Historia de salinas: Salinas, Puerto Rico – El Pueblo del Mojo Isleño

1851 – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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Este aviso fue puesto el 23 de noviembre de 2020.

1851 (MDCCCLI) fue un año común comenzado en miércoles según el calendario gregoriano.


  • 1 Acontecimientos
    • 1.1 Enero
    • 1.2 Febrero
    • 1.3 Abril
    • 1.4 Mayo
    • 1.5 Junio
    • 1.6 Julio
    • 1.7 Agosto
    • 1.8 Septiembre
    • 1.9 Octubre
    • 1.10 Diciembre
  • 2 Arte y literatura
  • 3 Ciencia y tecnología
  • 4 Música
  • 5 Nacimientos
    • 5.1 Enero
    • 5.2 Marzo
    • 5.3 Abril
    • 5.4 Mayo
    • 5.5 Junio
    • 5.6 Julio
    • 5.7 Agosto
    • 5.8 Septiembre
    • 5.9 Diciembre
    • 5.10 Fechas desconocidas
  • 6 Fallecimientos
    • 6. 1 Febrero
    • 6.2 Abril
    • 6.3 Julio
    • 6.4 Agosto
    • 6.5 Septiembre
    • 6.6 Octubre
    • 6.7 Noviembre
    • 6.8 Diciembre
  • 7 Enlaces externos



  • 11 de enero: Hong Xiuquan inicia la Rebelión Taiping en China.
  • 15 de enero: Mariano Arista asume la presidencia de México como su decimonoveno presidente.
  • 26 de enero: la ciudad de Almendralejo (Badajoz) obtiene el título de ciudad que le concede Isabel II.


  • 2 de febrero: se produce la mayor victoria militar de Guatemala contra una invasión extranjera. La Batalla de la Arada.
  • 9 de febrero: se inaugura la segunda línea férrea de España: que hace el recorrido Madrid-Aranjuez.


  • 2 de abril: Rama IV es coronado rey de Siam. (Hoy en día Tailandia).


  • 1 de mayo: se inaugura la primera Exposición Universal en Londres.
  • 1 de mayo: en la Argentina, el Pronunciamiento de Urquiza inicia la caída de Juan Manuel de Rosas, que gobernó durante casi 30 años.
  • 21 de mayo: se decreta la abolición de la esclavitud en la Nueva Granada (actual Colombia).


  • 18 de junio: se decreta el comienzo de las obras del Canal de Isabel II (véase: Historia del Canal de Isabel II).
  • 30 de junio: se crea en Valparaíso, Chile, el primer Cuerpo de Bomberos voluntarios de Sudamérica.


  • 24 de julio: Se da la abolición de la esclavitud en Ecuador.


  • 12 de julio: Isaac Merrit Singer obtiene la patente para la primera máquina de coser de la marca Singer


  • 18 de septiembre: se funda el diario The New York Times.


  • 8 de octubre: finaliza la Guerra Grande en Uruguay.


  • 2 de diciembre: Luis Napoleón Bonaparte da un golpe de Estado en Francia.
  • 8 de diciembre: en Italia, dos tornados cruzan la costa occidental de Sicilia. Mueren más de 500 personas.
  • 25 de diciembre: inauguración del ferrocarril Caldera-Copiapó entre Copiapó y Caldera, Chile. Este es el primero de Chile y el tercero de Sudamérica.

Arte y literatura[editar]

  • 20 de diciembre: Herman Melville publica Moby Dick.
  • Arthur Schopenhauer: Parerga y paralipómena.

Ciencia y tecnología[editar]

  • 26 de marzo: León Foucault demuestra la rotación de la Tierra en el Panteón de París con la exhibición de su famoso péndulo.
  • España – Se inaugura la línea de ferrocarril entre Madrid y Aranjuez, la segunda de España.
  • Duvernoy describe por primera vez el berardio de Arnoux (Berardius arnuxii)
  • Irán: el Gran Visir Amir Kabir funda la politécnica Dar ol Fonún, primera escuela superior basada en modelos europeos.
  • 11 de marzo: Giuseppe Verdi estrena Rigoletto en Venecia.


Categoría principal: Nacidos en 1851


  • 17 de enero: Antonio Hernández Fajarnés Catedrático y escritor español, nacido en Zaragoza (f. 1909)
  • 19 de enero: Luis Coloma, escritor y periodista español (f. 1915)


  • 3 de marzo: Alexandros Papadiamantis, escritor griego (f. 1911)
  • 19 de marzo: Roque Sáenz Peña, presidente de Argentina (1910-1914).
  • 27 de marzo: Ruperto Chapí, compositor español.


