Parque tematico marin: Parque de Aventuras en Marín. Ecoparque Rías Baixas. Pontevedra. Galicia

Parque de Aventuras en Marín. Ecoparque Rías Baixas. Pontevedra. Galicia

El parque de aventuras en Marín es un ecoparque que está situado en las Rías Baixas, en la Península do Morrazo, en la provincia de Pontevedra.
Actualmente es el ecoparque de multiaventura más grande de Galicia.
Tiene más de 70 juegos, algunos situados hasta 13 m. de altura y 12 tirolinas de hasta 120 m de largo.
Es un nuevo concepto de ocio, aventura y turismo activo, que aprovecha y respeta al máximo los recursos naturales.
Este tipo de parques tienen como objetivo agrupar en un entorno natural: aventura, educación, respeto por la naturaleza, conocimiento del medio y el disfrute mediante la actividad física.
Está formado por 5 circuitos multiaventura en los que tenemos que combinar equilibrio, ingenio, fuerza, destreza y autocontrol para superar las diferentes pruebas que se nos presentan. Se clasifican por niveles de dificultad y de altura.
Recorren una finca de 2,5 hectáreas de bosque y muchos árboles, en la que los diferentes juegos del parque se integran camuflándose perfectamente con el entorno (puentes de mono, puentes tibetanos, saltos de Tarzán, trapecios, pasarelas, redes verticales, paso de gigante, tirolinas…
Está diseñado para que todos puedan disfrutar de él, independientemente de la edad o de la preparación física.



Disponemos de un circuito de iniciación obligatorio y 4 circuitos multiaventura de distinta dificultad. Hay posibilidad de recorrer todos.
No es necesario reservar previamente ningún circuito determinado, al llegar al parque en función a vuestras preferencias o condición física podréis ir al que más os guste.


INICIACION I e II (Ibérico y Pireno)
Ambos circuitos de dificultad baja, aptos a partir de los 4 años
Los más pequeños disfrutarán de una longitud de 25 metros y una altura de 2 metros como unos intrépidos aventureros.

Circuito de dificultad baja, ideal para niños a partir de 6 años
Tiene una altura de 2,5 metros y una longitud de 235 metros en donde tendrás que superar un potro de equilibrio, puente tibetano, redes en U, puentes tablas …


Este recorrido tiene una dificultad media-baja, es el circuito ideal para los más intrépidos
Tiene una longitud de 265 metros y una altura de 5 metros
Te encontrarás obstáculos tales como platillos con lianas, tirolina, túnel de red, puente de troncos…

Circuito de dificultad media, a una altura de 8 metros y una longitud de 377 metros
Tendrás que sortear obstáculos como redes en U, tirolinas, puentes de tablas, estribos, troncos colgantes…


Circuito de dificultad alta para los que buscan el límite, tendrás que superar columpios con obstáculos, puentes de tronco, lianas, platillos…
Llegarás a estar a 11 metros de altura y con una longitud de 444 metros.


1 noche de alojamiento en bungalow + 2 actividades a escoger:
a) En Marín:                               
Parque de aventuras y/o rutas a caballo (1 H)
b) En Atalaia (30 km Marín): Eco agroturismo y/o paintball familiar

68 € por persona             Adulto
57 € por persona             Niño (hasta 10 años)


8 camas en forma de literas + 1 sofá-cama + 1 baño + 1 salita (sin cocina).  Incluye lavadora, neverita y micro.
No tiene cocina ni barbacoa. Máximo plazas: 24 (3 cabañas).
Las cabañas tienen ropa de cama, toallas y gel.


Formar un grupo mínimo de 4 personas (o asumir las 4 plazas)
Paintball: necesario formar un grupo mínimo de 8 pax y los niños tener al menos 8 años.


110 €    Bungalow (régimen de SA).  Tarifa hasta 6 personas cómo máximo.
12 €       Persona extra (régimen SA). Este suplemento se cobraría a partir de 7 personas
6 €         Desayuno continental (zumo naranja, embutido, tostadas, pan, bizcocho,café, infusión o cola cao)


Se puede llevar merienda o contratar

En el Parque hay 4 opciones de merienda:


6 € por niño
– Snack a base de aperitivos varios (patatillas, conos, barritas de patata y nachos)
– Sándwiches (unos son de jamón york y queso y otros de nocilla)
– Bebida (refresco naranja, limón y cola y aguas)
– Tarta de cumpleaños (de chocolate) + velas


