Donde esta el rio grande: Bienvenido a Río Grande | Municipio de Río Grande

Bienvenido a Río Grande | Municipio de Río Grande

La ciudad de Río Grande se encuentra en la costa norte de la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur.

Con una población de más de 100 mil habitantes, es el núcleo urbano con mayor densidad demográfica de la isla.

Se encuentra a

  • 3000 km de Buenos Aires
  • 701 km de Puerto Argentino
  • 365 km de Río Gallegos
  • 220 km de Ushuaia

Para llegar desde el continente vía terrestre es necesario

  1. Transitar la Ruta Nacional N°3
  2. Pisar el suelo chileno y realizar los pertinentes trámites aduaneros
  3. Atravesar el estrecho de Magallanes por el servicio de ferries.

La ciudad también está conectada mediante un moderno Aeropuerto Internacional a través de vuelos diarios y regulares con los principales destinos.

Lugar de privilegiados cielos, con amaneceres rosados y crepúsculos anaranjados, se caracteriza por tener un clima frío y ventoso.

La economía local está basada en la actividad industrial, comercial, petrolera y ganadera. Además, el autoemprendimiento de los vecinos complementa motor económico de la ciudad.


El paisaje de estepa, bosques de transición, mar y río rodean la ciudad. Reconocida como “la Capital Internacional de la Trucha”, es apreciada por los aficionados de la pesca deportiva debido a la gran calidad y número de truchas que habitan su río.

Al mismo tiempo, la zona se caracteriza por poseer un área de reserva costera de grandes dimensiones y de categoría internacional donde se puede apreciar avifauna autóctona y migratoria. Por este motivo, es una gran atracción para los observadores de todo el mundo.


Desde la entrada hasta su salida, la ciudad cuenta con múltiples sitios para conocer en su casco urbano que les permite a los turistas contemplar monumentos, murales y paseos.


Río Grande tiene una gran riqueza histórica y cultural gracias a sus habitantes que migraron de diferentes puntos del país y el mundo. De esta forma, se radicaron familias que a lo largo de los años han construido la ciudad con mucho esfuerzo y sacrificio para cumplir sus sueños e ilusiones.


Habitada por vecinos comprometidos que cada 2 de abril acompañan masivamente a los ex combatientes, se logró reivindicar la dignidad de los Héroes de Malvinas otorgándole a la ciudad el título de “Capital Nacional de la Vigilia”.

Los visitantes pueden aproximarse al folclore y a la idiosincrasia lugareña mediante los museos que son reservorios de la cultura de los pueblos originarios y de los pioneros fueguinos, tales como el “Museo Municipal Virginia Choquintel” y el “Museo de La Misión Salesiana.”

Las grandes estancias que dieron origen a la antigua Colonia Agrícola y Ganadera de Río Grande en la actualidad funcionan como centro de atracción por sí mismas.

Esta ciudad se ofrece como tranquila, cómoda y segura, acondicionada con servicios de excelencia en todos sus aspectos.

DSD – Recursos Hdricos – Ro Bravo

El Ro Bravo, que se extiende por 3. 000-km, es el quinto ro ms grande de Norteamrica y el vigsimo cuarto ro ms grande del mundo. Tambin el Ro Bravo es una frontera principal entre Mxico y los Estados Unidos. Es central al patrimonio cultural y la historia de la frontera de ambos pases, con una cuenca de 467.000 km2 que se ensancha por cinco estados de Mxico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Len, Tamaulipas, Durango) y tres estados de los EEUU (Colorado, Nuevo Mxico, Texas). El Ro atraviesa tres regiones ecolgicas (Las Montanas Rocosas del sur, el Desierto de Chihuahua y el ThornScrub de Tamaulipas), exhibiendo un mosaico de hbitats, incluyendo bosques ribereos, marismas, pantanos de sal, fuentes de agua dulce y scrubland en las regiones de las montanas, desierto y costa. El valle del Bajo Ro Bravo es considerado uno de las regiones ms diversas en trminos de biodiversidad en el mundo, con millones de pjaros migratorios que vistan para alimentar y descansar ah durante la migracin estacional.

Esta cuenca internacional es el rea que est creciendo ms rpidamente en los dos pases; 90% de la poblacin de la frontera reside en 14 ciudades hermanas interdependientes. El ndice de crecimiento anual en la mayora de las ciudades de la Cuenca excede 3%, con la Cuenca del Bajo Ro Bravo enfrentando un aumento de poblacin predicho de 175% entre 2000 y 2050. Hay actividad significativa de agricultura en los dos lados de la frontera. El lado mexicano ha tenido una proliferacin de maquiladoras, asociadas con el Tratado de Libre Comercio de Amrica del Norte (TLCAN), estimulando migracin del interior del pas a la frontera. Debido a estos factores, el Ro Bravo es un ro en desorden. Aunque un tratado de 1944 entre Mxico y los Estados Unidos controle las cuotas de agua en la parte internacional del Ro Bravo, la habilidad el ro aguantar una gama de necesidades fsicas, sociales y econmicas y a la vez mantener ecosistemas importantes, est sendo abrumada. Abstracciones excesivas de agua (96% del corriente media anual del ro ha sido repartido) son exacerbadas por otros factores, incluyendo diversiones de agua, ndices altos de evaporacin, sequas persistentes, especies invasoras, biodiversidad terrestre y acutico sensitiva, cambios en el uso de tierra agrcola y urbana y dislocaciones sociales.

