Playas en manati: Playa La Esperanza, Manatí, Puerto Rico

Qué hacer en Manatí | Discover Puerto Rico

Una hilera de palmeras bordea el camino hacia Hacienda La Esperanza.

Manatí es digno de su apodo “la Atenas de Puerto Rico”. 

Un pueblo rico en manantiales, lagos y playas, Manatí tiene algunas de las reservas naturales más impresionantes de Puerto Rico. Está ubicado en el corazón de la región cárstica, que se distingue por grandes colinas de piedra caliza con contrastes dramáticos de piedras blancas y enredaderas verdes. A menudo llamada “La Atenas de Puerto Rico”, Manatí es también un pueblo con un profundo significado histórico y cultural. 

A solo 40 minutos de San Juan, viajar a Manatí es una oportunidad para desconectarse de la vida moderna y sumergirse en las maravillas de la naturaleza. Aquí hay un vistazo a algunas de las mejores cosas para hacer en Manatí. 

La famosa playa Mar Chiquita en Manatí.

Mar Chiquita

Una de las playas más bonitas del norte, Mar Chiquita, es un lugar idílico para tomar el sol del Caribe. Dos montañas de piedra caliza crean una abertura en forma de media luna que permite la entrada de las aguas de un azul intenso del Océano Atlántico; el resultado es una cala con forma de laguna que es perfecta para nadar, practicar snorkel o simplemente admirar desde la orilla. No hay mucha sombra, así que lleva un paraguas y mucho protector solar. 

Centro histórico 

Realiza una visita guiada por el centro del pueblo de Manatí y explora los numerosos edificios con valor histórico y artístico. Las estructuras en el municipio datan del siglo XIX, incluido el Ayuntamiento, el Teatro Taboa, la catedral, una fábrica de tabaco, la biblioteca e incluso algunos lugares icónicos que han aparecido en películas como la película de James Bond “GoldenEye” (1995). 

La hermosa Cueva de las Golondrinas, ubicada en la Reserva Natural de Hacienda la Esperanza.

Cueva de las Golondrinas

Una caminata de 5 a 10 minutos te lleva a esta formación de cuevas de arena sólida, con una pequeña playa cerca. Esta maravilla natural sirve de hogar a golondrinas y murciélagos durante las diferentes estaciones del año. 

Hacienda La Esperanza es la reserva natural más grande del lado norte de Puerto Rico.

Hacienda La Esperanza

Una antigua plantación de azúcar se ha transformado en una de las reservas naturales más grandes del norte de Puerto Rico. En Hacienda La Esperanza puedes explorar bosques de manglares, estuarios cristalinos y extensos humedales. La hacienda que le da nombre a la reserva ha sido restaurada y ahora sirve como museo y centro de visitantes, albergando una impresionante colección de machetes utilizados por los trabajadores de la caña de azúcar y la única máquina de vapor de ingenio azucarero que existe en su tipo. 

La playa de Los Tubos es conocida por sus increíbles olas tubulares.

Los Tubos

Un paraíso para los surfistas experimentados que buscan atrapar una ola memorable, esta amplia playa bordeada de palmeras recibe su nombre de las olas tubulares que se forman a lo largo de su orilla y rompen en ambas direcciones. Los Tubos es también el hogar de un popular festival de verano en la playa cada año. Además de ser un excelente lugar para surfear, la playa tiene una muy buena área recreativa con glorietas para picnic, columpios para que jueguen los niños y mucho espacio para estacionar. 

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Manatí aparece en playas de Carolina del Norte, pero muere en el lugar

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Publicado enCarolina del Norte

Jonathan Hernández

Crédito: Charlena Ambrose / Facebook

Un manatí fue registrado en las playas de Carolina del Norte y aunque una ciudadana actúo rápidamente y pidió ayuda, el ejemplar murió en el lugar.

¡No pierdas detalles y recibe noticias en tu correo cada mañana!

Y es que Charlena Ambrose se encontraba caminando en Kill Devil Hills cuando vio un manatí durante su paseo. Sin dudarlo, decidió llamar a las autoridades, quienes decidieron ir a ver qué podían hacer por el animal.

