Poemas de impotencia: Poemas sobre impotencia – Lina Ru · Poeta

Poema “IMPOTENCIA”, de Nube de Amor, en Poemas del Alma



Hípocresia, falcedad, maldad e injusticia,

Que cruel suele ser la vida en ocasiones,

Y yo tan débil e impotente de no poder cambiar,

Los malos sentimientos que vuelven a los seres,

En gente despiadada ambiciosa y de mala voluntad,

Cuantas veces he sido honesta y ofresco sinceramente mi ser,

Sin esperar nada a cambio, cuantas veces he tenido que callar,

Hoy no comprendo que mal hize,

Para que otra vez amanezca nublado mi cielo y se desprenda de el un gran torrencial,

Una nube de obscuridad que lo cubre,

Sin permitirle al sol despertar y brillar,

Porque me pregunto la vida es injusta a veces

Y porque siento esta gran impotencia por no saberla enfrentar,

Que hago me siento tan pequeña, se desgarra mi piel,

Por tanta injusticia y maldad,

Este coraje que me entorpece mis sentidos y me hace caer,

Esta impotencia de no poder cambiar tanta hipocrecia,

Y vivir un mundo limpio, lleno de seres con corazón y alma, que ayuden,

A evitar la delincuencia, las drogas el alcohol y la ambición que hace tanto mal,

Como tocar y abrir las puertas de los corazones de ese ser,

Que con malicia, causa daño sin pensar,

Para acabar con las guerras, la falcedad, el hambre,

Y crear seres con más conciencia y bondad,

Para devolver al mundo la fé,

Y ya se acabe tanta maldad y surja la felicidad.


Ayúdame mi Dios que sóla no puedo, esta impotencia me hace mucho daño,

Ayúdame Dios mío y no me desampares,

Levántame toma mis manos,

Te entrego mi vida mi alma mi corazón y todo mi ser,

Renuévame, limpiame y sáname ¡oh, Dios te lo ruego!

Derrama sobre mí el bálsamo de la sanación y ayudame,

Para cambiar lo que este en mis manos,

Y aceptar lo que no pueda, y nunca perder la fe,

Quiero estar siempre de tu lado,

Te necesito más que nunca para poder feliz ser…

Poemas de Impotencia | Poematrix

Martes, Diciembre 6, 2022 – 16:25


Augusto López

Subir…la voz, ¡elevar!hasta erizar las nubes toscasalgodones que rondan los pretéritos del cieloy más, gritarcon aullidos escandalososignorando los preceptos concebidosfruto amargo de las horas y la espada justicieraque, en peldaños, ras a ras, dice igual constitucionalLetra muerta que nadie toma de realPueblos nuestros que en sus tierrashan cifrado su ansiedadutopías, sueños y sueñosno los dejan ya, soñarpretensiones mercenarias del malandro universal

EPEV-Poerrante en poema “Subir” | Poema de Impotencia

Jueves, Septiembre 8, 2022 – 06:32

Itinerario de un Alienígena Terrícola


Itinerario de un Alienígena Terrícola5 pm: amanece la noche para el alienígena. 5:30 pm: hora es de desayunar quimeras con mermelada. De beber un té de goma moral para alivianar la resaca.6:00 pm: una sirena policial que en vano le busca sirve de alarma al iniciar labores.7:00 pm : puntual llega a la guarida. Lugar donde escondió los pretéritos vestidos de chatarra recogidos la madrugada…8:00 pm : vendidas las piezas se dirige a la convenience store del arrabal toxicómano.9:00 pm : probando la sazón del crack dilata menos que el trueno tras el rayo.10:00 pm : la veintena de dosis evaporadas con el ciclo de la lluvia de las adicciones son extrañadas con gula.11:00 pm : la ansiedad compulsiva entierra sus odios homófobos y por el vicio se entrega en un trueque sexual.12:05 am : con el caminar del calendario el olfatear de las aceras se vuelve cansino buscando el miligramo que nunca…1:00 am : pinceladas del síndrome de abstinencia proyectan fobias hipocondríacas al sentir sus entrañas entumecidas…2: 00 am : Lucifer ultraja su voluntad eyaculando sobre los rescoldos de la moral. Sin importar lo del herpes, besa a…3: 00 am : desesperado por la cena alucinógena salta la gran muralla China de cualquier casa, para hurtar unas…4:00 am : al ser escasos los réditos duró más la ceremonia del consumo que los instantes del efecto.5:00 am : se ha completado la jornada que reiniciará tras pocos minutos de sueños en las patrias que no cobijan las…