La necesidad de compartir y utilizar los recursos hdricos transfronterizos del Ro Bravo de una manera sostenible est al meollo de este proyecto. Por consiguiente, este proyecto est dirigido al desarrollo de un marco exhaustivo y participativo para la gestin coordinada de la Cuenca del Ro Bravo por sus usuarios primarios, particularmente para facilitar uso eficiente de agua en toda la cuena. Los factores socioeconmicos influyendo el sustento de los habitantes de la cuenca, particularmente la poblacin pobre y baja representada, son integral a tales metas, especficamente con respecto a la maximizacin de los beneficios transfronterizos. Tambin hay que considerar el patrimonio natural de Ro Bravo, que es nico en el mundo. A pesar de su biodiversidad extensiva, la cuenca tambin contiene muchas especies en peligro de extincin y amenazadas. Ms que 95% de la hierba en la Baja Cuena se ha convertido al uso agrcola o urbano desde los 1920s, y quedan pocas comunidades naturales. Proyectos de desarrollo acutico han perturbado los regimenes naturales de corriente, afectado pantanos y su fauna acutica, y degradando comunidades nativas de plantas ribereas.

Contra esta historia, una limitacin significativa al uso sostenible de agua del Ro Bravo est en el hecho de que los dos pases tienen obligaciones del tratado para repartir cuotas especificas de agua un al otro, en localizaciones diferentes en la cuenca, lo cual complica bastante el uso integral y integrado del ro. Tambin hay fragmentacin legal e institucional de autoridad en la gestin de agua en la cuenca, porque el agua del Ro Bravo est gobernada por una abundancia de tratados desconcertantes, compactos entre estados, proyectos de reclamacin, derechos hdricos y contratos que son implementados por una gama de agencias gubernamentales al nivel institucional, nacional, estado y local. Estas instituciones, y un nmero aun mayor de organizaciones privadas (p. ej. distritos de irrigacin, componen un grupo grande de partes interesadas diversas que tienen que ser involucradas en transformando el actual sistema fragmentado a un proceso integrada de tomar decisiones. Aunque una parte de la resolucin est en coordinacin mejorada entre organizaciones al los dos lados de la frontera, esta meta contina difcil y elusiva entre los dos pases. Una falta de comunicacin efectiva entre las comunidades que usan el agua y los otros grupos interesados dificulta la meta del uso sostenible del ro tambin. Todos juntados, estos factores aseguran un enfoque gradual a la gestin de este sistema acufero transfronterizo importante.

Construyendo encima del marco existente legal entre Mxico y los Estados Unidos, este proyecto esboza un enfoque de dos fases de diagnosis y accin dirigidas al desarrollo de un marco exhaustivo y participativo para la gestin coordinada del Ro Bravo por sus partes interesadas. Este enfoque es consistente con el Anlisis de Diagnstico Transfronterizos (ADT) y los protocolos de formulacin del PEA del rea focal del FMAM. La dependencia de la diversidad biolgica de la Cuenca en la condicin y sostenibilidad del Ro Bravo dicta que esta biodiversidad tambin tiene que ser considerada adentro del contexto del PEA final del uso sostenible del ro. Dado la extensin espacial grande y los problemas en la Cuenca del Ro Bravo, y los dinmicos sociales complicados de los habitantes de la Cuenca, obteniendo estas metas del proyecto representa una contribucin significativa a la gestin ambiental y social de este recurso hdrico transfronterizo.

El Plan Estratgico de asociacin para desarrollo integral incluye lo siguiente:

  • Mejora de mecanismos para dilogo de polticas
  • Construccin y fortalecimiento de asociaciones
  • Construccin de capacidad
  • Movilizacin de recursos

Los objetivos del proyecto son varios. El proyecto intenta: (i) contribuir a la proteccin y uso sostenible de los recursos terrestres y hdricos transfronterizos de la Cuenca del Ro Bravo dentro del contexto de un enfoque integrado y basado en ecosistema a la gestin de recursos hdricos; (ii) criar un plan de gestin binacional dedicado a los problemas humanos y ambientales serios enfrentando este sensitivo sistema transfronterizo y maximizar sus beneficios transfronterizos para los habitantes de los dos pases ribereos, Mxico y los Estados Unidos; (iii) proteger la biodiversidad de la cuenca de una manera coordinada y coherente; y (iv) promover la gestin coordinado del Ro Bravo por partes interesadas participantes con respecto a la elaboracin de un PEA, para que los recursos hdricos transfronterizos de la cuenca puedan ser utilizados de manera sostenible. El PEA tiene la intencin de criar los mecanismos socioeconmicos y polticos necesarios para implementar el programa del plan de accin y engendrando las reformas necesarias.

