u organizar una excursión con tu clase para visitar un paraje único a menos de 50 km de Granada capital.

Desde que llegas a Piñar comienza la experiencia, pasea por las pintorescas calles de este singular pueblo, súbete en el «Trenecito» hasta llegar a la puerta de la Cueva de las Ventanas.

Sorpréndete nada más entrar y disfruta paso a paso de sus grutas y restos arqueológicos, imagina cómo vivían en la prehistoria en ese mismo lugar los primeros humanos que poblaron la Tierra.

Descubre la historia y admira un Monumento Natural en un paraje espectacular.

Vive la experiencia de subir en nuestro tren


Disfruta al comprar tu entrada para visitar la Cueva de las Ventanas de traslados desde el plaza principal de Piñar hasta la puerta de las cuevas. Disponible para subir y bajar ¡¡Toda una experiencia para disfrutar como niños!!

Haz que tu experiencia sea completa


¿Por qué disfrutar solo de la visita a las cuevas? haz que la experiencia sea completa come en nuestro restaurante, donde podrás degustar especialidades de la zona y visita nuestro refugio de animales
¡Es toda una experiencia para niños y adultos!

  • Visita a la Cueva de las Ventanas

  • Traslado ida y vuelta en Tren turístico

  • Guía local durante la visita

  • Visita a la Cueva de las Ventanas

  • Traslado ida y vuelta en Tren turístico

  • Guía local durante la visita


  • Visita a la Cueva de las Ventanas

  • Traslado ida y vuelta en Tren turístico

  • Guía local durante la visita

Haz tu reserva ahora, visita la Cueva de las Ventanas.
Disponemos de paquetes personalizados y adaptados a tus necesidades, si quieres visitar la Cueva de las Ventanas en familia, en grupo o con tu clase, ponte en contacto con nosotros y diseñaremos una oferta que encaje en tus necesidades.

Podemos incluir otras actividades como visita a la Granja Escuela con 18.000 metros de instalaciones donde podrás participar en gran número de actividades y como no, podrás disfrutar de una grata comida en nuestro Restaurante El Castillo con menús y carta de cocina casera.

¡Reserva tus Entradas incluso el mismo día de la visita!

Solicita presupuesto a medidao haz clic y llámanos 958 394 768

La Cueva de las Ventanas se encuentra en la Sierra de Arana, en el corazón de la provincia de Granada. El espectacular recorrido de la cueva fue esculpido por la acción del agua a lo largo de miles de años. Monumento Natural y yacimiento arqueológico ideal para visitar en grupo, en familia o con amigos.

Ir a contactoVer tarifas

Finaliza tu visita a la Cueva de las Ventanas degustando una magnífica comida eligiendo entre nuestra extensa carta o uno de nuestros variados menús.

Consulta nuestros paquetes de almuerzo + entrada a la Cueva de las Ventanas 

Situado en el interior de La Granja Escuela, es un típico mesón andaluz donde las recetas tradicionales son mimadas, para convertirlas en platos exquisitos, donde las carnes a la brasa desprenden el aroma de la encina y los postres caseros nos recuerdan nuestra infancia

Menús especiales para visitantes de La Cueva de las ventanas y magnífica carta

Catas de productos típicos del pueblo y la comarca
  • Visitaremos una almazara donde degustaremos las excelencias de nuestros aceites
  • Degustación de embutidos y chacinas de la comarca
  • Cata de vinos de la comarca

Educación ambiental y turismo rural para niños y adultos.

Adaptado para familias, particulares, colegios, asociaciones y cualquier colectivo que quiera visitarnos. Más de 18.000 metros cuadrados, situados en el casco urbano de Piñar.

¡Diversión para todos!


Pueden visitar las inmediaciones del castillo árabe de Píñar, desde unos espectaculares miradores disfrutarán de unas vistas de película


  1. Interactúa con el Medio Ambiente
  2. Talleres de arqueología experimental y prehistoria
  3. Taller de aves rapaces en vuelo
  4. Talleres de educación medio ambiental

¡¡NO te lo puedes perder, realiza ahora tu reserva!!