  • 6 de abril: Guillaume Bigourdan, astrónomo francés (f. 1932)
  • 28 de abril: Vital Aza, dramaturgo cómico español (f. 1912)


  • 21 de mayo: Léon Bourgeois, político francés, premio Nobel de la Paz en 1920 (f. 1925)


  • 1 de junio: Isaac Peral, ingeniero español, inventor del submarino (f. 1895)
  • 11 de junio: Mary Augusta Arnold, Mrs. Humphry Ward, escritora británica.
  • 12 de junio: Oliver Joseph Lodge, físico y escritor británico (f. 1940)


  • 27 de julio: Guillermo Billinghurst, político, empresario, escritor y presidente peruano (f. 1915).


  • 3 de agosto: George Francis FitzGerald, físico irlandés (f. 1901)


  • 16 de septiembre: Emilia Pardo Bazán, novelista, poeta, periodista, ensayista, editora, conferenciante, dramaturga y crítica española (f. 1921)


  • 10 de diciembre: Melvil Dewey, fundador de la bibliotecología moderna (f. 1931)
  • 20 de diciembre: Isabel de Borbón y Borbón, “la Chata”, Infanta española (f. 1931)
  • 20 de diciembreː Dora Montefiore, sufragista, socialista, poeta, y biógrafa de origen anglo-australiano (f.1933)

Fechas desconocidas[editar]

  • Carlos Rodrigo Ortiz, político mexicano (f. 1902).


Categoría principal: Fallecidos en 1851


  • 1 de febrero: Mary Shelley, escritora británica (n. 1797)


  • 2 de abril: Rama III, rey de Siam.


  • 10 de julio: Louis Daguerre, pintor e inventor de la fotografía francés (n. 1787)
  • 15 de julio: Ana María Javouhey, misionera y fundadora de la Congregación de San José de Cluny (n. 1779)


  • 11 de agosto: Lorenz Oken, naturalista alemán (n. 1779)


  • 14 de septiembre: James Fenimore Cooper, novelista estadounidense (n. 1789)
  • 22 de septiembre: Mary Martha Sherwood, escritora de libros para niños británica (n. 1775).


  • 4 de octubre: Manuel Godoy, noble y político español (n. 1767).
  • 5 de octubre: Miguel Zañartu, político chileno.
  • 19 de octubre: María Teresa de Francia, Princesa y Delfina de Francia (n. 1778).


  • 26 de noviembre: Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, militar francés (n. 1769)


  • 19 de diciembre: Joseph Mallord William Turner, pintor británico (n. 1775)

Enlaces externos[editar]

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  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q7656
  • Multimedia: 1851 / Q7656

  • Identificadores
  • LCCN: sh3006006627


Salinas, Puerto Rico

Salinas es conocido como “El Pueblo del Mojo Isleño” y sus habitantes como los “Marlins”. El mojo es una salsa que se utiliza para marinar pescado frito hecha a base de salsa de tomate, aceite, ajo, hoja de laurel y cebolla. La patrona de este municipio es Nuestra Señora de la Monserrate. La extensión territorial de Salinas comprende aproximadamente 69 millas cuadradas (180.4 kilómetros). Su población, de acuerdo al censo federal del 2000, es de 31,113 salinenses. El municipio está organizado en los barrios: Salinas Pueblo, Aguirre, Lapa, Palmas, Quebrada Yeguas y Río Jueyes.

La caña de azúcar fue fundamental para el desarrollo económico de Salinas, ésta era procesada en la Central Aguirre, una de las últimas en cerrar operaciones en la Isla. En el presente, Salinas cuenta con fábricas que elaboran productos de plástico y de metal, maquinaria eléctrica y electrónica, prendas de vestir, refrescos de frutas y monturas de lentes o gafas. Además, se cultivan frutos menores y frutas y se explotan la ganadería y la pesca. Otra fuente de ingreso de este municipio es el turismo.


Salinas se encuentra en la costa sur de Puerto Rico. Limita al norte con los municipios de Coamo, Aibonito y Cayey; al sur con el mar Caribe; al oeste con los municipios de Coamo y Santa Isabel y al este con Guayama.

Geográficamente, pertenece a la subregión llamada Llanura Aluvial Ponce-Patillas de la región denominada Llano Costero del Sur, la cual está formada por la consolidación de los valles que descienden hacia el sur de la Cordillera Central y la Sierra de Cayey. Dicha región es una de las más secas de Puerto Rico. A pesar de lo anterior, este municipio se ha destacado por su riqueza agrícola.

En el área norte, tiene elevaciones pertenecientes a la Sierra de Cayey, la cual es considerada una prolongación de la Cordillera Central. Entre dichas elevaciones, la mayor es el cerro Las Tetas, de 2,756 pies (840 metros) de altura sobre el nivel del mar. A éste le siguen el peñón de los Soldados de 2,592 pies (790 metros) de altura; el punto más alto de la Sierra de Jájome de 2,395 pies (730 metros) y el cerro de los Cielos que alcanza los 1,870 pies (570 metros) de altura. Al oeste, en su límite con el municipio de Coamo, se encuentran los cerros Modesto, Respaldo, Pío Juan y Cariblanco o Cerro de la Bandera. Al Este, en la línea divisoria entre los barrios Quebrada Yeguas de Salinas y Pozo Hondo de Guayama, se alza el cerro Garau de 1,437 pies (438 metros) de altura sobre el nivel del mar.

