Vainillas con flan: Postre borracho con vainilla y flan (Casero)

Postre borracho con vainilla y flan (Casero)

Receta de Postre de vainillas y flan

Si quieres hacer un fantástico plato para endulzar la sobremesa, prueba a hacer este postre borracho con vainillas y flan. Es sencillo, económico y delicioso. Seguro que más de uno quiere repetir. Eso sí, tiene alcohol, así que recuerda que no es apto para menores. Si sigues los pasos que te vamos a dar, tendrás también un dulce de lo más vistoso, ya que quedará en dos capas diferenciadas. Estas capas son uno de los atractivos principales, ya que dos sabores diferentes se juntarán en la boca.

Aunque uno de los ingredientes que lleva la receta tiene el aroma de la vainilla, este dulce es llamado “postre de vainillas y flan” por llevar “biscuits a la cuillere”. Estas biscuits son comúnmente llamadas vainillas. Para la elaboración artesanal, se utilizaba una cuchara (cuillere) de forma alargada y estrecha, que les da su forma característica. Seguramente las reconozcamos por haberlas comido, mojándolas en café o chocolate caliente y llevándolas rápido a la boca para que no se rompiesen. Siempre estaban presentes en casa de nuestras abuelas. Empezamos ya repasando todo lo que necesitamos.

Ingredientes para cocinar Postre de vainillas y flan

  • 12 vainillas
  • 2 litros de leche
  • 1 sobre de flan de vainilla
  • 1 sobre de flan de chocolate
  • 2 litros de leche entera
  • Chocolate en polvo
  • 1 copita de vino de Jerez

Como preparar Postre de vainillas y flan

  1. Pon el contenido del sobre de flan de chocolate en un cazo seco.
  2. Añade un litro de leche y disuelve el preparado.
  3. Pon al fuego y lleva a ebullición. Este proceso hay que hacerlo a fuego lento.
  4. Coloca las vainillas sobre en el fondo de un molde.
  5. Deja caer sobre las vainillas el vino de Jerez. Ayúdate con una cuchara, para esparcirlo lo más uniforme posible.
  6. Cuando el preparado de flan de chocolate esté listo, viértelo con mucho cuidado sobre las vainillas.
  7. Deja cuajar de 1 a 3 horas en el frigorífico.
  8. Pon el contenido del sobre de flan de vainilla en un cazo seco.
  9. Añade un litro de leche y disuelve el preparado.
  10. Pon a fuego lento y lleva a ebullición.
  11. Con mucho cuidado, vierte el flan de vainilla sobre el de chocolate ya cuajado.
  12. Deja enfriar 3 horas en el frigorífico o hasta que esté cuajado.
  13. Antes de servir, decora la superficie espolvoreando cacao en polvo. Ya está listo tu delicioso postre con vainillas y flan.

Consejos del chef

  • Si van a comer niños, se puede hacer la misma receta sin añadir ninguna bebida alcohólica.
  • Puedes utilizar flan normal, en lugar del de chocolate o el de vainilla. Escoge el que más te guste.
  • Otra opción, en lugar del flan de vainilla, es hacer una crema chantilly. Esta hará más cremosa la receta y ahorrará parte del tiempo que ha de pasar en la nevera.

Encontrarás más recetas relacionadas en…

  • Platos de postre
  • Recetas sin horno
  • Recetas de postres
  • Recetas para cenar
  • Recetas para la merienda
  • Recetas con leche
  • Recetas económicas
  • Recetas de comidas caseras
  • Recetas vegetarianas
  • Recetas sin gluten para celiacos

o puedes utilizar la búsqueda

RecetasBizcocho de chocolateSopa de verdurasEnsalada de frutasEspaguetis a la carbonara

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Postre de vainillas y flan – 185 recetas caseras

  • bizcochuelo de vainilla

    leche + 300 g dulce de leche

    flan de sobre + 1 litro de leche

    Crema chantillí c/n para decorar la superficie

    • 1 hora
    • 10/12 porciones

    Celeste Ávila de Lara

  • flan

    paq. De vainillas

    Café instantáneo

    Crema chantilly

    Dulce de leche

    Canela o cacao


    Romy Press

  • 12 Vainillas

    Flan de chocolate


    Duraznos en

    Almíbar de duraznos + un chorro de vino blanco dulce

    Barbie Ferreyra.

