Localizacion del yunque: Bosque Nacional El Yunque, Río Grande, Puerto Rico

Qué es, qué significa, ubicación, función y lesiones

El oído está compuesto por 3 zonas importantes (externa, media e interna), en la cual se encuentran diferentes estructuras, como lo son el pabellón auditivo, el conducto auditivo externo, la caja timpánica, la membrana del tímpano, y los 3 huesecillos (martillo, yunque y estribo). En el siguiente artículo se dará información específica sobre la anatomía y funcionamiento del hueso yunque.

“Es uno de los 3 huesos que conforman al oído medio y que participa en el mecanismo de la audición” 

Las dos ramas del yunque, tienen diferentes tamaños, en el caso de la horizontal encontramos que es más pequeña, pero con mayor grosor con respecto a la vertical. En cuanto, a la rama vertical posee una prominencia ósea, conocida como apófisis lenticular, la cual se articula con la cabeza del hueso estribo.

¿Qué significa yunque?

Según la lengua latín, el término yunque o “uncus”, tiene diferentes significados, siendo dos los más importantes, en el primer caso se refiere a un instrumento de trabajo con características metálicas que se adhería a otro objeto; y en el segundo caso es la designación que se le da a uno de los huesos del oído, que se encargan de formar la cadena de huesecillos, y que recibe las ondas sonoras del medio externo.  

¿Cuál es la ubicación del hueso yunque?

Está localizado en la parte media del oído, y es el que se encuentra de segundo lugar (después del martillo, es el principal que recibe las vibraciones externas), atravesando la caja del tímpano, si se observa de afuera hacia adentro.

“Es uno de los huesos del oído medio y es el que le sigue al martillo”

Hueso yunque del oído y su función

Debido a que este pequeño hueso, es el que se encuentra entre el martillo y el estribo, es el encargado de que se mantenga la conexión entre todos, y de que se envíen las señales provenientes del exterior (vibraciones y ondas sonoras), a la parte interna del oído, para posteriormente ser procesado por los órganos superiores. Además los tres huesecillos cumplen un rol esencial para que el proceso de la audición se pueda dar perfectamente. 

Lesiones en el hueso yunque

La otosclerosis es el problema más conocido que afecta a la cadena de huesecillos debido a que produce que estos pequeños elementos se desarrollen más de lo que deberían, y que el hueso no pueda transmitir las ondas sonoras al oído interno, trayendo como consecuencia, para la persona dificultad para oír, es decir, que progresivamente se puede convertir en pérdida completa o parcial de la audición o también llamado sordera.  

Entonces, como conclusión tenemos que la otosclerosis tiene como síntoma principal alteraciones en la audición y afectación en el oído medio e interno.

Información del Yunque para disfrutar de su visita


5 de marzo de 2019 / Puerto Rico

Leyendas, mitos, belleza y mucha majestuosidad rodean al Yunque, un bosque boricua único en el país. Se dice que los taínos lo llamaban Yuké y creían que en el pico más alto vivía el dios Yuquiyú. Si eres local y planeas visitarlo por primera vez, o eres turista y has oído hablar de este lugar, el Bosque Nacional El Yunque ofrece diferentes actividades para ti. A través de la siguiente guía puedes obtener información valiosa del Yunque e ideas de panoramas que puedes realizar para crear una experiencia inolvidable. ¡Empieza a armar tu plan!

  • Aprender sobre el bosque para adentrarte en la aventura
  • Practicar el hiking para llegar a cada rincón
  • Detener el tiempo observando una cascada
  • Meditar con los sonidos naturales de fondo
  • Capturar los petroglifos taínos y conectar con el pasado
  • Realizar un pícnic romántico inolvidable
  • Subir al tope de la torre Yokahú

Para saber cómo llegar preparado al Yunque, qué hacer y qué no debes perderte, aquí tienes algunos consejos que pueden ayudar a maximizar tu experiencia. ¿Listo para descubrir esta joya puertorriqueña? Entonces, ¡arranquemos!

Aprender sobre el bosque para adentrarte en la aventura

Si antes de tirarte bosque adentro quieres familiarizarte y conocer más sobre el mismo, es recomendable hacer una parada en El Portal, su centro de visitantes. Allí se puede obtener información del Yunque, además de datos interesantes de sus diferentes atractivos a través de la proyección de una corta película.

