Gobernadores puertorriqueños: Listado de Gobernadores de Puerto Rico

Spanish Translation: Los Gobernadores Hochul Y Pierluisi Y El Congresista Torres Anuncian La Oficina De Nueva York De La Administración De Asuntos Federales De Puerto Rico

La Gobernadora de Nueva York, Kathy Hochul, el Gobernador de Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, y el Congresista Ritchie Torres anunciaron hoy la apertura de una Oficina en Nueva York de la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico, que ayudará a los puertorriqueños que viven en Nueva York y los estados circundantes a obtener más fácil certificados de nacimiento, actas de matrimonio y otros documentos vitales necesarios para acceder a los beneficios y servicios básicos del gobierno. Hasta ahora, los puertorriqueños que vivían en Nueva York no tenían forma de obtener estos registros localmente y debían viajar a las oficinas de la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico en Washington D.C., Orlando, Florida o Puerto Rico para recuperarlos.

“Como hogar de una de las mayores poblaciones de puertorriqueños en los Estados Unidos, Nueva York está tomando medidas para garantizar que todos en nuestro estado puedan acceder a programas, servicios y beneficios vitales”, dijo la gobernadora Hochul. “Esta nueva oficina ayudará a aliviar la carga de localizar registros y documentos importantes para los puertorriqueños en Nueva York y sus alrededores, y agradezco al gobernador Pierluisi y al congresista Torres por su colaboración para traer este recurso a nuestro estado”.

“Este acuerdo es otra forma de continuar fortaleciendo los lazos que tenemos con nuestros hermanos y hermanas puertorriqueños que viven en Nueva York, de manera similar a como lo hacemos en Florida”, dijo el gobernador Pierluisi. “Así, continuamos mejorando las oportunidades potenciales de intercambio social y comercial entre nuestras dos jurisdicciones y promoviendo el desarrollo socioeconómico de los puertorriqueños aquí y allá. Quiero agradecer a la recién reelegida Gobernadora de Nueva York, la honorable Kathy Hochul y el también reelecto Congresista Ritchie Torres, en representación del Distrito 15 de Nueva York. Ambos grandes amigos de Puerto Rico”.

“Hoy estamos emocionados de anunciar la reapertura de la Oficina de Servicios Puertorriqueños en El Bronx. Estoy orgulloso de trabajar con la gobernadora Hochul y el gobernador Pierluisi para servir a la comunidad puertorriqueña en la ciudad de Nueva York”, dijo el congresista Ritchie Torres. “Fuera de la isla, el estado de Nueva York tiene la mayor población de puertorriqueños en los Estados Unidos. La presencia de esta oficina no sólo permite que los residentes puertorriqueños accedan a documentación importante, sino que también crea un espacio para construir relaciones entre la diáspora puertorriqueña en Nueva York y los residentes actuales de Puerto Rico. Luego de los huracanes María y Fiona, miles de puertorriqueños han venido a Nueva York para reiniciar sus vidas después de perder todo en los desastres naturales. Gracias a la gobernadora Hochul y al gobernador Pierluisi por su apoyo para traer estos servicios críticos de regreso a Nueva York”.

PRFAA sirve como una oficina de asuntos estatales y federales, así como una extensión de los servicios gubernamentales oficiales de Puerto Rico. Es responsable de ayudar a los residentes puertorriqueños en el territorio continental de los EE.UU. con la documentación, incluidos los certificados de nacimiento, matrimonio y defunción; registros e identificación del conductor; y servicios de apostilla. El Departamento de Trabajo del Estado de Nueva York aprovechará su propio espacio de oficina para proporcionar un espacio de oficina gratuito para establecer la oficina y ayudar a los puertorriqueños en Nueva York y los estados circundantes a obtener la asistencia que necesitan. Bajo un acuerdo con NYSDOL, PRFAA utilizará su espacio de oficinas ubicado en el 400 East Fordham Road en El Bronx.

La comisionada del Departamento de Trabajo del Estado de Nueva York, Roberta Reardon, dijo: “Nueva York y Puerto Rico tienen una larga historia de apoyo mutuo. Ya sea en desastres naturales o en la construcción de sectores de energía verde prósperos, siempre estamos ahí el uno para el otro. Estoy orgullosa de que NYSDOL puede proporcionar a la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico una oficina que aumentará el acceso a los servicios para miles de puertorriqueños neoyorquinos”.

Para obtener más información sobre la nueva oficina, visite http://www.prfaa.pr.gov/book

¿Quién es el Gobernador de Puerto Rico? (PDF ebook)

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Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Election Declaration

    • Bykov Alexander Vladimirovich, Egorov Vladislav Ivanovich, Klochkova Galina Yurievna, Kurdyumov Alexander Borisovich, Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Nikitin Gleb Sergeevich

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    • Shantsev Valery Pavlinovich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev Valery Pavlinovich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev Valery Pavlinovich

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev V. P.

