Arepas dulces de puerto rico: Receta de Arepas Puertorriqueñas |

Arepas de Coco (Puerto Rican Coconut Fry Bread)

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Arepas de coco | You know those foods that instantly make you nostalgic with one bite? Whenever I go home to Puerto Rico, my family and I spend a day traveling around the island and stopping at roadside kiosks to enjoy some fritura and a cold drink. 

During my last visit home, we traveled along the coast and stopped at a small kiosk serving fried treats and fresh seafood salad. The best surprise was the discovery that they were also serving hot from the pan arepas de coco, one of my favorite treats, topped with fresh seafood salad.

But I got to thinking: why should I only get to enjoy one of my favorite street foods when I go home? If I had to hop a plane to have these every time I had a craving for one, that would be a sad, sad existence.

So today I decided to make this Puerto Rican arepas recipe at home and share it with you all–bringing a delicious piece of the island to you, wherever your kitchen happens to be.

What are arepas?

An arepa is a fry bread, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The way the arepa bread is prepared makes for a light, airy middle, wrapped in a satisfying, golden brown crunch.

Different cultures have their own variations. And like many things, everyone insists their arepas are the best arepas! 

Puerto Rican Arepa vs. Venezuelan Arepa & Colombian Arepa

If you are familiar with Mexican, Venezuelan, and Colombian arepas, you will notice that Puerto Rican arepas are different. First of all, the ones found throughout South America are corn meal based, made with harina precocida (also called harina PAN).

The cakes are then shaped by hand like a patty and pan-fried. I would describe them like a thin corn cake that is pan-fried.

But Puerto Rican arepas, also called “domplines” in the Dominican Republic and southern parts of Puerto Rico, are flour-based. The arepa dough is then rolled thin and deep fried.

What is the Difference Between Pupusas, Navajo Fry Bread, and Arepas?

Some might get arepas confused with pupusas, but there are some key differences. Pupusas are larger and flatter than arepas. And they’re also made with masa harina, which creates a different texture.

Arepas have also been compared to Navajo fry bread but are fluffier where Navajo fry bread is very crispy and sturdy enough that it’s often used for tacos.

But they’re all delicious vessels for some tasty ingredients.

What Are Arepas Made Of?

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup (not the entire can) canned coconut milk

Notes for Arepas de Coco

  • Just like when making the perfect pita bread, the key to getting arepas to puff up and create that wonderful air pocket is to roll the arepa mix thin. Trust me on this.
  • If you don’t like coconut, we can still be friends. And you can use regular milk.
  • Make sure to only use 1 cup of canned coconut milk and not the entire can.
  • For the perfect fried arepa, make sure the oil is hot before adding the arepa mix. To be sure it is up to temperature, add a small scrap of dough to the oil. It should quickly puff and begin to brown.
  • You CANNOT substitute nut or coconut flours in the arepa flour. These behave very differently and are much denser than all-purpose flour. So they will not work with the recipe as written.
  • As with any fried food, these are best eaten right after cooking the arepas. It helps maintain the taste and texture. However, they can be stored in an airtight container and enjoyed for up to a week. They will not be as crispy, but they will still be tasty.
  • This is a soft dough that may be tacky at first. Be sure to lightly dust the dough and the work surface to keep it from sticking.

How to Serve Arepas

One more time for those in the back, I absolutely LOVE arepas de coco. They are wonderful enjoyed on their own, but you can also stuff them with cheese and sweet plantain, picadillo (meat filling), black beans, ham and cheese, or whatever strikes your fancy. You do you.

But my personal favorite is seafood salad. That tangy, citrusy goodness takes arepas to the next level. If you want to make this at home, this Ensalada de Pulpo (Octopus Salad) from Delish D’lites looks divine!

There is something magical about fry bread. How can something be so light, airy, and crispy at the same time? Plus that touch of coconut? My dream treat.

While fry bread may not be friendly to the waistline, you can’t deny that fried foods are comforting and delicious. In Puerto Rico, street food is synonymous with fried food and I’ll always make a detour for one of my favorite treats. 

You may not find arepas de coco at every roadside kiosk, but they will probably have other amazing treats like pastelillos, bacalaitos, and alcapurrias. And now you can make them at home!