Una visita muy recomendable. Es completamente accesible. Se hace corta (1hora) si te apasiona la historia, la geología, la arqueología…

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Nos ha encantado las cuevas, muy chulas y de fácil acceso para todas las edades. La subida y bajada en un trenecito, a los niños les ha gustado mucho. Vistas espectaculares.

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Cueva espectacular, la comida está bien y la exhibición de rapaces, la mejor que he presenciado. Los niños se lo pasaron en grande.

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Official language: Spanish, sometimes you can meet people who speak English (usually with a very strong accent), Italian and less often French
Population: about 41. 8 million people
Time difference with Moscow: 7 hours behind
Telephone code: 54
Currency: Argentine peso (ARS), 1 ARS = 100 centavos, 1 USD ~ 4.1 ARS, 1 EUR ~ 6.1 ARS
Visa: not required
Cost of a “typical” dinner: 20-50 USD with drinks
Tip: 10% of bill
Car rental per day: per day from 60 USD
Author’s tour to Argentina


Unbelievable but true: at the beginning of the 20th century, Argentina was considered perhaps the richest state in the world. There was even such a saying: “Rich as an Argentine. ” Thousands of Europeans tried to find prosperity in the picturesque foothills of the Andes – southern Italians, Basques who moved from the Pyrenees, Galicians and Catalans, Germans and Austrians with Swiss, Irish with Scots, Russians, Ukrainians and Jews … Despite all the efforts of the government to populate the empty territories of Argentina, they were unsuccessful, as most of the immigrants eventually settled in or around the capital. The Patagonian Indians were exterminated almost to the last, the Africans did not survive the war with Brazil and Paraguay. Thus, a “white” country appeared in South America, Catholic in spirit, Spanish in the way of expressing thoughts and French in style of life. nine0011

Argentina has an area of ​​almost three million square kilometers with a wide variety of geographic characteristics and climatic zones. A wide variety of natural scenarios develop on its territory. Real natural wonders are combined with the sophistication of a big city – Buenos Aires.

The result is a land of extreme scenery and interesting culture that captivates travelers.

Argentina invites you to relax your body and soul. Nature is perhaps the country’s most impressive wealth. Numerous National Parks and protected areas constitute a huge natural reservoir for all mankind. Humid subtropical forests turn into green pastures in the central part of the country. nine0011

South of the Region of the Lakes begins the endless Patagonian plateau, adorned with giant glaciers. Between the rocky Atlantic coast, favored by wild animals, in the east to the winelands in the high Andes in the west, where the seven-thousander, Mount Aconcagua, rises, lie virgin lands. Majestic Antarctica closes the list of natural heritage of Argentina.

What to do in Argentina: In Buenos Aires – see numerous generals, on horseback, in stone, bow to Eva Peron, drink mate, participate in a gaucho show, visit a tango show, dance tango in La Boca and feel free from everything in the world – a real gaucho, to see how representatives of pre-Hispanic cultures live among stunning landscapes. nine0011

Mandatory trekking in the National Glacier Park and Iguazu Falls, rafting and kayaking in the mountain rivers of Bariloche, Salta and Mendoza; mountaineering and climbing Mount Aconcagua; canopy, paragliding, alpine skiing, high altitude salt flat riding are just some of the things Argentina has to offer.

You can ride horses through the snowy Andes, swim with fur seals and whales, walk among penguins in Patagonia, watch birds in the American Serengeti or condors in the high Andes, meet animals such as llama, vicuña, capybara, nyandu, mara is all that is needed to make this one of the main destinations for those who have any interest in nature. nine0011

People come here for the exotic, excellent fishing and a special, inherent only in Latin American countries, feeling of continuous celebration.

The capital is Buenos Aires.

Resorts of Argentina

Argentina has both sea and ski resorts. Among the ski resorts, San Carlos de Bariloche is worth highlighting; Miramar is a major seaside resort. Other cities of interest in terms of tourism are Salta, Cordoba, El Calafate and the southernmost city of Ushuaia. nine0011

Natural attractions – Iguazu, South Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.

Visa to Argentina

From June 2009, if the duration of the trip does not exceed 90 days, Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Argentina. When crossing the border, it will be enough to present a passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry and air tickets in both directions. Proof of sufficient funds for the entire stay in the country (cash, credit cards, traveler’s checks) may also be required. nine0011

Children under 18 traveling with their parents must carry documents proving their relationship (birth certificate). If the child is traveling without parents accompanied by third parties, a notarized power of attorney from both parents will be required. It must be translated into Spanish and must contain the name of the accompanying persons.

