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Tembleque de coco puertorriqueño | Bizcochos y Sancochos

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Cómo hacer tembleque de coco, un dulce puertorriqueño muy fresco, cremoso y fácil de preparar.


En Puerto Rico, Navidad sin coquito o sin tembleque no es Navidad.

El tembleque es un postre muy sencillo hecho a base de leche de coco, que resulta ser vegano y sin gluten; es muy parecido a nuestro majarete, sólo que en lugar de espesar con harina de maíz (de la misma para hacer arepas), se usa maicena, por lo que la textura es más delicada.

Su elaboración y resultado se parece al manjar de naranja o al manjar blanco para acompañar los dulces de almíbar como la lechosa y se requieren básicamente 4 ingredientes para su preparación: leche de coco, maicena, azúcar y canela.

Es un postre muy fresco y liviano; perfecto para terminar la copiosa comida navideña que caracteriza el menú puertorriqueño (pasteles, lechón, arroz con guandules, ensalada de coditos)  y por supuesto para tomar en cualquier época del año cuando se antoje un dulcito que no requiera mucho trabajo.

Te puede interesar: Flan de pana y coco

Tembleque con mango caramelizado

Hay quien le gusta el tembleque blanco blanquito; a otros no les importa mucho el color y lo prefieren con mas especias por lo que agregan abundante canela y clavo molido a la mezcla; también se puede hacer con azúcar morena lo que también influye en el color en la presentación final.

Sea como sea, siempre queda muy rico, de mi cosecha he agregado coco rallado a la mezcla mientras se cocina para tener algo de textura y acentuar el sabor del coco que contrasta con la cremosidad del postre.

Tembleque servido en tacitas

Para servirlo tienes varias opciones:
bien sea en moldes individuales o uno grande que se delmodan y se sirve espolvoreado con canela; servido en copas o en pequeñas tacitas sin necesidad de desmoldar es muy práctico, también se agrega canela al servir. Otra forma de servirlo es acompañado con alguna fruta como el mango, para el toque tropical definitivo.

Cómo hacer el tembleque puertorriqueño

¡Apunta la receta!

Un dulce puertorriqueño muy consumido en la época navideña, hecho a base de leche de coco y maicena, es muy fácil de preparar y el resultado es un postre fresco y cremoso.


Tiempo de preparación: Tiempo de cocción: Cantidad: 6 porciones aprox.


  • 2 latas (de 400 ml cada una) de leche de coco
  • 1/2 taza (100 gramos) de azúcar
  • Pizca de sal
  • 1 astilla de canela
  • Piel de limón verde (lima)
  • Pizca de clavo molido
  • 1/2 taza (55 gramos) de maicena
  • 1/2 taza (40 gramos) de coco rallado (opcional)
  • Canela molida y más coco rallado para servir


  1. Calentar la leche de coco en una olla mediana a fuego medio, reservar una media taza de la leche para diluir la maicena, agregar la canela, clavo molido, piel de limón y un puntito de sal. Si le quieres agregar el coco rallado, hacerlo en este momento.
  2. Agregar la maicena diluída en la leche reservada una vez que la leche ha calentado, mezclar constantemente con un batidor o paleta hasta que la mezcla espese (unos 5 minutos), bajar del fuego. Retirar la astilla de canela y la piel de limón (puedes colar la preparación para asegurar que no han quedado grumos).
  3. Verter la mezcla en pequeños moldes indiviuales o completa en un molde más grande que luego cortaremos en porciones para servir, tapar on papel film, dejar que enfríen a temperatura ambiente y luego llevar a la nevera por un par de horas o mejor de un día para otro.
  4. Para servir: desmoldar el tembleque, decorar con canela molida y más coco rallado. Disfrutar!.
  • Para servir con el mango, simplemente cortar la fruta, en una sartén colocar un par de cucharas de azúcar morena y apenas un poquito de agua para que vaya haciendo un almíbar, agregar la fruta y un poquito de ron, la idea es que el mango tome color, cocinar un par de minutos.
  • Puedes hacer el tembleque con azúcar blanca o morena.

