Municipio de lajas: Alcaldía de Lajas | Discover Puerto Rico

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Política y Gobierno

Composición de la AMPP

Composición de la AMPP

La AMPP es el órgano superior del podel del Estado en cada municipio.

Consejo de la Administración Municipal

Consejo de la Administración Municipal

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Delegados a la Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular.

Marco Normativo

Marco Normativo

Marco normativo y regulatorio del Gobierno Municipal de Lajas.

Atención a la Población

Servicio de atención a la población del Poder Popular Provincial

Mediante el siguiente formulario usted podrá enviar cualquier queja, inquietud, planteamiento, denuncia o sugerencia a la oficina de atención a la población del Gobierno, la cual se encargará de tramitar el asunto y darle respuesta.


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 Hon. Leovigildo Cotte Torres




 26,261 habitantes (Censo 2000)


 La Virgen de la Candelaria




 La Ciudad Cardenalicia y Los Tira Piedras


Box 910 Lajas, PR 00667

Telfono/ Fax

899-1450 1550 7000

/(787) 899-4760 899-3333


(787) 899-2020  


(787) 899-2330  





El escudo de Lajas es de
estilo espaol confeccionado de la siguiente forma: Su cuerpo es color oro con
una banda verde cruzndola diagonalmente de derecha a izquierda hacia abajo;
significando el color oro la riqueza del suelo lajeo
y el verde el hermoso valle con el que la naturaleza le dot.

La banda est adornada, a
cada extremo, con una pia color oro con su maya bordeada en negro y en el
centro tiene una concha marina, igualmente en color oro; significando la pia
nuestro fruto regional -la pia cabezona- y la concha el fundador del pueblo en
la persona de don Teodoro Jcome Pagn. (En la ciencia de la herldica, la
concha marina significa Santiago, Jcome, Diego…)

En su lado superior
izquierdo aparece un sombrero cardenalicio en color rojo y en su inferior
derecho una ancla roja con una soga verde adherida a su cuerpo; significando el
sombrero el distintivo con que fue investido nuestro Cardenal Luis Aponte
Martnez; y el ancla, la joya turstica de la Parguera.

A la cabeza, Ileva el escudo de castillo con 3 torres amuraliadas, cada una de las cuales consta de dos ventanas
cuadradas y una puerta redondeada en su parte superior. En su base, Ileva tambin, tres puertas de idntica forma significando
el castillo, la autonoma municipal y sus ventanas y puertas los once barrios
del municipio.

A los pies, fuera del escudo, aparece una filacteria o cinta volante con la
inscripcin “Ciudad Cardenalicia”. La filacteria y su inscripcin
aparece en negro. Significa esto, el honor que recay en Lajas al ser cuna del
primer cardenal puertorriqueo investido con este ttulo.


La Honorable Asamblea
Municipal de Lajas auspici un certamen para seleccionar la bandera oficial de
este pueblo. Se seleccion la bandera haciendo una combinacin de las
presentadas por la seorita Maritza Luciano y el
seor Sigfredo Irizarry Tomei. La bandera oficial del Municipio de Lajas fue
aprobada por la Honorable Asamblea Municipal el lunes 13 de septiembre de 1982.

La bandera consta de tres
(3) franjas horizontales; a saber: la de arriba ser de color verde, la del medio
de color blanco y la de abajo de color amarillo canario. Una cuarta franja, de
igual anchura a las anteriores, cruzar stas de arriba abajo de tal forma que
forme una cruz a dos quintas partes de su borde. En el centro de esa cruz,
donde se unen sus dos brazos, habr una pia cabezona del color propio de una
pina madura (anaranjado). Rodearn esa cruz once estrellas con color oro,
dispuestas en la siguiente forma: cinco estarn en la parte norte (superior) de
la bandera y seis en su parte sur (inferior) de la forma que todas unidas
formen un crculo.

