Parques para perros en puerto rico: Best Dog Parks in Puerto Rico for 2022

Abre el primer parque para mascotas con coffee shop y restaurante integrado en Puerto Rico – Metro Puerto Rico

A punto de cumplir 30 años siendo los pioneros en la industria canina en PR, el Centro De Varona está a punto de inaugurar lo que será el primer Pet Park en la Isla con un coffee shop y restaurante integrado para toda la familia, en donde los perros serán siempre los protagonistas. Este abrirá sus puertas para el público en general el 24 de abril en sus facilidades ubicadas en Guaynabo.

Desde su fundación en el 1993, Abel De Varona ha tenido como objetivo el convertir al perro en una parte integral de la familia puertorriqueña, diseñando actividades que se conviertan en una experiencia para toda la familia. Con el único objetivo de proveer a las familias puertorriqueñas un lugar seguro, limpio y con los más altos estándares de seguridad y profesionalismo para ayudarlos con las necesidades de sus perros, nace el concepto de De Varona. Hoy casi 30 años más tarde su compromiso y objetivo sigue siendo el mismo.

“Por espacio de tres décadas hemos sido pioneros en el cuidado de las mascotas y hoy nos sentimos honrados de presentarles el único Pet Park privado en Puerto Rico y el Café y Restaurante De Varona. Un lugar en donde el público podrá compartir exquisitos platos preparados por el chef internacional Marcos Rodríguez, así como disfrutar del arte del café preparado por nuestros baristas José Simonet y Fabian Bermúdez. “, comentó el fundador, Abel.

De Varona aprovechó el tiempo de pandemia para mejorar y ampliar sus facilidades transformándolas en el principal espacio de cuido, entretenimiento y entrenamiento para perros en la Isla. Las facilidades cuentan con espacios de estadías para mascotas con suites ejecutiva, presidencial y royal con sobre 120 pies cuadrados, con alfombras, camas de memory foam, televisión y cámaras privadas para el disfrute de cada cliente, además de la primera piscina para perros.

Dentro de las novedades del espacio están la tiendita de De Varona, que cuenta con más de 1,000 pies cuadrados y trabaja con productos especializados que no se encuentran en otras tiendas de mascotas en la Isla y que a la vez da prioridad a los productos y negocios hechos en PR como ; enJoy Pet Atelier, Natu Treats, Zato Pet Foods, Fluffy Friends and Me y Mia’s Natural Paws.

También cuenta con una escuela para aspirantes a entrenadores de perros, perros entrenados para comerciales, películas y programas de televisión y el primer y único atelier para perros en la Isla son otros atractivos del Centro De Varona.

En adición a esto acaba de abrir sus puertas el De Varona’s Café, concepto único en la Isla para aquellos dueños de mascotas amantes del café. El espacio al aire libre permitirá que los pet parents puedan disfrutar de una taza de café premium preparado por los baristas Jose Simonet y Fabian Bermúdez. El café contará también con gustitos para los perros.

El concepto del parque contará además del Coffee Shop con un restaurante que incluirá en su menú, tapas, frappes y comida variada preparada por el Chef Marcos Rodríguez. De Varona Pet Park definitivamente se convertirá en un paraíso para los amantes de perros. El Pet Park estará además disponible para realizar cumpleaños para perros y actividades especiales.

Los interesados en visitar el Pet Park deberán realizar una cita con anterioridad a través del sitio web del Centro. La entrada al parque será $10.00 por perro o gratis para personas consumiendo en el Café

De Varona. Algunas de las reglas del parque son; toda mascota que visite el Pet Park deberá tener sus vacunas al día, hacer cita previa, dos acompañantes por perro, uno de ellos deberá acompañar el perro en el area del parque, etc.

El restaurante abrirá sus puertas de miércoles a sábado de 12:00 pm a 8:00 pm y los domingos para brunch de 10:00 am a 3:00 pm. El café por su lado tendrá un horario de lunes a sábado de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm y los domingos de 10:00 am a 3:00 pm. El parque abrirá de lunes a sábado de 10:00 am a 8:00 pm y los domingos de 10:00 am a 3:00 pm.