Citizens of the CIS countries will need a visa to visit the country. Required documents: international passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry into the country, application form, one color photo 3.5×4.5 cm (without corner and oval), copy of internal passport (first page, page with registration), certificate of employment , a copy of the first page of the passport with the personal data of the tourist, the original and a copy of air tickets in both directions. In addition, it is desirable to provide documents confirming solvency (bank statement). nine0011

If you have an old passport that contains Schengen visas or visas from Australia, Canada or the USA, you must provide a photocopy of it. For minors, the original and a copy of the birth certificate must be provided. If the child is traveling accompanied by one of the parents or third parties, a notarized power of attorney for the removal of the child from the remaining parents will be required.

The term for issuing a regular visa is 7 days, an urgent visa is 3 days.

nine0082 Customs

Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited, but amounts over 10,000 USD must be declared. You can import duty-free up to 400 cigarettes (or 50 cigars), up to 2 liters of alcoholic beverages, up to 5 kg of canned food, souvenirs and gifts worth no more than 300 USD, and items for personal needs. When importing these items in excess of the specified amount, a duty of 50% of their value is levied. It is forbidden to import unpreserved food products, items and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value (without special permission). nine0011

It is forbidden to export, without special permission, objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value, as well as weapons. When exporting wool and leather products, jewelry and souvenirs, you must present a receipt from the store where they were purchased.

When exporting fur products, a receipt and an export stamp will be required.

Phone numbers

nine0010 Embassy of Argentina in Moscow: st. Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya, 4/10; phone: (495) 232-99-92; fax: (495) 232-99-93

Consular section of the Embassy of Argentina in Moscow: st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 72; phone: (495) 502-10-20, 502-10-22, 502-10-24

Russian Embassy in Buenos Aires: 1021, Capital Federal, Rodrigues Pena 1741, Republica Argentina; phone: (11) 4813-15-52, 4813-80-39; fax: (11) 4815-62-93; website

Buenos Aires Tourist Information Center: (11) 4312-22-32

Tourist Security Department: (11) 4302-78-16

Inquiry: 110, ambulance: 107, police: 911, fire department: 100.


Argentina proclaims complete freedom of religion. The majority of the population (92%) are Catholic Christians, about 2% are Protestants, and about 2% profess Judaism.


It is most convenient and fastest to cover long distances in the country by plane due to an extensive network of air routes and the presence of airports in large cities. It is better to book tickets in advance, you should also keep in mind that there are flight delays. nine0011

Rail transport in the country is popular, but in some areas it is not well developed. Special tourist trains run in the regions of Patagonia and Mesopotamia, and urban transport is represented by buses, suburban trains and taxis. In Buenos Aires, moreover, there is a subway.

International bus routes connect Argentina with neighboring countries: Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. Buses run from Jujuy and Salta to La Chiaka, from where you can cross the Bolivian border on foot or by taxi. From the same cities, you can get to the Bolivian city of Yacuiba, located right on the border, from where buses leave for the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz. Argentina is connected with Chilean cities by routes from Salta to San Pedro de Atacama, from Mendoza to Santiago, from Bariloche to Puerto Montt, from Ushuaia to Punta Arenas. nine0011

All taxis in Argentina are equipped with meters that must be turned on when boarding a passenger. A 15-minute drive around the city will cost an average of 10 ARS.

Security in Argentina

Since there are few “Russo tourists” in the country, local residents regard them as exotic, their attitude is friendly and welcoming. However, this does not negate certain security measures: it is not recommended to leave the tourist centers alone (especially in the evening), you should not carry large sums of money, expensive jewelry, and so on. nine0011

It is recommended to drink bottled or boiled water.

You can swim in the ocean only in strictly designated areas: it is dangerous in undeveloped areas due to strong coastal currents.