Poema “Itinerario de un Alienígena Terrícola” por James Philliphe Morán | Poema de Impotencia

Domingo, Julio 10, 2022 – 19:10

La Tocó


La TocóLa tocó ,más que a su cuerpo a su existencia ,su cerebro e inconsciente.Solo cuatro años ,madre ausente ,danzante alcoholizadaen cualquier antro.La tocó,y aquellos toqueteos fueroneternos;llave maestra para novios ,compañeros , amantes, patronesy luego clientes.La tocó,

James Philliphe Morán en poema “La Tocó” | Poema de Impotencia

Jueves, Junio 9, 2022 – 20:48

Antipoesia Lúdica


Antipoesía LúdicaBan ban bararán declamaba el Grillo en la rama de la resignación. Cen cen cererén tarareaba la rana merodeando el pantano de las agresiones.Din din dirirín lloraba este infante pollito en el lodo que circunda los templos .Fon fon fororón Celestiales cánticos dirigía el jilguero pedófilo ,armonizando del coro las vocescon batuta de degradación.Gun Gun gururún infantiles tonadas interpretaban las hadas de la sumisión doctrinal .Jan jan Jararán Con nombres diversos muchísimos párvulos nos desintegramos.Ken ken Kererén De carnal tentación nos acusa el prelado en la confidencialidad de la almohadaJin jin Jirirín de las clases por estar disperso a mí me expulsaron.Kon kon kororón¿ gozosos o golosos eran los misterios que en catequesis me hacían recitar, leyendo instructivo de excelsa lujuria.?Lun lun lururún despertadme ya de esta pesadilla que heredó Morfeo, porque mucho temo acabar como Romeo .Man Man mararánA esa Cofradía que en aguas negras me ahogaba, no llamaré porcina por no denigrar a los puercos salvajes.

Poeta: James Philliphe Morán | Poesía: Antipoesia Lúdica | Poema de Impotencia

Martes, Mayo 24, 2022 – 15:19

QUÉ PUDO SER (infancias frustradas)

a. menduina

Qué pudo ser del niño que apenas llegó a gatear.Del que no soñó con hadas que habitaban en las nubes.De la niña que a todos sonreía, sin saber por qué,mientras no cesaba de escuchar el rutinario silbido de la muerte,que siempre acechaba.Qué pudo ser del que no cruzó el umbral de la infancia.De tantos rostros acabados prematuramente.Ojos hundidos.Comidos por las moscas.Barrigas hinchadas, tendidas al sol que mata y no da vida.Cuántas rosas que pudieron ser, se quedaron sin ser.Cuántos sueños ni empezaron a forjarse.Cuántas huellas se quedaron sin marcar la arena de tu playa.Cuántos grandes o pequeños pasos para la humanidad.Qué pudo ser de nosotros con ellos presente.

Poema “QUÉ PUDO SER (infancias frustradas)” por ÁNGEL MENDUIÑA IRIBARREN | Poema de Impotencia

Jueves, Abril 28, 2022 – 06:54


Daniel Saferez

De vez en cuando la distingo de entre tantas mujeresY aunque su sonrisa inspira son pocas las veces en queMe animo hablar de ella. Sus labios guardan el sabor del encuentro que algunaVez tuvimos, de las veces que la besaba y ella a mí, dela noche en que nos guardamos uno de otro. De lo queNos dijimos, falto decir y de lo que por última vez hablamos.A veces el sol se refleja en tus ojos y desde lejos te observoCon las intenciones de llegar hasta ti para solo preguntarte¿Cómo te ha ido?, ¿Qué has hecho después de mí?,¿Si la sombra de mil amores borraron nuestros recuerdos?Tal vez la duda de saber que fue lo que sentiste por mí me mantieneAún conectado a ese amor que yace solo en un cementerioDe falsas esperanzas.Por las noches rara vez su voz entrecortada susurra a mis oídos

Poema “CARTA DE UN EX” por Daniel Saferez | Poema de Impotencia

Lunes, Abril 18, 2022 – 11:31

ES DIFÍCIL (a Alejandro)


Dedicado al gran poeta cubano Alejandro E. Ramírez.Es difícil calzarse mil zapatos.Tan difícil sentir cada razón.Es difícil estar donde se debe.Hacer de cualquier juevesalgo reparador.Es difícil advertir el momento. Tan difícil a todos dar calor.Es difícil que alguien no me odie.Hablar al que no oye.Oír siempre a quien habló.Es difícil ser sombra y sol a un tiempo.Tan difícil ser lobo y ser pastor.Es difícil estar en equilibrio.Encontrar justo el libro.