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    • Election Declaration

    • Bochkarev A.A., Dosaev R.A., Zavyalov A.I., Kuznetsov M.S., Kurdyumov A.B., Suraikin M.A., Shantsev V.P.

    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev V. P.

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev V.P.

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev V. P.

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    • Anti-corruption declaration

    • Shantsev V.P.

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why Vladimir Putin replaced the Nizhny Novgorod governor – RBC

On Tuesday, the president appointed Gleb Nikitin, the former deputy head of the Ministry of Industry, as head of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The new governor promised to ensure legitimate presidential elections and “consolidation” in the region

Valery Shantsev

(Photo: Roman Yarovitsyn / Kommersant)

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin dismissed the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Valery Shantsev, “of his own free will”, having previously awarded him the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class. He appointed Gleb Nikitin, 40-year-old Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, as the head of the region. Putin asked him to prepare the region for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

In an interview with RBC, Nikitin promised to ensure legitimate and “without violations” presidential elections in his new post. Among his primary tasks, he named the socio-political “consolidation”, the layout of the budget and preparation for the heating season. Nikitin promised not to change his predecessor’s team and consult with Shantsev about affairs in the region. “I will, as before, worry about my beloved Nizhny Novgorod region. But already in a new capacity,” Shantsev promised in his LiveJournal.

If appointed the day before acting Governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov promised a “total revision” of the activities of the team of predecessor Nikolai Merkushkin, Nikitin is determined to do without a “total audit” of Shantsev’s team.


Who is Gleb Nikitin? In 2008 he graduated from the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration in Moscow. In 2007-2011, he worked at the Federal Agency for State Property Management, first as a deputy, then as an acting director. department heads. In 2012, Nikitin was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, in 2013 – First Deputy.


The rotation continues

On Monday, the President dismissed the head of the Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin and appointed Senator Dmitry Azarov in his place. Earlier, RBC sources reported that Shantsev’s resignation would take place as part of the autumn rotation of the heads of regions and that Nikitin was the main candidate to replace him. In total, during this series of resignations, up to ten governors can leave their posts, RBC interlocutors close to the Kremlin said.

The appointment of Nikitin and Azarov as acting heads of regions is a continuation of the line on the renewal of the governor’s corps, which began with the September 10 elections, a source in the Kremlin’s domestic political bloc told RBC. The emphasis is on successful managers with diverse experience who have worked both in the regions and at the federal level, says RBC’s interlocutor. Communication with the subject for acting. Governors are welcome, but not mandatory, added a source in the Kremlin’s domestic political bloc. “The development potential [of the region] is more important, and in this sense, the age of new candidates for the positions of governors matters,” RBC’s interlocutor summed up. Nikitin and Azarov, as well as acting. governors who were elected on September 10 were trained at the RANEPA; the list of possible candidates is being prepared according to transparent criteria, but all personnel decisions are made by the president, a RBC source said.

Earlier, RBC sources reported that the Kremlin’s internal political bloc had developed new criteria for the effectiveness of governors, which were taken into account during the resignations of the heads of regions at the beginning of the year. These are the dynamics of the economic situation, electoral ratings, the presence of elite conflict and the corruption component. In addition, the request of a particular region for an update was taken into account.

Gleb Nikitin

(Photo: Anna Isakova / TASS)

Reasons for change

Shantsev has been in charge of the region since 2005, and before that he served as vice-mayor of Moscow in the government of Yuri Luzhkov. “Valery Pavlinovich is a heavyweight who has had and still has serious weight since his time in the Moscow City Hall,” said political analyst Sergei Moshchenkov. According to him, the resignation is not connected with problems in the region, but with the general course of the authorities towards the rejuvenation of managerial personnel. Like RBC sources close to the Kremlin, political scientists cited his age as one of the main reasons for Shantsev’s resignation: he turned 70 this June. “You need to be Tuleev (head of the Kemerovo region. – RBC ) so that you are allowed to lead the region after 70 years,” political analyst Vitaly Ivanov told RBC.

According to Ivanov, a combination of factors makes Shantsev vulnerable, in addition to age, this is an intra-elite conflict with the group of the ex-mayor of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Sorokin, as well as difficult relations with the embassy. In December 2016, the governor was publicly criticized by the presidential envoy to the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich. He called the region the only region “where the situation with intra-elite conflicts is not just not stopped, does not change for the better, it is getting worse all the time.” “There is constant war here! And, of course, we understand what these costs are for the region, for the social well-being of people,” the official said at a meeting with reporters.

Shantsev is a man with a difficult character, but you can negotiate with him, he knows how to work and provides decent results in the elections, Sorokin himself, who left the post of mayor of the city in 2015 after a conflict with the governor, told RBC. According to the former mayor, the resignation caused bewilderment and criticism in the region. “We clashed a lot, shouted, but he listened to my opinion,” Sorokin emphasized. According to him, Shantsev’s age and health cannot be considered reasons for resigning, since he was re-elected three years ago and everyone in the region “knew that he was in great shape and completely healthy.

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