La franja de color verde
significa el Valle de Lajas, la agricultura lajea en
toda su extensin. La franja de color amarillo canario significa la riqueza de
nuestro suelo. Las franjas de color blanco, entre cruzadas, significan la unin
de todos los lajeos para sealar un pueblo de amor,
paz y amistad. La cruz, que resulta del cruce de las dos franjas blancas,
significa la religiosidad del pueblo, la fe en Dios y en las creencias de algo

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Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas – World of Hobbies

Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas or the Madonna of Las Lajas in Colombia, located in the municipality of Ipiales, is an unrivaled tourist attraction and place of pilgrimage for Catholic Christians. After reading the article, you will learn more about the history of this place. And also you will get acquainted with what is the cathedral built here. nine0004

1. Where is the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas?

The Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas is located in Colombia in the municipality of Ipiales, 7 km from the city center of the same name, which, in turn, is located just 3 km from the border with Ecuador and belongs to the department of Nariño .

Distance from major cities of Colombia to Ipiales: from Bogota – 802 km, from Cali – 467 km.

2. What is the history of the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Las Lajas? nine0821

Legend has it that a little Indian woman named Juana had a deaf-mute daughter named Rosa. With her, she often made the journey on foot from Potosí de Nariño to Ipiales. Once, back in the 1750s, they were overtaken by a terrible storm, and they had to seek shelter. They found a dark and damp cave, but they still entered it cautiously. The woman believed that the devil lives in such places. The mother and the girl were sitting inside the cave. Suddenly the woman jumped up in horror, because her daughter, who was deaf and dumb, said to her: “Mother, mother, this lady is calling me!” nine0004

This was the first miracle of the Madonna of Las Lajas. The girl’s mother ran to tell the priest Ipiales what had happened. He gathered a group of people to go to the location indicated by Juana to check the story. When they arrived at the cave, they found an image of the Madonna del Rosario on a rock polished by time.

Today, on the altar of the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas, you can see the same rock, with the same image that Jeanne, Rosa, the priest and the inhabitants of the town saw then. The priests assure that the image is original, that is, intact and without retouching, despite the time that has passed since 1750. nine0004

3. About the Cathedral of Nuestra Senhora de Las Lajas

The Cathedral of Nuestra Senora de Las Lajas was built at the beginning of the 20th century (1916-1949). And the first shrine made of straw and wood was built here in the middle of the 18th century. It, in 1802, was replaced by a larger temple, which, in turn, was expanded and connected to the opposite side of the canyon by a bridge.

The last temple is a grey-white stone church imitating the Gothic of the 14th century, consisting of three naves built on two arched bridges across the Guaitara River. The height of the temple from its base to the tower is 100 meters, and the bridge is 50 meters high, 17 meters wide and 20 meters long. nine0004

The main building is 27.5 meters long and 15 meters wide. Inside it has three naves with vaulted roofs. It has a fiberglass mosaic. During the daytime, the light is filtered by stained-glass windows made by the Italian Walter Wolf. The background wall is made of natural canyon stone, and the image of the Madonna del Rosario stands out on the central nave (according to Wikipedia, “… written by an unknown author on stone …”).

The temple itself is a Romanesque crypt with three naves dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Outside, three towers stand out, ending in spiers decorated with lumps and branches, floor-to-ceiling windows, rosettes, arbotants, buttresses. nine0004

On the sides of the Las Lajas Sanctuary, which is halfway up the canyon walls, as you can see, there are stone walls surrounding the access to the property. To get from the road to the church, you have to go down some very large steps. They are accompanied by stalls selling handicrafts and religious goods. Also here you can see the tablets set on the stone with the gratitude of the believers for the miracles granted, which number in the thousands.

4. Brief information for the traveler planning to visit the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas

Parish services and masses are held in the church every day and follow the Catholic liturgical rites regulated by the Roman Catholic Church. The largest number of pilgrims visit the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas on September 15 and 16, Maundy Thursday, Christmas and New Year.

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