Piscinas en puerto rico: Glüp Piscinas Puerto Rico

Piscinas | Huge Pool Supply Inc | Carolina | Puerto Rico

Huge Pool Supply Inc

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Ofrecemos productos de alta calidad para satisfacer

las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

  • • Bombas para piscina
  • • Filtros
  • • Químicos
  • • Calentadores
  • • Sistemas de luces
  • • Controles automáticos
  • • Mantenimiento
  • • Clorox y tabletas GLB

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La buena vida comienza con GLB Pool Products. Desde el 1956, GLB® ha estado a la vanguardia del desarrollo de productos para el cuidado del agua de piscina. Desde el primer “shock” sin cloro de la industria; hasta lo último en productos a base de enzimas, la línea completa de productos GLB® contiene todo lo que necesitas para disfrutar de tu piscina.

Super Blue

Cloro – Super Charge

Strike Out

Algamicyn 2000

PH Down

Natural Clear




Calentadores • Bomba superflo • Filtros





Válvulas • Bombas • Filtros • Desinfección

VS Omni

Las bombas de velocidad variable para piscina VS Omni son la manera más sencilla y asequible de sumar una programación conveniente y control inteligente a piscinas y spas actuales. VS Omni controla prácticamente cualquier tipo de equipo para piscina y spa, lo que incluye bombas, calentadores, luces, instalaciones hidráulicas, de desinfección y mucho más. Las bombas de velocidad variable VS Omni se integran a la perfección con la mayoría de las marcas de equipos y se ofrecen en cuatro modelos para reemplazar de manera sencilla bomba actuales:

Bomba Tristar® VS 950 Omni

Bomba Tristar® VS 900 Omni

MaxFlo™ VS 500 Omni

Super Pump® VS 700 Omni

IntelliFlo VF

Dicho sencillamente, la bomba IntelliFlo VF es la bomba de piscina más inteligente que se haya inventado. Con en base a las características que se usen, calcula el flujo mínimo necesario para alimentar la tarea a fin de obtener el máximo rendimiento y el uso mínimo de energía.

Prácticamente, todas las tareas se completan de manera más eficiente cuando hay una bomba IntelliFlo trabajando. Al operar a velocidad más baja durante períodos de tiempo más largos, reduce la aparición de algas.

También hace que el filtro sea más eficaz debido a que tiene más tiempo de separar partículas del agua. No sorprende que la familia de bombas IntelliFlo se haya vendido más que todas las otras bombas de velocidad variable juntas.


Huge Pool Supply Inc.

  • 787-257-7160

  • 787-257-7166

  • Lunes – Viernes 9:00AM – 4:00PM
  • Fax: 787-257-7177

  • Parque Industrial la Cerámica 1-D,
    Rosarito, Carolina, PR00984-6017.
  • Email: [email protected]

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Alquileres vacacionales con piscinas privadas en Puerto Rico

Cuando el calor, el estrés o simplemente las ganas de salir de la rutina atacan, nada mejor que un día relax de piscina. Mejor aún cuando es un lugar para pasar el día con buena compañía. 

Para que vayas planificando tu próxima escapada, te compartimos ocho propiedades de Join a Join con piscina privada para disfrutar de un chapuzón con una vista insuperable. 

Si estás planificando irte de fin de semana con tu pareja, este lugar es la opción perfecta. Una casa privada en la montaña que combina elegancia y naturaleza para crear un ambiente romántico e íntimo. Una experiencia luxury para que tú y tu pareja disfruten de su piscina privada con vista panorámica, sin preocuparse por otra cosa que no sea relajarse.

Nada dice relax como unos días en el campo. En la Finca Marin te alejas del bullicio de la ciudad para adentrarte en la experiencia rústica de una casa espaciosa y equipada con generador solar. Disfruta del despertar entre el verde que pinta sus alrededores y de darte un chapuzón en su piscina privada climatizada. Además, es pet- friendly por lo que nadie de la familia se tiene que quedar fuera de ese paraíso.  

Escápate de la realidad en esta casa privada frente al mar. Totalmente renovada y equipada, con piscina privada y acceso directo a la playa. Vistas impresionantes, el sonido de las olas y la hermosura del atardecer. Un tesoro escondido y diseñado para que puedas escapar de la rutina, disfrutando de la tranquilidad y privacidad que buscas. 

Esta villa con vista al mar y piscina privada infinity es perfecta para unas vacaciones en familia. Amplia y equipada con todo lo que necesitas para disfrutar de unas vacaciones en la playa y a solo pasos del faro de Arecibo. Relájate en una de sus hamacas con el vaivén del viento y el sonido del mar; haz un bbq y juega con tus hijos en el patio con acceso directo a la playa. Todo lo que necesitas para unas merecidas vacaciones en familia. 

