Luis echegoyen comediante: Luis Echegoyen y “Cuquita Sabrosura” – Opinión

Luis Echegoyen y “Cuquita Sabrosura” – Opinión

Echegoyen era un famoso comediante y escritor que gozaba de prestigio en la televisión de Cuba. (Archivo)

Nota de archivo: esta historia fue publicada hace más de 5 años.

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Aquellos que critican el que un hombre se vista de mujer para actuar tienen que saber que desde el origen mismo del teatro se viene realizando esta práctica. 

La razón es simple. Cuando se realizaban aquellas fiestas en honor a Dionisio (dios del vino y la vegetación), las mujeres no eran permitidas, por lo tanto los hombres tenían que recurrir a máscaras y al uso de jóvenes con movimientos sutiles para personificar los roles femeninos. Por tal razón, en las artes de la representación es totalmente normal el uso de este recurso actoral.

Primero nació el drama, luego la comedia. Y por siglos y siglos, el teatro ha sido el medio de expresión idóneo para llevar un mensaje. En la televisión, el uso del comediante vestido de mujer ha sido común desde aquellos primeros días de 1954 (para nosotros) cuando comenzó la maravillosa caja mágica. Buenos y conocidos artistas que llegaban de Cuba realizaban personajes como la famosa “Floripondia” de La Taberna India, personificado por Américo Castellanos.

Luego llegó Luis Echegoyen y se quedó con la televisión con el personaje de “Cuquita Sabrosura”. Echegoyen era un famoso comediante y escritor que gozaba de prestigio en la televisión de Cuba. Comenzó en la radio junto a Jesús Alvariño (otro gran intérprete) en el programa La mesa cuadrada. No obstante, es el guionista Enrique Núñez Rodríguez, quien en el programa Cascabeles candado hace que Luis Echegoyen se catapulte a la fama con el personaje de “Mamacusa Alambrito”, “la del alma grande y el cuerpo flaquito”. De esta forma, el comediante se convertía en un precursor del travestismo en la televisión cubana, ganando prestigio, risas, aplausos y fama.  

Otro de los personajes que Echegoyen estrenó en Cuba lo fue “Tino Dentino”. Era parte del elenco del programa Jueves de Partagás, que estoy seguro que los cubanos que lean esto recordarán perfectamente.

Pues Echegoyen llegó a suelo boricua con su maleta de pelucas, maquillajes, libretos y excelencia artística. Aquí se hizo famoso por “Cuquita”, por “Tino Dentino” y “Arbogasto Pomarrosa”. Luis era un caballero en todo el sentido de la palabra. Como todo buen comediante, era serio hasta que estaba en escena. Tenía una chispa para la creación de libretos y era experto maquillando y creando efectos especiales en su rostro. 

Cuando se hizo la película El alcalde de Machuchal, debutó en el cine boricua como actor y coguionista. Luego, junto a Eddie Miró, también escribió varios de los otros guiones de las producciones cinematográficas que Paquito Cordero produjo para “Machuchal” y que distribuyó la Columbia Pictures para el mercado hispano en los Estados Unidos.

Echegoyen le sacaba punta a todo. Colaboró varias veces en los libretos de los Desconciertos de Awilda, dando ideas o escribiendo rutinas para personajes como el de “Dulce María”, la cubana. Responsable, puntual, disciplinado y preparado son algunos de los adjetivos que describen a este hombre, cuyo último proyecto en la televisión fue un programa de comedia junto a Rafo Muñiz que se desarrollaba en una gasolinera. 

Por un tiempo realizó otro programa en el canal 7 con el personaje de “Mamacusa”. Sucede que los cubanos siempre han tenido esa virtud de ayudarse unos a otros y dejar los egos a un lado a la hora de poner a caminar una empresa (sería tan bueno aprender lecciones así), por eso era común ver a Echegoyen en proyectos de Alberto González, Héctor Travieso, Tino Acosta y otros productores que hicieron de Puerto Rico su casa.