Keywords: Tembleque de coco, tembleque puertorriqueño.
Categoría: Postres.
Cocina: Puertorriqueña.
Autor: Angelica

Tembleque de coco muy cremoso

¡Te deseo una muy Feliz Navidad junto a tus seres queridos!🎄 Disfruta y cuídate mucho.


5 ingredientes o menos,
Cocina Puertorriqueña,
Dulces y otros postres,
Intoleracias alimenticias,
Postres sin horno,
Recetas con frutas,
Recetas dulces

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Entrada antigua

Tembleque (Puerto Rican Coconut Pudding) • Curious Cuisiniere

Tembleque is a traditional Puerto Rican dessert. This firm coconut and cinnamon infused pudding or custard is widely enjoyed at Christmas time, but it is found in restaurants and cafes throughout the year.

Tembleque, which means ‘wiggly’ in Spanish, is a dessert with a texture between jello and pudding. It’s firm, velvety, and creamy.

It’s sweet, but not too sweet. So you always end up eating more than one slice.

In addition to being widely served in Puerto Rico on any occasion, tembleque is popular in many other Latin American countries as well (for example Colombian Natilla (Cinnamon Milk Custard)).

You can even sometimes find it in Southeast Asian cuisine as well, where coconut milk is a popular ingredient.

Puerto Rican desserts

Sweets or desserts were created in Puerto Rico by a mixture of what was the Spanish conquest, slavery, and immigration traffic on the island.

After the exploitation of the island’s resources, which included a large amount of gold, there was not much left on the island, but one thing was abundant in Puerto Rico and it was sugar, and with this great resource came the creativity and preparation of delicious delicacies.

Two of the most famous desserts from Puerto Rico are Tembleque and Arroz con Dulce.

These two come from the European Culture that abounded in the Island during the times of colonization due to the great traffic that existed between Puerto Rico and what at one time was called the Motherland Spain.

Christmas in Puerto Rico

If there’s one thing Puerto Rico prides itself on, it’s having the longest Christmas season in the world.

While in many countries of the world Christmas lasts just two or three weeks, Christmas in Puerto Rico lasts 45 days, starting on Thanksgiving Day, extending until the middle of January.

For these festivities, Puerto Ricans gather as a family to eat traditional Puerto Rican dishes, such as suckling pig with rice with gandules (legumes), pasteles (made with plantain or cassava), blood sausage, tembleque, and arroz dulce.

A great opportunity to gather the whole family and eat well!

Puerto Rican coconut pudding

Tembleque is a very simple dessert. With just a handful of ingredients and 10 minutes, you can have a delicious tropical treat.

The recipe for tembleque varies from house to house, like many recipes around the world.

Some recipes call for a mixture of coconut milk and coconut cream; other recipes use only coconut milk.

Some like to simmer the milk with some cinnamon and cloves; while others like to just sprinkle cinnamon on top before serving it.

How to make our tembleque recipe

For our recipe, I used a combination of coconut milk and coconut cream. These simmer on low with a cinnamon stick that is removed before adding a sugar and cornstarch mixture.

It’s important to have all the ingredients measured and ready before you start.

Once the milk is done simmering and the sugar mixture is added, you need to whisk it or stir it constantly. It thickens quickly, and you need to be ready.

I find it easier to do this step in a wide pan, rather than a small pot.

Have your serving pan or bowl ready too, so that you can pour the mixture in once it reaches the right consistency.

Tembleque can be served in individual glasses, or made in a square or round pan. Once cold, turn it out and sprinkle some ground cinnamon over it before cutting into slices to serve.

Tembleque is a great dessert for the holidays. It can be made ahead of time and it keeps well in the refrigerator.