  • leche



    esencia de vainilla

    azúcar extra p/caramelo

    Galletas Vainillas

    • 1h 30 minutos
    • 8 porción

  • vainillas

    flan o postre de vainilla


    limonada en polvo (para hacer jugo)

    La profe Luisa

  • vainillas


    flan de vainilla o el sabor que guste

    • 40 minutos
    • 10 porciones


  • vainillas


    flan en polvo


    Dulce de leche

    • 1 hora
    • 10 porciones

    Jorge Merlo

  • flan gusto a elección


    leche entera

    • 20 minutos
    • 4 raciones

    Kaareen Ciitha

  • Vainillas

    en polvo de flan de vainilla

    en polvo de flan de chocolate


    Para decorar lo que quieras, yo hice merengue suizo!


  • Flan de


    vainillas por 28u



    • 25 min aprox.
    • 3 o 4 personas.


  • leche

    flan tipo exquisita


    Esencia de vainilla

    Dulce de leche o crema batida para acompañar

    • 10 raciones

    Ave HErix

  • vainillas

    flan de vainilla

    gelatina de frutilla

    leche para el flan

    agua caliente

    agua fría

    • 1 hora
    • 4 raciones

    Geraytere Monti

  • Flan de vainilla


    gelatina de frutilla

    de Leche para el flan

    agua caliente

    agua fría

    • 30 min
    • 8 raciones

    Juan M. Astorga

  • Pre mezcla de flan

    leche en polvo entera o descremada

    galletas vainillas



    Crema de leche para decorar

    • 3 hs
    • 12 o 14 porcion

    🌺CLAUDIA 💐

  • flan




    • 6 grandes

    Lucia Modugno

  • Flan



    chips de chocolate

    Jazmin Alvarengo

  • Leche



    Dulce de leche

    Cacao o Nesquik


    Magali Lombao

  • flan

    vainilla por 3

    Chocolate en polvo

    • 1 budin

    💫July💫 🍴🍹

  • flan


    Camila Abril

  • flan 🍮 de chocolate 🍫. Puede ser de otro sabor

    leche 🥛


    Café ☕️ para humedecer las vainillas


Ayúdanos a mejorar este resultado

vanilla pod (also Bourbon vanilla) (en)

Natural fermented vanilla pods are ideal for seasoning dishes. Bourbon vanilla powder/extract is a good alternative.

Vanilla pods after harvest are blanched at high temperature to stop the ripening process, commercially available vanilla pods are not raw food . As a rule, we are talking about fermented fragrant vanilla fruits ( Vanilla planifolia ) .

Culinary uses:

Spicy vanilla pods, as well as vanilla powder or vanilla extract, due to their sweet and spicy taste, are especially suitable for use in sweet dishes. In mixtures of cocoa and chocolate, this fragrant spice is very popular. Vanilla is added to many desserts such as pies, puddings, creams, compotes, cottage cheese dishes, fruit desserts or ice cream to spice up the taste.

The aroma of fragrant vanilla goes well with drinks such as punch or liqueur. Even soft drinks such as cola also contain vanilla, because. synthetic vanillin did not appeal to consumers. Vanilla is also used in meat and fish dishes, and some high-class chefs improve their tomato salads by adding vanilla bean core to them. nine0005

A very small amount of real vanilla is required to spice up the whole dish with a fragrant vanilla flavor. The vanilla on the tip of a knife is enough to give the dish a soft, floral vanilla note.

The Aztecs also used their energy drink with vanilla: Xocolatl was a kind of drinking chocolate. It consisted of water, cocoa powder, spices, honey and vanilla.

Using vanilla beans in cooking:

In order for the dish to be flavored with natural vanilla, the vanilla bean must first be cored. To do this, both ends of the vanilla pod are cut off, and the pod itself is carefully cut along the entire length. When doing this, make sure that the vanilla pod is not completely cut (through) so that it is easier to remove the core. Now you can open the pod and carefully scrape out the core inside the pod with a sharp knife. nine0005

This black, oily liquid paste contains a very strong flavor that is chemically identified as vanillin. The small black dots that are surrounded by pulp are the seeds of the vanilla plant.

The “empty” vanilla pod contains, in fact, the most vanilla flavor. Its aromatic substances can be obtained by boiling it in a liquid. After drying, the pod can even be used several times. To do this, after use, rinse them with hot water and then dry them well again. nine0008

If you add vanilla pods to food (eg sugar), they absorb the vanilla flavor very quickly. In this way, for example, vanilla sugar with a delicate aroma can be obtained.