Todos los comediantes famosos han realizado personajes femeninos. Pero esas características daban realce al oficio. La comedia es una expresión genuina que rompe con la tristeza y no debe ser usada para la mofa, la burla y ridiculizar. Los personajes como “Cuquita Sabrosura” llegaban al corazón del televidente porque por momentos nos olvidamos del hombre que hay dentro de ellas y vemos a un intérprete haciendo galas de su arte como en el proscenio de la antigua Grecia.

¡Aplausos para Echegoyen y sus personajes que nos invitaron a reír y a vivir sin tristeza!

Fallece periodista legendario Luis Echegoyén

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ByLilian Peña via

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Los ex-colegas (izuierda a derecha): Tony López (deportes), María Leticia Gómez (co-presentadora) y Luis Echegoyen. Se reunieron en 2018 para el cumpleaños de Luis.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Hoy, seis de abril del 2020, murió un poquito de la historia del Área de la Bahía. (English translation below.)

Se actualizan nuevos detalles a través de nuestro compañero, Tony López, quien compartio unas imágenes del día 10 de abril cuando la esposa de Luis Echegoyén, Maria Echegoyén, y sus hijos e incluyendo a Tony y su esposa, se juntaron en una ceremonia sencilla en una funerario en la Misión, para dar la despedida a don Luis.

A partir del 27 de abril, detalles de un servicio funerario seran desarrollado por la familia y María Leticia Gómez en las semanas entrantes.

Luis Echegoyén falleció el sies de abril del 2020. Tenía 81 años. Con él se llevó un poco del corazón de San Francisco y la bahía que ayudó a formar y a mejorar para muchos Latinos. Desde que llegó en el 1962 de su país natal, El Salvador, su presencia en los medios de comunicación (radio y televisión) lo distinguió como representante comunitario.

Echegoyén fue presentador principal de noticias en Univision 14 (KDTV) entre 1975 y 2007.

Fue admirado por miles (o tal vez hasta millones) de televidentes del Área de la Bahía quienes lo invitaban a entrar a la sala de sus casas y a sus vidas todos los días a través de la pantalla por la información que presentaba acerca de nuestra región, la nación y de América Latina.

Para un vídeo de su carrera producido durante un honor que recibió, visite esta página de National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS).

Que en paz descanse, Don Luis Echegoyén.

With former colleagues in 2019 (left to right): Tony López (sports anchor), María Leticia Gómez (co-anchor) and Luis Echegoyen. The three reunited occasionally.

Lilian Peña es parte del comité Diversidad e Inclusión, ABC Owned Television Group.

Today, we lost a little of Bay Area history.

Luis Echegoyén passed away. He was 81 years old. With him, he took some of San Francisco’s heart which he helped form and improve for many Latinos. Since his arrival to The City in 1962 from his native El Salvador, his presence in media (radio and television) distinguished him as a community representative.

Echegoyén was the main anchor for Univision 14 (KDTV) between the years of 1975 to 2007.

He was admired by fans and Bay Area audiences who invited him daily through his evening and late newscasts into their homes and their lives for information he presented about our region, the nation and Latin America.

For a video produced during an honor he received, visit this page of National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS).

Rest in peace, Luis Echegoyén.

Lilian Peña is a committee member of Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives, ABC Owned Television Group.

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Stand-up and ethics: is it possible for comedian Louis C.

K. to joke about violence, and we can laugh? the high-profile case of Louis C.K., whose fortune was estimated by Forbes at $52 million in 2017, including the comedian in the list of the richest stars (No. 34)

One of the main trends of 2019 in Russia is the stand-up comedy boom. One of the biggest trends in the world is the #MeToo movement. Meanwhile, in May of this year in Kyiv, will perform one of the most famous comedians in the world, Louis C.K., who was previously accused of inappropriate behavior. Many Russian colleagues and fans of the comedian are going to this Ukrainian concert. The organizer of the concert Alexander Nezlobin told that if the performance goes smoothly, Louis will come to Russia. Egor Belikov is trying to create a genre of stand-up criticism in the Russian media and talk about whether Louis C.K. can be forgiven for the courage to continue touring and what to expect from the domestic comedy, which is not yet sharp enough in language, in 2020.

In November 2019, New York Times comedy critic (yes, there are such people abroad; in general, the lack of public authoritative expertise in Russia in almost all areas except cinema and literature is a serious issue for discussion) Jason Zinoman wrote about Louis C.K.’s new stand-up tour.