La inauguración oficial del Pet Park será el 24 de abril, cuando se lleve a cabo el tradicional evento 3K 4patas De Varona. El evento que se ha estado llevando a cabo desde el 2017, invita a los dueños de perros a ir a caminar o correr con sus hijos peludos. El 3K este año será a beneficio de The Sato Project, entidad dedicada a rescatar animales abandonados y abusados en PR, y conseguirles un hogar seguro. Los interesados en participar en el evento deberán registrarse en la página web de De Varona.

Para información adicional de De Varona, sus facilidades y eventos, los interesados pueden acceder sus redes sociales bajo; CentroDeVarona en FB e Instagram, DeVaronaTV en Youtube, además de su página web bajo, en donde tendrán acceso a toda la información del centro.

Abre nuevo parque para disfrutar con los perros

Khala y Billy participaron de la inauguración del parque para mascotas “Arecibo Animal Lover”. [email protected]

Nota de archivo: esta historia fue publicada hace más de 3 años.

Por Osman Pérez Méndez

Presentado por


Era algo que “hacía mucha falta” y este fin de semana se volvió realidad cuando abrió oficialmente sus puertas el Parque de Diversión y Recreación Canino Arecibo Animal Lover, y cientos de personas y sus queridas mascotas se pudieron dar cita para compartir frente a la maravillosa vista del litoral.

Una vez allí los perritos comenzaron a socializar y hacer de las suyas, llevando a rastras a sus familias, sin importar si se trataba de diminutos chihuahuas, enormes gran danés, juguetones satos, curiosos huskys, astutos pastores alemanes y belgas, habilidosos collies, fornidos pit bulls, gráciles pudles, inquietos salchichas, o cualquiera de las muchas otras variedades de perros que inundaron el nuevo parque.

Mientras, los deseos de ver a sus queridas mascotas correr a sus anchas junto a nuevas amistades caninas, hicieron que familias llegaran allí desde Arecibo, municipios cercanos como Vega Baja, y otros bastante más distantes, como Bayamón.

“Hacía falta un lugar para las mascotas. Ahora vamos a venir todos los fines de semana”, aseguró Maru Montijo, quien llegó acompañada de Martín, que estaba muy feliz compartiendo con Mela y Mía.

“Hacía falta un lugar así, donde dueños y mascotas puedan disfrutar, donde ellos interactúen con otros perritos. Así ellos se acostumbran a ver a otros perros, que es algo muy importante”, insistió Montijo.

El área para los canes está delimitada por una verja blanca, y cuenta con obstáculos para trepar y saltar. Además, hay un gazebo y una pasarela, para quienes quieran celebrar allí cumpleaños u otras actividades. El parque es de acceso gratis

A poca distancia, además, está el parque acuático, y próximamente también se añadirá a todo el complejo un área para “skating” y otra de quioscos de artesanía y gastronomía.

El sitio parecía idóneo para los primeros pasos de Magno, un cachorro de husky siberiano que corría de un lado a otro junto a la niña Andrea A. González Muñoz.

“Siempre venimos los fines de semana por aquí con Andrea a pasear y a liberar ese estrés de la semana, de las clases y del trabajo. Así que ahora que me enteré que el parquecito está para las mascotas, traeremos a nuestra nueva mascota, a Magno”, afirmó Yaritza Muñoz, mamá de Andrea.

“Estamos acabando de llegar, pero lo que he visto, me gusta. Y hacía falta. En Arecibo no había lugares así, como para traer la mascota, o los niños con las mascotas y la familia. Este espacio es bastante amplio, es acogedor, es cómodo y es bonito. Hace falta que le pongan cositas así para que uno diga, ‘ay, vamos a apreciarlo, vamos a pasar el tiempo allí’”, agregó Muñoz, residente de Arecibo

“Somos de Bayamón, pero somos ‘animal lovers’, estaba libre hoy y decidimos venir aquí para compartir y para que los perros socialicen con otros perros. Está chévere el parque. Hay áreas recreativas para perros, que hacen falta”, indicó Jeannette, quien llegó acompañada de Kayro, Shanty y Topy, que son perritos que pasan mayormente su tiempo dentro de casa.