“Jueves agradecido. Este precioso manatí de alguna manera se adentró en nuestras aguas y llegó a la orilla con la marea alta. Gracias al rescate marino y al personal de primeros auxilios por venir a salvar al manatí”, escribió Charlena Ambrose en su cuenta de Facebook.

El incidente fue registrado este jueves y las autoridades se sorprendieron al recibir una foto que confirmaba que el ejemplar era un manatí.

Y es que esta especie migra para permanecer en agua tibia.

En el verano, los manatíes se pueden encontrar en algunas zonas de Virginia y migran más al sur de Carolina del Norte para llegar a aguas más cálidas alrededor de noviembre.

Normalmente la especie permanece entre los 3 y los 16 pies de profundidad, por lo que el hecho de que haya llegado a la playa también fue una sorpresa.

Aquí te dejamos un video del manatí que llegó a las playas de Carolina del Norte donde murió, publicado en las redes sociales de Charlena Ambrose.

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También te puede interesar:

  • ¡Un ciervo surfeando! Video en playa de Carolina del Norte se hace viral


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Etiquetado: Kill Devil Hills, Manatí

Reportero de espectáculos y cultura. Disfruto de leer, escribir, ver series y caminar con mi perro. Amo la comida y cultura de mi tierra.

[email protected]
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Andreas Eloy Blanco // Glory of Mamporal (translated by Dmitry Kalmykov)

Dmitry Kalmykov, the author of such respected magazines as Znamya, Oktyabr, Druzhba Narodov, at some point disappeared from the literary radar. And a few years later he suddenly found a bizarre, with a touch of magical realism, image on the other side of the world – in Venezuela. Now he lives there and translates local writers. We present one of his translations. The story is utterly charming, with fresh, juicy language.

Almost every phrase makes you smile, makes you want to read it again, savoring it and as if tasting it. It is not an easy task to convey and not lose this flavor during translation. “Glory of Mamporal” is an age-old story of the irreconcilable hatred of neighbors: “Borders breed hatred, neighborhood breeds enmity.” Alas, its relevance not only does not fall, but grows every day. However, in Eloi Blanco, it is served lightly and with humor, which, as you know, the most terrible demons on earth are afraid of. nine0133

Eugene Sules

Andres Eloy Blanco was born in 1896 in Cumana, Venezuela. In early youth he moved to Caracas. His very first collection of poetry, Pruning (poems from 1923-1928), brings him fame as “the best poet in Venezuela.”

Blanco’s varied literary activity throughout his life was closely associated with political activity. In 1928, he participates in a protest movement against the dictatorship of General Juan Vicente Gomez, as a result of which he is arrested and sent to the infamous la Rotunda prison. After the death of General Gomez and the fall of his regime, Eloi Blanco returns to Caracas. In parallel with his political activities, Blanco also conducts literary. He publishes stories, poems and articles in the country’s central periodicals – “El Nacional”, “El Pais”, “El Universal” and in the humorous publication “The Blue Turtle”. In addition, in the 30s, Eloy Blanco tries himself as a playwright. nine0144

In 1948, a new turn in the writer’s life takes place. His former teacher and revered poet Romulus Gallegos becomes the Constitutional President of the Republic, and Blanco himself becomes his adviser. The political power of the poet lasted only nine months. After a military coup on November 24, 1948, Eloy Blanco is forced to flee the country. In 1949, his mother dies, Eloy Blanco writes a poignant poem “The Year of Your Light”, which has remained one of his main poetic creations. The poem is published in Mexico at 1950 year. Five years later, Andres Eloy Blanco dies in a car accident at the age of 59.

Dmitry Kalmykov . Graduated from the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, department of prose, seminar of V. V. Orlov. Laureate of the Voloshin Prize 2012. Publications in the magazines Znamya, Oktyabr, Friendship of Peoples, Volga, Gvideon; almanacs “Tverskoy Boulevard, 25”, “Tales of Belkin”, “Ring A”; collection of short stories “To Live” (Eksmo publishing house).