Zinoman recalls all the bad things about the comedian at once. Louis in 2017 was accused of inappropriate behavior: he offered different women, sometimes subordinates, sometimes friends, to watch him masturbate. They say there were cases when the comedian did not wait for permission. In light of such serial harassment, his old rape beats began to look very different. For example, this (it is important to emphasize here that any joke in the retelling, especially in the form of a text abbreviated transcript, looks obviously losing): “If I had a time machine, I would not kill Hitler, but rape him, he would not capture Poland after that. I don’t condone rape. Never rape anyone. Unless you have a reason, of course. For example, if you want to fuck someone who won’t let you. Because otherwise, what other options do you have?”

Outlining the obligatory background and context, recalling the unresolved issue of separation or non-separation of the author from his work in the context of the #MeToo movement, the critic frankly admits: at the new CK concert, he laughed, as they say, “out of his voice”. Laughed at jokes about the Holocaust, about 9/11, about creepy but blatant bits about the recent death of Louis’ mother.

This CK stuff is really, really funny. I managed to get to his concert in Warsaw as part of the same comeback tour back in the summer. Obviously, an American, whose grandfather was a Hungarian Jew, would not have voluntarily climbed so deep into Eastern Europe – but circumstances oblige. He is not doing very well: Netflix terminated his contract almost on the same day that the accusatory article was published in The New York Times. He lost millions of dollars, which he admitted at a Polish concert. He also talked honestly and bluntly about his obscene habit of asking people around to look at his masturbation technique. He no longer slammed the front of the stage in front of the victims of his sexual misconduct, as he used to do in the midst of the scandal, when he circled the field of public discussion with numerous apologies in person and in the press (and then went into hiding for almost a year). His remark in Warsaw on this occasion was something like this: “Now everyone knows about my chip. Believe me, you definitely would not want the whole world to know what your chip is. And again: “If you saw how I do it, you would be like: “Wow, wow! I’ve never seen anything like it.” I’ve specialized in masturbation all my life, I’m a master at it.” And one more thing: “If you want to offer something like this to someone, first think three times, then offer. If you were told “no”, do nothing. If you were told “yes”, ask again and it’s better not to do anything anyway.

Aside from the self-evident talk about rape and harassment being bad, that victims of all kinds of violence need support, the case of Louis C.K. is interesting for its resulting ambiguity. He is punished by the industry and public opinion, his few concerts, just in case, are not held in the USA, but in distant countries where they at least know English. His next “special” (recording of a big performance. – Forbes Life ) if it comes out, then definitely not on Netflix, but at most on the website of the comedian himself. So, how can and should a stand-up comedian be sincere? Is it worth laughing if it’s funny? Does a comedian have the moral right to joke about the sex scandal he is at the center of? After all, the conversation of a stand-up comedian on stage is always a conversation with himself, perhaps necessary for him (and us) to reflect on what happened.

A small digression: all these conversations in Russian are still possible only for the benefit of the poor. If they talk about sex in general and about harassment in particular in our stand-up, it would be better if no one heard it. So far, the newly-minted main pro-fem-comedian Alexander Dolgopolov embarrassingly admits in an interview with Dudya that he lived together with his wife and girlfriend, divorced and stayed with a third girl; The obvious audience favorite and the strongest comedian right now, Sergey Orlov, neatly reduces all talk about sex to the size of the genitals – and this is with the strongest monologues about maternal alcoholism and childhood in a remote Yakut village. So far, talk about sex in Russian stand-up comedy is more terrifying than funny (however, like Russian stand-up comedy in general – see the performances of Alexei Shcherbakov, Ruslan Bely and so on). We are still far from reassessing moral values ​​in this matter: jokes in Russia still need to be apologized to either unidentified Caucasians (Evgeny Sidorov spoke about this from the stage), or to the inhabitants of the village of Derbyshki (as in the case of the same Dolgopolov). We are waiting for big breakthroughs in the field of supernova stand-up sincerity in 2020 – all the more so, everything is conducive to this.