Poema “ES DIFÍCIL (a Alejandro)” por ÁNGEL MENDUIÑA IRIBARREN | Poema de Impotencia

Viernes, Julio 9, 2021 – 23:48



Por más que intente no puedo hacerloParece que los años no fueron suficientes para que aprendaa ya no quererteJa, que ironíaCuando todo parece que terminaY el sol sale de repente…Así estoycansada pero recién despiertaCasi sin vida y como recién nacidaSigo aprendiendoa no saberA no entendermeQue desesperante sensaciónEs como un zumbido en el corazónEs como caer al vacio

Poeta: [email protected] | Poesía: Zumbido | Poema de Impotencia

Domingo, Mayo 16, 2021 – 18:50

La espera

Ildefonso Armoa franco

El tiempo que correEs como un rioBogando en navíoY no vuelve atrásEl valor que llevaEs la propia vidaTampoco se estiraNi puede alargar****Da la vuelta el mundoSin suplica algunaDejando lagunaCon profundidadMirando la estrellaEl sol y la luna

Poema “La espera” por Ide Armoa | Poema de Impotencia

Miércoles, Enero 27, 2021 – 19:46



¿Quién te crees tú, eh?¿quién te crees llegar a ser?Un hombre que con mucha fuerzarompe y daña la pureza¿En qué derecho te sientes que estás?Qué posesión te da a ti el lugarde llegar a pegar, maltratar y acabarcon la familia que alguna vez pudimos formar¿Qué te pasa a ti por la mente?(supongo que al diablo miras de frente)cuando pegas, gritas y humillasa la persona que nació de tu semillaCual es nivel de superioridad en el que crees que estásque todo lo que los demás hagan, para ti no vale na’Qué sentido tiene hacer de buen padre una semana

Poema “Quién.” por Val | Poema de Impotencia

Martes, Enero 5, 2021 – 14:46

Impotencia interior

Juan Diego

Tengo los pies atados, no puedo avanzarLa impotencia me mata lentamenteLe busco sentido a mis palabras, a mis accionesPero por más que me torturo no lo encuentroEn esta disciplina me he ido transformandoAprendí a hablar con ángeles y demonios cada vez que escriboPor obra de estos extraños sucesosMi cabeza explota y se convierte en un manicomioMe encuentro solo, arreglando las partituras que rompíEn mi mundo, pensando en como no morder el anzueloNo logro soltar mi pasadoEsto me impide afrontar mi futuroEscribo por los que quieroSi a ellos les suma, no me importa si me restaTengo claro lo que soy y lo que he sido

Poeta: Juan Diego | Poesía: Impotencia interior | Poema de Impotencia

Viernes, Noviembre 6, 2020 – 02:07

Duele, Sé Que Duele


“No hay cura conocida para la demencia”. Así que rehaz lo que ya se hizo,Modifica lo que se consideró:Tentado e incompleto,Apático y monótono.Sin embargo, tu libertadPermanece intacta e indemne.Los cambios de juicio ocurren con frecuencia,Sin reconocimiento,La falta de sueño;Nada nuevo debajo del sol, evidentemente.“No hay cura conocida para la demencia”.De todos modos, una vez que estamos dentroSomos rehenes del destino,Al ver cuán lentamente

Poeta: Arturo Freire | Poesía: Duele, Sé Que Duele | Poema de Impotencia

Viernes, Septiembre 4, 2020 – 10:11


Annia G.R

Estoy muy cerca de perder mi lenguaTengo cuchillos en vez de palabrasMientras tanto retumban sonidos en mis oídosDetesto el ruido del exteriorLas palabras de la gente que quieroY las palabras de los desconocidos tambiénMe harta el sonido de las ollas y cuchillosEl trinar de las aves me relajaQuisiera despertar sola…Aunque admito, doleríaPero a lo mejor encuentro la paz que necesitoDetesto el ruido del exteriorLas palabras de la gente que quieroY las palabras de los desconocidos tambiénMe duele el cuello