“Las Piedras del Collado” son una formación geológica situada en Salinas, conocida, popularmente, como las “Tetas de Cayey”. Las Piedras del Collado fueron designadas, mediante ley, Reserva Natural el primero de septiembre de 2000. El área comprende los dos promontorios, un segmento de bosque primario con especies de alto valor ecológico y una zona de amortiguamiento, para una cabida total de 7.86 hectáreas.

Su sistema hidrográfico está compuesto por los río:s Salinas, Majada, Lapa y Jueyes. El primero nace en el barrio Lapa y recorre una extensión de unos 17 kilómetros (10.5 millas) hasta desembocar en el mar Caribe. Sus afluentes son el río Lapa, al cual tributan sus aguas las quebradas: Pasto Viejo, Callao y La Palma y el río Majada, que tiene como afluente al río Jájome; éste recibe las aguas de las quebradas: Carmen, Del Palo y De la Mina. El río Jueyes se origina entre Salinas y Coamo, y tiene una longitud aproximada de 13 kilómetros. A este municipio, también, lo riegan las quebradas: Brenes, Yeguas, Cerrillos, Amorós y Aguas Verdes; éstas dos últimas nacen en el barrio Aguirre y desembocan en la bahía de Jobos.

Por otra parte, es importante mencionar que en la costa de Salinas, específicamente en la costa del barrio Aguirre, los suelos son bajos y pantanosos, ya que allí se encuentran las albuferas, conocidas como las lagunas. Una de éstas lleva el nombre de Mar Negro.

Su costa abarca: parte del este de la bahía de Rincón, Playa Salinas, Punta Arenas, Mar Negro, Punta Colchones y Punta Rodeo. Además, sus costas tienen un sin número de cayos, entre los que se encuentran los cayos: Mata, Ratones, Pájaros y De la Barca. En estos últimos al igual que en Punta Arenas y Mar Negro, crecen manglares principalmente mangle colorado, que se extienden a través de una superficie de 180 hectáreas.

El origen de su nombre proviene de los grandes montículos de sal que se encontraban en sus costas. Se estima que para mediados del siglo XVII habitaban el territorio algunos pobladores que llamaban al área Las Salinas. Fray Iñigo Abbad describió este poblado en su relación de 1776. Abbad afirma que, en ese tiempo, vivían de 90 a 100 vecinos de la parroquia de Coamo, “cuyas tierras, aunque arenosas y pobres, están muy cultivadas y cogen mucho café…”. Para dicha fecha, era un barrio de Coamo y ya se explotaban las salinas.

Existen documentos en los archivos del Departamento de Obras Públicas que evidencian que, para el 23 de febrero de 1842, los pobladores del área se unieron en un esfuerzo por obtener la autorización para fundar el pueblo y para compartir los gastos que conllevaría la construcción de las obras municipales necesarias. En esos documentos, también, aparece el nombre de Andrés Ortiz, un vecino que ofreció donar una cuerda de tierra para el pueblo.

Para el 15 de julio de 1847, una real orden dispuso que Salinas se separase de Coamo y se anexase a Guayama. Los vecinos continuaron con sus esfuerzos y el 22 de julio de 1851 tuvo lugar la fundación del pueblo, formado por los barrios: Ausubos o Lapa, Collado, Palmas, Quebrada Yeguas, Quebrada Honda, Río Jueyes y Salinas Pueblo. En el 1854, el Gobernador del Obispado dictó un decreto por el cual declaró independiente a la parroquia de Salinas, bajo la advocación de Nuestra Señora de la Monserrate.

Para el 1878, Salinas se dedicaba a la cría de ganado. Contaba con tres haciendas de caña con máquinas de vapor, una con trapiche de bueyes y tres estancias de café. Para ese mismo año, habían desaparecido los barrios Collado y Quebrada Honda, y había surgido el barrio Playas. El 1 de marzo de 1902 la Asamblea Legislativa de Puerto Rico aprobó la Ley para la Consolidación de Ciertos Términos Municipales de Puerto Rico. Esta ley dispuso que ese año el municipio de Salinas fuera suprimido y sus barrios fueron anexados a Guayama. En 1905, la Legislatura de Puerto Rico derogó la mencionada ley. Salinas volvió a constituirse como municipio independiente con los mismos barrios que tenía en 1902. En 1948, el barrio Aguirre se dividió en Central Aguirre (Village), Coquí, San Felipe y Aguirre, y se aumentó la superficie del área urbana. Los sub-barrios Central Aguirre, Coquí y San Felipe son pequeños poblados del barrio rural Aguirre.

Para la década del 1970, Salinas era uno de los pueblos más prósperos de la Isla, debido a la extensión y el volumen de su riqueza azucarera. Para ese entonces, la Central Aguirre era operada por la Corporación Azucarera de Puerto Rico.