7 € por niño
– Snack a base de aperitivos varios (patatillas, conos, barritas de patata y nachos)
– Pizza (la de jamón york y queso)
– Bebida (refresco naranja, limón y cola y aguas)
– Tarta de cumpleaños (de chocolate) + velas


7,50 € por niño
– Hamburguesa con queso y patatas fritas
– Bebida (refresco naranja, limón y cola y aguas)
– Tarta de cumpleaños (de chocolate) + velas


7,50 € por niño
– Sándwiches (unos son de jamón york y queso y otros de nocilla)
– Brochetas de fruta con fuente de chocolate
– Bebida (refresco naranja, limón y cola y aguas)
– Tarta de cumpleaños (de chocolate) + velas

6 €
por niño
Es una mesa de chuches y dulces decorada.
Habitualmente lleva chuches, dulces, nubes, magdalenas donuts y regaliz.


PIC-NIC                                                        6 € por persona
Bocadillo + yogur o fruta + agua


MENU INFANTIL (4-10 años)                      10 € por persona
primer plato + segundo plato + postre + agua

MENU ADULTOS (11 años en adelante)     12 € por persona
primer plato + segundo plato + postre + agua

Tarifas iva incluido.


Las tarifas son por el uso de los circuitos multiaventura. El acceso al parque es libre y gratuito.
Los participantes estarán acompañados por un monitor que les explicará los conceptos básicos de escalada y seguridad.
Aprenderán a distinguir y utilizar los elementos del arnés y a moverse con total seguridad dentro de los distintos circuitos.

🥇 El parque de los sentidos de Marín será uno de los escenarios del festival de magia


El parque de los sentidos de Marín,  ha sido el parque para ir en familia más recomendado y querido por mis lectores, además este fin de semana, tanto el sábado 17 como el domingo 18 será el escenario de la Gala Internacional de Magia de Marín.

Se encuentra en la localidad gallega de Marín, en la provincia de Pontevedra, muy cerquita de la ciudad de Pontevedra y a media hora de Vigo, al finalizar el artículo os dejo la ubicación.

El parque de los sentidos o Granja de Briz

Así que hoy por fin voy a hablaros de este precioso lugar, también conocido como la Granja de Briz pues fue la residencia de verano de la familia Briz Saraiba, y aquí se reunía lo más selecto de la sociedad, todavía algunos vecinos recuerdan las estupendas veladas y fiestas que ahí se celebraban. En 1999 fue adquirido por el Ayuntamiento de Marín  por 150 millones de pesetas y así a día de hoy podemos disfrutar de este parque gratuitamente.

A la entrada tres edificaciones, que albergan distintos servicios sociales, nos dan la bienvenida y llegamos ya a una zona de juegos donde el preferido de los niños sin duda será el tornillo de Arquímedes, un invento que les permitirá descubrir como un instrumento utilizado en la antigüedad permite extraer el agua de sitios bien difíciles.

En este parque, como su nombre indica, se puede disfrutar con los cinco sentidos, pero si alguno sale ganando sin duda será la vista.

Seguimos paseando y nos vamos encontrando diferentes figuras talladas en árboles, caracoles, tortugas y seres que parecen sacados de los cuentos de hadas. La mayoría son obra de Marcos Mariño.

El oído disfrutará lo suyo en este lugar, no solo con el ruido del agua que aparece tanto en cascadas como en distintos lagos, sino también con diferentes juegos a disposición de niños y mayores.

Y es que este es un parque que no tiene edades, embelesará por igual a mayores que a los más pequeños.

En sus pintorescos caminos encontrarás zona de juegos para ejercitar los sentidos que os permitirá compartir buenos momentos de risas y sonidos en familia.

Y mientras exploramos nuestro sentido musical podemos apreciar los olores de los árboles frutales y especies que rodean toda la finca.

El parque de los sentidos cuenta también con Auditorio al aire libre y con zona de aventura donde los niños disfrutarán con los toboganes entre los que destaca uno gigante.

Y la red para trepar nuestros pequeños escaladores, es otro de los preferidos del parque de los sentidos, que si vuestros hijos son también de toboganes y trepar os recomiendo también una visita al Parque de Eiris en A Coruña

La verdad tendría miles de fotos que enseñaros porque el sitio lo merece pero para que os hagáis una idea creo que de momento es suficiente, espero que os haya gustado tanto como a mi y muchas gracias a esos seguidores que habéis estado ahí insistiendo para que hablará de este sitio.

Como llegar al Parque de los sentidos de Marín

A continuación te pongo el enlace para Google Maps, solo tienes que pinchar en el icono

Usak Sea World Theme Park | Planet of Neptune

South Africa attracts tourists not only with beautiful scenery and interesting history. These lands can also surprise you with many sights, both historical and completely new. One of these attractions is the Sea World of Usak theme park.