Poema “Cuchillos” por Annia G. R | Poema de Impotencia

Jueves, Mayo 21, 2020 – 21:07

Dictámenes del poder

Augusto López

Dictámenes del poder“… como hienas carroñeras no se sacian de su joder”Ellos…ellos sonles puedo olersu fragancia es de naftalina y formolalmidonados en sus poltronasde mil promesas sin cumplir“jamás los destinos del mundo estuvieron en manos más bárbaras”Las caras que se muestran no son los rostros que nos mandanson lacayos que sin almasles importa poco sus pecadosellos…ellos sonnos trituran no nos muelennos rasgan no nos desuellannos amagan sin pegarnos

Poeta: EPEV-Poerrante | Poesía: Dictámenes del poder | Poema de Impotencia

Jueves, Abril 16, 2020 – 05:09

¿Quién podrá medir mis nostalgias?


Quién podrá medir mis nostalgias y comprender la melancolía que a mí corazón ahoga.¿Servirán acaso estos días tristes para volvernos más humanos? .Oír el susurro de rostros solitarios y ocultarse en el recuerdo de los que alguna vez se marcharon adelantando camino. ..Después de ti, estoy solo. Un punto sin explicación.Un incorregible incapaz de sostenerse en medio de la incertidumbre que me genera todas tus ausencias.Hoy me duelen los recuerdos desconstruidos en el tiempo que ni siquiera hemos vívido.Solo me queda inventar historias y agregarles fechas pasadas al calendario, para que de alguna forma pueda hacerte…No comprendes que una vida sin ti hará miserable toda mi existencia.

Poeta: Noelia Candado | Poesía: ¿Quién podrá medir mis nostalgias? | Poema de Impotencia

Martes, Abril 7, 2020 – 08:03

La carga de la capa blanca.


Descubrir las grietas que tiene nuestros cuerpos y querer acaso verificar la líneas que nos marcan desde el horizonte…-¿Quién vive o quién muere?.¡Brutal!¿Querer saber desde cuando y de qué absurda manera allanamos este fatídico destino?.Somos tan finitos, dispuestos a caer ante el más minúsculo misterio de biológicas armas que desafían nuestra naturaleza.Nos doblegamos ante la nefasta impiedad de almas, cuyo único logro ha sido estrepitosamente sentirse ocupado y. ..-“Qué un aplauso jamás será suficiente”.-En un aplauso no caben los sacrificios de toda una vida.

Poeta: Noelia Candado | Poesía: La carga de la capa blanca. | Poema de Impotencia

Viernes, Septiembre 6, 2019 – 20:25

No sé


¿Del filo de la página de aquel libro que leíste en invierno?¿Del tamaño de las tijeras con las que cortaste aquella margarita?¿De la punta del alfiler con el que cosiste tu suéter favorito?¿De la piel?No sé de que depende la gravedad de las heridasY tampoco sé de que depende el tamaño de la cicatrizA veces esa pequeña cortada con la hoja de tu libro preferido,aquella que apenas derramó una gota,deja una marca más duraderaque el tiempo que usaste para leerloEres esa cicatrizpersistente y molestaque quieres borrar para que los demás no la veanNo sé de que depende la gravedad de las heridasni el tiempo que las hacen prevalecer.

Charlie en poema “No sé” | Poema de Impotencia

Miércoles, Noviembre 21, 2018 – 21:47

Damnificado de amor

Sin Rostro

Hoy se ha extinto el fuego que deseaba mantener encendido. Ha soplado tan fuerte el viento, que se encargó de llevarse mis ilusiones.Ya no hay espacio para un mañana entre nosotros.Se ha desbordado un río de agua salada que se estanca en nuestros mejores momentos vividos.Hoy erupcionan los volcanes de nuestros corazones y arrasan con los sueños que edificamos.Ya no queda nada, todo está consumado.Me hubiera gustado huir a tiempo, pero quise quedarme expectante y me volví víctima de la peor de mis pesadillas.Así como todo inicia, todo tiene su final, pero no estaba preparado.¡Catástrofe, catástrofe ocasionaste!Hoy quedo damnificado, sin ti que eras mi mejor refugio.Hoy quiero escapar desconsolado, ya no parece haber luz al final del camino.¡Catástrofe habernos perdido, desastre natural del alma!