The river is called Rio Bravo in Mexico and Rio Grande in the United States.

Mexico: the center of Latin American culture – RIA Novosti, 07/31/2013

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Mexico: the center of Latin American culture

Mexico: the center of Latin American culture – RIA Novosti, 31.07.2013 9002 : the center of Latin American culture

Mexico is perhaps the most Latin American country. After all, it was she who was the first of all the countries of Latin America to be inhabited by tribes who crossed the frozen Bering Strait from Eurasia. However, as the analysis of the human genetic code showed, representatives of the Polynesian Islands, and the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, and immigrants from Africa fell into the territory of Mexico. nine0004





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Mexico is perhaps the most Latin American country. After all, it was Mexico that was the first of all the countries of Latin America to be settled by tribes that mastered the American continent, overcoming the frozen Bering Strait from Eurasia. Although in fairness it should be noted that, as the analysis of the human genetic code showed, representatives of the Polynesian islands of the Pacific Ocean, and the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, and immigrants from Africa fell into the territory of Mexico. The pre-Columbian civilizations of Mexico with the highest level of development were the first to experience the merciless sword of the conquista, and the same conquistadors erected the most grandiose structures of the colonial era on the territory of this country. nine0004

The idea of ​​national independence, civil wars, economic dependence on the United States, the rise of culture and cinema, a peculiar national cuisine and millennial traditions, a religion that has absorbed Christianity and paganism, a mentality that suggests the existence of parallel worlds – material and non-material, endless snow-white beaches and mountain landscapes with lonely cactus monuments – all this is beautiful and amazing Mexico.


The official name of the country is the United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos). A presidential republic located in North America with a population of 111 million. To the north, Mexico borders the United States, and a good half of the 3,141-kilometer border runs along the Rio Grande. In the southwest, its border neighbors are Guatemala and Belize.

The territory of Mexico is mostly mountainous, 2/3 of its area is occupied by the Mexican Highlands. The highest points of the country are the active volcanoes of Orizaba (Orizaba, 5700 meters), the last eruption of which was observed at 1941, and Popocatepetl (Popocatepetl, 5452 meters), periodically ejecting ash, which, in the presence of a southeast wind, falls on Mexico City lying 65 kilometers away. The southwestern part of Mexico is represented by the Mexican lowland, which passes into the karst plains of Yucatan.

By the time the first Spanish ships reached the shores of the New World, the huge continent was inhabited by many Indian tribes numbering from 15 to 20 million people. The Mesoamerican center of agriculture (according to the classification of Nikolai Vavilov) served as the basis for the emergence on the territory of present-day Mexico of two great civilizations – the Aztecs and the Maya. The city of Tenochtitlan became the center of the Aztec empire, the Maya civilization spread in the city-states on the Yucatan Peninsula. nine0004

At that time, the Aztec society, as well as the societies of the Mayan city-states, was strictly structured. At the apex of secular, military and religious power was the supreme ruler, who was elected by the Supreme Council of the ruling family. Power was inherited from father to son, from older brother to younger, and so on. Priests also belonged to the nobility – clergymen and keepers of knowledge. The empire, or rather, the supreme power, was engaged in collecting taxes from subordinate tribes, which, of course, did not like this state of affairs. It was this fact that played a key role in the conquest of the Aztec empire, when a small detachment of Hernan Cortes entered Tenochtitlan on the shoulders of a 400,000-strong army of allies from Indian tribes previously conquered by the Aztecs. nine0004

It makes no sense to retell the well-known story of the destruction of Tenochtitlan and the capture of Emperor Moctezuma II (Moctezuma), but what the Spaniards saw upon entering the city is worthy of mention. The capital of the Aztec empire with a population of more than 200 thousand people (by the way, the largest city in Spain at that time was Seville with a population of about 45 thousand people) was located on the islands of Lake Texcoco. Huge lavishly decorated pyramids; strict lines of streets and canals, dams connecting the city to the coast, aqueducts supplying drinking water to the city – this is how the Spaniards saw Tenochtitlan. The once grandiose complex, consisting of 72 pyramids, is now represented by the ruins of the Templo Mayor, the once 45-meter main temple, which had a base of 81 x 76 meters. Now there is an observation deck and a well-organized museum dedicated to the great empire. nine0004

As for the Mayan civilization, by the time the Spaniards arrived, the main centers had already fallen into decay and the Indians of only two, not the largest pyramid complexes, met bearded Europeans at the temple walls of Tulum (Tulum) and Dzibilchaltun (Dzibilchaltun).