Mientras, desde Vega Alta llegó el gigante gran danés Aquiles, de la mano de Yahaira Aponte y Neftalí Rosa, quienes se mostraron agradecidos por todo espacio disponible.

“Me parece todo muy bonito. Bueno para que ellos (los perros) tengan su espacio para jugar y compartir. Ellos también tienen derecho”, sostuvo Aponte, antes que Aquiles interrumpiera el diálogo atraído por la presencia de una hermosa chica, también gran danés, ataviada con una colorida saya.

“Es un parque de mascotas, para crear consciencia en la sociedad de la importancia de cuidar los animales y atenderlos. Hoy ya es una realidad”, expresó visiblemente contento con el proyecto el acalde de Arecibo, quien es también dueño de mascotas.

Agregó que espera de un momento a otro contar con un entrenador que “los domingos, de 2:00 a 4:00 (de la tarde) dé entrenamiento básico a los ciudadanos que quieran entrenar su perrito”.

“Los perritos no pueden estar encerrados en una casa nada más. Hay perros que son ágiles, que les gusta correr, que les gusta ejercitarse. Y pues ese es el propósito”, agregó Molina, subrayando que aspira que el área pueda ser vista como una opción para toda la familia.

“¿Dónde ir un fin de semana? La familia puede venir, puede ir al ‘water park’, puede traer el perrito aquí también. Y está en el área y disfrutan sanamente… y con una vista magistral, y respiras aire fresco”, aseguró el alcalde.

La actividad de apertura sirvió además para ofrecer clínicas de vacunación y medicamentos contra parásitos, así como para mostrar cinco perritos del albergue de animales de Arecibo que están listos para adopción.

De igual forma, algunos experimentados competidores caninos que acompañaban a organizaciones como la Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico hicieron gala de sus habilidades, mientras que otros que acompañaban a la organización Boondocks K9 mostraron sus dotes en búsqueda y rescate.

El nuevo parque para mascotas servirá además, según indicó el alcalde Molina, para actividades relacionadas con mascotas, como clínicas educativas, de vacunación, esterilización, adopciones y otros eventos similares.

Munich for children: what to see

The BMW Museum will be more interesting for boys. Young fans of cars, motorcycles and motors will definitely like the exposition presenting the developments of the Bavarian brand from the very first models to modern ones. In the museum, they will learn the principle of the arrangement of mechanisms and hear how different models sound. To captivate little fidgets even more, there is a creative workshop where they offer to take a master class in car design.

BMW Museum © lingling7788 / Shutterstock

Carriage Museum

The Carriage Museum, located in the former stables of Nymphenburg Palace, is a delightful experience for children. The exposition includes gilded carriages decorated with skillful carvings and sculptures. Of particular note are their intricately decorated wheels – the size of a human being. No less impressive are the sledges driven by representatives of the ruling Wittelsbach dynasty and miniature carriages for little princes and princesses. And also here you can see the rich harness and decorations of horses of that time.

The Carriage Museum © CuteIdeas / Shutterstock

Parks and zoos in Munich

Children love attractions and entertainment most of all. In Munich, there are excellent locations where you can find a full outlet for their irrepressible energy.

Munich Amusement Park © Patino / Shutterstock

Hellabrunn Zoo

Hellabrunn Zoo is the largest zoo in Europe and one of the first in the world to keep animals as close to their natural habitat as possible. About 19 live here000 individuals of more than 750 species, which are grouped by “continents”. Visitors to the zoo, among others, distinguish the pavilions of elephants, bats, a rainforest and an aquarium.

Hellabrunn Zoo © AnAdventureADay / Shutterstock

Coco-Loco Play Center

Coco-Loco Play Center is a place of happiness for children and relaxation for parents. While little visitors jump on trampolines, have fun in inflatable pools with balls, climb rope ladders and master arcade games, their moms and dads have the opportunity to relax. On the territory of the game center there is a cafe where you can feed the children and wait for them with a cup of coffee.