But you have been warned–all of these are incredibly addictive.

more bread love

  • asiago black pepper bread
  • no kneed skillet olive bread
  • garlic knots
  • mallorca bread (pan de mallorca)

try my other Puerto Rican recipes

  • Yuca en Escabeche 
  • Pinchos de Pollo 
  • Arroz con Pollo 
  • Sopa de Pollo 
  • Yuca Frita 
  • Tostones 
  • Arroz con Gandules 
  • And the rest of my Puerto Rican Recipe Collection

Prep Time
45 minutes

Cook Time
10 minutes

Total Time
55 minutes


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk (DO NOT use the entire can of coconut milk. Just 1 cup)


  1. Combine flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a medium bowl. Wisk until well combined and add coconut milk. Mix until just combined. Flour your hands and work surface. Then knead dough until completely combined and tacky. Place in a bowl, cover with kitchen towel and let rest for 30 minutes.
  2. Divide the dough in half. On a floured work surface roll one-half about 1/8 inch thin. Using a glass or biscuit cutter cut rounds in the dough and repeat with remaining dough.
  3. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Test oil with a scrap of dough. It should puff and float. Once the oil is hot you can then carefully add dough rounds to the oil. Fry until dough puffs and then turn the rounds. Continue to fry until golden brown.
  4. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels to drain and cool. Serve warm and crisp.


If you have an allergy to coconut you can use whole milk in place of coconut milk.

Neither coconut flour or almond flour can be used as a substitute for all-purpose flour. They are both very dense flours and will not work for this recipe.

Recommended Products

As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases.

  • T-fal Oil Filtration Ultimate EZ Clean Easy to clean 3.5-Liter Fry Basket Stainless Steel Immersion Deep Fryer, 2.6-Pound, Silver

  • HULISEN Stainless Steel Professional Baking Dough Tools, Gift Package

  • The Original Straight Rolling Pin

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 89Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 46mgCarbohydrates: 17gFiber: 0gSugar: 8gProtein: 1g


Categories: Appetizers Tags: bread, coconut recipes, fried, puerto rican


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Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

En Puerto Rico se le conoce como domplin aunque su nombre original es dumpling dicha palabra proviene de la gastronomía Británica.

Como hacer 【Barriguitas de viejas…

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Como hacer 【Barriguitas de viejas 】Deliciosas

Te estarás preguntando porque le llaman domplin? una de las razones por la cual se cree que nació esa palabra es porque en los tiempo de lo colonos llegaron muchos barcos piratas a Puerto Rico que provenían de todo lados del mundo y estamos mas que seguros que entre todos habían británicos.

Así es como los lugareños al escuchar la palabra dumpling quisieron imitar dicha pronunciación y así es como nació lo que hoy conocemos como Domplin otra teoría  también muy acertada es que los esclavos africanos que provenían de las colonias inglesas situados al sur de la isla introdujeron dicha palabra.

➤ Pero te estas preguntando ¿Qué son los domplin?

En la cocina típica Puertorriqueña se le conoce como una torta o pan frito la cual se prepara exclusivamente de harina de trigo la cual se sumerge en aceite o manteca al momento de cocinarla.

Se pueden comer de muchas maneras para los guisos son un combinación espectacular también los podemos servir con jamón cocido y unas cebollitas salteadas van de maravilla.

Los dumpling tienen muchos nombres en este mundo de la gastronomía en la misma isla se les conoce también como:

  • Tortas de harina
  • Arepas en Vieques

En otros países también como República Dominicana se preparan y reciben otro nombre yaniqueques o yanikekes, en Suramérica en Argentina y Uruguay se les llama torta fritas y se bañan con azúcar son espectaculares.

Aunque muchos tienden a confundirlas con las arepas de Colombia o Venezuela no debe ser así ya que las arepas están elaboradas de harina de maíz blanco o amarillo es por ello que te vamos enseñar hacer los domplines boricuas toma nota de lo que necesitamos.