It cannot be said that the Spaniards brought only death and suffering, the collapse of great empires is always a foregone conclusion, but the meeting of two civilizations became a crucible in which a new nation, the Mexicans, began to melt. And now the local priest Miguel Hidalgo leads the struggle of the Indians and Creoles for the independence of Mexico from the Spanish crown. On September 16, 1810, he appealed to the people to rise up to fight against the colonialists – this day is celebrated today as the national holiday of the Beginning of the struggle for independence. Independence from Spain itself was proclaimed only 11 years later, in 1821, when the united popular army entered Mexico City, but the situation in the country remained extremely unstable for many years to come. nine0004

As a result of the capitulation of the Mexican government in the war with the United States in 1848, the country lost more than half of its territory (2.3 million square kilometers) with the richest natural resources. Another 120,000 square kilometers were purchased by the United States from Mexico in 1853 under a predatory treaty – for a ridiculous figure of 10 million dollars. Defeats and huge territorial losses led to an uprising and the outbreak of a civil war, which escalated into intervention by Britain, France and Spain. The victory over the invaders in 1867 was replaced by the dictatorship of General Porfirio Diaz, who was overthrown in 1911 the bourgeois-democratic revolution. A streak of successive dictators, renewed US intervention, and the heroic resistance of the Mexican people under the leadership of Pancho Villa (real name Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula) and Emilio Zapata (Emiliano Zapata Salazar) led to the adoption in 1917 of a new constitution. Mexico became the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with the young Soviet Union in August 1924.

By the way, the first ambassador to Mexico was a well-known figure in the international revolutionary socialist movement, a member of the first Bolshevik government – the people’s commissar of public charity, a feminist and the world’s first woman minister, Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai. She did not work in Mexico for long, but her activities brought some success in terms of improving relations between the two countries, for which Kollontai was subsequently awarded the highest award of the United States of Mexico – the Order of the Aztec Eagle. nine0004


In the pre-Columbian period, civilizations flourished on the territory of Mexico, creating magnificent examples of art and architecture. The Olmecs (1200-200 BC) were the first empire that left amazing works of stone carving and masks made of ornamental stones to descendants. Back in 1867, a message appeared about a giant head of an “Ethiopian” found in the town of Tres Zapotes. Subsequently, a few steles and stone heads of enormous size with pronounced Negroid features were discovered on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, in the provinces of Veracruz and Tabasco. nine0004

The sixth century BC marked the beginning of the construction of the pyramids. The first of these was a pyramid discovered near the university campus of Mexico City, in the archaeological area of ​​Cuicuilco. Moreover, it was not square in plan, but in the form of an oval, repeating the natural terrain. Here, archaeologists have found clay figurines, pottery and the first jewelry.

For the period from the 2nd century BC. to 7th century AD civilizations such as Teotihuacan, Monte Alban, Palenque, Uxmal, Chichen Itza and others flourished. The Teotihuacan culture produced magnificent wall paintings and pottery. The archaeological excavations of Monte Albán have revealed unique frescoes, mosaics, funerary urns in the form of figures of people and animals, and highly artistic gold items from the Zapotecs and Mixtecs. In the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, archaeologists found the tomb of the ruler K’inich Khanaab Pakal with a death mask made of jade and a sculptural image of the head of a young warrior made of artificial marble. The Uxmal complex impresses with its architectural diversity and sophistication. The names of the pyramids speak for themselves: the Palace of the Ruler is a structure decorated with sculpture and a mosaic frieze of 20 thousand individual plates, the Wizard’s Pyramid – with a stone temple on top. nine0004

Chichen Itza – the most famous and largest complex of the Mayan civilization in Mexico, whose name translates as “The well of the Itza tribe. ” This complex has everything that characterizes the Maya culture: imperial architecture, seven ball courts, a sacred cenote (a karst ceremonial well) and much more. In Mexico, it is the second most popular archaeological site among foreign tourists. In a 2007 New Open World Corporation survey, Chichen Itza was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. UNESCO, for its part, declared Chichen Itza a world cultural heritage site. nine0004

With the advent of the Spaniards, colonial architecture reached its peak, primarily the construction of temples and monasteries in the style of the Spanish Renaissance. From the first houses of the nobility, outwardly reminiscent of fortresses, to magnificent palaces and cathedrals of the colorful Mexican ultra-baroque: the cathedral in Zacatecas, the cathedral in Chihuahua, the monastery of Santo Domingo in Oaxaca, etc. Stone carving flourished, the production of moldings flourished, the art of ceremonial portrait developed.