Coco-Loco Game Center ©

Englischer Garten

Relax from the bustle of the city in the shade of green trees in the Englischer Garten, located in the center of Munich along the river Isar. Wild animals live here – hedgehogs, hares, foxes and squirrels. Beautiful swans swim in the ponds and you can rent a boat or a pedalo for a walk, and at the riding school you can ride a horse or pony. In winter, people go skiing and sledding here, hockey tournaments are held and there is a Christmas market.

English Garden © Sergio Bertino / Shutterstock

Children’s workshops in Munich

Every child is a creative being that needs to be unlocked. Let the children take part in different workshops and discover their real talent. Parents at this time can enjoy the silence and communication with each other.

Art workshop © YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

Art workshop

The MUCA of Urban and Contemporary Art Museum is a great opportunity to introduce children to the world of art in a playful way. There are master classes for children in three directions – painting and drawing, photography, graffiti technique. While the children are discovering new horizons, parents can visit an exhibition of modern urban art, and then enjoy a cup of fragrant tea in a cafe.

Jungle Palace Cultural Center

Jungle Palace Cultural Center holds workshops and workshops for children and adults on a variety of topics. Here you can learn drawing, cooking, needlework, dancing, music, creating mosaic paintings and even try yourself as a reporter. Every week there is a culinary and musical meeting – “Early Sunday Morning” (details can be found on the official website). The center has a cafe that sells hot pastries and drinks.

Jungle Palace Cultural Center © Belyak Olga / Shutterstock

Other things to do for kids in Munich

The Bavarian capital offers a wide range of activities and attractions for kids. Their visit will be a real holiday and leave the best memories.

Children on a farm in Munich © FamVeld / Shutterstock

Sea Life München

Munich’s Olympic Park is home to the Sea Life Aquarium, which is home to over 2,500 sea creatures from 260 species. Here is the largest variety of sharks in Germany – 18 species. And besides, seahorses, jellyfish, turtles, stingrays and moray eels live here. Young visitors here can not only get acquainted with the fascinating underwater world, but also see a copy of the sunken ship.

Sea Life München © Vladimir Wrangel / Shutterstock

Krone Circus

A visit to one of the largest circuses in Europe is sure to please adults and children alike. During fantastic performances, artists demonstrate to the audience the wonders of balancing act, juggling, acrobatics, and, of course, funny clowns and clever magicians perform on its stage. It should be borne in mind that the show lasts more than 3 hours, it may be difficult for small children to hold their attention for so long. There is a buffet at the circus during intermission.

Circus Krone ©


A child’s acquaintance with Munich should start from its main square – Marienplatz. Its decoration is the gilded column of the Virgin Mary, dedicated to the end of the Thirty Years’ War, and the architectural dominant is the beautiful Gothic building of the New Town Hall. At the top of its tower, at a height of 85 meters, there is an observation deck – you can get here by elevator. Another attraction of this building is the Glockenspiel clock. They show a performance with scenes of the wedding of William V and Renata of Lorraine, a jousting tournament in their honor and a coopers’ dance, which takes place daily at 11:00, 12:00 and 17:00 to the sound of 43 bells. Also attracting the attention of tourists is the Old Town Hall, which now houses the Toy Museum and the medieval fountain Fischbrunnen – according to legend, you need to lower your wallet into it so that you always have money. Marienplatz is especially beautiful during the Christmas period – it is decorated with bright lights and a huge Christmas tree, which becomes the center of the fair.

Marienplatz © Rudy Balasko / Shutterstock

Food for children in Munich

Feeding babies and young children will not be a problem in Munich. The stores offer a huge selection of children’s products – all kinds of meat, vegetable and fruit purees, cereals and mixtures. However, they do not sell special baby dairy products.

Children’s menus are traditionally offered in restaurants and cafes for young visitors. Kids enjoy eating light soups, steam cutlets, mashed potatoes, pasta and more.