Against the backdrop of traditional Russian helplessness in the conditions of a limited space for discussion, it is even more symptomatic that the American C.K. was left alone with his inexorable sin. Louis is undoubtedly the most technical, precise, and comprehensible author I know of, having devoted his entire career to exploring the relationship with the moral law within us. His lyrical hero is a conventionally disgusting person who can spend all day masturbating and eating ice cream, drowning in shame for a life of aimlessness. The essence of his stand-up is a clearly stated self-flagellation and an attempt to analyze it, identify a system in his own behavior and confess it. Many were jarred at the thought that this lyrical hero turned out to be unpleasantly realistic – I don’t want to think that C.K. took all the material from his own life. Although for those who do not have everything in life as smoothly as the fans of mindfulness and healthy lifestyle, C.K. certainly acted and acts as a prophet and plenipotentiary.

Jason Zinoman concludes with his overly neat, like all decent male #MeToo-themed texts, the column remarks that although Louis C.K. of 2019 is still good, he is outdated and appears as a relic, a 52-year-old comedian who turned out to be not ready for a changed world. Yes, there is such a feeling: even though Louis is still in good spirits and bitterly jokes that at his age it is the best thing to start life anew, but still does not show anything qualitatively new. Although for him, a divorced father of two children, raising them in joint custody, everything has generally improved: he got a French girl, began to visit Europe more often, even seems to feel a little more confident, having changed out of a suit with a tie, which he wore it in stand-up for Netflix, back in jeans with a black t-shirt. For him, returning to the status of a marginal comedian, albeit quite famous all over the world, turned out to be a cure, a method of accepting himself in all his lonely disgust.

Many defendants in the #MeToo cases today are mired in lengthy lawsuits, some have begun to crawl back into the public. Kevin Spacey makes a creepy video, Aziz Ansari, who was fleetingly accused of indecent behavior on a bad date, devoted an entire “special” to it, filmed on intimate-grainy film, conducted almost entirely in a whisper, where he constantly either apologizes or tries again everyone will like it, knocking out a tear for frankness. Very soon, the #MeToo story will be supplemented by stories (in various forms) of those who suddenly realized that they were a monster: Harvey Weinstein (he has already begun to appear in newspapers in a photo from the hospital – he was hunted down, demons, brought to the handle), Louis C. Kay. We need to be ready to hear a different version of events and at the same time be able to correctly answer the question: is it criminal to make jokes about rape on stage? Especially the bad ones.

Louis C. Kay (Louis Sekey) – photo, biography, personal life, news, stand-up

Louis C.K. is an American comedian, director, actor, and producer who became famous primarily for his performances in the popular stand-up genre in the West. In addition to success in the comedy field, since 2017, Louis has also gained scandalous fame – the artist was convicted of repeated sexual harassment, which negatively affected C.K.’s career.

Childhood and youth

Louis Sekey (that’s the real name of the comedian) was born on September 12, 1967 in the US capital, Washington. His parents Marie Louise Davis and Louis Sekey met at Harvard University, where the future artist’s mother was finishing her studies at summer school. Married with four children: Louis and 3 of his sisters.

Louis C.K.

C.K. has multinational roots. Louis’ mother is Irish-American. His paternal grandfather, surgeon Geza Szekely Schweiger, was a Jewish native of Hungary whose family immigrated to Mexico. There, Geza met his wife, a Mexican by nationality, and the family of Louis himself moved there when the boy was one year old, so the artist’s first language was Spanish. He began to get acquainted with English C.K. only at the age of 7, when the family returned to the USA.

Louis CK in his youth

When Louis was 10 years old, his parents divorced and the children stayed with their mother. Despite the fact that the father did not break off relations with them, communication was rare. Later, Louis Sekey Sr. married a second time to an Orthodox Jew and returned to the religion of his ancestors, while his mother brought up the comedian and his sisters in Catholic traditions.

In 1985, Louis graduated from high school and got a job as an auto mechanic for a Boston television station. In addition, in his youth, C.K. had a chance to work as a cook and an employee of a video store. However, it was his work on television that helped him gain the knowledge necessary for further implementation in this area.


