Fiestas patronales de lares: Fiestas Patronales de Lares 2022

Fiestas Patronales de Lares | Son de Aqui PR

Posted on by sondeaquipr

Cuando: 11-13 diciembre 2015.
Dónde: Plaza Pública de Lares, Lares.

Fiestas Patronales de Lares 2015

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Posted in 2015, Agendas de Actividades, Conciertos y Eventos Musicales, Diciembre, Eventos Culturales, Eventos Especiales, Familiar, Ferias Artesanales, Festivales Culturales, Fiestas Patronales, Lares, Para los Niños

| Tagged 2015, actividades, artesanías, christian daniel, conjunto nativo, diciembre, eventos, familiar, Fiestas Patronales de Lares, joseph fonseca, kany garcía, lares, marcos yaroide, musica, ng2, nklabe, oscarito, para los niños, payasa peposita, plenativa, puerto rico, Ri-K Swing, sol y luna, sondeaquipr, turismo interno

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Posted on by sondeaquipr

Cuando: 11-14 diciembre 2014.
Dónde: Estacionamiento del Coliseo Félix Méndez Acevedo, Lares.

Las actividades pueden cambiar de fecha o ser canceladas sin previo aviso, trataremos de avisarles a la mayor brevedad posible. Recuerden, disfruten de lo nuestro y planifiquen con tiempo para así aprovecharlo al máximo. Con mucha MODERACION, no olviden!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Son de Aquí Puerto Rico:
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Twitter: @SondeAquiPR

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Posted in Agendas de Actividades, Conciertos y Eventos Musicales, Diciembre, Eventos Culturales, Eventos Especiales, Ferias Artesanales, Festivales Culturales, Fiestas Patronales

| Tagged actividades, andy montañez, artesanías, ashley, batukéalo, cantores de bayamón, Coliseo Félix Méndez Acevedo, cultura, diciembre, edwin rivera, eventos, familiar, festivalespr, fiestas patronales, Fiestas Patronales de Lares, filobiosis, grupo karís, grupo mackein, grupo tentación, Ismael Miranda, la secta, la secta all stars, lares, manny manuel, musica, papucho, Parada, payaso crioyo, pedro capó, puerto rico, red noise, sondeaquipr, turismo interno

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Posted on by sondeaquipr

Cuando: 12-15 diciembre 2013.
Dónde: Estacionamiento del Coliseo Félix Méndez Acevedo, Lares.

Las actividades pueden cambiar de fecha o ser canceladas sin previo aviso, trataremos de avisarles a la mayor brevedad posible. Recuerden, disfruten de lo nuestro y planifiquen con tiempo para así aprovecharlo al máximo. Con mucha MODERACION, no olviden!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Para más información pueden pasar por el portal:
Son de Aquí Puerto Rico:
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Twitter: @SondeAquiPR

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Posted in Agendas de Actividades, Conciertos y Eventos Musicales, Eventos Culturales, Eventos Especiales, Ferias Artesanales, Festivales Culturales, Fiestas Patronales, Para los Niños

| Tagged 2013, actividades, artesanías, Coliseo Félix Méndez Acevedo, diciembre, ednita nazario, eventos, familiar, Fiestas Patronales de Lares, filobiosis, gira criolla, grupo divertido, joseph fonseca, ke me gusta el show, lares, makein, musica, nklabe, orquesta de muñequitos, para los niños, puerto rico, sie7e, sondeaquipr, turismo interno, unción tropical

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January 2023


  • Fería de Artesanías @ Río Piedras

    January 12, 2023 – January 14, 2023

    Plaza del Mercado Rafael Hernández, Río Piedras, San Juan.

    Recurso: FB Concierge Puerto Rico Hora: 9:00am-5:00pm

  • Puerto Rico Canta y Crece

    January 15, 2023

    Plaza del Mercado, Caguas.

    Recurso: Caguas Qué Hacer Hora: 10:00am

  • Bombazo Junqueño

    January 15, 2023

    Plaza de Recreo Antonio R. Barceló, Juncos.