Munich Soups © IgorPloskin / Shutterstock

What you need to know when traveling with children in Munich

  • Most shops and supermarkets close at 19:00 and are closed on Sundays. Therefore, it makes sense to keep a small stock of products.
  • Items nearing the expiration date are discounted and labeled Akce or Billiger.
  • The most expensive restaurants and cafes are located in the city center, if you go a couple of blocks deeper, the cost of meals will be lower.

Munich in details

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9000-9000 9000. current pre-market report – Cheaptrip – Carpe Diem

Cheaptripspotting index(с) – week 18

Dominican Republic from 1071$
China, about. Hainan from 999$
Cuba from 997$
Mexico from 885$
Thailand, Pattaya from 594$
India, Goa from 467$
Spain, Tenerife from 412€
Croatia from 311€
Cyprus from 229€
Greece, Crete from 193€
Tunisia from 190$
Egypt from 154$
Italy, Rimini from 148€
Turkey from 119$
Bulgaria from 72€

Cheaptrip prediction for the week 19,
or Actual pre-market report

4 *Special projects of Chiptrip – 9 are marked with an asterisk0127 Handmade getaways & exit strategies

Czech Republic, Prague from 311€, Karlovy Vary from 599€
Chalkidiki from 261€
Rhodes from 179€, from 1912€ 201€, from 211€, from 355€, from 379€
Kos from 232€
Crete from 172€, from 190€, from 190€, from 260€, from 276€
Corfu from 235 €, from 271€
Italy, Rimini from 182€, from 199€, Ischia from 319€, excursions from 249€, from 338€, from 369€
Costa Blanca from 231€, from 275€, from 331€
Catalonia from €261, from €279, from €283, from €284
Mallorca from €320
*Great Britain, London from €525
Scandinavia and Fjords, cruises from St. Petersburg from €225

Czech Republic, Prague from 208€, from 290€
Greece, Crete from 187€
Spain, Catalonia from 249€
for all
Egypt, Sharm from 190$
Cyprus from 202€
China, Beijing from 706 $
Thailand, Pattaya from $634, from $799
Indonesia, Bali from $1141, from $1241
Mauritius from 778€, from 816€, from 960€
Cuba from 881$, from 918$, from 954$, from 1024$, from 1200$
Dominican Republic from 1175$

Sea from $104, from $120, from $132, from $148, from $157, from $160, from $163, from $171, from $195, from $230, from $267, from $298 $
Egypt, Charm from $382, from $391, from $394
Tunisia from $224, from $237, from $266, from $271, from $346, from $435
Morocco from $524, from $526 , from 574€

Europe excursion from 265€
Scandinavia and Fjords, cruises from St. Petersburg from 225€
Hungary, Budapest from 376€
*Riga and SPA in Jurmala from 253€
*Belgium, Brussels from 441€
Czech Republic, Prague from 269€, from 399€, from 399 €
Bulgaria from 147€, from 360€
Cyprus from 177€, from 216€, from 246€, from 246€, from 256€, from 286€, from 289€
Malta from 499€
Montenegro from 398€
Croatia from €296, from €387, from €423
Rhodes from €208, from €216, from €229, from €234
Kos from €191, from €220, from €263, from 319€
Crete from 169€, from 181€, from 182€, from 183€, from 223€, from 274€, from 335€, from 392€
Corfu from 217€, from 218€, from 254 €, from 382€
Zakynthos from 277€, from 287€
Loutraki from 299€
sea from 246€, from 296€, from 331€, from 349€, from 411€, from 504€
shopping from 332€, from 345€
excursions from 246€, from 336€, from 374€, from 392€, from 399€
*Pisa from 316€
Mallorca from 320€, from 366€, from 387€, from 425€
Costa Blanca from 331€
Catalonia from 225€, from 281€, from 294€

China, Beijing from $641, from $706, Hainan Island from $999, from $1064
Pattaya from $633, from $635, from $651, from $707, from $714
Phuket from 931$, from 941$
Hua Hin+Bangkok from 826$, Krabi from 919$
Mauritius from 663€, from 851€, from 888€, from 947€, from 1018€, from 1123€
Dominican Republic from 1117$ , from 1175$
Cuba from 877$, from 1012$
Mexico from 1274$
*Puerto Rico from 1099€