✪ Ingredientes para la receta de arepas boricuas

Suaves y crocantes arepas de Puerto Rico descubre como hacerlas

Rinde para 10-12 porciones

  • 2 tazas harina de trigo todo uso
  • 3/4 de onza de levadura
  • 1/2 cucharadita de azúcar
  • Sal al gusto
  • 2 cucharadas de manteca
  • 1/2 taza agua tibia
  • Aceite o manteca para freír.

Cómo hacer domplin o arepas puertorriqueñas

Paso a paso para preparar la receta de almojábanas un rico plato Boricua y crujientes te van a dejar maravillado.

  1. Esta receta es muy fácil solo necesitas pocos ingredientes y fuerza en la mano para preparar estos domplin o arepas Puertorriqueñas, colocamos en un recipiente la harina de trigo con la sal a tu gusto, la levadura, azúcar, la mantequilla de preferencia a temperatura ambiente y con la ayuda de nuestras manos comenzamos amasar la harina incorporando poco a poco el agua tibia.
  2. Luego de amasar y formar una masa de consistencia elástica y uniforme la dejamos reposar unos minutos en la nevera para ayudarle a la levadura a crecer.
  3. Transcurrido el tiempo en la mesa de trabajo vamos a espolvorear harina y amasamos nuevamente la masa luego formaremos bolitas y con la ayuda de nuestras manos formaremos círculos parecidos a un tortilla de  taco el tamaño es tu decisión.
  4. En una sarten colocamos abundante aceite y vamos a freír cada unos de las arepitas que formamos las colocamos en aceite caliente, doramos por ambos lados esto puede tarde entre 2-3 minutos.
  5. En un recipiente colocamos papel absorbente y extraemos nuestro dumplings puertorriqueños y dejamos reposar para quitar el exceso de aceite.
  6. Listo ya tenemos nuestras arepas de Puerto Rico para que las disfrutes y prepares con tu platillo favorito.
  7. Buen provecho!!


  • Si te excediste con la cantidad de agua puedes agregar mas harina lo mismo puedes hacer si no te quedo una masa uniforme y suave incorporas mas agua.

✪ Quieres saber como puedes acompañar estas arepas de Puerto Rico disfruta estas recetas.

Te traemos una variedad de domplin o arepas para que las prepares con diferentes ingredientes y puedas disfrutarlas son fáciles de hacer y deliciosas de comer.


Suaves y esponjosas arepas de coco un sabor único

Sabor único y delicioso del caribe esta combinación exquisita te va dejar con ganas de comer todos los días.

✪ Ingredientes para la receta de arepas de coco.

Rinde para 14-18 unidades

  • 2 Libras de harina de trigo o todo uso tamizada
  • 1 1/2 Barra de mantequilla
  • 1 Huevo
  • Sal
  • 1 Lata de crema de coco tu favorita
  • 3 Tazas de agua tibia
  • Azúcar

✪ Como hacer arepas de coco Puertorriqueñas.

Aprende y disfruta de estas maravillosas arepas o domplin al estilo de la cocina de Puerto Rico.

  1. Vamos incorporar todos los ingredientes secos en un recipiente la harina, sal, azúcar y la mantequilla con nuestras manos vamos a mezclar hasta integrar todos los ingredientes.
  2. Con los ingredientes secos mezclados es momento de añadir la crema de coco y el agua de poco a poco hasta formar una masa suave y bien integrada.
  3. Dejamos reposar unos minutos para proceder a formar las arepitas de coco.
  4. Tomamos un poco de la mano y formamos una bolita para luego aplanarla hasta formar un circulo el tamaño depende de tu gusto puede ser grande o pequeña.
  5. En una sarten con abundante aceite vamos a freír cada una de las arepas de coco hasta que estén doraditas en ambos lados.
  6. En un recipiente colocamos papel absorbente y retiramos el exceso de aceite que tengan.
  7. Listo a disfrutar las arepitas de coco de Puerto Rico.

➤ Arepa de ajo boricuas

Para los sabores únicos y deliciosos estas arepas de ajo te dejaran encantado

Solo necesitaremos pocos insumos toma nota

✪ Ingredientes

  • 2 Libras de harina de trigo
  • 1 taza de mantequilla
  • 1 ajo picado
  • 1/4 Taza de leche
  • 1/4 Taza de agua
  • Sal al gusto
  • 1 Huevo
  • Polvo de ajo a tu gusto

✪ Como hacer arepas de ajo al estilo boricua.