    Recurso: FB Municipio Autónomo de Juncos Hora: 1:00pm

  • Dominguea en Caguas

    January 15, 2023


    Recurso: Visita Caguas Hora: 1:00pm-5:00pm: Oficina de Turismo y Museos Abiertos – Museo de Caguas – Museo de Artes Populares – Museo de Arte de Caguas 4:30pm: Plaza Santiago R. Palmer

  • Fería de Artesanías @ Río Piedras

    January 19, 2023 – January 21, 2023

    Plaza del Mercado Rafael Hernández, Río Piedras, San Juan.

    Recurso: FB Concierge Puerto Rico Hora: 9:00am-5:00pm

  • Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz – One Last Time
  • Taste of Rum – Puerto Rico Rum Festival 2019
  • Sangría Fest 2019
  • Playa y Brisa Festival
  • Carnaval de Vejigantes de la Playa de Ponce 2019


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    Tambin conocido
como el da del gallo porque
antes los jvenes
se llevaban un gallo para correrlo y posteriormente lo guisaban y se
lo coman. Este da se celebra el Jueves anterior al Domingo de
Carnaval. Es un da de campo.


Ancestral es la costumbre que se lleva a cabo el jueves
anterior al Carnaval.


Reunidos un grupo de amigos o compaeros de escuela, – son
los jvenes los que la celebran- compran un gallo. En das anteriores se han
provisto de largas y flexibles varas verdes de olivo, lamo o mimbre;
debern ser finas para hostigar sin causar lesiones.

Llegado el
jueves (da
escuela), a una finca cercana se encamina la chiquillera, los ms pequeos
acompaados de persona responsable, con su gallo bajo el brazo, que entre
bromas, risas y holgorio van turnando por el camino. En el sitio elegido,
sueltan el gallo, fustigndole con las varas y todos a correr tras l. La
fiesta dura hasta que el pobre animal rendido se echa al suelo, y, de nada
sirve golpearle para que siga corriendo. Es llegado el momento de comer
gallo con arroz y reponer las energas que las carreras desgastaron.

de Lares, su entorno y tradiciones”





Es la nica fiesta que se celebra en Galizuela, pedana de
Esparragosa de Lares. Aunque su da oficial es el
25 de
siempre se celebra el sbado ms cercano.





Esta fiesta se celebra el
15 de Mayo y
todos los vecinos se trasladan a la Ermita de San Isidro.




Estas fiestas
estn dedicadas a la Virgen de la Cueva, patrona de Esparragosa y
tienen lugar del 15 al 19 de agosto.
       El 15 es el da de la Virgen.
Despus de la misa tiene lugar los bailes regionales y los fuegos
       Antes de entrar a la Virgen en la iglesia
se subastan los brazos y se da lectura a las poesas ganadoras del
       El da 16 tiene lugar la
construccin de las barreras, donde cada pea se rene para llevar
palos y tablones y hacer la suya.
      Los das 17,
18 y
19 son los
das de los toros. La tarde esta amenizada por las orquestas y el
ponche de las peas.




Se llevan a cabo actividades durante los das anteriores tales como
concursos, juegos con los nios, matanza popular… El da
de noviembre es un
da de fiesta local para el pueblo.
    A la cada de la tarde, despus
de la procesin, cada grupo de vecinos o amigos enciende una hoguera
en la que se comen sardinas, se bebe vino de pitarra, se canta y se
baila hasta altas horas de la madrugada.



        LA ENRAM, LA MATANZA. ..

Holidays of Brazil in the project Holiday Calendar 2023

Flag of Brazil

Brazil (port. Brasil), officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (port. República Federativa do Brasil) is a sovereign state in South America. It is the fifth country in the world in terms of area, the largest in Latin America. Its territory is 8.5 million square meters. km.

Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas and the largest Lusophone country on the planet. The predominant religion is Catholic. The official language is Portuguese. The capital is the city of Brasilia. nine0003

And I want to go to Brazil – to distant shores ” – words from a famous song, lyrics by R. Kipling, translated by S. Marshak. Indeed, why not want to visit a country with amazing and picturesque nature, a warm climate all year round, a cheerful and smiling population?