Here tourists from all over the world find pleasant entertainment for every member of the family. The entire park is divided into 4 areas, which, in addition to the oceanarium itself, include a beach, a water park and an entertainment center with restaurants and souvenir shops. The sea world of Usak will find something to please its visitor. nine0003

The park is located on the seafront in the South African city of Durban. It was built back in 2004, but it is still the largest aquarium in Africa, and it is also one of the five largest aquariums in the world. The whole oceanarium contains 32 large aquariums. Their total displacement is 17,500 cubic meters of water, which means that this is indeed a very large-scale project.

Usak Oceanarium is externally stylized as a shipwreck. And the interior of the aquarium resembles the corridors of a sunken ship. You can spend hours wandering around them, admiring the interior and chicly decorated aquariums that come across here and there. But why just walk and stare around when there is still a lot of entertainment that can please the largest aquarium in the southern hemisphere. nine0003

Oceanarium features

The Sea World of Usak boasts a huge number of inhabitants from different seas, but the highlight of the aquarium is all kinds of entertainment that helps the visitor to get closer to the wildlife of the ocean. After going to the territory of the oceanarium and watching the penguins that live in one of the nearest enclosures, you can move on in pursuit of new sensations.

There are excellent rides around the wreck, some of which are so popular that visitors book in advance. After the enclosure with penguins, two pools meet on the way of the tourist. Cheerful dolphins live in the first, and fur seals live in the second. Visitors to the Usak Aquarium have a rare opportunity not only to look at them or enjoy the water show, but also to personally play with these smart and kind animals. And if you choose the right time, you will even be allowed to feed the dolphins. nine0003

If you have strong nerves and you are already 12 years old, then you should definitely visit the next attraction. The largest aquarium in Africa gives you the opportunity to dive into the pool with the biggest sharks. Of course, lovers of tickling nerves are lowered there for a reason. Visitors to the attraction descend into the aquarium with sharks in a special very durable transparent cage. Under water, the acrylic walls of the cage are almost invisible, so it seems that the bloodthirsty shark is about to rush at the self-confident diver. nine0003

If it’s scary to climb into a cage with sharks, then you can dive in a more relaxed environment. Equip yourself with snorkels and fins to swim among tropical fish and safe sand sharks. Also in the Usak Aquarium there is a completely unparalleled attraction. Only here you will be allowed to walk along the seabed. It even sounds odd. In fact, the attraction is a very deep pool, which carefully imitates the situation that reigns on the real seabed, among the ubiquitous tropical fish and colorful coral reefs. Children will love the opportunity to play with the stingrays in a special contact pool, and adults can even walk among them waist-deep in water and even hand-feed them. nine0003

One of the newest expositions of the Oceanarium Sea World of Usak is a hall dedicated to reptiles and amphibians. The exhibition is called “Dangerous Creatures” for a reason. Many of the animals presented here, inhabiting mainly the tropics, in their natural habitat can pose a serious danger to humans. There are few places where you get the opportunity to take a picture with an anaconda or see such a huge number of poisonous snakes. It’s definitely worth seeing.

You can participate in all this before visiting the most important aquarium in the aquarium. Hidden in the ruins of an old ship is a 500-meter gallery that leads through 4 large aquariums. They house the inhabitants of the seas and oceans in conditions as close to natural as possible. nine0003

The general concept of the Usak Aquarium

The Sea World of Usak Oceanarium was originally conceived not just as another, albeit grandiose, exhibition of wildlife. It was supposed to be an ideal entertainment center for children and adults. Did its creators cope with this task? Definitely yes.

The status of “The largest aquarium in the southern hemisphere” speaks for itself – there will be something to see here. The territory of the oceanarium is adjacent directly to the sea, which made it possible to organize here a convenient beach for relaxing and surfing. nine0003

If children suddenly become bored surrounded by marine life (which is unlikely), then a whole sea of ​​\u200b\u200bentertainments is organized for them, from an ordinary pool to the longest water slides in Africa. You can also relax in one of the restaurants in the eastern part of the amusement park or go shopping with souvenirs.

A large number of outdoor pools for entertainment and excursions, many water shows in which even visitors to the aquarium can participate, as well as the original design of the building itself – all this made the Sea World of Usak, although not the largest, but definitely one of the most attractive aquariums in the world . nine0003

Museum and Historical Park | Kronstadt


The first and largest park in Russia dedicated to the Navy

The second stage is open

The area is more than 10 ha

Free entrance

cultural cluster of Kronstadt.