Descubre como se prepara esta receta típica de domplin puertorriqueños.

  1. El procedimiento es similar colocamos los ingredientes secos en un bowl o recipiente la harina, sal junto con la mantequilla vamos a incorporarlo muy bien con ayuda nuestras manos.
  2. En otro recipiente batimos todos los ingredientes líquidos como lo es la leche, el agua para incorporarlos a los ingredientes secos.
  3. Incorporamos esta mezcla en la harina junto con el ajo picado y el polvo de ajo poco a poco hasta formar una masa homogénea y suave, dejamos reposar unos minutos antes de hacer nuestras arepas de ajo.
  4. Una vez reposada tomamos una porción de la masa y formamos bolitas de masa del tamaño de una pelota de golf y procedemos aplastar hasta formar una circunferencia.
  5. En una sarten con suficiente aceite colocamos cada uno de las masas aplanadas y cocinamos hasta  que estén doraditas por ambos lados.
  6. Sacamos y colocamos en papel absorbente para retirar el exceso de aceite.
  7. Listo ya tenemos nuestras arepas de ajo para que las disfrutes y prepares
  8. Buen provecho.

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Califica y Comparte por FAVOR

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National Cuisine of Venezuela ✈️ Tour Log Book

Venezuela is not only a place with magnificent natural areas. This is the perfect place for travelers on a budget. This South American country has an outstanding culinary tradition that any gourmet will love.

Venezuelan cuisine has European, African and Native American influences that make it unique.

Arepas: the best Venezuelan street food

Venezuelan cuisine is incredibly rich and varied. But, as the popular saying goes, “There is nothing more Venezuelan than the arepa.” Arepas are small pita made with cornmeal and filled with various ingredients. Beans, cheese, rice, pork, eggs… They depend on the region and the creativity of the chef. And sometimes – from the remnants of food in the refrigerator. You can eat them as a main course or as a side dish. And arepas are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner.

Pabellon Criollo: the national dish of Venezuela

Yes, arepas may well be the most famous Venezuelan food. But if we talk about truly national food, you need to look for Pabellon Criollo. This is the quintessence of Venezuelan cuisine.

Super juicy beef stew, spicy rice and black beans. Also, to really experience the Venezuelan taste, you need to serve it with a banana or a fried egg on top. This is mouth-watering, and, according to reviews, the best Venezuelan food.


Cachito are Venezuelan croissants. This dish is the epitome of a real Venezuelan breakfast with French touches. These are crescent-shaped buns stuffed with ham and cheese. They have a crispy crust on the outside. But inside they are soft and loose. Venezuelans eat them for breakfast. And they’re perfect for a quick morning snack.

Mandoka: Venezuelan doughnut

Venezuelan snacks are generally not for a healthy diet. But who doesn’t love deep fried food? Especially when it comes to cheese.

This Venezuelan appetizer has a sweet and savory flavor that everyone will love.

Mandoca, made from banana cornmeal, is a classic breakfast in Venezuela. They are shaped like a kind of pretzel. And served with butter or queso blanco cheese, or both.

Mandoka are very satisfying. Therefore, just a couple of these donuts will help you to last most of the day without “refueling”.

Perico: Latin American scrambled eggs

Another favorite breakfast of the locals is perico. This Venezuelan dish adds a touch of South American influence to the world’s favorite scrambled eggs. Perico mixes fresh eggs with tomatoes, onions and green peppers. Also, you can add a little bacon or ham if you want a more “meaty” dish.

Although usually a breakfast dish, it can also be a great Venezuelan lunch.

Perico can be eaten inside an arepa or a bun. Plus, it’s a great hangover cure.

Pastico: Venezuelan cuisine meets Italy

Some Venezuelan recipes have an Italian influence. Therefore, it is not surprising that this dish is called “Venezuelan lasagna.”

Pasticho is made from thin layers of pasta and mixed with meat, tomatoes and cheese. It may look like typical lasagna. But the difference lies in the blend of spices local chefs use to really enhance the taste. And – bechamel sauce, which makes the dish more creamy. It will make a Venezuelan dinner very satisfying.