Sin Rostro en poema “Damnificado de amor” | Poema de Impotencia

Viernes, Noviembre 9, 2018 – 15:45

Tú Misma


No estés triste, Debes amarteLa vida embiste, Debes Pararte¿Quieres irte?¿Quieres marcharte?Mejor afronta. Mantente firme, ¿Quieren cambiarte?Se tú misma, la vida es corta.Si, eres distinta, ¿Porque la opinión de los demás te importa?¿Quieres por otro ser otra?¿Vivir mintiéndote?, ¡Razona!¡Tú eres lo mas importante en tu vida y no otra persona!

Poema “Tú Misma” por FJP | Poema de Impotencia

Miércoles, Octubre 17, 2018 – 18:31

Risas, risas


De lo altanero de la sonrisa mesuradaa la degradación de la carcajada febril,han jerarquizado la risa,celebrando la elipsis y el silenciocomo un acto modélicoque les distingue y enorgulleceen eutrapélica acciónSe condena la risa abierta,desvergonzada y cabal,propia de los bajos instintos.Se condena la nota disonante,inconformada y rabiosaque cuestiona forjados dogmatismos.Se demoniza la desbocada razónque exprime la burla.

Poeta: chipi | Poesía: Risas, risas | Poema de Impotencia

story with continuation. Men’s health

“Impotence” is a term of Latin origin. It was first used in 1420 in Thomas Hoccleve’s poem “De regimine principum” in the sense of “lack of strength” or “helplessness”: “His impotence does not extend as far as his influence. ” And in the meaning of “loss of sexual power” the term was first used only in 1655 in the “History of the Church in Britain” by Thomas Fuller, where the Pope himself was called impotent. But, of course, the problem of male impotence existed long before the word “impotence” appeared. nine0003

Bible story

Paradoxically, the first mention of sexual impotence can be found in the Bible, namely in the Old Testament. King David suffered from this disease, who angered God with a criminal love affair. Here is how it was. King David was seduced by the wife of his devoted warrior Uriah the Hittite. As a result of carnal pleasures, the unfaithful wife became pregnant. The cunning king, deciding to hide the shame, sent her husband on a dangerous campaign, where he found his death. Without hesitation, David took his widowed mistress as his wife and, it would seem, everything should be fine with him. But the transgression of the lecherous king angered God: “Why did you neglect the word of the Lord, doing evil in his eyes?” And as a punishment, God “took away the sword of David”, and he lost his masculine power. nine0003

In those harsh times, the king, unable to procreate, could well lose the throne, so David’s advisers sent a beautiful young girl to the king, in the hope that she would restore his sexual potency. “The girl was very beautiful, and she followed the king and served him; but the king did not know her” (III Kings 1:4). So the great king became the first impotent in history.

For many centuries people did not put up with impotence and sought ways to treat it. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians already had their own recipes. Greek doctors recommended dope seeds and male fern flowers as medicines, which were supposed to be taken orally and used as lotions and wraps. The results of such treatment were not always satisfactory, however, the doctors did not give up. nine0003

Middle Ages

An unexpected turn in the understanding of sexual impotence occurred in the Middle Ages, when sexual problems began to be attributed to the church rather than medicine. The church authorities called the action of demonic forces the main cause of impotence. In 1486, the infamous treatise “The Hammer of the Witches” (“Malleus Maleficarum”) was published, which directly stated that sexual impotence is the result of sorcery spells cast by witches. For those affected by their spell, the book recommended several methods of healing, of which the most reliable was to find and destroy the witch. Medieval impotents took the advice literally and zealously undertook to get rid of the causes of their love failures. nine0003

About the same time another work was published concerning sexual impotence and its treatment – “A short treatise on people who, being afflicted with sorcery, are incapable of intercourse with wives.” It described in detail the ways in which witches send damage to men. At the same time, the treatise also offered some means of combating witchcraft. According to the authors of the treatise, regular prayers, sprinkling the walls of the house with dog’s blood and encircling the house with fish bile helped well against impotence. nine0003