Dmitry Kalmykov // Formaslov

“Come yourself”. Come and feel a little bit how full-blooded my life in Mamporal is. And don’t tell me that life in the countryside is hard, but in the cities it is full of life. “This I cannot accept.” As recently as yesterday, I wrote these words in a letter to Adriana, my brave friend. And he added: “Mamporal, as you wish, for me is the world capital. Now these days, in my opinion, Mamporal is the center of the universe.” nine0021

In the capital, they know nothing about the hurricane dynamics, the saturation of the dizzying life of Mamporal. There, in the diversity of cosmopolitanism, automation, social stratification and other things that can only be in large centers, they are so immersed in new problems that they forget about the fever of everyday issues, about the fatigue from household chores, about small sensations, about mutual skirmishes that they saturate village life to the throat, equating it with the suffocating life of megacities. To think otherwise is to deny the simple fact that the microscope reveals a universe as ebullient as the telescope. Mamporal is the “most dynamic” city I know. And I affirm that, having known Mamporal, I have known the whole world, and how good life is when you know the whole world! nine0021

Over the past thirty days, sensational events of various kinds have taken place in the settlement. And each of them touched and set in motion society in its entirety. This is not possible in big cities. Crystallization of the event in the collective essence, unanimity of feeling. The whole Mamporal in every Mamporal event.

The sensational incidents of recent days could be classified according to intensity and character. However, I argue that even the most passing and banal cases shock the entire population, from ranch to ranch and along the entire length of the earthen street of the city. Genuinely Mamporal political affairs do not resonate with national politics. nine0021

For the locals, national politics is a very dark science, almost from the realm of the supernatural. For Mamporal, the Powerful Countries are something very serious, divorced from local needs. Where the living nerve of the peasantry really beats is in the discussion of a big domestic event. The head of Mamporal, his Secretary, the Judge and the Chief of Police are the elders, personifying the homeland. The arrival of the big boss is the homeland, personifying the headman.

The last political excess was a heated, seething dispute between the Judge and the Secretary of the Council. The secretary “grabbed the revolver.” Men climbed onto the dunghills, women called for their husbands and sons, the sound of falling bolts was heard all over the street. But the City Head arrived, and it turned out that the Judge was right. The secretary retreated slowly, and the girls devoured him with their eyes. nine0021

The rape of a little girl from the old Garabunda farm became a public scandal. From there they brought torn and bloodied knickers.

Which was the reason for my arrival. On the spot, no one was told anything why I had come. And for a whole week people cautiously walked around me. In the end, I had to make an official statement. I came to clear up a rape case. After six days of questioning, I tied Francisco Sierra and sent him to the state capital. The people in Mamporal fell in love with me, and I have the honor to say that this place has become my second home. Everyone shares their innermost secrets with me. I am a consulting lawyer. nine0021

However, the main event of the month was the match between Mamporal Athletic Club and the Nine Stars from Manati. Since the ancient times of guerrilla warfare, there has not been such exaltation here. Without exaggeration. Anyone who knows Mamporal and Manati will perfectly understand what a boil there was.

Mamporal and Manati are neighboring towns. There are six leagues between the cities. Long and implacable leagues. Manati for Mamporal is the same as Senor Mussolini for Senor Modigliani or the same as Senor Frias for Senor Juan Ramos. nine0021

Manati – Catholics, Mamporal – Huguenots, Manati – Achaeans, Mamporal – Trojans, Manati – the Devil himself, Mamporal – messengers of the Lord.

It is not so strange to observe hatred between two neighboring villages.

Better to say, it would be strange not to find it. Borders breed hatred, neighborhood breeds enmity. This largely depends on the importance of one village in relation to another. El Waye cannot hate Caracas, because Caracas is much more important than El Waye. Arganda may hate the Chincón, but the Cincón cannot hate Madrid. Mamporal and Manati can hate each other, but they can’t hate Calaboso. Mamporal and Manati hate each other as Dr. Paul’s chauffeur and doorman of the ministry in Switzerland hate each other, or as the minister’s wife and doctor Paul’s wife might hate each other. nine0021

The hatred between Manati and Mamporal has deep historical roots, and has at times experienced incredible bitterness and sporadic crises. It’s all about rivalry, uncontrollable urges of irritation. Once it was a priest. In Manati served a lovely old man, docile, like silk. At the same time, a young priest was sent to Mamporal, perfumed and gallant. He sang romances and arias from operas, recited Laughing Sobbing by heart, and led the service with the grace of a retired bullfighter. Manati roared into the sky. And so, the people tirelessly poisoned the old, humble priest, almost using the batogs, and did not calm down until they got a dandy in their parish who recited the “Gardener’s Rose”. nine0021

On another occasion, the government decided to run a highway through Manati. No Mamporal has ever traveled on the road in his life. Everyone rafted down the Apure River, which lengthened the journey by five days.