Cocada: A must-have Venezuelan drink

Cocada is without a doubt one of Venezuela’s favorite drinks. Half from smoothies, half from dessert.

This classic local drink can be found in many street stalls. Cooking methods vary. Local chefs are still debating which one is the authentic Venezuelan recipe. Some say that the real kokada consists only of soft coconut pulp and coconut liquid. Others prefer to add milk to the mixture. But the most daring combine it with vanilla ice cream or condensed milk. This is to make it super sweet.

Tizana: the perfect summer mood

There’s nothing better than this fresh, fruity Venezuelan drink to combat hot weather. Tizana is similar to fruit punch. Like kokada, it can be found in street stalls or cooked at home.

The fruit mix depends on the bartender’s imagination. But usually it contains watermelon, plums, apples, peaches and melons cut into tiny cubes. All this must be mixed with lime juice, grapefruit, orange and pineapple.

Then, mix with sugar, cinnamon, grenadine and crushed ice. To make it even more refreshing, you can add some gin or rum.

Dulce de Leche: South American milk caramel

It is difficult to explain to foreigners what Dulce de Leche is. It is not common outside of Latin America. However, we can say that this dessert is similar to Nutella for Latin American countries. Also called arequipe, Dulce de Leche, this is a type of milk caramel. It can be added to toast, bread, or eaten straight from a spoon. Venezuelans usually spread it on thin waffles or add some lemon juice. The result will be amazing.

Quecillo: the most delicious Venezuelan dessert

It is made from eggs. Of the other savory Venezuelan dishes, this is the best dish in the country.

Quecillo is similar to Spanish and Mexican flan. However, the Venezuelan recipe uses a whole egg instead of the yolk. Therefore, it becomes more creamy and less watery.

Quecillo has a pudding-like texture, only firmer and more uniform. In addition, delicious caramel sauce is added on top.

Venezuelan cuisine is incredibly diverse, exotic and delicious. There are so many delicious dishes in it that it is quite difficult to list everything.

Don’t be fooled by common misconceptions about the country. You should just visit it if the opportunity arises.

When traveling through Venezuela, it is worth visiting the best of its restaurants to taste authentic Venezuelan cuisine. Or, test your culinary skills with Venezuelan recipes. And try making your own arepas and pabellón criollo.

Latin American vocabulary0001

Navigate the markets and menus of Latin America for ease and ease.

Pov’yazani z:

Acarajé : Afro-Brazilian street hedgehog, made with black-eyed peas and dried shrimp.

Ahiot : A deep earthy color with slightly acidic, earthy relish. They often vikoristovuyut like a natural barvnik, to give a yellow eye to such products, like butter and syrup.

Adobo : Marinade. Dry adobo – all spices for rubbing meat, ribeye or birds.

Ajiako : Pivdenny American soup with chicken and root crops.

Aji : Also known as the Peruvian hot pepper, a unique type of chili that avenges sprats of different breeds. Finely refined into powders, the stinks are of different colors and have a characteristic fruity relish. Aji is also a term for pivdennoamericanskoy salsa, yak served before stew and soup.

Ajo : Watchmaker.

Albondigas : Meatballs.

Arepas : Bread based on corn from the Andes groves in the Americas.

Arroz con Gandules
Puerto Rican Christmas Grass with Rice cooked with Pigeon Peas.

Arroz con Leche : Latin American licorice rice pudding, which can be mixed with condensed milk or coconut milk.

Arroz con Pollo : In the translation of the Spanish “rice with chicken” the traditional line is extended in all of Latin America.

Avocado : Botanical fruit, avocado sounds like a vegetable. Avocados are widely planted in Latin America since the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.

Bacalao : Dried salted cod, popular in the United States of Latin America.

Bacon : Be it a cut of meat, take from the sides, belly or back of a pig, which can be smoked and/or smoked.

Batidos : Milkshake or smoothie made with fresh fruit.

Licorice peppers : Large fruits of a ring-shaped form, which give different colors, such as yellow, red, green and orange, and do not get the warmth of riches of other varieties of chili.

Boniato : Bulba, also known as licorice, potatoes, yams from Florida and kamot. Wine similar to licorice potatoes, but short and roundish with white, licorice and bog-thick pulp.