A more progressive view of the problem of impotence did not appear until a hundred years later. In 1563, Dr. Johann Weyer suggested that impotence is not necessarily the result of evil spells, but may arise due to natural causes, as well as be a side effect of the use of certain medicines. However, like everything new, Weyer’s ideas were not immediately accepted even by enlightened people. And among the inhabitants, the connection of impotence with witchcraft seemed simpler and clearer than the mysterious “natural causes”, which is why it was recognized until the 19th century. nine0003

In Rus’, the problem of impotence bothered men no less than in the West. “Which person has no mihir, and you take a deer brain from a bone, rub it in water and give the person a drink. Mihir will stand from that, ”this is how it was recommended to treat impotence (aka “nestanikha”) in a handwritten medical book of the 18th century. Domestic healers offered other, no less exotic recipes for the treatment of male impotence. For example, it was proposed to “smear shame” with a mixture of chicken heart and reindeer fat or eat thirty sparrows stewed in a pot. How effective such methods were, history is silent. Also, conspiracies were very popular among the Russian people: both those that got rid of impotence, and those with which it could be sent. The most interesting thing is that even today in remote villages such conspiracies are still used. So if you hear somewhere: “Like a rooster’s beard dangles, so everything would dangle from a servant of God (your name),” beware, they send you a “non-stand”! nine0003

The scientific approach to the study of impotence emerged only towards the end of the 19th century. It was not healers and priests who took up the study of impotence, but doctors and scientists. The first serious work on the topic of impotence: “Sexual weakness of men” (1883) belonged to the American William Hammond. He believed that the cause of impotence is masturbation and early sexual intercourse. The higher the patient’s sexual activity, the faster he will use it up and become ill with sexual impotence.

How was it treated?

Treatment of impotence was of two types: hygienic and medical. The first included not only abstaining from sexual activity for a year, but also “refraining from lustful thoughts.” Additionally, various types of showers and special physical exercises were attributed. Particular importance was attached to the strict ban on sleeping on your back. As a preventive measure for impotence, Hammond recommended not having sex until the age of 21, and then limiting yourself to three sexual contacts per month. It is now known that Hammond was wrong, but a century ago his ideas were accepted with a bang. nine0003

Inspired by a Puritan doctor, dozens of anti-masturbation devices were patented by the end of the 19th century. They looked like a kind of “chastity belt” – iron covers for the penis and testicles, fastened to the belt. Hard times have come for the representatives of the stronger sex, especially when you consider that the actual treatment of impotence according to Hammond consisted in the application of electric shocks to the genitals. Yes, and other doctors did not lag behind and offered to treat impotence with cauterization, massage, flagellation of the penis with rods and nettles. nine0003

The twentieth century can be considered the century of the fight against impotence. First of all, masturbation was rehabilitated, the causes of sexual impotence began to be divided into psychological and physical, and, having dealt with the causes of the disease, they switched to its complex treatment.

Traditionally, the word “impotence” most often refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. In the life of any normal man, such embarrassment can sometimes happen, but this is not at all a sign of illness. And only when the exception becomes the rule is it time to sound the alarm. By the way, not so long ago, doctors agreed to once and for all get rid of the degrading term “impotence”, now problems with erection will be called “erectile dysfunction”. Let not very clear, but not so offensive. nine0003


  • Kupriyanova EV., Sinetova MA., Bedbenov VS., Pronina NA., Los DA. Putative extracellular α-class carbonic anhydrase, EcaA, of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 is an active enzyme: a sequel to an old story. // Microbiology (Reading) – 2018 – Vol164 – N4 – p.576-586; PMID:29485398

How to Diagnose Impotence – Advice from an Andrologist Urologist

How to Diagnose Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) : Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) is an erection dysfunction in which a man’s penis size, hardness and erection are insufficient for perfection sexual intercourse. Primary diagnosis of impotence (erectile dysfunction) will require an ultrasound of the genital organ or laboratory tests (total PSA or tests for latent infections or spermograms or a blood test for testosterone) and a subsequent consultation with an andrologist-urologist. As an additional examination, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Crack test.