Climate of Argentina

The climate of Argentina is subtropical in the north, humid tropical in the center of the country and temperate in the south. The Andes region is characterized by rainy weather and frequent floods in the summer season, extreme heat in summer, mountainous snow cover in winter and frequent dry hot winds, which the Argentines call “sonda”. Temperature fluctuations are very significant both between seasons and within one day. In the flat areas, heavy rainfall often occurs over impenetrable wet forests and savannahs. The average temperature in January is +5ºС, in July +20..+22ºС. And by the way, do not forget that in the southern hemisphere, winter and summer coincide with ours exactly the opposite. nine0011

Summer (December to February) is the best time to visit Patagonia and the South Andes. Winter (from May to September) is suitable for traveling in the northern and northwestern regions of the country.

Spring and autumn are great times to travel to Buenos Aires, Mesopotamia, the foothills of the Cordilleras of the provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca. Well, fans of skiing can hone their skills on the slopes of the snowy Argentine Andes from June to October.

The best time to visit the country is from October to May. nine0011

Hotels Argentina

There are two types of hotels in the country – local and international “chains”. The former, as a rule, tend to undeservedly attribute one extra star to themselves, while the level of the latter fully corresponds to the declared one. There are few all-inclusive hotels in the country, mostly hotels offer either breakfast or half board.

Mains voltage – 220 V, 50 Hz. There are both two-pin sockets and three-pin sockets. It is better to take adapters with you. nine0011

Banks and exchange offices

Currency can be exchanged at all banks and large shopping centers, hotels and specialized exchange offices.

Large retail outlets, hotels and restaurants accept American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards. But in the provinces it is almost impossible to pay them off. It is not worth taking travelers checks with you: exchange offices charge a sensitive commission for cashing them, in addition, it is almost impossible to exchange them in small towns. nine0011

Most banks and exchange offices use a ticket system – instead of standing in line, the visitor receives a ticket with a number and then waits until an employee calls his number. I must say that this procedure takes more time than the usual live queue.

Shopping and shops Argentina

In Argentina, inexpensive and high-quality shopping. From the country you can bring knives, silver mouthpieces, mate tea with a set for its preparation and use (calabash and metal pipes), sheepskin products, vicuña wool clothes, Argentine wines, guitars, art objects, as well as good fur coats. When exporting items made of wool and leather, you must present a receipt from the store where they were purchased. nine0011

When departing from the country, VAT can be refunded on purchases exceeding 70 USD. On the island of Ushuaia, in the free trade zone, shopping will be especially profitable.

Kitchen and restaurants

First, a word of advice: forget about fish restaurants in Argentina. It is almost impossible to find them there, and even if you find them, you will regret it. Argentina is meat! The best in the world. And wine. nine0011

Tips in Argentina are 5-10% of the service bill, in expensive establishments they are often already included in the bill.

If you decide to treat yourself to a trip to a famous restaurant, especially on a weekend, be sure to book a table in advance. Otherwise, you will have to defend a decent queue at the entrance to the restaurant.

Argentine chefs are known for their masterful handling of beef. In addition, after traveling through the restaurants of the country, a tourist may well get the impression that he has visited almost all the countries of South America – local chefs are so fond of “borrowing” recipes from their neighbors on the continent. The same applies to alcoholic beverages. Argentina is known as one of the world’s leading wine producers, but tequila, whiskey, vodka or brandy lovers won’t feel the shortage of their favorite drinks here either. nine0011

All restaurants on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean perfectly prepare dishes from seafood. The Argentine specialty is empanadas, a thin pastry patty that is considered a Spanish contribution to the local culinary arts.

Wine in Argentina is very decent. The local culture of viticulture and winemaking is a kind of symbiosis of European traditions. Even the grape varieties that are grown here seem to have been selected according to the principle “From each country – the best.” From France – Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay, from Italy – Sangiovese and Bonarda, from Spain – Chempranillo, from Germany – Riesling. nine0011

Any wine worth 200 pesos (about 65 USD) and above will be very decent. “Best Five”: Cheval des Andes 2002 (Terrazas de los Andes), Vistalba Corte A 2004 (Finca y Bodega Vistabla), Iscay 2002 (Trapiche), Luigi Bosca DOC 2003 (Luigi Bosca), Antalogia VIII 2000 (La Rural).