Justo en la cima de la montaña, encuentras este pequeño hotel bed and breakfast con seis cuartos tipo guest house y piscina privada con una vista espectacular a las montañas. Una casa espaciosa, acogedora y equipada con todo lo que necesitas para un fin de semana. 

Una casa vagón que ofrece una experiencia íntima y privada que transmite paz. Recarga tus baterías escuchando el agua que cae de la cascada hasta la piscina, mientras te das un chapuzón rodeado de un hermoso jardín. Un lugar único, con detalles que hacen de un tiny house tu propio edén. Una experiencia diseñada para disfrutar con tus personas favoritas o contigo mismo. 

Regálate un descanso en medio de las montañas, rodeado de naturaleza y el aire fresco del campo de Puerto Rico. Una casa de campo en medio de una finca y con una piscina privada de agua salina. Lugar perfecto para vacaciones en grupos o familiares, ya que cuenta con cinco habitaciones y se permiten hasta un máximo de catorce personas. En adición a su belleza y amenidades, su ubicación es céntrica, con fácil acceso a la autopista y cerca de los restaurantes de Guavate. 

¡Una casa en la que querrás quedarte toda la vida! Esta casa, recién remodelada, tiene un estilo moderno y minimalista que le suma intimidad a tu estadía. Su piscina privada climatizada en medio del patio, invita a una tarde de fin de semana jugando billar y preparando un rico BBQ. Ideal para quienes buscan un escape a lo rural. 

¡Lánzate de cabeza al verano!

Con estas recomendaciones no faltan las ganas de fugarse un fin de semana. ¡Que el verano no acabe sin que disfrutes de alguna de las hermosas casas vacacionales que consigues en Join a Join. 

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In Search of the Deepest Sea Fish — The Batrachospermum Magazine

When, on the morning of January 23, 1960, the Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard, together with US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh, climbed into the Trieste bathyscaphe to be the first people to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and sharpen a chocolate bar there , they hardly expected to meet any fish at the deepest depths. Ocean trenches are like goons: you can’t get any light, heat, or food from them. All nutrients come there from above, whether it be the dead bodies of animals or a chocolate bar in a bathyscaphe. And it’s destructive pressure. No, there is clearly no place for fish.

However, when the bathyscaphe sank to a depth of more than 9.6 km, the researchers suddenly saw something white float past their window. “Slowly, very slowly,” Piccard wrote in the August issue of National Geographic , “this fish (apparently from the saline family) sailed away from us, half-submerged in the bottom mud, and disappeared into the eternal night that served as its home.” Of course, oceanologists and ichthyologists immediately questioned this observation: most likely, it was some kind of holothurian or other invertebrate, because trawl nets never brought a single fish from depths of more than 6.5 km. Only at 19In 70, a bug, later described under the name Abyssobrotula galatheae , fell into the trawl, lowered 8370 meters into the Puerto Rico trench, and it is highly likely that the net caught the fish somewhere along the way, and not at all at the bottom.

Among the deepest-sea fishes are Coryphaenoides yaquinae from the macrourid family, which was observed at a maximum depth of 7012 m in the Mariana Trench (a), and representatives of the genus Bassozetus from the bug family: 6898 m in the New Hebrides Trench (b), 6750 m in the Kermadec Trench (c ), 6198 m in the Mariana Trench (d). Photo: Linley et al., 2016.

In 2012, biologists Alan Jamison and Paul Yancey published an article debunking the myth of a fish allegedly seen from Trieste. Flatfish do not live at great depths, they noted, and not a single deep-sea submersible has recorded anything like this in the Mariana Trench in the past half century. In addition, fish are simply not able to live at a depth of more than 8.2 km, and in a 2014 article, scientists analyzed why in more detail.

If you have a sense of smell, then you are probably familiar with the smell of fish – trimethylamine, a breakdown product of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), is responsible for it. The latter is osmolyte , that is, it retains water due to hydrogen bonds. Thanks to TMAO, fresh water does not leave the cells of the body into the salty marine environment by osmosis (salt is also a strong osmolite). TMAO also allows cells to function normally under conditions of enormous pressure: without osmolyte, cellular water would penetrate into tiny folds of proteins and tear them apart, which would lead to disruption of their functions and, as a result, death of the organism. Probably, it is thanks to TMAO that the existence of deep-sea fish is possible in principle. And they smell, by the way, especially sharply – because they have a lot of TMAO.