Revolution 1910-1917 was a turning point in the social and cultural development of Mexico. So, a participant in those events, the future muralist Clemente Orozco (Jose Clemente Orozco) became a co-founder of the Syndicate of revolutionary painters, sculptors and engravers. Under the influence of time, the Minister of Education of Mexico commissioned young artists to paint the walls of several public buildings, which marked the beginning of the picturesque movement of the Mexican school of neorealism, whose adherents were called muralists (mura – “wall painting”). The colossal frescoes and mosaics are paintings that create an architectural space. The work of muralists had a huge impact on the art of all Latin America and still remains a symbol of Mexican painting. Now the creations of the “students” of this art school can be seen on the buildings of the University of Mexico, and in museums, and in the presidential palace. Fine examples of brush Rufino Tamagno (Rufino Tamayo), Diego Ribera (full name – Diego Maria de la Concepcion Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodriguez), David Siqueiros (Jose David Alfaro Siqueiros) and Clement Orozco are in the Palace of Fine Arts (Palacio de Bellas Artes) in Mexico City. nine0004

In the same years, such a musical culture as mariachi (mariachi) also flourished. Initially, mariachis – musical groups of 7-12 performers – performed only folk songs from the state of Jalisco, but in the early 30s of the last century, their repertoire included ballad songs, songs of peasants and commoners, Mexican waltzes and even boleros and cumbia. From that moment on, mariachi groups appeared in the neighboring states of Colima and Nayarit, and then in other parts of the country. Mariachi clothes are decorated with characteristic embroidery, ornaments, an indispensable attribute of musicians is a wide-brimmed sombrero. In the middle of the 20th century, the first female mariachi bands appeared in Mexico City. In the 40s of the last century, this musical culture spread throughout the world thanks to Mexican films, in which mariachis certainly appeared. Thus, the actor Federico Guizar (Federico Arturo Guizar Tolentino) in the role of mariachi is considered the first cinematic hero of Mexico. In the capital of the state of Jalisco, the city of Guadalajara, where this culture originated, the annual competition “International Meeting of Mariachi and the Art of Dressage” takes place. nine0004

The modern culture of Mexico is a huge variety of traditions, national costumes, music, cuisine and crafts of 31 states and federal districts. To feel the depth and power of this culture, you need to visit Mexico. It is worth noting that today there is a tendency to return to the origins of cultural heritage, especially in arts and crafts, painting, literature and architecture.


If you intend to call from Moscow to Mexico City, then it should be done in the afternoon, after 18:00, since the difference between the two cities is nine hours. Mexico itself is divided into three time zones. At the same time, please note that, unlike us, the Mexicans do not use the 24-hour version of the time, but the 12-hour one, indicating the time before noon – a. m. (antes del meridiano) and in the afternoon – p.m. (pasado del meridiano). nine0004


Officially the country is Catholic, but the farther from the big cities, the more mixed Indian and Christian is felt. Once on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, one can observe how deeply believing Mexicans in the Catholic Church charge healing herbs at the icon of the Mother of God and, upon leaving the temple, clean the aura from damage, fanning themselves with this herb.

The patroness of Mexico is Our Lady of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadelupa).


Spanish is the official and universal language. The educated part of society and engineering personnel speak English – as a result of education received in the USA or work in an American company, after all, the Mexican economy is to a large extent dependent on its northern neighbor. Emperor Charles V once remarked that each language has its own sound, so, in Spanish, “it is proper to speak with God. ” By the way, in the world, in addition to Mexicans, more than 400 million people speak Spanish. nine0004


Good morning! (06:00-12:00) – ¡Buenos dias! (Buenos dias!)
Good afternoon! (12:00-18:00) – ¡Buenas tardes! (Buenos tardes!)
Good evening! (18:00-06:00) – ¡Buenas nights! (Buenos noches!)
Hello! – ¡Hola! (Ola!)
How are you? – ¿Como está? (Como esta?)
Good – Bien
Thank you – Gracias
What is your name? – ¿Como se llama? (Como se llama?)
My name is … – Me llamo … (Me llamo …)
One more glass of tequila, please – Una copa de tequila más, por favor (Una copa de tequila mas, por favor)
With great pleasure! – ¡Con mucho gusto! (Kon mucho thick!)
Yes – Sí (Si)
No – No (But)
Where…? – ¿Donde…? (Donde…?)
Where is the toilet? – ¿Dónde está el baño? (Donde esta el bagno?)
I want… – Quiero… (Chiero…)
I don’t understand – No entiendo (But entiendo)
Excuse me – Disculpe (Disculpe)
Bye! – ¡Adios! (Adyös!)
Goodbye! – ¡Hasta la vista! (Asta la vista!)
Have a good trip! – ¡Feliz viaje! (Feliz vyahe!)

Exclamation and question marks are placed in Spanish both at the beginning of a phrase and at the end, which is very convenient, because it is immediately clear whether this is an exclamation or a question. A distinguishing feature of Latin American Spanish from Castilian is that the Latin letters with (before the vowels e , i ) and z are always pronounced like Russian “ with “. Sometimes the meanings of words do not match in the language: for example, “pool” in Spain is piscina (pissina, with a characteristic sound similar to the English consonant th), and in Mexico the word “pool” is most commonly used alberca (alberca).