The park is designed to become a place of interesting and useful recreation for Kronstadt residents and guests of the city. It provides for expanded opportunities for recreation and entertainment, thematic sites with information about the history of the Russian Navy have been created. Among them, the main object of the park is the Alley of Heroes of the Russian Navy, which tells about more than three centuries of the history of the Navy, and the Lighthouse of Memory with 200 names of sailor heroes, from the era of Peter I to the present day. There is a 1000 sq. m, walking areas and areas of quiet relaxation, including an apple orchard with a pond, panoramic swings are installed on the shore with a one-time landing of up to 24 people. All of these facilities are free to use. nine0003

Also in the park there is a paid children’s rope park with instructors-animators.

Design solutions for all areas of the park are related to the fleet.

The Island of Forts park is of social importance and solves not only recreational but also educational tasks. Its museum function is realized through permanent thematic open-air exhibitions.

Park map

Things to do

  1. Alley of Heroes of the Russian Navy

    The central semantic axis of the museum-historical park. Presented in the format of a “road of time”, the Alley combines recreational and educational (including learning through entertainment, interaction) functions for residents and guests of the city. On the stretch of 150 meters of the Alley, the main themes from the three-hundred-year history of the Russian fleet are revealed through artistic techniques through the personalities of outstanding naval figures of Russia.

  2. Lighthouse of memory

    Memorial object of the park.
    The names and ranks of 200 heroes are imprinted on the lighthouse – admirals, officers, midshipmen and sailors, starting from the era of Peter I and ending with our time.

  3. Panoramic swing

    Seats up to 24 people at a time. Large Panoramic swing with a simultaneous landing of up to 24 people is located on the shore and offers a 360° view of the park and water. The swings are built into the concept of a small amphitheater, inside their contour there is an event platform. For a comfortable stay in the evening, designer lighting of the swing is provided. nine0003

  4. All-season training and sports tent complex “Camp of Real Heroes”

    All-season training and sports tent complex “Camp of Real Heroes” operates on the territory of the park. Its task is to provide children with rest, improve their health, train and promote career guidance, physical development and patriotic education. There are quotas for children in difficult life situations. The area of ​​the complex is 4.3 hectares, it is designed for 160 children per shift.
    In addition to recreation and entertainment, camp students receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a playful way that will be useful to them in adult life, especially in difficult and non-standard situations, such as, for example, the current coronavirus pandemic. As part of the author’s programs, which were specially developed for the “Camp of Real Heroes”, children learn the basics of military professions, meet interesting people, learn to work in a team under the guidance of experienced counselors and instructors.
    Highly qualified staff guarantees the correct daily routine and the safety of the pupils, who live 10 people in comfortable Fuller tents. The appearance of large spherical tents, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, creates a camping atmosphere. On the territory of the camp there is an infrastructure for active leisure of the participants of the gathering – laser tag, a real obstacle course, sports grounds and much more. nine0003

  5. Garden of Memory

    A living reminder of the feat of military medical workers. The garden, which is based on 54 willows, 20 apple trees and 15 pines, is a living reminder of military doctors who gave their lives in the performance of military and medical duty during the war. The location of the Garden was not chosen by chance – it forms a green area around an important memorial object – the “Lighthouse of Memory”. Together, these objects create a conceptual unity along with the Alley of Heroes of the Russian Navy.
    The opening of the “Garden of Memory” on the Day of the Medical Worker took place as part of the International Action “Garden of Memory”, organized on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. nine0003

  6. Rope park

    Entertainment complex for children and adults. Rope Park has become a major entertainment facility on the territory. Thanks to the two-tiered design of the park, both children from 4 years old and adult visitors can be in it at the same time. The lower tier, equipped with a continuous belay system, is designed for small visitors. For teenagers and adults, the upper level is equipped with a safe crossing system – in addition to the two main routes, this level is filled with intermediate stages that allow you to independently choose the route and its difficulty.
    The rope park includes 52 obstacles of different difficulty levels: towers, lianas, suspension bridges, tunnels, swings with an obstacle, a system of suspension bridges, a climbing wall and much more. Before visiting the park, each visitor receives a safety kit and undergoes a safety briefing. The stay of guests in the park is under the constant control of instructors.
    Entrance to the rope park is paid. Ticket for the first tier — 250 ₽, for the second tier — 350 ₽. nine0003

  7. Playgrounds

    Playground for 1000 sq.m. made in the marine theme with specially created game elements – this is a captain’s bridge with a rudder, a bridge system, rope and regular swings, climbing nets. For the youngest visitors there is a play area up to 3 years old, two more for children under 12 years old.