En este lugar puedes hacer cualquier tipo de pregunta que tengas referida al sitio ya que cuenta con personal especializado. También puedes disfrutar de diferentes exhibiciones, deleitarte con algo rico en su pequeño café, o comprar algún recuerdito en la tienda de souvenirs.

Practicar el

hiking para llegar a cada rincón

Una de las actividades favoritas entre los visitantes del bosque es el senderismo. ¡Y no es para menos! Los diversos tramos llenos de impresionante flora, fauna y cuerpos de agua proveen el escenario ideal para llevar esta actividad a cabo.

Aunque son más de una decena los diferentes trayectos que puedes tomar, algunos de los más visitados son el Big Tree Trail y La Mina Trail. A través de este último puedes contemplar el curso del río La Mina, pequeños puentes y cascadas. En ocasiones algunos tramos pueden estar cerrados, por eso se aconseja acceder la página oficial del parque y revisar la información del Yunque más actualizada.

Detener el tiempo observando una cascada

¿Alguna vez has sentido que el tiempo se detiene cuando observas un lago o el caudal de un río? A través de diferentes senderos del bosque te toparás con diferentes cuerpos de aguas, algunos de ellos acompañados de hermosas cascadas.

Entre las más populares están La Coca y La Mina, ambas protagonistas de hermosas fotos tiradas por sus perplejos visitantes. Probablemente te costará abandonar la hipnotizante escenografía. Antes de tu visita, se recomienda revisar cuáles de estos lugares están habilitados para el nado y si están abiertos.

Meditar con los sonidos naturales de fondo

Una de las características más relajantes e inolvidables del Yunque es su sonido natural. Entre las diversas especies de aves que allí conviven, la lluvia, el viento y los coquíes, puedes conseguir la música de fondo perfecta para acompañar una sesión de meditación.

Los encuentros con la naturaleza entregan momentos de reflexión y tranquilidad, los que muchas veces ayudan sacudir el estrés rutinario. ¿Por qué no aprovechar este pulmón verde para la meditación? El sendero de Caimitillo puede ser una buena opción para esto, ya que cuenta con banquitos y otras áreas bastante tranquilas.

Capturar los petroglifos taínos y conectar con el pasado

Además de todas las atracciones que puedes disfrutar en el Yunque, este hermoso espacio te provoca imaginar cómo era Puerto Rico milenios atrás. En sus senderos, que alguna vez caminaron los taínos, puedes observar algunos de los robustos árboles que fueron testigos de sus pasos.

Para aumentarle fascinación a la experiencia, en el interior del bosque, existen lugares con petroglifos marcados por los mismos taínos. Llevar tu cámara y capturar a través de tu lente esta hermosa herencia, puede ser un divertido e inolvidable viaje al pasado. La mayoría de estos puedes encontrarlos en La Roca, en el lado sur del parque.

Realizar un picnic romántico inolvidable

Si lo que buscas es pasar tiempo de calidad con tu media naranja, el Yunque también provee espacios recreacionales que te permiten llevar a cabo un pícnic. Allí puedes compartir una comida mientras disfrutan del aire fresco y crear una atmósfera romántica.

Existen diferentes áreas de picnic, algunas de ellas localizadas en Sierra Palm, Caimitillo o Palo Colorado. Las que están debidamente preparadas para realizar esta actividad. Recuerda que, para llegar a la entrada del parque, tienes la opción de pedir un viaje a través de Uber desde la PC o la app.

Subir al tope de la torre Yokahú

Son muchos los que aseguran que una visita al Yunque no está completa sin subir a la famosa torre Yokahú. La misma, es una estructura construida en entre los años 1962 y 1963. Subir sus escaleras hasta el tope puede ser una experiencia realmente gratificante.

Al llegar a la parte alta, ante tus ojos quedará plasmada la impresionante vista panorámica de la zona. También se hace presente la hermosura del océano Atlántico y el mar Caribe. Todo esto es considerado un espectáculo y una de las atracciones en el Yunque que no deberías perderte.

Conocer algunas de las actividades que este bosque ofrece, te puede ayudar a planificar tu visita y crear momentos inolvidables. Los panoramas son variados, desde el senderismo hasta disfrutar de un pícnic. Si no sabes cómo llegar al Yunque, puedes descubrir qué es Uber y pedir un viaje a través de la app.