Prep Time
5 minutes

Cook Time
8 minutes

Total Time
13 minutes


  • 1 13.5 ounces can coconut cream
  • 1 13.5 ounces can coconut milk
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (for topping)


  1. Have a 7-inch, bowl* (your pudding mold) ready to pour the custard into.
  2. In a small bowl, mix sugar, cornstarch and salt. Set aside.
  3. Using a wide pan, simmer coconut cream, coconut milk and cinnamon stick for 5 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick.
  4. Add the sugar mixture all at once and stir vigorously until it is all incorporated. Continue stirring for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and pour the pudding into your mold bowl. Let it sit at room temperature for an hour. Chill for 2 hours or overnight.
  5. Run a knife around the edges of the pudding in the bowl. Place a plate over the bowl and carefully flip it. The pudding should slide out onto the plate without any problem.
  6. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on top of the pudding. Slice and serve.


*An 8×8 square baking dish can be used, too.

This pudding or custard can also be poured into silicone muffin cups and served as individual desserts.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1/8 of recipe

Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 352


Lizet is Bolivian and lives in Paraguay. Through friends and travel she has developed her love of food. From Africa to Asia, Europe to the Americas, there is always something new to try when you come to dinner. You can find more of Lizet’s tasty creations on her website ChipaByTheDozen. com. You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook.

Recipe Tembleque (Coconut Custard) – CookEatShare



by Kiki Thompson

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Guest Post by Anthony Thompson

This weeks post is different and special at the same time. I asked my other half to do a guest post. Anthony has been to many parts of the world including Puerto Rico. He lived there for nearly 2 years and has grown to love the food, people, and the culture. So, being that this weeks recipe comes from Puerto Rico, I thought that it would be appropriate for him to give some on the dessert itself and the insight culture.

I had the opportunity to live in the estado libre asociado (territory) of Puerto Rico for a year and a half. During my time I discovered many culinary delights including tropical fruits unavailable to us in the mainland US. The most impressive element of Puerto Rican culture is their willingness to share. At no time is this more apparent than during las navidades(Christmas celebrations) which begin after Thanksgiving until the Día de Reyes (King’s Day) on January 6th. This is a time of constant festivities when parrandas or traveling Christmas parties occur frequently. It is common to find some of the most delicious desserts at these parties such as arroz con leche (rice pudding) or tembleque (coconut custard). Since the climate is tropical on La Isla del Encanto, these rich yet refreshing desserts are a perfect compliment for an 80 degree winter night. Tembleque brings back wonderful memories of great food an even better company. While I would usually eat it with festive treats such as arroz con gandules (pigeon peas and rice), lechón asado (roasted pig, which I obviously don’t eat anymore), or pasteles (Puerto Rican tamales), this dish is great for a summer treat.



Serves: 6

Kid Friendly

Fast and easy

Puerto Rican

Number of servings


Cost per serving
$2. 28
view details

  • Tembleque:
  • 4 C coconut milk
  • 1/2 C Sugar
  • 1/2 C Cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 C water
  • Mango Papaya Relish:
  • 1/2 C sugar
  • 1 papaya
  • 1 mango
  • 1/2 tsp rum extract
  • cinnamon (for garnishing)
  • coconut flakes (for garnishing)


  1. Combine 3/4 cup of the coconut milk with the cornstarch and begin to heat on medium high until fully incorporated.
  2. Add the remaining coconut milk, sugar, salt and vanilla and cook until all ingredients are dissolved. Reduce heat to medium low and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture coats the back of a spoon.
  3. Remove from heat and immediately pour into prepared ramekins. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  4. Dice mango and papaya and set aside. Combine water and sugar in a small saucepan and reduce to a simple syrup. Remove from heat and add fruit and rum extract. Mix well and use as garnish. Top custard with shredded coconut and cinnamon.

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Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving %DV
Serving Size 309g
Recipe makes 6 servings
Calories from Fat
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Total Carbs
Dietary fiber

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