  8. Quiet rest areas and Apple orchard with a pond

    Places for quiet walks. For lovers of quiet walks, there are several quiet rest areas in the park, which can be reached via wooden footbridges. The design of each of the zones is made in the general concept of the park and refers to the marine theme – guests can relax on benches in the form of boats.
    Another object of the park is an Apple orchard with a pond, located on the side of the Central Alley. Pond with an area of ​​200 sq.m. surrounded by about 30 planted apple trees. nine0003

  9. Food court

    The park has a food court located along the contour of the Main Square. Three food trucks are offered to guests.

  10. Thematic area “From a steamship to a nuclear-powered ship”

    Thematic area “From a steamship to a nuclear-powered ship” is dedicated to the history of equipment and technology of the Russian Navy. He talks about the evolution of the ships of the Navy in connection with the development of steam power plants.
    Drawings and texts about the development of steam engines in the navy are etched on stylized metal steamship pipes. nine0003

  11. Children’s cafe-ship

    Indoor children’s cafe stylized as a ship for young visitors to the park. Here, children and their parents can have a bite to eat in comfortable conditions, despite the changeable Baltic weather. There is an observation platform on the roof.

  12. Skatepark

    The skatepark was created in response to numerous requests from the residents of the city. Here, teenagers will be able to ride skateboards, rollerblades, stunt scooters and bicycles, honing their sports skills. nine0003

  13. Playground (3-7 years old)

    Play area of ​​850 m2 for children aged 3 to 7 years old – with a large indoor sandpit, numerous play elements and a stage for children’s parties and creative games.
    The image of the playground is inspired by the sandy seabed. Nearby there are bypass paths for adults that allow you to keep children in sight without interfering with their play.
    Thanks to the canopy, children can play in any weather with dry sand.
    A children’s stage has been installed nearby, which will give children additional opportunities for self-expression.
    The main decorative element of the playground is the lighthouse. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that you can climb on it: two levels of the lighthouse are designed for children of different ages.
    Various materials were used in the design of the site: wood, pebbles, sand, rubber coating. All of them are absolutely safe and meet the highest quality standards. nine0003

  14. Sculpture “Grey seal”

    Sculptural image of a gray seal, a rare inhabitant of the water area adjacent to Kotlin Island. The art object is designed to remind park guests of the importance of protecting the ecosystem of the Gulf of Finland and saving unique marine mammals that are on the verge of extinction.
    By the way, an equally charming seagull is located next to the seal!
    The sculptures are made by hand using the punching method and are made of two metals: stainless steel and brass. nine0003

  15. Zero kilometer

    A symbolic reference point showing the distance from the “cradle of the Russian fleet” – Kronstadt – to the key domestic and foreign port cities that left the most noticeable mark on the world’s naval history.
    The Kilometer Zero art object in the Island of Forts park is made of natural materials: wood and stone. Its base resembles a part of an old ship’s mast, on which, as planned, representatives of friendly delegations will attach signs with the names of the port cities of their countries. nine0003

  16. Rock garden

    Inner harmony and calm are the traits of strong-willed sailors. Stop by the new contemplative art object “Garden of Rocks”, tune your thoughts in the right way and relax your soul.

  17. Compass

    An art object based on the nautical compass, the main navigational instrument of sailors for many centuries. The compass symbolizes the romance of sea travel and the desire to always return to native shores.
    When creating this art object, the architects of the park took as a basis a real marine desktop compass, which was enlarged 50 times.
    The compass is symbolically located on a special platform behind the stern of the children’s cafe-ship. nine0003

  18. Swing-ships

    Swings are very popular with visitors to the Isle of Forts park. Kronstadters and guests of the city love to relax, swinging and enjoying the view of the Gulf of Finland.
    As in the first stage of the park, the swing-ships allow you to admire the bewitching views of the Gulf of Finland.
    The swing is made of larch, ferrous metal and stainless steel.


  19. Gazebos

    Cozy quiet rest area, designed in marine style. Suitable for both solitary reflections and meetings with the dearest people.

  20. Recreation area by the water

    Landscaped and sandy area of ​​the coastline for those who like to sunbathe by the water. Not intended for swimming.


Calendar of events



Coming soon

10:00 – 21:00

Festival “Sails of Kronstadt”


12:00 – 22:00

ROKSTADT Music Festival



Sea winter fairy tale



We want the park to meet your needs and wishes as much as possible, and we will be grateful for every feedback! To do this, answer a few simple questions


Park contacts

Address: St.

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