En la bandera de color verde descansan cinco triángulos de color blanco que simbolizan los montículos de sal que aparecen en el escudo y que representan las salinas del municipio.

El escudo contiene los colores oficiales del municipio: el verde y el plateado. Los montículos de sal que se encuentran en la parte superior del blasón representan gráficamente el nombre del municipio. Por otra parte, los peces que se encuentran en la parte inferior aluden a la pesca como actividad predominante en la región. Las ramas de caña que rodean el blasón simbolizan las plantaciones de caña de azúcar de la región.

Lugares de interés

• Albergue Olímpico
• Bosque de Aguirre
• Antigua Central Aguirre
• Campamento Santiago
• Museo del Deporte
• Puerto Rico International Speedway
• Playa Pozuelo
• Pozo de Agua Dulce
• Reserva Nacional de Investigación Estuarina de Bahía de Jobos
• Monumento al Veterano
• Bahía Rincón
• Mercado Artesanal
• Bosque Jagüeyes

Personajes ilustres

Jesús María Amadeo – Médico, novelista y autor dramático.

Rafael Esparra Cartagena – Servidor público. En 1980, fue nombrado Ayudante Especial del Alcalde de Nueva York; en 1984 fue Comisionado Diputado del Departamento de Bomberos de Nueva York y, en 1997, fue Presidente del Brooklyn Navy Yard Development. Ha sido reconocido en varias ocasiones por sus ejecutorias profesionales y labor cívica.

Melvin Rodríguez Rodríguez – Pintor y artista. Sus trabajos se enfocan en la imaginería religiosa. También, se ha desempeñado como creador (cinematógrafo) de películas, todas ellas hechas en Puerto Rico.

• Cabalgata Nacional de los Reyes Magos-enero
• Carnaval Abey – febrero
• Festival del Pescao – junio
• Festival Olímpico Internacional – junio
• Festival del Mojo Isleño – julio
• Fiestas Patronales a la Virgen de la Monserrate – septiembre
• Festival Navideño – diciembre

Nota: Estos artículos han sido editados y cotejados por académicos y especialistas en Historia. Pueden existir discrepancias entre historiadores con respecto a algunos datos.

Texto tomado de la enciclopediapr.org


Ayúdenos a describir todo lo que su municipio  ofrece a las Industrías del Turismo y Negocios.

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cost of moving and living in California

I moved to California from Moscow in 2016.

Svetlana Avalos

moved to California

My husband and I live in the small town of Salinas in central California. The population is only 160 thousand people. For comparison, about the same number of people live in Northern Tushino.

When I moved to a provincial town from a metropolis, I thought that living here would be insanely boring. Fortunately, everything turned out not to be so.

I have been living in California for almost two years. Salinas is a small provincial town with quiet streets and low-rise buildings. Writer John Steinbeck was born here Near Pacific

Salinas is the largest city in Monterey County, California. It takes 2.5 hours to get to San Francisco, and about 5 hours to Los Angeles. The climate here is wonderful, especially after Moscow: neither hot nor cold, in winter an average of +12 °C, in summer up to +30 °C. Near the Pacific Ocean, national parks, reserves and vineyards.

T—J have already written more than once about how visas and residence permits work in the USA: in an article about Alabama, New Jersey, San Francisco. Therefore, I will not dwell on the visa issue in detail. I married a US citizen and am here on a green card.


Can you move to the USA?


The first thing you need to do in order to adapt in a provincial city in the United States is to get a local driver’s license. It is almost impossible to live here without a car. There are several bus routes in the city, but it is not customary to ride buses.

I only took the bus to Salinas twice before I had a car. For the first time, I needed to urgently get to one place. There is a bus stop near our residential complex. I checked the schedule, quickly packed up and ran out of the house. When I ran to the stop, my bus was already leaving. The driver noticed me and stopped the bus, and when I went in the front door, he goggled and asked what I was doing here. Then he asked all the way who I was and what I was doing in Salinas. It turned out that the buses are either workers returning from work in the fields, or the homeless, or – extremely rarely – poor students.


a bus ride within the city limits

A city bus ticket costs $2.5⁣ (R157). Intercity fares depend on the travel distance. The 35 km from Salinas to Monterey can be traveled by bus for $6⁣ (375 R).

There are practically no pedestrians in the city: they are either the homeless or schoolchildren who have just got off the school bus and are going home. Everyone else travels by car.

In Salinas, everyone drives their own cars; without a car, it’s almost impossible to get anywhere. There are almost no pedestrians in the city. There are buses here, but no one rides them. Source: thecalifornian.com

Driver’s license

You can get a driver’s license in California from the age of 16. To take a test for knowledge of traffic rules and driving, you need to pay a fee of $35⁣ (2200 R). Driving courses are optional, you do not need to provide any information about the training you have completed to pass the test. You must take the exam in your own car.

I already had a Russian license, so I paid the fee and signed up for the exam on the California Department of Transportation website. You can choose a convenient date and time.