Which doctor treats impotence (erectile dysfunction): If you have symptoms of impotence (erectile dysfunction), you should first consult a urologist-andrologist, based on the results of the initial examination, the doctor may prescribe an additional consultation with a sexologist.

Quick navigation

      Erectile dysfunction or impotence – lasting more than 3 months, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. If erection problems occur from time to time, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. However, if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing problem, it can cause stress, affect confidence, and contribute to relationship problems. Problems getting or maintaining an erection can be a sign of an underlying condition requiring treatment, as well as a risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction, talk to a urologist. Sometimes, to eliminate impotence, it is enough to cure the underlying disease. In other cases, medications or other direct treatments may be needed. nine0003

      Causes of impotence

      Male sexual arousal is a complex process involving the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from problems with any of these components. Similarly, stress and mental disorders can cause or exacerbate erectile dysfunction. Sometimes a combination of physical and psychological problems leads to erectile dysfunction. For example, a minor physical condition that slows down sexual response can cause anxiety about maintaining an erection. The resulting anxiety leads to erectile dysfunction or aggravates it. nine0003

      Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

      Many cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by physical causes, these include:

      • heart disease
      • atherosclerosis
      • high cholesterol
      • high blood pressure
      • diabetes
      • obesity
      • metabolic syndrome – a condition involving high blood pressure, high insulin levels, fat around the waist and high cholesterol
      • Parkinson’s disease
      • multiple sclerosis
      • certain prescription drugs
      • smoking
      • Peyronie’s disease – development of scar tissue inside the penis
      • alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
      • sleep disorders
      • treatment of prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
      • operations or injuries involving the pelvic region or spinal cord
      • low testosterone.

      Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

      The brain plays a key role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual arousal. A number of things can interfere with sexual feelings and cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. These include:

      • depression, anxiety or other mental disorders
      • stress
      • relationship problems. nine0038


      Complications due to erectile dysfunction may include:

      • unsatisfactory sex life
      • stress or anxiety
      • insecurity or low self-esteem
      • relationship problems
      • partner’s inability to conceive.

      Diagnosing the Causes of Impotence in Men

      For many patients, a physical examination and medical history is all that is required to diagnose erectile dysfunction. If there are chronic diseases or the doctor suspects that some underlying disease may be involved, additional tests or consultation with a sexologist may be necessary. Investigations for underlying diseases may include:

      • physical examination. Represents a thorough examination of the penis and testicles, as well as a test of nerve sensitivity
      • blood test. A blood sample is sent to a lab to be checked for signs of heart disease, diabetes, low testosterone, and other conditions
      • urine tests. Like a blood test, a urinalysis is used to look for signs of diabetes and other underlying conditions
      • Ultrasound examination of the penis. This involves the use of a probe that is passed over the blood vessels that supply the penis. It creates a video image that allows the doctor to see problems with blood flow. This test is sometimes done in conjunction with an injection of drugs into the penis to stimulate blood flow and produce an erection
      • psychological examination. The doctor will ask questions to identify depression and other possible psychological causes of erectile dysfunction.

      Author: Telegin Natalya Dmitrievna

      Specialization: therapist

      Where is the reception: MRI Center and Clinic Riorit


      The best specialists in St.

      Petersburg with a rating of 4.5+


      Specialization: Ultrasound doctor, Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2008

      Where he receives: Clinic of Dr. Pel, Petroclinic in Kudrovo, Petroclinic on Furshtatskaya

      Uliana Smirnova

      Specialization: Gynecologist, Sexologist

      Medical experience: since 2018

      Where does the appointment: ID-Clinic Infectious Diseases Clinic

      Ulitko Tatyana Vladimirovna

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2019year

      Where does the appointment: ID-Clinic Infectious Diseases Clinic

      Krotov Kirill Yurievich

      Specialization: Oncologist, Mammologist, Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1998

      Place of admission: ID-Clinic Infectious Diseases Clinic, Veterans Oncology Center

      Danielyan Aram Adverovich

      Specialization: Ultrasound doctor, Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1989

      Where does the reception: LDC Svetlana

      Bushara Maxim Osmanovich

      Specialization: Urologist, General Practitioner

      Medical experience: since 1998

      Where does the reception: MC Baltmed Ozerki

      Evgeny Konstankevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1987

      Where does the reception: MC Baltmed Ozerki, MC TT Life

      Vadim Andreevich Tolstonogov

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2010

      Where does the reception: MC Baltmed Ozerki, City Cancer Center in Pesochny

      Trembacheva Yulia Alekseevna

      Specialization: Ultrasound doctor, Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2019