Posted by Uber

Categoría: Stories

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Ver más historias

Vygaudas Ušackas: EU-Russia anti-terror dialogue will continue

The EU Ambassador to Russia on the current state and prospects of bilateral relations, the crisis in Syria and EU relations with Ukraine

RF Vygaudas Usackas gave an interview to TASS, in which he spoke about the results of the December EU summit in Brussels and the prospects for the development of relations with Russia, which, according to him, are “at the bottom” and which now need to be brought to the top. But Ukraine can be congratulated on the change of partner – the European Union has moved to the first position in its foreign trade balance. nine0009

However, before the start of the conversation, wishing happiness and health to TASS subscribers and readers, Usackas unexpectedly admitted in connection with the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the terrorist attack in Berlin, as well as other tragic events of recent days, that over more than a quarter of a century work in the diplomatic field, for the first time, feels the desire that the outgoing year end as soon as possible: “This year has brought too many upheavals, as well as conflicts, victims, to the world.” This recognition predetermined the first question. nine0009

– After the appointment of Oleg Syromolotov to the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for Combating Terrorism and his acquaintance with colleagues from the European Union, the dialogue has not yet continued. What does it mean?

— The dialogue between the European Union and Moscow on antiterrorist issues has never stopped. On the contrary, we value the experience that has been accumulated in the Russian Federation in combating terrorism and repelling new challenges and threats. This is very important for us, because terrorism is a global problem, it does not recognize borders. Therefore, it is necessary to work together to fight terrorism and extremism, to identify and eliminate the roots and sources of this evil. nine0005

I happened to be one of the first foreign ambassadors accredited in Russia, who was received by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for Combating Terrorism Oleg Syromolotov shortly after his appointment to this post. At this meeting, he was invited to visit Brussels and meet with the Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service, Pedro Serrano, who is in charge of security issues, and the EU Special Coordinator for Counter-Terror, Gilles de Kerchov. nine0005

The development and strengthening of contacts with Russia in the field of combating terrorism is based on mutual interest and does not depend on fluctuations in the political situation

The visit took place in April this year. Both sides were pleased with the meaningful and interesting exchange of views. Syromolotov invited his colleagues to come to Moscow, but, unfortunately, we were unable to agree on a suitable return visit date for the parties before the end of this year. But the agreement remains in place. The meeting will take place and is scheduled for early February next year. nine0005

— How do you assess the situation in Syria in the light of the fight against terrorism?

– The capture of Aleppo does not mean that the war is over. It is necessary to continue the fight against the Islamic State, which still controls a significant part of the territory of Syria, by united efforts. As for Aleppo, efforts should be focused on eliminating the consequences of hostilities and overcoming the humanitarian catastrophe experienced by the inhabitants of the city.

In this regard, we welcomed the adoption by the UN Security Council of a resolution to provide humanitarian assistance to Syria. This document reflects the principles that the European Union adheres to and which were confirmed at the EU summit on December 15 this year. These principles are aimed at ensuring the reliable protection of the civilian population and medical personnel, the evacuation of residents of the eastern part of Aleppo under the control and coordination of the UN, as well as respect for international humanitarian law. nine0005

Read also

President of Greece: the war in Syria can be ended only with the cooperation of the Russian Federation, the US and the EU . This intra-Syrian conflict cannot have a military solution, it can only be resolved by political means at the negotiating table with the participation of all interested parties, including international and regional players: the United States, Russia, the EU, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others. The mission of organizing the negotiation process is entrusted to the UN Special Representative Staffan de Mistura. The task is complex and responsible, and almost impossible for one person. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the special representative with all and comprehensive support. nine0005

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the EU is the leading donor in providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrians. Since the beginning of the crisis, we have allocated €9 billion for this purpose and are providing humanitarian assistance to millions of Syrians across the country. For example, thanks to assistance from the European Union, almost 2 million people have gained access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene since the beginning of the crisis. 850 thousand people received food. More than 1 million people received basic necessities and shelter. 350,000 children received protection under special programs. nine0005

At the same time, we provide assistance not only to Syria, but also to other countries that are facing a flow of refugees: Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and support the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, UN specialized agencies – UNICEF, WHO and others, and as well as key NGOs and social movements.