You need to pay a fee to take the traffic code test

Prepared for the traffic code test using the California Driver’s Handbook. It is distributed free of charge in all departments of the Department of Transportation. Booklets are available in English and Spanish, and on the site you can find versions in 10 more languages, including Russian. There are even video tutorials in sign language. I passed the test for knowledge of traffic rules the first time with only one mistake.

I prepared in English and passed the test on the first try

My driving test was also easy. It was funny at the very beginning: I arrived for the exam in a miniature mini-cooper, and my examiner turned out to be a very tall and large inspector. While he puffed, pushing the seat back, I burned with embarrassment and thought that I should have taken my husband’s car. With the inspector, we traveled around the residential areas of Salinas for only 15 minutes. Throughout the trip, he made notes on a special form, marking mistakes. He also checked to see if I knew how to turn on the turn signals, headlights and horn.

I passed the exam on the first try with 9 mistakes out of 15 possible. Of course, it could have been better, but still I was incredibly happy, remembering how difficult it was to pass the exam in Moscow almost 10 years ago.

15 times

you can make a mistake during the driving test in Salinas

On the same day after the test, they took a picture of me, took my thumbprints and a sample signature. After 10 days, the driver’s license was delivered to our mailbox: in the USA, documents, licenses and even bank cards are always sent by mail.

We have two cars in our family. We spend approximately $240⁣ (R15,030) per month on gas and $170⁣ (R10,650) on insurance.

I have a small mini cooper. The inspector at the exam had a hard time getting into this car The rights were sent to me by mail A used 2010-2011 Mini Cooper with an automatic transmission and has not been in an accident can be bought for about $8300 (515,000 R)


I have a bank debit card Wells Fargo. To open an account there, it was required to provide two identification documents. The procedure is simple and fast, the finished card was sent by mail in a few days.

Things are more complicated with a credit card. To open a credit card, you need a credit history in the United States. Of course, I didn’t have one, so for me the only option was to open a card under the Secure Credit Card program. This option is especially for those who do not have a credit history in America.

According to the program, I myself bring a certain amount to the bank, and they open a “credit” card for me with this limit. In my bank, the minimum amount of such a limit is $500⁣ (31,300 R). It turns out that I borrow money from myself, and then I have to repay it on time. The bank has been watching all this time whether I returned the money on time. After six months or a year, the bank concludes how reliable a client I am. If reliable, they will offer a real credit card with a large limit, and return $500.

Maintenance of the card under the program in my bank costs $25⁣ (1570 R) per year.

A special card for those who do not have a credit history in the USA: it contains your own money in the form of a loan

Credit history and payments

In the USA it is very important to have a good credit history. Here it is customary to buy everything on credit, it is profitable. If you have an ideal credit history, then the interest rate for buying on credit can be zero. Everyone buys on credit: houses, appliances, cars, and even some everyday purchases, such as gasoline.

The credit history of a US resident is a guarantee of his solvency. According to the credit history, they check whether it is possible to deal with this person. When you rent a home, you need to show your credit history to the landlord so that he can make sure that you are a responsible and solvent tenant. Even a potential employer can check a candidate’s credit history.

Everyone in the US still uses checkbooks. Some payments, such as duties, can only be paid by check. Such a check is sent by mail. You can write a check in a checkbook or request a check at a bank branch – then there will be a commission of $10⁣ (625 R). We pay by checks for renting an apartment, there is simply no other payment option in our residential complex.

My husband ordered checks with the symbols of his favorite baseball team, the SF Giants

An important part of our monthly expenses is my husband’s education loan. He graduated from the university in 2011, and when he finishes paying off the loan, I can’t even imagine. Education in the USA is very expensive, everyone takes loans and then pays them off for many years. It is customary here to insert a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution into a frame and hang it on the wall. Diplomas are always hung on the walls in the waiting rooms or in the offices of doctors and lawyers.

A year of bachelor’s degree from the university my husband graduated costs $32,000⁣ (2,000,000 R).

Diploma of my husband. We will pay for a student loan for several more years


California is the most expensive state in the USA. But wages here are higher than in other states.

Homesnacks.com Top 10 Most Expensive States in the US

California’s minimum wage is $11⁣ (R709) per hour. For comparison, in New York – 10.4 $⁣ (671 R), in Texas – 7.25 $⁣ (468 R), in Georgia – 5.15 $⁣ (332 R).

Average wages in California

Minimum wage per hour in different US states

In California itself, income levels and prices in different cities, of course, also differ. There is a government program that provides big discounts on housing rentals for low-income families. For example, if a family of two in San Francisco wants to receive such a discount, their total annual income must be no more than $83,850⁣ (5,247,693 R). In Salinas, under this program, a family will be considered poor if the income is not more than $52,100⁣ (3,260,642 R).

In my opinion, the difference is huge.

Typical one-story America


California has the highest income tax of any state.