*Europe for the weekend from 236€
Europe, bus&train from 199€, from 210€, from 225€, from 240€, from 275€, from 299€, from 325€, from 339€, from 410€, from 520€
*Portugal from 484 €, summer and autumn from 381€
Croatia from 459€
Bulgaria from 147€, from 149€, from 161€, from 206€, from 219€, from 235€, from 242€, from 257€, from 277€ , from 277€, from 278€
Italy, Lido di Jesolo from 299€, Ischia from 490€, *Sardinia from 499€
Cyprus from 363€
Hungary, Heviz from 478€, Balaton from 493€
Spain, Costa Almeria from 596€, Mallorca from 480€, from 518€, from 542€, Ibiza from 449€, from 510€
*Barbados from 974€, from 1048€
*Brazil from 989€

Morocco from 562€
Bulgaria from 160€
Hungary 306€
*Latvia, Riga from 335€
*Poland, Krakow from 361€
*Portugal, Lisbon from 457€
*Italy, Bologna from 351€, Milan from 456€
*Belgium, Brussels from 462€
*France , Paris from 464€
*China, Shanghai from 543€

*Weekends in Europe from 182€
*China from 454€
*Singapore and the islands from 1009€

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History of Greece for children
Chiptrips with babies – project No. 1 and The Amazing World of Traveling with Children – project No. 2
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Astrid Lindgren’s world for kids – Astrid Lindgren’s World amusement park, Sweden
Children’s couple in Italy – Parco di Pinocchio, or visiting the Tuscan Pinocchio.
Moomin Park, Moomin World in Finland
Bloomfield Museum in Jerusalem: for adults and children.
Adventures in the world of Lewis Carroll, England for children and their parents
Camelot. Magic Kingdom for kids.
Breteuil Castle. World of fairy tales by Charles Perrault.
Europa-Park in Germany
Around the world alone. Fifteen-Year-Old Captain Laura Dekker.
Tropical water park in Germany. Tropical Islands.
ZOOM – the best children’s museum in Europe

PortAventura – dive into adventure from 422€
Bus tours for parents with children from €280
Holidays for parents with children in May-August:
Turkey from $410, Cyprus from €430, from €467, Bulgaria from €360, Spain from €636
Austrian Kinderhotels in summer from 829€
Summer holidays in children’s camps from 386€
Family holiday camps. A selection of non-banal camps + sharing experience!
London summer holidays, English language courses for children and adults from 795€ and from 2529€
Green Camp mini-trips based on tours to Indonesia in Bali 135€

European Football Championship 2012, in June from 372€
Spring Flowers of London, Chelsea Flower Show, in May from 447€
Rose Festival, Bulgaria, in June from 271€
Gastronomic festival in Prague from 27 to 29 May
“Wild Mint” is the theme of this summer! from 1 to 3 June
Madonna – European Tour, summer 2012 from 328€

Beauties of the world – locations
The best portrait of a native. PHOTO CONTEST! Sequel
Vote for Energy points of the planet
Charm and animal magnetism competition

Cosmosurfing, or the whole truth about a space tourist
USA, Sri Lanka, Canada, Colombia, South Africa, Brazil. The search for the treasures of the earth and the riches lost by people. ..
Gangster capitals of Latin America
Robinsoniad, or Own uninhabited islands Koh Adang!
Bali Secrets: Free and Token

Topical Travel Reading – Bill Bryson Traveling Europe
“Domestic vacation” by Julie Blackmon
Footprints of Sonia Hinrichsen
About guidebooks (must see!)
Travel notes:
Marco Polo. A book about the diversity of the world.
Percy Fawcett.
Thor Heyerdahl.
Maurice Herzog. Annapurna
Bernhard Grzimek and Michael Grzimek.
Travel notes. Bernhard Grzimek and Michael Grzimek.
Travel notes. Henri Lota “In Search of the Tassili Frescoes”
Travel notes. Maurice Erzog. “Annapurna”
Travel notes. Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Frederic Dumas.
Travel notes. Alain Bombard.
Travel notes. Richard Bach.