One fine day a piano was brought to Manati. Each Manatean, one after the other, sat down at the piano and played pieces, by the volume of the performance one could think that they were intended for the inhabitants of Mamporal. Fifteen days later, there were two pianos in the house of Damian Robles of Mamporal. nine0021

It got to the point that, unfortunately, during a thunderstorm in Mamporal, lightning struck and three houses caught fire at once.

Manati rejoiced:

– Mamporal is finished!

However, a few days later, a terrible circumstance surfaced – Mamporal attracted the attention of the national press. In the newspapers of Calaboso, San Fernando and even in major publications of the capital of the Republic, they wrote: “The catastrophe in Mamporal…”, “Because of the damage in Mamporal…”, “Association “For Mamporal”…”. The alarm was sounded in Manati, and soon four “philanthropists” offered to burn their houses during the next thunderstorm. nine0021

One day, a circular from the president of the country arrived in both cities. For a long time, the Magistrate considered the need to create initiative groups in the most remote villages, for a really tangible improvement of life on the ground. “Help yourself and the Lord will help you,” this document seemed to instruct when advising small associations not to wait for orders from the capitals of the state or country, but to allow them to take up more urgent work, to become more active, to make small conquests with their own hands in such areas as general sanitation, landscaping and education, which remain the responsibility of the work collectives. The document ended with a recommendation to local authorities and society as a whole to create Support Groups, “which will become a constant motivator, an always open valve for decent work initiatives . ..”, and which will cover “urgent needs on the ground.” nine0021

As a result, a group was established in Manati, in accordance with the received circular. It was called the “Manati Support Group” and included entrepreneurs, pastoralists, farmers and government officials. The best in their field. Its goals, published on a yellow flyer, were very commendable and expressed very clearly: “Vigilantly watch the progressive development of the village, cover basic needs, bring to life extraordinary initiatives and, on the whole, proudly keep Manati at a high level of a privileged city, which it has become thanks to its hardworking sons. nine0021

The Mamporal people waited for the resolution of the Manati group and, having read their program, released their own. Their group was called the “Mamporal District Progressive Group”. The leaflet that was issued contained the subtitle “Glory to the Lord of the Lower Plains!”. “The goals this group is aiming for,” the leaflet read. “These are: the continuation of the ceaseless exaltation of our beloved Mamporal, the young Sultan of the Lower Plains. By our efforts, may the rushing storm of Progress cover the pleasant streets of the privileged village, so that it can be seen even more majestic, standing on the foundation of the Preferred City, which it has become thanks to its industrious and heroic sons. Long live Mamporal! nine0021

Although it never came to fruition, there were occasional hints. On the day of the proclamation of the resolution, Bachelor Mirabal Viyasmil, in his excessively impulsive speech, even said: “The Progressive Group of the Mamporal District will be the hand that will turn the eloquent wrong side of the stupid and insidious neighbors …”.

It was like that, Teobaldo, an obstetrician from Mamporal, was invited to give birth to a lady from Manati. A nasty looking type, twisted all over from a spinal injury, so cross-eyed that one of his eyes looked at Mamporal and the other turned out at Manati. And Theobaldo went with a shaggy gait and arrived in Manati. When the birth agony had passed and a new Manatee was born, someone stuck his nose into the bedroom and asked:0021

– Who’s there, Theobaldo? Girl or boy?

Teobaldo, midwife from Mamporal, rocking the strong boy in his arms, spoke clearly and touchingly:

— A girl, as always.

Almost killed him. However, when he returned to Mamporal, Teobaldo, through a certain kind of chuckle, told how he “washed” these “homosexuals” from Manati.