Active holidays in Argentina

The possibilities for outdoor activities in Argentina are endless. These are trekking in the Glaciers National Park and the Iguazu Falls, climbing Mount Aconcagua, rafting and kayaking along the mountain rivers of San Carlos de Bariloche, Salta and Mendoza, skiing, paragliding, horseback riding in the Andes and so on. nine0011

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Argentina

There are many monuments with UNESCO World Heritage status throughout the country: the Los Glaciares National Parks in Patagonia and Iguazu in the Missiones province, the Jesuit missions in the land of the Guarani Indians, the Cueva de las Manos Cave in the province of Santa Cruz, the natural parks of Ischigualasto and Talampaya, where flora and fauna that formed about 230 million years ago have been preserved. As well as buildings and farms of the Jesuits in Cordoba and its environs, natural and historical monuments of the Quebrada de Humahuaca valley along the Inca Road. nine0011

In Salta, it is worth visiting the cathedral, the Jesuit churches, and also look into the folk art market, where you can find authentic works of art. Salta also serves as the starting point for excursions to the Calchaqui Valley and Humahuaca Canyon.

One of the most interesting excursions is the Gaucho Fiesta and the Tango Show, entertaining performances featuring the country’s best dancers. These shows introduce the life, cuisine, customs and music of the Argentine gaucho cowboys. nine0011

Mar del Plata is a famous resort located 404 km south of Buenos Aires in the temperate climate zone. Only 600 thousand inhabitants live here, and the number of vacationers and tourists reaches 6 million! There are many theme parks in Mar del Plata where you can see shows with dolphins, fur seals, sharks, acrobatic water skiing and much more. Farm tours in the style of “eco-tourism” will provide an opportunity to see how lambs are fed milk and sheared sheep, as well as taste home cooking. Mendoza regularly hosts a wine festival with carnival and dancing, music shows and the election of the Queen. nine0011

Another interesting excursion is a trip to Cordoba, the second largest city in Argentina, which, from an architectural point of view, surpasses the capital in many ways. Beautiful ensembles of colonial buildings are concentrated in the city center – the old market, the Catholic Cathedral and much more. One of the best historical museums in the country is open in the same city.

The main natural attractions of Argentina are the national parks of Nahuel Huapi, Los Glaciares, Lanin, Iguazu and others. Ocean cruises to Cape Horn, Antarctica and Patagonia are especially popular with tourists. The picturesque Italian suburb of La Boca and the resort of Mar del Plata are also interesting. nine0011

Tango in Argentina.
Probably everyone knows about the Argentinean origin of tango. The fact that for a long time it was considered, let’s say, not too decent even in their own homeland, is also probably known to many (it is known that the adherents of strict morality considered tango more a prelude to sex than a dance). But one funny nuance, directly related to the above point, remained almost unknown. It turns out that when tango began to gain popularity among the male audience, its first fans encountered an acute shortage of partners in the course of training: decent girls under no circumstances wanted to do “this”, and dancing lessons in brothels turned out to be too expensive. However, a solution was found: the men simply began to learn tango by dancing … with each other! By the way, according to a number of researchers, it was this that gave a powerful impetus to the development of dance and enriched it with new movements. nine0011

Tourist regions

The La Pampa region is located in the vicinity of the Argentine capital. This agricultural center of the country is not very developed in terms of tourism. However, there is still something to see there: this is the picturesque Sierra de Ventana mountain range, the Lihue Calel and Luro Park national reserves. By the way, it was from these places that the traditions and folklore of the gaucho originated.

The Central Region includes the province of Cordoba and part of the province of Buenos Aires. There are very diverse landscapes: mountains and valleys, lakes and lagoons, plains, forests and beaches. The most popular recreational options: various trekking, mountain biking and off-road trips, horseback riding. nine0011

The Cujo region includes the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja and San Luis. Like the whole country, it is characterized by a sharp change in landscapes. The highest mountain in America, Aconcagua (6959 m), is located here, the main wine producers of Argentina and all of South America immediately settled.

The Littoral region (also known as Mesopotamia) includes the provinces of Missiones, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, Chaco and Santa Fe. In the El Palmar National Park, jatay palm trees have been preserved, which are over 800 years old. And in the province of Missiones are the world-famous excavations of San Ignacio (Las Ruinas de San Ignacio) and Iguazu Falls (Cataratas del Iguazú). nine0011

The northwestern region is made up of the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca and Tucuman, adjacent to the Andean mountains. To the northwest lie the vast plateaus of La Puna, with desert landscapes and spectacular lunar landscapes. Tourists can admire this beauty while traveling in the famous “Train to the Clouds” along the highest mountain railway in the world.