SUFISM: From theory to the most interesting practices of Sufism
Shaolin: legend and reality.
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Creative tents and City camping
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The South Pole is waiting – To live and work in the Antarctic expedition
The circumnavigation of the Russian Geographical Society is looking for a geographer!
Archaeological expedition “Uncover the secrets of the Valley of the Kings”
1000 artworks to see before you die. Part 1 and Part 2: London, September from 390€
The evolution of beach life – bathing machine

Movie towns – films that pushed for the trip.
Chiptrip-movies: films calling for the road.
City on Wheels by Jagnefalt Milton.

Top 10 futuristic contemporary art museums here and here
German Museum of Natural Science and Technology here and there
Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology in Milan
Receptacle of the future. Miraikan Museum in Tokyo.
Prague Toy Museum
Great Poor Farm Experiment alternative outdoor art exhibition model + Aaron Van Dyke School
CORPUS. Museum of the human body in Holland.
The world’s only Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology.
American Museum of Natural History. NY.
Dublin Science Gallery.
Scientific Interactive Museum CosmoCaixa in Barcelona.
Galileo Museum in Florence

Art Berlin in spring, Art Rome this spring, Art Stockholm, Art Paris in spring
Art London – what to see? 2012 Major Exhibitions Calendar
Art Exhibitions 2012 and Interior Design Exhibitions 2012
Trendiest 2012
Art New York in the coming months.
Chinese Seeds at Tate Modern.

The world through the eyes of toys: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Photographer Michael Hughes. Non-boring souvenirs.
Aurora – Auroras: Northern, Southern and Interplanetary
Uyuni. Unearthly landscapes of Bolivia.
Mandalas – maps of the inner world
Lighthouse La Jument, France
Beauty on the sand. Andres Amador.
Light of nature. Barry Underwood.
Ice Big Bada Boom
In the city. On the beach. Some urban beaches for inspiration.

Jewelry Art-2012.
Main ARCH events and green technologies – 2012.
Green Design Will Save the World: Eco-Europe of the future.
Archaeological expedition “Uncover the secrets of the Valley of the Kings”

Places of Power: Dolmens, here and there, Bodhgaya, India
Applications are accepted for medicinal leeches – hirudotherapy
Spiritually transform and … lose weight.
Nature therapy:
art farms, futuristic parks, green guerilla, dancing trees, etc.
Royal Parks – Richmond
The High Line urban park.
Eden Project Ecological Park, Cornwall, UK.
Lavender fields, Tomita farm in Japan
Spring in one shoe)
National parks
Baikal: spring-summer-and-again-spring
Secrets of Easter Island

Treatment of cerebral palsy in the Czech Republic. Gamzov hospital (Puddle) and Sanatorium “New” (Teplice).
Evotrip in South Africa. Maropeng.
Nature therapy. Royal Keukenhof Flower Park, Holland
Nature therapy. London Mini Gardens
Nature Therapy. Springtime around the Temblor Range and Carrizo Plains, California
Aerial Beauty by Bernhard Edmeier
Anna Schuleit. 28 thousand flowers.
Lightning field by Walter De Maria
Artist Miles Donovan, space-inspired.
The world as it is. John Rafman and Google Street View.

Creative cities. Comic Run project, Brussels
Deeper and deeper
Darvaz – “Gate to Hell”
Chiptrip opera: Wiener Staatsoper

Chiptrip – expeditions:
Vietnam trip
From north to south and back to Bangkok – Travel in Thailand
Colors of Asia – expedition from Singapore to Bangkok from 2067€
Three different Asia: Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia
Lombok – the greatness of the volcano and the nakedness of coconut beaches, mini-trip from 550 €
Journey through the Middle Kingdom from 1974 €
From Beijing to Hong Kong Borneo 1894€
Ascent to Everest Base Camp (5300m)
Ascent to Annapurna Base Camp (4130m) from 1524€
On the way from Tibet from 2488€
€ Journey through colorful Rajasthan, India from 91082, India from 910820127 AFRICA
Expeditions in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia and Botswana, Swaziland from €1592
Expeditions in South Africa from €1759
Travel in South Africa and Swaziland from €2215
Travel in South Africa and Namibia from €1992
Expeditions in Morocco in November49 €
US West Coast Expeditions from €1683
Los Angeles to San Francisco Journey – October 6th to 15th from €1683
Best of the West Coast from €2226
USA & Canada Expeditions from €1486
US Expeditions
Western Express Expedition from €1756
Sin, Surf & Sierras Expedition from €1462
East Coast to West Coast Expedition from €2802
Costa Rica Expedition from €1916 May 20-31
Great Costa Expedition from €2319
Volcano Trail Expedition from €2395
EUROPE Agritourism in Tuscany from €1518
Great Turkish Trip from €1170