Vanilla Powder Recipe:

Dry the vanilla pods in the oven below 50°C until they can be easily broken. The pods are then placed in a spice grinder and ground into vanilla powder. This self-prepared powder is stored in small glass jars with a screw cap in a dark place. When cooking various dishes, the amount of powder is very easy to control. In addition, in this case, a whole pod is used, and not just one part of it. nine0005

Commercially available vanilla powder consists of ground vanilla seeds. But often this powder no longer has a vanilla flavor. It serves only to ensure that the product gets black dots.

Purchase – where to buy?

Vanilla sugar with real bourbon vanilla can be bought most often in chain supermarkets such as Magnit, Pyaterochka, Dixy, Perekrestok, Spar, Auchan, Lenta, Metro, Okay, etc. Whole vanilla beans are usually found only in specialty stores. Vanilla sticks are always sold in sealed packages, often individually, in small glass tubes or in vacuum bags. nine0005

What is real vanilla? Spicy vanilla can be identified by the designation of origin “Bourbon Vanilla” or “Mexican Vanilla”. Please note: the lower the price of one pod, the lower, most often, its quality. Give preference to biological vanilla, because. it is not contaminated with pesticides.

In order to get high quality pods, when buying, pay attention to the oily surface and elastic, leathery texture of the vanilla pod. If the vanilla pods are gray in color, hard and brittle, then they are of poor quality and not suitable for purchase. nine0005

How much does 1 kilogram of vanilla cost? Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Probably, only saffron is even more expensive. Also, the price of fragrant vanilla depends on price fluctuations in the world market. Since 2014, the price of vanilla has increased tremendously. Before that, 1 kg cost about 30 USD, today they give about 600 USD for it, more than for silver (in 2018 it cost about 400 USD). Reason: Demand for real fragrant vanilla has skyrocketed, pushing prices up. 1


To ensure that the vanilla flavor lasts for a long time, vanilla beans should be stored in a dark, airtight and cool place. Small glass straws are ideal for this storage, as they they have a plastic lid or a cork stopper. Resealable metal cans or small plastic bags with a lock are also suitable for this. It is important not to store the vanilla sticks in the refrigerator as they will dry out. extra moisture encourages mold growth. nine0005

After a while, crystals may form on the vanilla pods, a kind of frost. This is a natural process that is even considered a sign of the quality of real vanilla beans, and should not be confused with mold.

Wild species:

Where does vanilla grow? The only orchid species used as a herb grows wild in Venezuela and the Caribbean.

Chemical composition – nutrition – calories:

Fermented vanilla pod has a calorie content of 318 kcal/100g. For the most part, it consists of carbohydrates (80%), which contain a lot of sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose) and fiber. Vanilla is low in fat (3.2%) and low in protein (3.9%). The most important aromatic substance of vanilla is vanillin, which is contained in it 1.5 – 3.7%, in addition to it, vanilla also contains phenols, phenolic esters, acids and acyclic alcohols.

The amount of minerals and trace elements is also significant. However, spices are used in such small quantities that these figures can be neglected: Bourbon vanilla contains 5.7 mg of manganese / 100g. About the same amount contains oats (5 mg) or fennel seeds (6.5 mg). nine0053 2

The iron content is high at 38 mg/100g. This figure is higher for bay leaf (43 mg), ground turmeric (55 mg), wild mallow (78 mg) and dried thyme 123 mg). 2

The situation is similar with calcium content: Bourbon vanilla has 1228mg of Ca per 100g. By comparison, poppy seeds have 1438mg and fenugreek leaves (raw) 3275mg/100g. 2

Vanilla pods also contain potassium, zinc and some magnesium. You will find more detailed information on the chemical composition of substances in the table at the bottom of this text. nine0053 2

Health effects – properties:

Fragrant vanilla is used in various fields. When applied topically, the vanilla plant should help with fungal infections. It has fungicidal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Vanilla is used especially for skin diseases such as neurodermatitis and eczema.

Studies show that vanilla contains antioxidants. They protect DNA and help prevent mutations that cause cancer. nine0053 3

Vanilla plant root extracts exhibit acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity that may treat Alzheimer’s disease. There are studies on this issue in India. 4

Vanilla is also found in medicines for chronic bronchitis and catarrh. 5

Risks – intolerances – side effects:

Contact allergies can manifest themselves in vanilla bean pickers, for example, in the form of skin rashes, as well as headaches and insomnia. Allergic manifestations also sometimes occur after eating foods containing vanilla, such as hives or swelling of the face, and the reason for this is still not clear. nine0005

Traditional medicine – naturopathy:

Vanilla is said to have a nerve-strengthening effect and should be soothing for menstrual cramps and nausea during pregnancy.