Bunuelos : Donut pancakes seasoned with syrup or honey, and often with anise and cinnamon.

Caipirinha : Brazilian cocktail with cachaca (cognac with zucrum), zucrum and lime juice.

Calabaza : Large round patisson licorice. Yogo is often called a zahidnoіyskiy harmelon, shards of wine for rosemary and zabarvlennyam nagadє garbuz.

Canela : Cinnamon.

: Pork lubricated, served with cornbread and salsa. In translation, tse means “m’yasne m’yaso”.

Casuela : Sitne meat stew, found in Chile and other parts of North America.

Sevice : Syrah fish or seafood marinated in sour citrus juice. Sevіche is often flavored with greens, chili and other ingredients.

Champurrado : Warm thick Mexican drink based on chocolate.

Chicharrón : Fluff is lubricated with pork skin, like a snack.

Chicharron de Pollo : Oiled trigger, popular in the Dominican Republic.

Chimichurri : A condiment similar to pesto from Argentina, as it is made on the basis of parsley, olive oil and often beaten with grilled meat.

Chipotle pepper : Smoked jalapeno chili. Available canned, with sauces and dried.

Churros : A Latin American dessert similar to donuts or pechivo.

Chocolate : The hedgehog has been fertilized, as it turns from the cocoa tree. Cocoa, rooted in lowland, tropical Pivdenny America, cultivated for 3000 years in Central America and Mexico.

Horizo ​​ : Gostra pig cowbass. Mexican chorizo ​​with fresh pork; Spanish chorizo ​​vicorist smoked pork.

Chupes de Corvina i Camarones : Smoky bass and shrimp.

Cilantro : This leafy herb, also called coriander, is essential for Latin American culinary traditions, especially Mexican, Andean and Brazilian.

Cinnamon : Mexican cinnamon. Also, yak Ceylon cinnamon for the island, de vin vinic.

Coconut : Plіd, which arrived to the city of Bahía, Brazil in 1553 rotations and stars, expanding throughout Pivdenny America. Latin American cuisine victorious like milk, so is meat.

Cotio : Mexican sir, also known as Queso Anehado abo “vitrimania sir”. Tsei saltoni, sour syrup, which is sold in small mugs or in large blocks, can be made with such a texture, like Feta, or else it’s good for rubbing. Sir, what to cry, you can vicorate in tacos, soups, salads, or on kvass.

Kmin (comino) : This is a strongly aromatic, self-sustaining spice vicory found in foodstuffs from pubs in Africa, Mexico, India and Western Asia.

Dulce de Lechet : It tastes like sauce and caramel-like zucchini.

Empanadas : Stuffed, spicy Spanish style.

Feijoa : Subtropical plaid native to the meadows of Brazil and parts of Paraguay and Uruguay. A close relative of guavi, it has an oval shape, thin green skin and tastes like juice, creamy color pulp and licorice fragrant relish.

Flan : Custard dessert covered with caramel, similar to cream caramel.

Frijoles : A term for kvass, which sounds like vicor in Mexico.

Guava : Subtropical plaid with green skin and licorice, erysipelas, which is popular in all of Latin America.

Jalepeño : Medium hot chi, more like hot chili, popular in Mexican cuisine.

Jicama : Like the Mexican potato or the Mexican rape, this great crispy root is good like the orphan, so it looks light.

Locro : Sitne, thick stew, like a start to avenge corn.

Mango : Whole fruit can be stocked, juice, licorice pulp, if it is fully ripe. Originally from Asia, popular with Latin American cuisine.

Manteca : Lard.

Passion fruit : Also called passion fruit. Round fruit rosemary with lime with bright orange, strongly smelly and tart pulp.

Masa Harina : Boroshno, made from dried masi (chalked dried corn, cured with vape), which is used for tamale.

Malanga : Natural bulb with a short brown skin and soft cream color. Viroshchuєєєєєєєєєєє and vykoristovuєtsya in the tropics of America and є important їzhey in the Caribbean Islands and Venezuela.

Corn : Corn.

Matambre : Argentine flank steak, rolled greens, egg and vegetables.