Brazil is interesting and original from north to south. In the north of the country, it is unlikely that anyone will be left indifferent by the exotic jungle of the Amazon River – the most full-flowing in the world, its innumerable tributaries, virgin nature and the opportunity to see real crocodiles, monkeys, piranhas and other inhabitants of the tropical animal world with your own eyes. nine0003

The north-east of the country is kilometers of magnificent white sandy beaches and wonderful coves, a unique Salvador with a historical heritage from the colonists. Two of the most famous cities are located in the southeast of the country: Rio de Janeiro with the world’s largest statue of Christ, located on Mount Corcovado, and Sao Paulo, which can be safely called the Brazilian New York, because it was created in its image and likeness.

In the south of the country you will see the “other Brazil”, inhabited by blondes with blue eyes – the descendants of emigrants from Europe, and the Iguazu Falls, located on the border of three states – Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, where the world’s most powerful hydroelectric power plant Itaipu is located. nine0003

Brazil is a country of the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer, writer Georges Amado, composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, as well as football, good coffee, incendiary carnival, endlessly long and cute series, temperamental samba, capoeira, impetuous Formula 1.

The main feature of Brazil is the Brazilians themselves: the descendants of white colonizers, Indians and African slaves. As a result of the mixing of different cultures, a modern nation has taken shape, characterized by emotionality, sentimentality, and optimism. But still, the main feature of the Brazilians is goodwill. nine0003

Holidays are very important for Brazilians. This is probably why they have so many holidays. Holidays are often noisy, fun, with music and dancing. In addition to official state holidays, there are many interesting local holidays held within the state.

Total in the section – 17 holidays .
Festivals, memorable dates, etc., which are of great importance for
countries, but not holidays in the truest sense of the word. Marked in red
state holidays.

Holidays of Mexico in the project Calendar of Holidays 2023

Historic center of Mexico City. Stock photo

When asked by King Carlos V of Spain about what Mexico is, Cortes silently held out a piece of paper crumpled in his hand. Indeed, Mexico looks like someone has clenched this land in a fist.

Mexico (Spanish: México), officially United Mexican States (Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos) is located in North America. In the north and east they border on the United States, in the south – with Belize, Guatemala, in the west, the country is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in the east – by the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. nine0003

Mexico is a federal republic. The territory of the country, which is 1,958.2 thousand km², is divided into 31 states and the capital district. The capital is the city of Mexico City, the most densely populated metropolis on the planet.

Together with Brazil and Argentina, Mexico forms the “Big Three” of Latin American industrial leaders.

The official language is Spanish. Of the other languages, Nahuatl (i.e. Aztec), Maya, Otomi, and others are common.

The monetary unit is the new peso.

Mexico is rich in natural resources. Its flora and fauna are very diverse. While deserts and steppes stretch in the north of the country, the south is covered with deciduous forests, and mixed and coniferous forests predominate in the central regions, where you can meet black bear, anteater, tapir and jaguar. nine0003

There are also many different kinds of birds (eg hummingbirds or umbrella birds) and a huge number of reptiles (eg turtles, snakes, iguanas). And for seafood lovers Mexico is heaven on earth . Its coastal waters abound with crabs, shrimps, spiny lobsters and oysters.

In the Mexican lands, the appearance of man is attributed to the 20th century BC. In 1500-1600 BC. dominated by the Olmec civilization. In the 4th century, the Maya empire arose, which reached its dawn in the 6th and 7th centuries. And by the 15th century, the Aztec tribes appeared. Their empire flourished until 1521, when armed conquistadors, led by Cortes, landed on the coast of Mexico. nine0003

The dominant religion is Catholicism. But along with religious holidays, there are also those that look more like pagan ones. Ancient civilizations have left their mark on the worldview of modern Mexicans. It will suffice to remember the Feast of the Dead.

Speaking of Mexican cuisine, we must remember that most of the local dishes are quite spicy in taste. Chili Pepper is added to almost everything. Rice, corn, beans are widely used. Fish dishes are common. nine0003

Mexican vodka is known all over the world – tequila . It is obtained by distillation of fermented agave juice – pulque. The latter was known to the Aztecs, but they learned how to make tequila only with the arrival of the Spaniards.

Total in the section – 14 holidays .
Festivals, memorable dates, etc.

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