      Where does the reception: MC Medicenter

      Abdalov Umar Alymdzhanovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2007

      Where does the reception: MC Medicenter

      Sokur Oleg Vasilyevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2017

      Where does the reception: MC Medpomoshch 24 Balkan

      Radzhabov Murad Radzhabovich

      Specialization: Ultrasound doctor, Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2014

      Where does the reception: MC Medpomoshch 24 Zanevsky

      Leshkevich Inna Aleksandrovna

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2018

      Where does the reception: MC Medpomoshch 24 Balkan

      Burda Victor Dmitrievich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2005

      Where does the reception: MC Medpomoshch 24 Balkan

      Stets Alexander Vitalievich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1993

      Where does the reception: MC Energo Kyiv, First Family Clinic of St. Petersburg on Bela Kun

      Serdyuk Vitaly Vladimirovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: from 1992 years old

      Where does the appointment: Energy of Health, Clinic “Poem of Health” on Asafiev

      Rychkov Ivan Vyacheslavovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2014

      Where does the appointment: Clinic “MedProsvet”, Hospital of Peter the Great

      Spiridonov Ilya Sergeevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2015

      Where does the reception: Long Vita MC, SM-Clinic on Vyborgsky

      Mitin Andrey Viktorovich

      Specialization: Orthopedist, Traumatologist, Surgeon, Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1999

      Where does the appointment: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov, SM-Clinic on Danube, SM-Clinic on Vyborgsky

      Privalov Dmitry Vladimirovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2002

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov

      Dushenkov Konstantin Damirovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1999

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov, SM-Clinic on Danube

      Dolobeshkin Dmitry Sergeevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2013

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Marshal Zakharov

      Andrey Sergienko

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2014

      Where does the appointment: SM-Clinic on Danube, SM-Clinic on Vyborgsky

      Zhuravsky Dmitry Aleksandrovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2016

      Where does the appointment: SM-Clinic on Danube, SM-Clinic on Marshal Zakharov

      Votyakov Evgeny Olegovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2002

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Danube

      Atanov Andrey Viktorovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2015

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Malaya Balkanskaya

      Zadorozhny Nikita Sergeevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2017

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Vyborgsky, Children’s Clinic No. 29

      Kolomeytsev Daniil Sergeevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2018

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Malaya Balkanskaya

      Kondratyuk Dmitry Andreevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2016

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov

      Matyakubov Rasul Rakhimovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2011

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Marshal Zakharov, MC im. I.P. Pavlova, Polyclinic No. 123

      Ruslan Elchinovich Mirzoev

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2019

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Vyborgsky

      Pavlov Roman Alexandrovich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1997

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Malaya Balkanskaya

      Paliy (Abramova) Marina Vladimirovna

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2006

      Where does the appointment: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov, SM-Clinic on Marshal Zakharov, SM-Clinic on Danube

      Olga Popova

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1995

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Vyborgsky, MEDIS Clinic on Petrogradskaya

      Radionov Ivan Sergeevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2001

      Where does the appointment: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov, Caring doctor in Kolpino, Clinic of Dr. Kataeva

      Ter-Avetikyan Avetik Zareevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 1996

      Where does the appointment: SM-Clinic on Marshal Zakharov, SM-Clinic on Malaya Balkanskaya

      Ustinov Pavel Nikolaevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2007

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Danube, SM-Clinic on Malaya Balkanskaya, MC YUVENTA

      Olga Vladimirovna Shelkovaya

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2005

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Malaya Balkanskaya

      Shlensky Daniil Sergeevich

      Specialization: Urologist

      Medical experience: since 2002

      Where does the reception: SM-Clinic on Udarnikov, Clinic AndroMeda M + clinic

      Glinsky Vladimir Mikhailovich

      Specialization: Urologist, Sexologist

      Medical experience: since 1988

      Where does the appointment: Medsi Clinic

      Tatyana Ovsyannikova

      Specialization: Psychologist, Sexologist

      Medical experience: since 2017

      Where does the appointment: Dr.

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