Huge tax spreadsheet for 2017 PDF, 265 KB

An example of an unofficial tax calculator

There are many factors that affect the exact amount of tax, for example:

  • do you have a spouse and children under 18;
  • do you pay for health insurance;
  • do you make donations to charity;
  • whether they bought machinery or equipment for work needs;
  • Do you have any investments, education loan, babysitting expenses, etc.

Government website where you can calculate how much tax you owe and what you can get a tax deduction

When applying for a job, you need to fill out the W-4 form. The amount of tax that will be deducted from the salary depends on this. The employer deducts state and federal taxes from each employee’s salary. At the end of the year, each employee is issued a W-2 form. It shows how much you earned in a year, how much taxes you paid, and what kind of insurance you had. With this form, it is customary to contact a tax consultant who helps to fill out documents for the return of part of the tax paid, an analogue of our tax deduction.

After that, the state either refunds you a part of the taxes paid, if there was an overpayment, or, conversely, issues an invoice for the additional payment. At the beginning of 2018, we made a refund, and a large amount was returned to us.

US VAT is replaced by sales tax. Each state has its own rate, each city within the state also has a local surcharge. The minimum sales tax in California is in Los Angeles, 6.5%, the maximum is 10.25% in the city of Compton.

All prices in stores are excluding tax. When you go to the checkout, you need to be prepared that you will have to pay more than what is indicated on the price tag.

California Sales Tax Calculator

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Housing and lifestyle

We live in a rented apartment in a gated community. We have an apartment “1 BR 1 BR” – this is how they designate housing with one bedroom and one bathroom. We also have a living area combined with a kitchen and a small patio. Most apartments are rented unfurnished.

For residents of the complex and their guests on the territory there is an outdoor swimming pool, a small gym, a billiard room and a playground.

Every six months, the residential complex provides us with a free carpet cleaning service in the apartment. In the United States, it is not customary to take off your shoes at home, so regular cleaning is a must. For me, this is wildness: I used to take off my shoes and outerwear at home and was not going to give up this habit after the move. This is a matter of basic hygiene and cleanliness. My husband supported me. Guests and relatives are now also forced to take off their shoes at our house. At first, everyone was a little shocked by my Russian habits, but now they are used to it and take off their shoes at the entrance.

110 $

we pay every month for Internet and TV in Salinas

To rent an apartment, we submitted a special application and my husband’s credit history. When it was approved, we ourselves had to conclude an agreement with a company that provides electricity and gas. I also needed to take out insurance for the apartment. You can choose the insurance for this at your discretion. The minimum amount of insurance for our apartment is $50,000. We could choose the amount of property insurance ourselves.

We spend about 1897 $⁣ (117 842 R) per month on housing and communications

Waste Cost
Apartment for rent 1470 $⁣ (91 334 R)
Cellular $180⁣ (R11,163)
Internet and television $110⁣ (R6835)
Electricity and gas ~ $80⁣ (R4970)
Water and garbage disposal $40⁣ (2485 R)
Insurance $17⁣ (R1055)

Apartment rental

1470 $ ⁣ (91 334 r)

Cellular communication with unlimited traffic (for two)

180 $ ⁣ (11 163 r)

Internet and television

110 $ ⁣ (6835 r (6835 r (6835 r (6835 r (6835 p )

Electricity and gas

~ $80⁣ (4970 R)

Water and garbage collection

$40⁣ (2485 R)


$17 050003 Swimming pool in our residential complex. Houses are all the same


We live together and spend about $250⁣ (R15,530) per month on groceries. I think that if we ate meat, we would spend much more.

The shops here always have a large selection of fresh vegetables and fruits. There is always avocado, asparagus, broccoli, zucchini, sweet potato, mango, papaya, guava in our fridge.

The Salinas Valley is one of the main agricultural regions of California. Therefore, almost all vegetables, fruits and berries are local. The climate is ideal for agriculture.


there is a crate of strawberries in the Salinas Valley

There are many strawberry fields around Salinas. Most often, the fields are not fenced in anything, carefully plowed, and a film is stretched on each bed so that ripe berries do not touch the ground. The strawberry season starts in April and ends in October.

A box of strawberries can be bought directly from the workers in the field for $8 (500 R) Artichokes are also grown in the vicinity of Salinas Cactus and aloe vera can be found in the vegetable store

There is a large selection of fresh seafood in the shops, because the ocean is close. A net of oysters (12 pieces) can be purchased for $7⁣ (435 R). There are also a lot of soy products and drinks made from milk substitutes – soy, almonds, cashews and coconut. Half gallon (1.89k) such a drink costs 3-3.5 $ (about 200 R), and the same bottle of milk – 2.8 $⁣ (174 R). I stopped drinking milk because there is a large selection of alternatives, all of which are delicious and affordable.

There are no products typical for Russia like kefir or buckwheat in Salinas, but I can easily do without them.

3.78 L

standard milk carton volume

When I first moved to the US, I was struck by the size of the food packages in stores. The standard package of milk here is 1 gallon (3.78 L), the peanut butter is sold in 4 lb (1.81 kg) cans, the standard package of cereal weighs 39ounce – 1.1 kg.