The comedian thought about working on television as a child: little Louis was upset by the fact that his mother, after returning from work, watches “bad” programs, because she simply has no choice. The first creative work in the field of cinema for Louis was the short film “Trash Day” shot by him at the age of 17. After that, the talented young man became interested in the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, but C.K. decided to try his hand at stand-up.

Comedian Louis C.K.

The artist’s first performance in this genre took place at 1985 in one of the comedy clubs in Boston – at that time, stand-up was, as they say, “on the wave.” The attempt was unsuccessful: the young artist was given 5 minutes, and the material was only enough for 2. The negative experience led to the fact that Louis did not dare to perform for 2 years after that.

Having recovered from the failure, the artist returned to the microphone and, as the demand for the genre grew, began to make his way to fame. From club stand-ups, he gradually moved to paid concerts, began working as an opening act for popular comedians, then began to perform in comedy clubs.

Stand-up comedian Louis C.K.

By 1989, Louis had moved to Manhattan, where he expanded his creative biography with appearances on television. By 1995, he also made himself known as a director – his short film “Ice Cream”, filmed 2 years before, was shown at the Aspen Short Film Festival.

Louie failed to make it onto the popular Saturday Night Live show, but in the early 90s he worked for Late Night with Conan O’Brien and The Tonight Show with David Letterman. At 19In 1996, C.K. got the position of head writer for The Dana Carvey Show, but the show only lasted 7 episodes. For 2 years, from 1997 to 1999, Louis was a writer on The Chris Rock Show.

Directed by Louis C.K.

The period from 1998 to 2004 passed for C.K. under the sign of cinema and television. In 1998, Louis created the feature-length black-and-white film Tomorrow Night, in which he acted as director, producer, and scriptwriter. In 2001, another picture of his authorship was released, “The Way of Teng” – a reworking of one of the sketches for The Chris Rock Show. The fate of the tape turned out to be dual: film critics defeated the film, but over the years it has become a cult movie in its genre.

In addition, the artist participated in the voice acting of the animated series “Home Video”, acted as a screenwriter for the series “Cedric the Entertainer Presents” and created the parody “The Filthy Stupid Talent Show”.

Louie CC on Lucky Louie

In August 2005, Louie starred in a half-hour stand-up special One Night Stand, and a year later he wrote and starred in the sitcom Lucky Louie. The comedy series about the life of a goofy mechanic, his wife and little daughter earned mixed reviews from critics, but was highly appreciated by the public: on the popular site imdb. com, Lucky Louie still retains a high rating.

However, the sitcom only lasted a season, and HBO canceled the show for cumulative reasons, both economic and outcry over the ethics of the show’s content.

In the fall of 2008, Showtime premiered the Louis C.K. concert film Shabby, which was later nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. The next similar product was filmed in April 2009 and released only in 2011, the film “Hilarious”, which the comedian shot independently, acting as a director as well.

In addition, in the early 2010s, Louis appeared in the successful TV series Parks and Recreation, and also starred in the science fiction comedy The Invention of Lies, a film about a man who is the only one in the world who knows how to tell a lie, which is cardinal. changes the life around him.

Louis CC in the series “Louis”

Another successful project of this period was the series “Louis”, broadcast from 2010 to 2015 on the FX channel. The sitcom, whose style gravitated towards black comedy, told about the life of stand-up comedian Louis, an elderly and not very successful man who is trying to somehow sort out his life.

When creating the series, C.K. partly relied on his own life and professional experience, but the project is not autobiographical.

Louis C.K. in Horace & Pete

In 2016, C.K. played an unexpected role: he released the web series Horace & Pete, in which comedic elements are mixed with truly tragic and gloomy. The history of a bar that has existed for a century, Louis presented together with Steve Buscemi, who played the second main role.

The critically acclaimed series won the 2016 Peabody Award. Also this year, the artist took part in the creation of a product for children – he voiced the main character of the cartoon “The Secret Life of Pets”.

Chloe Moretz and Louis C.K. in I Love You, Daddy

Louis did not leave stand-up – in 2017, Netflix released a video of his performance in Washington. The next serious work of the comedian was the film “I love you, daddy”, shot in black and white film.