– You mentioned Turkey. How is the dialogue between the EU and this country developing?

– The dialogue is ongoing. And quite fruitful. During the recent summit in Brussels, all EU leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the EU-Turkey Declaration on Migration and stressed the importance of full implementation of all aspects of these agreements. It is important to note that the measures that have been taken by the EU, including within the Union and at the borders, are already producing concrete results. Thanks to these measures, the number of border crossings with the EU has decreased from 10,000 per day, as was the case in October 2015, to 100 on average daily. nine0005

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Austrian Defense Minister: EU should prepare for the collapse of the agreements on refugees with Turkey

In addition, the number of illegal migrants returned from Greece to Turkey has increased from 8 people in 2015 to more than 1800 people this year. This is a tangible result. Turkey is an influential regional power and an important partner for both Russia and the countries of the Middle East. In addition, the country is a member of NATO and a candidate for EU membership…

— After the EU summit, it seemed to many that Turkey was left behind and there was no question of joining the EU…

— Nobody rejected Turkey as a candidate for EU membership. Negotiations on this matter are ongoing. We need political will on the part of all EU member states, but it is not there yet. The head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said frankly that the European Union will not expand during the current mandate. We have other priorities. But we do not alienate anyone and continue to work with all candidates. nine0005

— With Ukraine and Georgia too?

– Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova have never been candidates for EU membership. Work is underway with them under the Eastern Partnership program.

– At one of your recent meetings with journalists, you said that relations between the EU and the Russian Federation have sunk to the very bottom and now it is necessary to get up. Was this topic discussed at the EU summit in Brussels?

— There was no specific conversation about Russia. We are now really trying to push off from the bottom with the understanding that a lack of trust will accompany us for some more time, and cooperation on a number of issues will be carried out purely pragmatically, that is, as needed and based on specific mutual interests. nine0005

Over the past two years, deep differences have emerged between us. And not only in Ukraine. For example, in the economic sphere, we are seeing an increase in the policy of protectionism on the part of Russia, a trend towards its self-isolation. This confirms the course towards import substitution, localization of production. The question arises to what extent all this corresponds to the WTO rules on creating equal conditions for all players in the market.

We need to continue to cooperate. Door remains open

The situation with freedom of speech, which in Russia is increasingly regarded as subversive activity, is also a cause for concern. At the same time, the political opposition is seen as a source of unrest, while civil society and human rights activists are seen as a threat. This is also a big and obvious difference.

Nevertheless, we remain strategically important partners for each other. We have many intertwined interests. In resolving a number of international issues through joint efforts, we managed to achieve tangible results. For example, to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem or to reach an agreement on climate change in Paris, which came into force on October 4 after its ratification by the European Union. We call on Russia to also ratify this document, which can become an important contribution to the development of mankind. nine0005

Despite everything, the EU remains the largest trade partner of the Russian Federation and the largest consumer of Russian energy resources.

We need to continue to cooperate. The door remains open. We did not close it and highly appreciate the reciprocal approach even on those issues where there is no common understanding. In particular, I always have a green corridor to discuss any topic with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

— You spoke about freedom of speech, but what about the recent resolution of the European Parliament on a number of Russian media? nine0009

– The resolution expresses the concern of the majority of EU citizens with the activities of the media, which incorrectly, distortedly present known facts. Diversity of opinion and the presence of different media is one of the core values ​​we uphold in defending freedom of the press. But we oppose inciting ethnic hatred, extremism, hatred, violence, or the incorrect, distorted presentation of facts that we often see. The resolution of the European Parliament is advisory in nature and does not prevent the dissemination of alternative information about the events in Ukraine, Russia and other countries. nine0005

– Speaking about the results of the EU summit, one cannot avoid the topic of sanctions, which is closely connected with the events in Ukraine. Are there any developments in this regard?