The clash of two baseball clubs was the most intense event. The first game was won by Mamporal with thirty-two runs to twenty, not to mention the twenty-seven hits scored by Mamporal. The second game, played in Manati, was left for the “Nine Stars” and the score was leveled. The third, the decisive game, remained unfinished. When the people of Mamporal saw that they could not avoid losing, they made a tough mess. It’s better to tell how it was. nine0021

Manati led in the eighth inning with thirty-nine runs to Mamporal’s twenty-three. The Mamporal player wanted to take second base, but the catcher took a strong and accurate throw, thereby blocking the base, and, firmly on his feet, waited for the runner. The Mamporal seized the moment and butted hard into his opponent’s chest with a running start. He rolled, dropped the ball and began to vomit blood from his mouth and nose. Meanwhile, the runner passed third base and completed the run by hitting a home where the referee stopped him. nine0021

– You’re out!

– How is it – I’m out? Your grandmother is out!

“But you…

“Wait a minute,” the Mamporal captain interrupted. – What’s happening?

– Senior out.

– Out? That one over there blocked the run?

— No, señor. He was butted.

– You did the right thing.

People gathered in a formidable crowd. The Manatins huddled together, holding their bats at the ready. The referee is a real man, shouted:

– I declare the game over in favor of the “Nine Stars”! nine0021

– “Nine Stars”?! Now you will see all a thousand stars and the sky in diamonds, you bastard!

And they hit him with a bat so that the judge fell on his back, bleeding even from his ears.

In the midst of the turmoil, the Head of the City appeared. Passions subsided.

— Well, my friends. The second baseman isn’t out because the other one kicked him out and he’s going to the police. And the one who hit the judge with a bat, he is out, and will also go to the police. The game is postponed due to rain. The championship will end on another day. nine0021

Under the scorching sun, the Nine Stars players walked home. But here’s what Bachelor Mirabal Villasmil said:

– If Mamporal loses, the sky will fall to Earth!

The news that came to Mamporal had the effect of an exploding bomb. There have been no other precedents like this. On the main square of Manati, on April 19, a bust of Colonel Julio Rondon, a national hero, a glorious war of the Great Plains and a native of Manati, will be erected.

Absolute despair. You can’t say otherwise. Sudden catastrophe struck Mamporal, and all night the city stood despondent and devastated, driven a thousand leagues from its hated rival. nine0021

And everything is clear, in Manati there is a square and there is a bust, because there is a hero. And Mamporal has no hero, Mamporal has no glory, Mamporal has nothing!

There is a square in Mamporal, but until now no one thought to use it except for fairs, donkey parking and night drives of cattle. Of course, otherwise one could think of erecting a monument to Bolívar or Paez. .. But nothing can be done against “special” glory, against “local” glory, against glory “by birth”. nine0021

The Mamporal District Progressive Group has a meeting. In view of the severity of the situation, member of the assembly Francisco de Paula Vera expressed the opinion: “to prevent by any means the erection of the disgusting bust of Julio Rondon.”

The Head of the City protested in the name of personal freedom and added at the end:

— Who forbids you to have someone of your own? We have Pedro Leon Torres in Carora.

Bachelor Mirabal Villasmil, secretary of the Group, with the support of Antonio Carama, a Mamporal of Syrian origin, proposed “to contest with Manati the honor of being the birthplace of Colonel Julio Rondon, a glorious fighter for Independence, and to find indications that he was born in Calaboso.” nine0021

The obstetrician Teobaldo rejected the offer.

– Oh no, uncle, Julio Rondon was born in Manati, every booger knows that. Yes, they have baptism records.

Filipe Rada spoke modestly:

— It would be possible to prove that Julio Rondon was a complete idiot…

— It’s impossible! the Head of the City jumped up. — It will be a slander on the national honor.

— So there is nothing to talk about… What can you do?

— There is something… — Teobaldo threw his bait. nine0021

— What exactly?

— Well… Bust…

— Bust? Whose?

– I don’t know. I have a bronze bust at home, it’s so hefty… For many years now.

— Who is this bust for?

– I don’t know. Maybe Rojas Paulo from Anduesa… I don’t know. Or Vargas.

— Well, who does he look like?

— Nobody. Here’s what you can be sure of. For twenty years it has stood in the corner of my old lady’s bedroom.

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