However, too much TMAO is needed to survive at great depths. So much so that sea water begins to doubt which one to prefer: whether to stick to the salt dissolved in it, or switch to TMAO in the cells of the fish that swam into it. If the fish decided to adapt to the pressure at depths greater than 8.2 km, they would require such a significant amount of TMAO that seawater would osmotically flood their cells in an uncontrolled way, Yancey explains. That is why there is a certain limit to the depth of existence for fish.

Sea slugs, such as this Notoliparis kermadecensis from the Kermadec Trench, northeast of New Zealand, have elevated levels of TMAO in their body cells. Representatives of the species live at a depth of 5.88 to 7.67 km and are endemic to this trench. Photo: Yancey et al., 2014.

The twenty-first century has revealed real record holders among fish – these are the so-called sea slugs, representatives of the lipar family. In 2008, the record was set by Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis , filmed in the Japanese trench at a depth of 7703 meters (it is believed that these were P. belyaevi , but these are details). At the end of 2014, an American deep-sea video camera captured a lone sea slug of an unknown species at an even greater depth, 8143 meters, in the Mariana Trench. In May 2017, this record was also broken: a Japanese camera installed in the same trench at a depth of 8178 meters opposite the bait was again hit by sea slugs, another new species. This species recently received a scientific description.

Back in November-December 2014, the team of Yancey and Jameson observed these whitish creatures at depths of 6198–8076 meters, and they managed to catch several from depths of 6898–7966 meters. Based on Japanese observations, the Mariana sea slug is currently the deepest-sea fish on Earth. The new species was named Pseudoliparis swirei in honor of Herbert Swire, an officer of the British corvette Challenger – during the expedition of this vessel in 1875, the Mariana Trench was discovered, and its results formed the basis of oceanography.

Pseudoliparis swirei measures from 9 to 23.5 cm. Photo: Mackenzie Gerringer.

If you take Swire’s pseudoliparis out of the water, it may seem ugly: the fish “looks like a chicken fillet affected by an extensive tumor,” one review wrote offensively. However, in the water, these fish are beautiful, reminiscent of eels or tadpoles – check them out at the one and a half minute mark in this video. They are black-eyed and sweet, through their pinkish translucent body, devoid of scales, you can see the lovely internal organs. They also have unusually large eggs – almost a centimeter in diameter (9.4 mm), among bony fish, only the eelpout Austrolycus depressiceps has more (up to 9.8 mm).

Sea slug P. swirei lives within the physical limits of fish, only a few tens of meters from the deep boundary described by Yancey and Jamison. The pressure there is like an elephant standing on the tip of your finger, or a thousand elephants stacked on top of each other on your back. However, they are very widespread and successful there. There are no predators at such a depth, and there is a lot of invertebrate prey, so sea slugs there themselves as top predators and feed on delicious crustaceans. They are active and full, scientists assure.

A CT scan revealed an amphipod inside a Mariana sea slug. Photo: Adam Summers, University of Washington.

As for the lone sea slug, which was seen at a depth of 8143 meters passing by the bait, it differs in appearance from P. swirei . Scientists called it ethereal – for the extraordinary lightness and grace of soaring in water and a gentle angelic look. According to Yancey, the fish looks like a dumpling in soup, adorned with thin, translucent fins, while Jamison compares it to a paper napkin with a cartoon dog’s head attached to it.

The ethereal sea slug does not have a scientific name – you must capture it to describe it. Although not everyone wants this: when the world media announced the discovery of the fish three years ago, Yancey began to receive letters from people who demanded to leave her alone. The idea of ​​sea loneliness touches human hearts. But in reality, the fish is not alone: ​​representatives of its species have been observed several times at shallower depths. In the video below – an ethereal sea slug sucks food from the ground at a depth of 7939meters.

Perhaps the marian and ethereal sea slugs are able to swim for a short time below the 8. 2 km line. The ocean is still terra incognita , each new expedition brings something new. It is possible that unknown fish hide at even greater depths, they simply do not follow baits or are frightened by the noise and light of submersibles. But in this case, some other adaptations are vital for them to withstand the osmotic pressure of a thousand elephants. For example, in amphipods penetrating into the deepest parts of the ocean, several osmolytes are produced in the cells at once. In the absence of fish at the bottom of the gutters, they feel very at ease.

Text: Victor Kovylin. Scientific article: Zootaxa (Gerringer et al., 2017)
Based on: Nautilus, Deep Sea News, University of Washington, etc.

All rights to this text belong to our journal. If you liked reading it and want to share information with friends and subscribers, you can use the fragment and put an active link to this article – we will be happy. Sincerely, Batrachospermum.

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Tags: Grenada , My Grenada , Valery Surin


Rating: 7. 75 – Votes: 4



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