— The fundamental position of the EU countries has not changed. The sanctions have been extended because the implementation of the Minsk agreements is not satisfactory. The countries that signed the Minsk agreements committed themselves to influence the parties to the conflict so that a truce is held and full and unhindered access for OSCE observers to the entire territory of Ukraine, including the border with Russia, is ensured. nine0005

Read also

The EU made a political decision to extend the sanctions against Russia for six months

Violations of the ceasefire on both sides continue, and this is confirmed by the reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. Ensuring security remains a key issue. It is difficult to resolve political issues when people are dying and there is no control over their territory. After all, the mandate of the SMM is violated not only on the line of contact, but also in those areas that are not controlled by the Ukrainian government. nine0005

Of course, relations between the EU and Russia are not limited to Ukraine, they are much wider. But the first thing that can change the nature of these relations is the full implementation of the Minsk agreements, including respect for territorial integrity and the restoration by the Kyiv authorities of control over the entire territory of Ukraine.

— Is it possible to achieve the implementation of the Minsk agreements without sanctions?

— Sanctions are part of the toolkit for the implementation of the Minsk agreements. They influence the implementation of agreements. It would be nice if the Minsk agreements were implemented without sanctions, but this is impossible. First of all, the sanctions were adopted in response to Russia’s illegal actions and the destabilization of the situation in the region. They played a preventive role and prevented the escalation of the situation. Remember the Novorossiya project? There was a lot of talk about him two years ago. And there were even calls to go to the western borders of Ukraine. Now everything has calmed down. nine0005

In general, the sanctions helped to move the settlement of the conflict into a political channel and became one of the factors that ensured the conclusion of the Minsk agreements. It’s not a perfect remedy, but better than war.

This is not an ideal means, but better than war

However, now it is better to talk not about the causes of the conflict, but about the implementation of agreements. If the Minsk agreements are implemented, it will happen thanks to the political will, maturity and interest of the parties, but also under the influence of sanctions. And when that happens, we can return to the normalization of our relations. nine0005

— How are relations between the EU and Ukraine developing within the framework of the association agreement? Why is Brussels interested in maintaining the transit of Russian natural gas supplies through Ukraine and opposes the construction of new routes?

— The European Union will continue to support the countries of the Eastern Partnership, including, of course, Ukraine. On December 19, a meeting of the EU-Ukraine Association Council was held, where the unprecedented reforms carried out in Ukraine to ensure macroeconomic stability, including the reform of the banking sector, the energy sector, public procurement systems, etc., were discussed and supported. nine0005

The reforms are already bearing fruit. Ukraine is experiencing economic growth. This year it will be 1.5%, and next year – more than 3%. It is important that the course towards economic reforms and the fight against corruption continues. This was also discussed in Brussels.

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Zakharova: The Netherlands is pushing through the EU-Ukraine association despite the opinion of its citizens

In accordance with the association agreement, we allocate significant resources for Ukraine. Thus, the European Commission allocated €3.5 billion to Kyiv. This is the largest loan ever allocated to a country that is not an EU member, and the European Central Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development opened a credit line in the amount of €8 billion for investments in public infrastructure and the private sector of Ukraine. nine0005

We opened the borders for Ukrainian goods, and in the first nine months, Ukraine’s exports to the EU grew by 4.4% compared to the same period in 2015. At the same time, the potential of free trade is far from fully exploited. Companies are still adapting to new standards, looking for niches for their products. Against this background, exports to other countries of the world decreased by an average of 11%, and to Russia – by a third. As a result, the European Union came out on top among Ukraine’s foreign trade partners.

With regard to energy supplies, the last three years have shown that, with the mediation of the EU, Ukraine and Russia can agree on a transparent procedure for gas purchases and its transit to Europe. There were no disruptions during this period, and on December 9, after a trilateral meeting in Brussels, the energy ministers of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, together with the relevant European Commissioner, confirmed their commitment to close joint work in order to ensure gas supplies from the Russian Federation to Ukraine and its transit to the EU. Nevertheless, Russia is developing new gas supply routes to Europe, although not all of them comply with the third energy package. In particular, Nord Stream 2 does not meet one of the main requirements – the diversification of sources of natural gas supplies. nine0005

— And what about visa liberalization for Ukraine and Georgia?

– Visa-free regime between the EU and Ukraine, as well as the EU and Georgia will come into force in the near future. I cannot name a specific date yet, but I must say that all formal decisions have been made, all possible obstacles to establishing visa-free regimes have been removed. Now such a regime operates between the EU and Moldova.