Patagonia, the southernmost tourist region, includes the provinces of Neuquen, Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and the islands of the South Atlantic Ocean. In this region, you should definitely visit the town of El Calafate and Lake Lago Argentino, which are famous for the blue Perito glacier, the towns of Trelev and Gaiman, the De Las Manos Pintadas cave with handprints of the Indian tribes that once lived here. As well as Canyon de Rio Pinturas, Rio Gallegos, Puerto Madryn, Fitzroy National Park (part of Los Glacieres Park), Pasito Francisco Moreno National Park – the best place to watch sea lions, penguins and whales . As well as beautiful cliffs at the mouth of the Rio Deseado, huge mysterious stone formations in the Monumento Natural Bosques Petrifados and the farm complex of Estancias de Santa Cruz

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mister-travel » Trip to Argentina

Trip to Argentina

Trip to Argentina – this phrase hides an unforgettable trip to the capital Buenos Aires and much more, known for its beaches and much more.

It is not possible to classify a trip to Argentina as an ordinary tourist trip. The thing is not at all that this country has a huge area – from the subtropics to Antarctica, but in the widest range of sensations and impressions that this country can give to every tourist. Holidays in Argentina are relaxation on golden beaches, adrenaline that you experience while being in the heart of a big city – in one of the Argentinean metropolises, and finally, this is unity with nature in the wild expanses of Patagonia. nine0011

Tourism in Argentina

Tourism in Argentina is widely developed, there are a large number of both sea and ski resorts (San Carlos de Bariloche). From the point of view of tourism, cities such as Salta, Ushuaia, and, of course, the famous Buenos Aires are also interesting.

The agricultural center of the country is a region like La Pampa, and although it is not as developed in terms of tourism as the above-mentioned cities, tourists still visit here quite often, because La Pampa is a picturesque mountain range of the Sierra de Ventana, these are such national reserves as Lihyu Kalel, etc. nine0011

Central region of Argentina – the province of Cordoba and part of the province of Buenos Aires. Here you will find amazingly beautiful landscapes: mountains and valleys, plains, beaches. Among the most popular recreational options are various kinds of trekking, mountain biking, and horseback riding.

Holidays in Argentina

Cujo region is represented by the following provinces: Mendoza, and San Juan, together with La Rioja, as well as San Luis. Here you will meet the highest mountain in America, Aconcagua (almost 7000 m), and you will also find the famous wine producers of Argentina and all of South America. nine0011

Holidays in Argentina will not be complete if you do not visit the region of Litoral (Mesopotamia), which includes the provinces of Missiones, Entre Rios, Formosa, Santa Fe, etc. El Palmar National Park is an opportunity to see Jatay palm trees that are over 800 years old. In the province of Missiones you can visit the world famous excavations of San Ignacio and the Iguazu Falls.

As for the northwestern region a, we are talking about the province of Jujuy, Catamarca, etc. Here you can see the vast plateaus of La Puna with desert landscapes and spectacular “lunar” landscapes. You can admire the beauty while traveling in the famous “Train to the Clouds” along the highest mountain railway in the world. nine0011

Trip to Argentina

Patagonia, the country’s southernmost tourist region, includes the provinces of Neuquen, Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and the islands of the South Atlantic.


There are no direct flights from Russia to Argentina, there are several flight options from Moscow to Buenos Aires with a connection in Europe. The most convenient are the daily flights of Air France via Paris, Iberia via Madrid and Lufhansa via Frankfurt. Alitalia via Rome and British Airways via London are also available. nine0326 The duration of the flight, including connections, is about 23 hours.

In most cases, it is better to choose a morning departure and, accordingly, an evening arrival. Indeed, after a fifteen-hour (at least) flight, travelers will probably want to relax.


Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to visit Argentina for tourism purposes if the duration of the trip does not exceed 90 days. When crossing the border, it is enough to present a passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry and air tickets in both directions. Proof of sufficient funds for the entire stay in the country (cash, credit cards, traveler’s checks) may also be required. nine0326 Children under 18 traveling with their parents must carry documents proving their relationship (birth certificate). If the child is traveling without parents accompanied by third parties, a notarized power of attorney from both parents will be required. It must be translated into Spanish, and it must indicate the name of the accompanying persons.
But citizens of the CIS countries will need an Argentine visa. Required documents: passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry into the country, application form, one color photo 3.5 × 4.5 cm (on a light background, without corner and oval), a copy of all completed pages of the internal passport, a copy of the first page of the international passport with personal data of the tourist, certificate of employment, original and copy of air tickets in both directions. In addition, it is desirable to provide documents confirming solvency (bank statement). If you have an old international passport that contains Schengen visas or visas from Australia, Canada or the USA, you must provide a photocopy of it. nine0326 For minors, the original and copy of the birth certificate must be provided. If the child is traveling accompanied by one of the parents or third parties, a notarized power of attorney for the removal of the child from the remaining parents will be required.
The term for issuing a regular visa is 7 days, an urgent visa is 3 days.


The import of unpreserved foodstuffs, objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value is prohibited (without special permission). nine0326 Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes (or 25 cigars), 2 liters of alcoholic beverages, 5 kg of canned food, souvenirs and gifts in the amount of not more than 300 USD, items and things within personal needs is allowed. When importing the listed items in excess of the specified amount, a duty of 50% of their value is levied.
The export without special permission of objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value, as well as weapons. It is allowed to export wool and leather products, jewelry, souvenirs within the limits of personal needs, while you need to present a receipt from the store where they were purchased. Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited. nine0011

When exporting furs, you will need a receipt and an export stamp.

Where to call if anything

Embassy of Argentina in Moscow: st. Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya, 4/10; tel.: (495) 232-99-92, fax: (495) 232-99-93
Consular section of the Embassy of Argentina in Moscow: st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 72; tel.: (495) 502-10-20, 502-10-22, 502-10-24
Russian Embassy in Buenos Aires: 1021, Capital Federal, Rodrigues Pena 1741, Republica Argentina; tel.: (11) 481-315-52, 481-380-39, fax: (11) 481-562-93, website:
Buenos Aires Tourist Information Center: (11) 431-222-32
Tourist Security Department: (11) 430-278 -16
Inquiry: 110, ambulance: 107, police: 911, fire service: 100.

What to ride

It is most convenient and fastest to cover long distances in the country by plane due to the extensive network of air routes and the presence of airports in large cities. It is better to book tickets in advance, you should also keep in mind that there are flight delays. Rail transport in the country is popular, but in some areas it is not well developed. Special tourist trains run in the regions of Patagonia and Mesopotamia, and urban transport is represented by buses, suburban trains and taxis. In Buenos Aires, moreover, there is a subway. nine0326 All taxis in Argentina are equipped with meters that must be turned on when boarding a passenger. A 15-minute drive around the city will cost an average of 10 ARS.

Be vigilant

Since there are still few tourists from Russia in the country, the locals regard them as exotic, their attitude is affable and friendly. However, this does not negate certain security measures: it is not recommended to leave the tourist centers alone (especially in the evening), you should not carry large sums of money, expensive jewelry, and so on. nine0326 It is recommended to drink bottled or boiled water.
You can swim in the ocean only in strictly designated areas: it is dangerous in undeveloped areas due to strong coastal currents.

Weather forecast

The climate in Argentina varies from subtropical in the north, humid tropical in the center to temperate in the south. The Andean region is characterized by rainy weather in summer with frequent floods and intense heat, while in winter snow falls in the mountainous regions, and below there are often dry hot winds, which are called “sonda” here. In the flat areas, heavy rainfall often occurs over impenetrable wet forests and savannahs. And by the way, do not forget that in the southern hemisphere, winter and summer coincide with ours exactly the opposite. nine0326 Summer (December to February) is the best time to visit Patagonia and the South Andes. Winter (from May to September) is suitable for traveling in the northern and northwestern regions of the country.
Spring and autumn are great times to travel to Buenos Aires, Mesopotamia, the foothills of the Cordillera provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca. Well, fans of skiing can hone their skills on the slopes of the snowy Argentine Andes from June to October.
The best time to visit the country is from October to May. nine0011