Fresh oysters in a net cost $7 for 12 pieces In the US, everyone drinks soy, coconut, almond milk. I also switched to this. Product packaging is huge. Here’s the biggest pack of cereal in the store. Of course, there are less. Such a pack weighs more than 1 kg. A standard can of peanut butter weighs 1.13 kg. Salted roasted peanuts in branded packaging for sports teams

There are many restaurants in Salinas. In chain cafes, prices are usually lower. On average, appetizers cost from $6⁣ (R373), main courses $12⁠-⁠20⁣ (R745⁠-⁠1241.6667). The average bill for a dinner for two is 60⁠—⁠70 $⁣ (3700⁠—⁠4316.6667 R). Portions are usually large.

More expensive in a specialized fish restaurant. A fresh seafood dish will cost 20⁠-⁠35 $⁣ (1290⁠-⁠2257.5 R), and the average bill for two will be approximately 80⁠-⁠100 $⁣ (4970⁠-⁠6212.5 R). All restaurants always serve free ice water.


average restaurant bill for two

Salinas has a lot of chain fast food. If you don’t feel like cooking, you can always order takeaway food or drive through, where food will be brought to you right in the car. In one window you place an order, in the other you receive it and pay.

Drive through is available at all fast food restaurants and coffee shops like Starbucks. Even banks have drive through ATMs: you can withdraw money without leaving your car.

In all cafes you can order food directly from the car. Your order will also be brought to your car. In Salinas, there are many chain establishments and fast food. For example, Starbucks


Medicine in the USA is very expensive. You can’t get sick without insurance. Call an ambulance without insurance – about $4,000⁣ (250,000 R). Consultation with a specialist — 200 $⁣ (12,430 R). A day in a hospital room – $2,000⁣ (R124,300).

My husband’s insurance is paid by his employer. It also applies to me. We are lucky: of all types of insurance, we have the most extensive one. But you still have to pay. An appointment with a therapist under our insurance costs 20 $⁣ (1250 R), with a doctor of a narrow specialization – 25⁠-⁠45 $⁣ (1550⁠-⁠2790 R).

4000 $

there is an ambulance call in the USA without insurance

emergency room. One night my husband had a stomach ache. He was so ill that he could not wait until morning, and I took him to the emergency room. We checked in at the front desk and answered a few questions about what happened. After that, we were given a bracelet with a barcode and sent to wait. After 10 minutes, a nurse came and took us to a separate room, where the doctor came. My husband immediately underwent several tests and was given pain medication. Medicines were given several more times until the pain subsided. Every time they give medicine or take an analysis, they scan the barcode on the bracelet.

We spent about six hours in the emergency room until my husband got better. Upon discharge, the doctor gave a printout with a diagnosis, detailed recommendations, a referral to the necessary procedure, and prescribed medication. An appointment at the emergency room cost us $200⁣ (R12,430).

Prescriptions and medicines. When registering at the clinic, the patient is required to be asked for the address and names of pharmacies where it would be convenient to pick up the prescribed medicine. And you can get it only there and nowhere else. The pharmacy will call and send reminders.

All prescription drugs are sold here in standard orange jars with a white lid. On the jar there is a sticker with the name of the medicine, the name of the patient and the doctor. They will also give instructions and a description of the drug.

There will be exactly as many pills in a jar as the doctor prescribed. A prescription is needed even for contact lenses, so you often have to go to different doctors.

Dentistry. I recently had my teeth treated at Salinas General Dentistry. I will give prices for services with and without insurance.

How much does dentistry cost in Salinas

Caries Crown Nerve removal
Insured $50⁣ (R3225) $340⁣ (21,927 R) $425⁣ (27,409 R)
Without insurance $260⁣ (R16,768) $1260⁣ (R81,259) 1450 $⁣ (93 512 R)


with insurance

50 $ ⁣ (3225 r)

without insurance

260 $ ⁣ (16,768 r)


with insurance

340 $ ⁣ (21 927 r)

without scurry

1260 $ ⁣ (81 259 r)

Nerve removal

with insurance

425 $ ⁣ (27 409 r)

without insurance

1450 $ ⁣ (93 512 r)

except prices, I have everything. liked. I went to the dentist in winter. In the chair, they covered me with a blanket, put a comfortable pillow under my neck, and even offered to play any background music of my choice. In the evening of the same day, the doctor called me and asked how I felt.


I love how returns work in the US. If something doesn’t fit, you can safely return the item with the tag and price tag already cut off. Even worn clothes and used cosmetics are accepted for return.

You can usually return your purchase within 14-30 days. If you paid for the purchase with a card, a refund can be made even without a receipt.

Some stores are willing to lower the price if you prove that a competitor has a lower price. Once we bought a TV in the Best Buy store. On Amazon, the same TV cost $100 less. I showed the consultant a page with the same TV on Amazon, and we were reduced the price.