Aroma of fragrant vanilla as an aphrodisiac was already used by Indian women in ancient Mexico. A sweetish aroma should not only strengthen the whole organism, but also especially attract the male sex and increase sexual desire. And today its aroma can be found in many perfumes. 5

Origin – Distribution:

The Incas and Aztecs used vanilla to season their dishes. Sweet vanilla ( Vanilla planifolia ) is native to Mexico and Central America. It was the Spaniards who brought vanilla plants to Europe.

When referring to vanilla, the most common reference is fragrant vanilla or flat leaf vanilla ( Vanilla planifolia Andrews). Vanilla from Africa (Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius) is especially popular with Europeans. Bourbon vanilla is a protected designation for vanilla from Madagascar, the Comoros and Réunion. The last of the islands used to be called Île Bourbon, hence the vanilla’s name. nine0053 11 Fragrant vanilla has a very intense, harmonious aroma. Americans prefer the spiced vanilla from Mexico, which is sweeter in taste and a bit softer.

Other commercial varieties are Tahitian vanilla ( Vanilla tahitensis ) and Guadalupe vanilla ( Vanilla pompona ). They have a strong floral scent, but much less fragrance. 6 These species are more interesting for the cosmetics industry. Vanilla from Indonesia has a woody-smoky aroma, which is very much in demand in the perfume and alcohol industries. nine0005

Cultivation – Harvest:

Vanilla plant is a tropical climbing plant that can climb up to 15 m high. In plantations it is grown on live trees, poles or racks. Only starting from the 4th year of life, the vanilla plant begins to bear fruit in full force. The work of growing it is very intensive and painstaking, because most of the operations must be done manually. Even the pollination of beautiful yellow flowers occurs with the help of humans, because in many regions there are no insects and hummingbirds necessary for this. In addition, the flowers open for only a few hours. nine0053 5 If a farmer pollinates 600 vanilla flowers, the output will be about 7 kg of green or 1 kg of black vanilla sticks.

Vanilla fruits can be harvested after about 6 months. Outwardly, they look like green beans, i.e. pods. From a botanical point of view, they are a fruit box. They are harvested while they are yellowish-greenish in color, shortly before ripening, and have a length of up to 30 cm. By this time they have neither the characteristic taste of vanilla nor a sweetish aroma. nine0005

Further processing of vanilla pods – fermentation:

The characteristic vanilla aroma only develops after a complex process of fermentation and oxidation. In order to stop the ripening process, the fruits are treated with hot air and hot water at a temperature of about 60 ° C. After that, they still need to be fermented and dried. 7.8

In the classic method, blanching pods are placed in a container of hot water. After that, they are left to “sweat”, i.e. fermented in cotton-insulated boxes or thick blankets. To dry, they are placed in the hot tropical sun, where they shrivel into the black-brown shiny vanilla sticks we know. These processes last up to four weeks and explain the high price of real vanilla. nine0053 5 Through a repeated drying and fermentation process, the vanillin precursors are converted into vanillin, the main flavor of vanilla.

Vanillin content and length of the pods are important trade criteria. If the pods have defects, i.e. they are broken or split, then they are industrially processed into vanilla sugar or liquid extract.

Social aspects of vanilla cultivation:

Farmers in vanilla growing regions often depend on the whims of the government. In Madagascar, for example, the cultivation of vanilla is the only source of income for many farmers. They can only sell black vanilla beans one single day a year and that’s set by the government. If farmers need money sooner, they sell green pods at much lower prices. nine0005

In addition, thefts happen regularly. Many farmers guard their crops and defend them, if necessary, with weapons.

For farmers in Madagascar, the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) recommends growing other products as well. GIZ cares about fair prices and cheap loans.

Vanilla is currently growing in Europe. In the Netherlands, vanilla is grown using new methods in greenhouses. If the supply of vanilla increases, then farmers from the southern countries face a collapse in prices. nine0053 1

Synthetic vanillin and risks:

There is no risk of confusing the vanilla pod with anything else. However, synthetic vanillin , a substitute for real vanilla, was a threat to the trade when interest in vanilla began to rise. The taste of artificial vanillin will never come close to natural, because natural vanilla contains 50 other aromatic substances and more than 130 chemical compounds.