Stars of the first magnitude, Chloe Moretz and John Malkovich, starred in the film with a difficult and sad story about a father trying to protect his young daughter from mistakes. However, the fate of the film after being shown at the Toronto International Film Festival turned out to be difficult due to the scandal that erupted over C.K.’s accusations of numerous sexual harassment.

Personal life

The artist met his first wife, artist Alix Bailey, at the age of 18 at a New Year’s party in Boston. Louis was very drunk and proposed to the girl within 5 minutes after meeting. The next time they met only after 15 years, and in 1995 they really got married. In this marriage, Louis had 2 daughters. After their divorce in 2008, the couple took joint custody of the children, and C.K. continues to be involved in the lives of the girls.

Louis C.K. and his ex-wife Alix Bailey

In 2017, the New York Times published statements by 5 women who accused the comedian of sexual harassment that occurred between 1990 and 2005. It should be noted that there were rumors about Louis’ intemperance even before that – information regularly appeared among comedians that C. K. was forcing female colleagues to watch him engage in self-satisfaction.

The artist initially denied the accusations, but then admitted his guilt and repented of his behavior. Louis said that he thought he was doing the right thing, since he never did such actions without first asking the woman for consent. But, according to C.K., he did not realize that it is difficult for a female comedian to answer “no” to a similar question from a person with his weight in an artistic environment – she will be afraid of possible harm to her career.

Louis C.K.

The result, in addition to public outcry, was problems with the implementation of the film “I love you, daddy.” The Orchard company refused to distribute the picture, and Moretz and Charlie Day, who starred in the tape, refused to participate in its promotion.

FX Networks, Netflix and HBO also terminated the partnership with the comedian, and Illumination Entertainment denied the artist the right to voice the sequel to The Secret Life of Pets – he was replaced by Patton Oswalt. In addition, the character voiced by C.K. was removed from reruns by the Disney Channel during the demonstration of the animated series Gravity Falls.

Louis CC now

In the fall of 2018, Louis returned to the stage after a six-month silence, performing at a Manhattan club and even joking about the sex scandal. Many of the artist’s colleagues in the workshop were shocked by such a quick return of C.K. to the ranks, but now the comedian continues to have problems finding venues for performances. For example, in January 2019, the owner of the Comedy Works club in Denver denied Louis the right to perform on his stage.

Louis C.K. and Blanche Gardin

In November 2018, C.K. announced a change in his personal life, admitting that he was in a relationship with French comedian Blanche Gardin.

The artist maintains a blog on Twitter, where he regularly posts new entries, mostly in the format of short jokes. Louis does not have an Instagram account, so most of the photos of C. K. that are on the Internet were taken during his speeches or conversations with correspondents.

Despite the author’s scandalous reputation, Louis’ jokes remain popular, and he is still considered one of the outstanding figures of American stand-up. On the Web, including in its Russian-speaking segment, you can easily find quotes from the most striking performances of C.K.

Louis C.K. in 2019

The artist has never been shy about speaking out even on the most pressing and sore social issues – from political events to racial and social inequality. For example, he aptly described the situation with the situation of blacks in the USA by mentioning the time machine:

“The fact that I am white has a huge plus. I can get into a time machine and go at any time, I’ll be cool everywhere! And if a black man sees a time machine, he will say: “Let’s go, but somewhere not earlier than the 80s.”


  • 1993 – “Ice Cream”
  • 1998 – “Tomorrow Night”
  • 2004 – “Holy Louis”
  • 2006 – “Lucky Louis”
  • 2006 – “Search Search”
  • 2008 – “In one ear flew out”
  • 2008 – “Adult surprise”
  • 2009 – “Parks and recreation areas”
  • 2013 – “Jasmine”
  • 2015 – “Type happiness”
  • 2012 – 9012 – 9012 – “Trumbo” Pete”
  • 2017 – “I love you daddy”

TV projects

  • 1994 – “Late night with Conan O’Braien”
  • 1995 – “Evening Show with David Letterman”
  • 1996 – “Show Dan Carvi”
  • 1996 – “HBO Comedy Half -HUROUR”
  • 1997 – The Chris Rock Show
  • 1997 – Saturday Night Live
  • 2001 – Comedy Central Standup
  • 2008 – Louis C.

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