Where to stay

There are two types of hotels in the country: local and international hotel chains. The former, as a rule, tend to undeservedly attribute one extra “star” to themselves, while the level of the latter fully corresponds to the declared one. There are few all-inclusive hotels in the country, mostly hotels offer either breakfast or half board.
Mains voltage 220 V, 50 Hz. There are both two-pin and three-pin sockets. It is better to take adapters with you. nine0011


Currency can be exchanged in all banks and major shopping centers, hotels and specialized exchange offices. Large retail outlets, hotels and restaurants accept American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards. But in the provinces it is almost impossible to pay them off. It is not worth taking travelers checks with you: exchange offices charge a sensitive commission for cashing them, in addition, it is almost impossible to exchange them in small towns. nine0011

Most banks and currency exchange offices use a ticket system: instead of standing in a live queue, a ticket with a number is issued. Sometimes you have to wait a long time.

What to bring

In Argentina, inexpensive and high-quality shopping. From the country you can bring mate tea, a lot of souvenirs (usually related to tango), as well as fur coats with a good price / quality ratio. When exporting items made of wool and leather, you must present a receipt from the store where they were purchased. nine0011

When departing the country, VAT can be refunded on purchases over 70 USD.
Ushuaia is a free trade zone, so shopping there will be especially profitable.

How to eat well

Argentine cuisine is meat! Excellent, many even consider it the best in the world. But it is better to forget about the existence of fish restaurants in the country right away.
In addition, Argentina is one of the leading wine producers – however, this does not mean that the country’s guests are doomed exclusively to “wine holidays”: lovers of tequila, whiskey, vodka or brandy will also not leave sober … that is, offended. nine0011

If tourists want to treat themselves to a famous restaurant, especially on a weekend, it is better to book a table in advance. Otherwise, you will have to defend a decent queue at the entrance.
In Argentina it is customary to tip 5-10% of the service bill. In expensive establishments, tips are often already included in the bill.


The possibilities for outdoor activities in Argentina are endless. These are trekking in the Glaciers National Park and the Iguazu Falls, climbing Mount Aconcagua, rafting and kayaking along the mountain rivers of San Carlos de Bariloche, Salta and Mendoza, skiing, paragliding, horseback riding in the Andes and so on. nine0011

What to see

There are many monuments with UNESCO World Heritage status on the territory of the country: Los Glaciares national parks in Patagonia and Iguazu in the province of Missiones, Jesuit missions in the land of the Guarani Indians, Cueva de las Manos cave in the province of Santa Cruz, Ischigualasto and Talampaya natural parks, where flora and fauna, formed about 230 million years ago, have been preserved. As well as the buildings of the Jesuits in Cordoba and its environs, the natural and historical monuments of the Quebrada de Humahuaca valley along the Inca Road. nine0326 In Salta, it is worth visiting the cathedral, Jesuit churches, and also look into the folk art market, where you can find authentic works of art. Salta also serves as the starting point for excursions to the Calchaqui Valley and Humahuaca Canyon.
In addition, ocean cruises to Cape Horn, Antarctica and Patagonia enjoy stable popularity among tourists.
One of the most interesting excursions is the Gaucho Fiesta and the Tango Show, entertaining performances featuring the country’s best dancers. These shows introduce the life, cuisine, customs and music of the Argentine gaucho cowboys. nine0326 Mar del Plata is a famous resort located 404 km south of Buenos Aires in the temperate climate zone. Only 600 thousand inhabitants live here, and the number of vacationers and tourists reaches 6 million! There are many theme parks in Maar del Plata where you can see shows with dolphins, fur seals, sharks, acrobatic water skiing and much more. Farm tours in the style of “eco-tourism” will provide an opportunity to see how lambs are fed milk and sheared sheep, as well as taste home cooking. Mendoza regularly hosts a wine festival with carnival and dancing, music shows and the election of the Queen. nine0326 Another interesting excursion is a trip to Cordoba, the second largest city in Argentina, which, from an architectural point of view, surpasses the capital in many ways. Beautiful ensembles of buildings of colonial times are concentrated in the city center – the old market, the Catholic Cathedral and much more.

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