Biotechnologically produced vanillin is used in industry 300 times more than natural vanilla. Vanillin is very popular in confectionery and bakery products, ice cream and yoghurt, because. its taste is more intense. Biotechnological production of vanillin is much cheaper and also very simple. nine0005

Vanillin is produced in various ways. Natural vanillin can be produced using molds and bacteria from ferulic acid. This ferulic acid is derived from the eugenol found in clove oil. However, this substance can be problematic for allergy sufferers. 9

Vanillin identical to natural can be produced in even larger quantities and even more cheaply by synthetic means. From the lingosulfonates formed during the production of paper at high temperatures and high pressure, vanillin is obtained. The production includes many processing processes such as oxidation, alkali treatment, extraction, distillation and crystallization. nine0005

Ethyl vanillin, which is two to four times more intense in taste, is now used because it is even cheaper. But it is also found in its natural form, for example, in the wood of oak barrels, it aromatizes the wine ripening in them. 9

Synthetic vanillin should in any case be avoided because it is a strong nerve poison. The Advisory Board for Environmentally Significant Waste (BUA) of the Society of Chemists of Germany puts artificially produced vanillin at the highest level of danger (+3). Because it is carcinogenic, mutagenic, DNA damaging and chromosome altering. nine0005

General information:

“Queen of spices” belongs to the orchid family (Orchidaceae). There are about 110 species of the genus Vanilla , of which 15 bear fruit with fragrant box fruits, vanilla pods. The most important species of this genus is fragrant or flat-leaved vanilla ( Vanilla planifolia ).

The word “vanilla” comes from the French vanille, the Spanish vainilla and means “small pod”.

Many manufacturers who flavor their products with vanilla or real vanilla misinform their consumers that vanilla is yellow. This color occurs, most often, with the artificial addition of carotenes. Classic vanilla dishes often also appear yellow because they contain egg yolk, but not because of the vanilla. The assumption that vanilla should be light yellow in color can only be because vanilla flowers are also yellow. nine0053 10

Literature – sources:

11 citations of sources

In science, Wikipedia is controversial as a source also because information about the literature cited or about the authors is often missing or unreliable.

  1. Vanille: Warum das Gewürz teurer als Silber ist.
  2. USDA United States Department of Agriculture.
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  9. Zentrum der Gesundheit Vanillin – Synthetische Vanille.
  10. Wikipedia Vanille (Gewürz).
  11. Wikipedia Gewürzvanille.

Author: Julia (Yuliya) Velitschko | 5 Apr. 2017

Natural vanilla / Dried pods, Bourbon variety, 1 pod

Country of origin – Madagascar

Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Union (CU TR) parts of its markings.

Not genetically modified and does not contain GMO components.

Storage conditions: in closed packaging, at a temperature not exceeding 20 about C and relative humidity not more than 70%. nine0005

Calories: 287 kcal.

Energy value (Protein, fat, carbohydrate ratio):

Protein: 1.2 g (~5 kcal)
Fat: 0.1 g (~1 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 12.5 g (~50 kcal)

Application .

Vanilla tastes bitter, so before use it is carefully ground into powder in a porcelain mortar together with powdered sugar. To prepare vanilla sugar, you should take 1 vanilla stick per 0.5 kilogram of sugar. For sprinkling confectionery, you can also use sugar, with which whole Vanilla pods were stored in one jar – they quickly soak all the sugar with their smell. nine0005

Vanilla is used in small quantities – 1/20 of a stick per serving or 1/4 of a stick per kilogram of products included in the dough. It will not be superfluous to recall that the sweet smell of Vanilla is deceptive. It is worth overdoing – and the dish will become bitter.

As a rule, Vanilla is used in the confectionery industry and in the preparation of sweet dishes. It is flavored with chocolate, products containing cocoa, cookies, biscuits, creams, ice cream, etc.

Kissels, compotes, mousses also acquire a more refined taste after its addition. In the alcohol industry, it is added to liqueurs. nine0005

Vanilla helps to overcome cravings for chocolate and other unhealthy sweets. Just like chocolate, it promotes the production of the hormone of joy – Serotonin. In addition, Vanilla increases efficiency, enhances creativity, is valued as a means of exciting and stimulating muscle activity. In addition, this spice improves the elasticity of the skin and increases its softness.

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