The Mexican peso, as it should be, consists of 100 centavos. The exchange rate of the Mexican peso against the US dollar is now 13 to 1. It should be noted that since May 27, 2008, the Mexican peso has been included in the list of freely convertible currencies used in settlements in the international interbank system CLS, which means that individuals and entrepreneurs can make international payments in their own currency, bypassing conversion into dollars or other convertible currency. nine0004


It is impossible to leave Mexico without a souvenir. The eye will definitely stop either at a stylized image of the Aztec calendar, or at a craft inlaid with mother-of-pearl, or at an item made of onyx or silver, etc. The choice is endless.

It must be borne in mind that in stalls, markets or when visiting the pyramids, bargaining is appropriate, during which the price can be knocked down twice. As for city stores, prices are usually fixed, but you can get a discount if the goods “leave” in bulk. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for the wallet to find companions who want to acquire souvenirs. nine0004

In the tourist area of ​​Zona Rosa, between Reforma and Insurgentes streets, there is a huge and not very expensive market for silver jewelry and other souvenirs. Products made of onyx and ceramics are better to buy during excursions to the pyramids, but be sure (repeat – obligatory-for-te-l-but) to bargain.


Air travel is convenient and easy. The journey from Mexico City to Cancun takes about an hour and a half, and to Acapulco – 30 minutes. In addition, Acapulco can be reached in four hours on a beautiful highway on a five-star bus. On the same bus, the journey from Mexico City to Cancun will take 26 hours, and mountains, orange plantations, the Gulf of Mexico, the cities of Veracruz, Villahermosa, Merida will pass before your eyes … You can travel by regular buses from one point to another. The bus station is called “terminal” (terminal) and is usually located on the outskirts of the city. nine0004

The cost of travel in city buses and taxis is not high, but it should be borne in mind that in the latter case, the brand of the car is of great value. The most common is the Volkswagen Beetle with the seat next to the driver stowed away so that passengers can comfortably squeeze into the rear seats. Car rental is also inexpensive, and rights can be obtained at the airport or at the local district office by presenting documents about the place of residence: from a hotel or paid rental housing bills. But in order to ride in the stream of cars of a city of 25 million, one must have both experience and courage. nine0004

Holidays and weekends

January 1 – New Year.
January 6 – Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord, Day of the Three Magi Kings, Epiphany).
February 5 – Constitution Day.
February 24 – National Flag Day.
March-April – Easter.
April 30 – Children’s Day.
May 1 – Labor Day.
May 5 is the anniversary of the Battle of Pueblo in 1862.
September 16 – the national holiday of Mexico – The beginning of the struggle for independence (1810).
November 1 – All Saints’ Day. nine0003 November 20 – Mexican Revolution Day.
December 12 – Day of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, patroness of Mexico.
December 25 – Christmas.
December 31 – New Year’s Eve.

Mexican cuisine

Mexican cuisine is known far beyond the borders of the country. However, the idea of ​​​​it is full of stereotypes, in particular, that Mexicans eat only spicy food, corn tortillas with meat and Azteca soup (chicken broth with tomatoes, pieces of fried capsicum, avocado, cheese and cream). nine0004

At the risk of disappointing you. Spicy food is the lot of big cities: it is here that fairly peppery tacos are served with all kinds of fillings, or peasant-style scrambled eggs (tortilla ranchera), abundantly poured with hot green pepper sauce, or mango sprinkled with red pepper (you can taste it in the city park Chapultepec).

Yes, there is, but, for example, the most popular meat dishes of the central Yucatán are chicken or pork dishes prepared as follows: the meat is marinated in sour oranges, seasoned with paprika, and then baked in earthen pits. By the way, local sour oranges are widely used in the preparation of desserts in the form of fillings for pies and pies. And fruits such as mangoes, bananas, guava, papaya, mamei, guanabana and others harmoniously complement the local diet. nine0004

Mexican seaside cuisine is dominated by seafood. Almost everywhere here you can find ceviche – a dish that includes fresh shrimp, lobsters, squid, shellfish and fish marinated in lime or lemon juice. But I strongly recommend not to abuse such exotic dishes in order to avoid digestive problems, since our food tract is historically not adapted to such tests and does not have such glorious traditions as eating raw fish. Personally, I prefer the shrimp cocktail in spicy tomato sauce with cilantro (Coctel de Camarones). nine0004

Visa and entry-exit formalities

Foreign passport, photocopies of the first page of the passport and valid visas, certificate of employment, proof of solvency, completed application forms and two 3×4 photos – all this you will need to provide to obtain a visa, which is issued takes exactly one week. In this case, a visa can be obtained for up to 10 years.

Customs regulations differ little from those in other countries. It is worth noting, perhaps, only selective customs inspection of luggage. Each passenger passing through the customs zone of the Mexico City airport presses the button installed in the direction of the passenger flow and, if the light turns on not green, but red, please put the suitcases on the table and open them for inspection. When leaving the country, an airport tax is charged. nine0004


Any acquaintance with the country begins with the capital. There is no other such capital among the countries of Latin America with such a tragic and glorious history as Mexico City, with its legend of the foundation by the Mexican tribes led by the priest Tenoch on the islands of Lake Texcoco, before the heyday of the Aztec empire stretched for many thousands of kilometers to the east. An illustration of this legend is a monument in the city center on Pino Suarez Street, depicting the fateful meeting of the Indians and an eagle sitting on a cactus with a snake in its claws. nine0004

The Mexicans themselves call Mexico City in short – D.F. (district federal), that is, the federal district. At the moment, no one can say for sure what the population of the Mexican capital is – it is commonly believed that it is on a par with Tokyo, the largest city in the world with a population of 20 to 30 million.