There is a lot of street art in Salinas. Here is a wall near the John Steinbeck Museum Here is another wall with symbols of the region


There is little entertainment in Salinas itself. Three cinemas, bars and restaurants, a bowling alley, a concert hall, a well-known rodeo stadium in the USA, a professional racing track and the John Steinbeck House Museum – that’s basically it.

The cinemas are well equipped, almost all the halls have wide armchairs with reclining backs and retractable footrests. We go to the cinema 1-2 times a month. A ticket costs 10⁠—⁠13 $⁣ (620⁠—⁠806 R) depending on the session time.

from $10

costs a movie ticket

Bars and restaurants are good, but mostly chain restaurants. If you happen to be in Salinas, I advise the Alvarado Breveri craft brewery, people come to it from all over California. A glass of beer costs an average of $8⁣ (500 R).

There are many parks in the city. They usually organize barbecues and picnics, celebrate various events. All parks have tables, benches and urns, often there is a grill.

Golf is also very popular here. There are many golf courses in the vicinity of Salinas, they are all huge. There are three cinemas in the city. Here is one of them – “Maya Cinema” The house where the writer John Steinbeck, the author of the novel “The Grapes of Wrath”, was born. In the late 1940s, Steinbeck traveled to the post-war USSR and published his travel notes based on the results – the book “Russian Diary” Salinas and Monterey Railway Museum

From Salinas you can drive to Silicon Valley in an hour – in San Jose, Palo Alto, Stanford. In 2.5 hours you can get to San Francisco, but entertainment for every taste is already available there: museums, concerts, exhibitions, sporting events, amusement parks. It’s a long drive to Los Angeles for 5 hours, but we still sometimes go there just for the weekend.

There are also a lot of wineries in California. California wine from the Napa Valley is known all over the world. Going to a winery for a tasting is a popular pastime.

Some wineries come together and organize so-called “tasting trails”. You pay about $40⁣ (2500 R) and drive a car along a special route. It passes through several wineries, everywhere you taste wine. In the first winery, participants are given souvenir glasses. Snacks are offered with wine. For a driver who will not be tasting wine, a special ticket is sold at a reduced price.

Looks like this. Source: riverroadwinetrail.com

National parks

Hiking in national parks and natural areas in California and in general in the USA is a separate type of leisure. All places for hiking are available on the website of the National Park Service – there you can find information about any park, choose a route according to the level of difficulty, and find out what infrastructure is available.

Page of the Pinnacles National Park, which is located near Salinas

In all natural areas, there are usually several routes of varying degrees of difficulty. Stands with maps are placed on the territory so that visitors do not get lost. Another card can be taken at the entrance.

Rangers patrol the parks. They make sure no one gets lost, gets into trouble or breaks the rules.


an annual pass to visit the Pinnacles Park

National parks are free to enter. The cost varies depending on what you plan to travel on. I’ll tell you using the Pinnacles Park as an example:

  • by car — $25⁣ (R1550) for all passengers;
  • on a motorcycle – 20 $⁣ (1240 R) for all passengers;
  • by bike or on foot – $12⁣ (R745) per person.

You can buy an annual subscription for $50⁣ (3225 R).

There are many natural areas around Salinas without any entrance fee. We love going to Big Sur, Carmel, Toro Park, Shark Fin Cove.

Sunsets in Casa Verde, 30 minutes by car from our house We are 45 minutes away from Big Sur, our wedding was here We often come to Big Sur for a walk on weekends The wedding looked like this


love sports. Just not to play, but to get sick. Everyone here definitely has a favorite sports team, for which he has been a fan since childhood. Baseball, American football, basketball, football and hockey are popular.

It is not customary to hide their passion: people wear T-shirts, jackets and baseball caps with the symbols of their favorite team, stick stickers on cars.

The stores have a huge selection of clothes with the symbols of sports teams In my family, everyone cheers for the SF Giants baseball team It is customary to cheer for their favorite team at the stadium Fans buy figurines of their favorite baseball players, their portraits and baseballs

The cost of tickets to games depends on the season and teams. For the games of eternal rivals – the baseball teams SF Giants from San Francisco and the Dodgers from Los Angeles – the cheapest tickets will cost $70⁣ (4330 R). You can sometimes go to the game of the same SF Giants and any other team for $6⁣ (370 Р). The most expensive baseball tickets in the World Series championship season.


Living in California has its pros and cons. If not for my husband, I would never have decided to move to Salinas. But thanks to him, I quickly adapted here.

Two years later, I can say that I fell in love with Salinas and my new way of life, which is very different from Moscow.

What else to read about emigration

Dozens of articles about life in other countries have been published in T-Z. We collected them on one map:

We are looking for people who have moved from Russia to another country. If you are an immigrant and want to talk about moving, looking for housing, adaptation difficulties and prices in your city, share your experience with us.


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GISMETEO: Weather in San Miguel de Salinas today, weather forecast San -Miguel de Salinas today, Valencia, Spain

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