Migas : A traditional meal for snacks in Spanish and Portuguese cuisines, to eat eggs from leftover bread or shortbread.

Mojito : Cuban cocktail made with rum, lime juice and fresh mint.

Mojo : A spicy sauce that lets you taste the least olive oil, garlic and citrus fruits, as well as sumish cumin, paprika and other spices.

Mondongo : Classic Puerto Rican and Dominican dish with plantain purée with teapot and giblets.

Mofongo : Puerto Rican and Latin American herb, mashed with psyllium and pork rinds.

Natilla : Licorice custard.

Nopale : Typical Mexican natural cactus also known as prickly pear. Vikoristovuetsya either the number of roslin, or the leaf. It is called “nopalitos” if the leaves are shaped like small pieces.

Pabellon Criollo : Venezuelan grass with curly gingerbread, black sour and rice.

Papas: Potato : Papas fritas – oiled potatoes.

Pastel de Chocio : Meat stew, cover with corn flour.

Pernil : Marinated and lubricated dish of pork on the shoulders, which is popular in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Pikadillo : Sounds like chives in Cuba, in Mexico and in Latin America, most importantly yalovichi minced meat, mixed with tomatoes, tsibuleya, chasnik and other regional rice ingredients, and often served with bats In Mexico, yoga is sometimes vicarious like a filling for tacos. Yogo can also be cooked like a stew. The name resembles the Spanish word “picar”, which means “trim” or “rubat”.

Pina : Pineapple.

Plantain (Platanos): A member of the banana family, which is a common vicarious plant in a boiled species. Plid maє licorice, banana-like relish and brown-black skin in a mature state. Yogo can be served as piquant, so licorice.

Plataconi : Psyllium chips.

Poblano : Fresh green chili, especially popular in Mexico and Central America. When hanging yoga, they call ancho-chili.

Pollo Borracho : Classic Cuban and Puerto Rican stew with chicken. In translation, tse means “p’yana trigger”.

Ponche: Holy Dominic and Puerto Rican toppings, similar to egg and often mixed with rum.

Pozol : White soup with homemade mother’s and salted pork.

Pupas : Tovsta kukurudzyana shortbread, often stuffed with cheese.

Queso Fresca Blanco : Salted, hard, white sir, similar to mozzarella abo Münster. In translation, tse means “fresh white sire”.

Quinoa : Says “KEEN-wah”. Krykhitne, old grain, like the Incas grow, and dosi intensively grow in the Andes region, which is in Pivdenniy America. Quinoa with a high content of protein and fattening speeches;

Rekaito : Basis for stew, soups and meat, cooked with chives, cilantro, cibula, and spices.

Ropa Vієya : Special dish of Spanish chickadee, cooked on the back or flank steak with tomato sauce and served with rice.

Saffron : Small orange rills from crocus vines, like vicarious, in paella and other herbs with rice, soups and curries, and also in some bakery sprouts. Saffron adds color and relish.

Salsa Verde : A green sauce that resonates with Mexican cuisine.

Sancocho : Root American stew.

Sangria : Wine punch, usually from Spain and Portugal. The word sangria is similar to sangre, which means “shelter”.

Sazon : Seasoned with salty sumish, which is celebrated in Latin America and Mexico, and often includes cilantro, ahiot and chapel.

Green qibul : Qibul with mild relish. Sound vikoristovuyutsya like white bottoms, so green tops. In Braille they are called “little green cibulae”, and in Peru they are called “Chinese cibulae”.

Sofrito : Sumish fried vegetables, sound including cibula, chives, bell peppers, tomatoes, herbs and spices. Sofritos is the essential basis for rich stews and meat herbs.

Sopa de Mariscos : Latin American seafood stew.

Sopes : Greased with Mexican corn dough, complete with kvassole, meat and cheese.

Spanish olives : Aromatic green olives that make a different rose and often stuffed with pimento.

Spanish cybula : Spanish cibula comes in three colors – yellow, red and white. Zhovta tsibulya povnotsіnny and nadіyny for preparing mayzhe be something. Chervona cibulya is corisna for cooking on the grill and for a fresh look. White onions with a golden color and licorice relish combined with traditional cibulae, which win in classic Mexican cuisine.

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