There is no doubt that there is something to see in Mexico City: the Metropolitano Cathedral, the presidential palace with the murals described above, the Museum of Ethnography in Chapultepec Park, the Palace of Fine Arts, the Frida Kahlo Museum and Trotsky’s house-museum, the house of Hernan Cortes and nearby the Malinci house in absolutely charming area of ​​Coyoacan, Plaza Garibaldi where you can order a mariachi song for your loved one… The list is endless. nine0004

The city of eternal spring, Puebla, is also worth a visit. Teotihuacan, the largest pyramid complex, is located 40 kilometers from Mexico City. Those who left their samovar at home can be recommended to visit the ancient capital of the Toltecs, Tula, with its giants. You can not leave attention to the pyramid complex in Palenque in the province of Chapas, La Venta Park with artifacts of the Olmec civilization.

Participation in the Indian ceremony of cleansing the soul and body of Temazcal in the Nanciyaga Ecological Park leaves an absolutely amazing impression. In this park, by the way, the film “Witch Doctor” was filmed with Sean Connery and Lorren Bracco in the lead roles. nine0004

Visiting Acapulco has its own charm, with its promenade, consisting of fish restaurants. On the way here, it is worth making a stop in the colonial city of Taxco, famous for its huge number of shops specializing in silverware.

An indescribable color effect of the Caribbean Sea on the coasts of the Americanized resorts of Cancun and Playa del Carmen. The unearthly beauty of the underground lakes and rivers of Yucatan, the clear waters of which pierce the sun’s rays “penetrating” underground. And absolutely amazing underwater world on the coral reefs of the island of Cozumel, according to Jacques Yves Cousteau, one of the five best places in the world for diving. Sandy beaches of Huatulco surrounded by palm trees and endless deserted beaches of the Mexican coast, the unique Gulf of California (Golfo de California), whose waters are inhabited by gray whales, dolphins, groupers and large snappers. And this is only a small part of what is worthy of admiration in this unique country. nine0004

By the way, there are 29 Mexican sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List, of which 25 are cultural. Moreover, 11 objects are recognized as masterpieces of human genius, two more – natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance.

Good to know

Going to Mexican resorts, don’t forget to stock up on sunscreen without fail, because it’s easy to get sunburned in these conditions.

In Mexico, as in the USA, the electrical voltage in the network is 110 volts, and sockets are designed for narrow plugs, therefore, without an adapter, you can’t go anywhere. nine0004

It is better not to enter certain areas of Mexico City at all – for security reasons. However, there are not so many of them, and, for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bZokalo Square and the tourist Zone Rosa – representatives of the tourist police are found calmly and at every corner. And yet God saves the safe: I advise you to leave gold jewelry at home or in a hotel and not to put a thick wallet in the back pocket of your trousers. Cancun is a very safe place, but in Acapulco it is better not to go far from the embankment, climbing into the narrow streets. Traveling by public transport is absolutely safe. In case of unforeseen situations, it would not be superfluous to write out the telephone numbers of representatives of the Russian embassy in Mexico even before departure. nine0004

Finally, learn basic Spanish phrases, including Soy ruso (Soy ruso – “I am Russian”), this will undoubtedly help you win the sympathy of the local population, because it is difficult to tell by appearance whether you are an American or not .

Ticket2Ride: Russian-Spanish kayaker phrase book.

In Russia, not many people speak Spanish. But in vain.
After all, this is the key to one and a half continents of our planet: all of South America (for
except for Brazil), the northern half from the Panama Canal to the US border, and
Spain itself. In these regions it is impossible to find anyone who spoke
would be in Russian, and it is very difficult to find someone who would speak English. So
Thus, knowledge of the Spanish language becomes absolutely necessary. AT
Spanish speaking countries are full of excellent white water, and if you want to discover
it for yourself, you will have to learn a few phrases to communicate with the locals
residents. To help kayakers going to Latin America, I wrote this
phrasebook. nine0004

Most important words

Hello – Hola
– Ola

Bye – Chao
– Chao

Yes – Si
– C

No – No
– But

Good morning (until 12 noon) – Buenos dias – Buenos dias

Good afternoon-evening (from 12 to dark) – Buenos tardes – Buenos tardes

Good night (at night) – Buenos noches – Buenos noches

See you, see you – Hasta luego – Asta luega

Excuse me (to get attention) – PerdonPor favor
– Por Favor

Ok – Esta bien
– Esta bien

Come on (aka Let’s go) – Vamos – Bamos

I need – Nesesito – Nesesito


Do you speak English?
– Hablos ingles?
– Avlos Inglas?