Agrotourism in Italy: Farms in Tuscany from €371, Farms in Tuscany and Puglia from €48 €

Summer ART Courses in Germany from €724
Art Therapy Courses in Barcelona from €1481
Saint Martin’s College London from €1048, from €1130
University of Art London: English plus Art from €2863
Photography Courses in Paris from 1118€
Teaching Italian language and art in Florence from 748€
Confectionery in Paris Ecole Gastronomique Bellouet Conseil

10 most comfortable cities to live in (part 1)
Visit Chinese pandas, how to join volunteers and help save pandas

Turkey, Olympos, Kadir’s Top Tree Houses, 1/2 night minitrip from Antalya from $18/35
Night-party on a desert island, 2 days one night from Phuket/Krabi – $146/$153

Norway & Iceland from 522€
Polar Norway 725€

The most famous chefs in the world:
Heston Marc Blumenthal, London from 374€
Yoshimi Tanigawa, Japan from 973€
Sanjeev Kapoor, Dubai from 548€ 9012ig Eckmannigart Germany, Munich from 328€

Eco-friendly hotels:
London from €575, Stockholm from €397, Copenhagen from €358
Berlin from €376, Oslo from €344, Beijing from €592

Journey into evolution. Jurassic Coast, England from 562€
Evotourism. Valley of the Whales in Egypt from 383€
The beauty and tranquility of yoga practice from 1153€
Tuscany and the Neapolitan Riviera. The most romantic hotels and castles in Italy from 934€
Honeymoon – Materialization in Thailand, France, Italy, Jamaica, the Himalayas and other nests for lovers

Yacht cruises around the islands of Greece in May
Yacht cruises around the islands of Greece, May – August from 1294€
Cruises, May-November from 819€

Miraculous healing, or several places on the planet that will resurrect even the dead
Ivolginsky datsan: Buryat steppes, beauty of Baikal and Buddhist lamas,
Aivaska in Peru, yoga retria in the Himalayas, Ayurveda in India + addresses of Ayurveda doctors,
shamans, acupuncture in China, shaolin, Chiang Mai, tree life in Laos, Tibet ,
silence and silence in Thai and Nepalese vipassana centers and Buddhist monasteries in Nepal,
ashrams in India, rejuvenation in Bali, purification of karma, Eskimo shamans,
initial therapy center, wine treatment from French cellars and balneological resort of France, Marianske Lazne and the Dead Sea , thermal lake Heviz, underground mines and caves and much more. ..

Katmai from 2198€
The most comfortable – Swiss National Park, Switzerland from 700€
National parks of Alaska from 1251€

*Cheaptrip Special Agenda

Yaching in Croatia:
Special Process only in May from 187 €

2 9000 9000 $ 685 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 olive barc Chiptripa:
Portuguese camp – Ribeira in June from 623€
Lanzarote, Spain in May from 823€
All Inlusive Surfing Marocco in June 1088€, in July 1188€

Spanish and flamenco courses in sunny Spain
in June and September from 991€

GO TO KNOW USA in August

Financial training in Bali in June from 1498€

in East Asia in July and August from 1236€
to Madagascar in November from 2991€

Singapore & Bali: beaches and relaxation from 1096€

Surfing in Bali all day and every year

Chiptrip-postcards: Baikal, Zambia, Bali, Tanah Lot, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Mui Ne,
Lithuania, Vilnius, Greece, about.

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