— During a recent visit to Belgrade, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that he was aware of the existence of written instructions in the European Union on how each country, including candidate countries, should speak out publicly at any mention of the Russian Federation , while using such terms as “annexation of Crimea”, “occupation of Donbas” and so on. What can you say about this? nine0009

– There is no such instruction, at least for me. But if I don’t, it’s hard to imagine who has it.

China and the US again argue about exchange rates – RBC

On Tuesday, October 4, the euro is trading at its lowest levels since January of this year.

On Tuesday, October 4, the euro is trading at its lowest levels since January this year. By 9:00 Moscow time, its rate was 1.32 dollars, and it looks like the pressure on the single currency will continue in the coming sessions. nine0005

Finland surrendered

Players are focused on the news that the Eurogroup has overcome Finland’s ban on additional financial assistance to Greece, although it has not come to a final decision on the allocation of another loan tranche to Athens. This was announced by the head of the group, Jean-Claude Juncker, following a meeting in Luxembourg.

In addition, he noted that the members of the Eurogroup are not considering the possibility of excluding Greece from the EU bloc and are not pushing the country towards such a decision, which would be disastrous for all EU countries. According to him, there are other, more productive ways to save the eurozone economy. Jean-Claude Juncker stressed that although Greece has embarked on the right path, its authorities still need to carry out many more structural reforms aimed at economic consolidation in 2013-2014. nine0005

Jean-Claude Juncker also touched upon the issue of Greece’s draft budget for 2011-2012, from which it is clear that the country will not fulfill its financial obligations to the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Thus, it was expected that the budget deficit for 2011. will be no more than 7.6%, but this figure has reached 8.5%. The head of the group believes that this is due to the failure of the Greek government to implement reforms in a timely manner. In his opinion, in matters of the budget deficit, Greece will still have to meet the limits set by its creditors, or even demonstrate better performance. nine0005

It was against the background of these messages that the players started selling the European currency again. The crisis in Athens is structural and will not be resolved overnight. This country will not see economic growth for several more years, while the crisis may spread to other EU states. So, the chairman of Roubini Global Economics, Nouriel Roubini, told Bloomberg that he was very worried about the situation in peripheral European countries. “Recession, budget crisis, banking crisis, liquidity crisis, public debt crisis, competitiveness crisis, and now the problems are spreading from Greece to Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, French and Belgian banks, to the core countries of the eurozone. If the situation is in one of the peripheral countries gets out of control, it will be comparable to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.Then we will face a global financial crisis and a recession worse than the previous one.2 trillion euros are needed to resolve the crisis, and the money needs to be spent not in a few months, but in a few weeks, if they want to avoid disaster,” the expert is sure. nine0005

China and the US again argue

While the Eurozone stage is playing the spectacle called “The collapse of the peripheral countries”, the other two giants of the world – China and the US again entered into a discussion about exchange rates. The US Senate is debating a bill that would impose sanctions on China for undervaluing the yuan, reports Associated Press. The bill will allow the US authorities to impose countervailing duties on goods from countries where the national currency is deliberately undervalued to stimulate exports. nine0005

Supporters of the bill claim that the yuan is now undervalued by 40%. This leads to the fact that the prices of Chinese goods are artificially reduced, and American goods become excessively expensive. Thus, China gains an advantage in world markets, and the annual US trade deficit due to cooperation with China is constantly growing (at the moment it has already reached $ 250 billion). In addition, supporters of the bill emphasize that if the Chinese currency rises in price, US exports will begin to grow, and this will stimulate the creation of jobs in the US, which is extremely important in recent times. nine0005

China’s response was not long in coming. The People’s Bank of China condemned the bill proposed by the US authorities, reports Reuters. According to representatives of the bank, the adoption of the relevant law will unleash a trade war between partner countries. “There are many reasons for the trade imbalance, and in the case of the US and China, the yuan exchange rate is not such a reason,” the Chinese Central Bank believes. In addition, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly protested this initiative of the United States. “The United States, under the pretext of fighting a currency imbalance, is trying to introduce protectionist trade measures that are contrary to the principles of the WTO,” the agency said in a statement. nine0005


Thus, the dollar again captured all the players’ attention. Let’s consider a pair of pounds / dollars from a technical point of view:

The dollar is aggressively strengthening against the pound under the pressure of the downtrend line (4), and until it is broken up, the fall in the British currency will continue. Now the first target for the pound is $1.

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