I don’t speak Spanish – No hablo espanol – No avlo ispanol

I don’t understand No le entiendo

Do you understand me? – Me entiende? “Me entiende?”


What is your name? – Como te llamas – Como te yamos?

How are you? – Como estas
– Como estas?

What is it? – Que es eso
– Ke es eso?

Where is …? – Donde esta . .. – Donde esta …?

How much does it cost? – Cuanto vale esto? – Quanto bale esto?

Where are we? – Donde estamos? – Donde estamos

How long? – Cuanto tiempo? – Quanto tempo?


1 – Uno
– Uno

2 – Dos
– Dos

3 – Tres
– Tres

4 – Cuatro
– Quattro

5 – Cinco
– Cinco

6 – Seis
– session

7 – Siete
– siète

8 – Ocho
– ocho

9 – Nueve
– Nueve

10 – Diez
– dies

11 – Once

12 – Doce
– doce

13 – Trese
– trese

14 – Catorce
– Katorse

15 – Quince
– quince

16 – Diez i seis
– Diez i siete

17 – Diez i siete
– Diez and Siete

18 – Diez I ocho
– Diez and Ocho

19 – Diez I nueve
– Gies and Nueve

20 – Viente
– Viente

30 – Treinta
– train

40 – Cuarenta
– Quarenta

50 – Cincuenta
– syncuenta

60 – Sesenta
– sesenta

70 – Setenta
– satenta

80 – Ochenta
– ochenta

90 – Noventa
– noventa

100 – Ciento
– siento

1000 – Mil
– miles


Money – Dinero – Dinero

Currency exchange – Cambio de dinero – Cambio de dinero

Plastic card – Tarheta – Tarheta

ATM – Cajero automatic
– Cajero automatico

I need to exchange dollars for pesos – Necesito cambiar dolares en pesos – Necesito cambiar
dolares en pesos

How much do I have to pay? – Cuanto debo pagar? – Quanto devo pagar? nine0004

Account (restaurant, hotel, etc. ) – La cuenta – La cuenta

Public transport

Where is the bus station – Donde esta estacion de autobus? – Donde eata
estacien de bus?

One ticket to Pucon, please – Por favor, uno billeto para Pucon –
Por Favor, Uno Bieto Para Pucon

Luggage – equipaje
– crew

Stop here – Por favor, pare aqui – Por favor, pare aki

Is there a place for kayaks on the bus? – Hay campo abajo el bus para los kayaks – Hay campo abajo spruce
bus para los cayax? nine0004


River – Rio
– Rio

Bridge – Puente
– Puente

Putin (aka entrance) –
Entrada – Entrada

Take-out (aka exit) – Salida – Salida

Waterfall – Salto,
cascada – Somersault, cascade

Threshold – Rapido del rio
– Rapido del rio

Refurbishment – ​​Portaje
– Portaje

Kayak – Kayak,
bota, lancha – Kayak, boat, lunch

Paddle – Remo
– Remo

Helmet – Casco
– Casco

Skirt – Faldon
– Faldon

Life jacket – Chalesco Salvavidas – Chalesco salvavidas

Rocks – Rocas
– Rokas

Swim – Nadar
– Nadar


Breakfast – Desayuno – Desayuno

Lunch – Almuerzo
– Almuerso

Dinner – Cena
– Seine

Water – Aqua
– Agua

Cheese – Queso
– Keso

Meat – Carne
– Carne

Chicken – Pollo
– Poyo

Rice – Arroz
– Arros

Bread – Pan
– Pan

Ham – Jamon
– Jamon

BBQ – Osado
– Osado

Tea – Te – Te

Coffee with milk – Cafe con leche – cafe con leche

Sugar – Azucar
– asukar

Wine – Vino
– Bino

Beer – Cerveza – Serves

Party – Fiesta
– fiesta

Useful places

– Hospital

House – Casa
– Casa

Laundry – Lavanderia
– Lavenderia

Supermarket – Supermercado – Supermercado

Market – Mercado
– Mercado

Toilet – Bano
– Bagno

Cursing (yes, yes, sometimes you have to quarrel)

Ass – Culo – Kulo

Bitch – Hembra
– Embra

Fool – Pendejo
– Pendejo

Wanker – Pajero
– Pajero

Shit – Mierde
– Merde

Fag – Maricon
– Maricon


Right – Derecha – Derecha

Left – Izquierda – Izquierda

Straight – Derecho – Derecho


Cheap – Barato
– Barato

Expensive – Caro
– Caro

Good – Bueno – Bueno

Bad – Malo
– Small

Large – Grande
– Grande

Small – Pequeno
– Pakenyo

High – Alto
– Alto

Low – Bajo
– Bajo

Lot – Mas
– Mac

Small – Menos
– Menos

This list of words is the bare minimum you need to use
you can solve a lot of quests,
which will throw you Latin America.

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